' .it ret 14'. V. '.. A ' THE RALEIOH DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911. t i' ... ........ Quality Backs Up Every Price that your, every dollar Invested in Furniture and Housefurnishings at the store means 100 cents of real true Furniture and House-furnishing value. " " Quality a better quality for your money has always been and ever will be the slogan of this store. We realize always that quality must back up every purchaso that la the only assurance of a customers return and upon customers' return depends the success of our business. Our realizing this assures yo u of bigger and better values for your every dollar here than e Isewhere. Present Session of Congress Will Be Busy One Serious Legislative Program Mapped Out, But It Is Xot R.Mcted That Much Legislation fl'lll Co (hi tile Statute I Souks. Five Mlnutfs Sometimes Makes A Big Difference If Vou Ar Suffering the Tortures of Indirection and Have to Wait Vn til Someone Runs to the Drug Store for a ltox of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. fuller Home Burned Vre Trial Package. The instant , relief afforded poor overburdened stomachs by the use of HUNTER-RAND COMFY 210 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Exclusive Agents For PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS, Thomp son's Glove-fitting Corsets, Nemo Corsets. WUNDERHOSE AND SIMMONS' KID GLOVES. Every pair of tliese Gloves are guaranteed to the purchaser, $1.00 and $1.50. " Sixteen-button Kid Gloves in Black, White and Tan. Special price $2.50. ' ..-'ii Half the House Devoted to Shoes . and Wunderhose. "HINTS im HINTON' II Take fabric that is All Wool in every thread, the measurements of any man particular about his clothes. careful hand - tailoring throughout to insure FIT, SHAPE, STYLE AND DURABILITY, and we produce a Suit or Overcoat that spells ah.-olutc satisfaction. Vuie in and see our beau tiful Woolens ami laic Fash ion Plates. We can fix you ti at a price that will please ou. . Place your order today for present or future deli very. A. C. HINTOiM, WORTH CAROLINA'S FOREMOST TAILOR. B$Kon Floor Mercncata National Rank Bulldlag. 5 be a reason for constantly keeping a. box on hand .at home iinri nt (hn.over. office- as well. Ths Sloaadi Welcome! Quick Relief. A Stuart's Tablet not only aids di gestion but It - actually does the di gostinR Itself. : In othor words it fur nishes exactly the siunc elements for the digestion of footl a the natural juices of the stomach therefore, is not called upon to do any of the. work except to churn the juices furnished by the tablet and then push the digested food along into the intestines where it will he still further digested and the strength taken up by the blood to he carried to the muscles and nerves of the body. So ty taking a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet after a -.meal you Rive the stomach the rest it needs in which o mend itself and grow well again. And you absolutely prevent the ponr- ng of any food, the formation of 1115 poisonous gases, belching, foul breath or conslipatinn. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have done more for humanity and have caused more rejoicing than any other one agency that can be named. Every druggist even-where sells and personalty recommends Stuart's Dyspepsia Tahlets. The price Is PO cents per box. If you first wish to try them a sample package will be sent if you write to K A. Stuart pn 50 Stuart llldg.. Marshall. Mich. .' (By Win Held Jones.) Washington, 1). (.'., Dec,; ti When the first regular session of the- sixty-' 11 stllHrt'8 Dyspepsia Tablet should second congress was called lo order here Mondav Hie niitlnnnl wiMlntnpa t round themselves confronted with the most Imijortaiil work that' ha fncod a session in many years. big game of politico is on, for both parties will play politics from th start. a serious .legislative; program hits been mapped out, but with eleven up propriatiou bills in the way. and the tariff the over-shadowing issue, ac cording to the democratic leaders of the house, it-is doubtful that much general legislation will go on the statuts hooks. On the other hand, the tariff alon will furnish sufficient issues for the next presidential campaign. The house democrats lire determined to force, it to the front, even in prefer ence to the anti-trust legislati m de manded by the president and some of the republicans. The country will be called upon to. decide, in the end which.- was .the- paramount issue A bird's eye view of the situation indicates that, the following legisla tion will take precedence during the session which has just opened. l'irst: Hills originating in the house providing for a substantial re duction of. the tariff, especially of the wool, cotton, iron, steel and chemical schedules of the Payne Aldrich tariff law. To put 'any of these bills through the senate, the democrats must have the aid of the insurgents who. helped', lust session to pass, the bills alterward vetoed n.v me .president, l tie house .enu- crals will pay little attention to the report of the. tariff board, unless it coincides with democratic views. Second: -Appropriation bills, nlfo originating in the house, which will be modeled along democratic lines of economy. The democrats propose to make substantial cuts in appropria tion and to do away w ith billion-dollar congresses. . . . Third: The arbitration : treaties with Great Britain and France. The senate will be considering these treaties while the house is -wr.at.ling with the tariff and appropriations. Arbitration is one of the president's pet policies, but it is still doubtful whether the senate will approve the treaties. Fourth:. 'Amendments to the Sher man anti-trust law. There is the greatest diversity-of -.opinion. jn the house, and-, senate as to whether the Sherman law should be amended or left alone. The tariff and anti-trust legislation is expected to consume much of the time in both bodies of congress , during the session. Fifth :. A federal incorporation act. which the president will suggest as one of the remedies for present busi ness troubles. -' Sixth: A bill providing for cur rency reform, drawn probably after the Aliirich plan. Seventh:. A law providing the op eration, government and maintenance of the Panama Canal. Trailing along,; without such chance; for passage at this crowded session, will be bills for a shin sub sidy, a, parcel.-; post, a measure creat ing a national department of pub lic health, ami a bill inaugurating (Continued From Page On. ) destruction with something attrac tive on the old site. The annual election of vestrymen for St. Phillip's Episcopal church took place last night at the rector's study and resulted in the choosing of the following men: Messrs. C. M. Herndon, W. A. firwin, W. A. Guthrie, W. J. Gris wold, E. K. Powe, J, Harper Erwiu C. H. Burcham, P. C. Graham, h. U. Muse, A. E. Hloyd, J, M. M. Greg ory and Dr. J. M. Manning. It was f ul one, the game being played with out prizes and in the regular course of the club's meeting. The clubs played independ sutly and the joint meeting proved most delightful. The Seniors were Mes ' dames Erwln, Manning, Grlsworld, Fallon, Stith, Nash, Wily. Carr, Hill and Currln. The Tuesdays vere Misses Wright, Venable, Branson, Mesdames Cobb, Rose, Peirce, Mc I lver, Olive, Hogan, Rawls, Biggs and Miss Barkesdale. Wins Fight For Life. It was a long and bloody battle for life that was waged by James B. Mer- not a largely attended meetinz. '.nt shon, of Newark, X. J., of which he there was a groat 'deal of enthusiasm writes: "I had lost much blood from in the talks made after the work was l"11!? hemorhages, and was very weak and run-down. For eight months l Friday night of this Week, the was unable to work 'Death seemed first session of the vestry under the dose on my heels, when I began, new election, will be held. Officers j three weeks ago. to use Dr. King's will bo elected, junior and senior New Discovery. But it lias helped me warden and secretary and treasurer. I greatly. It is doing all that, you Senior Warden W. L, Wall, me of claim." For weak, sore lungs, obsti the Hrst lnembers of the co'igr.-ga-j nate coughs, stubborn colds, hoarse tion, has tendered his resignation ness, la grippe, asthma, hay-fever or and will go soon to Iliilsboro to live, ! any throat -or lung trouble its sti lus successor will-be chosen at this preme. 50c & J1.00. Trial bottle meeting. free. Guaranteed by King-Crowell .The funeral services over the re- Drug Co. PHOXE 45 ' ' And Ask V Abont REfflNGTON GUNS. ts Era hardwars msn. "5 FARMERS AND CITY PEOPLE TAKE NOTICE. TO BE POSITIVELY SOLD BY ORDER OF THE BALTIMORE CONTRACTING COMPANY, M HORSES & MIXES 186 HORSES, $25 TO f3 TP. ri'LES, 7B TO $100 A PAIR UP, All young stock, suit any and all business purposes. P. S. To be sold at the rate of 20 head weekly; also 10 big young fat Mares, slightly pavement sore, will come sound in the country, and two Mares that have proven to b in foal, very cheafr. . N. B. It Will be. benefit to buyers to cat land eetr this itocK before buy In elsewhere ' See BtrPttRONTEND ENT at company's main office and Stable. S.::Z3 PennRvlrnnla. ' tviinn.. Ealtf-ore, I'l - - HOME CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Do not waste time nor take chances of becoming a cripple or helpless sufferer from Rheumatism by trying to care the disease wkh external applications alone. Sack treatment sometimes gives relief from the severe pain, or may re dace the inflammation of a swollen joint or muscle, but the effect can not be more than temporary. Each day the caase is allowed to remain in the system Rheumatism gets a firmer hold on its victim. Purify your blood of the inflammatory uric acid and then you will care the dis ease permanently. The system will respond more quickly and surely to S. S. S. than any other treatment. This great blood purifier possesses the penetrating qualities necessary to driDt .tut eiery trace of urate matter from the circulation and build the blood up to a nourishing and healthful condition. Only pare blood can otiercome Rheumatism. Thousands have cured themselves oi Rheumatism by using S. S. S., a medicine made entirely of roots, herbs and barks; no harmful mineral enter Jnto its composition, and S.8.S. la therefore safe for any on to ttse. Book en Rheumatism and medical advice free. S. S. & is sold at drug stores.-.:' '..',''.' V-.,-Vv. .-- pension system for aged govern ment employes. There is little prospect that the session will end before the latter part of next June. Representative Mann. the minority leader, in a pessimistic and caustic interview directed at the democrats, predicts' that the session "will dawdle along like a derelict at sea until October." . Representa tive Underwood, the democratic door leader in the house, declares that he hopes to get away in June. It is expected, however, that the session will be prolonged and that it will end only when the members of the senate and house feel that they must return home in order to build up their political fences. From the beginning, the game of politics will have an influence upon legislation attempted and enacted. The democrats will spar for ad vantage and so will, the republicans President Taft will send at least seven messages to congress during the session, and it must be .emem bered that these inessages will go to a democratic house and a republican senate. The democrats and the in surgents will continue to seek op portunities to "put the president in a hole" and Mr. Taft will do his best to extricate himself from tho situa tion in Which he finds himself, be cause of his veto of the tariff bills passed last session. But little legislation may' be ex pected hefore the new year. After the president's message was read the various committees 6f the senate and house began consideration of bills to be presented as soon as they receive a favorable report. Meanwhilethe appropriations committee of the house has started work on the reg ular annual appropriation bills; the ways and means committee" Will soon begin to tinker with the tariff, and the dozen investigating committees of the house, each In search of cam paign material will soon resume their headings. w w.i Representative tjnderwood pre dicts that It will be 'impossible to get much legislation through the house, beyond the billB revising the' tariff and the appropriation measures. Gen eral debate on each bill must be long, there will be scores of orators who waat to make campaign speech es which will go into the congression al record for free distribution "back home." .,' The -democratic party has two principal slogans In the house. These are: '.'downward revision of the tar iff" and "economy In appropria tions." ' ' V, .','' ' The Bentrfe will tatt ' arbitration ah anti-trust legislation meanwhile, with prospect thai the real work of ; the session, so far as results are eon eerned, will not begin to show until mains of Mr. William J. Warren, who died Monday morning at Brevard, will to held this afternoon from the residence of Mrs. W. P. Redmond, a sister at 2:30. Rev. J. H. McCracken of the Meth odist church of Beaufort will conduct the service. Mr. McCracken was formerly the pastor of the Warren family at West Durham where they attended church. The Elks will at tend flie funeral in a body and the burial will take place in Maplavvood. The body reached the city yesterday The stomach 1 1I,()rllin8 at 3:30 and was attended bj iwo inemuers ot ine uurnam lodge besides the brother of Mr. Warren, who came all the way from Brevard. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Christian have returned from Savannah where they were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. 11. Reams of that city. s They were down there during the great races and enjoyed these next to the entertainment of General and Mrs. Rams. The former Durham man is' doing handsomely in his' home. - -. ;:' The Durham County farmers union will meet: Saturday morning at 11 oclock in the co'unty court house for kthe purpose of holding the annual election of officers. Immediately following that : elec tion, the boys corn contest will take place, at which time here will be awarded the money prizes for the best corn yields. It is going to be helped considerably this time by tho pictures which ar0to be taken. The gentlemen inspiring the interest in the contest are going to have a pho tographer present to take a snap shot of the young men when are revolutionizing the productivity of an acre. The parents are going to be asked too, so that the pictures of all may be sent to Washington. This is a big thing this year. The yields are a real improvement over the last y?ar and 107 bushels were got ten from one acre then. "' Postmaster J. A. Giles is the most active spirit behind uhe corn club j and organized it. He is president of the association and is very happy over the work it is doing. :' The senior and the Tuesday after noon bridge clubs held a joint neet ing yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. M. Manning on Dilianl street. Mrs. Manning was hostcbs to the Seniors and Miss Lottie Sharp had the Tuesday afternoon club. Tho Seniors played in pivotal style and the Tuesday afternoon club progress ed. The joint meeting was a delight- 's IVotn llnilcy. . . (Special'to The Times.) Bailey, -.' N. V.., Dec, 6 Many changes are being made here. The new firm, Langston Bros, who re cently bought the grocery business of J. C. Taylor, have leased the old Farmer hotel and are running an up-to-date hotel here now. Lamm & Privette another new firm have bought- A. 11. Bissett's store near the depot. . . Mr. E. B. Farmer has opened a new store also. The new bank building is com pleted, also the new postoffice. Bailey now has fifteen stores and three nice churches but no school to it's s'hame, the little children havo to walk two, miles to school. When the Bowels Are Uncomfortable and you miss that fine feeling of exhilaration which follows a copious morning opera-' tion, you should put a small quantity or bimmons Ked L Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) on the tongue and wash it down with a little water. -.' Its action in the system is puri-, fyinj? nnd strengthening. It drives out hard impactions and impurities and Rives tone to thp muscular ( rupture of the; bov.-eL'. It over come!! tho tendency to chronic con stipation, relii'Vfs a l,!'ated feeling : iii the nlxlon len, sweeten.'', the breath and promotes vi w of f'o)y, mental alertness and cheerful t, 'rits. Sold by Denier j v Price, Largo Package, $1.00 ' , AA- l-.r tli-? rmu'rvT vitli t!ie Rrd 7 on the : . If yoit t-intft i;rt it, rfmitlpu. wc will : .w-f i.J it ly viail, . jwnifwlfli .Simmons Livi-r R.-nJ.u.ir ii .it o put up in Jltjuid form .. lor i!ik.c fl!t prrf-ri- it. i'ricc f 1.00 per . ' b-Jltic. IahjIc lur tlic Ked Z label. . s. n. ZKILIN & CO.. Proprietors Si. Lonis, Missouri HOTEL ST. DENIS BHVKunai i ill a i. NEW YORK CITY Wittiin'eftiv seceu of every ooinl of is. terest. Half block from Wsnsmker's. Fiv minute' walk of Shoooinc Dictrict. NOTED FOR: Excellence of cuisine, comforubls appointmenta. eourtsous ennce and homelike tunoundinf . Rooms 51.00 per day and us With privilege ol Bath SI .50 per day and ui IUROPIAN PLAN Tabl d'Hote BrMklut SO WM.TAYLOR SON, Ina. S" ' """" " "". ... If ',' -.' '-".'. Whiskey or Beer Habit ORRIN'E is the Etsndard remedy ud is CTerywhere recognized as tho most Buceessful snd reliable home treatment for the "Drink Habit." It is highly praised by thousands of women, because it has restored their loved nes to lives of sot)riet. and usefulness, and tho weekly waces which at one time with spent for "Drink" are now used to purchase the necessaries and many comforts for home. Any wne or mother wno wants to save her husband or son from "Drink" will be glad to know that she can purchase OKIUN'K at our store, snd if no brneflt is obtained after a trial the money will be refunded. Ask for a free booklet telling all about ORR1NE. . , Henry T. Hicks Co., ' Cor. Fayetteville and Morgan 'Sta. ' .'" and -:;';'. Tucker Building Pharmacr, , Cor. Fayetteville and Martin Sta., RaleiKh. N. O. Plenty of Light for Shaving is as necessary as a good razoiv ' The hardship of shaving in a poorly lighted room is donei away with when the new Edi-j son Mazda Lamps are used.. Their brilliant white rays are ' perfectly adapted for domestic use, while ordinary usage does not damage the filament. ; Come in trxjar for a moment and let us prove to you that the new Edison Mazda Ail fils all claimo in its favor. . . Carolina Power and Light Company, RALK1UII, N. C. TUS SWIFT tPtqsric at.' JeKJttarjr or-Bfarrj iin tp an ;.);.ifr,:. '-' AJVI IN J' I IW1IUI 0 4' 1 .'-VW -a ; l ;i ra. . .1 m--j.:ri .r i-.:. r mi 1 sr .lwiu STRINGS OF ARTIFICIAL PEARLS y . v We have strings of artificial or nianufaotnred PEARIS that are real ly remarkable. We aak you t6 call and inspect them and see ro youraelf , . t . ' how perfectly they match the natural Pearls in size, ahape and luster,' - - : , ' 'Being man-made they-, coal much lefts than -the real Pearls taken ; ' from the Ocean bed. Prices From $1.00 to $10.00. ' ' - . v '. I ... . ' - ''JKWKLERS AND AHT SELLERS RALEIGH, NORTn CAROLINA. Z