Vol. LXy. No. 142. The Weather BAIN. RALEIGH; N. C, FRIDAY, BECEI.IBLR 15, 1311. LAST EDITION P&ICZ FIVE CENTS. Doiible the Number of Paid Sjcfascribers in R-aleigh of any Other Newspaper? THE JACKSON DAY DintJER HIeeting'of Democratic National Com Tmittee Fill Be Feature Witb Big Banquet WANT THE CONVENTION Several Cities Are Anxious for the Democratic Convention Ralti. more Making u Strong Fight No Fights hi Committee ami About the Only Work They Will Have To Do Is to Select Place of Meet. Inf for Convention-Will no "Har mony" Meeting. (By Winfleld Jones.) Washington, Dec. 15 With the . meeting of the republican national committee now a matter of political history, interest in the capital cen ters are in the approaching meeting of the democratic national commit tee, which will convene January 8 Democrats Identified with national politics are already making great preparations for the important event which will fall, by arrangement, on Jackson Day. Coincident with the meeting of the national committee, which is to select the time and place of the democratic convention, the fol lowers of Jefferson and Jackson will hold a great banquet at which oa- . tors from all sections of the country will sound the battle cry for 1912 and will urge party harmony. Speaker Champ Clark, Representa- live Oscar Underwood, (both of them receptive presidential candidates) Representative James T. Lloyd Gov ernor Judson Harmon, Governor Simeon Baldwin, and others of equal prominence are expected to dsliver "got together" speeches. It has , noV yet. been . .definitely learned whotlfer .former Governor Joseph W. Folk, of Missouri, will at tend the Jackson Day Dinner. Through some oversight It appears that Governor Folk was not includ ed in the list of invitations origin ally Bent out by the committee on ar rangements. Inasmuch as Mr. Folk has a presidential boom of his own the oversight Immediately caused comment, and the committee hasten; ea to sena tne rormer governor a telegraphic invitation. : A few days later the Missourian bliowod up in Washington and as serted that he did not intend to be present at the democratic feast Chairman K. A. Newman, of the com liiittee on "arrangements, however, says that he thinks the former. Gov ernor. 'Will be among those present Outside of the misunderstanding It is expected thai the meeting of the democrats will be '.'..harmonious and that there will be no clouds as for a time obscured the work uf th republican national committee. 'There is np insurgency in tho democratic party such as exists in the G, O. 1 and the main work of the democratic committee will be the selection of a place for the convention and '"the naming of a date for the quadren nia! gathering. There will be, of course, talk of presidential preference primaries, but there are no , factions in the demo . cratic ranks pulling this way and that on the primary question, and no (Continued on Page Four.) II T Washington, Dec. 15 Samuel B. McHenry, a Chicago inventor aged forty-five, who for two years, through the mails has urged matrimony on Miss Katherlne Elklns' tho late Sen ator Elklns' daughter, claiming he had met Miss Elklns' spirit Is now eon lined in the government hospital tfor the insane. McHenry came here November, fourteenth to ask her to marry him and was arrested at the Elklns home when he refused to leave. The affair was kept kuiet. The man has Just been adjudged insane. To Hpcak ut Bonsai. County Superintendent- Zebulon Judd cwill go to Bonsai tomorrow afternoon to tpeak at night to the people of that community on school matter. Misses Blanche and Beula Foster, teachers of the school, have arranged an entertainment for the evening,' . INSANE MAN WANTED HEW ROAD GETS I Property and Rights of Colds boro Traction Company Aqcired By Railroad (Special to The. Times.) Goldsboro, N. C Dec 1 Hie Goldsboro Seven Springs & Swims boro Railroad Company gets luisv. A statement was issued at. noon today that the Goldsboro Seven Springs and Swansboro Railroad Company hud acquired the property and rinltt of the Goldsboro Traction Com pan v This action was taken because of the advantages to be derived .through tho rights and franchises now owned bv the Goldsboro .Traction Compsnv. In eluding rights of way to Seven Springs. It was also learned that the railroad conipanv will make many improvements and extensions of the city line. From information gathered -the - manager.' will not af fect in any way the plans of the Goldsboro Traction Company to ex tend its car service to Seven Springs I'RAV ALL DAV FOIt LEADER Holy (.host ami Is Mock Continue Vigil Through Night. Durham, Me., Dec. 15 The mem bers of the flock of the Rev. Frank YV. Sandford, leader of tiie Holv Ghost and Us Society, who is now unuer oona awaiting sentence on the charge of being responsible tor the death of six of his followers spent the entire day in prayer tor his safety in their temple. Sandford did not appear pi: bliclv at Shiloh. While the service was being held in the temple others of the-faithful were engaged in tiie two watch towers of the main Shiloh building in continuous prayer. All last night and today , prayers were offered I from- these timers;- the praying" ortes being relieved from time to time, The vigil will be continued tonight. Tl BE MADE NEXT WEEK Governor Kitchtn will not. make the appointment of- a successor to Judge Geo, W. Ward until next week and in the meantime will occupy part of his time in an effort to select the best man for the position. There are as least, six applicants for the va caney. ; but the names of only three of thorn are known. Those ai Messrs. S. C.'Kragaw and W. (:. Rod man of Washington ami A. (). Gavlor of l'lymouth. I'KOMINKT .LAW V Kit 1HAI lirn I'osey. Prominent. Criminal Kiwyer, Died Alter Long Illness (Special to The Times.) Greensboro, Dec. 15 Greoiit.bnro lawyers learned yesterday with deep regret of the death at Murphy ct 8 o'clock in the morning of Mr. lien I'osey, one of the- most prominent criminal lawyers of Western North Carolina and a man of wide influence in Cherokee and other counties In tiie extreme western section of the state. Mr. Posey had been ill with pellagr.i for more than a year and for the past two weeks his condition was re garded as desperate. TO ESTABLISH 1 XlfOItU SSTMI Organization to lie Known as the . Academy of Jurisprudence. New York, Dec. 15 With a view to establishing a uniform system of legal Jurisprudence an organization to be known as tho American Acad- ery of jurisprudence is in progress-of formation, according to James I). Andrews, editor of various legal publications. Hundreds of prominent jurists,- in cluding Associate Justice Hughes, of tho United States supreme court have endorsed the movement. ANTI-LIQUOtt CONFERLNCK TO PreVent the Shipment of Liquor Into Dry Territory. Washington, Doe. ID A national conference on interstate liquor trans portation to which thirty governors named delegates opened kiday. The conference's purpose is to draft a bill to be presented to congress prohibit ing liquor shipments from a wet state Into dry territory. The conference Was planned by the anti-saloon I league of .America. I II ! 1 . tf,'.iii' r ' I"" - MtwmHiwwttnwvt Sketch ol Ktlie! t onrml, J 1 'one of Hie ''Shoot im -..show f, i. (ill N". on the witness st'knil - g tcKtiiym in her o'.vn hehii'l J itt the W, K. I. stoki-s 'Khootiii' ti l il Hi Nev oi-h S J Citv. Hiss ( ontad iolloiveil $ liillian (trali.'Mii, 'another, ot $ the defendants on the stmul S to toil of the events tli:M ie'l iiy'to the ishootlH ,t ilie iiifflroiiiiire. 5 I VIRGINIA LEADS IN FISH INDUSTRY Norfolk. Dec. 15 the -Virginia fish commission s annual 'report shows thai Virginia, with a pross in come to her people of seven and halt million dollars from fish and oyster industry for the; year -..ending Sept. 1. ISIll, ''.leads, nil other st'it.eH in. the fish industry, Kiirpasing'cvcu .ia.ssa- chusellH which with her grout, coil and maclsenil ralcucii lurinerlv head ed the list. 1 I At hs ( (ll( I, iMl.l I l,s ileftin of Aliih.tiiui M.'nlr tiie House. -Vlt-i'U' in WashiiiKton 1). ('.:. Dec. 1 ,u attack upon cot ton siiueii .t.prs'.'' In luiiise of 'iiiat ive New Yorli was made in t.m ropresenlattve hv Ui.'pr Heflin. of Alabaiiiu. Tlelilii (pie.- l inii thc .ngrU'ult.nral ed the estimate of department thiit th( eo:) Uus vcar would be 1-i.FiOO. ODD bales. Tliis es timate, he said, was hcliur used to beat down the price on the e:aiu bling exchange of New York." s TO WAKE VETERANS .dork of Court Millard Mial and his deputies were busy today writicR checks to Wake county Confederate veterans and their widows. There are 859 pensioners on tho rolls In Wako county, and these receive from SfiO to. $.10 n. venr. -liiere nre five pensioners of the second class, who I receive $00 each: eight of the 'hlrd- class. who recelvo $48 each; 21b of the fourth class, who receive !f,0 and 130 widows, who receive $10 each a year. The first clasB pension ers receive $10 a month, but these are paid monthly. Stiindarri Oil Company Needs Money. New York, Doc. 15 Standard Oil Co., has announced an advance ot a quarter of a cent u gallon in the. price of benzine and gasoline. -"-Dr: W.-Chrlsman will leave to night : for Hickory on biiBlnsn for tho. department ot agriculture. -J 1 1, ' K 6 ti! tty f fii t i CASE Of SHOW GIRLo IS HOVJ WiTHIHE JUHY . N'e'.v Yo'k. Liliiilii (ii'alii show i;il'ls. i'h E. I). Stokes, girls v. i ! 1 not tonight and; ;-l-)ef-'.;':. 1 5;'J"he ea;'. .i' mi . and : Ktlli-I ('! :i l ar;;i-(l '.villi Kliootins W-. v.eiii.: to i he jury: Tl know their fate uni'l jierlinps not. until to- morrow, trial when moniiii.ii - Prbsicruior i:ii-,'. . !!,'( I---,'-The cii'i- All ' th- ili at s- left. of. tl) lift convent'd. Jiiiisili'.iiu; u-i r and Juril.f'v '( hi t;:-i- iev. ana.ij'in! of ae'i'i:! ' -t Tiii' nuj.-i .'l-lii'';- !' i or. !.s i.- jij ', i-.-' ion of mmiit 'ui''".''' " ili'sre-e ' of. i-i ui - , L tlio .iill'j. linil', Ihelii !;uil: '' uf ;f-;;:' H-'. ill a uii'iM- A; .;tV'f. ificy' .n-'.':-:.'-i i!-;i',ii).e wiiu a K'v.: liic-iiins imiiriHoiu.u'ii'. ur tlilir Keitli-uiv iiiight hit sii:..;ien'lei al together; . s ' I'rowcc'Hlor i'li' liiier .in iiis Fruei';i to t iio .i 'lr.v u r .'e l t -ii-ni not to I'on wdr MOivi's character. lie pleaded Willi, tiie jiiry. io l'or,;el sympathy, and eoiisiil'T oniy . the argument ol self-defense, jjiieaklng' of the rela tion.! between mokos -and Miss (ira tiam, he fviiid siorb'-l'ii'lly-j ',;.;.' And they have hardihood, to call that love. It's not love. Ii a Inst on the part ot htcUes and liure on part of Lillian Graham. lim-Uner did not siiare Stokes, lie referred to, the sick mll,- llonn.ire as -who always was cautious'. Cool calculating Roue had been strong and ''.'"i V5I i- ' . - l ?ir,v.AwxvT'. liffiiii . '-SSI .h "VU r-" ... r . f f " turf" 1! .... " ' ii-' r BlSll fXCiUQE urn PICIEHS . J.!on(loii, D.ei'i l-T-r liritish "gov'erii ineiit.. lias ih.'i'i'!"i! to . exclude.' all . rn-i'ii ii !i meat, packers !i gainst whom prosee of ions' w en-, iiisl inited in 'Unit ed Stales from, teiulering. contracts lor the supply of. meal to the lirttish tirnvy . ami ..navy, pending, semeuieni ')!" ) i.- HuiifS. " ', : ' '. '.','." t. iimi, or 1 1 KYi-"s. iie.-'(! t:i:--t ol .l,)s!(v h!v.s U lin e l-nr;in l.einlei- is , AVu'iini'-on.,, if, f , ):. I - 'I I'f-iiailM-'iii of- j'l.rlire I- no".-.-: iiMi ri!' no! ' at. i i;t- jVn til ! live w heit-nboot.V - of r(i' i ' i'i.'i itJ.-( U;-vesi --iinpposedlr !; :' U .i m-w reviiI'Mioii irj. iv:-,'.'.i-i"' , lieuai tnieut -age'nfs have lliiirr.-'i lie.'-iii inviier Hiirveillaiu'O. P'ollow iii:; hi? iinlictTuerif at i.iii iMio, T(.V!:s lor aili ', violation of the ti ' 1 is Hit M i a w i h !i (ill 1 ii.O'l i hail. . - Dr. H. U. Flowe, : assistant vet erinarian, returned today 'froiiv Tiv horo. where he vaccinated over a liiinored hoes lo prevent cholera. aiH THAT KINO WAS ASSASSINATED l-oudan, i,)i!i.-. I .". -.A. minor tlial KiliK (;eor;;e was asj?-issi!iatid -Iii the rojal ear'li at l-ilii was circulated JiioaiVcs'Kl in London this morning. It created l i i liienrlous exe'it'e.me.nt on the ' :;t rei-t:;., ( if.li'inl;t iji;5i.iiei. ttii; remur j w;ui iK)i'!Mi,- dot 'faring .it pruba'friy ai'OBO I b rotiKfi: iensii ioual reporl s ol a tire last nii'lit in.i lent 'Adjoining that uf tlie kinr-- lloiv Unuior Stalled. Loiioou. Dec. 1 o I. lie unfounded rumor oi "K-uigs -.Ueorge's assassina lion 'was started by a telHgrum seiit. to u newspaper last nfcht inquiring if tl.ere was any truth in Hie- report ol Iii" kniKs nssnssinatiou. Tho re port. eiread rapidly and beeotnc known throughout the city, ; . Ail uneasiness about their maj go tten welfare, was dispelled at noon upon receipt oi. a message that the king-emperor laid the first tsone of capital oi India, at Delhi, and their umjeiiiies were -enjoying splendid health. '-.': ... ; I SOLD BUili KEEPS UP Mi He Continues Fis Sy&tiKva Wci!:-(l?ily Seta hti by Lady ' :; ;- (Special to The Tin.r.s. i ' , 'Wi'injinetoiV..- .p'cc,';'.--15-Sevejith Ktreef friini .Chepiiiit to Red Crcjsa .'ii'.d ll.Oll;;!; 1 1 -- COI'MPr 111 t !l O V l-'l llll V Ol l.U'.l'(li and Walnut streets, weve lie h'eaiitles s-'-lei t.-d last 'night, for hib wo'rk by' the. hoi il burgiar who con-, fitines. fiis visitations with faithful regularity evel-y night,- The resuk nee ot Mr. N. h. Farrow, at Seven 'h and S h es ' n uf; st ree ts. w as e titered a" 0 m tw.n'.pts Were made to effect an en trance 10 .Mr. William Xiestlie's (irnc store and residence, at -"Sevsht'li arid 'j'ed Cross srreota . aiid the grocery store oi .Mr. ?.!. snines. at Miglitli and VYaTuul Ktreeis. .Ai. both if incse 'places the 'mini was. frightened' away;-. Although as to whether the roan iloiiig the hiirftlarizing ''.'' iri . this city now.- is white or black Was dispelled by his visits -of.: his; nitriit, He was clearly seen by a ladv in Mr r-'ruv row's residencea. She states that the psan. is a !o "el ui.ky" negro with a ratiif-r. fat face, . ..The man uriod i'lch'rly iii an ('.,.-:ri,- light, and the laiiv ..is sure' she. could identify hm ' '' were to see him again. Il '.'.as a ao-it 4 . a; 111. when the ' -'entered :. Air. Farrow's resi t'eiij.e. He .nijisl.' have gone, in . .Mr. l-tirrow's room tirst. He followed, his u'ptial luet liod of taking: the . geiitie nieu's .troupers from the room, to the .bottom "of the steps. Here he search ed then leisurely.. ; Mr.. Farrow, had o.i;iy a sir. iH liitiount ol inoney in the trousers, aboiit $2, and the burglar : - ;-r--l this sum. . A few minutes 1'iter. a- lady who resides at Mr. Far row s home -.was awakened and dis covered a buiiey lifuro busils en-Kiiiuid.-'a-i ins nefarious work. The man was standing in front, of a dres (Contmued on Page Two.) DR. F. P. WOOD LEAVES FOR VIRGINIA DDI Dr. 1, l V, ood. who lor two years has. heen assistant state veterinarian, will, leave tonight for t'hui'lott.esville, V,'!.. .his lornrer home. '..During his i pir.ieei. ion .wi' h Hie leparinient of aKric.iilt are In- has dene fail hf ul -in d int(-l!i:.',ei:it "Work,, aiid il is with, re gret; tlial his assoeiiit.es. sei:: hjiii leave; Mrs. Wood will vjsit relatives for a lew iiays in.- .' it-l'. u loml het'ore. goiii;.: i; l'li.ir-"':;ilie. mi :r at- toint : .OIH lic-l l Slll'lMt'ltl SOI K'tV to Hold NevtMei'tiii;-. I lieie. Yosbirir.fOTi. Dee. I;, The ir?vt annual. nieetirr" of ..I lie '-out hern s'jr gieal and Kynee.oloin'eal society will be held ar Old Point t'oluforl,: Va., and Dr. I.omax (.waihnu-v ol Noi- folk, is chairniaii of the comiuittee on arrangements.' 1 he convention of the socieiv here closed yesterday lif ter the' i'ollowiiie oi'tieors had h-.ien eletied: PresideiH, "Dr. J. T. M. Kin ney, Kali iiiiore; Viee jiresideiits, J. T Thompson. (.alvit,t.on. and V.. V. ( arr. Washington: secretary. . D, Haggard. Nashville: secretary. W. b Goldsmith, Atlanta. , WltKCKOV C. (). deorge A. h'lninel One ot I hose Si noiislv Dniii'eil. M-i'-ion. ! iv!.. Ill" . 'I'!':-- fieot'Ki; V. Utmniel. i)f NileM,; Mii-li., the ".Man f. M'y.story" in Iho: .insurance ease, Ho V- .I-; . in M'l l it i" a t !tesaiir:fl;e . (l'-io p.'s.-i ii' er I raiii '- ivivi.'Ui lie.'T I oiivei in-, ind., :'i,t ni"-,!it. i!eveloi'.'d ! aialysis of I'ni l..i. , and is not ox- IK't'li-'l' li' roroi'er; i-CiiuiMeJ- suffe;-ei In ir l-r'.'i..,j .ills mid injury i-i Hie spine- .. Tweiily :..ot!n'r imsi-ugers vi'te 1'iirt. The W't'i" k was caused l) the lii'ri'J;iiii; of a fiauye on 111" Wheel on the lender. ;.';" Tar Heel rostniaste-s. Washin-'-.ton. I). C.. Dee. Vost ninslois iifipoirited-. Kitnesville, Wil li ur.iM. il'itiiier, vico V .(1. Causey; Haiiiita,w, James. A. Aldritljje, vice . ii. Crut,?;'- Norfolk Southern Dividend. New 'York. Dec. 15 The directors of the .Norfolk . Southern Railroad declared tho regular quarterly divi dend of one-half per cent. FINE ORATOR WILL BE HERE John Temple Graveslto Address Mass KleetingSIn Raleighlin Favor . v 3f Arbitration Treaties IS EDITOR AND ORATOR Brilliant (eoi'!ian to Deliver Mess age to Kul'righ I'cople boon l.ditonal WrKcr ou Now York American, and Native of Soutli Mill Indoubtedly Have Great Au dience Messrs. Dryan, Parker, mid Others indorse Movement. ..ltalcigh is to have as guest in the near future Col. Jno. Temple Graves, tho distiuguished editorial writer of the New Y ork American, who will address a big mass meeting in this city in behalf of the ratification ot the arbitration treaties between this nation and the government of Great flntaiu and France, which are now pending tor favorable action before tne senate ot the United States. I he citizens national committeo, of which Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, the president of Columbia University, is the head, and Judge Alton IJ. Parker, W illiam J. Bryan and Adlai Isteveiisou. are vice chairmen, is di recting a nation wide movement in support ot the ratification of the pending agreements. - Air. Graves, who is a native of the youth, needs no introduction to Ral eigh. He is one of the foremost ora tors in the nation, and his time is much' in demand on the lecture plat form. . He will make a number of addresses in support of the treaties in the east and middle west as well as in the south. li'iiiciplo of Arbitration, The two .arbitration-treaties have already received the approval of tho governments-of France and Great Britain, and they only await favor able action by the senate ot the Unit ed States before they become ef fective. These treaties apply to na tions the principle of arbitration, placing the three great powers named on a tooting with the individual, who is required to submit ordinary dif-lei-eiues lo the jurisdiction of a trib unal. It Is the contention of the ad v"'!i'.os ot me treaties- that, thev will hi to the plane of discussion most ol tin: present day causes of war. SillSTKK STIM, HOLDS ON. Cabinet Cannot Dismiss Him With out ( on in 1 1 s Consent. I cue-ran.-'. Persia. Dee. 15. W. Murrain Hhnster. still . retaiiiH his posi tion fv3, treasurer-general of Persia. C(i Iii ii!'l en ii trot ii isniisH him without t:ie iaiioil council s consent. New- Iieiord in Rare. ' : A'-w ork, Dec. ir -Sprinting be tween tour and seven o'clock this morning produced new records In the six day bicycle race, but no changes in tho position of the riders. Iwtlve (earns remain with (ialvin W iley in the lead. Lorenz, while pcda.ling at, top sliced, skidded on the turn and brought Moran, Cameron, l.rocco and Palmer down with him. None were senosuly hurt. FALLING OFF Iii EXPORT BREADSTUFF .Washington,- Dec. 15 Falling off ot more than a million dollars tn breaiislutfa exported from the Unit ed States during the month of No vember this year as compared with the name lime last year. . . 'lhere. wan also a decrease in cat tle, sheep und hogs exports, but cot (on, mineral oils and dairy products showed marked increase For elovdn months ending December 1, there was increase of over eighty-two mil lion dollars in tho value of exports of all the above named produots over the similar period of 1910- Harmon Declines Invitation, t ' 'Washington, Dec. 15-f-Uovernor Harmon ot Ohio has declined an it v Ration to attend the Jackson day banquet here January 8, when the national committee meets. The eov- ernor assigned no reason. William Jennings Bryan accepted the invita tion and will speak at the dinner,

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