THE RALEKin DATLY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1011. STOCK! COTTON : . New York Cotton Letter. New York. Dec. 28 The erratic fluctuations in December have been the feal ure today. Notices for nbou 15,000 bales were issued this.a. in., but appeared to be going into the same hands as recent lv Us. As nt first, December worked higher on covering by a few shorts, who found their demand .supplied about a point over yesterday a closing figures. Then came abseiling movement either In the way ot trailing liquidation or against late arrivals tor delivery, un less indeed there was some liquida tion by the concentrated longs them selves, which sent the price off verv quickly in the absence ot buvers From 9:2;! December sold off to rt.PU or a net loss ot ;!S points. This break in Decemoer muv have b:en -partly n spoils. hie lor more aggres slve .ottering ot the later nionliis aiier a prettv earlv session. Selling was also inspired bv late advices trom .MniKiiester that labor trouble was spreading with both sides set tling down lor a severe struggle while the question of an open shop, and in addition to tins local spot people reported treer ofterings of spots than tor some tune past, At any rafe alter having shown a nv?t advance oi 1 to 4 points the market broke to a net. decline of 2 to 4 points) on the active positions, 't he January short interests of practical ly all clases is being transferred to tne late deliveries with the advanl age of the premium. Tomorrow is the last day of trading in December Open. High. Low. Close. Apr. . . ... . ... . ... ... 8. IK! May . . 11.04 0.08 fl.00 . 0.00 Jim . . -..'i . ... . ... .. 0.00 Jul . . 0.15 0.10 0.11 0.11 Aug . . .... .... .... 0.12 Sep . . ... . ... . ... . 0.21 Oct . . 9.2C " 0.33 !l.2(! 0.26 Nov . . 0.32 0.35 0.32 0.20 Dec . . 0.20 0.24 8.00 8.01 Jan . . 8.73 8.80 8.72 8.72 Feb . . ... . ... . ... . 8.81 Mch . . 8.01 8.96 ' 8.80 8.89 Market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Dec, 28 Due 2 to '! points up. Opened quiet, steadv, y. to 1 point lower. 12:15 Quiet, unchanged to 1 point lower. Private Liverpool cables In conse quence ot desire to sell impending la bor dispute free offerings of actual. Spot Dull, 2 points higher. Midland Upland, 5.03; sales, 4,000 American, 3,00. Imports, 97,000. of which all were American. December ...... . . ..'...,, 4 . N 8 Decern ber-J an tiarr : . . . . .-. 4.SS ;. Januarv-Kebriiarv . . , 4. 88 February-March.---. ... 4.90 March-April .... . ..... . 4.92 April-Mar. . . . . ...... 4.94 't Mav-June. .. . . .. . . .. 4.97 June-July. ... -. . . , . . . 4.9 July-August. . . , . . 5.01 1$ August-September. . . . 5.02Va September-October., .. 5.03 October-November. . .. .. 5.03 H JRAIjEIGH cotton market. (Quoted by Barbae & Co.) Good middling, 8. Strict middling, 8. Middling, 84. Receipts, 2 . hales. New York Stock Letter. New York, Dec, 28 The opening was quiet and featureless. Before the end of the first hour however the market turned heavy with Union Pacifis and St, Paul leading. This weakness in Union Paclllc was ex plained when the November state ment came out which was worse than expected. After a brief period. Union Pacific began to be heavily sold and In afternoon touched 170 3-8 this weakness spread to rest of list and liquidation on a fairly large scale was In evidence all around the room - with many stop orders being reach ed. There was no special news. Ampng specialists Marine issues were storng. Sales 375,000. Closing Stock Quotations. American Cotton Oil . . . . 4t S American Cur and Foundry.. 53Vii Anaconda Mining Co 17 'a Atchison 106 'k Amer. Smelting and Refining. 72 Atlantic Coast Line. . . . . , . . .134 Mi Brooklyn Rapid Transit .... 76 Baltimore & Ohio . . V ....... 101 .New York Central .,..105 Chesapeake & Ouio ........ 73 t line 5H4 Great Northern, pfd. ...... 127 Missouri, Kansas & Texas.... Missouri Pacific . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Norfolk Western ........ 10S Northern Pacific 117 Ontario & Western 38 Pennsylvania Vii Louisville & Nashville ...... 1 54 & Rock Island ... .. 3J7a Reading .... .... . . . . .IbOty Southern Pacific'.''. 110 ft Southern Railway 28 V Southern Hallway, pfd. ..... . 10 St. Paul 108 Union Pacific 170 Va United States Steel . 54 United States Steel, pfd. .,..110,6 Virginia-Carolina Chemical... 54 GRAIN PROVISIONS Chicago Grain. ,'; Chicago, Dec. 28 Wheat Disap pointing cables gave us a lower open ing, but, good buying on a cable from Buenos Ayres claiming serious fosses to crop caused a quick upturn and ihe market has strong undertone with good buying on all easy spots. Her-cipts at all primary points verv lit,lit Corn --Opened steady wnh Decem ber still showing marked congestion The selling of May and .lulv corn lias been bv cash houses, and a good in crease in receipts Is expected. Weather clear and cold. Think Alav corn sale on guises. Oats Strong wtin wheat and com but the market ads tired. Shorts are well In. Provisions -Cove: nig el shorts In lard y Cudnliy am! selling lor for eign on account onlv feature. Wlieni. Open. High. Close. Dm 1 'I .i M ! .iav . .. .os si-, - on u, .ox vs July . . .o i .fl i v. .04 oi-ii Dec. . . .f,."i .or, V, .03 Vi May . . m: .in 14 .63 H July . , .:!" .ti:!i; Oats Dec. . . .17 .4li' -May . . .47 Mi .-17 .46 July .43-Vk .4 4 .4:. 4 Pork Jan. . . 15. 50 15.55 15.47 May . .11;. oil 111. on 15 95 l.uitl Jan. . . 0.12 9.15 0.15 May . . 0.37 9.10 9.4 0 Kihs Jan. . . s.32 S 32 8 32 -May . . S.H2 8.62 8.62 Nil vu I Stores. Savannah. Dec. 28 Turpjentine firm 50 rosin firm type F 7.00, G 6.95, A 7.00. THK KVIDKNCH PII,IX l l linpoitiiul Testimony Against Mca innius i!v ( ilizcns of Scuttle. Los Angeles, CaK, Dec. 2s. Coin cident with the appearance of H. W. I'obinlmaii, business agent of tno se attle Iron Workers' I'nion, as a wit ness before the federal grand jur;', winch resumed its investigation' to day into nation-wide dynanpte conspiracy, it became known that another resident of Seattle, Dr. (J. D. agner. had appeared beiore the inquisitors and given important testimony. Dr. Wagner, who manages an electrical supply company, was said to have told ol a meeting he had with James B. McNamara in Seattle In Angus.' last year. Dr. Wagner s business was situated opposite the Lyons building, which was'damaged by dvnaniue on August 30, 1910. '1 lie Lyons building explosion was credited to James B. McNamava, who at that time was said to have made his first dynamiting expedition to the Pacific coast. According to the testimony Dr. Wagner is savj to have given a man whom he alter ward Identified bv newspaper ..pic tures 'as James B. McNamara, took a part in one of his destructive ma chines to the Wagner Company ot repairs. Another witness was Villifim Urown, an employe of The Los Ange les Times. He testified that the morning beiore The Times building was destroyed, October 1, 1910, he met James B. McNamara In the basement near the spot where the actual explosion occurred. Accord ing to Brown, McNamara said he was looking tor work as a newspa per mailer. Alter questioning Paul Schiirreii burg, of San Francisco, secretary ot the state federation of labor, the grand jury adjourned. The federal court adjourned until Saturday and as any indictments would have to be presented in that tribunal, the ad journment precluded possibility of the return of true bills beiore that day. MORK KKI'T IN SUSPKXSK Must Await the Return of Medical Hoard to Washington. Washington, Dec. 28. Charles W. Morse must await the return to Washington ol the army medical board sent to Atlanta to examine bim before he can learn the nature of their verdict. According to war department officials the said board was instructed to bring their find ings to Washington. It Is unlikely the report can be delivered to the de partment before tomorrow after noon, it will be promptly forward ed to the white house for the Presi dent's information and action. HANQUET TO FIREMEN (Special to The Times.) Hickory. Dec. 28 The Hickory Volunteer Fire Department gave its annual banquet last night at the city hall. This was one of the most en joyable events yet given by Hick ory's fire laddies. All of the boys wefre present and every one enjoyed the event immensely. The affair was strictly Informal but this fact de tracted nothing frQin the pleasure of the occasion. Chief C. A. Moser was. toastmaster and added 'much to the bumor of the evening. HENDIUtKON SOOAlj NEWS. (lii'lstmiis Week Knlivened hy Many DeliKbttul KventN. (Special to The Times.) Hende-Bon, N. C, Dec. 28 A beautiful Christmas Gurmiin was given Tuesday night by the Tar Heel Cotillion Club in Hawkin's Hall on I Main street. Levin's orchesira, of Raleigh, furnished music for the oc casion. A good many couwles partic ipated, it being one ol the largest dunces of the season. Mr Ed. Shaw is president, ol the club. Mr. James Hrodie official leader. Mr. Shaw and Miss Jessie Harris led on tins occa sion. It proved the leading social event of the holiday season. I Chaperones: ; Mr. and .Mrs. J. Hill IParhaiii, Mrs. Alex ( ooper, Mrs. P. I W. O. Shannon,- Mrs. La nib and Airs. C M. Cooper. I The Woman s Tuesi'av Club was elegantly entertained Tnesdav at t u. 1 m. bv Mrs. .1 .U. Morgan at her ho.- pitable home on Tumor Avenue. 'Most of-the nieinliers were present and several gnesls. I Miss Rebecca Watkius entertained the Alma ( lub in rbarniltri stvle Thusdav afternoon ai her lionie on j i liam mreet. II proved a most de- lightinl and instructive alternoon. Klegaut retrestiineius wore served. Miss Sue Hall, North Carolina's gilted artist, is speudnm the Clirisl inas liolidnra liere wnh her stter Airs. Henry Perw, 011 (larnelt sireel Miss Hall is quiie a Invorlte in our citv. . Miss Jessie Harris enlertiuiiod the Bridge Junior Club clesanilv Tues day morning. 1 h parlors wore beautiful with their' decorations of mistletoe and hollv wreathed about the wa'ls in lesloons. There were flowe--s and boaniilul score cards A number, ol visitors were also in t tendanco, nios! of tne ineiiibers being present. Aliss Agnes Harris aided her sister 111 dispensing hospital ii v. etc. Delicious relreshiiients were served in courses. SPKCIAL TIOKM OP COURT Governor Will He Asked For u Sp.. cm) Criminal Term of Buncombe 011 rt. (Special to The Times.) Asheville, Dec. 28 It is probable that Buncombe county will have an other special term of superior court for the trial ot criminal cases or that the governor will be asked to author ize such a term since it is practically certain that the criminal docket will be congested bv the time the regular term convenes here February 5. If the special term Is called it will prob ably be January 15. The matter has not yef been decided bv Solicitor Remolds but will be during the week. He will ask for a term ol one week. The term convening February 5 last lor three weeks. A special term for the trial of cases was held here a lew months ago when the docket was greatly re lieved but during the past tew weeks defendants have been fast increas ing and now there are about 25 pris oners in the county jail. There are four manslaughter cases to be tried and some important whiskey cases, besides a large number of miscellane ous cases. XKGIIO WKNT .(HAZY Not From Remorse Hut Because He Knees Ilungmnir.H Noose. Atlanta, Dec. 28. Andrew Sim mons. 'the Brook county negro ,vno murdered nls wite and altervards went crazy, will be taken 10 the asy lum at Milledgeville today. Andrew didn't go crazv Irom remorse. Not inucii. He went cra.v at the thought ot having that black cap pulled down over his eves and dropping oil into spate with a rope around his jugular. It got on his nerves and he went -. daft.v. in his cell. The law ol Georgia savs you can t hang a crazy man even il ne was sane when he committed the crime, so they are sending Andrew down to Milledge ville to see if tne doctors can t cure him, so that he can bo hanged. Andrew has onlv one chance to remain much longer oil earth, and that is to stav permanently crazy. 'I'hey will onlv turn him over to tne hangman in the event he is cured. SCHOONER ON THK ROCKS (ale Hurled Schooner on ISIock is land Crew in the Masts. Elock Islands, h. I., Dec. 28 A northwest gale hurled an unknown , four-masted schooner on the ledges oft the west side ot Block Island this morning. The schooner filled rapid ly. The crew was driven to the cross trees. Life saving crews are trying to rescue them. The wind w-as blowing at sixty miles an hour when the schooner struck. The schooner was Mary Adelaide Randall, coal laden, bound from Nor folk to New London. The crew ol ten men were rescued by life savers after a spectacular struggle. j .;-.-;.'.;. NO PASTOR FOR JtlCHKSON'S CHURCH Cambridge. -Mass.. Dec. 28. The statement tha.. Rev. Austin T. Kempton, or Lunenburg, Mas3., had been called to the pastorate ol lin inanuel Baptist church, of which Rev, Clarence V. T. Hlcaeson was formerly minister, was denied. It is stilted Kempton was culled to Brea.i wav Baptist church here. Immanuel church trustees have taken no uction following I he resignation of Rlche- 8011. com PICKER iW PATENTED Patent On Machine Received By John W. Cox -Death of Sainuei W. Lindsey Special to The Times. ) Durham, Dec. 28 Air. John W. (iix, loriuerlv 01 puriiiiiu but now 01 .SU'Vaunali. Oa.," has received a patent upon bis col Urn picker and is now iiiakinK arrangements lor the nianul.'icture ol ih" mechanism. Air. Cox a invention received a flat lering notice trom the Columbia State Romeiiine ago. I lie patent had nol then been revived. : It took bin 11 sliori. lime to secure it and r,'. Cox I appears .to have worked 0111 a scheme; that, doesn't .-require, tin- calling out I ol the enure ceiuiUB ..( operate the machine. . ' -. ; I He is modest in his claims for it and savs lluil it will do the -work ol live men. This is actual picking and he makes allowance lor dm driver ol the maclulme. Its working is along simple lines and lie .husn 1 11 iioubt that it will D. For tbe present llie machines will be built bv a New York company but il is to be manufactured in Denmark, South' Carolina. A kinsman ol Mr. Cox is the master mechanic in that place and' knows how t lie inventor wants t ii o 111 buili. Air. ( ox. luiusell, is to have controlling imeresi 111 (he factory and lie does not cheaply liuier the product ol his brain. Mr. Cox found the mother of in vention -necessity, and went to work, lie. saw idle negroes sleepily. coaxing the lleecv stuil lrom the pods and took it inio bis. head to i-:o some thing better than negro power 10 pick the .wasting crops. He believes be yond all doubt that he has it. Samuel 10. Lilidsev, whose lessen ing hold on life lias been occasion ally hinted at. died last nmht at If: 20 after a dc line stretching over a year, during which period, he yielded but a few (lavs to a malady which lie knew to have won its fight over bun. A measure of the sting ol .death niav be'ellmiiuitcil in ''the .certainty that if was coming gradually. The public knew that this young man was marked. It knew his life well, knt w that he bad just began a career that had very good promise.. And it must experience a peculiar regret in the loss of 1 i to under so regrettable a circumstance. Mr Lindsev was twenty-four years of age and was reared in -Durham. Being so voting, it is a brief chapter a girl, both ot whom survive. He never worked anywhere without win ning the confidence and tho alfec tion of those with whom he labored, lie attended school in Poughkecpsie and returning went into the service of the First National Bank. He had previously been bookkeeper for the Fills Stone Comoanv and he did that company a great service. Ilia . con nection 'with' the bank was brief and he followed bis resignation there with a residence in. tho mountains where it was thought that the air would have good effect upon a pul monary condition now seen to be so serious. Returning here he did some work for the Merchants' Bank and until he took his bed four weeks ago, he was never idle. He mnintamed per fect consciousness until the last, but ho never talked about his condition. Notwithstanding .--the.-. knowledge ot his condition, lie must have had that constitutional hope of recovery, a hope that buoved him wben a tired, broken spirit might have bai'.ed him and painted roses in a check 111 which death bad planted its certain seeds. In bis death is the Lindsey lani ily again afflicted.. Tradition ol that, good bodv ol men and women has It that its visitations go by threes, that death visits and has vislled it lor scores of years, in this manner. Five had died beiore yesterday and his makes t lie sixth, each three com ing in a surprisingly short time. Six years ago the lather ol the family died and in the fall of 1909, Eugene Lindsey passed alter a long and wasting illness. In the summer of 190S, Mr. Lind sey married Miss Rstello Carden nndj to that union were born a boy and a girl, moth .or whom survive. He leaves also his mother, four brothers, Messrs. W. C. Lindsey, Robert L., Thomas II., and Ike Lindsey. There are also two sisters. Misses Annie and Katie Lindsey. He was a member of the Firct Baptist church and belonged to threo of the popular lodges. They are tho Masons, the LClks and the Pytluans, none of whom will have chargo ot tho burial, but all of whom will at tend in a body and honor the dead with their presence. The tuneral takes place this ultemoon at 2:30, conducted by. Rev. C. J. Thompson, former pastor of the deceased,, and Rev Messrs. S. S. Boat and Thomas L. Trott of the Emscopul church, good friends ot the dead. Peculiar Apteal. There is u piculiar lov.' In the cbecrfulnc!- ol sick people. It Is un-expecled--'lke thj bit of feiccn in tlie ?ert II gains bv er::tr"t It Is the flower of the spirit pi o lmvd In a wlUI-erness.-'-J Edward Harlow. litl90etiS9 tt Classified Ads, arc published at (he rule of One Cent 11 Word for ft ouch iiiwert ion, strictly rush jn advance. .No Ads. accepted by tele- ( 9 phone, iillluiugli messengers will lie seiil lor Incm 011 rciiiesl. No C 9 insertion will be (iiven lor less tli.111 10 cents. t .."': - .' " I WO 1 M l PI ( II l (.11 IS Alliinta. Dec. 2N. Two st.rfill ve ( lirislnias gilts r une to pronnneui A lliuit lans v'ms vear from anony mous sources. Neither had anything 10 do with the other, but both oc casioned great, surprise. I ncle -Andy, ste-wart county tax collector, re ceived 11. small package, without any ncine or the sender on it, and. open ing 11 up wnh the expectation that, it contained some trilling gitt, touiid 11 magnificent . pure .-white diamond, set in a massive ring. Hp- has not l-lie remotest idea froni whom tne'i. came, v ' I lie ..other u 1 ? t was a evel in its v.av too. Dr. .1. II. Phillips, who. liven 111 Oaliburst, hoard an auionii)-! l)i 1 0 rush to. Ins door Saturday tiignt. i Kaiinelioil'. .run in t .'.v. porch, .droieied , a piii'kiige. in Iron! oi' (lis dnoi'.. vus.'i- j ed away to file a;ito. and . disappear.-1 en wiiu a ciiug-cnug 11110 tne (luri;- ll('':i. Dr. Phillips was a pre sent I.10111 .sonie-. It iend, ' '..possibly .1 turkey, and tool; his; I iiiie about t iiig oivt tliroiig.i the front door. Iimi lie picked up the p::( kaae he loiind it. '.contained a lusty,. ' i-.wo-nioinli-old babv. 1 here wasn t 11 line written witlr it. and Dr. I'hil liiS is i,r a loss to, tindersl 'lnd way il was; left in his doorstep. Tlie dih ly assignable reason is that Dr. PMil Ups is a latlierlv . man. wit.i three liiile ones ol ins own. and a wite who loves children. The real mot 11 er i-rolialdy hoped her babe .Voiild lind a good luime there. Mrs. Phil lips siivs she Will either. Keep , i.e child (' get some one ol' iier.-lri'.'lds 10 adopt'. it. Mie will not consent- to have 11 sent to an institution. W ins Fight for Life. It was a long and -bloody battle for lite that w as waged by James B. Mer- shon, of Newark, N. J., of which be 1 writes: '"I had lost much blood trom lung hemorhages. and was very weak 1 and run-down. For eight months l was unalilo to work Death seemed close on my heels, when I began., three weeks ago, to use Dr. Kings New Discovery. But it has helped me greatly. It is doing all that you claim." For weak, sore lungs, obsti nate coughs, stubborn colds,, hoarse ness, la grippe, asthma, liav-fever or any throat or lung trouble its su-1 preme. f.Oc &. $1.00. Trial bollle free. Guaranteed by Kiug-i-roweii Drug Co. ACCEPT OUR THANKS Fur Your Iiil)(M';il l!;il l'nii ;i(' mid for niaiiv Couvi csics. MAY THE NEW YEAR riii' to You and Yours, Much Joy fuid Pros perity. II. J. JOHNSON, (Su'c-sr to l. T. Johnson & Son, l(i I'. Ilaigclt Street, Raleigh, N. C. ANYTHING IN PRINTING. Pltouc itii i 1 112-114 East Harg. lt Street. m.m 09lll LOST AND FOUND. J.OST Curved- : golii bracelet,. e!i Krvved .1. !v t rews. Reward tor return -"to 'Times office: 12-2N-2I . STIMVKi--A. bluish white and lilac't siiotied i.cweiie.n setter. .Ilcwavi , tor in for in at inn .lea ill tig to. recov ery.. :ir. I'. I. CastlebnrA'. y. HELP WAKTED OIRLS WANTMD Martin Hosier) Mill wants help; experienced or In expen- nceil : rnir". paid wblli learning. . 9-2 t. t. s.-t. f SOLICiTCP.S. V. ANTKI) I'OII CITY iind cni'iin. Sale.vy and coiniiis; sioi: , SieiKjy . .,;;ositioii to good . en tii.. : Ai;dy :.wiili ret'erence al' ler ' - P. 5 1 . 2 L' I AV .'.Martin.: II. A. Davis. Disi net .Manager, i L'-U i lit 5 ' :. V " : ;V.'TKI)-T-V.omen and girls to make iix r.'.-' underwear: work light and clean: m"1 wages paid while learning.,. Adaress A. Y. ( bapin, Kupt. Melrose-Knitting Mill, fUl ei;:h. N. ('. 1 l-2T.-tf V.'l l;p Carrier luiys. ; Apply at Circulation '...Department.. The Tillies -" 12-1 t. r. FOR SALE. A X T rc.K Y 1 ; R i; I V ( i R A V. ( J K L I . . liiii. ii yciirs old ; 1 r; 4: handsi;'-!'..-11 Hi pi uiic!s:, .. sound: handsome: 'tV'lish: Kindlv to harness. Price. SL' iii. H. P. llliauiso'l. Ualeigli. NV-C: 12--2S-;,'1 TOR RENT. FOR IS FAT Desirable collage, live rooms; bath. Apply . . Darnell-Thomas.- 12-2T-lt!I I OR !!I y i 1 ni 11 lt tw o fin - nished rooms, 011 N. Wilniingiou street, with . or without board. ( all ( annul 'phono -Ii7. . : 1 L'-L'T t. f. ' POSITIONS WANTED. KXI'F.RT. STKNtMillA I'll Kit wishes liigh-i'iass ' piiNiiion.- Rapid:' .-Times, I --.'. -:'t MISCELLANEOUS. W WTI.I) Carnenter's union lncct iii!',. :r.iursda.v -night, 7:;!(l, Dec. L'.s. at Rescue Hill. To initiate members. '.Come, bring your ap plication. . 1. Harrow. Pres. 1 L'-J.s-t! ' XOTIt !: Aitcr this dale no preinl . 11111:; will PC given I'or I'epsi -t'ol.i crcwiis.- 12-2S-H Itsi: I5KX T ! urnished rooms, sin gle or. t'or light jionsekeeping, .1 10 H. Hnlislniry St. I 2-2s-:in-.l WAXTKD - To rent two small I'n-r-nli.ueil roonix or-one large room, (live lowest price. Address stu dent cure l;ver,iiig T illies. - 12-2V-2I. WANTKD Loardiiig places tor. .stu dents iittending Kings llusiuess Coliege: must be reasonable. Ad dress .1. II. King. President. 12-27-21 A Want Ad. in The Raleigh Daily Ttmcs Will Work W"onders for Your Business. "Noililmr Si reds Like Circulation," Mini Nearly Lvervbody Rends The !Uileitli Daily Timed. Thanks For your liberal iiitron-,-ijre flu ri nu; 1 his 1 foliihiy Season, v ' All Christmas (loods Dolls, Tovs. Kiincv lima, reduied m price. I he J. D. Rigcjan Co. ",T. T. AI.DKRMAN. Mgr. No. Favcttcvllle Slrcet Why Not Get a Player Piano It will ilease everyone aii l i-ive a hfet ime of jileasiire. We are lie,",druarfevs tin ilie Hein F. Miller .Hid Sou. J(H). Sliomer, 800. M a 1 li I e s s Millon li'oiii ,'!f 150 to .(ifit). We jilso liave New rprioht Piano ifJLT) up. r.sed I'pritrhl Piano, 1 ) up. Sipiare Piano, .15 u. Terms to suit your convenience. Darnell & Thomas, Address: Raleigh. C. HUBBARD BROS & CO COTTON MERCHANTS Oaover Square. N. Y. . Members New York Cotton Exchange. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New Pork Produce Market. Associate Members Liverpool Cottoa Association, trders solicited tor the. purchase and sale of Cotton and Cotton Seed Oil for future delivery. Special attention and liberal terms . given for consignments of Bpot Cotton for delivery. '1orrsnnndenc lrvlti4. Lots on Hillslxiro Street anil Boylnn Avenue Kor sale January 15th, at tourt bouse. Uv virtue of a judgment In the case ot Walter Clark et al., Execu tors ol Wi II. v lllard et al., ex parte, in .'superior court -of. Wake county, and ot orders In the cause: On Monday, Jtniary 15, 1912, at 12 m., v,e will ofler for sale at the rourthonse door id Raleigh, three lots, part of the klmwood property. One lot. beginning at a point 52 and one-hall L;et west of Juliua Lewis corner on Hillsboro street, then west with said street 52 and. one-halt leet, then north and perpen dicular to said street 170 leet, then east, 47 and one-half feet, thea '.southeast seven feet to lot number one then along line of said lot to beginning. (I his lot was exposed lor sale December 4th, was bid oflf. at $3, U-'a, and bid raised ten per cent., and is '.o be sold under order ol resale. ) One other lot, beginning on Hills boro street at western corner ot a hove lot, then 52 and one-balf feet west, along said street, then north, perpendicular to said street 113 feet, then northeast along an alleyway about (i2 feet to lot number twos, (hen south with said lot about 146 leet to tlie beginning. One other lot, on lioylan avenue, beginning at a point 120 feet north ot Hillsboro street, then north along Doylau avenue 02 and one-half feet, then 'east 153 feet to an alleyway, then south with said alleyway 21 leet, then southwest with said alley way about 58 leet to an iron Btake, thence west 105 and a half feet to beginning. 'l itis is a privilege of a ten-foot allevway to the rear of the lots. , Terins-Oiie-thrd cash and resi due in six and twelve months, wltlk Interest. bales subject to confirmation. WALTER CLARK. 8. A. ASHE. . W. W. ASHE. 12-13-UUt Kxeeutom