Vol. LXX. No. 153. Double the NAVAL POLICY One Battleship a Year Is the Program of the Demo cratic House OPPOSE A BIG NAVY rxniiocrnttf, ns a Party, Ilnvc Been Opposed to n Rig Navy and Tins 'Will Be One Reason For Cutting Program Prom Two to One IS.ti t ! ships The Other Heason is kcon oniy A Battleship Costs About $10,000,000 to $12,000,000 and $1,000,000 a Year to Ala in In in Tonnage of urloiis Navies. , ( Ilv Winfield Jones. ) Washington, Dee. L'!.--One. pew battleship per nnninn horcntier is to be- the naval policy nf (lie Denioew- ie liouse. The Democrats propone 10 hrra awnv from the policy rj . hrsnii't Roosevelt and Presidenl Tafi. who Have been firm in their recommenda tions that tins government shall r.p propriate lor two new dreadn.vii'lns each year. 'There are two 'reasons lor tins d elsion on the part ol those who will he responsible for the next iinv appropriations hill. In : t.ie iii.it. piaee, tho Democrats, as a pnriv have been opposed '. to a Ins navy. The Democrats base their .policy on the term of "an adequate navy.' . The majority of the Democrats, for several years past, have voted against two batilesliips as rcco'.i: mended by the house naval affa'rs committee. Representative Padgett of Tennesce, now chairman of the Democratic committee.- has always lead the hg:it for only one dreiid nauglit. He lias been oui-voiej, however,' time and time again, by the Republicans, and a lew of his own partv, some of. whom believe not only in two but In tliree new battlesnips each year. The rank and hie of the Demo crat 8 however, march under the 0'ie battleship banner. Representative Padgett, in his present position of authority.' will shape the naval bill in committee to conform to the Democratic idea of retrenchment; In the second plane, the Demo crats need the revenue. . Tne lopping off of one battleship per year means large annual sav ing. The dreadnaught of today cosis when completely titled out. nearly $12,000,000, without its armament the newer type battleships cannot be built for less than ?7, 000. 000, and members of the naval affairs com mittee give as a total cost the con servatlve estimate of ?U. 000. 000 to $12,000,000. There Is an addition accumulated cost of maintaining a battleship that will go to the right side of the Democratic ledger. The average yearly cost of operating a ilrst-elass dreadnaught will total at least $750,000. It cost nearly a million dollars per year to keep the Con necticut afloat. This annual coot embraces the salaries of ottlcers and men, the food supply, tae repair bills as well as ammunition and tlje wear and tear to the big guns. In line with, the Democratic rea Bnninc. the government will save (Continued Q"(Pnge Two.) SENATOR STONE HAS El St- Louis, Dec. 2!. United states Senator W. J. tsione aroused interest among politicians by giving out a statement containing reasons why Speaker Champ Clark should ie tno nominee, for the presidency. Certain Democratic leaders are out wit.i statements assailing Stone for his course. . "The tight for the state delegation to the Democratic national conven tion is progressing. The light arises from the fact that the Democratic convention it 1910, of which Clark was chairman, indorsed Joaeph W. Folk, former governor of Missouri s choice for the presidency. NeltUer Clark nor Folk have said anything about their candidacy. Ask a young mother how old the hnbv is. and she will answer in de tail giving the exact number of ( jnonths, weeks and days. The Weather FAIR. Number of Paid Subscribers in Will Be Held Tomorrow From Late Residence Was One of ?ity's Most. Prominent Business Ien, Being Manager of Iloynll A.- Borden Furniture Com-1 puny StoreFormerly Collector of Revenue His Family. Mr. J nomas Palmer .lerman. one ol tno best-known and most highly respected business men in Raleigh,! die.1 this morning nt !2:::0 at Ins. home on Kast l.ane street- afrer an illness ot six months and a ronline--, ment to his lied of three months, lie was In Ins tortv-tlisrd year. His death was received wilii sorrow hv many irionds in Raleigh and tin" staie. ' .Mr. -.Jermnn was tne son of the late Dr. T. I'. Jermnn.. .of Ridgewa mid .removed, to Italeigh twenty years ago. lie held n position in lr:e l it izens al lonal Hank, wiim col lent or ot internal revenue, was eonne.-ie. I with i he 'state auditor's oflice, and lor ninny years was sei relarv-t remind- and -general manager ot ili. Itoyall and I'.orden I'lirniinre Com pmy. which point inn he iield nt Ins dealh. In was an able hiisini's num. popular with hi': 'emi'doves- aril well-likei bv hm customers. On. .November Ml. IstlS Mr .Ice man married. Mis; Cornelia IVtrv. daiiKliler ol the late Maj. W. ('. i'citv of soil. T. ': 'I'liere also Mi ii Carthage, who. Willi one .lerman, Jr.. fiiirvlves' him. .survives liiiii one .brother, .lerman, president ''of !ho Commercial National Hank, of liil eisli. and three sisters. Mrs. C. H. D.r-gon and Miss Lsther '.leriiui'i ol Italoign. and Mrs. T. I. Williams, of Ridgeway. He was a member ol hdenton street Methodist .church. The funeral service will be held tomorrow nt 11 o'clock from the resi dence, 109 hast l.ane. and will be conducted by Rev. II. M. North, pastor or Ldcnton street -.Methodist, church, and Dr. T. VV. O'Kellv. pastor of the First Baptist church. In terment will be in Oakwood ceme tery.' " '' RKI'XITKD AKTKIt YKAK.-t Trenton, Dec. 29 Having found each other through an advertisement Inserted in Philadelphia newspapers. Lorcnz Monnier, of this citv, and V. D. Monnier, of Williamsburg, - Pa., father and son. respectively, are to gether for the first time in A years. CRIPPLED BOAT EN PORT Destroyer Warrington Now At Navy Yard Tor)C(lo Pont Destroyer Rammed bv I nknown essel is in llad t ondi tlon Has Keen Towed Safely to Port Two 5len Iii)iire(l in Cinsli, Norfolk, Va.. Dec. 29 In tow of the revenue cmter Onondnna. tho crippled torpedo boat destroyer War-i rlngton reached the Norfolk navy yard early this morning. The ident ity of the ship that ran the Warring ton down off Hatteras. rammed a hole in her starboard side, flooded her hold, and injured two of her crew, is a mvsterv. The revenue cutrer Itasca is cruising off' Diamond Shoals, searching for the stranger. A derelict was sighted bv the liner Larmier, abandoned, yesterday morn ing and about, sixteen miles oft the lightship. - The derelict was a three masted schooner with her full niasr standing out of water with decks awash. Tins may be Ibe ship-which rammed the Warrington. .1. N. Stanley, chief dinner, and G. W. flounder, cine! boatswains mate, of the destroyer, are not so seriously injured as at first reported. Boih men were thrown from thel:' hammocks when the ships crashed. "MILLION A IRK HOIJO" QUITS James Knds Howe Resigns ns lieiul Of Welfare Association. Cincinnati, O., Dec. 29. When the "hobo'' delegates to tho annual convention of t;ie Ilrotheraood Wel fare Association meet in tnis oity on January uOth, James Eads Howo, millionaire hobo," president of the organization for many years, will not preside. Howe announced today his resignation as president of the hobor: body in a telegram from M. Louis. . President Taft, Andrew Carnegie. John D. Rockefeller, and others will be invited to attend the meeting. RALEIGH, MliS.M IUO IK McCOWIvl.l. AND IMJlil V IIIWIH It tiKni'ht (hat ..-Andrew .Met mi it'll. Hie loiii'i'.er lit the cult of hu man lecti icil v as a universal cure, vtlto shot hi;, wile, .Mai urn D. Met on m1, to ilcalh in Iii'i' Inline at Ocean tieoie, N. .1., is insane,. LITTLE GIRL Bessie May Smith Wanders Away From Her Heme and Is Lost ' t Special to ' Durham,' .V t .. than one 'hundred of western Oraiine , 'he Timeii. Dec. L'H and lii'ty have ncen .'.lure pepj'ie P-'lll'c'll- iltg-'i&ince'' eliiven . (i'l loi.k of eilue. tiay. nioriiitig t'dr liltlif i.cs.-.ie May Smith, a ihree-yerir-i'ld la'i"hlOL- of Mr, and .Mrs. Robert Smith;, .at whic'i lime Lie child ran aiv.iy Jroin home and inHloiinK'dly peris. r.nl lie lore now. Mr- J- K- Andrews, who was here vesterdav. brought the news ol tne trawdv. He was here lo"t!.enn the funeral nl his cousin. Mr. b. I., I.init sev. and had just linislied an si 1 1 atternoon and night, trump inr th'.- ciiild. The entire coiiimnr'.'.y ior miles, arounii, tins gotieVto tho i'i.1 of the stricken pareius. inr. tin y have given up I ho la -t hope. .11 ;s iiiipo&rible that the baby, should he able to live throiisli 's'dcii ii iou iit change ol weather. T.ie Utile girl ran oil trom la" mother Wednesday inoriiung. m an effort. 'to lollow two child tiri)lher, who were carrying siuiiellniu to their father, wiio was at' work iii.a from Hie house. ror more laaii half a mile, il was easy io keep up with the t in v tracks. Ai n nrainn nearlv t mree-nmn'ters of a mile ! row the liouse, the lootsteps vanished. There was loiind no .evidence tnat the child went into the braiic;i. White Cross creek rims near -t.U: place and the supiiosiliiin is. tiiiit tl'e caild wandered there. Icll over the banks and was drowned. The parents do not believe that, t.ie child went bv the kidnap thoui;:i it is possible. The abrupt loss ot the steps gives tho ono .hope (hat lile may not havo been lost, though, whatever fate tho ba-bv has stiftere'l, the grief of the parents could b.i but little mitigated. Tne searching party that lot t shortly alter (he child had abando-i. ed its plav at home, went: all night Wednesday with lorcnes and scoured t.ie woods. Nowhere in the tlnci:eis was there a trace ot any kind that showed the child lo have been mov ing on.,,. The fact that it. walked and kept wjn led the hope that it nilg.it be still living, but that hope has been given out. At ten o'clock lust nigat, nolinng had been iound. The dreek 1 ad been dredged and the hunt was kept up. It is far out in the country, (Continued on Page Two.) WANDERS OFF N. C.,' FRIDAY, DECEMBER SMI IS If! 1 Oil L M. Samlitn Paid the Death Penary Today For the fflorcler of is Wife This. ): irivi il t at . t.l 1-n.i-tc. -I..."M.. Saiiillin paid tli-: d iiili -p.-iialty in. t he' f.lri-i He i hair, f.'!' tniiiilly Pinr-il'-rij. -, his w ill- lact !.!.'. i .-,:! one ot' -jnosi ".puT'iv-ic. ;u'cin-s cvih' cnai lcd in iho. prison. f!i- v.'.ij ilii . .'oii'i Iii-.c inan to t:- !iti!"'l tr ti," cbnir. the lirst. biriiiK .1. U. .- 1 ; . ol' Ai-li'v:ll . VUH wifi. it alt liyiv law had '-.beeli bro-U-ep ami :.."!, i"nally. Kveryililng ;..uk been'"-, done i o:. prevent i is. (if the in ni' 1. ''l;i'iiiR'. ex,i-'fi!';! la Hz as I li Is' )il,iiii I hi;'-, -H.,-v . : .-; r-.- l heiViP.;' 1 he A'.n ;', - : il;. I I" oi i he i oiKti inned it-- :! nut-- a ; il rilid Ihe -. ( plac a..'i (li'.liiii, LI lav. . At l' :L'.'; ,1,- v IS.'!-!- . : r i unit or '.v.'iv. v. i ' . i lli'i ii i j! ii"ii Vva". ui.'k! : . a.li 1 1 .: i vc rv I !, 1 1 1 c t 1 a fn i ! i. 'Pf,:. I. ' Wi.l i. '. Ol'.'l . Ii i '. . . n.a.n- il 1 il . ' a! !::.:. '.' ( oniSeinncil Man I. mi '. -As. soon as' last : the o iff si i ! (lii'ii's were i'o.J i-bbi lit; . f '.'I'll 'It-: JJiWt r iii ..lie ! Will,- .1" I Mill Dill lit !!'i:i;V: SimifHii, support-;! l.y . two Kiianis. enteriiil ihe diih'iisbSimJspr.. Ilis s'.i'i) was uneven, . ruin nejsiio'.Vi-ti extreme, nervousness. -1i' Viilki d i o ; il'o chair iiiid took bhi cryi:!?; r.iouil "(in! Lord. Lord a ne ini-icv, i :-:- .t; I pines, and "This ; -i-nii'i. rh'ri I ,.... , r tliouglit v.'ould lvrii;., ;i mi ;i world to np. Lord lie. ii !n:. Ii was ipiickly strapped to chriir 1 i'le.Kuai'ds and the coiiiu oms niai ti the: v, iivs, lie v.'iiR !i.nttonn- il p-.tnr-tti' appeal as tne.-c.ai- '.vasiu'r en on In:, bead and strap- :,voiiv! hi'ij. ii'itheirc a'ppeal'as the c.i '.vas in.-. eo t. ................ perire si4it,stockiiiK ' :fe.y-i'-'l -fiji'!' whit'1 sliii'f.' stocky biiiii, lii- weighed iiboiit IT.1 ponnil;:. ' ifli short., saiiily-colored ni'is'ai ( inreiils 1 nvued On, At a given sii'iial from Pr T. M. .lor.!: :, the first current w:!'- f:r:iiei! on by Warden Sale at 10;: ... 7'h wits- that 1 isfinir . and f-.nvi'-i'.trtK. ':- I lie powerful I'lirivHi was sin)- in (He I body, the - n'nisc'les coiilrnci:' :, il.' j (Continued on l'aire Two.i UNDERWOOD AT WORK I -TARIFF REPORT Washington, D. C., Doc, 2! - K;p reiientaiive 1'inlei'Nvood, chaii'inan -o; the ways and nieiuiii coiiiiiiiltee. y.eiii into 'retirement today to d.". Pie him self -exclusively to the .study of iii" house legiflut iye j.rograni,. The jrnii and. steel si'Iieilnle, now praciiiii II,' ready, w ill be taken Up by I he Yiiin mittee as i-iidii as ii ineels.-' ':' I' ll il. 'i; wood ciiil I eiiiplii t.es . ui a ls iii;r :i careful .siiidv . of tiie tariff bo(i:-S'l.';'!. report '.on wool during the next, live days and Inis denied himself-' to call ers. Meant ime he ... will not disru.-s the tariff. ; . '.""' New I'l-i'SideM ol l-.ciiatlor. (iuavaiiuil. Lriiiidor. Dee. jil--I roops stationed here las: night po claimed (iciuTal 1'edro Montero pre.i-idi-nt of the republic. OF TABRIZ COMPLETE Taii'i i.. 1-. r.-ia. Dec. '.i UuMsian occuiialiou of l. lis ciy is com;. 'etc. H.-acticalh all tnvniliers ot the con stitutional partv have -. disappeared. The ba n?is and. Lurojiean men ban! resume iu:siness . touioi'row ' lifter parsing Hill!' das in a state of siege. The'.'e have been no" casualties among the resident foreign population',, al though many si'fi'ei'i-d from lack of provisions while, boxed tip in their homes duiing '-the prolonged siroer. iiglitnig. Ihe slat's and stripes -thing over the I niied htatcs eonnnlale was cut down bv a Russian shell dur ing the figii; inn. No luiilier damage was done. No precise figures of the casualties sustained by the Russian? and Persians tire available. It is es timated the Riisiinii Ions is f:'oni L00 to 200 inch. The mortality among to native non-coiiibataiiU has aul been, large. 29, 1911. LEnHwu-jamH FLalcigh of t hi VfA : "ft-J r - fit -J ii I. I I I'll 1. I i i I i : ' '-' i- l III IV 1 1 '. 1 H'i 'i I ! I Ll' I I I II ( '.'lit' t i'ty- i rU't-;, 1 iii i n.'M e, ' lio i I ..II I i I - ' m .ins a rov.i! I. li.'i "1 1. l".. . r . I t !t l'i (iai:!frc :i-5'i !n-ttS-t''iS tut ( :i ' V'ii'.l'.:'i;I 'si-s'l -'iliefti ln .tii v int.. . Ill in: e- , ' fl t- D 3 1 f . , !' F . s c .-j... ,'-v ;v;1V!nK j; ft I f . k'U I, : I U ' J '"' 1 f 1 1 . sj-ji r ' ii j s f " Is '. T i. ,.j . ,;' HW"..' ii UUCf.i liiiii li'jZ 41 UbilnlL 4C- i ti-'CU :i-r.i-ii!,-'--'';!,t Mi'i:;ii! .iy e'rii .,'m'vp. an!' Wni! 'ii i I'lii-'iaii.c'ii ui' (irei rtoi'i ti'ii ) io i ii ,e,';- -';V)V in. wnri'iil "i;lt rr uvre-; i of -a-- iii'iri, t'iii'-nei.' nl i l 'v.,:i il ! ohiaiiia id", . I Hie ni ; Iuhmsi s 'ii ei' rr: ed .in eili !: .:!.( i'.e h';'ivei .- v.-bea ,a yiniii;: ii.ci'.v i iij 'io il ii.i ih t one Co.nimis's - io i) .'';!. liriln;. , had -her piis coiitaiiiing. ? I ' i.natciiod ioii"i In r hand by ;i p. c.rii. Kile was wali.ing ilTuitg lile '. i i.'V't ,t .) lien' '. Inline; when suddenly, ner- -i.ii.-.ii; ',-. was wi'-'i!",!i.! Irom. Iier luiint. : She. tii i-.iied Itlul J.i w a . iiJilti ' w liniii'.; she i'l'roiOiiied us a iu;gl'i;. Uls.r!Hii;ai', - ' 'A (lei !i-er- "in-.iai: it occurred, on Ouilloi'd , in eline, w in , a negro seized a yoiiag 'lady -Avhil.e on ..her 'ttny hi.iiii..'.' ' .She'-'wreaeied and l!ie inan, iike.. i a nci.ro, be, came triMiit. tied," re leased.. Us gnp and . tnaiie a. uiiivii get-away. It ii ;-a iii t.iai as'-a: result' ol" tliese -".' crimes.' several . lad ics of . the : o'v, u v. lio are leiei'd in n..; oin ii'ler d.u-V. have :i'li:il.-d ti e hvMr. of carr;. ill, a re.vti.lver lo'r'-M'if-prnfei'i'iiiu.. " .An inv. limitary . petition' was tip ,1 ill -I'nile.l; . Siriei, Uisl'i'ici-: cmiri -v'.W rerda.y. al ieninon :. by; , ai nirni'vs ', t..r Keiii'hai'i, .Vie .vers ''.& ' t 'liiiipany ,' .I'ht'; iiM'iiiia , ...ti'lie ' (,'uiuiiaiiy." a ml .it:e: ' 1-1. "Miles. S..if? t'e'iii'aiiy, ;.r.i i'lg. l court' io lid !a !?,e li, -Ay .Card'.'. 1 11, if. It. Wall . and, I i. nr, I'lniler,. H'.i-I iiif; iiliiler .' life tii'iii ii;inie of VV;- I .i ( ardwcll. ot Ji:e!;.-;en. Uocl. i!ij..!:;;;ii, ! coiiiiiy. l..ii.l.n!;:i . .'I.'.ie answ er in j the i-srf ium tuade ..rcttirna'.ile .t.u - , nary, r. h, b.-fei e Judae lioyd, aini ii-.: the lii.'anliiue, I'. l'.. Kctui), nf M ; : --1 iini, is ni ad.; 'icrttpor'ary receiver, . restraining evder v.as : ah'-o ', -griiUreii to l-revi ;:t UiH'(ff el Ko. sil hiiiil. I'ounl'y "iron i ; selling -tiie 'ii'(i,l;i--1 ty o ii lie iirin inidi'-r -.the -li ii n i ill i f salisfy a USIHi It :niiied iu; I nc I'tato conns. . .Mayor T; J,: Si ii'Vihy, t'umm or IU. A . I'rown and Kcv. ,1 h-. pastor of t e t'!,n;'. ii of '-.the Covei I'.r.t, were i be dinner guests of Con iill-siolier .1. (i.- Iji.Ml. il'-e W.idlli night - at. '.Mr. . Koushc-t-'s- neiue i MendculiaH stn.'-'i .yvhea an bld-'isli-: lotted Clii'ioi.i'.iii siivtad was '-'enjoy-1 ed.. The al'i'air was preai ly ciijoyi 'by the, mviied auesitii, 1 LAST EDITION any Other T Yoar?g Farmer Diy arges Gun Accfelaliy Into". (mi liccnaie I .i!laiicil in I inter iirilsli jinn In-ill Wlmle Load Into I mt. Neci'isiliiiiim an Opi'riiiioil ( .lUneil I iivl.i.'.lice ( ompaliv R'" ports (mini ( oihIuiiiii. . i:SiV-i'ial to 'rhe 'I'ihies:) . .". I iiirhaiii,. I.i..'1' v'.i- -Iluek Clarke. y:Uii!f fariiii-r of Pienii was brought lii-n- y.-.si.ci'ila.v evening with the dis iiisri'i' nl ii .-dHiig'.iii in his loot., the ivs-i.it of an ar;:irc!it ;it Knugeinoni. .'ii-.. ( niiLe "as .on a visit to Ins iiKrlii-r, : Mrs. W. It. Franklin, of h'mi'.eniont and vesu'ruav afternoon Well! thai out. . to shoot, birds. Tile en n : he' carried, in sorn..- way beeatite en! :n-li'd in the underbrush and I. Hie ' whole load of bird shot in- fired, to 11 1 ill, t! f oot , Tli is occurred a bo ut 1 : :? it ut'icriiiKiii. Dr., St,rivd was ilTed. i n and : lie advised: that the :ii lent ii-:. !:. u fjlil to Dui'liriui. There ; ', i. v .iv to ; !.r lijm here with i:l ...v.-l.iir.;: iiir. ill'; .train and lie was :' 11 Orli.lk alii! 'r-!-l- irii 1. ihe piiiter.-r r.-aciied thi1 1. 11. ii.iw Inn: wan noi i ",. h i be tt'a::i. - Th tool; i 'r. . l.il ,' a ! i u . Wat !.. ilr.spital and .leiiet. Il was fiiiilid lie hiid l.eeii no ' baoly lii.irt that iit;i; tiin. nt' a part of the foot ilihi: be in-cessary. . The shock had l:-o,u '. ere bin' ilie young .man's iv.m' itiif Tine. Hu Went -'under"--the. e; i-H-iidoti :- alio ii I '1 ii ii'clock iniit was inn in line' shape by 1 1 : :; il.. i ire .liiin.h ed in' the cblnred , l.nsi l h ' i;. !! of He.' cit met last night in 1 ii'. i) i!ice.-i of the.' Xoi'lli Carol inn -eiii iim .nil l-rovi.iein Associal ion tor I: " ';:r i -I'M' i.'i.'iiiisi' .of getting closer 1 " P- : ,-'. : ! be beginning of a iieW inid -n. '.."j'l' ye'.r in: business.: '".' ii'iei' t'. Spaiililhig .- in the i I 1 - f- id 1 oil n W'.-.-etV eiil' b'.'.iiks .-.tit-'-'l.w'o o'clock and i:oii'ni "i i -I the North Carolina Mu t ua iii'j.d i -ro v i i ie nr . A ssoci a t io u b ii d Vii'i : f'n.'i' ;Hi'. hiisiaesb- t his .year, 'fi t1ffV:vr,'!iin'e: $! r,i O.'i -tyn de 7 .);: i in I Mjl'tnun iiiiiiks. 'l'liiS' is cjear ii!i. ;aa;l lio; bonds," : All of the bi.'.:'ii":.s and. professional men.. Wen: l.ii'i'Sein and i'ei'r.'seiited their luisl neps in a brief nianiier. The notable iiict. ..ii i hat in list stand: out, i thai on fjnsing the books, (here was lint a s:'ii.-'le unpaid claini.aiid $!n)tt ieloiiiiig, to .minors-, has been sent l.i lie- different clerks of the court io le held hi trust by lliein. BX OF TiiE CIRCLES Reports Made At the General Mceiing Last Night Women of (lie Circles, ot Kdenton street ' Church Kuiscd by Tlieii Work Diiiiiiu 1 our Veins S5.N18.. .-,(: ;;::iscd This Veur irM.ilo Se. i.il Me.-liiiu Cnjoved. I't'oin' Sii'ndiiy to, Sunday at Kden ton fUtvet clmvcii (lie , I'ongn.'gat iotl 'hears lite iiiiiiotnicemeins read out of the nieeling of Cii'i l'1 . No. ,1. Circle ,o. i, or v ha'e'. e" circle' It. may lie, of I en fillies w'ii hour ;:ii iug a .1 bought to Avha r,. i hese iijeeihi.gs tiiean. Last iiig'ut. in tiie h.iM-.ii.'i,! nf 'be now Sj.iiday sclioel . building., it, general iaei' iiig of the . :r. I. s v. lield. to 'viiicli all t'n-' inetiiliei'.-. nf -.the, con i::i'eg;itii;n . :.wvre; in ; hed."' At ' this uiei- ing . a, repi.ri- uj tUe-yetir's tt'or,!i w.i;s. made', also of .ilie work of the i'.-i'V 'ears; "rlii-tug iv-hlcii'---these' cir- i''n-.'t.aVi-!ff if divan ii, .The .srnnd (al r;i i liiiriag the four years w onieii uf t e circle is $."7mJTs b- ii. Th;-. rims not. I'llS. fn! . raised inii.ons. ami. solicitat oti;i, tJnii . h lias vii'ei) made . by iiiniT'i'g . toil of tiie wo . undertaking has been too mi big. and they have lab '::? nigh , esiiei ially during if ,iie state fair,, holding an n il iitaiid. ' '.','. ill! !l:: Hid :el id il iti'.i; 'TH. il h ii'i iug, was . presided over t . bV ,t lie cliairiiian of all t iie It':-: I. AI. Proctor,-: wluwe en . 1: p lii-.d lifi"pirii(ion dtii'- I'o'.ir -.years has been . the ower of the 'work io a change -made by tiie 1.1 "I 1)5: 'circles. 1 1 i i Hi-iii s in;; ilie I inntive ! ; Oivin council oi the Home Mission Board. Ilie. in w ear begins this vear with .laniiiir-' iiiiiead ol March, as hereto fore, so t hai t be ''amount- raised this year. 1 .1 ,.0.l'... - represents not. a full . oaf bill only ten months' work. (ConUnutd on l-age Two.) PRICE FIVE CENTS. Newspaper SUN YAT SEN T Is the Presidency of the New Chinese Republic and Issues ' Statement of Policy ACTIVITY AT SHANGHAI Representatives From tho Eighteen Provinces of China Iroper, Meet Dr. sun at hen President of the ( binese Itcpublic Ho Accepts and Jn tslnteinent Says His Policy Will l!e to Secure Peace and a Stable Ooveriiiiieiit For His Country as Quickly as Possible Believed That Dr. Nen Will Immediately Demand Withdrawal of Imperial I loops I rom Shanghai. filianghai. tHiiiia, 'Doc: 2fl Follow ing receipt of word from Nanking that he was elected president of the republic, of China, Dr. Sun Yat Sen bundles the following statement to -the A. sulci, -lie. I Press, requesting It to be sun to Ins friends in the United States: I consider it my duty to ac cept the presidency. My policy will be ro secure peace and stable gov ernment, with the promptest methods possible. My single aim Is to In sure peace and contentment for my I el low-country men'' The news of Dr. Sun's election to the presidency by the delegates of the eighteen provinces of China proper at a conference at Nanking spuead rapidly among the population. Hie city shows evidence of great ac tivity. It is believed President Sen will immediately demand the with drawal ot the so-called imperial troops in order to avoid possible con flict with the republican' govern ment troops. As soon as this is effected, the armistice now existing will be extended and the Manchu troops will be ordered to lay down their arms or enter the republic's service. . TUB RICHF.SOX CASE Lawyers Say He Will Not Be In a ( miditioii to Stand Trial Junnary loili. Boston. Dec. 21) Iho general physical and mental condition of Rev. ( lurence V. T. Rlcheson, is so unfavorable. Ins trial January 15, as scheduled will be an absolute Impos sibility according to bis attorneys. Lawyer Morse states while Rlche son s wounds may be in a favorable condition, his mental and physical condition is such that to try him at so earlv a date, might cause a col lapse winch would delay1 the trial Jn delnntely. KllOKS COIXfi HKrHRR Increase ol I rom Five to Seven Per' Cent. Next Spring. 1. vim. Mass.. Dec. 29 An increase in the wholesale price of shoes which, will be inaugurated in March by ISrocl.ton Maiiutaeturers will be put into elfeet about the same time by most New Lngland manufacturers. Lvnti makers say the advance in price probably will be from live to seven percent.- 8Y HOUSE G0Mfn Washington. D. C. Dec. 29 A jninl investigation- bv the liouse of repnis.'iitalives will be made Into the alleged shipping combine, so-called money- trust and the International 1 1 investor Company, Known as tho Harvester Trust. This is In line with tne recommendation of the. rules committee winch has under con- Idcriuion resolutions providing for separate inquiries. Chairman Henry expressed the opinion that the cow-i iuit.ee would recommend the ap pointment of a special committee' of seven members to conduct Bn inquiry into these three gigantic industries. He tin t her indicated th committee would be given the fullest author ity to summon financiers intercsUdi in these eonililitiiiions. Nearly every time you meet a man you hear of some other man bo dislikes.

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