., s - . . . , .. Mniit ii1hii)..i ! 1 5 He Associated Press Service Vol. LXXI. No. 8. Doi1?1q the Senatorial Candidates Begin Skirmish for Main Battle to Be Fought During Summer. ALL FAVOR PRIMARY tioveriior kitcliin Addresses Letter to Each of Three Oilier Aspirant Asking for Kiiiloi'someiit of Pri mary Plnn -Simmons Approve and is Heady Kltchin Would .Make expenses Fur Helow .unit Allowed hv federal l.nvv. Coveriior Is. i till 111 bus addressed a letter to the three other candidates lor the Lulled States senate, in which he asks them to join with him in a request to the state democratic executive committee to meet, early for the purpose of ordering a pri mary among the ' democratic1 voters of the state. Senator Simmons has written his approval and says that, lie will join Willi the governor m the request for a primary, lint ex Governor Aveoek and duel Justice Walter Clark have not indicated a desire to make such a request on the committee, they pretermit to leave the mutter to the convention. Speaking ot campaign expenses, and the letter addressed to .himself bv Senator Simmons in reply to the communication on the primary, i.ov crnor Kilrhin said that all the can didates were on record as favoring a primary, and that ho for one would be glad to join the other candidates in an effort to make the expenses of the campaign far less than fixed by the federal statute. This requires that each candidate, whether elected or not, shall make under o:vn nit itemized statement of bis expenses, and prescribes heavy penalties for failure so to report. All expen xs, except postage, telegrams, st;;- ou ary, clerk hire and printing must he reported under oath, and in th? item ot printing is not excepted me money paid for newspaper space. The (Governor's l-iifcr. (iovernor Kltchin s letter to Sen ator Simmons. Chief Justice Wallet- Clark and cx-Oovernor Aycock. was wrlt.teu January 2. and Is as follows "Kneh of the lour candidates cis teclared his desire for a prima y among the Democratic voters u se lect the next United suites senator. Notwithstanding these declarations I have found that many people lear that In some way there will be no primary. I therefore request tuat vou Join the other .candidate in urging the state executive . commit tee to meet early, order a prlaiury xumong the Democratic voters and appoint a committee to prepare rules .nnil regulations therefor. T pou our request thcromniltlcowilldoubl lesn act promptly i'lid fnvornblv, its power to do no having been recog nized in the (Tnrk-Doilwln contro versy. W illie the primary should nrobnblv not be held till tile fall. It Is hignlv importunt thai the certain ty of liolding a primary he estab lished Levond question as sooti as possible. ' There are lour reasons which aliongh- api enl to me and I hope they do to you in iavor o! tins course: "1. A primary Is essentially the right method of determining the choice of the democratic voters lor the next senator. '2. It will give such Voters in re publican counties equal power with (Continued on Page Two.) mm a mi New York, Jan. 11 Wreckers 6o gan preliminary work, clearing away the debris and Ico which ener.BOd the safe deposit vaults In tlio burn ed Equitable Life Assurance bmM- lug. The various vaults are believed Intact and tholr contents of a half a billion 'dollars In securities safe. The wreckers' work is hampered by the fact that the building Is m sue.li a precarious condition that the walls might (all anytime. 'Ihc Equitable vaults withstood the flames but they will not be opened until cooled off. The societies ofllcers say tbore Is no doubt that the three hundred million dollnrs in' securities are on harmed,...".. v .:... LOW EXPENSES IN CAMPAIGN The Weather-RAIN. Number, fof Durham Begins Active War For Better Freight Rates Bickett to Help i special to The I lines. I Durham. Jan. II Attorney lien eral liic.kett. and the North ( arolinn. corporation commission have decided to mil the Durham Commercial Club and the .Merchants Association m tlio light for cheaper ireight rates to Durham. The seaboard and the Nortolk and Western railroad companies are to appear before the interstate com merce commission on February .id to show cause why the treight rates on eoal should Tot be reduced. Sev eral months ago, a secret service man in the employment ot the In terstate comniercie commission dis covered that the Norlolk and West ern and tlio Seaboard were paying the Durham and South Carolina tin d the Durham and southern' bu cents per ton for hauling the coal shipped to Durham less than one mile, whereas the total charge tor hauling the coal several hundred miles and delivering it. on the sidetracks in Durham' whs only $i.2fl. Ihc in terstate commerce commission is ol the opinion that if the Seaboard and the Nortolk and Western were able to puv til) cents out. of the $2.20 tor the short, haul that those .two. com panies, might reduce the 2 "t" con siderably. Loth companies were therefore summoned to appear be fore the commission at asliiimioii February. Sd and show cause wh the rate should not be reduced. Doth companies will put up a strenuous fight when the cause Conies up for a bearing. The of ficials realize that 'f the case, is Re dded against them and the rales de duced to Durham that they will have to reduce the rates to other North C arolina cities also. '1 hey realize that a Pandora s box is about to be opened, and thev will exert their ut most efforts to keep the lid down. The business men of Durham will, prosecute the case vigorously, and ii is very probable that, the com mercial organizations ot other cities will aid in the fight. Attorney Gen eral Hickett went to Washington some time ago. and ottered to the interstate commerce commission his aid in securing evidence and also the aid of the North Carolina corpora tion commission. A committee, ot Durham business men has been ap pointed to confer with Attorney Ccti eral Hickett and the stale" corpora tion commission to the case. Two ol the prominent citizens i t Durham have siiflercd broken limbs from falls on the ice covered pave ments of the city. Mr. T. J. Lambe. head of the Lambe clothing sloiv. loll Tuesday morning on the slue walk near his home, nud his collar lone was fractured. Mr. C. I.. 1 1 :i -wood fell on the pavem-nt on Chapel Hill street, yesterday Hrer lioon, and the bones of his wi 1st wcii badly fractured. FHJHT I'Olt ItU'HKSOX'S I. U K Will He Finance! My Moses (.runt Kdinnnrts, Father of Mnii'N Fiuncei". Boston, Jan. 11. it is expset-d t hut within two weeks, an appeal will be sent to Governor Foss, aud the legislative, council in an eft on to save the life of Kev. Clarence T. Kicheuon, condemned to dea.b ior murdering Avis Llnnell. The ilk,..t for commutation of sentence will be financed bv Moses Grant Edmands, father or Violet Edmunds, former tlaneee of Itlehcson. He retains faitn in th minister, believing him men tally unbalanced, when he gave the girl poison, causing her dentil. lJlllXS NOT GUI-TV. Judge Andersen Declared Detective In Not Guilty of Kidnapping. Indianapolis. Inil.. Jan. I 1- De tective V. J. Bums whs not guilty of the crime of kidnapping when he captured John J. iMc.Nauiara here and took him, to California last April. Federal Judge Anderson to day Indicated such would he his rul ing. The Judge said the case against Burns was without merit. (seven Lives Lost in Fire. New York, Jan. 11. Seven lives are believed lost in a Ore, gutting a three-story framo building on Bronxdale avenue. There is little likelihood ot Identifying the bodies ns they prnhnbly are burned to cin ders, . WAGE FIGHTFOR BETTER RATES RALEIGH, N. .Paid Subscribers in ' " 1 mm mwga" nmukii ftr " t Ml iS )vtc l ain 'I ( fci-mcr .Ma'.-.-. l'e-se : r llav. I.. I.. .Tan. 1 I Mrs. ai cw Ji-jo-eiclt. v. ne "t the president ol -ihe 1 luted hu teen "iiiu!-iv ill i't, the j( home, on laginio: e Hill. it h;;s it Ii; i n len'ni .l, thiealcned hum i n iUiifi k t em ..iMociii, tine to u colli contracted while out li"isc tinck ridnig villi her hil'!-anl. Mis. Ii:es! vell is still nn-Ii'v i!ie cniistanl attention t iibvsic;iiis :.ici eiil lie ciuifii'fd .li: her lied li.r wune nine to come. ATHLETICS HT . F. C. Coach Crozier Has Basket Bail Squad At Work Y. HoiMl. Jr., Siicririts S. Y. I in ner as Manager ol ie:mi S(iin(! I la ii I at Work (hiimI Ma terial on the l iner Ihe ScImmI- nle.' l .Special io The Times i like r orest. .Tan. II I pon the resignation of 8. "! Tainer as man ager of the 'basket hull team, W'. . C. Duwd. Jr.. oi C hni'loue vai; unani mously elected as Ins successor VmcIi i-iizn r !.s rapiulv developiim his men info inacliiin'-lilte work imd il is safely. 'predlct.ed thai Wake For est, wilt v. in die majority ol games on tin; s !ici lie. The line-up will pjolial'i.v ie e.viellv Ine smile as thrl ot Inst je;ir, though mere is a strong possibility. I liat iiome of the old men will be uiial'le to 'Withstand Ihe pure set i llus years I reshuien and last ir.ir siil'tan uies, all ot whom are vainly trying for a regular hirlh. Caj. for .three years a member of Ihe basket ball leuui,. besides 'play -in;; on ilia Iciolbjll and track team is in school and though he practices every alicrnoon he will be unable to play lor a regular position during tlie inoiitn ot January. Alter the first, ol February his heavy work will be over and he will then try lor a regular position. Gav is easily one of the best centers the college ever produced. Six feet tall. 2u0 pounds ii weight, fast, and aggressive he has lew equals on the track as a high Jumper, hurdler aud weight man of no mean ubility. Though prophecies do not. win games. Wake Forest ex pects to win all the games scheduled for the home lloor. Hut two teams have, In the history of the game been able to defeat the college nt thl.i place. Though the schedule is at present a light one Manager Dowti is endeavoring, to arrange more games for the homo lloor. For the first ttuie In the. history of the sporl W'nko Forest Is playing under inter collegiate, rules. It Is a significant fact tliut every meinour of the bas ket ball team and of still further slg tiltlcance Is the fact that every mem ber of (lie (cam with Ihe exception ot Dowd who Is manager of tlio five has been captain of a varsity team. Tho niost likely candidates for tho team are Holding, H. F., center; Dowd and Ltley, guards, Beam, 11. M., ruptulu, and Holding, W It., forwunls. These men were the five men who won their letter last year. Other men are Beam. G. M., and Turner last year s substitutes and Cuthrell, a freshman, as guards. Mc Cittchon. a last year 8 substitute, and Holding, W. W., a freshman, for wards? Another man who may bo used before the season Is over is Billings, a freshman, who never saw n banket ball gamo until his arrival (QOBtlnufitJ on Page Seven..) , I ISFODDtti; It JOSi-JVKIiT. C., THURSDAY, JANUARY n miff TTiiEsita ;iif ii Illf t'l fim!'.)if.uti 0! Ghtn! BLL IN 03GrtcS' all ii'ij' (. 'leliriting the ilund'edt'ii Aiifiiveiviirv.-'ot I chic tcnvc 'ii I'.nnli.'li .speaking NiKi'iiis. In i ii .i:i.ii ( the s--.L'i;-i m -..i: licatv ol l.iitnt fu Dili In loii';ie-s Would Appi'itpriiite sevi ii and a. Half .Milium IV-Ilars loi- tlie l'mVosf A t liiimussmn, to servo Without I nv. Will he Appointed. Il (he r.iil i a-.,rs. t ': Otit Its 1 ri. vis. nils 1,1 Nut ion-. Would lie limlcil m I'.-ir-ticip.iie. Washington. .Ian. M- .' j.'an !i eelelirn'iiitr i be . hum! real :n:.-.iM-r ary ireuly of (i befit, viiiiii endc the -war -ol I SI 2, -is p r. 1 1 1 1 ; i . ' the iientae comiuitiee air.jftovU eii a u re- I'l'TO- i llio'i ainis- ai;r.i: ,1'i'o- I l.itions ui the shape -.i nt, pnatiui: s-.-.vn and a. hj,: a dollars lot" the purpose. A -:oi siitu to se.rve wUlion'. eon.pem in rrranvinij for '..the evoet n;:, posed. "Ihe nations ol would be iiivued to '-(ji .ir. rvii'eiuiial of pe.ae amont; km. speaking -peoples. irld ihe lish A RAISE IS GIVEN 10 010 ras Bat Motornienad acdact-rs V;ho Quit Are Not Benefited The Carolina I'liw'ei pauy."-. through ' : Cnrr. aiinouieeil l.nst old niolornieu sunl i.o be granted ti raise in cents to "J 8 cents an lit? vv men would, rec-i hour. Any it tin- M jv. 'Lic.ii- .: ,-al !!.:; night (hat "t. iluctor:; o;i .rages from : nour tn it tliv e la cell's . iner (ai'.il'r - of tlie company ul aay wish io r- turn . to their posiciuis will lie lowi.'d to ilu sn. le i Ihev mn.-;t r- - enter Hi- sen ice a -, ueiv ln-n ; i reins an hour. .Many of the . fortrer . eond u.-'er and motoriiicn were .discussing l;-st night their plans. .-101110 ol iiinn will return to then- i"jines hi h- "r sections nt 1 lit- si a'" and others ''I remain. In Italeij-li n the hope" -it; li!uliii.' oilic'f-l'I'Kitheiy' .Still o'le.-v.:, lio'-ever, will go l-iiiclf to Win'l. v illi the sfreet 1 ar 1 utn t-.-iiiV . Discussiu;: the con e ution o: Hie company that lln v coupled the:.- .e uttot) for an increase v ith a thicv the men declare there was 110 :,':i :i intention. J he pan that the 'iu panv rvidentlv took exceptions to read?. '-Thanking .you for an ans.-er not later tnnn Monday morning, the 8th of Januarv. liill" Th'.- I;n: that they framed nnu'her petition in accordani:e with t!ie exnrossnd desire of the manager shows, they say, tna! there was no intent ion of giving intense.- Some of those seen tod v said that t heir net ton Tcsttl'e.l in good for future otnployeea ev.in if it did cause the undoing of the mcioi hicn and conductors who asked for . ti Increase of three cents an hour. rnuccleii John Orler logic, WHS. N. I.. Jan. I I Dr. Ililiiicii. profet-sor of elected president of Prim-cioti I tilvcrsltv today hv tlie bond of trustees ot the Institution Ho succeeds ondi-ow. Wilson, who resigned the presidency In the fail of 1909 to make the rttn for tjover no:' of New Jersey. Hcriiion in ( hicago. Chicago. Jan. 11. Oovornor Hjc 111011, of Ohio, was tho guest of the Iroquois (Tub at luncheon, attended by four hundred Democrats. Tho governor departs toulght for St. Louis where ho speaks tomorrow nt a Democratic mass meeting.. 1 " 11, 1012. Raleigh of Mi 'A'S'.? 1 T. A ..Mff fiVt-V.i-li-'.. mmm y ;i.i.f i m i. id Fa., .ian. e'. :r ol Ne. ir-.n sii-eel. t ie till- .r f,;iit -.:e' In IV) it:-. vil. in ' ml w iiii.c:; i iii'i! .: 17 !i"if!i IC.'IIHI.'UI iivi. ha iliess m I'lltsiMI- h it: e In tin i t ' I 1 i;r-!i. I. r 'nni t reiiei I vr!tl' ;.; nlib ijitie -V' lle. The :. Ilf 111" .eiv :ni. on ! I U Iblili'fii- vS ii t. M ni fast Tiilaie P?i,i oKmory cf ntnl rni.'c. Hi M I rem ' ,.r:l I lillt'i-h. Oiiil l-elloe. l:ciiniii in l.od Mam ' lii.-iillilul Tloial Ollerings ii-st Love Inl.-iuicnl in Oak m.ihI ( i met er v servi iiu s ii-- 1,1 it. i rist V.- tin!: y ul I- ..i! ih. he V;; r, (iil-.i i:- ui. !. e re. .per. M. Kc lleml" it I I- , 1 .111 fun I Fell. lllK-t Vhie held. Jkh( T7i T.f a .. . j- i. ii v.v .. .tnr.1 , L' ji'JA I i- m Ik w 1 m H m m m M m W W9 I it i'..t ' ..!.!! did 11 "i k- "i 1 ! -i 'lay tVieiei V ."' the hi ed dt; i- in -i I'.-! I : ;vm.'-. ' t,; ;.!!: : 'is 'la-i t.-'(ir. T 1... , . :ii,-.- .-'U-i-K 'of A;-.' . '.lid ' ,i a. 1. .- . , i 111. ' :.,n! Mr'. Asiili.v liai:... iti, ir In ai.'n 'ally. l.iad, Ki::dl- l.;:hi ." "! tn- Wiiki 1 .itinty M'ii;c.il Society., a.ail the Imard eT itiri'li-irs of -t-tie stall- liu.-M!:i at ii nt'.i .l ia 11 h-iitj .: ii'itl (loverii-.r KU ihin ...i.d ntin.r.5 ui the sta'e 't W.'i-e i.t'-nitl. .The .honorary pallbearer: were lv.,ti Proper, .'Dr. '. K. Turner, Mr. AI. T . I.each.- Mr. Charles McKtni m.iii. Mr. 'Wlliiatu ltout.u. ('apt. John l;. Kerrall. Mr. Mr. U. 11. Ciirr, V aeh. Col. John V Ernest 'Jlavwood. John A. Dnnctin. r. I-rank Slron . Hinsdale. Mr. Mr. Armisle.'td Jones, '(.'apt. T. Y. Davis. Mr. W. A. Mvatt. Dr. A. W. Knox. Mr. W. I:, Huti lungs. ;dr. A. A. 1 boinptjou. -Mi. (i. ItDsejitiial. Mr. Jos. ; ttrown. .vlr ". J. Andrews. Col. t has. h. John son. Dr. W I. Ko.vst.er. Mr. W. A. I.iliel'aii. Mr .1'. ). :ii)rnu-.. r. (ji-u. M. Ilarrieu. lbe iii-f-e p;;l!-i .trerv vert- eniiloyeo, of ihe i lalc liespital Mensrs James Adams, l.oid.in t iiiit miup.s. 1 . A. .IIoMt'l.iv. .). D. iluniii cutt. T. P.. P.aih v. C T. ' iiiii. A. J. Dro' :i ami (' A. Hill. Sriitenreil t-i Jail l or spank i u j. His Wife. Ilair.nioiiii. hid.. J -iii. II - - 1 . ,.i . Iliilonls began a hundi ni-dtiv l.ul sentence hero today tor spankht: hir Iti-ve'ir-oM vile with a sirup. Dulouis tolil the trial judge "he thought. thl: was. a tree eounil-v arid be hud a right to eiant Ins .!ie it he wanted to. ( Hill to Make Cither la 11 l-eal llolnlar. v ushitiRion, Jan. 11. Represen tative Mcllenry, of IViinsylvanla, Introduced a hill to make labor day a legnl holldsy. LAST EDITION any Other Syle'i Star Witnesses Went On the Stand llii; II 1 It I -::.(;, , X. . .'ill. 1 i . TiMllil Glnd.i.-n t: - :x ':.'. ) . . 1 1 1 irnpiicate.l lj Jvlut. !: ; Ut. : ei)i:i'.isscd mi.-i-ilei-er ul Vr; a: ol Mrs: .1'ilni Dixoi :ii;i: ('.ii)rt'i.-i.i:-,vi! ui'.- iti cleciric e'fii.ir Fehriiiii-.v-l". !:stti-l all iaoru-i:;.-; i. the hiatv'i viM'iS-es draw lie-t'l.-eaii.- 01' cvic.i.iice lighi.-i.-r oi'o'ilnd fc''.nr.'- Only hiu ' of- cir.-iimsiutn ia! iM.-iilir.ee have- In -'ii brought, out i the a' ate but 'ibip iifier.ioon the star witness, John floss, i!t says lail; ijea wa' his aacomplite,' and ('Lie!' r tiisfon 'of Hliickch.trs: to vlioni (ila.d-du-ti h;ifl ii-!kp,'- tH.M '.' Jiul of C'.e sl-i-i 'c. ihe i-lit',,i 1 the drama T s 1 n t ii by i ',-!. jck . and He"! 'lie liefeiiin will 1.11.I11 take in pro-e an alibi by GUiMed'n 'w'tfe- lui'-t.'Atros Wright, a pc't-li :.(.!' . W!iO --.-vetr 11M-.1' 10 Olad . lea 's !!:::; ;-.f;e.- iipi" on business and !!). ::ii!--d iinijl n i iif. o'clocl:. '.The eo lilt room was packed 10 its utmost by iinise ea:;(;r to hcn.r .lo'in's c'o-ni'c. -cioi'i .,'itii! hnplicHlion .'of- Glad-iteii.- but 1 He :.-:t;;..o -kepi, tnem in sus--I ( j It 1 1 1 1 1 d lee .'.'! i-o i.j tile eh ctrie e,uir w.t'i llw -'h'lv oi Iters ih.ink the jury i!i ;: . : . b(-!i-".'e -J:..' coiirieliii'.ed man's ;e:ui ;i!;.:n In. vi'-t.v til' 1)m;. -unnu'ruis moi I-.-,;' i.e i as already Jobl. . a'r.d H...!.;. l y- ,i (. .(i'i!.!..il T!'e -asv'V.! I ai ; ii go . bel'ote tb- j-.iry be'.vie 1 .iM.i-.ri O'.V 'lllorilillg."' It IKJS: f A.N T M KF IIFi: I li-, Hi." a 11 litipMsoiied and Tineil .VI. -'.. Still Itet'tlM-N In lestiu. ',.;. .,... .1,-1 1, . i I- Miss (In .el Ho: :.iie ' the 1. v im taut .it'll,' tail h. "in. inal cm' ,' ill a ease rtililaii.iil.ie: week a:t Ju.lue f!i sent n ' Hi. for refusing in which be was s again witness, was i-iutrt todtty 1- loi in and lb li"d th . 'ii Make jitdue 01 er test if) 'any other She w at. 1 tn jail. '.'" asked a-ttl 11 namle ;u to testi an. .rot I will :ln.:aii s rcplv. ie ri-cird she" er ..II;." , the nn! il 'ami -e-l." Mb I,. 1 Dial e.S. sellteii , (di;i ; i loaa i.i ready i n 1 fine 01' S r.lnn i,.; t fv iinpii I Cue jiidm-.. - llnf'.ar.. prior to the 1 '.liipl.iiiie'd to 1 be pol :! been ndd ci! of Sl.Tu Ot four lillil rolluv.ei!. 1'il.selil. re thai - Tt... WTleil MiKI.MIl, c;ti?e. .11. 11. Mi tb !: d it:- .link 1 Inn-.re 111 'Jill 1 1 'ill- V il r . -red h. d I.' Win il UlilMA IVIll JlfS DtiDV. 1cg1nn1n. Ai'i iilciilalli .illtiili il Ma- a bance to Itecovcr. it'u.l!;. Va . Jan. I ! --With a wateh drivee ' into . his. lealy by n charge of .miuriinl iiu.1 . the enter walla .of .hiK .stoiiinel) tori: -vpeii - for several itnde.-s, Cliinle.; i:. -RiiijiUree. a toi iner lioliciniaii. vet lis. and surgeons rhv be lias a chatice to re cover. Kouu:ree. and bnuuiioii Millirnu were trscltlng rabbits Iti the snow today and t hated a crippled hare. As Ssulltvan grabbed 'he auitnal rrom a hunch of husbus his gun was dis charged. Hie entire load ot snot striking tiie vHteh 01 Ico'inltec. who wns only u tew leet ia..-l lm time tdcii. gtin rilii.i. ard w-iJilmg w.r i!li'iedd"d in K-jiiuttei- s lii'd v Stir-gioii-t -'V no. ted 1 l ei M If.-aij. ercet't antall io;Ttriii;i ot trn .alih erysljil. I'-vevv' miSiiihiit upiuil'i'iillv s'niek ihr wat. ii. ..'. 1 1 ;i it in; in i t.nt vp.w siinintiiii ( miff retai urn Ihiovvn Into ( oiinision by Sudden Demise. Staunton. V. Ju. 11 J. fltimml hobcrisini. C' years old. a I onfed erait veliran died of heitrl failure, while Milting in the front pew nt the Second I'retibvierlaii church. Sunday morning, just lifter he had passed around tlie wine In the cum 111 11 11 Ion service, bejug an elder In old Provi dence church, and having been In vited to assist. He had recently moved 1 10 111 bpottswood to Staunton, lit tho excitement one woman faint- - A II n Iad Vtxu n unn M-ti-i aaa It, ihe church at tho time, Associated Press Service PRICE FIVE CENTS. Newspaper m MEETING Installation of Officers This Afternoon Last Business Before the Communication MUCH BUSINESS DONE i;drc-N of Ketii-iiig (iianil Miislei .iimI llep.irt of I'lol. Noble Were l''c.-i(uiT of Cast Niivhl s Session Clcclion of OKicers Not I'lJiis'i eil t mil I his Morning W 110 Ine elective, aud Appointive Officers Are. With the installation oi orlicets ibis atteiuoon. the .on!i Carolina, lira ml 1-od.ge 'of Masons adjourned i( ft 01 one ol il.- b".sl eoiuuiuuica Linns in us historv. There were eenrlv Ttoi delegates present and. 1 here u.is no time during tile meet ing that nitei-f-.-.t was not good in I He- pi-ocftwliiiKK. The grand lodKO met Tuesday ni;Tit and continued in. sfMsion until 1. hit; aiiernoon. The session last, night, was 'iiiirk- the addi'e. uiaucr. Ii, l.oro: and ; i fro!'. .M. n oi ihe retiring . N. I lac ken. of n eTitHftaiui'ig ac-. ('. Aoble jl bis 1. V.i.. fur the vlecUoii' of ofll Ihing on 'lie pro- grand Wilke r jiint v isit g 11 ceTS to Alexiilid J lodne. 'S was the la.1- gram aint Ibis business was nor con cluded until 1 -this' moiniiti. The of licers installed today are lis t'eii. ).-. . . , Klective Olllci-rs. Win. M. McKuy, grand inastci. F. Mi Wiuitbcsi.er deputy 'fraud marshal. John T. Alderman, senior grand werden, Tranli I', liobgood. Jr., .luuior f ra nd warden. l.uo l. HeaiC. grand I reasurer. .loiiii l . Drewry. grand seepnaty. .... .1 Appointive Ol fleers. C. K. Maddrv , grand Kev. cJup- bin. H. A. Kd wards A ndri.vi :;rainl lecl ur Jr.. r.enior and 1.. I'ridgen. junior i.ii.l ileaco.i Ceo. S. llntr tleet, iti (' raily id - marshal,., grand . v. ord be.'ti:-r J c iti-a-.-M-ll. iirnnii piirsuivanl. ( lias, M . Seize r.. Rratid steuartl. U. ('. ('ant well, grand steward. K. IT,. "Bradley, grand tiler. , Ii. T. (envan. grand auditor. Mart.iiall Del-. Haywood, grand historian. . mis.ssdoi; Will llci iniie a ISACIIN ItKSKiXH I i lhui ul Ihii-v oin W hicli lie r 11 l I um-i-Mtv I nadMl. .1! hi ! 1 is ton. Jati 1 1 . -It is ropiirtrd t.-idav mat hobert Ijacon. am lor to I- l ance, is about 10 re- 11 bin 'post nud become a telhw Harvard Vntversityv Mr. lt.icou. of ho was nomintited 'nr. fellow ye'.stei -av. ;:v:nliiati.'d tronv lhtrvurd in Smi. and was a star oarsman. ISepi'I't t until llll'il. . .inn. II- Coi.eri Davon. sttdur of the I 11 ileal .Stale;; at today con finned the report of lunation. I aiuhii, I'aris. It it: i e ( 1 inset In Lock. Hamilton, lictiiiuda. .bin. VI The I nned Rimes scout criusvr Dinning ham, has arrlv- d unil is now lying In the. dock aril. Dewtrover Mct.all is Icing oft Si . t.eorge s. Will HOIPIRMII 31 De- Motrn daiuTlip (hi; ' key f rtji " or public ihinen . la 11. II-- All persons tin n:'lv hwar or "tur iiioonligia wait.' Ill luil lii here, will he ar rested. An ordinance' placing tho dance halls undo.- I hi; police, regtila ilon, passed the i itr council today. Men aud women censor, employed by the police ilepnrliiicnl. ivlll tlt lemi all dtnicis. einiiow erud to elltiil naie those regarded as immoral. ship f oundered. Bucharest, Kouiunnlit. Juu. 11 The Russia. 1 steamer . Ktiss, was foundered during the gale In black sea with her nassenxcrs and crew. i totalling 172 persons. HRAND LODGE 111 C f 9W ' 1