THE liALEIGIl DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11', 1912. ' IE TO Terrible' Suffering Eczema All Over Baby's Body. "When my baby 'Was four months Old his face broke oVut witb. eczema, and at sixteen months of age, his face, hands and arms wer, in -a dreadful state. The eczema spread all over his kwb Wo hail in nut a. or cloth WHITING MORTON over his face and tie up his hands. Builders' Exchange Selects New Bern For July Meet ing Banquet Last Night Finally we gave him Hoods Ssarsapa rilla and in a few months he was en tirely cured. Today he is a healthy boy." Mrs. Inez Lewis, 138 ring, Maine. Kood's Sarsaparilla cures blaod dis eases and builds up the system. Get it today in usual liiquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs. FXCMA J V V The North Carolina Builders' Ex change spent a lively and buay ses sion yesterday afternoon attending to purely business affairs," heaving reports, out-lining plans and pledg ing themselves together lo niaku (in coming year the best since its or ganization. The linancc committee, in making its annual report, -showed that the Kxehange is in a flourishing condition nnaiu-iully. ilwit it has i.n't every obligation, and the treasury was- not empt ied. , -.. Meet in New Itrru. There were several invitations from various cities asking that the Jnlv sessions bo held with them, but New Hern was chosen. The nomi nating committee named the old set of officers for next year and they were unanimously elected. They are .1- A Jones, of Charlotte, president; JJ. Underwood, of Durham, vice- president; 10. IV Tingley, of I'liar lolte, secretary-treasurer. Baniict l-a.vt N'iglit. Tlie meeting came to an end with an . elaborate banquet last uiht in the dining-rooms of the Yarboi-ouuli Hotel. It was well, prepared and one of the moHt enjoyable affairs ever held in Kalcigli. A spirit of fellow ship existed among the "boys" rare ly seen. Everyone vied with the other in making it one of jolliliea tion and they were continually hurl ing back and forth at each repartees that kept the run at high tide. The banquet was not one of those cut and dried aflairs, with about a half-a-dozen on the program for toasts and the others composing the audi ence, but all were free to say .Hist what they pleased, tell all the -jood jokes they desired. Mr. J. A. Jones, president ol the Exchange, acted as toastmaster, or probably better, mas ter of ceremonies and he ke'it the crowd laughing with his wit and humor. Me called on almost every one in The-room for a speech, not even allowing the press representa tives to escape without saying something. With air standing and glasseB clicking in fours, a toat was drank to the North Carolina Builders Kxchange. A roar or applause and laughter was heard when Mr. W. B. Harrow called on Mr. James R. McClamrock. of tlreenshoro, designating him as the "phonograph of the Exchange." He stood up and, waving his hand kerchief, declared that "I never de sert my colors, boys, white is for purity," which was received with an other outburst of applause, rle de clared that every meeting of the Exchange gets better and better, and this year the climax was reached, for it was undoubtedly the best ever held, lie told of the struggles the Exchange has gone through since its organization a few years ago, gather ing more strength as the years i.jmo and go, until now it has reached t'ne place where it takes a commanding position among the organizations of Hie stale, lie asked that every mem ber pledge to secure two or more members by the next meeting. Led by R. E. Piper, of iMirhar.i, a toast was drunk to N. I.. Walker, who laid the plans, for this siu-ecss-ful banquet. Mr. Walker asked that all styi.d , and drink to the health, future and prosperity ol the Builders Exchange, which was done, lie declared his great pleasure in having the "bo" in Raleigh, and hoped for an in creased attendance in New Bern. Space forbids mentioning all who spoke, because practically every one had something to say. it might be said that tho keynote of the entire speech-making was for more loyally among the membership and a desire to do greater things the coming year. The Menu. Manhattan cocktail Lynnliaven cocktail Beer Celery Olives , j'ickleH Consomme en tasse Wine Chicken croquettes with green peas Fruit salad a la Yarborough Nut a la made with cako Roquefort cheese with Ilentos crackers ' Demi taeee Cigars Cigarettes "None to Beat It. A customer in another city writes as follows: "The Engraved Cards came to hand In due time. My daughter waa delighted with them. I have never seen any work of the kind to beat It." Send us vour orders for ENGRAV ING, EMBOSSING, COPPERPLATE OR GENERAL PRINTING. EDWARDS & BROUGHTON PRINTING CO, KA LEIGH, N. 0. AUS1IN MURDER CASE ON THIS AFVIRNOON The case of Wiley .Austin, clunked witii the murder - of (larlield U il liams, was begun in Wake -.mocrior court this al'UTnoou. It was not ex pected that the ev idence would be in before sometime 'tomorrow. Tin killing occurred at a negro- hoL sup per. .: : o' ' t ' '? o A TWIONTV-OMv IlK.VTHS ." IX STATU t'KO.M I IRIX A Insurance CouiinissioiU'V .las. K. Young says tlial Iriiin ac counts Kept, by liilil , liiHi ear' there- were twenty-one deaths in North 'Carolina , from lires, started from various causes, . and that already lie has mm ii in the papers this year reports of two deaths. Tho commissioner says that at. least two-thirds -or three-fourths of the tiros are preventable, and it is a -question., of how long our people ' wll be careless and unconcerned about the lire waste when it is not only needlessly destroying their properly, hut the lives of our people.-. The law of the state .have -made ample provision for the proper erection' of buildings and the repealed inspection of those already erected, and There is no reason why the officers the state should not carry out these laws and receive the aid of every citizen of the stale. v O v O 0. o o o o o o o o o o o. o o ODD KKI.IiOW OKlK'Kit Manteii Lodge - Installs. . Officers .for The Xet Term. At a regular meeting of Mantot Lodge. No. 8. 1. O. O. P., the rollow ing officers w'ere installed for this term: A. U. Spingler. noble grand. Claudius Doekery, vice grand. ('CO, L. Tonnoffski, recording sec retary. J. M. Wilder, financial' secretary. Chasi-H, Beine, treasurer. I). P. Iloneycut. warden. II. W. Davis, conductor. M. Y. Malony, right suiqiorier lo noble grand. W. T. Huddloson. left supporter to noble grand. J. R, Rieiuaii. right supporter' to vice grand. ('. K. Koome, silling past -.'rain! Mil. J. M. TKMI'I.KTON. .lit.. MAKES HIS I'IKST .IlKV NPKKCH Wake superior court ' writs! led' all the inorniiig oil tho case, of ' harlos Copelahd, charged with assault.' with a deadly weapon. The cane In-gan laie yesterday aiternoon ami went io the jury Just before noon , e -es After being nut only a few in in nt "k the jury returned a verdict, of guilty. Judgment is reserved. It. N. Sininis and .las. M. Temple, ion, Jr.,' appeared for the defendant. Solicitor Norris was aided by ( has. I'. Harris. Mr. Toniplctoii is one oi l lie youngest members of the bar. having his office in Cary, an I hi speech was highly complimented as being one of the bent delivered in some time. COMl'L.HXT IS KILEI IX At TO iam.;k SI IT. The comiilaiut In the fatiit of Untus J. Hamilton against Henry C. Brid gors, of Tarboro, for tho injury of Emma 1 1 am i 1 by an automobile In September 1 ft, lus beep died, in Wake superior court. The complaint sets forth that the child was perman ently Injured as tho result of being struck by the automobile and that her mind was Impaired. Pamages iu tho sum of $20,000 are asked. 99 oi i i x wii.ur.i.M i a i.i ;hti;i:. The !lam:e, II ll.;n.!. I i I ln Diiiiii siork is liovei nig over (lie piitm c o. ciipK'ii n itoiiaiui s ! l n ed ruler, Oretn W illieliiiiua and lier Kina Conyoil, I'rincc iieni v Me 'k li'ii!iu-g-Sclrvt rin, and i cxpet'tiHl to iilig-ht early ;n '.-wvii. T'io Onccn and I'linco rt' nimcieil on rebrnai)' Till, l!ttl and have one da jghter born on April J.Ctl), 1 (. FOR LOCATION OF LWARf 'The advisory council of the State Farmers' Vnion met w it h Presidi lit H. H. Litchford and Secieta'-y Kred A. Olds of the chamber of commerce today wiih reference to the location here ol a central warehou-e ..for 'he storing of cotton. No actio.v was taken, and the committee -..'does pot propose to take any action, intil it lias received; propositions from iho Iiali'-dozen other towns in the state. The meeting today was merely for tho purpose of receiving exprcss'OMs and finding out what could be do io. This aiternoon the council met be hind closed doors in the seiiat-j chamber.. The member'.- present are; In-: .1.1-. Q. Alexander. .Mecklenburg; rir.'.l. M. Tehiplctoii. Wake: J. Z. tiiiin. I'nion; J. It. Keevoy, i,ee: J. 1'. . Coggins, Chatham: W. II. Moore. 1'itt; W. R. C lison , I r.'di II : W. I!. Crowder, Wake. It .vas an-nouiH-ed tltat the visiting .oiiiiuit toe woiibl' visit the. various ' bidding tonus before deliuilely -selecting a location. The .-advisory council may continue in session tomorrow. Low Expenses in Campaign (I'oulinticil Kroih Pago Omvl ., those iu (leinotratic count ios, which otherwise the lannot have. ":: It will relii'vo all h t-i-lative aspirants of grer inbai i a.siiont iu seeking ikiiiiiii.iI ious. " I. It will-assure on" b'ei.sliilive noiniiiees of tli itnitiN.I (leniocrat.ic suppoii. : 1 1 tlii.-, r. highly iiiipo:-l-ant in i on pi ies vvlii-.e (I,"- (lep)oci-al ic mttjoi-iiv Is sittail. ' I .mi sohdit ' a simih-r loiter to each of iliedtiii-r i tinditlali-s, and also io tho s';Mo 'chairman.'. -'nuking Itllll lo considei- l lllV to the contmii loo; for tlie eatiy: ordoi iug of si-uli a primary..- I t.-tisl you will forthwitli write litnt uiaMng' a t inii lar n-'i'ieal ." (WMV.MKNICH. SOCIKTV ADOPTS ItKSOI.l Tlts. Tlie Wake County .lodical .-Society held a memorial service in the rooms of the chamber, of commerce this afternoon and adopted resolutions on the death of Dr Fabius J. Hay wood. Dr. Albert Andersoii, the now president, delivered bis inaugural address. An unusually large attend ance was reported, over Mfi oi the doctors being present. At 11 o'clock the association attended I he funeral of Dr. James McKee In a body. I'KWKK t'OKI'OHATIOXS IX llt THAN IX UUO. Due, doubtless to the federal-law regulating corporations and the North Carolina method of taxing them, 4he number of certificates of Incorporation issued by the secretary of state during the year lull amounted to 076 as against 1,058 for the previous year. The decrease was 82. Rev. W. H. McMasters has re turned to the city after a campaign on behalf of the Sabbath cauee. He- visited Greensboro, Mt. Airy," Win ston, Mocksville, Salisbury and other cities. He reports good meetings in many of. these places, j - ;v' I'l.WNKD TO hi:- STItoV IH'II.DINO Los Angeles, Jan. 11.- "Connors told me Gunrey, Misenor. himself, Pender, Maple and Charles Stevens planned to dynamite the hall of rec ords, and he, -with Bender and Maple were told to do the work." This statement by Mansell 1'arrs was today's contribution by the state to tlie sensations of the trial of Bert Connors, charged with con spiraey to destroy the county build ing, And many a man lives the simple life because he has to. From a Comfy Bed to an Icy Room B-U-R-R Mnkei one ihiver to think of it It's hard enough under ordin ary conditions to crawl from under those nice warm covers, but to have to dress In a room when the thermometer is down around freszo shivers and shakes B-U-R-R. Don't do it. What's the use when it'w so easy to make that room warm and com fortable ? CFTA . ." ' Vulcan Odorless Gas Heater Have It connected to your gas jet. Then 10 minutes before gettlng-up-tlme, jump out of bed, light the heater, pull down the windows and crawl back In bed. Lay there In comfort for 10 minutes. By that time your room's as warm as. toast. Sounds good don't it? Call at our office and let us show you this won derful heater. Carolina Power and Light Company,;" RALEIGH. N. C, Our Great We believe in selling our clot hing the M ason 1 bat it is intended to be sold in. Iris a fixed policy with us not to carry clothing from one season to another. Hence this sacrifice sale. Until February 1st we offer our entire stock of High Grade Men's Suits and Overcoats at one-third off reg ular price. This includes the celebrated Benjamin line, the highest type of ready-to-wear clothes in the world No Clothing Charged During This Sale. The greatest WHITING & HORTON, 10 Eaa Martin Street. More than a quarter of a century in the same location. Xr- Simlli Ciirolinu Juslici'. Cohiniliiii, S. C, Jan. 10, S. S. C. ';itls, id' t'licslcrlii'ld county,: judt) or i he I'fuirtli iudicliil circuit, whs elected Wsaociute iualice of tho state. Hupreme court, .'by the lcglalaturo last mi;ht. J. M. KENNEDY AKCHITCCT. HulleuiMii Itltlg. lUlcigh. So!i.. . . . . , . . . . . Hi cents ilo.x WSIBll llilisill:). '. I-.--, . . . ! ((lltH cucli Water I'aMi . , . , . .!'.) cotils oacli EiihiucI til. Mcabtirptf-. ' i i cents' oach Tlinu are our bi"." i;ilH for Satur day, 13th. TOVIiAM. KXMTTOIOi NOTICE. V': ' Having this day ciuallflcd u Exo 'utor of the estate of II. B. Kiuory, deceased, thin Is to notify all lwr boiib having clainis uainat tliu estate to present I hem to inn for payment on of before tho 21M day of Decem ber, 1912, or tblH notice, will be plend id bar of .recovery. All persons In debted to the estate will pleuso pay without further demand. T. U. LOYD. lixecntor of II. it. Kniory, deceased. Kaleigh, N. C, Dwember 21, 1911. 12-21 o.a.w. 6w. Raleigh & Southport Ry. Co. 1AILV TIME TABLE. MOl'THUOL'ND. No. 30 No. 80 No. 43 La? Kmialgk . . 8.00 1.16 6.3B " Varini .. . 9.04 2.06 7.36 " Fuquay .8. .14 2.12 " Lilllneton. 10.00 2.63 t.2ft " Linden .. 10.23 3.26 8.4S Arrlie F-yettev'l 11.10 4.00 (.36 NOBTHllOLNU. No. US No. 80 No. 42 Lr. Fayeitertll. 8.00 1.00 6.10 " Linden .... 8.46 1.43 6.64 " LUIlngton . .ll 2.08 C.20 " uquay &.. 1.60 8.46 7.06 " Varlna .... 10.00 2.68 7.14 ar. Raleigh .... 10.60 8.46 8.80 JNO. A. MILLS, Pre. A Otm. Mgr. H. p. BUNCH, BoUdtlof Paf. Aft Annua! Clean Up Sale $30.00 Sui,s now $20.00 Ml $30.00 vtH noiv $20.00 25.00 " " 16.75 " 25.00 " " 16.75 22.50 " " 15.25 " 2-.50 " " 15.25 20.00 " " 13.25 " 20.00 " " 13.25 18.00 " " 12.00 " 18.00 " " 12.00 15.00 " " 10.00 " 15.00 " " 10.00 12.00 " " 8.00 " 12.00 " " 8.00 10.00 " " 6.70 " 10.00 ' 6.70 reduction ever offered high-class clothing. BOYS BICYCLES AVUli nnt Millioiit Con.ster Ilrukcs Ihos.B. Brigqs&Sons IlALEIGIf, N. C. THE BIO HAKUWAItE MEN. NOTICE. By 'virtue of a power or sale con tained in a mortgage deed executed by Edward K Harding and his wife, Sophia H. Hardin, and by virtue ot the statuto in such cases made and provided, we the undersigned will on the luiU day of January, 1912, at the courthouse door In Raleigh, z- i pose to lale aud Bell at public auc tion to the highOKt bidder for caab, the Iiohmu aud lot now occupied by ltbo family uf V. H Falson, situated in iuo city oi uaicign, ironung tv feet uu Jones street and bounded on the west by McDowell street, on tha north by lot of Jonas Matthews, on the east by the lot of Mrs. Jordan and on the south by Jones street, containing about 1-8 of an acre. Hale will be between 12 m., and 1 p. m. Bald mortgage Is recorded In book 06, page 806 of publlo reg ister's oruce at Wake county. If the purchaser does not want to pay all cash he can make rev sonable arrangements with the un dersigned. This 11th day of December, 1811. JOHN W. GRAHAM, ' BENNEHAN CAMEUOM, ft, B. PEEBLES, Executors of P, 0. Cameron, 12-11-tds The Whold Family Beads The Raleigh Pally Times. in Raleigh on The Difference in Fish and Fresh Fish Is Ihiv diflcfeiice in linking from (lie direct line dealer ami Hie "calcli Vm when you ran xorf." Our interest . bolli cmls uf tho Hue in of ureat. interest to who want tin. FltKHH KMi. OjsteV (Sure, Wades' Fish Market WH EltE OVAI.ITV COl'NTS., City Market. MONEY TO LEND In W.ike County Only. On Either Ileal or Personal Security. Rooms 18-10 Pollen Building, City. Mad A New Man Of H Im. "I vas suffering from pain la my stomach, her.d and back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, H. 0, "and my lifer and kidneys did not work right, bnt four bottles of Electric fitters made me feel like new man." pmci eo errs, at all druq storci. ft J - Electric . Bitters- -v.i',-'''''--''';;; I J-- ' '-' ' " v ... ' ' -' W 'W 'It' "H'fw'W 1 tttfMWt