THE liALElGIl DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11,1912. Bakigb'Jbiig limes Every Afternoon Except Sunday. TIMES PUBLISHING COMPANY, JOHN A. PARK, President. J. E. CLARK,.., ......... .Editor. JNO. A.' PARK, Business Manager. 8CBSCRIPTIOX RATES. (By Mail.) 1 Year, 6 Mo. 3 Mo. $1.00 92.00 fl.OO (By Carrier.) 1 Vr. 6 Mo. 3 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Yl'k. $5.00 ' 92.50 $1.25 9 .45 9 .10 All Subscriptions Must Be Paid In Advance. Publication Office THE. TIMES BUILDING 12-14 East Hargett Street, ASSOCIATED PRESS .REPORTS. Entered- at the Postofftce at Raleigh, N. C, as Second-class Matter. DEsTyrSMcouNciL XOT TOO MANY HOUSES. "And now The Raleigh Times is weening copiously because Raleigh has not an extra theatre or two. Too many theatres in towns that can barely support one is just what is the matter with the show business and as usual Mones he pays the freight,' in the shape of witnessing sub-average plays and those few and far between.' Charlotte Chronicle. Oh, no, sister, you are wrong in both statements. We do not want "another theatre or two," but a thea tre. The one we have is old arid di lapidated, with small sentint; famu li;." find small stage and poor :n com modations for boih public and. ac tor. The promotors of the new theatre are the owners of the pres ent one and the new one will taUe the place of the old. And lest we be misunderstood In saying we have but the one theatre, we will say that w have a very good small house, which Is used for vaudeville, but it is not suited to the production of the larger" plays. : "So much for the first statement. As for the second, if Hrother Harris had been at home the Chronicle would have known that i.H the theatres In this section be long to the theatrical trust, that is nil the attractions which appear at them are sent out by one booking company. Instead of too many theatres being the cause of sorry tchowg we are of the opinion ".hat the main cause lies in this fact. The booking company has thought that because it had the field to itself it could send any kind of trash that it cared to put on the road and that the public, being helpless, would part with its dollars just the same. That policy probably brought the theatre people a rk-h harvest- for awhile, but it has finally proved their undoing. The people have been fooled so many times that a good 'house" is now the exception unless the reputation of actors or company are such as to insure a good produc tion. In a case like this the public has confidence in the production, but It has no confidence in the booking company or theatre circuit. Whether more playhouses would be a remedy for the situation Is doubtful, but cer tainly too many houses Is not the cause of the present distrust of the whole theatre business. Ml. COOK COMING. Dr. Frederick A. Cook, who "put one over", on the learned scientists of Copenhagen until they got a look at his "records," and who had three fourths of the civilized world at his feet for a brief spell, Is coming to Raleigh and will lecture January 18. hore are plenty of men and wo men who are willing to swallow the alleged scaler of Mount McKinley and the discoverer of the north pole, and be will doubtless rake in a few ;liekels In the capltol city. If P. T. Baroum were alive, he would exult at the chance of piloting the doc- tof about. " Senator Bailey of Texas will 4e liver the opening address - at the fourth - annual convention tof the tioutnern" Commercial Congress at Nashville, next April, If he doesn't Itbdratr his acceptance In the .weantlBe.;.'?'.-;:; ' ' '- SHOULD XOT DISCRIMINATE. Whether the niotormeu and cou- par. of his uior.ey at home if we ductors who went on strike yester- would utilize our own resources.' We day ac'ed with proper discretion or should do it and slop the drain. And with due courtesy to the company wi:h the nionex ui home and iu cir may be a subject for difference of eu'iitio'.i everybody will ubare iu the opinion. They may have ailed hast- benefits. fly, but we have been unable to see any discourtesy or any threat in V.'e deny ' that i'a ton's eiuii::si eithor of the no;es submitted to the asm for nr. Poo!. in caused by ilie company. But that their requests appeal of one kindred spirit for aii were right and proper, whether made other. in the right way or not we believe ' - there is no difference of opinion in the mind of the Raleigh public. The street car company has acknowledg ed the justice of the demand, in part at least, by making the increase in pay for which the men asked and we presume that the other matters asked for will also hi? attended to. But. if the street car company means to take a vindictive altitude towards the ''men who went out, it is making a mistake. It nas virtually said: "Your requests are all right. We grant them. ' but you shall not share in them, at least not until you have served another apprenticeship. Go to work at the old price and when you have served as long as we think proper we will give you the same wages we are going to give now to your fellow-workers who did not quit." It seems like irony that the men who were either satisfied with their present wages or did not have the courage to ask for more, are to get the raise, while the men who caused them to set it must go back to work rt the old wage or seek new posi tions; " We believe the street car company does not mean to -be anything else than fair. 1; has generally been fair and liberal with the city of Raleigh as a'. municipality, and. with-the Ral eigh public. But we believe it is a little bit peeved with the men" -who struck and, though recognizing the justice, of their requests and grant ing .ihcin to others, is determined because of this peevishness,, that the strikers 'shall not share in the inime diate benefits. If we may say so. this is not the proper spirit for the rompany to assume. If the reques.s were just, and the company has ad mitted they were, the men who made them ought not to '-be .'discriminated against. keep the moxey at home. If southern business people gen erally follow a recent example se: by Governor John M. Hlaion, of Geor gia, this section won't have to be sending north so often in the future to borrow money to move cotton crops and build houses. Believing strongly in the princi ple of keeping money at home wherever reasonably possible. Gov ernor Siaton, in purchasing $1,4 00, 000 of fire insurance for state property,- recognized all the home fire in surance companies doing business in Georgia under the slate regulations. He considered them as absolutely solid, he declared, as any of the northern Institutions. During the last thirty years alone, according to figures at the - capltol. the south has paid to the northern and eastern companies S 0 17,2 75 In premiums, draining this section of that amount, and Ptuitig to south-' ern companies only $',8..1S1,1I2. Iter than their fellows and had Thnaa ,. V . , confidence in the Infallibility of their Those figures, however, are revising l themselves every year and the claims that the people are with them ' southern companies, it Is stated, are'the? would forswear the old parties 1 ...i.u .... ohtalnlnir mora ..H mr. r.'""u icuuers or wntcn o - - - - r. - -- - cognition. We believe In patronizing the home companies whenever possible. North Carolina sends thousands of dollars out of the state every year for fire Insurance. But ft Is not be cause she doesn't have good, strong home companies, The man who has property to insure thinks that It doesn't make' any difference, so long as be Is protected, who Insures him. And directly, It does not. But in the, long run It does because it is one of the drains on the money of the section. We send our money out for insurance, for part of our build ing material, for bouse furnishings, for clothing, food, farming Imple ments, bay. grain adn other things nil arrvxtf onttnn n fnnt th. Mil .n,t -y. , ' i, if Take Hall's FamHy PMls fof WB-. prettro a balance. And - netlmritination ' ' : -i i r . co ton does this ami sometimes it does not. We could keep a great "'".' " We are not. stuck up about ii but Chariot te h nothing ahead of us on the Dr. fool; proposition.' Press Comment. ; A Peaceful Jackson Day. .lackson day passed without any fatalities among democrats of high degree, either as to persons or repu tations." The avowed candidates are in possession of their booms, and the dark horses are still champing at their bits. It is true that Mr. Bryan had his usual bad luck in his tight before the national committee, but t;is defeat was a foregone conclu sion, even to himself, and defeats do not bother him much in these latter days. The dinner, instead of being a Donny-brook fair, proved to be a harmony feast almost too effusive in some of the studied poses and public manifestations of affection on the part of one or two 'actors but on the whole a peace dinner, and a quinine effort to get and keep to- g Ou r. Some of the speeches were st -ong, sensible, and patriotic. 01 hers '."ere obviously meant tor Buncombe county consumption. No one was pal pably injured by his own utterance.?, and perhaps no "candidate.' measur ably aided his own cause. .The de grees of enthusiasm with which can didates were received were largely accidental, and it cannot be said that any one candidate monopolized the admiral ion of the assembled Jark sonians. It was natural, perhaps, that the active candidates should steer clear of expressions '.committing them too definitely upon matters at issue be- fore the people. Generations were safer and the diners were willing to accept epigrams In place of brass tack declarations. The dinner brought the democratic., party no nearer to a unit upon such great questions as the tariff, for example. Democrats must get together somewhere else than at a banquet table when the tariff policy is formulated. However, it was a notable dinner in the char acter of its guests and the general good nature and at least if did not give the party a setback, even if it failed to give the countrv any better idea than before as to the probable choice of democrats for the presi dency or the consensus of democratic opinion on current issues. Wash ington Post. . Iliyaii-l.-'i I't.llette Tiu-ty. Mr. Bryan and Senator La Follette the two most aggressive, if not the two most influential, protagonists of a purely despotic democracy as a sub stitute for ; our representative sys tem met in Washington Sunday evening, quite by chance--or was It through the agency of some strange tbeo8ophical spell? and had a heart-to-heart- conference on the state of the nation. These two favor ites of fortune, supposedly, or rather, professedly, holding opposing poli tical principles think exactly alike, and probably would act alike except that for prudential reasons it ap pears to be necessary in order to avoid the charge of party irregularity for one to declare himself a democrat and the other a republican. That either of them is a better man: a greater lover of the people; an abler statesman, or 'a sounder thinker than the leaders : of their respective parties, whom they are pleased to assail and characterize as dishonest time-savers and paid hirelings of the i interests, an intelligent and informed nubile will not heiuvo if hou wnu they are both out. of hrn.nv " There is more Catarrh in this see- color card and full Information show tlon of the country than alUotiier Ing'yon bow you can save a good diseases put together, and until the many dollars. Write today. last few years was supposed to bp incurable. For a great many years' ,; , , doctors pronounced it a local disease ' ENGAGEMENT , KINGS. K and Prescribed lnenl romadlua nml' . by constantly falling t cure with lo- Rul,,eN Ar- Tuhln l'"r' cal treatment, pronounced it incur-! -. ,)tam,,1" CJorrec Tiling." , able, acience has proven catarrii to Tn --.most, correct engagement j be a constitutional disease and there- r,n 10 glve t,,e dearest girl lir the fore requires constitutional treats' world ' 00 ''Ker a diamond soli ment. Hnii ii r.torrh c,ir tn.n..r.. talre, but a ruby. This will be un- tured by F. J. Cheney ft Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the onlv eon.titntioni -ro on the market. It 14 taken Internal-1 lv in doses from 111 drnn. tn V V'VfD VV . spoonful. It acta oa the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer on. hundred dollar, for anj ZSZt ff f,rC',h that th; We light ' d, testimonials. e . .(whlchlt emitted wa. Wfflcfent tpf S. V CHENBT t CO., 10". iiiuminat. the wondarful boat until lars and a j . Aaureiw.- I, J. tnnntii Etv lO- ' val- ' B' T OrUggtStS, 76CV gists, 7 CC. tot. W-k declaring a revolt against svsteuis 1 and methods, set up a new partv I pledged to their professed ideals and fight their battles openly and fair ly under the banner of so-call"! "Progrcssivc'sui.-" :.' Ii is rank hypocrisy in the p.iir of them to protend allegiance to uni ties with the past traditions and poli cies of which, they are deelaiMie-'ly, at-. least, out of harmony, and it i . J v erse for them to declare their v i-I li.ipuess- to. enter a convention w.-Ji ' the. platform of which each will, ; n.ay be, in total disagreement. Both ( 1 '-e gone to the limit in declaring j opinions radically antagonizing' th; established theories of xovernmut h. - ld by their respective partie's. :i:id na,',;! reached the point where itiey may tairly he charged villi imrortai leli-staultification if th-v shouU per s's' in consorting, with "ivr'i'W' arks" and "the enemies of government." I .ft Mr. Bryan and Mr. La F-tM , T.'i iii a new party and give (lie iit.p'o ;i -chance to express aii iinei, iVoT;,! opinion as to whether they wait: .o :. munion or representative democracy. Hither that or the two (if them ought to '.quit bodevi.liiig the old par ties with their fanaticalisnis. -Chattanooga Times. ; ; t The Riclieson Confession. oilunately for the race of men tlie-o are few Richesons and fowet sti'l who, though they have tin i-.-clination, have the reckless courage to do what he did. The case has no exact parallel, we believe, in recent criminal history. There have been instances of desperate wickedness wife-murder, husband-murder, assas sinations of many kindsbut none equalling exactly the diabolism of the crime confessed by this Massachu setts preacher.! The story carried in our news dis patches is briefly that a niisister of the gospel of Christ, serving an in telligent, cultured and godly people, betrays an innocent, confiding wo man and to remove her so that, he may make a matrimonial alliance that would bring him wealth ut.d power, he gives her a deadly poison to be self-adnilnlBtered and in such a way and in such circuinsta'i.-es rs would ordinarily suggest suicid '. The cruelty, the rank selfishness and the develish hypocrisy of it would, in charity to our kind, seem to justifv the belief that the man was not normal nnd was moved by some 8a- tanic spirit, bis mental powers his heart and conscience numbed i ie n- while by some insane spell. H'.a con fession is complete and in its details adds something to 'the. mystery .that perhaps gives social -'students an.! criminal investigators a clue t -he solution. Whether the -man should my .:!n': pci.a't of his life for his crimes will h,. a l.iooted question, havin.-r ;'r advocates on either side. But there can be no debate if capital punish ment is .still to be regarded as the price of cowardly, premeditated and cruel murder. There isn't a single extenuating circumstance in the en tire story of the crime, and if he shall not be electrocuted then the commonwealth or Massachusetts should abolish the electric chair as the penalty for murder. The man's pleas to be permitted to live and work among criminals in the peniten tiary would seem to be a mockery of merry as well as Justice, for it is hardly like that in all the army of convicts that fill our jails one can be found guilty of so despicable and Inhuman a crime. It matters not, so far as the demands of just re tribution are concerned, what the theory of the man's obsessions may be, the law and outraged humanity does not contemplate that such a monster shall live and work even among those approaching his kind. "Silent" seclusion would seem to lie his just portion, at least for an ex emplary period that is If he Is tc live. Chattanooga Times. . PAINT WITHOCT Oil,. Itciiuii'kuble Discovery Cuts Down Cost of Paint 75 PehCent. A. L. Rice, a manufacturer cf Adams, N. Y., has discovered a pro cess of making a new kind of paint without the use of oil. He -alls it Powderpalnt. It comes In the form of ? Ary, nml tnat Vr?A 18 rold Wa,t'r ,1,ake 8 ,ttlnt WV1H'- proof, fire 1(roof aod aE duraoU a oil palnt' U a,lhere to n surface. ( ,wo?d' owor brick, spreads and looks like oil n-itnt and rnsta ntmet : '- '. . one-fourth as much. JWrite to Mr A. L. Rice, 250 North St., Adams, N. I Y.. and act a free trial DBckaite. also wlcome Mm for the . Impecunious bridegroom, but the Jewelers de- clar. it Is a fuct. V y " ruu " "PPsea " t an A. - 11.. , A . V .if'TI - ' !f"LTf 2 "V i..?'.0 iiimnt. ,t...i k.. .n Id" nUUUVIttll UU UltVIl All Anamr w. .. au danger was past V - t I - f; - Many of th. oldest tetroltiai rlus "'' nbles these tones r Many of the oldest 'betrothal Vines "1. ' pctroinai npgt racsieirine Grows hair and we can prove it Hair Becomes Soft, Flu.Ty, Lus trous and Beautiful Immediately After a Danderine Hair Cleanse Get a 25 Cent Bottle Nov and Forever Stop Falling Hair, Itching Scalp and Dandruff A little Danderine now wi!HmmcCatrly double the beauty of your hat:- No dii.ertiiee hiw dull, faded, brittle and scKtmry, just imp un a cloth with Danderine and carefully draw it tinouf.-i your taking one small stisiul at a tn.-ic. . I he .caret -is immediate aial anuuing your lair wiH be light, Unify and wavy and iuve an ap-v.;.- of abun dances an incomparable lustre, .:'! wia and luxti liam'fj the beauty aial shimmer oi true hair tic-uiili. Try as you will after an application of Diiiuli i ine, you cannot rttiil a sinrle (race of dandruff or a loouc or falling hair and your scalp will nut itch, but what will please you most will be after a few week'-, use when you will actually see new hair, fine and downy at first yes but really new lair sprouting all over the scalp, Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It sues light to the roots, iuyigorateis .and strengthens them, lis lite produring properties cause the hair to grow abun dantly long, strong and beautiful. (Jet a 25 cent bottle of Rnowhon's Danderine from anv dm- store or toilet counter and prove to yourself tonipht now - tint y.-iur bait is a.: pietiv ami soft a-; ar. -that it been neglected or injured by careless treatment that's' all you surely can h:ue beautiful hair, and lots of it, if you will just try a little Danderine. Keal; .'awaits von. being the acknowledged love token of long ago. And, speaking of ancient love tokens, the British .Museum con tains a love letter, which was writ ten 3,r0r years ago. This, is no doubt, the o'dest love letter-in exist ence, and it is also the most sub stantial, as it was written on ; a brick. The letter was a proposal of marriage for the hand of an Egyptian princess.- Kxchange. The Danger of I,n (irippe Is its fatal tendency to pneumonia. To cure your la grippe coughs take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. It. K. Fisher, Washington, Kas., says: "1 was troubled with a severe -attack of la srinne that threate-iml f pneumonia. A friend advised Foley's ) Honey and Tar. Compound and I got relief after taking the first few. doses. I took three bottles and mv. la grippe 'was' cured."''. Get the gen-! nine, in the yellow package. King-j Crowell. Drug Co. Oul of the Mouths of Italics. While dressing one morning, small noiiced her shoulder blades lor "'the lirst time. OH mam ma: " exclaimed. "I'll soon be an angol now my wings are com ing:" A fond mother while caressing her little daughter, aged 4, said: -'Lola want makes you so swcel?" " dess God -spilded some sugar in my dust," was the unexpected reply. Johnny, aged 5. had been chastis ed by bis father for disobedielee and running to his mother said: "Mam ma, were all the bad men drowned in the flood?" "Yes, dear," she replied. ., "Well," continued- Johnny, look ing at his father with a frown, "do you t.iink therewill he another flood soon?" From the Chicago News. The cost of Italy's Tripoli expe dition is estimated at $2,500,000 a day, '. ,:. IX S. i ' it--Tr-iiHi liii im Miiifniiiag try-ii utiwi in w mii. Q nwi 9 fm tn ntai mm,t gaiMitaki B 111 Ml l4. IWImMMMMW January II, IDISt rVtrecaot F or Rulelgli and vicinity f Ttatn tonight; Friday, rain, probably.turnlng to snow: much colder by Friday night, . For North Carolina: Rain pn the coast, rain or snow In the interior tonight and Friday; cglder Friday an d in extreme west -portion tonight; moderate to brisk east to southeast winds shifting to north Friday. , l .l r: .7 .'', ". ; ', - y ,r tV'cntlw Oondltloimj Tbe most severe cold weather of, the season Sow covers - tb,. , ceStftl-iuJrthern states; temerture is forty degree, below zero In North Dakot. and ser. temperatures are reported east to Maine and southwsrd. to Oklahoma. ' ftaln prevails from easlen exai to, thl lower? Mississippi, valley la connectfbn with' a disturbance centraT, near Fort Worth. Tlia Indication, ar. that this disturbance will mot. eastward, attended by roln and som. :snow In thl.'sec.tfon.'and followed by colder weather, ' ' ' ,A luir - Stockholders' Meeting. The annual, meeting of the stock holders of The Tar Heel Company will be held in the company' of filces, fourth floor of Masonic Tem ple, on January 17, 1912. : , C. Trenholm McClehaghan, Secretary. ASSOCIATE PRACTICE lr H W (ilnscock. l)r L O Morris. - OSTEOPATHS. Office Masonic Temple. Both Phones. Residence Phone 822R C. C." YOUR LINEN Will look I tetter iincl last !o!ij'oi- if laundered In ns. If you desire your work (tone, in 'any par-tit-ular nianner, let us know. We are etjuipjied for sui-h service. Peoples Laundry Co., THE BEST. Office 107 Fayetteville Street, liotli Phones 71 . ' ' A Want Ad. In The Raleigh Dally Times Will Work Wonders for Your UueiM-s. , Department of Agriculture W15ATHEU BURKAU W1LUS L MOORE. Cbi J, r-" X-,. ' -.1. .'". . . ' . Lots on nillslwro Street and Bojlaa Avenne For Sale January 13th, at Courthouse. By virtue of a judgment In " the case of Walter Clark et sr., Execu tors of JV. H. rt'illard etal., ei parte, in supetior court of Wake county, and of orderg lb the, cause: - ; . On Monday, JLiuary 16, 1912, at 12 m., we will offer for sale at the courthouse door In Raleigh, three lots, part of the Klmwood property. One lot, beginning at a point 52 and one-half faet west of Julius Lewis' cornei on HUlsboro street, then west with said street 62 and one-hair feet, then north and perpen , dicular to said street 170 feet, then east 47 and one-half feet, then southeast seven feet to lot number one, then along line of said lot to beginning. (This lot was exposed for sale December 4th, was bid off at 3,025, and bid raised ten per cent., and Is to be sold under order of resale.) -: One other lot, beginning on HUls boro street at western , corner of. above lot, then 52 and tine-balf feet west along said street, then north, perpendicular to said street 113 feet, then northeast along an alleyway about 62 feel to lot number two, then south with said lot about 145 feet to the beginning. One other lot, on Boylan avenue, beginning at a point 120 feet north of HUlsboro street, then north along Boylan avenue 82 and one-half feet, then east 153 feet to an alleyway, then south with said alleyway 21 feet, then southwest with said, alley way about 58 feet to an iron stake, thence west 105' and a half feet to beginning. This is a prtviiege of a ten-foot alleyway to the rear of the lots. Terms One-thrd cash and resi due in six and twelve months, with interest. . Sales' subject to confirmation. . WALTER CLARK, 8. A. ASHE, W. W. ASHE, 12-1 3-3 (it Executors. NOTICE OV SALE OP OPEN AC ' COUNTS. The stock of drugs lately belong ing to the Bobbitt Wynne Drug Com pany having been sold to the Gallo way Drug Company and 'the ac counts due the said Bobbitt Wynne Drug Company, a corporation, hav ing been reserved by order of court and ordered to b sold separately from the other assets. This is to give notice that all of the debts due to said Bobbitt Wynne Drug Company; consisting of open accounts of various dates will be sold without recourse at the court house door of Wake County, on Mon day, the 15th day of January 1912. at 12 o'clock M. J. S.. WYNNE. Receiver for Bobbitt-Wynne Drug Company. 1-2-llt. Terms nf Sale on Corner I.ot Vucing Peace Institute to be Sold Next -. .iioiiiiuy. The purchaser of the lot at corner of Peace and Halifax streets, which is to be sold at auction at the Court House next Monday, at 12 o'clock, may have until February 10th to ar range a loan with a bank, building and loan association or 'some other lender, for $1400 of the knock-down price, or for as much of that amount as he may wish to have carried for him. Only the balance, above $1,400, will be required in cash on the day of sale. Lot is 60 feet front on Peace street, 111 feet deep on Halifax street, with privilege of 10 foot alley across rear. Only five blocks from Capitol. ; Any one preferring to buy private ly should write at once to the owner, Mr. A. E. Escott, Charlotte, N. C. 0r see him next Monday morning at the office of J. M. Broughton & Co. . .. - i .x i ; A

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