THE RALEKMl DALLY TJME8, THURSDAY, J AN CAR V 11, 19112. llHHliHK SOCIAL EVENTS r -. ; 07 M Sikmtk Idem. A PASSING HAH., Let us rest ourselves 4 bit! Worry'? -wav'e your hand at it Kiss your fiiiRer-tips and smisle J I farewell a little while. Weary of the weary way, We have come from yesterday, Let us fret us not, instead, Of the weary way ahead. 1 Let us pause and catch our breath On the hither side of death While we see the tender shoots Of the grasses- not the roots. Voyage off, beneath the trees. O'er (he fields enchanted seas. Where the lilies are our satis, And our sea-gulls, iiiglitingal"s. Where no wilder storm shall beat Than the wind that waves the wheal, And no tempest burst: above The old laugh we used to love, t - Lose all troubles gain release, Languor, and exceeding peace, Cruising idly o'er the vast Calm mid-ocean of the Past. Let us rest ourselves a bit! Worry? wave your hand at it Kiss your finger-tips and smile It farewell a little while. --James Whitconib Riley. Mrs. J. D., Harden, of Ooldsboro, is visiting in the city. Mrs. Salile Koettcher. of Elizabeth C-ity, Is visiting friends here. Misses Jessamine and Corinne Oantt,.who have, been, visiting .Miss Hot Water Bottles That Won't Leak You take no rfek when you buv the "Kaiilleek" Hot Water Bottle. , If it shows any imperfections in material or workmanship within two years from, the day we. sell it to you, the manufacturers guarantee to give you another one without charge. Do you know of. any other bottle sold umler such a remarkable guar- i inner ? ' KMTLEEf X Vwatcm aomaJi a.. are maile of the finest grade of Para gum. This gum is soft and pliable 1 yet so tough and strong that, it will not crack or weak en. Seamsarctripiy re-enforced,stopplcs are perfectly ad justed. Leakage is impossible. Not only are "Kant leak" Water Boll Ion. Fountain Syringe, etc., perfect in quality, but liey arc also full capacity. If you buy a quart bottle, you can be aura tfaat it holds a quart. . i May we show you our fine stock of rubber goods? We are the exclusive , agents Tor the "Kant leek" line. HENRY T. HICKS CO j fPTOWX STORE YOU TRADE HERE? Trust us to take care of your Drag Store wants and wc will never disappoint you. Make this your Drug Store. .-,'..-' ':..;'.-:"-V- KINO-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY . J, , THE QCAUTT VltVO STORE. Telephone 95. Style and Comfort In Women Shoes. jsri y - 1 a A ; our stock and guarantee them to fit and give splen did service. They will appeal to you. Ask to see - them. .' .,v- f - , & 1 Penelope Davis, has returned to Bur lington. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Penn, of Clay ton, are spending a few days in the city. After visiting Mrs. L. T. Penny, Mis-. Ituby Jones has returned to San ford. . v Miss Hallie Champion, who has been visiting at Franklinton, has re t timed, home. Airs. .I.E. Stevens and children, who have been 'visiting at Keidiville, !a., have returned to the city. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Pitt man, of Oxford, were in the city today ro t inning from a visl to Clayton. - ' . . Mi's. TJiRssbee and AL's. Sherfosoc, who have been visiting at Kagle ttocli, have returned to the city, -a- Mrs. T. A. Richards and little daughter, who have been visiting; in Baltimore since Christmas, siav"? re turned to the city. . - Mis, J. D. Arnold, of Witynes ville, who has lieen visiting ar tlio home of Chief Justice Walter Clark, left today. Tor Weldon. . Mrs. U. Bishop, after spending the night In the city, returned, to Petersburg today to be ivilh her husband, who is getting along nicely after his Injuries In the wreck On No. 66 last Saturday. Mrs. C. H. Beckham, who was with Mis. Bishop in Petersburg, has returned home. . .. St. Lukes' Circle. St. Lukes' Circle of the Kintss Daughters will meet .with Mrs. .1. W. Foy,' 116 South Harrington street, tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. .V : ::v;.'-,' Conference at Pilot Hill Clmi-ell There will be a special conference at Pilot Hill Baptist church tiii evening at 7:30, to which all lie friends and members of the church are invited to be present. ... In Honor Missetf Hiiiilt. Misses Jessamine and Corinne Gantt, or Burlington, guests of Miss Penelope Davis, were guests of honor at a delightful affair given by Miss Margaret McPheeters. Other gueBts were Elizabeth P Jones, Alethea AlcGee, Lucy Atkin son, Mary Armistead Jones. Penelope Davis, Virginia Picket. Belle !eartt and Mrs. Watkins Kobards. Itl YKS-HAIIDKN. Wedding to Take Place Xext Wed nestbiy .Moiniiijj at Kleven O'clock. Friends of Miss Annie Harden, of this city, are interested in her up- ' proaching marriage to Mr. Alayo j Rives, of Graham, which takea place .next Wednesday morning, January 17, at 11 o'clock at the home of her ' bother, Mr. John Harden, 1519 Hillsboro street. The engagement was announced a - -- - - We are appealing this time to the women who want a medium price shoe- with style and comfort and splen did wearing qualities com bined . J?or such women we are offering attractive prop ositions at $2.00. $2.50 and $3.00. TVe have recently added these popular price shoes to CROCKER, Pimples? No they've All Gone! No More Humiliation; tin Wonder ful .Si uar,'s Calcium Wafers "(ie( I tiffin After" Those Pimples, IIoil ami SUin Kiuptiniw. Trial Puckaite Sent Free lo IVove It. No need for anyone to go about any longer with a lace covered with pimples, blotches, eruptions, black heads, and liverspots. These are all due to impurities in the 'ilooJ. A Short Time A Full of Pimples, (ionc! I I'sed no ly Face Was Xov. They've All Stuart's Calcium Wafers." Cleanse ., the blood thoroughly and the blemishes will disappear. That's what Stuart's Calcium Wa fers are intended to accomplish and do accomplish. Their principal in gredient. is Calcium .Sulphide, the fiuickest and. most thorough !ood cleanser known. These wonderful little wafers, cet right into the blood, and destroy eruptive substances present in :t. hi some cases a lew days is sC'icient to make a marked improvement. And when the blood is pure the whole system is a hundred per cent, better. Don't fret any longer about those blackheads, pimples, boils, tetter. eczema, spots or skin eruptions, they all go and "go quick" if you use Stuart's Calcium Wafers. You can have a trial package of Stuart's Calcium Wafers, simpiy by sending your name and address to F; A. Stuart Co., 1 7 r. Stuart .Bide, Marshall, .Mich. Then, when you have proved their value, you can get the regular size package tor n" cents at any drug stove. short time ago at a dinner given at the Country Club. .';'.' OIKiAX HKCITAI. At Mercililb College Friday Aftci- iioon at Five O'clock. The next recital in the faculty ye- ries at Meredith will be given to- mono afternoon at five o'clock by Mr. Wade I!. Brown, organist, assist ed by Miss Minnie Knth HaymS, sdprnna. : The - jiubllc is cordially invited. ''.'' WVATT-KKX.MF I'opubir Young lousiness Man to Wed Norfolk Jii-l. Invitations reading as follows have been issued: "Reverend and .Mrs. Joseph Rennie request the lienor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter Mary Christian -.. to :'. Mr. Robert J. Wyatt on the evening of Thursday, the twenty-fifth of January one thousand nine hundred ur.d twelve at six o'clock First Presbyterian Church Norfolk, Virginia. The invitation will be read with much interest here, the groom-lo be being one of the city's most popular young business men, of the firm of Job I'. Wyatt '8 Sons, lie is the son of the late Mr. Job 1. Wyatt, ami a grandson of the late Col. W. 1 1 Hicks. He is liked by a ho:;t of friends both in social and emon the business men of the city. The bride-elect is very pleasantly remembered here. She la a graduate of I'eace Institute and while a stu dent here made many friends In the city. She Is an attraclve young wo man and an accomplished musician. She will be a welcome addition to the social life of the city. The young couple have the best wishes of many friends, ' - ". 1.ITTLK-MAKSU. I'ltiinincnl Raleigh Attorney Wins Ihlde From I'nlon Comity. 'm Crawford Little, a promt nem attorney of this city, who for the paut week has been enjoying c honeymoon trip to northern cities returned to Ralegh last night with his bride, who was Miss Alma Marsh of Mamhville, Fnion county. , They are at home with Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Oivena on Faye'tevllle street. Mr, Little Is one of the most ( popular members of the Raleigh bar who has made many friends here who , will delight to welcome hit bride. Among the men of the city, he Is considered to be, a 'fine fellow. Mrs. Little Is not imknowu here for she Is a grad na'e of Peace, Institute, who made many friends here during her ..stu dent days, .She in. a young woman of charm and culture. , The wedding took place at. Murshvllle, -' January the third, ao account o( which fol """ Marsh and Mr. J. Crawford Little which occurred at Mars'nville Wed nesday nfteinoon at the Pi i s!i terinn cht'ich at -j o'clock was an cv ui of unusual interest hi ilii sociion." . of the Rt.i c. Bo ll the bridi: acd groom ale well known and ic-oiuiiiHrifly coniiecicil and rlteir mm Tinge niarks an enoi h in the social lif. cf this coinnitHiity. Tile neat little elm-c'i Irt-au- til'ully d'( -orated in wliii., ;:nil ;;i n, the 'pulpit lieing eniii,.iv hidden. with hanks of ferns .inn! v. bit,. i ar na:ions, and ' fes'ooiis (l-ity am I hi x and Roman h.v:ii-!n'h. .were' artistically bung, aliov- ihc altar. ! while the stiff lights of emdh's and j perfume of winter blossom 1, m jm e.xouisite ueaiiiy rn t ; scnc. In spile of the clomh weatlier the church was fill?d v. ith ;', ii-nd-i and rela'ives of : tic young i-mndc :'!'.(! an the 'appointed hour drew near ilie beautiful and appro':,-"!: ic song -I5e-cat;se" was sung by M;-s. !:. I-:. Brown, 'lifter which- tir--.-. .-tVaius of Mendrlsotinn's wedding marca iical ed from the organ, PuidoiVii bv the same lc.dv, and the liMdat pui'-eion entered, forming a sciuii-'fn-le aioaad ! lie altar, and ma!- in-, a I r , c 1,1 un.isiial grace, and beat i -. . 'I'll,, 1 1;, ty. .cousisU-it of: 1'shci-.-;: Mess's." W. II. Hlveus, L. K. li la-in--. V. K. McWhlrier, and K. I'. Maisli. At tendants: -Miss Mat lie .. -MV-Whirter with Mr. Frank ' Ogbnrn. or Kaleiuh: MigH Bessie Covington, of l.ainin Imrg,. with Mr. P. P. S r of Au gusta, Oa:.-Miss-Mary llaifan; of Oas- tonia, with Mr. .las. P. . Miss Ruth Marsh with Al Honored maidens: , Mi !a tsh. and 11 1 Crane; ;s lia-hel. nn.l Miss : lie (lame Siieppartl.. room w i : 1 1 I liav. of was '!-r: , of Char Poarpall, of , Wiliningi'iii. Mary Marsh - The bride entered ii ii of honor. Mrs. Raluli ; of Wilmington, and ti , - his best man. Or. llurton Raleigh. Tile cVremoir. formed by Itev. Win. lotte. ' in his -usual- imp -ossi'-e .man ner.' assisted by." Rev. A. .j. ( -am-, the bride's pastor. The .appf-oin inicncss of Mr.. Black's -present--' -fc as niuler- siood by many, as his minister of the 'gospc: church nr. this place. bride's fa' her was one elders. The -bridesmaids' wo light ' yellow iiiessaline boiifiiets of white cm dame of honor wore gown .of-white ere; e boquei of white rosea-: The bride's costma" inifite creation of ..!--, meuse and Duchess l.:,- i work' as ; ' -with the i wlijch tli I'm rulin .e d'-esies of alid i a'.-rietl i ; ! i - 1 1 s . Tiie ' .hapd-iume ' iiine with a f : .-. W:;s an i-v- wlii.e chai f." pearls aptl I he soft"-, veil and o:,ngo made a fit aclting ' r-i-' the lossonis fairness ot her face. The "only -Jewelry worn by the bride was !h- groom's gift, a Handsome ... brooch o' whole pearls and diamonds. Mrs. Little Is the .only daughter of Mrs. Irene .Marsh arid, the late. las. W. Marsh and is a pine type of noble southern womanlioud. . l!y her gen tle disposi'ion and ciiri.-lian charac ter she has' nm'de imic.iIic-h 'of friends, not only in her Iiohk- viclniiv. but in various places all over the soul Ii where she lias vi:-:n-il. A large number of be.vuril'iil pres ents were received, which express the good wisiics ol their, ninny rt-hi-tives and friends. Special mention made of :!ic handsome cbes.t of silver Iroin the bride's niotiur and brot'ic .-. llrtlcigb (iticsis Present. (Special to The Times.) New Bern, Jan. 11. At her co lonial homo on Broad street, Mrs. Owen Onion charmingly' entertained OSS Even Her Washing When a woman cannot do her house work, she is in a bad fix, and so is her famiiy. Many are unable, by reason of womanly ailments, weakness, etc., to do the work they would like to do, and some, like Mrs. Ocie Jett, of McMinnville, Tenn., are unable to do any work at all. in describing her condition, in a recent letter, Mrs. Jett says: "I had what the doctors called "inflammation," and was troubled with other womanly ailments. I lay in bed 27 days, and although the doctor came every day, he did me no good. Finally, he advised a very serious operation, but I would not consent As I had often heard of Cardui, I decided to give it a trial. When I had taken two bottjes, 1 was going about the house doing my work. i i i i 11 W6 w fiS S fl- 1 " 3 P m i B m hx - 14 , fM I & u E1 jj i a t )sla hXl a h ?.H(4r'-st--:j--We'll iv i yoi; f-n,;,"iV. lyy 4 - - r- r A (rVti'L..'' .-'0.4:- -: c..-;..., sp ! 203-20.r Fayettevillo atveot, - - Kaloifth, N. C. i '.-.'.. ill II at bridge yeslerday a i tevneon. - it ont I mas-es m i-."--".,. I n li- 'Vt-ft :!.'!, c.r - l:-l"!Tt ...'S "'Fort THE four to six' o'clock.-' j v a e,-, i d an ;:, ;;. co-, -r-" .! ie SCHOOL ('lilLDRFV. The large open : fireplace" li'ei-d ; e.-i, . a:-; sir'", ami-r wbi-'-h i : i - - - - W illi logs atltleil a :iol : of j brid:-! i:ict st o... .; Children- Sbo cnet-r and liOKpnr.iity to l!ie rooais y,ru. t:- .!;-.:. wnm ;-. ,!'!- iv, j-Hin which were atlorned with riis.-s.. :n;r- ; .via : , l.-t ; :o'is -. , . i r ; u , i.o ;'.. ;' .. . cissi .and palms. ' I occasion, -"'if. t-ru'i- aiernl, ait li. ".-':' ', 11,0 "Thc id:.e.. . -,v,io ,,f lnf,., ,:e.v-.i i . i : .-. -. ..',.. .-. , , ; ...;; ; ".-1. ' 'l i uti grca I wer fintl all "Afier t i.o viiiibers course and lion bons wi There., were six tabl aril ''-o - idayi-.ig were: Airs. Alargarot Nekan. Airs' T ho pi as. Airs., 'i'hoiiia:, Tyiaau. A: on roe ilowell. Airs. Caarl-s Airs. Owen Dunn. Airs. Ktht in i o! Raleigh. Alvs. Carnngi ,)ii Francis .Stringer Ditft;. , ,1 i s. I'liun. Mrs. .lames W'.-n.-rs, Robert. Nixon,-- Airs David . Mrs. Ho'ai-rt DuVa! Jones,' Al rs. Lovk-k. Airs. Dav ul W.-rd. M n-s mie I'ndi'iru o "N'orl'olk,. Jliss ! Willis, Miss Laura- liii-lh-s, .Inner. Ilolli-ler. Mrs Alarv Anss. Dei- Lniican ol l;alr-mli. Aloliie Hea h and ' M !ss A! i P.raa . iii:k-h;yvim.i. Routt- Weibling At K::;u. tty borne v--dd:r S ::.( Inst ii i;-.h t at the re the bride's purt-nis. Air. ai i (', 1 '. r I lag well, on Xortli sireei, when their, beautiful tractile daughter.-' Fannie ami Air. John Lester IH.-.'.o united in marriage. Itev .tr rell pertornicd the i-ereinonv presence ol a number oi i i-it-n bouse was decorated in pal1 roses. I lie hall was tub -, Airs. Owen Dunn. Airs. Kdt in io -daiil I of Raleigh, Alvs. Carrington,- Mis.i , , ,. ,;, , Wor ct-ivi-. I pettri. ,r',niiiiiigs. . ii'-cotiipatiied bv , ' t-f'j,rl t-i - -.(,''-, .... .....i.I I.,.:..... mi... I ..ii1 ' si1,-. -etf. I Sou! l'Jni. v Mr wore , ream u.ri i i' : o bri'li.-e I , n - ,r,vi-.r ' l;ifVtar birtli.: earciiig' i . Vo.'-,-i b'.;nic- '- of lu-'dcs ro, -.s and v; x i i ,.1. a':' ::-''i ,:- y- , ''" ' 1 ii a: -a .,-, i'K. --.' wjftlv during t:u-! .loi'P '" ','''. ' ' .',.''', , .,.oin. Unix r.rnou'i aer social, auo j j ,.-';;,.;' bi- a 'ei: :" ii :' f.-icntlct who .wish .in r- . j pj,.;: r.iur-n ;ior ail, I happiness. Mr. Dirt r , . ; al'-ii ;: i-oiif'rr and .enerp;( ! if . , ( ' '"U'!t -bs; riii.-.-s ipan. lioldi'Uv -i -ViV , '".-.";'. pl.!.-tV!e t'O-l'IOII Willi ..Job U.-tlT. ii' , ,,'' ', .' .iiin-i-on i'"ii'iiaii . i! I . ASSOC! TH ; Ii. !!el,l Import. ml AJo'titij; t I oaioi ro" Alteciooii at !: . I i I I -.( V-'lit '! . a n una i :!( ig Ot me Lames. i :!ee "ial. Asso, tut inn .will bo held ' .io,.l ,':n.-ir.-'iv.-' s-ftfi-iwin at :!::!tl .in tha: MarHibH'n . - y , m . i ... . - siilehec' j to '; ot' tb-'- ta'tV .Cot..- Thomas. S.'i id' .M'.s. K- ri.i.i. '.-. full aiiemlanos of mem- Clar irdonei h--, s . i- t ei; ,.-. r ed as the. Mettiovi'il roll, i i.d at- Da; . o. r for j .- to be solected an ! ' A: ; ;; CiMiper. i pl.'t'S 'made' I'm- the itrograni of tii tt; r were j i-.vnfi'.m. Officers will also bo -.l.:ct' Net All .i. Har-i t-:- . s; a T.the-j AIRS. UOIIi'HT ll.'JOXF.S. - vL-..'- :-o ir.r.l 'i. The' President ,- 'r,, i;: .-, -. us audi MlSrt ANNtr; DL Elil-U'-s, era' V ho rh.-re I wiUf M,ii-.tary.! h-,- Atchisc-n Ubdn low Now, I do it a!!, even my washing. I can truthfully say that I don't believe I would be living today, if it. hadn't been for Cardui." ' How many women are there in this town, who are in ill-health, as a result of womanly weakness? They, all of them, You, if you are one, would be benefited by Cardui, the woman s tonic. It will help the simple j ailments, like headache,! backache, irritability, nerv ousness, tired feeling, general weakness, etc., as well as the serious cases like the one which has just been described. Won't you give Cardui a chance to help you? W'yi'iwwi'mj.ii.winjii'iujiw he Woman's Tonic r. (.real, lmpi-ove'te'ltk I'.uKons Awarded. ii school 'children are l improvement in pen- i unuer the new svstem now t n unlit in the schools. A . ti npso at sotui- ot the results ob tained, showing the penmanship of tee pupil at' the beginning of the term and tin; penmanship now shows an improvement that, is remarkable. The svstem taught is that tn use, ' i most ! the business colleges, a. I plaru 'iiusincss hand, without any i frilb- n'id nourishes" and the aim is svtiie v.. and rapidi'y. loiMi-us nave. Just been awarded. t t : nils o: the Alurphev school of i ::-li. . A' iss Pearl t'ross is the offi 'ii.' princiiial. '.-The names of thos'.i . r-. iviug btntoiisi are given below; Margarcl: Roysleri Kenneth Yates, r'uetb lounger. I.liabeth Calvert, liih Farnier,. Ft li.v F.rwin, Canwell i;nl,l', Autue Kin-bin, Al:ivr;r.rst Cold, SheUoii Sw-.-iin, Mat y H under-. lire, Lee Uensoii, Coicmati l'orler, Llizaln-ih Kitc.iuu P.dnh Russell, Marv Bissett, Ruth L. Wiggs, Ed ward Sea well, Lotirso Hicks, Wanda Katharine Knox, Hill Ida Slav Jordan, Mmorle I on n It. Dissett, Manlv Car-' ; Pool, llaliie Sinir.kins, and :gi- .o-i. Si'cc'pt at '' 'of th , geoj in th : c a niim.hi.-r co-t'V j a. rent of ol h p --bo- 'blb IIWlMMfPTua1 iTfi1aWw1fi ... ..jjfl ' y s I I a 17 1 MiitMirin ir n ni tmidiUtttimMimit a imiiiihhiii 4 ri n I2i Fayctteville Street, IvnS':!9' W?,' 0 lows; . ':,. '.,..', , ,' .' ' Ihe wedding ot MUi Alma