THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1912. T Prudent Spring Buyers Are Now Taking Advantage Within a few weeks, ''spring Furniture buying will claim the attention of the masses. The shrewd buyers arc now.-, taking ' advant age of our 10 to 20 per cent discount sale. You can buy the very you'll have to buy. hit or, Low Prices- After Inventory Sale BOYS' SHOES LADIES SHOES . . . CHILDRENS SHOES Odd Styles in the . . . . . . . . . . . . . Nemo Corset .... . . . . . ..... ..... LADIES HAND BAGS, 98c. Ladies and Childrens Sweaters reduced $4.00, $3.00, $2.0(1 and $1.00 $1.2.'), 98c and 78. - Calicoes, Cambrics and yard. - . . HUNTER-RAND COMPY Hall the House Devoted to Shoe. H. MAHLER'S SONS Manufacturing Jewelers. Regal for Foundation and $3.5G-$4f)0 $450-45.00 The prices are popular -ones no 'more than the ordinary. The comfort, afforded is what you'd expect to gel in higher priced foot wear. - In the stylish shapes and leathers. EDGAR E. BROUGHTON, FTKXISHDfGS FOR ME3T. W Fsvettevllle Street, ; Kaleff n, If, C. Send Us Your Clothes ! We wash with the greatest care and do not injure the most delicate fabric. Your bundle will be care fully cared for throughout the entire process and re turned to you satisfactorily done. ; " - .Let our wagon call. I. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY. X17 West Hargett Street RALEIGH, N. C. Both 'Fbonea 87. I'cr All the News From Everywhere, all the time read 'tii u- The Italeli 4 ,.L -1 same Furniture 'at a big saving. that Big Bargains .98c. 98c." ..98c. ..$3.00 . ,1.9S from $1.75, "e. per to $2.75, $2.23, TSrowu ' aw ' : j)aily Time. I Comfort WALL STREET hull I nuuinui 'a Are Not Aroused By the Talk Investigation of the Money Trust GLAD TO GET OFF KEG Investigation of "Money Trust" Hy Congress Fails to Arouse Incite ment Among Financiers Tlioy Take View Thai Legislation Kstiih-I lisliins a National lle.serve Asso. elation to Operate Banking Sys.1 - j tem is t ertain to He Miaeteti ny Congress ami Will Kntl Doliiiiiu uioii of .New York Institutions Ke ganlless of Proposed Inquiry. New Vork. Jan. 1 1. Is ilier- ;i money- t rust . noes mere exist ;i combination of a few .ureal banks practically controlling the finaro!:il .nn.....n.. nf I h1 nntilit.l' ,1 111 1 II ' . I i ' H ' ail the 'big Industrial ami raiiv.-iy! corporal ions, exercising the in.u-r 01 life or e;itn over any new "ni--.-. pi-ise projected on a large seal ', holding tie' key In prosperity or ad erniiy for. the .whole country'.' These are the questions that congress pro poses 10 answer by an invest igiili-ou 01" iliisi whole subject thai. 'is -non to begin1 'as a. result: -of the persistent ef forts of Rcprcscntai ive l.indcri'.b. .of Minipwita, fur an iinpiiry into tie1 cliaWelcr and habit.-: of what li -!" Kcrilipj ;is "the father of all l'-" trii-fs." The charge, tlmt .siu-h a i.oiiihitialiiin exists hits figure I in every political Campaign for '..Mi' post i wo decades and lias furnisli'd the inspiration for oratorical efforts lining hundreds of pages of the M:i gressional Record. The work of ue investigating eotiiniittee, therefore, will be watched with great by the general public and if any clear-cut and definite conclusions are arrived at they are likely to ex ercise, a deefded influence upon the future course of legislation dealing Willi the control of corporate enter prises.. If there really exists any such aP powcrful' financial octopus as has been described many times in .con gressional, speeches, the commiiree should find little Olfticitlty in traik ing ft to its lair. They will find i's liahitat witliliv an area less than a. (uarter-mlle.. stjuare. near the sort! -ern tip of Manhattan Island, iiourd ed by Uroadway, Fulton and Wil liam streets, ' and known to the world at larf-'o as Wall Street, (l thoti:h this is only one of its dozen or more thoroughfares.. Hero j.s lo cated the greatest aggregation .of.. A tiaticiariustitutions to he found with in a similar range of 'space anv wiiore in the country the -National ("ity Bank with its double row of pillars standing guard over nearly SI'MO. 000,0(11.1 in deposits, the Cnar anty Trust t'oiiipany with the largest deposits of any institu'ion of its own Allien.' ttm ii.,ii-i,ffiil I.'le, V.,l!...inl n.,a.V, ,hiriv.ti.r..'.. hnm t of the Bankers' Trust Company on one of 'the upper floors of wfik-h J I'ierpout .Morgan is to have his pri vate oflices as soon as the buildiii: is completed. Standing on the cor-i ner 'where: Broad and Nassau streets ioin with Willi, one could .ilinosf ' throw a stone to hit a majorHy ofjtlonably the tendency of what Pro the seven institutions which Con- gressnian Lindbergh desighws or dominating the entire financial sys tem of the country, as well as ihe offices of many of the great inter natlcmal banking firms. It is noteworthy however, that, tho proposal for a thorough beating of the bushes in an effort to bring the fiuaticial dragon out. of- hiding has created less interest and aroused Makes a Bad Cough Vanish Quickly-oMoney Back The Qulckett, Surest Cough' Remedy You Ever Used. Family 8upply for 50c Save You $2. You have oever used anything which takei hold of a bad cough and couquen it o quickly an Pinex Cough Syrup. Give almoKf instant relief and usiinlly stops the most obstinate, deep-seated cough in Hi hours. Uuaraateed to give prompt and Kositive reaulw even in cruup and w hoop i( cough. Pinei is a special and hitilily concen trated compound of Norway White Pine extract, rich iu guaiacol ami other heal jog pine elements, A fM-cenf bottle makes a pmt-a family supply of the best eottgii remedy tlmt money can buy, at a saving of $2. Btinply mix with home made sugar uyrnp or strained liouey, in a pint bottle, and if is ready for use. Easily prepared in 5 minutes directions la jiacknge. t;iiildn like Finei .Obugh. Syran It tastes good, and M prompt, safe remedy for old or young, Htimulates the appetite nd is slightly ldlotlve-Mioth good fea ture.. A linndy household roedidne for boarseneg, nathma bronchitis, etc and uamtHially ffmtiv for. hit ipient luo troubles. Fsed In ' Mora, boves la the TT. 8. ahd Vtooda than any other cough remedy. . ' , u Pipex ha often beon imitated, but m. ifiv USS fM irni (faw-v; " never sucoemifully, ,for nothing lse will ?JIJ!Z or money refunded, Crtltlcst of guar-; . ante is wntppeJ iM oeh- nsekair,' Ypur raore certain the ensctment of nieas- i, -i .rt-Arx7Tri: -4'"-; ,-j - if-AM.,; "h,--t -',.-t:-i;':":'.' "1'',fr .:s:;rKx'T'V:-i ' '' ' "'V""-:;i' - i ' V-'-t..;".-?-c.? ''-i'-Xf'' ,-v.v ;,(..;,- .,, : .v. $,--jr7:f. :.? $ , .-.J :i-v;.- -f Aa:T m m in ssssssssssstsssasMSsBBSSsssssss---s. fVo Other Emnlsloa Bas The Quality There Are Two Sizes 16 oz. and'" 8 oz. Each Brown Bottles Only. ' No fw?To. Eat Up Quantity All Dr&sufreGlad to Selllt Children, Love It Tastes Good , in.. 1 ' . I sample isotue rree oy ran That those Who ire seeking health and strength for themselves, children, rela- Uvea ' "jj"4? 'TTwfZl' plvlnK propcrtkw of this exclusive Xnr- way koI! medal najnlzed cod liver oil medicinal food etnuMnn as well ns to know Ozonmlflon ' Rtiperlof ity In being most palatable and easy tn take a gen erous 3-oa bottle will be pent by mall to those who send addre.-v -cs bv p.i lc.-o d or letter -( Oitumiilsion, .'.c: I'. crl St . V V. less discussion In downtown Man i hattan than in almost any other part. of the country. This is .not -he usual effect of a legislative or le;al assault. Only a few months ago the filing of an action against, the Steel :try. Thn present condition was gra Corporation sent the. price of s-.ocks .. phically expressed by I'aul M. Wn" ttimhling, while the mere runt or of burg, of l uhii, l.oeb .C- Co , in -a re ap investigation or n suit has many times sent financial chills running up and down-.' the spines of Wall Street leaders. The. comparative .in difference with which the present, in quiry is regarded -might, he attribut ed naturally lo one of two re.iiion:-,, l itlier that the financiers -are secure in t lie knowledge of their own ip- mil- nee or that they feel themselves sn firmly tntrenohed that they do not 1 elieve that even congress can shake their power. Neither of these is th true explanation, however, accord ing to men who are in close to'.ieh vith the big bankers and are famil iar with the affairs of their t ions. "The fact Is that Wall Street al ready has discounted any possible results of an Investigation into its relations to the financial affairs of the country," said a banker connec; ed with one of the institutions' aim ed at in the congressional resolution when induced to speak freely oii'.thiu subject by the promise that his name would not be- used. "While it is ridiculous to assert that there is any such thing as a money trust in the sense in wliiclirthe word is apid'ed to tlie big industrial corporation's.,' or that any group of banks, here or elsewhere,-, could seriously affect the general prosperity' of the country, it is true beyond question that ;!' New York batiks have exercised, and Still exercise, an important Influence over the financial system of the country. This is shown "learly enough by the fact that in times of stress or panic New York is e'alie-d upon to take the situation, which sometimes it is able to do and some times not. It is true also that with in the past few years there has been a marked tendency to combination ailil CliUSOl IIUU 11111 BMIUIIK the bis hanks. . This h as been due io the fact that these Institutions have ben: compdled by the very conditions of : our banking system to extend their; resources ill every possible way in or,1,'r to meet the demands wtain ,0 1)0 n"",,' ",on them wh,'nPVOri I'-'UH K onditions arise. Unqiies - fessor l.aiigblin, of '-Chicago, lins dtilihed our fi'inlal system of iinnnee, In which the weaker financial In stitutions are dependent upon the stronger, is to bring into exlstf nee in -'the financial 'capital of the coun try a .dominant, centralized, ,invgii lated control of credit that is in ef fect, though not necessarily in form, practically a hanking trust. The in centive to this result is contained In the very construction of our present banking system anil the movement could not he halted by congress or any other power except by a r-hnnge of i his system "On the other hand, before ever congress gave serious consideration 10 the question of probing the al leged money irust,' Wall Street be came convinced that the financial system was to bo changed strong popular demand, for banking' and currency legislation fetter, adapted to the needs of legltiiiatel business that has been gathering. force ever since the panic of 1!M7, cannot much longer be denied. It Is practically certain that such legisla tion will be the existing congress either during Its present lession or at the following one. And nobody realizes better than the Wall! Street bankers thnt anv new leclsli tion will remove any possibility o . . domination ot the country s nnanc iai system by them. That is what 1 mean by saying that Wall Street has discounted the effect of the proposed congressional inquiry. Foreseeing; that their sceptre is about ,j to pass they anticipated no embarrassing re sults from the approaching Invests gatjon.. . Personally , I think, that th investigation will be a good thing if --- - v . it will bring clearly before the coun- ttryihe' centralizing tendency pf our present banking laws and a oak ; patt .of, .the. country,, wtth thef ppsal-ble-exception' of the small specnla tlve element of the stock exchanges. K "In the mere matter of gixe, In spite, of the rapid growth, of wme of our financial Institutions, jve have no banks to compare with those of Europe.. It would be easy to name offhand half a dozen or tnore foreign institutibns that far exceed the greatest banks in this -country. In making-this statement 1 do not refer to the stae banks such an the Bank of France . or..-the- Bank-' of England, but to privately controlled institutions such: aro': k iown Jn England as joint-stock .benka. -There are no less than six of tUesw in Lon don alone, ersater than. -the. largest In the United States. :A.monij these the Lloyds with $38O,WOli00. de posits, the London County 'ind Westminster-with $365,000,00(j, the Lon don City and Midland with, 000,000 arid the National Provincial with SOO,000,600. In Franco,: we find the Credit Lyonnote with de posits of 1366,000,000,,, 'snihft Comptoir d'Escompto-.. with" oyer jiiin.OOO.OOO, while in Cerniany the rietilHche Bank liaa $310,000,000. Compared to these great private banks the largest of our American institutions seem relatively puny." ' Realizing that their '.control over the credit facilities of the f Jhntry in certain to be taken away in the near future, the metropolitan leuders ap parently have analyzed the 'situation and have concluded thet in lie end this result may he of hene ir. to them rtu it nil ou t-rk tfin tne, nf tllil ,rinli. I cent address when he i-ald ''Wall Street. Is a leader st!!tn on a k"p of .'dynamite.'". Now lha-' ihi-i dan gerous throne s'-em-t likely re moved by leglslitio'i (teaiinj; a na tional reserve asjiiciiiiion to operate the ti.iiiking and currency system of the country,' Wall Rtraet has con- linleil thai a place in the ranks will be mure comfortable if less infliien- lial. Only a few individuals ever have profited by panics and the A all Street leaders wisely agree that in the long run a financial system that tends to the general prosperity of tlie country will be of greater bene fit to them, as well as to (he rest of the country than one that in volves frequent panic and general loss' Mail Carriers Will Fly. This in an age of great discoveries. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Cncle Sam's mail carriers Hying in all directions, transporting mail. People take a wonderful in terest in a discovery that benefits them. That's why Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs, colds and oth er throat and lung diseases is the most popular medicine in America. '-It cured me of a dreadful rough," writes Airs. J. F. Davis, Stickney Corner, Me., "after doctor's treat ment and all other remodies had failed." For roughs, colds or any bronchial affection its unequaled. Price joe and $1.00. Trial bottle free at King-Crowell Drug Co. r.T.T .WOTIIK.n DKMOCUAT. Kansas District Fleets Deniocrntir Coii)ire.Kmaii. Iliitchinson, Kas., Jan. li Re turns from yesterday's "seventy" district congressional election shows the election of (ieorce A. N'eelev. ,iemocrai. to succeed the lme K. II. ja,iiti0ni hv a ,,,-joritv of 1,500. -. sM1,ort,M f Siieaker Chiiinn j ciark predicts he will get the dele- gaUon to the na ional convention, The -big seventy" district has . i,rPn republican since 1000. FREE PI LE REMEDY Sent to Demonstrate the Merits of Pymmid Pile Remedy. What It Has Done for Others, It Can Do for You. We havo testimonials by Ihe hun dreds showing all stages, kinds and degrees of piles which have been cured by Pyramid Pile Remedy. If you could read these unRollcit ed letters you would no donbt'go lo rhQithe nearest drug store and buy' h bo!! r ''ramld Pile Kemedy at once 'r"B "" cenis. "ol W to do tnis. Send 118 Jour name and address and we will send you a trial package py mail, free. We know what the trial package will do, In mfany cases it has cured piles without further treatment. If 11 Drove8 value; to you, order 0Te rom 5"our druggist, at 50c a uux. inis is jair, is it not! simply cut out free coupon below and mail I rnrlav tvltl, inn. mbma J i A n today, with your name and address on a slip of paper, to tlie Pyramid orug Cp., 425 Pyramid Bldg., Mar shall, Mich., and a sample will be sent you FREE, I I II i Merchants Katiosud B & l''r''ynK . , .,, A. '.-v-vv - ; ? -iwyi--"-'. "v" ,i'r'"v AV... ' -.. . ,:M.-v:.r ---;"' V'-"'' ' :''' ."'- ,, ; "' :. .- " '-v. -." -. Children Cry The Kind Yon Have Always In use for over 30 yean, ana lias been made under his per ' Bonal "npervlsion since its Infancy. X4Ctfi :. Allnw nn nna n 1nnt.ra ,mn In tula All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with arid endanger the health of ' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing. Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Hubstanec. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and nUays Fcverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the - Stomach and Iiowcls, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the In Use For TMt CCNTAUS COMPANY, T ' t 9i 9 The Kind You Have Always Bought 4 tl - B-y - 1WM WILE BUY Tliri-e-.iuarter of an ae:e on Y'est Pence Street, Cllenwood. This lot i.-i feet on Peace street and runs hack along the line of the Xorfiilk Routliern Ualbciad 2nn feiM to' ;1 -j) foot aP'-y. On this lot is a inoilerii four loom house with bath and electric lights, live vacant lots, a splendid location tor a wood, coal and lumber yard, other residences or a factorv. $2,.00.00 would not buy this propel ry lint for (lie fact I want to invest th'e money elsewhere, the rent will pay the interest on $2, ,"00. nn. Pee ine if you want a fine investment JAMES A. SANDERS. Save 15 to 20 Per Cent, By buying your Patent Altsllcines and Toilet Articles ..IT :- ". '- '.''" ROBERTSON'S CUT RATE STORE In 'arhoroiiph lluildintr, Alniost in l-oiit f Court House. Wo nlso handle KOIU, C'lG AIlS, STATION KItV .1X1) r.lXDV.' " CVNAItV AM) CAC.K, $5.00. Slashing, Smashing - 20 Per Cent Discount Sale SLASH Every thiriijpKipiipally cut in two. Big gest sale on record in our establishment. SMASH Go the Fall and Winter priees. We havo marked all our goods down 20 per cent., especially for this' sale. - . - ' . DASH To our shop before the big rush that's bound to come, However, every one will be takn care of courteouslj AN big day doesn 't fuss us up at all we love it. V . . . CASH Can be saved if you'll come in and nee our wonderful bargains. You are welcome to tho Slashing, Smashing P ishing Sale, beginning Janu ary 3 '12, at the busy place of , . . A. e. HIWTOW, , i n- .ill QTHfABOLlXA,8f10EM08'F TAnX)rt. 3.. . for Fiotchoo Bought, andi -rliicb hoa been has borne the "signature of Signature of Over 30 Years MUBB.r STKrlT. NrW VOSK CITV. 5 ft A A v i: ii )0V