THE" RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1912. FOR SAlEl MARKETS BY WIRE a.of .roxd.Wea on M St. ATOCXS COTTOM GRAIN PROVISIONS Vc8ted, cash or p&yrtvents, . ew York Cotton L-tt;r. ; New York. Jan. 11 Tie i.n rc slon created here; yesterd'ty after noon that interior was offering s;o'. more freelv and hedglfl? in the con tract market disappeared-fii3 men: Ing owing to the fli;m dose in New Orleans last night firm Liverpool oiblcf. compel atively large Liverpool spot IttiF.iiKMH ami the fact that lead Ins Mjr.theni spot markets late yea-. Icrday showed no sigmi of weaknvs. Our market opened linn nt 6 poin a advance on .1 :i 11 1 1 j. i- and 13 t,o I on later months. A rent' ion of I or 5 points followed ,l.he ball, but there as no weakness and during the. af ternoon sold 22 to il points above the c'orc figures of last night on the active months. Mem pit is was rred f od with buying hoivily here. prc snmably to cove:- shorts, while big spot people were believed to be sell ing on the strong spo:s. its report ed that some of the big local houses 8cnt out very bullish advleea late yesterday find the aetion of the mar ket would suggest that they have made some- impression ''on Nothing could be much more liessl m telle than the, character of labor news from Kngland. but the con tinued steadiness of the market there, particularly in the matter of spot cotton, this phase of situation It seems that big English spot sales may be explained on the grounds that 'Liverpool has a lot of pretty good cotton in stock there, while of ferings o fhtgh grades in south are scarce and high. Open. High. Low. Close Sept. Oct. . Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. 9.85 9.74 9.93 9.80 9.85 9.92 9.85 9.90 9.20 9.S8 9.60 9.67 9.74 9..5 10.00 i.l) 9.43 9.5H 9.59 9.69 10.01 9.41 9.90 9.20 9.5J 9.38 9.71 9.57 9.72 9.T8 9.82 9.80 9.83 9.67 9.72 Market closed strong. Liverpool oCtton Liverpool, Jan. 11 Liverpool due 2 to 2 1-2 higher spot steady 6 higher. Middling 5.33d. Sales 12 000, American . 11,000. Receipts 14,000, 13,000 American. January . ; , ... ''.;. .. . . 5.15 January-February February-March.. :. ,-March-April . . . . .. April-May .... May-June . . . . . . June-July . . . . . July-August ... . August-September . . September-Otober . . October-November . . November-December. 5.15 ',6 5.1 S ',4 5.20'fc 5.23 5.25' 5.28 5.30 5.o0 5.31 5.31 Vi XAJLE3QH COTTON MARKET. (Quoted bj Barbe Co.) Good middling.. .. .. .. ..9 Strict middling.... .. .. ..3 1-16 Middling.... .. .. .. .. ,.8 New York Stock Letter. New York, Jan. 11 The market was dull and Irregular without ten dency except in Lehigh Valley, which showed marked strength and on heavy buying advanced to 185 Vi The strength in Lehigh Valley had no effect nn the general lint. I'nlon l'ai lib: resisted the pressure rulher lx't'er :h,ni of lali!. There wan no' news o fany kind but the. bond mar ket, fails to allow any stimulus from easy money. The market rallied some in the last few minuleu but Le high Valley closed at ahoul the low price of the day. Sales. 115,000, Dosing .Slock limitations. American Cotton Oil 48 American Car and Kouudry . , 02 Anaconda Mining Co. ... . , , '16 Vi Atchison. . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Amor. Smelting and Ucftiilng. 71 Vi Atlantic Coast Line. ..133 Brooklyn Kiipbl Transit .'. Baltimore ft Ohio . . . . . . . New York Central. . .... Chesapeake & Ohio Erie .. .. .. Crcat Northern, pfd. . . .. Missouri, Kansas & Texas Missouri Pacific Norfolk ft Western .... Northern Pacific . ... . . Ontario & Western . . . . 1'cnnsylvanla . . .'. ; . Louisville & Naslivlllo .. Rock Island . . . . . . Reading . . ... . ... . Southern Pacific . . . . . .Southern Railway. . . . . .- Southern Railway, pfd. St Paul .. . . . . Union Pacific . . . . . . United 8tates Steel .. .. United States Steel, pfd. , . . Virignla-Carollna Chemical . T . 101 ' . !t ft . 71 . J0'4 .125 . 25 .39 .109" .I11',i .38 .132 .154 . 24 .149 '.4 .199 28 , . 70 .108 ,.107 .. 66 Vi ,.110 .. 53 Chicago Grain. Chicago, Jan. 11 Rereclpts very light. Weather extremely cold but wltb exception of spots in Ohio Val ley. Plant protester, by snow. Mar ket firm but selling by buyer of yes terday cheeked the advance. If we get a setback favor purchases. Corn opened strong pit crowd and local bulla on buying side commis sion noose selling checked advance but wltb the big feeding by contin ued Cold weather which shows no signs moderating muct setback ex pected. , i its . firm with corn trade li?ht local inclined to buy ou easy spots. Provisions higher with corn of fering" rather light moderate coni misFion house demand partly from shorts. , Wheat Open. High. Close. May . . UNI',:. 1.00 1.00 July . . .93 Vi .95 .94 Corn May . . .65 MM .(!." July . . .05 .(if. ! M OtttN, May . . .49 .W .49 Va July . . .45',i .45 U .45Vi Pork Jnn... 15,95 J 6.00 lfi.00 May . .'.16.25 16.50 1.'43 Lard Jau. . . 9.S2 9.42 9.42 May . . 9.55 9.65 H.G5 Kibs . , Jan. . . 8.52 8.65 8.65 May . . 8.75 8.92 8.90 Naval Stores. Savannah, Jan. 11 -Turpentine Brm 43 '4 to ; rosin firm type F. and G. 7.00. "'" '" : V Chicago, Jan. 11. -Economy in the conduct of the national govern ment and tariff reform were declared by Governor Harmon at the lro-iuois Club luncheon, the vital issue of the day. Incidentally the governor pre dicted that the Democratic presi dential nominee who promised these reforms would be elected this year by a large majority. Harmon drew an analogy between the conditions in Ohio and the na tional conditions. He added: "It Is now up to the people to fill Taft's place with a Democrat. This I ex pect to see the voters do." Four hundred persons attended the lun cheon. Athletics At W. F. C. (Continued From Page One.) at Wake Forest. With the exception of one substitute every man men tioned will return to college next year. ' Though not as heavy as desired the schedule as it now stands is an excellent one. The . trip will be taken Into Virginia where with one exception college teams will be play ed. 'The two anniversary games, by far' the most important local games on the schedule will be played with A. ft M. and V. P. I. With the ex ception with A. & M. no North. Caro lina colleges are on the schedule. Ef forts are being made to play Caro, Una a series of three games, one at Chapel Hill, another at Wake Forest and a third in the new auditorium at Raleigh. Mercer and the Charlotte Y. M. C. A. will probably battle with the local team at this place. The schedule as It now stands is as follows: January. 13 William and Mary at. Wake Forest. 20 A. ft M. at Raleigh. 27 Randolph Macon at Wake Forest. February. 1 Virginia Christian College at Wake Forest. 5 Randolph Macon at Ashland ' . Va. "''.. 6 Lynchburg Y, M. C. A. at : Lynchburg. 7 V. P. I. at Blacksburg. ' '8 Open. No game desired. 9 Vlrglula Christian College at Lynchburg. 10 V. M. I. at Lexington. 15 A. & M at Wake Forest. 17 V. P. I. at Wake Forest. TO MAKE ARMY POITLAK. Secretary KMiiinoii IIoicn Cltiwns May lie Induced to Serve, New York, Jan? 11 The United States army is now on a higher plane and offers a more Interesting career to the officer and private than it ever did before, Secretary of War Stint son said today In an address before the women's branch of the National Civic Federation. "One great work of the future, he said, "will be the popularization fo life In the army by which citizens in all walkB of life may be Intro - duced to serve for a certain period as an act of patriotism as well as duty, after which they may return to their ordinary civilian vocations, but In an emergency would be avail- able as trained soldiers to go to the protection of their country." i' The secretary praised the work of the engineering' eorpt'on tho Panama Canal. A mn wnnM rathar halta th Miun try ruined by his political party than" saved by the other fellow's, ' ' 5 Mi ... I gl I ' Htlledt banking strucfur-A in th world Kcw homo tKc.Daalicrd'-Tt'u Co. NO MORE COMPETITION Carnegie Believes the Day of Competition Has Passed Men Are Able to Agree on 1'iices And Maintain Tliem and 'I'll it l)c. tinj's Competition Relieves iov eriimeiit Should Regulate Corpor ations anil Fix Maximum Prices. Washington, Jan. 11. Andrew Carnegie, continuing his testimony before the house steel trust commit tee,, declared that the day of compe tition had passed because of the ability of manufacturers to fix and , maintain prices. "Men, he aid,' have been able to sit down and i aSlCC IU UA IHIUUS (IUU lllillULclUl them." Do you believe that the situation today destroys competition?" he was asked. ; 'Certainly." 'That men in these corporations meet somewhere today to ilx and maintain prices?-' "1 think that is obvious." .Carnegie was asked if he '-. lgreed, today with the views he expressed two years ago, urging the govern ment control of corporations and regulation of prices. "1 still adhere to them,", he un answered. "1 believe the ;overn- ment should regulate maximum prices." Don't you think it an unfor tunate condition?" 1 think the time has arrived w urn uiai is . jieceuai unu i poiiiii to the interstate commerce commis sion, wnicn nas urougat orcier. peace and Justice out of the chaos in rail- road business." Carnegie declared he never had any idea the American people would permit the organization of such . trusts as have grown up in 'his country without, government regula tion. The iron master said he did not know the Sherman law Intel - ferred with his company in engaging in pools lle said he would nof punish millionaires, as examples to . other millionaires, because they hail done something in ignorance of law. "That would be vindictive," he said. E IN TEXAS EPIDEMIC Dallas, Tex., Jan. 11 The menace of iiienitigilis here and In other cities of north 'and east Texas has installed such fear among all classes of tlui ponlation that public gather ings have been practically abandon ed. While the Btaie health boarJ yesterday found the epidemic con. dltlons improved, there is no let up in" the light against the malady. Physicians arc now experimenting with meningitis serum to check the spread of the disease. I'M'iblisli JMI ant hie. (ireesbeeli. Texii, Jan. I I lle causo of I he meiil'igitia epidemic in tho Hlate, "iitiaraiitlne" was estab lished hero. No pcrsoiib are per mitted to leave tio trains here. Lime Is scattered through the streets. No meningitis has so far been discovered In Grocsbeck. Bill For Three Vice Admiral. Washington, Jan. 11. Three vlco admirals for the navy are proposed In a bill introduced by Itepresenta- . tlv Levy, of New York. The uicas- 1 u re would have vice admirals ap- 1 pointed by the President, with salaries of eleven thousand a year 'and $132 a mouth for quarters al- 4 lowanccs. . . . , , - ..- . f WAXTKl) Experienced eook 'at ' once. Only, experienced one need i apply. Hutching! House, .119 W. Margin., J-ll If... I: Capt Dahlgren Dd. . v, v Trenton, N. ., Jan. 10 Captain B. Dahlgren, retired, died today. He i was a op ot Admiral Dahlgnen. - National Cltv Home of two Hundred SEC. WILSON'S RFRORT Who Gets the Profits He Asks Washington, D. C, Jan I I --'The consumer pays a dollar lor food: -the fanner gets lets than IHi cinis of it. Who gets llio rest? ''That is a ouosllou wliirh !ecre "lary Wilson, of the 'Department .of Agrieiil'iK-e, asked in his animal re port. The secretary does not ' 'at tempt to answer it. He docs explain in some detail the results el' im in vestigation his department liiis just concluded into ilie effect of wholesomcness eol 1 and storage on 'the cost of food. His invest iga l ion lea .la him to recommend mililiciiv for th amount of food in e )ld storage, just j as the department nvv gives ; public- It y to the condition month to mouth. of crops from instead of food remaining in stor- age for longer than a year o:iw.i years, as a rule, the secreiary ile- jrlares that his iiivestigatinn showed that "receipts into (old storage p'-e entirely or very nearly exhausted by the deliveries out of .cold storage within ten months." Long storage is the cM'cptiou tli" secretary asserts.- W'iiroliouseineri explained to the department that ex cessively long storage was dne',to; lawsuits and other .circumstances l . an uncommercial nature. The com j of storage, incliidinj, sio.-age charge, i interest and Insurance is considered , ; as a barrier to very long -storage. ,'(,1,1 utor-i"f 111 sec:-c ary rejior: has raised t lie cist of living by in ,...., ,hp animal .nice level for imitf,,. un,i p,,,vs The secretary says Uiat an exami nation of the record o-i" pr'ce-i gives a "suspicion" thai then- has luvn linicli speculation in -ome i-nrs by Hie men who Keep i iminiod : I it s in cold storage. He refers ; t.i "an a pparou! mis take" of the sion men in ter- !w"im"nK t1"' ."""'"""I'Heii of eggs ny tiie public at cxo. iiii'iiii i,ric s last winter wf,h Ihe resn't li;u in the spring the storage men had tu sell eggs at remarkably l-jw prices and send abroad the laigeit amonn' of eggs ovT exported in order I ' ci rid of the supply.- The soi relary de clares thai I lie wareiueisrinen ouglit to bo reiuired to -aeu'il t.) Wubing? ton eiieh moiilli the aluoipiv of rnni modil ies placed iii xiera ". o i ual the public may lie able 1,1 judge of Hie future. .trend' of p.j i'S. A greal vnrielv el ' subjecl.s ' are! dealth with by the ccreliiry In bis report, lie says dial in.-. .ijr ih not far distant when I he lulled Suites will Cease lo imiiort i.olash. Klorida. Kentucky, Tennessee and Idaho are nmMiimw..i .i.,,.ui i m ics Upcniiniieiidul ion ii; made that nil government - agencies Hint conserc!' health should be grouped together In one bureau. The success of Hp- department In the southern status through objecl lessons In tbe fields, Is prononiiced to have been such as to Justify Hie extension of the. work to all states. The depart iii'int miiiouiiccs lhai the corn crop Is nuo ing northward by seed selection. The American s..-'em of reutlni; land are declared lo be faulty and result In soil robbing. It la "sug gested that domestic animals be kcpl on farms, even If ihe land owner must furnish them, and that there be a rotation of crops. After years of experimentation. the department says that Egyptian cotton can he grown In southern Cul- iforula and bulbs in the state ot Washington The crawfish -Is" pronouheed' to bo a serious pest in the south." Carbon blsulphld Is tmld to be a sure remedy, I The finest dates from the Sahara desert succeed in the southwestern states. , Poultry . prod mils for the past year are estimated to have been worth l"50.goi,000. - - . , Te foresters of the forestry Bu reau are learning by experiments ho wto reforest 30,000 acres In a 'year. The secretary says that ten I times this much must bo planted an . - B&nk.v million, dollars j niKiliv to' cover all the bare acres in a seller;1.! ion. 'We are ''iid-lng cxnlciii rs to the eiiilfi of the earih for licw ptauls--and eltiii.:; lli'Mii." ;-as Secrel a.-.v WUmmi. The secretary"1 warns (he irrigation tanners thai liiey niiisl conserve I'heir soil: thai -irrigation will bring maximum crops while I lie land is new and lull of plant food. lini. where the crops are sold year by year, irrigation of itself will not of il.seti assure great results. NO BREAK IN THE COTTONTRADE WAR Manchester England, Jan. 11. '1 Here is no sign up to tpe prtbeiu oi the slightest disposition on the part of.-.ei! her party in the cotton trade pV"' t0 surrender. i lie connici oegau in December, when the trade union 'f1" niseu lo vei k h mi u if uvi unionists. The employers thereupon ordered a general lock-out, involving 180,000- persons, and ''the movement spread until now some 300, 000 workers' arc .affected. Hflosekeeper SililW W 1 1 VI HI Kiors. ;ii!! I us yor.r wauls lit-v ur, have jiriiiiiil alli'litliui. The I D. Riggad Co, .1. T. ALDIIR.MAX, Mgr. No. Iw I ayetlcville Sltecl, : Norfolk Soufnern Railroad t . Rmifp nf the Kinht . Fxnrnss " "" ."-V -" 'Travel via iialelgh (Union Station! and Norfolk-Southern Railroad, to and from all points lu Kastern Carolina. Schedule in efoct Juno 11th N. B. The following schedule Bg urea published as information only and are not guaranteed. Trains Leave Raleigh 11:15 p. m. Daily "Night Express1 Pullman Sloeping Car for Norfolk. 1:16 a. m. Dally For Wilson Washington and Norfolk P.roiler Parlor Car service be tween Raleigh and Norfolk, a. ni. Dally, except Sunday- :1S l'"or New Bern via Chocowla ity. Parlor Car service. 11:4 it p. in. Daily except Suuday For Washington. Trains Arrive Raleigh 7:20 a. m. Dally. 11:30 a. m. Daily except Sunday 1:11 p.m. -Dally. Train Leaves C.oldsboro. 10:11 p. m. Dally "Night Express." Pullman Sleeping Car for Norfolk via Now Bern. 7:11 a. m. Dally For Beaufort and Norfolk. Parlor Car betweeo . Washington and Norfolk.. S:SU p. m Dally For New Bern, Oriental, and Beaufort Par lar Car Service. , For further In formation and reser vation of Pullman Sleeping Car space, apply to D. V. Conn. Ueneral Agent. Raleigh, N. C. W. R. HUDSON. W. W. CTtOXTON. Gen. Supt., Gen. Pass Agt, Norfolk, V Houses ia)o m i of the rity at ngfit yc- mm :-- . 9 Classified Ails, are published at the rate of Ono Cent a Word fr 9 each insertion, strictly cash in advunee. No Ads, accepted by tele- 9 9 phone, all hough messengers w ill invert ion will be given (or less than 9 HELP WANTED. W'ANTKD -A inachinisl operator. one who. is competent to take care jf machines. Apply to Foreman of ltaleigh Daily Times. THH MAKTIX V MlliLS want -Inspectors" and menders. Kusy work and good pay. 1-11. Thurs. Sat. Tiles, tf. WAXTKl ) 0 oo d reliable driver, apply California 1-U lit steady worker, Fruit Store. TWO HOYS WAXTKl) Not 'lllder I a years of age. Edwards & Broughton Printing Co. 1-irj-L't COOK WAXTKl) Experienced. Pre fer her to live on the premises, U. N. Simiiis. l-.j fit. ItAILWA V MAIL CLKKKS WA.XT- ed --Write. for Raleigh spring ex '.amination schedule. Franklin In stitute, Dept.. 291-L, Rochester, N. Y.. 1-4-1 mo. 'iVAXTKD Women atid girls to make men's underwear; work light and clean; good wages paid while learning. Address A. W. Chapin, Supt. Melrose Knitting Mill, Ral eigh, N. C. 11-25-tf POSITIONS WANTED. WAXTKl) AT OVCK Position by experienced lady stenographer Address Stenographer, care Times. t-1 l-i:t. LOST AND FOUND. KKWAItl) and no questions asked, for return of gold bracelet, which was taken from (irand Tlietoro " Sat ur ilny night. To Times ol lice. i J-l-it '- i FOR RENT. l'OIS IIKXT Two furnished roomti. Apply. at oil E, Lane St. 1-M-2I r MISCELLANEOUS. tIALK PRICK SALK OK I'l KS, units and dresses at I. lioscnthal's. 1-ll-tf. XOTH K TO IIKI) MKX AM) PALK- faees: Oecolieecliee Tribe No. 10 will rajse its newly elected chiefs to their respective." slumps' on Friday's "' -Sleep Hp- I2tli Setting Sun this Cold Moon al l in- Xlh run. .Ml H"d Mm and paleiaceH are imileil lo ome and witness' tliit: eiiuiaial and exceptional per formance. Itro. .1. T. 11. Hoover will deliver an address on the principles of the Order. A regular old lime smoker around the Wig wam Camp will be- indulged In, fly Order or Hie Tribe, Ceo. L. TonuolTskl, Chief of Itccords. 1-1 1 , 11 ALL Fl liS. SI ITS AM) DRKSSKS are sold al half price at I. Rose it -dial's. 1-ll-tf. Itl; SOIUKK AT IIALKHiH DAXC. ing Academy, South Wilmington sireet, over Hall's Store,'.' Friday night. January 12. Music by Prof. Fa lie. I-11-21 WANTED Six-p-oom house, close In cottage preferred, state location, terms, etc. O. D, E. 1-10-iit tii;T VOl It 111 IUIKK STAMPS I'OK I ! 1 2. Send for catalog. Terry, the Stamp Man. Ilolleiuan ltldg. l-l lo Feb. I. PCIU.IC STKXtMJKAPHIC WORK, expert 'court, reporting, typewrit ing, multigraphlng and mailing list furnished. Reasonable prices. Apply Commercial Letter Writing Company, Merchants National ' Bank BitLding. Capital City Tel ephone. 1-8 t. f. WANTED AT ONCK Unfurnished room and board, centrally located by married couple with one child. I Address Box 284 City. 1-9-iit i be sent for tliem ou reiiiest. No 9 10 cents. 9 FOR SALE. I'OK ItKXT Three uiifurniKhed rooms for vent for light house eekping. Couple preferred. Ai ply at 5 la --Oak wood Avo. :.l-'ll-2t , I'OH SALK Dry pine woid, until March 1st. ltaleigh Creamery, C. C. Phone OOO-I'V 1-1- T. T. S to 25 : t-'OK SALK One 1,050 lb. marc, suitable for light driving and wagon work. Will sell at a bar gain. N. C. Experiment Station, Pox 2::7, West Raleigh, N. C. l-10-t.f. KOlt SALK Corner lot, Peace and Halifax, at auction, January l&th. See notice elsewhere in this pa per. l-l 12t NORTH CAROLINA WHITE COMB HONEY . lb, 'A Boxes :$.". HOME GROWN PECANS 15e. Pound. BLACK WALNUTS 'ir: Pink. PHOXK 2H YOIK WANTS. Pent Goods. llest Service. H. J. JOHNSON, (Successor to D. T. Jolinson & , Sou, 16 K. Hargett Street, Iluleigli, N. C. i New Records FOR not": VMTOlt AXI) X)Ll MlilA TALKINi MAl'III.NKS lusl recch'd, besides a lot of new Hiachiiic.s. You will' never be lonejionie with ii Talking Machine and some good records In tho homo. We have constantly in slock shce! music and all kinds of musical instruments. No lii-ed to go elsewhere lo purchase anything in Hie music line, for we have as good as chii be secured any where and our prices ami terms are certainly tin leasoti . able. Darnell & Thomas, Address: lUIeigli, N. C. . HUBBARD BROS & CO COTTON MEROHAMT ' Haaoter eViuaro, N. T. ." Members New Tork Cotton Eichaage. New Orleans Cotton Exchange. New Pork Produce Market. Associate Members Liverpool Cottoa Association ; ' Orders solicited for the purchase and sale of Cotton and Cotton Reed Oil for future delivery. j Special attention and liberal terms given tor consignments of tpot Cotton fpr delivery. i Correspondence IITIU4, k 200

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