TIIU liALJSUJJl DAILY TIMES, .MONDAY, JANCAUY 2i), 1912. 5 Baleighjlg .limes Every Afternoon Except Sunday. TIMES PUBLISHING COMPjuvT, JOHN A. PARK, President. - J. E. CLARK,. . . ..oju......:. .Editor. JNO. A. PARK, Business Manager. SUBSCRIPTION BATES, v(By MaJL) 1 Tear Mo, Mo. 94.00 93.00 91.00 (By Carrier.)' 1 Tr. 8 Mo. 8 Mo. 1 Mo. 1 Wk. 93.00 12.50 L33 9 .45 9 .to All Subscriptions Most Be Paid In ... Advance. Publication Offic -THE TIMES BUILDING 12-14 East Hargett Street. ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS. Entered at the Postofflce at Raleigh, N. C, as Second-class Matter. The democratic house passed the steel tariff revision bill today. They are keeping up the good work they began last summer, and if the demo cratic leaders outside of congress will just display as much horse sense as the congressmen the party will sweep the country next fall. Champ Clark says he is a candi date for the democratic nomination and that he is "standing on his ou feet." When he went out of the way, however, to vote for' the Slier wood pension steal he put one of his feet oh a slippery place. Possibly he would make a good president, but this unnecessary blunder lost him any possible sup port, outside of Missouri, that there mlttht have been for him in the south. If the wishes of the candidates are followed the democratic sena torial primary will be held on the day of the regular election next No vember. At a conference the four candidates agreed in asking that the primary be held at that time. This being satisfactory to all the candi dates, will no doubt be done. They also agreed to make public ten days before and ten days after the elec tion the amount of their campaign expenses. Nothing was said in the agreement given out concerning the amount of the expenses. The new federal law on the subject is sup posed to limit the candidate to $1(1,000. The law allows the can didate, however, to spend money for a good many things that he doesn't have to account for in his statement of expenses. --..GOOD ROADS SK.NTIMKXT. The bad winter weather is not pleasant, but if it serves to create a determined sentiment for good roads we ought not to complain of Its severity. That it is having this effect we gather from the news papers from all over the state. The Monroe Journal thus tells of one instance: "'Squire Kills B. Pusscr started to town the other day from his home in New Salem township driving two j good mules hitched to a wagon nn which was one bale of cotton. Be fore getting here he gave up the task,' left his team with a friend and walked to town. How many morJ of our citizens had similar experi ences we do not know. When he . WDV back be carried a petition to "election for read improvement bonds wnicu ne win us it ois neignoors to . sign. Other petitions are out and , will be presented to the commis sioners at their next meeting. '-vf'ln the past few days there baa . t .1 -AnJ I .......... . , inrou uiiviunu uau luiuiuveuiaui. ' aentlment in this county that seems , to say that the people are at last de ' termlned to act on this Important subject. Our roads are as they have ', not hnnn In veara. and nlna nut nf ui. uimudi uu vi . di i u lu no something done ' now. " '- MFew people know bow easy it would be to do that something. - "ma you anow mat we can issue those, bonds, pay the interest on them, create a sinking fund to re- ilautm thnm. and hiilM rnadn at nni. all with the taxes that we are now paying for roads without getting any roadst" : Everything that helps along the sentiment should be welcomed, and If bad weather la going to be the cause of getting good rouda eventu ally t wjll have pirorcj hlnrnlni?, v RALEIQH A.VD PROHIBITION. A good many Raleigh people be- lieve that the prohibition law is not; better enforced in this city because of the impossibility, or at; least the difficulty of getting evidence against the violators of the law. AVe don't ! know what the views of the cit-v J authorities and the police department j,.ity admillistl,ui()ll nuly havt. . are in regard to the matter but we ',.,, ,t ,0 u lo lmt mmff vcsuuiBiur, u,CBWmC tu,a as this for not enforcing the law And It is true, of course, that a policeman cannot get the evidence direct. The whiskey seller is not going to sell to a policeman, or make a sale to ' another person whSle a policeman Is about. But thett the ingly, not to say sensationally, illus trated yesterday . afternoon at. the Auditorium by Rev. K. I.. Davis, superintendent of the StaCe Anti Saloon League. .. Before an au dience of three thousand people Mr. Davis opened his grip and set on the table In front of him a half dozen flasks of whiskey. These, he said, had all been purchased In Raleigh within 30 hours, and picking up each bottle, one at a time, he announced the place of its purchase. Two of the bottles were from one place, making five places that he named where the stuff is being sold in this city. Mr. Davis was of the opinion that if the Anti-Saloon League could come here and purchase liquor and thus obtain evidence against the violators -of the law that the l!al eigh officials ought also to be able to get the evidence, and the great audience of Raleigh people .seemed to be with him in this conclusion. But remarkable.. 'as.. was this de monstration of the ease with which liquor can be obtained here, and the seeming ease with which the evi dence can be gotten, it in fact does not help the situation at all except in that it may so crystalizc .senti ment that, the people will demand that action be taken, not only de mand it in the official)--, but take it Themselves. The point we arc mak ing is this: Miv Davis said lie did not buy the whiskey, .personally. He didn't say who did and we presume that the men who bought it did not want their names nrj.de public and would be unwilling to appear as wit nesses in cou it aga inst the ,sel- lers. Their reasons are the reasons of the average man here and else where, .Man doesn't like to play the spy . on his fellows, doesn't like to get another' man to violate the law and then betray him into the hands of tile law for fining il. 'The hon orable man doesn't want to lw a party to deceit and he knows if be buys wliisk".v from a man for tho purpose- of getting evidence against hint be is berta ing t bat tnim, lie may possibly agree that as a good citizen it is his duty to do so but his nature rebels against it and he will not do it. And this is why it is so hard 10 to- get evidence against these people. Mr. Davis didn't tell us anything new. We all knew it was being sold before and lie didn't show us how to get the evidence against the sellers for ! he suppressed the names of hi.s wit nesses. W'v are not criticising Mr, Davis. We understand that it is not his business, but the business of the people of Raleigh to put these peo ple out of commission. Wo are only showing that the people of Kaleigh have the same scruples uliout fol lowing the plan suggested by impli cation by Mr. Davis that Mr. Davis has himself, or that wc are left to believe he has, when he failed to produce his witnesses. . But there must be a way. Mayor Johnson was on the platform and saw tho demonstration. We hope he can find the way. The citizens can help by form ing a law and order league and hold ing up his hands In any effort bo may make and if necessary by tak ing the initiative. Raleigh ought to have a search and seizure law, like Asheville8, but It hasn't it, and bo must use the means it has to combat this traffic. Detectives could round up every one of these places in 24 hours. Some people brng the same objection against this method . that the private dtUen brinss'in his own case. But it is the 'detective's business, he is in the business and the objection does not ho,d d any moro tnan W0llld sut.h an objection hold good against any plain clothes officer. The cily should employ detectives. Vailing to do it. I the people, through a law and order league., should onuilov them.' The efetito plan into execution. The Charlotte Observer usually ( knows news when it sees it but in j giving that Swan . Quarter- church j si ory front page, top of column, it ; was a liule wide of the mark. That (story is not news -but ancient history at some time or ol Iter in the last fifteen years by almost every paper in the .-tate. An Ohio man by the name of Butt savs that. Osiar i'mlerwood can defeat a republican. And that was putting- it mildly, as Cowan or Booker would say. Mail Carriers Will Fly. This in an age of great discoveries. Progress rides on the air. Soon we may see Uncle Sam's mail carriers Hying in all directions, transporting mail. People take a wonderful in terest In a discovery that benefits them.: That's why Dr. King's New Discovery for coughs, colds and oth er throat and lung diseases Is the most popular medicine In America, "it cured me of a dreadful couga," writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stickney Corner, Me.,- "alter doctor's treat ment and all other remedies had tailed." For coughs, colds or any bronchial affection its unequale.d. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free at King-Crowell Drug Co. MONEY1 TRl'ST INVKSTHJATIOX. Xo AgrecnieiH Aiming House Demo crats on Proposed Investigation. Washington. Jan.' 2!. No agree ment among house democrats rela tive to the proposed "money trust" Investigation was evident today. Representative Lindbergh, insurgent republican,' author of 'the resolution now' before .the rules committee, de clared lie expected favorable action; Representative Littleton, a member of' the committee., dei land such an investigation -...would have the effect of further identifying the demo cratic party with a blind and (le st: uctive policy. The Choice of Husband is too important a matter for a wo man to be handicapped by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these kill-hopes by taking Dr. King's Lire Pills. New strength, tine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits things that win men-follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 25c at King-Crowell Drug Co. ' A man is j'usi as sure as sure can lie that wearing his hair like some famous' person !- a" great credit -to him. 1 THE GRAY HIS A Few .pi1irii.liti.is of a Simple KYiiictly Will Briii lijH-k the Na't nral Color. "Pull out one Kray bair and a dozen will take lis place" is an old saying, which is, to a great extent, true, If no steps are taken to btop the catiHe. When sray baits ap pear it Is a sign that nature needs assistance. It 1h nature's call for help. Cray hair, dull, lifeless hair, or hair that Is falling out, is not necessarily a sign of advancing age, for there arc thousands of elderly people with perfect heads of hair without a single streak of gray. When gray hairs come,-or when the hair seems to be lifeless or dead, some good, reliable, halr-rcstorlng I treatment should be resorted to at! once. Specialists say that one of j the best preparations to use is the old-fashioned "sage tea" which our j grandparents used. The best prepa- ration of this kind Is Wyeth't Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy, a prepa ration of domestic sage and sulphur, scientifically compounded with later discovered hair tonics and stimu lants, the whole mixture being care fully balanced and tested by experts. Wyeth'a Sage and Sulphur is clean and wholesome and perfectly harm less. It refreshes dry, parched hair, removes dandruff and gradually re stores faded or gray hair to its natural color. Don't delay another minute. Start using Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur at once and see w':at a difference a few days' treatment will make In your hair.- . .:- ;. ?t -. , This preparation is offered to the public at fifty cents a bottle, and Is recommended and sold by all dxng- tt T You can buy a tv.-o-thousiind year old Swan pan. Chinese calculal inf -machine, for .'tic,' and you will get your money's worth. But China is awaken ing. Chinese business' aieti are now paying the dif ference and using P.ur roughs Bookkeeping Ma chines;. Will you let us on why; -;lKMV Kill-roughs Adding Machine Co. Burroughs Bldg., Lynchburg. Wo have an office in Chitia. Justalitile dicker every stroke makes the LightTouchi onareh the . typewriter of efficiency . '.Light- Touch Monarch Ala chines makes possible a stroke that is just a little '.quicker than is possible with any other Typewriter."' With every stroke a lit le 'quicker, '.more .work can be done in the s.ii.ie lime Hence, more business, uio -e pi otit. MONTH I, V P.W.MKXTS. Monarch Machines may lie purchased -on the Mnn.rb.ly Pay- K nient Plan. Send for l.itera- t lure. Learn the. many reasons for Monarch Superiority : Durham Book and Stnioiury Comp'y, DI UUA.M, N. C. The Whole Family Reads The IUI eluh Daily Timen. U S. I Hiii i iitinn mi iiw O (V 4 Hi Tvff t At. . . . Jan. 20, 1 o I v! Korecaot For Raleigh and vicinity: Rain, warmer this afternoon and tonight; Tuesday, fair, For North Carolina: Rain this afternoon and tonight; colder In extreme west portion; Tuesday, fair, colder on the coast; moderate variable winds becoming northwest. ( AVeatlicr Conditions: A disturbance that extends from the lake region to the east gait states to attended by rain over the eastern portion of the country, with some snow In the north. The rainfall has, been heavy In Kentucky; Tennessee, Mississippi and Alabama, over three Inches at Meridian, MU. and four inches at Montgomery, Ala. The weather has moderated to some extent In ' the , northern states and this disturbance is not being followed by any decided fall la temperature,- . h1 Merchants National Bank Of Raleigh, N. C The service of this Bank is planned to sat isfy as nearly as is posible ami 'consistent all requirements of its customers. 4' Interest Compounded Quarterly, paid in Savings Department. E. O. Duncan, W. H. Williamson, Vicc.-Pres. T5Vf. Ctlcy, 2d Vice 1'ies. if Chas. E. Johnson, lVesldent. I Baleigji Banking The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Kecortl For Nearly Hulf a Century. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited in This Bank Each Week Will See You With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Ahead One Year From Today. You Will Spend it il You Do Not Deposit It. Try Sav inK Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank. FO K Any part of ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND Dollars. RENT RATES on money with us have not ad vanced as with everything else, " We charge only G per annum. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK and the RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. Construction Contractors There are many times when we could save you many hours, and sometimes days, delay in your work. Such as Sauli Weights, Castings, Iron and Steel Bars, Pipe and Fittings, are kept in stock, in addition to all kinds ot machinery. RALEIGH IRONWORKS COMPANY 7 Raleigh, N. C. Department of Agriculture WEATHER BUREAU 10L1JS L. MOORE. CM i ' WV ' V -(l V? , T 1 WV. - v. : ' ' Hft ."'"'' . I ." ' ..' President. V. II. Drake, Jr., Cashier. S. J. Hinsdale, Asst. Cashier. 1 3s F. H. Brigsts, Casliicr. Y and Trust Co. J R EN T YOUR LINEN Will look better and last - longer if laundered by us. If you desire your work done in any par ticular manner, let us know. We are equipped for sueli service. Peoples Laundry Co., THE BEST. Office 107 Fayctterille Street, Both Phones 74 IINDT CHOCOLATES Radeniaker's Huagsche Hop jes. Pure, Wholesome, Nutri tious, the best in the world. Be, JOc, 2.V, 50c, $1.00 Packages. , Made in Holland Try a sam . i-le packagcj ELLINGTON'S ART STORE RALEIGH, N. C. Embroidery Patterns Beautiful especially selected pat terns, with all working instructions, are now being showu. Table Covers, Center Piece. Scarfs, Coret Covers, llrevsiim Sacques, , Poiiiiiein, etc. Weathers Art and China More 117 FAVETTEV1LLE ST. F ARMERS A.VD CITY PEOPLI TAKE NOTICE. TO BE POSITIVELY SOLD BT ORDER OP THB BALTIMORE CONTRA OTTNG COMPANY, 10 HORSES A MIXES IM HORSES, 2S TO $65 XP. MI LES, $7S TO $100 A PAIR UP. All young stock, suit any and all business purposes. P. S. To be sold at the rate of 20 head weekly; also 10 big young fat Mares, slightly pavement sore, will come sound In the country, and two Mares that have proven to be In foal, very cheap. N. B It will be a benefit to buyers to cal land see this stock before buy ing elsewhere See SUPERINTEND ENT at company's main office and stable, 2828 Pennsylvania avenne., Ilftltimnr M.I - MONEY TO LEND In Wake County Only. Kdiikm ift-l Pollen RnlldM(. City. Ow Klther Real or Personal ftwwrltr- HAMS AND 8. BACON P, F. V. HAM KINGIIAM RELIABLE. BUSY BEE. SMOKED JOWLES. Phone RUDY & BUFFALO, 108 B. Hargett St.. Raleigh, N. C. J, r.l. KENNEDY .'V" TARCIIITECT. : ; "-'. . -4, ." '..- ' BoHenM Rid. ' Balelgk.