Till-: UALEKili DAILY TIMES, MONDAY", JAMURY 20, 1912. 1 I S OCIAL By Mias Sutfto idea. The Closed Door. I never crossed your household with a grief 15 lit that 1 went without It; never came Heart-hungry, but you fed mo, eased the blame And gave the sorrow solace and re lief. ' I never left you, but I took away The love that drew niu to your side again Through that wide door that never could remain Quite closed between us for a little ' day, O, friend who gave and comforted who knew , So over-well the need of heart and mind, Where may I turn for solace now, or find Hollef this uncasing loss of you? P,e it for fault, for folly or for sin Oh, terrible my penance and most sore - ; . , To face the tragedy of that closed door Whereby I pass and may not enter in! Exchange. YOU TRADE HERE? Trust us to take care of your Drug Store wants and v we will never disappoint you. Make this your Drug Store. KINGCROWELL DRUG COMPANY THE QUALITY DTU'O STOUlf We Are Open Sunday to Serve You EVERYTHING IV DRUGS. Tucker Building Pharmacy. I'jcoxus i;j4. STORE CHANGES Repairs and improvements are to be made in our store at an early date. As there will be con siderable tearing up from side walk to roof it will be almost impossible to protect all the goods from damage. Our shelves should be cleared by the .'-.'... time work begins. That we may empty the shelves as rapidly as possible, every single article is re duced in price. This clearance sale begins at once Mi Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. ' ' Next to Masonic Temple. Afr ALWAY SOMETHING NEW. Both Pbonn, lUlelgh nd Oplul City. EVENTS , Thought for the Day. Truth is as impossible to be soiled by any outward touch as the sun beam. .Milton. Mrs. S. J. Wilson, of Wilbon, is visiting in the city. - Miss Maude Love is spending a few days at Durham. .. Miss Corii.ine Helliu, of Texas, is visiting Miss Lottie ileiliii. Miss lilanchc (loss, of Durham, passed through the city today. .Miss t'ndiiio .Myall, of Fuipiay Springs, is visiting Miss Willie O'Qiiinu. .Mrs. J. H. Shepherd has gone to Weldon to visit her mother, Mrs. Lee A. Powell. Mrs. .1, V. Hamilton, of Clayton, passed tlirougli the city today, going to" Durham. . ' ' . Mi. J. O. Jones and his bride, who was Miss Mary Stronach, have returned from their wedding trip to northern cities. They are at home with the bride's mother, Mrs. A. 13. . a. parto m, EXTRA FEATURE -ACT Stronach, on North Blood v.-ortli street. ''..'! Mrs. M. E. Cole left today for Durham. Mis. F. L. I'iipin. of F.nliold, re turned home today after visiting Mrs. C. W. Gold. ' iHss .Ballard, of Franklinton. spent a few hours Li the city today going to ISocUy Mount. . Mrs. S. M. Taylor, of Salisbury, has returned home after visiting her sister, .Miss Jennie Collin. - Mr,, and Mrs. J. Hcaln .lohlison, of Cardenas! were in the city toilay re turning home from-a visi; in K!on. .Miss 101 Ion (rahain and .Miss Kugeuia Clark have gone to Durham to attend Miss Hand's house party. Mrs. 'Lucy Karris, of Wilni ingl op. who has, been visiting at Henderson. w;is in the .city todav returning home. " The Tuesday .AD eruoiin Club will meet at .Mc'-edith College .Tuesday afternoon at ii: 4 o'clock, diesis of .Miss Colton and Mis. Hag.?dorn. . Mr. Robert Wvatt and -his bride. who was Miss Mary Christian Ucn- nie, of Norfolk, are expected in I lie City this evening from Washington, where they spent 'their honeymoon. Mrs. W. T. Host lias returned -to the city from Salisbury, where she was called by (lie death of her mother. ' Mrs. Ilosl is a newcomer to the cily ami will be. welcomed to its social life. Tuesday Afternoon Club. The meeting of the Tuesday After noon . Club w ill lie held Willi Miss foltou and Mis. Ilngedoi-n at Mere dith College Tuesday afternoon. Kntertaiiied al Cai'ds. Mrs. lia.wley Calloway was gii'.'st. of honor al a delightful card party given Saturday afternoon" by Mrs. U. M . Albright. . There were live tables and 'after the game a thi ee-eoitrse liiii.-heon was served. Corsage bouquets of roses and violets were give.! favors. Kathleen I'ailow : The PaUimoi-e Sun speaks in en thusiastic praise of Kathleen Pal- KATHLEEN PAELOW l'KACK-ST. MAKV'S tCi:UT SliHIKS. Acknowledged the Greatest Wo man Violinist of I he time, by the European and .American pn ; s. Monday Evening January 29 St. Mary's Auditorium. Ticke's on sale at King-CroweH's. $.((. iSl.rjti and $1.0(1. 131 Fayetteville St. PJ low's recital given at the IValiody conservatory last week Miss l'arlow is indeed a wonder sue Is an artist; of the first ranks, wiih no limitations; - she has brans, power. luorougn- ness, feeling, and personality A rare treat is in store for the music lovers .of Raleigh this evening.-The , concert will begin prompl! al K::'.uj o'clock. Literary .Meeting of l.c.o-,uc. ' Taul Hamilton liayiut, the Lau reate OL I lie HOUi.ll,. will ee Hie suu jeet of the literary nioclin:: of- the Kdcnton Street. KpWoiln Livgue this evening at 7: SO in the league room. Mia. George D. : Stepben-.on will read a sketch of the pool's iiu-, and there will be readings from his uoiks. Miss Fimita Jones . nil! sing "A Perfect Day." All members of the h agin- and llie public generally are i,r,i.-.. ,i attend the meeting. Central League M -el in:;. The liteiary '.meeting of the (Vii lr.il Kpworth League Ibis -evening will be an interesting ;' oiic', " I'i'iiil Hamilton lla.vne being t!i. Milijeci. The meeting will be hold a: ', :;'. in the league room and will be followed by an informal social to v. bii l.i the leaguers are in wted. The literary program ;a be as follows: Violin Duett .Misses IVi- and Mary Kay. I'apoi, "Paul Hamilton iliiytic" - Miss lluth Stcvich. Vocal Selection, "A Pel evt !)a" -Miss Lucilo Anderson. Heading - .Miss Frances Ueiil'row. . Dance at A. and !. The Thalailiun Hernial) l of tiie A. and M. gave its .laucci-.-. dunce Saturday nii;-fct in Pullen The tit! nee was one of the be.-. Ibe club and a great sat were . present. ' The music i whs. superb' ami every 01,1 very pleasant evening. The g.'-niiun was gnu by -Mr. C. A. Stedman, d.iii Miss (iriselle llinton. 'IV, illg were as fol io s : 'Joss Ailtheuy with 1: Haywood, "Rubber" .jcai Miss S.illie CrailHig, Da.'-'e : Willi .Miss Marion TV.il..- i Smith .villi Miss Sits; in:- itiven by visitors l-'oullo spent a ':!'!? :.-il in.- v. i b oanc- II'MS, it i . i, IU-T1S0I1 ; '.unUit I'ii.sbee IMM C. rimsley with .Mi- ;'i-a Mc- Mn,t;:on. tI.-rs. n.-slri-.-U si' :nt 'I'liaxton, I' elix Hal Kiel. ill Swindi il. Hill Mks Xan I.;::.: y, 'al .Miss i 'Mil's i' 'in i:iu'oetb :;. vjlie, Voiitl;;, sy ilav i . : i wiih .Miss Morgan . ol 'bailie .loi'ii.-e vitii .ewis Mei'rl.t witb '.'.! it- Vi'oud. I'lni-gie M11V.H h Tora .McDonald i 1, iliss .Vllieriine Moon; ey with M iss Sarah lili with Miss Cci'eelb l..eb am with Swamp llar 'eniie:'. Pretty Harris. Harry al c'b Thomp- flMrtscll with Mist Eli .01. . Slick (Iwaiiincj wi ll .Miss Martha Stt itimet.. Hill ili; !:s wiili .Miss U!- lian Fountain. Kai i.e tirand witli Miss Katheryne SiHi'v.ii.il, . "Kid" Taylor with Miss -..ht'.ie Mears. ol Wil'tiington, . Ilebi i . Holding with Mis Nai liie Ui gCiS. I!a: i Fea: inu with Miss Mary Kiillia Creen ol Durham,'-Ralph- Howell with Mis Mildred Holdujig, .v,it.. l.ni-bicolK wil'u .Miss Kli.ab.erb .Inhnson, .Fred I'oisstdi with Miss Miiii'.ari-tle Mc- Kir.iiilou. Thad I'age with Miss l'als Million . Slee,y 'Strahae v i;h Miss Di liossetle -of Wilniiiul'ii:. Prof.. -Ii. IV Lali'.ne with .Mi,-s SaeKa l.mte. II. I. (ll'BM'S wilb Hlie l Ke: : Dr. Lev i; I'.-gram'- wiili .Visi, Mi He-.- F. I.. I."i wild Mi.s W'il-'in. -I. . -.Iacsii'wiih Miss Klmi. . Kiddie';. I'ihI'. I'riiclianl with .Mirs lie'le .Men ire. Prof. Co biirn vi.-.ii .Miss l.eivis. CbaperoiK s M 'Harris, . Mrs. .lames I, .loliii'-ou ; i n Mr-t." P.11'. cr. .it.fi s-:--;Mi;ssi '. -. H ii iier, Hiirg-.-ove Little, Fen 111 :. ;.; I-,-.l-fl'rien. !lw ler. Holding. Ta;, lor. Smith. Nesier Pi 01 tor, ..lacl'sni! , ("i.niiberiin. i'l ini le.ie, Thormop, I . ' . I'arliS. Kav Ubioicl,. Siniili, I-:. I' . S.niiiders. liar bee, .len'ries, V. P.. Field ;, Ajcocli T...y!o-. .1., T. (lotis'iali. .1. Poiisliall ,lncl; II. 11 w.ki: 1 ti:i:sr ik tiiK. Wine Ag.iin-l A. and M. in Indoor Tracl; Meet. The greatest at libtic event, of tin season was pulled ofi Sa'urday nigh! when A. nnil ,M. met Wake - Forest in an initial indoor hack meet. Wake Forest winning four out of tin wiveu contH. The meet was le ld In the audi torium at. Meredith College cud was attended by n rival crowd of eu- thiisiirisiic cooler, wijb pennynlH, batineis. etc., wildly waing uml rhcei lg. -. ,' 1 The ctin'euliinis, in Bv.eafers of the i'esoccti'.e colleges, l rolled In I and look their places on the plat form. jVHsh II. Pasclii l. Miss 0. Royuler ! antl Mi Steele were the judges, ap ' propriately Httlred for the occaHlon, ! Alius Paschal, may.' it bo whispered, like a country itwaln and Miss ' Koyster as u city clerk. Miss M Mew 203 205 FAYETTEVILLE STREET. L --- . i L w mi ii ml m hmhmii ii iiiimiii JmmJmmm.mwmiwwwwmiimwmm"m',mm'm Middleloii, with a huge me"aphoii( aiinotr.sced ! i 1 scores, vliile. th prizes, 1: p'iropriate to such atblcii heroes, were presented o - .Miss I Jiarrus. ' .Miss' Wilkinson.. tuV A. and M.. j and Miss Memorv. for Wake I' oresr. ; led til- ' rc.otiiiu. wliii b spiined the; 1 eon.it slati-s on to vieiony. 1 -The iii-sl e 1 Hi plllll (I elf was the : St'andiitK P.rotul Crin, won bv Miss U.' Cook, 'of-the Wake Forest teats.' Second. Standing Long Crin: win ner, Miss I. Collins, of Wake Fori si, ' i ! ! 1 - 1 . To a "-;:i -. 1 ie- llaei; ! . vv:;.y- 1, Miss A. It.- Cabiwelt.; of A. 1. d .'I. Fourth, 'Putting 1 he Shot: winner, Mp-s L. .Mitldletoti. Wak" Forest. b'il'tli. Tliii ty-Ineli Hash: winner, Miss -lerr,n.:r. ol Wake horest. j Sivth, Ili.ing Foulest: inner, .Mi as. A. P.. .Caldwell, A. and M. Seveit'h, Ueiay Itace; A. and M. The lir.-a t;o events need no ex.-j pla.nation. bat. for tile sake 0 the . feelings of the wiiiiit i s the. length oi" , the grin is not. recorded. j ('reai sireiigth was - called tnlo . play iii the !iet event, 1 brov. i;,g the i hummer. .Miss Caldwell -was sue-', cessltil 111 throwing the inflated : paper bag the greatest distance. In ibe next event the shot was dropped into receptacles ol various sizes and shapes as the contestants trofed bv. Hie victor being pre seuied with a pair ol. eve-glasses lor her keenness ol vision. 1 lie thirl v-inch dash was one ol ibe niosl exciting teats,-so much energv beina exiieiided 111 chew in;; up 'be tiiitty iiicbes of striuv, that one fainted after tile allcnip!. From Iiie audience the college doctor 1 .'I Mi---s Webb,' rushed to her assist an.'e. llie boxing I'ontest was not strictly a Held event but was im- nicnsclv aniiiKini:. as the contestants I bad lo ti'ish each other Ironi I he ring, a foul being called 011 I lie lirt j r.oand for kicking. l'n!e::s line has tried In e.ii a drv ida cracker iniickli Iiie- can hardly pi"-ie"u.te the process of A. and M. Htsbir 1 elav race. I 'V meet was wal lieil Willi inler- i'st In tlie laeultv anil stinleiits 01 Meredith ( olleue. v no at times grew wil-.ily excited. The thanks of. all are due to 1 be student volunteer band lor 111 ranging Hie truck meet. WHAT IS MOST KFI-'F.C'IIVF. WAV TO KILL A TIM-MI? Ii the people, of llnh-ii.li. . re marked 1111 old gentleman who has had much experience in trying liipior cases, ' want the most effective cure lor blind tigers, let. them have a mass iiieeling and impress on the hiisinesH men the importance tif not renting their buildngs to people for immoral purposes." This would not cure the evil altogether, but It would ertffectually check It, lie said. Many bufuess inen some of them ol llcers of the church rent, their property to fellows and these use It us a place for selling lhpior. To drive the blind tigers out would meun a temporary loss of revenue, but tlie moral effect of such a course, he declared, would bo worth nioro GR AND THEATRE Big Values $1 tip to $2 J ll s; !..iiiL'- tunc an.! : iw i'.. !s;v rltilh now '. .nv.- linll-r tilVSSCS lliil If. IP A . i 'ill '. "1 :1 wllidi llilS jllst 1 ,...)! ' i.jii-iicd up; will vii.t'iit-MK' ii:'; ti-niiiluiiH'SS i' tliis sla!'. iiifis!. ' . 1- '."-'i' ' '" ' T'm-v'iv iiKi-It' up ii'ciii !:'"'! tiii;ili ii.hablc el'ii-irs. !.;!'. V ilM-l l-MM'i.'M'ly iriluil!"'!. .... 1 than all'' the -money thus derived. And in the end the; prppcfiy-liolder could !'! more r m -. M'lVS l i'.OM TI'ti.M iSl!l.!.K Mr. lU-m-f ll-rblin-j (illdt v ml ,a 11. .1; Si 1 1 - i ill Food Store, groCoiy lira ( is ; 1 1 ! : 1 1 , ."Tke l ure ; lie tia'tie 01' the r.c-.v 1 JUWt i'ecea ; i .en th- opened in 1 corner of the Hur'gin blv lb :m' v.. (iuili'm-' S .0.111 pb'"-ed f I reels. Till ', some of our i id their future : The : principal : I ll is I. to' Dorseit and ; ri! i-'.i us, i s is - assu r"d. . .old; -are.'..' iiils Mr. . Lewis il. T!;-, c.'iaipi iacce. stuck! Ot llf! any is iiicorpo- ; lo give T.boiuas- ' and ieie viile one of the best equipped stoiks ' of groi erics eer offered the -public ! in 1 his icinity. j At a -recent meeting of the direc-) tors oi' the People's Building and . Lean Association ir. was 0"deied that the- fourth: series'- or stock will be: opened .March 1st. and every citizen 1 in the town and community is urged ' vo taken, lew shares m this series: and "Heli) Thomasv nlo Crow." Al-; reaiK tins association has aided lu : building more than a score ot homes , in the town besides adding to the i surplus account.. It pavs better than lending mouev and is one of the surest invest ineiils 111 the town. Davidson county has the naming ol a senator I rem this district to go to the next stale legislature. Logi cally Thuninsvillc should have the naming nl this candidate, and one of her sons has been frequently uiged to come out and enter the rate but be seems at present Indis posed lo enter the rac e, hence in this case I liomasville will make no great light lo secure tin? nomination and 1 will no doubt go to the convention utuiisli'Ucied. and 111 this cuso will throw its entire strcneth to Hon. Henry H. arner, ot Lexiuglon, who lias already announced bis candi dacy. Air. Varuer, wo believe, has done more for Davidson county than any citizen in the county, and if he seeks this little honor It la nothing but a fair recognition ol Ins valuable services to the county that the citi zens name liltn as their representa tive in the next senate. c.vi si: of 1 n:i;s Smokers and All Others hi II. nolle 1- n-e ('ni'clesslv, Atlanta, ,lau. i'J. - Smokers pad all other humans who handle fire often or carelessly wero cubed lo taw yesterday afternoon in the course of an Interesting . ineetm hero at which the Ceorgia 1'ievcii- ticn bociely was formed. It was attended by leading fire In purauce men and oilier citizens from all parts of the state. One ol the principal addresses was made by Covernor bin ton. It was demonstrated that from provetitable lire waste in this coun try, losses of 5 fi 0 1) every two min utes, day and night, were going on 1 be association is formed for organized protection against loss by fire, and the citizens in general are BOTH HONES 485. d to co-operate Willi the uuder- wnoMg the otber speakers, 111 ad dition:' to Covernor Siaton, wero Frank ( Snxder ot Louisville, and F. V, '.Calkins, of Atlanta. Mr, Calkins, address was a plea for n.ore adequate laws to prevent lire v.aiie, and an .exhortation to merchants 'and properly owners to tiiirl against preventable tires. F. C. Calkins was elected presi i!ei: of the association. John H. l!;'iue was chose vice president and I'M; If N. : Carrot I secretary, treasurer, 'dr Sir .ler who is president, ol tlm ;en lucky Fire Pri.vention associa lion ; as pr'se)it.ed with a silver i:-.- :p. .tn vilii-. ll. .'Hall,' : of the ; city . "ctt:iil board 'of (ire lvasiers. took & proiiiiiient. part, in the proceedings. j rellcv (ar Han Away. . Si. Paul, Jan. 21',- Selby avenuo troPev car ran awav tin graoe below tunnel and crasbed into another car ilPed wnii passengtu-s. A score of persons wero injured. Motormaii Swanson's leg was cut oft. Mark Graff suffered a crushed chest. The brakes failed to work. WHAT m mm askfo Mr. Casev V. as hick, in Hotl. Unt Ili r I 1 tend s Keiinest Kestille'l lu l'l-ompt tire. Tovah, Tex. ''hir about eight vears," says Mrs. II, A. Casey, ot this place, "I suit-red with woman ly troubles. I had about given up, and thought '1 would always huvo to suficr. i had pains nil over, anil was so nervous at times 1 could hardly stand it to live. 1 had snells, when. 1 would be 111 bed several days at a tune. A friend asked me to try ( ardtil. and I did. 1 have taken nine bot tles, and it cured nie. I leel well and strong, and have not been fuck nt all for nearly a year. Cat-dul is certainly a boon to suflering women. 1 do not think t would be nine Without it. 1 shall certainly sav a pood word lor Cardul t U TV chain e I have, for I w iali everv sulleiitn: woman could kno-v about Cardul and what it can do tor her." You can depend on Cardul. be cause ( hi 'dui Is u gentle, harmless vegetable tonic that can do you 1101 lung but good. Fropared Irom herbal ingredienis, Cardm has a upecllic curalive elect on the womanly -'constitution tind puts siren gib. whom it is most needed. Try it. IS. 1J. Write to Ladles' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In struct ions, and til-paco book, "Homo Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. 11: Y I & 1: "vf I' v- B V f .- K'r-f 1WE MAWAIEAN 'u 's VI Inaffy'SdnrlllUidc and Dances 1:1 r WMVM