THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 29, 1012. MARKETS COTTON STOCKS , New York Cotton. New York. Jan. 29. The market has been comparatively quiet today and we Imagine has been a disap pointment to smaller operators on both sides of the market. In the first place, and in view of the bullish atmosphere noted here Saturday, the response to much firmer cables than due was not an enthusiastic one. On the other hand, when it was seen that news was not stimulating any fresh business of consequence, and the market began to sag off. No aggressive measure developed and there was no southern selling of consequence, and after reacting to about the closing figures of Saturday the market, steadied again on covering. - Liverpool - re ported the strength there due to calling by spinners' continental buy ing and the absence of any impor tant offerings. Our market opened steady at 6 to 9 points advance but soon eased off on scattered realiz ing. Advices from Lawrence report renewed violence among the strikers and the probability of martial law. Rains were reported in the south, chiefly in the eastern belt. The market is evidently awaiting fresh developments and more than half in clined to believe that these must come from the new crop. Open. High. Low. Close. Jan. . .9.41 9.42 9.32 9.53 May . .9.B5 9.65 9.56 9.57 Oct.. . , 9.87 9.89 9.8t 9.81 Mar. . .9.47 9.51 9.42 9.41 July . .9.76 9.78 9.69 9.70 Dec. . .9.95 9.95 9.88 9.89 The market closed steady. Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, Jan. 29. Unchanged to 2 1-2 higher. Opened steady 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 higher, 12.15. Steady, 3 to 5 higher. Later cables report prices 1-2 lower than 12.15. Spot, good; demand, 3 higher. minuting upisnas, a.:ioa. sales, 12,000 American, 1 1,000. Imports, 50,00048,000 Ameri can. February .. .... .. . . 5.35 ? 5.37 March.. ...... .. . .5.42 5.43 April . . ...... . , .5.455.48 May.. .... ....... .5.54 5. 56 June .. .... ..... . . 5.57 iff 5.60 July ..' .. .. 5.70(fi 5.71 .uui nei, sieaay. Sales, 8,300. RALKIGH COTTON TODAY. (Quoted by Barbee & Co.) Good middling 9. Strict middling 9 7-16. Middling 8. Low grades 6 to 8. Receipts, 50 bales. Naval Store. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 29. Turpen tine 46 3-4; rosin, form, type F, $6.45 6.50; G, J6.45 6.52 Closing Stock Quotation, American Cotton Oil. . . ...... American Car and Foundry.. Anaconda Mining Co .. Atchison . . ... . ... . . . . ..... Amer. Smelting and Refining. Atlantic Coast Line ...... , . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit...... Baltimore & Ohio . ... . Amalgamated Copper ....... New York Central , Chesapeake & Ohio ........ Eriet Great Northern, pfd. Missouri. Kansas & Texas.... Missouri Pacific ............ Norfolk 'ft. Western . ... ... . . ; Northern Pacific ......... Ontario & Western ......... Pennsylvania ............ Louisville ft Nashville ...... Repub. Iron and Steel . . . . . Reading Southern Pacific ... . . . . . . Southern Railway .... ...... Southern Railway, pfd....... St. Paul. Union Pacific . . . . ... . ... . . United States Steel . . . . . ... . United States Steel, pfd. . Virginia-Carolina Chemical . . 49 51 55 W)5 65 136 78 104 62 110 71 30 128 27 40 108 116 y4 37'4 123 2i . 24 y 153 108 27 67 106 163 63 110 55 y4 Clilrago ftrnin. Wheat Open. High Close. May. . . 1.03 1.03 1.03 July. . . 96 96 96 Corn May . , . 67 68 67 July. . . ,67 67 ,'67 Oats . . v. May . . , 50 51 61V4 July. ... v 46 46 46H January . . . . .... .. ..15.75 May.. .. .... 18.30 , l4ird January 9.17 9.40 8.55 8.80 May, nib January May . . Hubbard's Cotton Letter. New York, Jan. 29. Cables this morning were again strong, with freer spot sales, and our market In response opened higher. private dispatches' reported a brisk demand, ' few ' southern offer ings and southern markets firm. , Kuropo was a buyer here early and prices held firm until the close of Liverpool, when some free realising BY WIRE GRAIN PROVISIONS put the market off slowly, though without any particular pressure. As yet prices show little 'definite ten dency and we expect a quiet and steady market until something can be learned of the probable planting season, which, with : the surplus known to exist, should prove a most important factor. : PART QF M'NAMARA Indianapolis, Jan. 29. Check books showing to whom1 J. J. Mc Namara paid money to carry on dynamiting from December, 1909, to his arrest last April, it was learned were destroyed. Attorney Ilappa port, of the International Associa tion of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers could tell the jury the whereabouts of .only part of the' ac counts. District Attorney Miller inr sisted the evidence was in existence after McNamara's arrest. It is thought the grand 'jury will complete the work this week. CAl'SK FOR DIVORCE. Plain 'Cassedness" nml Unfaithful ness the Cause in .Most Cases. Atlanta,. Ga., Jan. 2$. The state ment by Professor Peabody, of Har vard, that most divorces In this country are caused from "American itis," meaning nervous restlessness, does not hold good in Atlanta, as di vorce court statistics quickly show. It is possible that divorces in so called high socioty are more often due to social restless than to any other cause, but. among everyday people, the records for Atlanta show that plain "cussedness," cruelty on the part of the husband, unfaithful ness on the part of the wife, are responsible for nine out of ten of the separations. The court docket for the past ten years in Atlanta, shows that nine- tenths of the women who brought suit for divorce against their hus band, bad beaten or whipped or or treated with other violence be fore they brought the suit. The di vorce suit brought by a woman against a man, in which physical cruelty isn't one of the grounds, is the exception In Fulton county. Taking . the divorce proceedings brought by men against women, nine out of ten suits filed here show mart tal infidelity as the principal cause. Incompatibility, restlessness, nerv ousness and kindred ailments which Professor Peabody classified under the term of "Americanilis," play a small direct part in bringing about separations in this locality, though of course they may sometimes con stitute the real cause behind the more crude manifestations first men tioned. TO REQUIRE PUBLICATION Hill Introduced to Have All Endorse incnts lor Judges Published. Washington, Jan. 29. The house tlon by the president ot every writ ten or verbal endorsement of candi dates for all federal judgeships from the supreme court down, prior to the appointment of the judges, by the house late after a lively strug gle. The stringent requirement, was added by Representative Cullop, of Indiana, as an amendment to the Evans bill, which would abolish th federal circuit Judgeship at Chicago made vacnt by the resignation of Judge Peter S. Crosscup and sun plant it with an additional district Judgeship. Republican Leader Mann demand ed a separate roll call upon the Cullop amendment, which was adopt ed 148 to 82, Mr. Mann then led a fight against the entire bill an lost 93 to 147. The Cullop amend inent reads: "Hereafter before the president shall appoint any district, circuit or superior court Judge, he shall make public all endorsements made In be half of any applicant." An attempt by Mr. Mann to at tach an amendment, increasing all district pudges' salaries from $6,00 to 17,000 was defeated. Chairman Clayton of the house i dietary committee. In "opposing this amendment, declared federal judges had been generously dealt with li being given the opportunity to re tire on full salary at the -age of 70, ir they had served for ten years "I believe judges should retire at that age," he said, "and I shall pre pare and introduce a bill combellini all judges to retire at 70, or forfeit their rights to the retirement pen Slon provided by law." Rig Furniture Store Burned. mewarK, w. j., Jan. 29. Mullin s furniture store was destroyed by fire. The los3 Is nearly, five hundred thousand dollars. The young man who tells a girl during leap year that he could listen to her voice all the rest or his days takes desperate chances; .' ; Dr. McDaniel's Sunday Ser vices at First Church Elements of the Church's Strength Churches That Strain at (ijmts and Swallow Camels Dancing Versus Covetousness. On Sunday Dr. McUaniels held three servtces in the First Baptist church, one in the Sunday school of great interest, there being many ' professions and one at the usual hour in the church and one in the evening. The service in the church was of unusual Interest both on ac count of the excellent sermon and on account of the fact that when, after the sermon the doors of the church were opened, there were twenty-nine candidates for baptism rceceived. The subject of the sermcfn at the 11 o'clock service was "The New Testament Church," and the texxt was from the seventeenth verse of the nineteenth chapter of Acts'. The church at Ephesus occupied a prominent place in the Revelatifli by John, the Epistles of Paul, and the Acts by Luke. In the Acts of the Apostles it presents a church fully equipped and readyy for its world wide work. The elements of strength were first, John The Baptist's cry of repejitance had been heard and heeded. Repentance was a staple of preaching for the Old Testtament prophets and the New Testament Apostles. It is a cardinal principle and fundamental in the Christian He. The stony heart must be crushed by the law nto the dust of repentance. The plough of repentance opens the furrow In which the seed ot flie Gospel are sown. The second element of strength was that it was a church in which faith in Christ had been expressed in the public and approved way, namely, baptism. Baptism is the only command given us to be carried out in the name of the Trinity. The only place in the Bible where the Triune God was visibly and audibly present was at the bapism of JeBus. The welve men at Ephesus were so anxxious to be right that they sub mitted to the ordinance of baptism twice. Baptism Is in no sense saving, but it is a test of obedence. A third element of strength was that it was indwelt by the Holy Spirit. The six spirito bapttsms n the Acts are typical. They show that the Holy Spirit was Intended for Jtws, half-heathen, converted per seeutors, Gentilea and uninstructed disciples who had come to know the whole truth. The fourth element of strength was that it was a church that had the right kind of preacher. The was "The things concerning the kingdom of God." The method was bold, logical, persuasive and faith ful. Do not ask your minister to preach to please you, but to declare the truth, though It condemns your own sins and those of your nearest loved ones. The fifth element of the church's strength was that it was a separate church. The church has so little in fluence over the world because the world has so much influence over it. The church that can't discipline, can't live, but often we have strained at gnats and swallowed camels in church discipline. Churches have ex cluded the yong for dancing and retained the immoral and covetous Such is contrary to the Scriptures and a mockery of justice. I do not advocate dancing, but I would never votet to exclude a young person for dancing per se. It is with some young people like measles with a child, they will get. over it. Patience and a Christian spirit on the part of the church wll hold these young peo pie during young and Impulsive years and In later years they will become the very ornaments of the Gospel. 1 submit that the hand of fellowship be withdrawn from stingy and co vet ua ones, The Bible says a hundredfold" more against covetousness than, dancing. It is one of the most detestable sins and it is likened to idolatry. I never want the Baptist people to sit in a corner clothing themselves in rags, wear ing long faces and announcing all pleasure as of the Evil One. The best is none too good for us and the wise church disciplines but does not ex pel its young members. Then It Was a missionary church and they sounded forth the word of life throughout Asia Minor to the Jews and to the Greeks. The sclf centered Individual or church Is drying up at the fountain. To give Is to live, to deny Is to die. Who- soever would lose lis life shall find It. : . . Also it was a church that exposed and overthrew counterfeit Chris tianity. There has alays been a temptation to Imitate a success. Wit ness ministerial mmcs. The second hand Gospel s never effective. The stons of Sceva were exposed and disgraced. Devils ara the test of God. The theology of the study must be corrected by the conditions on the street. Aaron's rod ate up the rods of the Egyptians. Jesus can , out devils and was declared to be the I$on of Cod. It was a church in which back sliders were reached and reclaimed, came and confessed and burned their books.. When the band of fel lowship Is withdrawn it means that dlsclplne has failed.. The church THE LONG LOOKED FOR EVENT Benangers' Pre-lnventory The -third week- in February, will; begin stock-taking;, an I that meaiis that' we must reduce the stock of every department to the lowest ebb. Add to this the fact tlat we never carry goods from one season to another, and you have the two most compelling reasons for quick stock riddance that ever confronted a progresssive store. The merchandise must go, and we have made the prices so low that it will go faster than it ever went in the-history of this store. MEN'S AND YOUNG AT LOWEST PRICES EVER $35.00 Suits and Overcoats, now , $32.50 Suits and Overcoats, now . $30.00 Suits and Overcoats, now . $27.50 Suits and Overcoats, now , $25.00 Suits and Overcoats, now . $22.50 Suits an..l Overcoats, now ... $18.00 Suits and Overcoats, now . $16.50 Suits and Overcoats, now . $15.00 Suits and Overcoats,, now . $12.50 Suits and Overcoats,, now . $10.00 Suits and Overcoats, now . $7.50 & $H.5() Suits and Overcoats 1-4 off on all Winter Underwear. 1-4 off on all Winter Pajamas and Night Shirts. 1-4 off on all Knickerbocker Boy's Suits. 1-4 off on all Negilee Shirts . 1-4 off on all Fancy Vests. 50 cents for Vests that were left from Suits, worth six times our price. Practically everything marked down to be converted into cash before inventory. .Money back for anything unsatisfactory. Alterations, if any, free., does not exclude the backslider. O for the power to bring back to the altar and re-enlist them in Christian service. And it wr.s a church in which the lost were saved. The word of Cod went out extensively and prospered intensively. A pholosophcr's stool became a Christian pulpit, heathen temple was deserted by its worship pers and the mightiest force in that wicked city was the Now Testament church. WAKE KOIJK.ST WIN'S. Outclasses the l ive I'rom Itumlolpli l aeon, "Winning by 20 to f.i. (Special to The Times.) Wake Forest, Jan. 29. Wake Forest outclassed the five from Randolph-Macon Saturday night, defeat ing them with ease by the score of 26 to 13. From the beginning the visitors never had a chance as Wake Forest caged 12 points before they were able to make a point. The game was one of tho cleanest and fastest ever seen here, only one point being scored through fouls. The yellow jacke's were unable to pass the ball under the 'varsity's goal, all their baskets lieing caged from shots from near the middle of the floor. The whole Wake Forest team played excellent bull. For the visi tors Brown tstiirreJ. The line-up was as. follows: Wake Forest Iloam H. (captain) and Holding. W.. r. d.: Holding H., MeCutchen, I. f.: Holding, B., c; Utley, r. g.; Down and Beam, G., 1. g. Randolph-Macon Millican and Creen, r. f.; Jordan (captain)., 1. f.: Brown, c; Ray, f. g.: Walker, I. g. Referee, Crozicr Time of halves, 20 minutes.; Goals, Beam, H., ; Holding, R., :ii Holding, B., :l; Dowd, 1 ; Jordan. 1 : Green, 1 ; Brown, 4. Foul goals, Brown. 1. Attendance, HjO. IMPERIAL ARMY DEFEATED. Republicans Win Victory In Rattle Fought YeMri day. Sail Francisco, Jan. 29. The im perial army of 1 ),t00 men, under General Chang Fun, was decisely de feated by the Canton republican army, under General Wong Ching, near Kit Chan yesterday, states a cablegram received by the Chinese Free Pres?. Foul' hundred Manchns are reported killed. The imperial army retreated twenty miles to Wong San Po, says the dispatch. Wong's army, numbering eight thou sand, captured the city of Chl-Xnrk in bhnn Tung province. HUBBARD BROS & CO OOTTOX MERCHAXT8 Hanover Square, N. V. Momlxin. New York Cotton Exchange I New Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Produce Market j Associate Members Liverpool Cotton Association. Orders solicited for tho purchase and aalo ot Cotton and Cottofl'Seed Oil tor future delivery. Special attention aud liberal terms given for. consignment of, Bpot Cotton for delivery. , , Correspondence invited. CLOTHING NAMED. ..... $25.00 ....'.. $22.50 .. . .. $21.50 $1H.5() . .... $17.50 . . $15.1)0 ..... $12.50 $11.25 $10.00 . . . . . $ S.50 .. ... $ (i.75 now $ 5.75 PRE-INVENTORY SALE. Classified Ads, are published MEN'S EERWANGER. CLASSIFIED each insertion, strictly cash in advance. No Ads. accepted by tele- phone, although messengers will be sent for them on request. No Insertion will be given for less HELP WANTED. HELP WANTED By three promis ing young men bids to the Thurs day night Leap Year Dance. All correspondence strictly confi dential. : X references required. Don't hesitate to write. We have two private secretaries. X Y Z, Box 121, Raleigh. 1-29-lt RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS .WANT ed Write for Raleigh spring ex amination schedule. Franklin In stitute, Dept. 291-L, Rochester, N. V. 1-4-lmo. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Here is an offer that in cludes tools with tuition. A method that saves years of ap prenticeship. Positions waiting in city or country shops. Write Moler Barber College. . 1-27-61 POSITIONS WANTED. WAXTEDA position as collector; 10 years' experience in furniture business. Address H., care Times. l-2ii-::t FOR SALE. FOR SALE 200 feet picket fencing. A. P. Bawman, Commercial Na tional Bank. 1-29-tf FOR SALE 7 M horse power motor and wood saw complete. Also wood yard for rent. W. A. Bing ham, city. l-26-3t FOR SALE Household and kitchen furniture, pianos and .organs. Call at residence, G27 W. Jones street, between 12 and 4 o'clock. l-2G-t.f. FOR SALE Four well bred setter puppies. Prices reasonable. Ad dress P .0. Box 342. l-2C-3t FOR SALE Fresh Cow. Price rea sonable address L., care Times. - 1-26-31 -. ; ,,:'. FOR SALE One 390-Egg Prairie State Incubator, practically new, and several Universal hovers, as a bargain; also Rhode Island Red cockerels. West Durham Poultry Farm, West Durham, N. C. 1-25-4C A FIXE TRACT OF LONG LEAF pine for sale cheap. 8,000 acres laud, original growth never been turpentined, ti.000 acres long leaf pine. 12,000 cleared. Balance In N. C. pine and hardwood on : Savannah river. Steam boats pass land. D. C. Foreman, 402 GaBton St., East Savannah, Ga. l-25-8t' YOU CAN UKT JOHNSON CREAM that will whip at Thiem & Bird Eong Co.'g daily. 1-2 6-3 0-2-6-9-1 3 IMS ARRIVED Sale '.Ml. Scpai.ute ' Trousers for Men and Young .Men al Reduced . Prices. ' Also 1-4 Off on All Knckerbockcr .Pants. at the rate of One Cent a Word for than 10 cents. 9 MISCELLANEOUS. T. R. WORKMAN, Paperhanger, with Perry's Art Store. 1-29-31-2 CORNED HAMS, PORK, E(iS, Chickens, Green Cabbage, Col lards, Turnips, Flour, Etc. Spe cialties always cheap. Early morn ing calls for dinner quick. G. T. Powell. l-lx-Mo.,Thurs., Fri., t. f. KING'S BCSIXESN COLLEGE is the school for you to attend. Here you get the training that brings success, and you are placed in a position that assures your pros, perity, Write tor catalogue. Ad dress King's Business College, Ra. leigh, X. C. 1-29-lt STOCK HOLERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the North Carolina Home insurance Company, will be held at the com pany's office-at noon on Wednes day, February 7, 1912. Geo. P. Folk, Secretary. 1-25-41 ARE YOl' SATISFIED WITH VOI R ' earning capacity ? The scowl of dissatisfaction - and disappoint ment will vanish if you enter King's Business College, the gate way to prosperity, For full in formation address King's Business College, Raleigh. N. C. . 1-29-lt PUBLIC STENOGRAPHIC WORK, expert court reporting, typewrit ing, multigraphing nnd mailing list furnished. Reasonable prices. Apply Commercial Letter Writing Company, Merchants National Bank Building. Capital City Tel ephone. 1-8 t. f. SPECIAL TRAINING for govern ment examinations, Goldsboro Civil Service School, . Goldsboro. N. C. 1-24-301 THE BEST GOODS AND SERVICE "A CLEAN GROCERY" Visit our store or phone 28 your wants. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. WHAT YOl' WANT WHEN YOU . WANT. IT.,:. ' II. J. JODNSON, (Successor to D. T. Johnaou tt Son, Id K. Hargelt Street, Italeigh, N. O. GKT YOUR RUBBER STAMPS FOU ! 1912. Send for catalog. Terry, 1 the Stamp Man. Holleman Bldg. ! 1-4 to Feb. 1. WAXTKI) You to attend the suc cessful school, the largest school, the best equipped school, the most progressive school, the school with a reputation King s Business College, Raleigh, N. C. l-2!-lt . FOR RENT. VOK It KXT Desirable cottage. Modern improvements. Apply Darnell &' Thomas, or phone 80 1 -R. 1-20-tf I'l'RXISHEl) ROOMS lor light housekeeping, $5 to $15. M. M. Smith. : 1-29-lt FOR REXT Comfortable room and board. J., Times. 1-15-tf. If its Electrical, we handle it. For quick sale, wo arc offering fixtures at off for cash un til removal. Carolina Electrical Company, Next to Express Office. TOILET We art1 making a good showing just now and for a few days the prices will he reduced. "Wear Ever Aluminum Ware." TheJ.D.Riggan Co. 3. T. ALDERMAN, Mgr. .132 Fayetteville Street. WE SELL The best and most reliable alarm clocks manufactured In this country. BIG BEN Stands at the top of the lad der In the alarm clock world, giving you correct time all day and never failing to awake you in the morning. $2.50 H. MAHLER'S SONS Jewelers, Raleigh, N. C. Chesapeake & Ohio Ky. Schedule tubjtct to chtngt without nolle SCENIC ROUTE TO THE WEST. THREE PAST VESTIBULE TRAINS WITH DINING CAR SERVICE. Through Pullman Sleeper to Loul. vllie, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Lonla. A.M. P.M. P.M. hi. Norfolk 1:00 4:00 4:00 P.M. P.M P.M. I.v. Richmond J'OO t:W tl:00 Lv, Lynchburg 4:20 ........ l.v. Ch'lottesville 7:05 9:05 .... A.M . P.M. Ar LooJovlll U:00 ..i., T:M A.M. A.M. P.M. Ar. Ciaclnaatl 8:15 1:00 6:00 P.M. V .V. Ar. Chicago 6:00 6:25 7:1 Ar. St. Louis 0:15 0:15 7:45 Only on niirht between Raleigh, Ctn. ctnnaU, Chicago and SL Lou it Direct connect! a for all points waat and north wmI For descriptive matter, achedul an4 Pullman rmMirvatlon. addreu W. O.' WARTHEN, A. O. P. A., i Richmond, Va JNO. D. POTT8, Gen. Paaa. Agt. . :. V . : .-. " . .... .

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