57 rr J 1 1 : JIALKIUIL DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1912. SOCIAL By Miss $uik idea. OVER THE KILLS. Over the hills and far away A little boy steals from his morn ing's play, And under the blossoming , apple " tree ; He lies and he dreams of the things to be; Of battles fought and victories won, Of wrongs o'erthrown and of great deeda done' Of the valor that he shall prove some day Over the hills and far away Over the hills and far away! Over the hills and tar away It's oh! for the toils of the livelong . day! But it mattered not to the soul aflame With a love , for riches and . power and fame! On, oh man, while the sun is high ; On to the certain joys that lie Yonder where blazeth the moon or day! Over the hills and far away Over the hills and far away. Over the hills and far away An old man lingers at close of day ; Now that his journey is almost done, His battles fought and his victories won The old-time honesty and truth, The truthfulness and the friends of youth. Home and motherwhere are they? Over the hills and far away Over the hills and far away! Eugene field. Thought for the Day. The best thing to give your enemy is forgiveness; to an opponent, tol erance; to a friend, your heart; to your child, a good example; to your mother, conduct that will make hoi proud of you; to yourself, respect; to all men, charity. F. M. Balfour. Miss Vera King has returned from a vis,'t to relatives in Durham. Master Culbreth Van Lacr, who has been visiting his grandparents, Dr. aiid Mrs. N. M. Culbroth, re YOU TRADE HERE? Trust us to take care of your Drug Store wants and we will never' disappoint 'you. Make this your Drug Store.:-:.; ;'''. '--:r ', KING-CROWELL DRUG COMPANY THE QUALITY MU'O STORK - ..TltwhoiiM?. 35 STORE CHANGES Repairs and improvements are to be made in our store at an early date. As there will be con siderable tearing up from side walk to t oof it will be almost impossible to protect all the goods from damage. Our shelves should be cleared by the time work begins. That we may empty the shelves as rapidly as possible, every single article is re duced in price. This clearance sale begins at once FMOS. Ladies Furnishings and Novelties. Next to Masonic Temple. ALWAY SOMETHING NEW. Both rbooet, FUleigh and CapiUl City. li EVENTS turned today to his home at Rieh: mond. Mrs. Waildell left today for Rocky Mount. ' Mrs. C Norfolk. X. (iooduo left today for . Mrs. (iraham Andrews left today to spend a few days at Goldsboro. . Mrs. .1. U. liissett and Mrs. E. H. (ioodwin lei't today for Henderson. .Mrs. John A. l'ark and Master John, junior, have returned .from a visit to Kenly. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .1. Jarvis, of Greenville, are sp ading a few days in the city. ''""'.'. : -- - - Mrs. C. V. Granger, who has been visiting .Mrs. Thos. S. Kenan, re turned to Goldsboro. Mrs. Mary Burton, who lias been visifUig hor son, Mr. (). M. Burton, returned I o Portsmouth today. Sir. .and' Mrs. V. K. Kreeland and children, of Durham, are speuding some time with relatives in the city. ". Miss l.ella Dye, who for the past four years has been secretary to the board of directory of the stale hospital, has resigned her position. . Mrs. M. W. Crocker, of Columbus, Ohio, who has been visiting her parents. Col. and .Mrs! J. ('. L. Har i W., left today for Richmond, , ' Dr. and Mrs. R. II. Stancil returned-to .Mai'f.arettesville today. Vr. Stancil is president of the board of directors at the state hospital and was here to al'end the meeting of the board "of directors. Mi s. V.'. il: Bishop, returned ' io I'e'crsliurg today where she is spend ing some time with her' husband, who is still In the-" hospital there r'cov(riug ii'oin his injuries in the '.v.vclt (,f Vii. i;r,. Mix friends are phased thai, he is getting on so nicely. , A. PARTIN CO, GRAND THEATRE f El - E(Q)UE In To do every reasonable Hiing that will ma he every 'Burroughs User a Booster that is the end and motive of Rurroug'.is Service. It -costs Us a . lot of money to give service, - . i ' - but we know ; nut 1 ;!U.- (ntfl boosters are worth wore than a million . l.noii.eis. We'll give, you thai . service, to maKo ; ou :i boost er. . Do you Want il? . Bm rouble. liliug Machine Co. Iiui"'(iiig,liK Bidg., Lyncbburg. Knic! t.uncd Sandwich Chili. Mrs. James l'ti pleasantly enter tained the .Sandwich ('lull at her bene .on Ni.it.li Blount street this ni'irt.iu'..-. ' I'or Mrs. l.:i(igliiiij.ho;:si'. Mrs. Ned ; Lattghinghotise, of Greeiivilie, 'vho luis li.'cu visiting Captain ciiil A I s . .1. .1. Lai"i!iing bouse, .will lie th" guest of Mrs, .1. Bryan Grimes for a fi w Jays. Mrs. Grimes', will elite. t;iir. in her honor tomorrow: afternoon. Biiile and Groom Kviicctcil. .Mr. I.ooiuis Goodwin, and his bride, formerly Miss Rue lioyer, of Dayton, Ohio, who were married in New 'York Saturday, will return to the city this evening. A; a visitor in -the -city .Miss lioyer made, many friends. , She is a most ' charming girl - and" her friends are glad that she is returning to make Raleigh her 'homo. Site . will' be a distinct ad dition to the, social life of the city. The young couple have' the best wishes of all. Dr. and Airs. Good win, who intended .the wedding, re I urncd last night. K.ilci;;li Girl a Guest. The following is from the Char lot le Xews: In honor of her sister, Mrs, K. VV. Merrill, of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. F. D. Samp'.:oi, of Dilworth. delight fully entertained at bridge yester day afternoon. Mis Annie Clark son won the prize for the highest score, Miss Mary Latta. of Raleigh, cut the consolal ion. The guests were:: .Mesdamcd K. W. Thomp son, W. A. Reynolds, I!. '-'D.!. Springs, Harvey !,aiiiho:h, C. Furber Jones, II. B. Adams, W. II. Zimmerman, 131 I'ayetteville St. their Native li. C. Moore, John F. Yorke, Joe Jones and Misses ' Annie Clarkson, Helen lirem and guest, Mary Batta, j of Raleigh, .Marguerite Springs and : guest, Marguerite Brown, of Con- ; cord. Sniith-HroH ii. Mr. John Willis Smith, of r . Roanoke Rapids, and Mius Nannie! Kdiih Brown, of Weldou, were hap- former Scotland Seek Editor Oriti- pily united in marriage by Mr. Wil liam H. Sawyer, justice of the peace, in the office of the register of deeds. There . were several witnesses' present to whom the couple' frankly confided the fact bat ll.cy bud run away. T H K WOMAN'S S.lli. !mpi riant Business iceiing Toinor- 1 row Afternoon at I O'clock. The monthly 'busiiuss nieeiing of; tiie Woman's Club will he-held to morrow afternoon tit f o'clock in the club room. The changes .in the con-! stitiition, the appro.icliin.: concert: and other matters of yiial impor tance to the clul) will (tune in) . for discussion, and every , member is urged -to", be. present Tin members are abo asked to conie get their concert ticket prepared io Tl'KSIj.W' AKTKSlNtiUS 't'l.l'H. Meeting With Bigciiciu and !iss r)!f-in at 'i' ii ilitli. Tl'.e meeting of th; Tuesday -'Af-teriKHin Ciuh was held : e .i"i-(i;iy af ternoon' with Mrs. .GusMv Uagedorn and Miss Klizalielh Awry Cotton at Meredith College yes'.ni.r. ai'.er uoon. the delightful llrre.Miing . pro gram i'eing followed by refresh ments. The suii.iee, oi the i i noon Music , was Ilrowning's poems on and two era la of 'I'ar- and were M usicians. The - program was dr.i-HI in parts the poems on iuiim "A I o of Galuppi." "Master H'thes SaM.-Gotlia." . "Abt 'u:;ei-." leying- With-' Charles . Simon, " "Tl'.e Founder, of tne i-'eas:" tend and inlei-luetej Mrs: Hage- :ili,l 1 .: 1 1' t of ;iuil inler :i n.:i. -'These -i fine." "Aie- llow . it ," and "At corn. Tiie poems of t he '..e the program' were i pic.ied b Mrs.- 1. O. I! were: "The Poet jn p.i meraIilia," I'opnlnril.v. Strikes a ('(inieiuiio'.'.-i ; the 'Mermaid.''': . .-'' Itrniiiinl I -.it. Cart huge. Jan. ':: 1 . There took place at the hospiiahie home of Mrs. W.'-'T. Jones e-ierday after noon, between the tieurs ol tnree ami live of the chut., an entertain ment which will long .he remembered by these preseni, as one of the. most beneficial and helpful meetings ever attended, Mrs. Joins, on behalf of the Woman's Home Mission Society, of which she is pnsiilerit, was host to the members of the Young Ladies' id Society of the Metliodist church. The following' program had been officially published in the local papers and through the pulpit'of the church previous to the event: "'Mrs. W. T. .limes, at home Tues day afternoon, January :Uth, three o'clock, 'complimentary to the Wo man's llohie Mission and the Young l.ndii s' . Aid Soeiei io of the Metlio. (list church. 'The Bugle fall,' all the women of the Methodist church are urged to come and join the Woman's ll'.ine Mission Soiiety." The -memlieis of both societies having arrived tiie services were Oiiined by Rev. K. K. Rose and con ducted by yU-f. Jones. After the "Bugle Call " v.: e: i"tid by Mesdanies A D. Muse anil .M. I. Jenkins a de licious course of- I'efreshnietils was served by the 'young ladies." There were e'ght adcli'ioas to "the ' senior society, ail the tn w members com ing from the junior", society. ; The Vaunts b'ft for heme declaring that Mr;. Jones had most royally enter tained them -and' that a pleasant and helpful evening had been theirs. TI KKIA TROT I. FADS TO CKI.I. I'li ptielor ot llance Hull i Sen tciicctl to si Months. New York. Jan. 3 1 .-Waltir S. Sweeney, proprieuir of ii resort in Thirty-llrst street, Went to the pen itentiary today by way of. the turkey trot and the grizlv bear: lie was convirli il ol' running a dance hall .without ii license, and sentenced to sis inotit.hu on Black wells Island. Witnesses for the de fense were in court ready to testify to tin' harmless nature of the dances, and an Instructor, who said he taught the "last word" in dancing to soiiety, 'volunteered with a wo man partner to evhibit to the court the Inoffensive nature of the steps. The justice declined the offer; de nounced the daivi'S as Indecent, and passed sentence on Sweeney. When a man Is In live with widow its a sisn she knew It long before he made tiie discovery. GREATEST FEATURE ACT Songs, Music and Dances Frank Mosre Kicks Burning, Gasoline rally II! Road Improvement Disastrous Kfl'ects of Monkeying; With Gasoline. (Specinl to The Times.) S-otland Neck, Jan. :!1 Mr. K. : liilliard, whose critical illness was ; reported .in this correspondence last. ; week is sinking and the end is not i unexpected. Mr. Milliard has been ! in feeble henith for the past several years, and especially since he dis posed of his newspaper a little inure than two years ao. lie suffered a complete break down about two weeks ago, and since that time his physicians have held'out no bone ior nis recovery. As a res 'ill of the .a toeai Retail Alejcban.'s' sevrval days ago. we b hi of the Association :rn a force of hands are Lading from tt work tin the road Uosenealh towushin. the particular point being known as "i he creek" and is jus! at the edge of town. It Is understood that the read is being "cross logged." and when it is completed, tho'ie who un derstand the conditions there say it will be in splendid condition aiid Will not be a subject of criiicisui any longer. Several thousand dollars i,.iv. iwoii toent mi this road- -not mote than six or seven hnmlr Ull yards, and it people that it is hoped by all the will be permanently repaired. Yesterday, afternoon '!' Frank Moore, who is clerking for Josey 1 1 a r ware' Company, had emptied a tank of" gasoline in a -large, reservoir and spilled a good bit on the ground near by, also spilling some on his clothing without being aware of it. Mr. Moore struck a match to the giroliue and stood near by kick ing ai it, when his clo:hiug ignited, ;lud but iVr'the (irotnpt avii.is: of two colored men standi!!!' iiv lie would have been' seriously ii not fa'aliy burned. As it was lie escaped .w.ith v pretty severe burn upon the knee. (In Fehruarv I4lh.. there, will be a pastor's conference and meeting of the executive board of the Roan- oke Bai'tist Association held in the Scotland Neck Baptist church. I'ro granis of the meetings have beeil issued, and the names of several prominent, ministers of t! e associa tion appear thereon to deliver speechesduring the day. Besides these Dr." .It'. .J. Willingbam, secretary of the foreign mission board of the Southern Baptist Convention, will de liver an address at (he evening ser vice upon foreign missions. This will be Dr. Willingliuiu's first visit to Sco'l.ind Neck, and no doubt our people will hear him gladly. The grand jury bus brought in a true bill against Hd Jones, who shot and killed Turner Wiggins, both col ored, here several months ago, and the case was set for today. It will he remembered that Joins made his escape after bring the fatal shot but was captured a few weeks ago in Bertie county. V.'e learn that the solicitor will ask for a verdict ot first degree murder. Court convened at day with Judge Cllm presiding. We have Halifax Von-! 'of.' Hickory, ' heard that ! Judge Cline lias made a splendid hit i among the court house ollicials as ; a bariied .iuri: t. and painstaking! judge. This is his first court In Halifax countv. Mrs. Sue Kdwards liied at. her home, here early yesterday morning after a lingering illness of several wee: s. I lie remains v, :u ue laiieu to Lawrences today for interment, (lie services being conducted by Flder W. F. Stateu. Mrs. Edwards was a .consistent member: of the Primitive. Kaptist .'church, holding her .membership, at Lawrences. Wliut Makes t Woman? One hundred and twenty pounds. more or less, of bono and muscle don't mako a woman. Its a good foundation. Put Into it health and strength and she- may rule a king dom. But that's just what Electric Bitters give tier. Thousands bless them for overcoming fainting and dizzy spells and for dispelling weak ness, nervousness, backache and tired, listless, worn out feeling. "Klectric Bitters hav. done me a world of good," writes Eliza Pool, Depcw, Okla., "and I thank you, with all my heart, for making sue a a good medicine." Only 60c Guar anteed by Klng-Crowell Drug Co. "'Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation," and Nearly Everybody Reads The Ral eigh Daily Times, lAWAIKAMS rr Dressing Sacques Short Kimonas Long Kimonas llci'c is n s)cci;il tint is itouiirt to engender ('i!tliusia.-m in the minds ol economical buyers. A I.i'ioht, smart assortment, portraying lite current moment's creations. Loii",- Kimonas in Crepe and Flannelette, regular 1. 00 values, only (!)., 1 .25 values, only 7!te. In Silk good grade nice garments $6.50 ' values, al S.f() and 9.00 values at $5.98. Short Kimonas and Dressing Saetjues, (iO and !!5 cent values. 39c 1.00 values . '....' 69c S5 and :)() cents values ......... . . . 57c 75 cent values. 48c lusl this: these prices are too low ,and the gai'HieMis too genuinely rich in value, for them lo remain here many .hours. "Whether your need should not cause you to decide in the negative. Von can well alTord to keep them until you do tie: ,! them. A few are in our -windows. 203-205 Fayetteville St. vs. A Sure Preventative is .Vaccination. - v "We have a fresh supply of Vaccine Points. Take a "point" from us and be vaccinated. You will always find "IT" , at 'r THE WAKE DRUG STORE, Thones 228. BE SURE OF YOUR PIANO. When you buy a piano you want to bo sure you aro get ting the best toned instrument and one that will retain Us per fect tone for many years. Hard to be mire, Isn't it. There is only one way to bo abso lutely sure be governed by the name and experience of tho maker. Henry F. Miller Tianos are the result of long years of ex perience. In 1S50 the Millers made piaiuw, about the best pianos mado in this country at that time. Today the Henry K. Miller Tiano is recognized as tho best piano that cun be inudf. You are safe in buying by this name. DARNELL J, M. KENNEDY AKCniTECT. Holleman BIdg. lUleigh Pric ON Ealeigh, N. C. na LL POX & THOMAS, K.VLi;iGH, X. V. DR. ANNIE L. J0YNER, OSTi:OIATHIC I'HYSICIAV. Treats all classes of diseases ot women and children. 5211 S. Salisbury Street. V Phone 1120.

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