Wednesday, - Xhe R.aJeigh D y Times JanuW 31. Insure Your Baby's Comfort In the house, on the street-Anywhere and tverywherc by using a Wagaer Quick toldintr Go-cart. We have a full stock of the New Models on hand Come in and examine them. The Wanner is ftonmv and comfortable fc: a baby of an., ace and in any posuion Fp CJTt, A "r llie Seal Real Springs. "Lz f ne":il!I1,r0J'I1S0rc'0St's QUICK FOLDING merit cf the handle and the GO-CAR f seat is so placed that it can t tip backward. The Wagner Brake holds the cart just where you leave n. The Waener is the handsomest Cart inatie. Hinlt 0:1 graceful lines, beauti fully tinlshed in nickel and enamel, up pUUstered ia best quality Leatherette. To iaar Contort, Ccnfefiicnct, Sty It and Strength, "Look for Im UM m I-!- tht on the trout of tbe cart" TIRES GUARANTEED FOR ONE YEAR While passing the desert the camel lives off his hump, and wo keen humping all the rime to please our patrons, hence the exclusive awncy for this great est. of carts. 1 2LE. Martin St, - RALEIGH, N . C. ENTIRE STOCK OF verceiis ai mr rci Until February 1st. Our Stock of llio-h (Ini.l. Suits ;it a Dis count of :',:) I-:;- , . Only ( more days to ,U'et in on the (ireatest Money Saving Sale that has ever taken dare in t his city. Tositively no cloihiiii.!,' chai'ii'ed during this sale. 10 E. MARTIN ST. TI1K HOMK, OK (JOOH CLOTHES. 105 MURRAY' 105 GET RICH QUICK- WALLINGF OED Roalicd that the lust essciitiil of mnkiiiu ti good impression was to usnr well ma le clothes. We are in Imsincss or your appcaiaiice. Murray Tailoring Company "QUALITY HIGHER THAN PRICE." 105 Ftiyettovllle Street. l'lione ; Suits Up to $25.00 a! Mai! Price All tin1 Suits in this hit are not this sea son's stock. We are not here to impress you with the idea that ALL is sold in a season. They do represent, however, some extra faluc offering. "We've picked them from our stock, be cause we don't want to carry them over. They are in accord with the current styles, and you will know that when you see them. J. ROSENGARTEN CO. "Best in Beady-m&dei." LOCAL BRIEFS. Prof. N. W. Walker of Chapel Hill was in the city today. If "3 'nn I mm. m Sir. E. J. Watson, commissioner of agriculture of South Carolina, will speak at the courthouse tomor row at noon on the "Reduction of Cotton Acreage." Dr. J. Y. Joyner, state super intendent of public instruction, has returned from New York, where he attended a meeting of the Rocke feller Sanitation Commission. ,' kludge H. G. Connor, of Wilson, will be in his office in the federal building Monday for the purpose of hearing motions or any other mat ters that may come before him. The friends of little T. B. Moseley, Jr., will be glad to hear of his successful operation last week at Rex Hospital by a specialist and his return home iu greatly improved condition. Some improvements are heing made at the courthouse. A vestibule door is being placed at the front en trance and two glasses have been put in the door leading into the court room. Mr. C. 1!. Hell, an instructor in chemistry in the A. ami M. College, has been appointed second assistant food chemist to succeed Mr, Rogers 1!. Hall who resigned to . take a ; posi tion with tile Dup'ont Powder Com pany, at Wilmitigum, Del. - -A part of the Robinson circus, now in winter quarters at Hender son, will give a performance in the auditorium, Saturday, February In, matinee and -'night.- Cut. ( has. K. Johnson is at tin' head of the mover lueiit to bring 'the performers here. (loorno P rooks', alias Chi'.rch P.rooks, was ' discharged--from ens tody' .vestei clay afternoon by Police Justice Watson. He was held for the larceny of $i'.T-" from ..!r. Ij.-' J. Thompson, a farmer, hut. the evi dence was not sitrong enough' to' hind OVel'. "' I Ml Price Sale I i A slot machine that -looked very much like a gambling device was licensed by Sheriff Sears-only after he had 'Obtained a ruling front the attorney general on the subject. Mr. Hickett thought ihe law did not cover this machine and ruled that it be licensed. therefore itt-s MRS. SAMtKHMX l)K.l Mot her of Mis. Willis (. Hri I'ilsses at A;;e of (IS Vearx. The burial services over the re mains of Mrs. Rliza Wooteu Saniier lin. whose death occurred at !'':;'; u o'clock." -last night at the home of her daughter, .Mrs. W. G. llriggs, 217 West Kdenton street, will he held at Oak wood cemetery tomorrow morn ing at 1 1 o'clock. .Mrs. Sanderlin had been ill for several months at the home of her daughter, with whom she was visit ing, and her death was not unexpect ed. She was tiS years of age and a daughter of the late Council and liliza Woolen of Lenoir county." She was the widow of Dr. Geo. W. San derlin, who was state auditor from 1888 to 1SII2. Her husband was deputy auditor of the interior under President Cleveland and Mrs San derlin had resided in Washington since 18!io. A woman of fine sense and character, a Christian, Mrs. San derlin had many friends in Raleigh and , North Carolina and these will he pained to learn of her death. She was for fifty years a member of the Missionary Maptist chinch. She leaves four daughters, Mrs. Willis O. llriggs, of Raleigh: Mrs. Franklin Reed,. .Miss Georgia and Miss Rosalie Sanderlin, of Washing ton, IX C, and one brother, Mr. Council S. W'ooten, of Mt. Olive, who is now the only survivor of a family of twelve children. She was the aunt of State Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. Joyner. wt mi COUGH SYRUP Have you a cold with a hacking or racking eoupn, noarseness, bronchitis, grippe ; or an asthmatic or pulmonary cotton witn eoro chest t Has the bubv crouiv wnooping cougu or measles cough? SAMPLE, FREE. Then test the ohl reliable, Dn. lSruss Cor oh Syrup, free. "Write tn . r Mktf.r ,v Co., Bal timore. Mil. Mention tliiu paper. "J hml a !"; bad cold and muijh and oiifi hittir f lr. Villi's t'umjh hijrnp curt'tl- '" ctithu'hi." Frances J'. J. !', Vr'nhjiflUi; Dd. REGULAK BOTTLE. 25 CTi. Dr. liuli'st 'e' !.:.'! i -y run contains n morphine ar chloroform, 't U i --tV'i d best. mm THKHK AUK TWO. Frank M. King ami T. Frank King Aif Xot In tlu Same Riisines. .Mr. Frank SI. King, a popular salesman of the Cross & Linehan Company, says that some of his friends are under the impression that Mr. Davis referred to him last Sunday in giving the name of "Frank King" as one of the alleged liquor sellers. T. F. King Is the person whose name Mr. Davis men tioned. The other King-Frank M. says be hasn't been near a bot tle of booze In three weeks. MR M.tHDICY AT APF.X Interesting' Article About Xevv Pas tor : at thi' Tabernacle. Rev. Charles K. Mad dry,, pastor of the Tabernacle Haptist church tit Raleigh, who onducted the funeral set vices over the", remains of Mrs. J. W. F. Rogers at the Haptist church at Apex last week in such an able and impressive manner is, we found in conversation with him. a near Apex man. He found tv.o of his -old friends here, Miss Maude Wilson, who was a member ol his church ai States viile and..V; i . Ji- 'ea'.er who we.1! reared in the : ante 'community ; w iih him and wa;; a s-!io6lni'u1o; Mr. Miiii.irv n:itl. he v.a.s raised near Jit. .'iurih c!iu:i'h i!i Orange county, of which the1 late Rev. Pat rick Dowd, Rev.' Johnson- Olive and Rev.;-Joint ' Wil;:oti '.er.'". tit dif ferent time:- pastor, and that each t.f these liieu wl'miu he on rettei i iua di'" uomiuated )-ri'a-t men and great preachers had a niosi v.bole:,ome iu Ituence on his life. lie sail! the reading, .of. the life and struggle:-, id' Rev. Johnson )ive more than anything else' 'decided him' to enter the ministry, as it seemed so much that was ilieie recorded lilted his own case. Here is a eotii-.'eio example of the fact that the good that ; men do while .living does not die 'w ith' them, but lives on forever and ever. Mr. Madd.y is regarded in Raleigh as one of the ablest ministers that city. has ever had. .Talks with prom inent and it'Mtiehtial citizens of that city, both of his own denomination and others, show that he occupies a high place iu iis religious life. Wo are proud thai our chief city has recognized the worth of one of oar, own, people: in the great field which it Occupies. There is no rea son why 'prophet should be with out' honor in his own country" and the tendency on the part of our hi;, churches to go to other states to get their ministers shows either that we have not in the" ministry from ..North Carolina the right kind of men or that our churches de mands are not in keeping with the profession '.".which their members make, Apex Journal. Colds Cause Headache. Laxative liromo Quinine, the world wide Cold and Grip remedy removes cause. Call . for full name. Look for signature E. W. GROVE. S!5c. Low fares via Norfolk Southern to New Orleans, Mobile and Pensacola, account Mardl Gras Carnivals. Tick ets mi salo February -13th, to l!tth, 1!1J. Final limit March 2, 1!'12. Ask nearest ticket agent for particu lars.. B. L. BUGG, T. M. W, W. CROXTON, G. P. A. WILL F..X PLAIN THE KOCK HILL I'LAX TOMOHUOW. The Rock Hill plan for the reduc tion of cotton acreage will be ex plained here toniorrow by Mr. J. G. Anderson of Rock Hill, originator of the idea, and Col. Ebble J. Wat son, commissioner of agriculture of South Carolina. Colonel Watson has started out on an intlnerary ex plaining this plan and he will go from Raleigh to Atlanta. There are Fish and Fresh Fish All fish come within Ihe hounds of the "pine foul act." Some, lioweve.', should r.eer come without the bounds of the individual's per son. - , The freshest of fish are none too fresh those coming direct from the water to the stall such as ours. A phone connection with our stall will bring to your door a bunch of the freshest obtainable fltth. Wades' Fish Market WHERE QUALITY COUNTS. City Market. B0YLAN-PEARCE CO, B0YLAN-PEARCE CO BOYLAN-PEARCE CO. Here's a Clean-up Sale, the balance of the winter stock of Women's, Misses and Children's Coats, Ladies Silk Waists, Junior Suits and separate Skirts. THIS IS THE LAST CALL. THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, of this week are the last days. ; , ; Buy now ,;for this ami-next .winter's use. You'll nee.l 'em for four months to come. If any are left, they will lie 'ivcn out to charity. They must 'get out of the house.. v LADIES', MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS. Just 2(5 of these left; all we have in stock. They are ' . all'.arood styles and sold at 'first from 7.50 to I2.r() Clean-up Price. . ................... $2.98 JUNIOR COAT SUITS. For girls' 111, 1") and 17 years of (Jood styles. .. 'winter weights, but we want the; space tliey -occupy for spring stuff. Your choice of a dozen suits for, . .....'$3.98 LADIES' SILK AND SATIN WAISTS --There are '14-of these. Taffeta Silk and Messaline ' Waists. All black. Sizes, IIS. 10 and 12 .and were if'7.rM ;' an.l rrs.r.0. Chutise from these at . . . . . $2.08 LADIES' SEPARATE SKIRTS. " Only l:i of tht'se Skirls and mostly Corduroys. This . season's best sly I es. Were our $3.98 and $4.98 Specials. Clean-up Prices are ....................... $1.48 CHILDREN'S COATS. ; 2!) in this lot. Avert i 2.50 to :!.")0. Take 'em at ........ 98c -FEAR0E COMPANY AlfracUve Price CiilfM Paving the way for our early sprint? n'armenls whicli will soon bein to roll in, we are now making prices very attractive On the most neces sary and appreciated .u'arnieuls fur ladies. For Ladies We have a smart lino of Cloaks, S'tits, Dresses and Skirts, and We are Rolng to sell them al a bis dis counta saving lo you. Hush Coals, ? IS. tin values. . I'l'.lsh Coats, $lo.mi values. . $r..()t) Polar Coats. ?7, $7..",n and ?S Heavy Woolen Coats, $2.75 and up. For Children In our Children's Ready-io-eWenr Deiiartnienl wilt he found some rich values nt, pleasing prices. It' a rare chance. Caracul Coats ...... $:M9 to $4.!)S l'lnsh Coats . . . . , ..... $l.i)S Sweaters and Sweater Jackets. . ; - . ... ..... .... . :;sc to $).:!! Many valuable garments for chil dren and juniors will be placed for immediate selling, with no view to prolit whatever. Eurson Fashioned Hosiery, Night Gowns ........ 38c, 79c, $1.4.9 l it e f a r i s M Eiist llni''lt St., "Next to Johnson's Grocery. Mr. W. W. Croxton, traveling pas senger agent of the Norfolk South ern, with headquarters in Norfolk, was Id the city today. - Satisfied Customers That 18 what we are gaining every day, and we strive to Please all. Trinttng that Pleases the hard-to-please. Mitchell Printing Comp'y. Clarence E. Mitchell, Mgr. C. C. rhone 827M Pollen BIdg. CROSS & LINEHAN COMPANY announces The John B. Stetson styles of Derbies and Soft Hats for Spring Season of nineteen hundred and twelve. J.