f THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, , FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1912. AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS. Grand: Tlieaflrc THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY m ' THE LEMONTS, BANJO AND SINGING ACT. FRANK1E SIEGEL, COON SHOUTER. DOYLE & FIELDS, A Couple of Kidding Kids Direct From Kidland. - IN COMING NOODLES FARAN, THE BIG NOISE. Mi E iLMI Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. ' 'A SIOUX LOVER'S STRAGEDY, " A Splendid Lil'e-I.ikc .Indian Drama. "THE ESCAPE FROM THE DUNGEON," A Thrilling Story, fieautifnlly Colored. "CAVE HOMES IN THE CANARY ISLES," An Interesting Travalogue. "THE REPORTER," A Pal lie American Comedy Drama. TOMORROW TWO WESTERN COMEDIES. PROP. LEVIN'S ORCHESTRA. WHAT DOES ELECTRIC LIGHT COST TALK NO. 6 (Continued From Wednesday's Paper.) The lighting company of Buenas Ayres, iu South America, a city of 1,200,000, charges . 50 cents a kilowatt for current. The maximum charge for lighting current in Raleigh is 15 cents. People hear that the rates in another city are much lower than they are at home and immediate ly accuse the local company of unfairness. But do they know that coal and labor and water may make a tremendous difference? Some people have clamored for C HEATER ELECTRICITY. They forget that the lighting man has been constantly giving them cheaper light. That is the point of the whole question CHEAPER LIGHT. Ev$ry improvement in lamps has made CHEAPER LIGHT, though the price of electricity may have remained the same. The Mazda Lamp gives you more than twice the light of the Carbon Lamp and a better Tight at the same consumption as the Carbon Lamp. Do you wonder that we say Mazda means light for everybody? (Continued Monday.) Carolina Power and Light Co. PHONE 226. Your 1912 Printing Wants CavroU be cared for at "the llttfe' hop where big thtnga ar done." M. J. CARROLL, Academy Music, Raleigh, N. O. Satisfied Customers That Is what we are gaining every day, and we etrlve to please all. Printing that Pleases the hard-to-please. Mitchell Printing Comp'y. Clarence K. Mitchell, Mgr. O. C. riwne 827M PulleB Blrtg. Kidney Trouble Overcome by the Great Treatment 1 have been a sufferer for years with kidney and bladder trouble and took almost everything a drug store contained, without obtaining any benefit. 1 suffered so that I became utter ly discouraged, as 1 could not sleep, was always dizzy and had a head ache all the time. 1 saw one of your advertisements and as a last resort, decided to try your Swamp-Root. I am now taking the third bottle and feel like a new woman, sleep well and have no pains whatever. I strongly advise all sufferers to take the only real cure for kidney and bladder trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root was a God-send to me. You may publish this letter if you wish so that it may be the means of bringing some poor sufferer back to health. '.. MRS. MARY O'DONNEIjL, Lander, Wyo. Subscribed and sworn to before me this July 14th, 1 009. CHARLEY ALLEN, Notary Public in and for Fremont Co., Wyo. ' I. WATTS GIVES AGAIN liOttcr to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Ringliamton, N. Y. Fiove What Swnmp-Root Will Do For Von. Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing hamton, N. Y for a sample bottle. It will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable in formation, telling all about the kid neys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention The Raleigh Daily Times. Regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles for sale at all drug stores. , SI RE OF TAI'T'S NOMINATION. Hilles (Jives Out Statement, Claiming the President Will be Nominated ami Elected. Washington, Feb. 2. In the first authorized statement he has issued in connection with the Taft cam paign, - Charles O. Hilles, the presi dent's secretary, predicted that Taft would be. nominated and elected. The statement says: "President Taft'y nomination in June is as certain as anything can be. I am confident there will be comparatively little opposition to him in the nationnl convention and when the nomination is made the republicans of the coun try will rally to the party standard and win a great victory in Novem ber. "I would not make this prediction did I not feci that my information from all parts of the country war rant me in doing so. It Is easy to make big claims and try to deceive the people, and I think that the man who docs so without the facts and figures to justify it is guilty of deception. "A month ago, before I had got ten into touch with the republicans in all the states. would not have said this much, in that month I have seen the lines drawn closer and closer. In the last week the situa tion has cleared wonderfully, with the republicans In all directions fall ing into line for the president, mani resting a determination to bring about his nomination. "It is useless to speak in general terms or undertake, at short notice, 1o go into the conditions in each state, hut developments in three big stales witnin a few days ought to point conclusively to the present trend." Mr. Hilles reviews conditions In New York, Ohio and Indiana, claim, ing Taft has received endorsements in those stales, indicating they will give delegations 'to nini in the convention. THE VETERANS ItEFNION. .Much I n tens t Itcing Taken uiul Ma con (Jetting P.emly. (Special to The Times.) Macon, Ga'., Feb. 2-"Best wishes for a succesful Confederate reunion May 7 ahd congratulations unon the securing of this event for Macon, magnetic center of the south." is the way in which the Norfolk Board or Trade expresses its felicitations to the Georgia city upon her coming gala event. ThiB phrase in a letter received from the Virginia city Is but one of the many obtained In letters which are pouring Into the reunion committee dally from all over the country. From the western borders of Texas to the eastern boundaries of the Carolines, Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commmerce are writ ing, promising suDDort. and makine standing offers of willingness to be or assistance in any way which may be possible. In nearly every letter is stressed admiration of the sys tematic manner )n which Macon has gone to work ki nreDartion for the event and eulogies on the Dublic spiritedness of her citizens. Ine letter received at reunion headquarters, from a city larger than Macon, states that this place raised $16,000 for the reunion In times past and thought that it was accomplishing a great feat. The let tor states that Macon's feat of rais ing 170,000 seemed almost Inconceivable. Whpn a. man threaten to UIhs a girl ho run a big risk of her getting ! indignant ir be doesn t. Additional Endowment of $100,000 to Hospital (Special to The Times.) Durham, N. C, Feb. .2 An addi tion of at least $1011,000 will be made to the endowment fund of the Watts Hospital by Mr. Geo. W. Watts, who has lot the contract for the plans for a large apartment house, the rental from' which is to be devoted to the fund tor the main tenance of the hospital. The new building to be erected by Mr. Watts is to be three stories in height, of pressed brick and stone and of beautiful architecture... Ten five-room apartments will be pro vided arid a -number of two-room apartments, making more than six ty rooms in all. Each of the five room apartments will contain a kitchin, dining room, living room and two bed rooms, all furnished with gas and ' electric, fixtures with a gas range in the kitchens. All of the rooms will he outside rooms and each apartment will he provided with a balcony. The entire build ing will be heated with steam, and will be modem in every respect. The apartments are to be located in west Main street at the intersec tion of Main street . with Watts street. The work will be com menced as soon as the weather per mits, and Mr. Watts expects to have the building 'completed by spring. The expenditure for this building will make the total sum which Mr. Watts was placed in the Watts Hos pital about $1,000,000,'- including the endowment which the institu tion already has. The identification of the hand writing of Judge It. W. Winston is the point around 'which the issues in a very interesting case which is be ing tried in Durham superior court have revolved. The case involves the validity of a deed which was sup posed to have been made to a man several years after he was dead, but which the plaintiff, in the case who was the grantor claims was chang ed to the wife of the dead man by inserting "Mrs." before the name after the deed had been signed. The deed was written by Judge Winston which he was practicing law in Dur ham in 1007. Old citizens,, who swore that they were well acquaint ed with the peculiar chirography of Judge Winston, testified that "Mrs." written before the name was not in the handwriting of Judge Winston but that the name itself was in his handwriting. The plaintiff in the case is Mollie Carrington who signed a deed which purported to convey the title to a thirty acre lot of ground in the coun ty to: to P. W. Mangum. The plain tiff claims tl'a' she was induced to sign the deed by fraud and that she received tin compensation for the property. Are Ever at War. There are two things everlast ingly at war, joy and piles. Hut Bucklen's Arnica Salvo will banish piles In any form. It soon subdues the itching, irritation, Inflammation or swelling. It gives comfort. In vites joy. Greatest healer of burns, boils, ulcers, cuts, bruises, eczema, scalds, pimples, skin eruptions. Only 25 cents at King-Crowell Drug Co. .. And a lot of people can't even depend on themselves. For the Children's To Keep Their Digestion Perfect Nothing Is so Sale and Pleasant as Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. Trial Package Sent Free.. Thousands of men and women have found Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets the safest and most reliable preparation for any form of indiges tion or stomach trouble. Thousands of people who are not sick, but are well and wish to keep well take Stuart's Tablets after every meal to insure perfect digestion and avoid trouble. But it is not generally known that the Tablets are just as "good and wholesome for little folks as for their elders. Little children who are pale, thin and have no appetite, or do not grow or thrive, should us the tab lets after eating and will derive great benefit, from them. Mrs. G. H. Crotsley, 538 Washing ton St., Hobokeu, New Jersey, writes: "Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets just, fill the bill for children as well as for older folks. I've had the best of luck .with them.: My three-year-old girl takes 'them as readily as candy. I have only to say "tablets' and she drops everything else and runs i'or them." A Buffalo mother, a short time ago, who despaired of the life of her babe, was so delighted with the re sults from giving the child these tab lets that she went before the notary public of Erie Co., N. Y., and made the following affidavit: Gentlemen : Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets were recommended to me for my two-nioiiths-old baby, which was sick and puny and the doctors said was suffering from indigestion. I took the 'child to the hospital, but there found no relief. A friend men tioned the Stuart Tablets and I pro cured a box from my druggist and used only the large sweet lozenges in the box and was delighted to find they were just the thing for my baby. I feel justified in saying that Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets saved my child's life. MRS. W. T. DETHLOI'K. . Subscribed and sworn to before me this 12th day of April, 180". HENRY 1.RIS, Notary Public in and for Erie Co., N. Y. For babies, no matter how young or delicate, the tablets will accom plish wonders in increasing tlesh, appetite and growth. I'se only the large sweet tablets in every box. Full sized boxes are sold by all druggists for 5o cents, and no parent should ncrlcct the line of this-safe remedy for all stomach and bowel troubles if the child is ailing in any way regarding its food or assimilation. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been known for vears as the best preparation for all stomach troubles whether in adults or infants. . A trial package will lie sent, if you will write K. A. Stuart Co., I5u Stuart Bldg.. ; Marshall, Mich. OA A. & M. vs. GUILFORD AUDITORIUM Admission 25 Cents Game Called 8 p. m. TONIGHT. For AH the News From Everywhere AH the Time, Read The Raleigh Daily Times. Merchants National Bank OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. Wants your business. We can handle your regular account satisfactorily; Four Per Cent Interest paid in Savings Depart ment. (All Departments under supervision of United States Gov ernment). Four Per Cent Certificates of deposit issued. The mere fact that we have more money on deposit than any other bank In Raleigh is good evidence that the people have confidence In this Institution. - .. K. C. Duncan, President. W. H. Williamson, Yice-Pres. W. F. I'tley, SScl Vice-Pres. W. 15. Drake, Jr., Cashier. S. J. Jlijisdale, Asst. Cashier. I Clias. E. Johnson, President. F. II. Briggs, Cashier. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For ' ' RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. " An Honorable Record For Nearly Half a Century. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited in This Rank Each Week AVill See You With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Ahead One Year From Today, ' ,., . You AVill Spend it if You Do Not Deposit it. Try Sav ing Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank. THE EQUITABLE FIRE Proves the value of a SAFK DEPOSIT BOX. No valuable paper was hurned. You can rent oho for $4. no a year, and protect your Will, 'Insurance' - Policies; 'valuable .papers and -Jewelry. wi: wii.i- iU': ;i,ai to show tmf.m. CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK and 1 ho -RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. THE COMERUAL NATIONAL tfAMi Commercial and Savings Accounts Invited. Capital, Surplus and Profits . . ; . ; ... . $410,000 B. S. JERMAN, Pres. E .B. CROW, Cashier. For Sale- Splendid Homes Situate "W. Jones and McDowell North Blount . . .... . . . Polk Street ........ ... .Firwood Avenue ..... .... W. Peaee Street ...... . .$12,000 11,000 4,000 2,500 3,000 The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. Office Supplies Filing Cabinets, Loose Leaf Devices, Blank Bcol; CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, VALENTINES. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. 11.1 Faycttcvllle Street. O. C. 'Phone 01 i-F. Office Furniture and Supplies. 12 East H.u y.-rt -ire C. C. 'Phone M l . V. Things We Have You May Want You will at least need them, Mr. Contractor, In the construe-' . thin of a first-class huildirii;. Castings, Iron and Steel liars, Pipe Fittings, of all kinds, Pipe and Valves. Sash Weights - for the heaviest or tho light est windows. , . RALEIGH IRON WORKS COMPANY Raleigh, N. C The nousewif e's Judgment Is displayed, In a remarkable manner, in tho selection of her laundry. This laundry has been the favorite for years. It has won Its reputation as the best by the unquestionably superior ser vice it renders. I.K.T I S CALL FOR VOIR FLAT work. OAK CITY STEAM LAUNDRY COMPANY. 117 West Hargett Street RALEIGH, N. O. Both 'Phoaea 87. A Want Ad in The Raleigh Daily Times Will Work Wonders for Your Business,