T1IK RALEIGH, DAILY TIM ES, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1912. SYKES CASE FOR HUG Case of Greensboro Druggist Set For Tomorrow Morning (Ircensboro, Feb. 6. A number of delegates arrived today for the open ing session tomorrow of the Virginia North Carolina Retail Implement Machinery and Vehicle Dealers As sociation, which convenes here in a two-day annual session. The local committee on arrangements has made elaborate preparations for the social entertainment of the visiting dele gates, (lie features including a ban quet at the Elks 'Club automobile rides, theatrical parties. for Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford and Jumping Ju ))it,er and privileges of the local clubs. The purpose of the association is to better the condition or retail deal ers and to more closely cement the relations of retailer, jobber and man ufacturer. With this object in view Hie program for the business sessions have been arranged and filled with set addicses followed by general open discussion. The officers of the association have announced that all implement, machinery and vehicle dealers in the two states, whether members of the association or not, will be admitted to the sessions. Tho case in which R. .1. Sykes, a well known and prominent druggist is charged with retailing, has been set tor hearing before city Judge Kuro Wednesday morning. Mr. Sykes has retained Judge W. P. By num as counsel and will base his defense upon tho claim that the whiskey which he is charged with selling John R. Coble was loaned, Sir. Coble corroborating such tes timony. The evidence upon which Mr. Sykes, was arested wa8 given by Mr, Coble in ad testificandum pro ceedings Saturday night, Mr. Coble says he testified that he had a case of whiskey ordered and that pending its arrival lie made an arrangement whereby lie borrowed several quarts from Mr. Sykes. In this connection it U recalled that in a similar case in Winston recently the Superior Court held thai the "loan" of whis key was a violation of the prohibi tion laws and upon appeal the ver dict of the lower court was sustain ed. ., - ': The 12-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Johnson proved her self a heroine yesterday when she rushed into a burning room and seiz ing a two-year-old sister carried her to a place of rarefy and then spread the alarm Ol fire throughout the neighborhood. The alarm was sounded and the firemen kept the flames confined to the room in which they had their origin. In this BThls Home-Made Cough Syrup Wilt Surprise You mm fi Stops Even Whooping Congh Quickly. A Family Supply Here is a home-made remedy that takes hold of a cough instantly, and will usually cure the most stubborn case in 24 hours. This reciie makes a' pint enough for a whole family. You couldn't buy as much or as good ready-made cough syrup for $2.50. Mix one pint of granulated sugar with '2 pint of warm water, and stir 2 minutes. Put 2 ounces of Pinex ( fifty cents' worth) in a pint, bottle, and add the Sugar Syrup. This keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste children liko it. Braces up the appetite and is slightly laxative, which helps end a cough. You probably know the medical value of pine in treating asthma, bronchitis and other throat, troubles, sore lungs, etc. There is nothing better. Pinex is the most valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract, rich in giiaincol and nil tho natural healing pine elements. Other preparations will not work in this formula. . "... t The prompt results from this inexpen sive remedy have made friends for it in thousands of homes in the United States and Canada, which explains why the plan has been imitated often, but never successfully. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe. Your drugsrist has Pinex, or will get it for vou. "If not. send to The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. room the smaller child, with another sister, ! years of age, wa3 playing, and it is supposed a coal of fire popped from the grate. Tho older girl heard the screams of the baby and rushed to the room, finding it almost enveloped in flames and black with smoke. She directed the year old sister to safety and carried the 2-year-old in her arms, All of the children were severely singed though the burns of none were seri ous.. " Local authorities are at a loss to understand the theft of a number of sticks of dynamite which has been stored on the grounds of the Greens boro Country Club and all police and county officers have been ordered to keep a close lookout for the miss ing explosives. Some apprehension is felt that tho dynamite was want ed by some one with sinister mo tives, especially since "dynamite" has received so much notoriety Through the ..McNamaras and the Federal grand jury probe at Indian apolis. The Rest Minstn t Show of the Sea . .son at the Academy of Music This Afternoon and Tonight. (By the Academy Press Agent. I George Evans and his Honey l!oy Minstrels will be seen at the Acad emy this afternoon at 'i: 30 and to night at 8::'.0. The engager,. ci. t promises to present an all new pro gramme of minstrelsy by what is un questionably the representative organization of its kind in Amenc-i. George Evans, "the Honey !';". needs no introduction to lovers of this time honored stjle of iiiiin'- compared in every respect with any oifcrlng seen hereabouts in years. Forty people comprise a well bal anced rapt. . The music and song hits written especially for the com edy are novel and ' varied enough to suit the most exacting lover of up-to-date amusement. J. Homer Tutt and Ethel Marshall, a clever prima donna, are among Mr. Whit ney's chief assistants. "The Smart Set" will appear here for the benefit ot the Raleigh Col ored Masonic Beneficial Association, and the entire Iheauv will be turned over to the colored theatre goers for tli I is occasion. 'Hie reserved seats aale :it H;imlin';i ln?g store is very large and it would lm advisable for those desiring scats to secure them without further di-:.iy. Prices lower floor $1.00 and : rents. Balcony 7."i, 30 and 25 tvi.is. 'i he perform- First l a Grippe, Then Hroneliitis. That was the case with Mrs. W. S Bailey, McCreary, Ky. "My wife was taken down with a severe aU tack of la grippe, which run Into bronchitis. She coughed as though she had consumption and could not sleep at night. The first bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gave her so much relief that she continued using it until she was per manently cured." King-Crowell Drug Co. But a ' slow-going man is seldom overtaken by opportunity. Only One "BROMO QUININE, that Is Laxative Bromo Quinine Swires Cold In One Day. Crip in 3 Days COL on box. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Gran STOP LOOK NOODLES FAGAN, Is Here All Week. MACK & WORTH, Singing and Dancing. HARRY BATCHELOR, Musical Comedian. THE lflg Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. "THE FIRST MAN," An Ingenuous Plot, Excellent Acting and Splendid Stage Manage ment In This Rapid Flro Comedy. "THE FLOWER GIRL OF THE LAS P ALMAS," A Mexican Love Story by the Pathe American Stock Co. "THE COQUETTE," A Thrilling Episode In the Lives of Simple Fisher Folk. A Well Balanced Program. Do Not Mis3 It. moor, txmn obcsqcstka. ii i'ii ' i Hiiwr 11 mill 1 1 mm) I "Honey Itoy," (en, Eva lis, at Acadi mv Tonight. rneiit. He has been at the head' o!' the class for several years and it :.s promised tor the current season that every portion of Ins show m sp't , span now. The production !s in-' first one for which the llonev -Hoy stands as sponsor and it is v";wir. able to expect that, he has used .every endeavor to surround himself v. im a company and scenic investi; me capable of maintaining the pat; record of this organization. T,i scenic production has been done liv I'nitt and Wirkes, artists tor Dur.i"! Frohman's New York Lyceum Theatre, and the company imlnds such minstrel favorites as Joint King, Chariot) lliiieliart, V".u!n Comfort, Sam Lee, Tommv 1 1 yi ! . James Meehan, Master George Ko.y, ('harles Milliard, Pierce Kco..kii, Sam I..loyd, Al.--jntaine, Lew Oil more, James Castle, William Cawh y, Charles Crossmau, and the five Danjo Phiends. Particular stress is given the singing strength of 11, is jear's corps, and a novelty Is pro:'i iscd in tho black face musical com edy, "The Dixie Derby" which con cludes the offering. This musical masterpiece is the work of George Evans who has written its boolt, lyrics and music. The Honey Hoy's characterization of Snowflake Lin coln Crump, Jockey 7-1 1, who Tides Dandy Dan to victory in the Derby, Is said to be one of the happiest roles in which this excellent little come dian has even been Been. The Honey Boy Minstrels are guaranteed the best attraction of Its kind that has visited Kalcigh this season. Koserved seats for tonight now on sale. Price 50 cents to- $1.50. a uce will ami evtr time. :n promptly at 8:."o is requested ti be on .(! '.HOW AT (iU.WI) Lnmc Audi. i:rc i;;li( to l': .i- Turned ut Last 'Noodles" I'ag.'iii. That I ":: good bill In by the n;.i li'om a cro-.' (rand litis on a very this week was proved encores it received .(I house last night. Harry Man ludor, musical come dian. o;i't.;i '!:c bill with some live 1. imitd'- J)'. i:is various instriimerts v.iiicli wii.-, v.cl received by Hie audi erce. !' .-d his act with a very good pier... The mcii.i number was Mack and Worth in. tin i:- ringing and dancing act. '. Noodieh l'.-i';att, the King of News boys, wuh sr'iuply great and swept the. hoiise v.itli hio clever and "up to the tiiiiiiiVi' ". songs and mono logues II ' kept the crowd in n roar ; ml was repeatedly call- v. ill be here all the week The Times and those who -mid hear him will miss trub great in his line. of la u li t r ed back. II, as giicsc (i ' do not see somethii "The Smart Set" for Local lit nefit. Help tlie (iooil Cause. (By the Academy Press Agent.) Fun that lingers, comedians and vocalists who do things and novel ties and surprises that leave one In abject wonderment long after the curtain descends Is provided In the latest three act musical comedy "The Mayor of New Town" w.hh'h the noted "Smart Set" Company pre sents for the first time this season nt the Academy Friday night, February 9. Salem Tutt Whitney Is the chler destroyer and to those who are not familiar with his talents a capital entertainment lit assured. The pro duction has been mountod In sump tuous style au0 the scenic equtptuont Wrinkleless Skin Nov; Easy to Have (From Daily Physician.) There's no excuse for any woman having wrinkles now. It has been found that a :iimp!e mixture of saxo lite and wttih hazel has a remark able union upon the deepest wrinkles, no nintter what their na ture, whether caused by worry, habitual frowning, a debilitated con dition or the ravages of Father Time. This harmless" remedy, which any one can easily make, obtaining the ingredients nt any drugstore, acts both us an astringent and a tonic. The combined effect, of tightening the skin and heightening its vitality h to Immediately affect every line tiiid wrinkle, keeping the , cuticle smooth and drums In youth. The propoitlqnB are one ounce saxoltte (powdered) to one-half pint witch hazel. , The .solution should he used as a wash lotion. It is equally effective in disposing ot flabhlness of cheek nnd neck, as well as bbbkIiib below the eyes. OF COLLAPSE Lady in Whites Creek Has Sad Kx periencc. Hut Is Xow Doing' Vei: Well. Whites Creek, W. Va Mrs. S. P. Ferguson, of this place, says: "I suf fered from womanly troubles for years. The doctors said that over work brought my trouble on. I had such dragging pains, and suffered very badly with sick headache and dizzy spells. I was very nervous at times. Before I commenced to take Car dni, 1 would often wake up in the middle of the night with pains all over me, till 1 could hardly stand it, and could not sleep. In all I have taken five bottles of Cardiii, and I am so much better. Cardiii is fine. It has helped me very much;.. 1 can highly recommend the medicine for I have tried it. I wish every suffering woman would take Cardiii, the woman's tonic." Cardi.i has a specific, curative cf lect, on the womanly -.constitution, and thus assists nature to restore health, by providing strength where ;t is most needed. For more than half a century, nothing has been found to take the place of Cardiii, for preventing un necessary pains 'and misery from wo manly troubles. You know that Cardiii will help you, because it lias helped more than a million weak, sick, miserable wo men. It is certainly worth trying. Do it today. At the nearest drug store. N. B. -Wite to Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. TODAY MATIN'KIO AND NIGHT THE ONE YOU LIKE :,: J 11 ill New This Year AXS Ai:, His I HOXKY V)Y MI.YSTKLI.S ' 0 Coikei's (SO IMtlCKS Matint e: Adults, 7.V.; school children, 25c. Orchestra, first in rows, orchestra, nevt 11) rows, Balcony, tjil.OO, "" mid ,-((.. He served Seats on Sale Monday 'A. M Jt "UKO. K Xi $1.00. IK: $l..-0; $(.00. THE SMART SET i itiDAY, ki:hih aiiy 1. - Willi . Tl'TT WHITXKY . . - and . to si;i:hs i).i:i;s to CO.MKDIAXS For Hie HF.XF.KIT Haleigli Colored .Masonic Beneficial Association. ICntiie Theater Co; Colored People. l'l!l(T:s Lnwrr. Floor, $1.00 and 7."c. Balcony, 7."5c, ."Oc nnd 25c. IJcserved Seats on sale at llamliu'ii Drug Store'-Monday A. M. CIRCUS COMING 14 Star Performers 14 ; 3 Clowns 3 4 Trained Horses 4 Saturday, February 10, Afternoon and Night In the Great Auditorium Best One Ring Circus Ever Presented in Raleigh. PRICES: He'ivl Seats (Limited) 5o General Admission 25c All the Galleries , . . . . . J 5c Entire Eastern .Gal lery 1 Reserved for the Colored People. All the Proceeds after Actual expenses are to be donated to The Asso ciated Chanties. J, M. KENNEDY ABCHITECTT. Hollemaa Illdg. lUlelgk. FOR FEDERAL ALTO LAW. Minnesota Representative Urges Li cense System. Washington, Feb. 6. A Federal automobile law Isproposed in a bill Introduced by Representative Vol stead of Minnesota, Republican. The bill would require the registration with the Office of Public Roads at Wa ihington of all automobiles used in interstate travel and the payment of a yearly license fee of $10. Per sons who operate machines across State lines for hire would be re quired to pay an annual fee of ?5 at the same office. The money thus collected would constitute a government fund tot. road improvement. Tutt'sPills will save the dyspeptic from many days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nouP isli the body, ftive keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar rnntrd lake No Substitute. MHnHBmsWmBVnaBMMM PLACE 'YOUR. MONEY in a strong National Dank that is willing, and in a position to handle your ac count satisfactorily, and loan you money when you need it. Our business is to receive deposits and loan money. 4 t INTEREST paid in Savings Department, or we will issue vou a certificate of deposit bearing 1' ,. interest from date. rchants National Bank OF RALEIGH, XOKT1I CAROLINA. Clias. E. Johnson, President. F. H. Rriggs, Cashier. Raleigh Banking anri Trust Co. .The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. . Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Itecord For Xcarly Half a Century. Jt F0UK DOLLARS Deposited in 'This' Rank Each Veek Will See You With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Ahead One Year From Today. Y'ou Will Spend it if You Do Xot Deposit, it. Try Sav ing Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank Away bad; in the year 1S20 our country boasted of ten sav ings banks,- witii a per cupila deposit of- 12 cents. With all the marvellous growth in POPULATION with which we may boast, we have a right to even greater pride in the growth of these BANKS that form the back-bone of our national prosperity. Their growth has been at a far higher percentage than our population increase, having climbed from the per capita average of 12 cents to the remarkable sum of $15.05 for every man, woman and child tinder the stars and stripes!- Like all the rest THE. RALEIGH SAYINGS BANK & TRUST COMPANY continues to grow in strength and -popular lavor. YOl'R business Is solicited. THE RALEIGH SAYINGS RANK & TRl'ST COMFAN'Y, RALEIGH, N. C. THE COMMERCIAL NATIONAL BAK Commercial and Savings Accounts Invited. Capital, Surplus and Profits . . . . . . $410,000 B. S. JERMAN, Pres. E .B. CROW, Cashier. Wake Co; Savings Bank ADDS 4 P . i ' r, m o To Your Deposit Qurteriy FOR SALE l'ropcrt y of Mrs. J. J. Thomas, Jones and M: Dowcil.' St reds'. '''.Prices and Terms Reasonable. The Parker-Dunter Realty Co. Office Supplies Filing Cabinets, Loose Leaf Devices, Blank Books, CAMERAS AND SUPPLIES, VALENTINES. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. Office Fnrmltur Md BuppUe. 11ft FjrttTllIe Rtrpet. 9 BmI Buvptt Btnm, O. C. Tnon 914-F. O. O. Tboji 844-f.

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