ST THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1912. 3 Industrial Jubilee Meeting Celebrating the CitysV Prosperity (Special to The Times.) Durham. Feb. 23. Enthused with the industrial record of Durham during the past year and filled with optimism for the future, more than three hundred prominent industrial and professional men gathered last night as the guests of the Durham Merchants' association at the annual banquet. The banquet was In the nature of an industrial jubilee to celebrate the tidal wave of property which the city has enjoyed during the past season. Optimism and well grounded en thusiasm prevailed around the ban quet tables until after two o'clock this morning. Among the promi nent out of town guests' present at the banquet were Josephua Daniels of Raleigh, C. C. Dula, president of the Liggett and Myers tobacco com pany, S. W. Toms, vice-president of the Liggett 'and Myers . company, President Poteat of Wake Forest 0Z AMUSEMENTS Grand Tlieaflire ARONSON & RROWNE, Managers. THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 3 GOOD AC TS---3 THE STERLINGS, The Soubrette and the Kid. EDITH BARTON V:;.- ;. ' Ringing. POWERS & WILSON, In a Day at Poseyville Station. ITS A SINGING AND DANCING SHOW. .Pi' T HE ALMO ARONSON & BROWNE, Manager. Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. THE LIFE BOAT, A Marvelous Tale of the Sea. OH, WHAT A THANKSGIVING DAY, Well Its Built for Laughing Purposes, the Laughs are Here. Come and Enjoy Them. BRONCHO BILLY'S ADVENTURE, A Bully Western Featuring George Anderson. COMING NEXT MONDAY THE GREAT 3-REEL PRODUCTION, ARRAN NA POGUE (Taken In Ireland). ntOP. LEVETB A Suit of Clothes for $1.00 Men's Shoes at 50 Cents That is all you need; it is all wo charge. Put the things on and wear them, and finish paying for them while you enjoy them. During this sale, which gives you an op portunity to buy any article of Clothing at one third off the regular price ,you have a rare "go" at -getting in just the right shape. Come in and pick out the Suit or Overcoat most admired by you', make your first payment later." asters & Agee Co. ' CHA& F. COX, MGR. , . 114 FATETTEVILLB ST," ' ': ':- Raleigh, V. a College and Charles B. Ryan, of the Seaboard Railway company. The following toasts were respond ed to: "Durham as a Wholesale Center," Judge James S. Manning. "Durham, Its Cotton Mill Indus try," W. A. Erwln. "Durham's Industrial Spirit as Viewed from Abroad," Jones Fuller. "The Commercial Club," Claiborne McD. Carr. .. "The Seaboard Air Line Railway, Its Main Line," Charles B. Ryan. "Durham, Its Tobacco Industry," F. L. Fuller. "The Press, Its Relation to the In dustrial Development of the States," Josephus Daniels. The students of Trinity . College yesterday elected a committee of ten to arrange for the holding of a moot democratic convention at the college at an early date. There was a live ly contest between the admirers of Wilson and Harmon for preference in the personel of the committee, and the Wilson advocates came out slightly in the lead. At the convention, a full demo cratic ticket will be nominated by the students. . The Durham friends of Governor W. W. Kitchin are organlzng a club to promote his candidacy for the United States senate. More than 150 Voters signed the membership list the first day it was circulated. A meeting will be held at an early date at which an organization will be per fected. The people of Durham showed their patriotism yesterday in an ex- AMUSEMENTS ORCHESTRA. tensive celebration of the Washing ton birthday anniversary. The banks closed and there was a gen eral suspension of business. The show windows were beautifully dec orated . with cherry trees, paintings and patriotic regalia. Public exercises were held at each of the public schools. Addresses were made by the teachers and by local citizens on the life and char acter of Washington. Representatives of the literary so cieties of the high school debated the question of popular election of United States senators. The. af firmative was represented by Frark Sasser and William U instead, and the negative was upheld by Marlon Fowler and Preston Epps. The Judges rendered their decision in favor of the affl fmative. FRAU ELBERTCS TO LECTURE Will Spend a Week In Greensboro Gift to G. F. C. (Special to The Times.)' Greensboro, Feb. 23 Elbert Hub bard, writer, lecturer and humorist, will spend a season in Greensboro during April, and has been invited to deliver an address here . on his noted theme "The Religion of the Future." It is expected that h3 will accept the Invitation. He has writ ten that he is looking forward with keen pleasure to a stay of one week or more In this city during April. One of the most interesting do nations to the dormitory fund of the Greensboro Female College, came to the committee yesterday. It was for only $25 and from the purse of W. A. Watson, Sr. The, spirit in i hicl) the gift was made and reference to the earlier days of the famous Meth odist college were referred to by the donor. Mr. Watson was one of those who, with his own hands, help ed to build the college after the tire of 18(13. He helped to lay the bricks that went into the wall.j and refers feelingly to some of the heroes of that day who were promi nently connected with the college. He spoke of Dr. T. M. Jones, for more than 35 years president of the institution; Rev. Peter Doub, who built the first Methodist church In Greensboro in 1830, and Rev. Wil liam Barringer, father of Col. John A. Barringer, of Greensboro, who lost his life by a fall from a scaFol.l while inspecting the college build ing.';.; Flying Men Fall victims to stomach, liver and kid ney troubles just like other people, with like results in loss of appetite, backache, nervousness, headache and tired, listless, run-down feeling. But there's no need to feel like that as T, D. Peebles, Henry, Tenn., proved. 'Si bottles of Electric Bitters," he writes, "did more to give me new strength and good appetite than all other Btomach remedies I used." So they help everybody. It's folly to suffer when this great remedy will help you from the first dose. Try it. Only 60 cents at Klng-Crowell Drug Co. SECOND KIMMEL MYSTERY New - Witness Testifies 'He Is the Only "Turkey" White. St. Louis, Feb. 23. A second identity mystery was presented to the Klmmel jury in the United States district court today by the in troduction of Al H. White, of Han nibal, Mo., as a witness. He qualified as being known as "Turkey White," and testified that he knew of no oth er "Turkey" White. The plaintiff in the insurance suit has asserted that Andrew J. While, the claimant, was known as "Tur key" White, tramp railroad man, and that Melvin White, of Parsons, Kan., was also known as "Turkey" White. The White who testified ton day has a thumb missing, as has the claimant, but not on the same hand. The afternoon session was 'akei up with. the testimony of the Rev. Cordello Herrick, chaplain at the Auburn, N. Y., prison at the time How Old is Your Hair and Complexion? ("Esther" In Household Helps.) "Your hair need not be gray to look old. It adds years to your ap pearance If it is dull, lifeless and lusterless. Washing the head gives that effect. It is better to use a dry shampoo, like an original pack age of therox mixed with a cupful of cornmeal. Therox makes hair grow when everything else falls. Sprinkle a teaspoonful of the mixture on your head once a week, and brush out well. It makes the hair light, fluffy and clean full of life and luster. "What woman would not look young If she had a clear, soft com plexion? Throw away powder and cosmetics If you would look young and fair. Make a simplelotlonby dis solving an original package of maya tone In a half-pint ol witch-hazel, and rub gently over the face, neck and arms every morning. Tour com plexion soon Will be smooth clear and satin-like, with the dainty nat ural color of a girl In her 'teens. "I think Mother's Salve better than any liniment or oil to reduce swelling, allay Inflammation, or re lieve pain In any part of the body. Rub It in well end these beauty killers disappear. Mother's Salve la also a wonderful healer of sores, cuts, burns and scalds," That Tightness of the Stomach Caused By Formation of Nauseous Gases, From Undigested Food Instantly Stopped With u Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. Trial Package Free. When you feel as if your stomach was being tightly choked whsu the pain is Intense and you break out in a cold and clammy perspiration and there is a lump in your throat and you are weak and nauseated all you need is a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet- to clear away the wreckage of undigested food left in "the stom ach and intestines and restore you to your normal self again. That Knotty Fueling of the Stoniiu'h Is Instantly Relieved by a Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablet. Thousands of people have learno.1 so well how sure and dependable Sluarf's Dyspepsia Tablets are for all stomach ills that they are never without a package at home and it the office, and upon any indication that the stomach is a little weary, they take a Stuart's Tablet after each meal for a few days until the digestive organs get rested up again. This is a splendid plan to follow and always results in much good. The appetite is improved, the food is relished more, your sleep is mors refreshing, and your disposition will make you friends instead of ene mies. For Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Belching Has, Coated Tongue, Intes tinal indigestion and all Stomach Disorders and l'ains-or for Less of Appetite nothing is better than Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets for sure and instant relief. Use ; them freely they ire as harmless as sugar would be and ore by no means to be classed as "medicine." They have no effect whatever on the system except the benefits they bring you through the proper digestion of your food. All drug stores sell Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets. The price is 6'J cents per box. If you wish to try them before purchasing, address r. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bid:?., Marshall, Mich., and a trial pack age will be sent you free. the claimant was held there. The former chaplain testified that the claimant, whom he called Kimmel, recognized each caller who VUltt d him, called each by his or her first name, and that he attempted to kiss a former sweetheart who visited him. He was present at tha time the claimant's deposition was taken in 1908, and testified that when at torneys for the plaintiff and defend ant entered the room in the prison, that the claimant '(Q(alled each of them by name. The Trials of a Traveler. "I am a traveling salesman," writes E. E. Youngs, E. Berkshire, Vt., "and was often troubled with constipation and indigestion till I began to use Dr. King's New Life Pills, which I have found an excel lent remedy." For all stomach, liver or kidney troubles they are unequaled. Only 25 cents at King Crowell Drug Co. ONE DOG SHOOTS ANOTHER. Pulls Trigger of Gun Which Had Been Set for Wolves. Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 22 It is seldom that one dog shoots and kills another, hut that is what happened near Dugald, a town 30 miles east of here, according to advices received last night. A shotgun had iu en tied to a stump for the purpose of killing prairie wolves which came to feed off a carcass. From the trigger of the gun a string extended to the barn, a distance of 200 feet. When a wolf was seen eating at the carcass It was planned to pull the striggcr and kill the animal. While one dog was enjoying a meal off the carcass another playfully caught the string In its mouth and began prancing around. The owner called the dog, but before he could attract his attention the weapon was discharged and the feeding dog fell dead. National Christian Party. ( Davenport, Iowa, Feb. 23. A call for a national conference of the United Christian party, at Rock Is land, III., was Issued by William K. Benkert, national leader. The call announces It Is the Christian' party's I puryvwi iu miiw iub lariu, iiquur, trust and high cost of living prob lems, by people's direct vote and the colden rule. ' . ' T City Seems to Be Getting Frightened-Druggist Quits Selling It (Special to The Times.) Greensboro, Feb. 23. Rather than create the impression that be is seeking to nullify the action of the commissioners of Greensboro in stopping the sale of whiskey at drug stores A. S. Cate, manager of the Revolution Pharmacy just out side the city, has announced that he will immediately discontinue the sale of liquor on prescription and for Which he holds a county, state and government license. Mr. Cate, in a public statement, says he has never sold whiskey except upon the pre scription of the regular practicing physicians in the mill village, but that since the officials of Greens boro desire to stop the sale abso lutely he prefers to join rather than to nullify their efforts. His action was a voluntary one and comes at a time when those whose alls can be relieved only by drink were re joicing in the fact that whiskey was sold by the Revolution Pharmacy. As matters now stand there are but two courses open in cases of emer gency borrow from a friend of lo cate a "blind tiger." The directors of the Merchants' Association and Chamber of Com merce at a joint meeting last night Issued a call for a mass meeting of citizens for . Saturday night, the ob ject being a general discussion of the proposal to have the city estab lish and operate a central meat mar ket. It is proposed to have both the opponents and supporters of the measure present and to give all pub licity possible to both the merits and demerits of the plan. ' ' While no positive prediction can be made there is no denying t'.e fact that the plan to put the sale of meat in the hands of the city, a proposal originally coming from the socialist colony in the city, is gaining strength and there are many here who now believe the election on next Tuesday will be a victory for the central market plan. The main cause for this success, it is said, is the fact that the people reason and be lieve that : conditions could at no events by any worse than at present and that anything which offers relief from the present very unsatisfactory market conditions of the city is worth a trial. Interest is picking up and it is now evident that a good vote will be polled next Tuesday. A new electric photograph printing machine Is equipped with an auto matic switch which shuts off the light at a set time, insuring even prints. FRECKLES February Worst Month For This Trouble How to Remove Easily. There's a reason why nearly every body freckles In February, but hap pily there Is also a cure for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled. Simply get one ounce of othine, double strength, from Henry T. Hicks Co., and apply a little of it at night, and in the morning you will see that even the worst freckles have begun to disappear, while the light ones have vanished entirely. Now is the time to rid yourself of freckles for If not removed now they will stay all summer, and Bpoil an other wise beautiful complexion. Your money back if othine fails. EXECUTOR'S SALE. As executor of the will of Sheriff M. W. Page, the undersigned offers for sale at the court house door In the city of Raleigh on Tuesday, March 5, 1912, at 12 o'clock M. for cash under the provisions of said will, the following real estate, to-wlt: All of the lands of the late Sheriff Page on the north and east side of the railroad at Morrisville, N. C, adjoining the lands of S. R. Home, W. O. Clements, 8. F. Page's heirs and North Carolina Railroad, con taining about 176 acres, a seven room dwelling, barn, etc., on the premises. Also the following bonds, to-wlt: 2 mortgage bonds of Osage Mfg. Co., 1,000 each. 3 mortgage bonds Aberdeen & Rockfish R. R. Co., $500.00 each. 2 mortgage bonds Carthage & Pinehurst Railroad Co., 500.00 each. All of these bonds are first mort gage, six percent. Also the following stocks: 20 shares of the Commercial Na tional Bank, $2,000; IS 1-6 shares of thn If Inff-Prnwolt flms rn . o v.v..v Mr . $760.00; 10 shares of the Atlantlo IFire Insurance Co., $1,000.00; 40 'Bhares of the W. H. King Drug Co., 14,000.00; 4 shares of the Harrison Wagon Co. This, January 22, 1012. W. L. PAGE, Executor. Aycock A Winston, Attorneys, Ral Igh, N. C, .d.t.d.a. MARKET MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK Our main object is to serve our customers satis factorily. If we are successful in doing this, it means success to our Bank. Merchants National Bank 6F RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. I Chas. E. Johnson, President. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record FOUR DOLLARS Deposited in This Bank Kuth Week Will See Ton With TWO HUNDR ED DOLLARS. Ahead One Year From Today. You Will Spend it If You Do Not Deposit it; Try Sav ing Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank SAVINGS ACCOUNTS 4 QUARTERLY The Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company JOINT RESOURCES $2,900,000 All at the command of our Patrons. COMMERCIAL ACCOUNTS. THE CITIZENS NATONAL BANK e FOR CAMERON PARK LOTS. The Best Suburban' Residence Property in the State. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. --No. 135 CAPITAL CITY PHONE. STATIONERY EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY. Office Furniture and Supplies. 113 FayettevlIIe Street. 12 Eaut Hiwti str-c. O. C. 'Phone 014-F. C. C. 'Phone 1:55. IT nnouncemenfs Spring opening of ilne Woolens for YOUR TAILOR-MADE SUIT. Fine assortment of Ends to select from. PRICES FROM I3 ON VP. Beautiful line of STETSON HATS. We fit your head regard less of the shape, without extra cost to you. See our machine. ALL WE ASK OF YOU IS COME AND SEE. 3.1 1-3 PER CENT DISCOUNT STILL ON WINTER CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS. We want to sell tnV last one. This Is the reason for giving you new goods at a loss. . , F. H. Rrlggs,, Cashier. For Nearly Half a Century. SALE SELLING AGENTS. C. R. BOONE, BE LUXE CLOTHIER. 226 Fayettevflle Street ALL PHONES

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