?SVr THE RALEIGH DAILY TBIE, SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1912. iSFW7 B AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS 'Grand Th' eauTe ARONSON A BROWNE, Managers. THURSDAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FEATURE BILL HAGN & SEARLES, Comedy Musical Act. EMILY EGAMOR, Singing Changes.'' CRITERION COMEDY FOUR Those College Boys in Harmony Songs. AN EXTRA FINE BILL. T E E A IL M O ARONSON & BROWNE, Managers. 9 9 . ; ; ;- Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. "THE GERMAN'S TRUNK," A Vitagraph Comedy With John Bunny, "The Fat Comedian,' the Leading Role. ' THE OLD FLORIST," A Dramatic Photo Play of Unusual Beauty and Pathos. "SLICK'S ROMANCE," Western Comedy-Drama. ? in TROP. LEVIN'S ORCHESTRA. SNOBBERY AT MMMM Representative Korbley Wants Congressional Investiga tion Made THE WEEK'S WASH Is best taken care of at the Oak City Steam Laundry. We save you not only on the cost of laundering itself. but on the wear and tear. Your collars, cuffs, shirts and other effects, are given splendid attention here You get them back cleaner, brighter and newer looking than the day after you bought them. Prices un matchable for reasonableness. OAK CITY LAUNDRY, RALEIGH, N. C. 117 W. Hargctt St, Phone 8T. (By Wlnfleld Jones.) 1 Washington, March 16. The snobbery said to exist at the United States Naval Acamedy, at Annapolis, may feel the heavy hand of a con gressional investigation. There are some members of congress who feel that snobbery should go. Just as haz ing has gone, "for the good of the service." Representative : Korbly,' a demo' cratic member of the house, from Indiana, is the instigator of the plan to turn the searchlight of . publicity and official inquiry upon the pecu liar social conditions existing at the Naval Academy. me question ftnat congress may eventually decide is this: "Is a working girl out of place at a naval hop, and what is there about her that makes her "unfit" to grace a social function participated in by the future captains and ad mirals of the navy?" it required several years before congress, with the aid of firm execu tives, stopped hazing at Annapolis and West Point. The impression in some quarters today is that snob' bery is now just as strongly en trenched at Annapolis as the habit of hazing ever was, and that its ef fect upon the service is worse. Hazing, it will be pointed out when the matter is brought to the official attention of the house, was something that grew out of the in herent disposition of young men to be mischievous, ; Snobbery, suffer ing by comparison, will be paraded KEEP ON FEEDING A Plain Rule for the Salva tion of Children and Workers. 'To prevent Consumption, feed the children." 'To throw, off the infection, feed the workers." 'To cure Consumption, feed the patient." To prevent relapses, keep on feeding him." Sound rules from high medical authority, to which we add one rule more. Feed the children, the workers, and the Infected patients with Ozo- mulsion.. Keep on feeding them with Ozo- mulslon. v Thus will they gain flesh and strength until their cough Is silenced, hollow chests and cheeks fill out and the rich color In their faces tells the glad story of vigorous health restored. Sample Bottle Free by Mail. That those who are seeking health and strength lor themselves, chil dren, relatives or friends may ex perience the llfe-glvlng properties of this exclusive Norway gold medal ozoonlzetf cod liver oil medicinal food emulsion as well as to know Ozomulslon superiority in being most palatable and easy to take a generous 3-oz. bottle will be sent by Small to those who send addresses by postcard or letter to Ozomulslon, 548 Pearl St., N. Y. : CATARRH ; vjjSLyXDISCHARGES j ! Oljtjj 1 Relieved In ; ' Villi Dy 24 Hours; ' ; ; Sevxnn of counterfeit MONEY TO LEND In Wake County Only. Room 18-10 Fallen Building, City On Kltbar Real or Personal Rr.nrity "77" Humphreys' Seventy-Seven Breaks up Colds and rap Dr. Humphrey's Famous Specific for La Grippe, and the Prevention Of Pneumonia. : "Seventy-seven" meets the ext gency of epidemic Grippe, with all its symptoms of Influenza, Catarrh, Pains and Soreness in the Head and Chest, Cough, Sore Throat, General Prostration and Fever. Taken early it cuts It short promptly. Taken during its prevalence, it preoccupies the system and prevents its inva sion; taken while suffering from it relief is speedily realized. amuy lutings BEFORE the days bf the telephone, . distance made family visits infrequent, costly, and often impossible. Today, members of a family can visit by telephone and keep in constant touch with one another, regardless of distance, by this connecting link. ; Telephone Service is always available wherever the Bell system reaches. Our service connects with the long distance lines of the Bell system, which means you can reach almost anybody, anywhere, day or night. Are you a subscriber? CAPITAL CITY TELEPHONE CO, UNIVERSAL SERVICE. REASONABLE RATES. we refused to make a loan to your government. As you are aware, these rumors are absolutely un founded. On the contrary, we wish to repeat to you that we are prepar ed to make any loan you desire, and to render your government any oth er service within our power." The Men Who Succeed as heads of large enterprises are men of great energy. Success, to day, demands health. To ail is to fail. It's utter folly for a man to endure a weak, run-down, half alive condition when Electric Bitters will put him right on his feet in short order. "Four ' bottles did me more real good than any other medicine I ever took,, writes Chas. B. Allen, Sylvanla, Ga. "After years of suf fering with rheumatism, liver trou ble, stomach disorders and deranged kidneys, I am again, thanks to Elec tric Bitters, sound and well." Try them. Only 50 cents at King-Crowell Drug Co. . Coughed Himself to Death. Atlanta, March 16.- Joseph L. Llhorens, a well known Cuban who operated a pool parlor here, coughed himself to death last night, as the result of ordinary coughing. Llhorens was a man of . robust health, and had not the slightest traces of tuberculosis or similar dis ease. There was no hemhorage. He simply coughed and coughed until he choked to death. as something that is not tolerated at an institution maintained on public funds. Repersentative Korbly has receiv ed a letter from former Attorney General Miller, under the Harrison administration, in which Mr. Miller declares that not another dollar should be spent for the maintenance of the Naval Academy, until snob bery has been rooted out of the Academy. There are many members of the house who are in line with Mr. Korbly. Young men from all sec tions of the country are sent to An napolis by members of congress. and it Is upon the recommendation of the .' lawmakers that ambitious lads are given an opportunity to en ter service and to lay the founda tlon for a possibly distinguished career in the navy. Once let . the impression get abroad that Anna polls is the hotbed of snobbery, rea- sons the average member of congress and much of its value as an lnstt tution of higher learning is, gone. Many of the young men sent to Annapolis come from poor families, It is this fact that has caused Mr Korbly to ask pertinently: "What are the peculiar social cua toms at Annapolis that indicates that an estimable young woman, governess in an of fleer's home, is un fit to associate with these pseudo of fleers?" Korbly took up the beers Incident at the last session of congress, but nothing came of it. He intends to take It up again at this session. The impression prevails about the capital that if an inquiry is ordered into the beers incident, it will open up a remarkable field of investiga tion. Scandals op various degrees of seriousness have heretofore em barrassed the navy. Some have been hushed up and others have resulted in dismissals. The beers affair is not regarded as a reflection upon any one, except the cadets who have indicated that the social standards at Annapolis are so high that none save the leisure classes and gold- braided officers are wanted at naval hops. An inquiry into this attitude doubtless will prove as embarrassing to the navy as preceding, but en tirely different, affairs have been "1 asked for an explanation of this remarkable circumstance," said Representative Korbly. "The one I have received is not satisfactory. It rather accentuates the need of an investigation of the entire social fabric at the Academy. It seems as though it will be necessary for con gress Itself to take a hand in order to cleanse this government-supported institution of lt3 detested snob I MERCHANTS NATIONAL DANK OF RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. . The largest bank in this section, wants your business. 4 Per Cent Interest paid in Savings Department. Capital ......... ... ......... . . .....$ 100,000.00 Deposits ............. .... $1,800,000.00 E. C. DUNCAN, President. WM. H. WILLIAMSON, Vice-Pres. W. B. DRAKE, JR., Cashier. W. F. UTLEY, 2d Vice-Pres. S. J. HINSDALE, Asst. Cash'r The "Child's Welfare" movement has challenged the attention of thought ful people everywhere. Mothers are natural supporters, and will find in Foley's Honey and Tar Compound a most valuable aid. Coughs and colds that unchecked lead to croup, bron chitis and pneumonia yield quickly to the healing and soothing qualities of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound. King-Crowell Drug Co. Friends Living Only Two Blocks Away Did Not Recognize This Lady and Refused to Speuk to Her. Atlanta, Ga.-"Some of my friends, who live only two blocks from me, did not know me, when they met me on the street the other day," writes Mrs. Mattio Christopher, of this city. "I look so much better now, than they ever saw me. They were sur prised, and asked me to excuse them for not speaking to me. I told them I felt better too, and that H was all due to Cardui, the woman's tonic. I had suffered for 20 years with female trouble, which, at times, was so bad that for six weeks I would go on without seeing anything. Home remedies and doctors' medi cines did me no good, but Cardui worked like a charm. 1 will always praise Cardui for what it has done for me." If you are pale, don't use the rouge pot and change your appear ance by artificial means. Follow a more natural course and take Cardui, the woman's tonic, It will enrich your blood, build up your constitution, and make you look better and feel better as it has been doing for other ladieB during the past half a century. Get a bottle from your druggist He sells and recommends it. N. B. Write to: Ladies" Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co. Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book "Home Treatment for Women," sent !n plain wrapper, on request. C. A. Glossner, 24 Ontario St., Rochester. N. Y., has recovered from a long and severe attack of kidney j trouble, his cure being due to Foley: Kidney Fills. Arter detailing his case, he says: "I am only sorry I did not learn sooner of Foley Kid ney Pills. In a few days' time my backache completely left me and I felt greatly improved. My kidneys ecame stronger, dizzy spells left me ' and I was no longer annoyed at , night. I feel 100 per cent, better since using Foley Kidney Pills. King Crowell Drug Co. RYAN READY TO AID MEXICO Cables Government He Will Lend It AH the Money Needed. New York, March 16. A Mexico City dispatch to the New York Her ald says: The government today received a cable message from Thomas F. Ryan stating that he will lend Mexico all the money it wants. James Speyer, of Speyer ft Co., cabled the government. "I much regret to hear that there! re rumors current to the effect that The Newer Shades in Wall Papers for the Home Wall paper shades do not re main the same each season. The new season Invites new shades, new shades appeal to those who desire to keep iii strict accord with correctness. Our wall paper business Is Im mense it has been made so because of our endeavor to keep In stock the cleverest shades as they come from the mills. Weathers Art Store 117 FAYETTEV1LLE ST. FOUR DOLLARS Deposited In This Bank Each Week Will See Yon With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Ahead One Year From Today. Yon Will Spend It If You Do Not Deposit It. Try Bar tag Your Money. Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank THE FIRST DAY OF APRIL Is Dividend Day with our Depositors. Are you one of those who participate? If not, now is the time to get in line for July. The way to begin is to BEGIN DEPOSITS MADE BEFORE APRIL 3D WILL DRAW INTEREST ON JULY 1ST Wake Co. Savings Bank Chas. E. Johnson, President. F. H. Briggs, Cashier. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record For Nearly Half a Century. RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. With a record of twenty-seven years, and with assets of more than '- - ONE MILLION DOLLARS. ; Offers to the people of this section all the advantages of a well established and STRONG TRUST COMPANY. Its officers will be glad to confer with you about YOUR WILL or any matter of a Trust Nature. JOHN T. PllXEN, President. CHAS. ROOT, Cashier. JOSEPH G. BROWN, Vice-President. SURETY BONDS WRITTEN For Administrators, Executors, Trustees, Receivers and all Pub lic Officials. Legal Advice and assistance is given without charge to those who place their bonds with us. The Parker-Qunter Realty Co. J 9 I I Electric -Bitters- Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from pain In tnj stomach, head sod back," writes H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, "Shd bit liver and kidneys did not work right, but four bottles of Electrio Bitters made me feel like a new man." PRICE 0 CTt. AT MX DKU0 ITOfttl. Easter Greeti ngs The Verdure of Spring is a sign of Nature's Awak eningthe trees bud anew, the flowers bloom, the grass grows green all nature dons her freshest and newest garb. . Of all this gladsome season .Easter is the most glori ous, for it is then that man follows the good example of Mother Nature, and arrays himself in the latest Spring attire. On Easter Morn ,all your friends will be dressed in their new Spring Clothes don't suffer by contrast be "in the swim" come in and leave your meas ure for that suit you need. Our showing of Spring and Summer Fabrics is both elegant and complete it includes all the aviation blues, the purples and the lavenders, the very new est colorings so much in vogue with the smart dress ers Of New York and Chicago. Don't put off your visit too long allow us ample time to tailor your garments in our usual superior way and deliver before Easter. Why not come in today, while you think of it? v - A. C. Hinton, North Carolina's Foremost ' Tailor, Main Floor Merchants' National Bank Bldg. 4