?HE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, MARCH 18, 1912. . i TRADE M MEXICO Shows a Decline For last Year Effect of the Disturbed Conditions In Country Falling Off of Twelve Million Dollars. - Trade of the United States with Mexico is showing the effect of the disturbed business conditions in that country. This is especially true with the reference to exports which show a much greater decline than im ports. Exports to Mexico during the last year show a fall of about 20 percent when compared with the im mediately preceding year, while im ports 3I10W also a slight decline but less than that of exports. The total value of exports to Mexico during the 12 months ending with January 1912, the latest figures of the bureau of statistics, department of com merce and labor, is $52,271,987, against; $64, 071,059 in the corres ponding months of the immediately preceding year, a declineof about 12 million dollars, or an average falling off of a little more than a million dollars a month during this period. Imports from Mexico dur ing the same period amounted to $59,227,516, against $59,981,890 during the corresponding period of the preceding year, being less than 1 million dollars decrease. This falling off of 12 million dol lars in the exports to Mexico in the 12 months ending with January 1912 becomes even more apparent when contracted with our trade with other parts of tliet world. Exports to South America, for example, show an increase of. 23 percent in the 7 months ending with January 191 2, when compared with the correspond ing months of the preceding year; those to Cuba and the other West Indies, a slight increase; while to, Mexico, the exports-.' during, .the 7 months ending with January, 1912, decrease nearly 25 percent, and dur ing the year, as indicated above, about 20 percent. In every month since April 1911, the value of mer chandise exported to Mexico has been less than that of the corres ponding month of the preceding year, April, 1911, having been in fact the only one of the past 1 2 months which did not show a decline in exports to Mexico when compared with the cor responding month of the preceding year. .'.- Manufacturers form by far the largest part of our exports to Mexico under ordinary conditions. Of the 60 million dollars worth of domestic merchandise exported to Mexico during the fiscal year 1911, manu facturers of iron and steel alone amounted .to over 30 million dollars; cars, about 2 million; boots and shoes, and other manufactures of leather, about 2 million; cotton seed oil, nearly 2 million; lumber, nearly 3 million; scientific instruments, more than 1 million; chemicals, chiefly manufactured, over 1 million; explosives, nearly 1 million; auto mobiles, over one-half million; agri cultural implements, over one-half million; glass and glassware, near ly one-half million; manufactures of India rubber, nearly three-fourths of a million; furniture, about three fourths of a million; and a large number of other manufactures in less sums, while in other articles the reports of the bureau of statistics show corn to the value of nearly 5 million dollars and meats, about 2 million, in each case a material In crease ovor the preceding, year. The falling off in exports to Mex ico, as above outlined, is evidently a mere part of the general reduction I in her imports, a reduction in which the United States partclpates to a somewhat less degree than do other ! countries. An examination of the 1 latest official publications , of the (Mexican government received at the bureau of stalistics, shows a falling off of about 1 0 percent in her "Im ports from the United States, and approximately 17 percent In her im ports from air other countries, dur- ing the six months ending with De cember, 1911. Her exports to the AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Graei Ttteafre '.'.-' AKOXSOX & IIUOWXE, Managers. --. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. 3 GOOD ACTS 3 FREY & FIELDS, The Laugh Producing Sketch, The Horse Doctor. VON HOFF, . Mimic. FRANKLIN BROS , Blackface Harmony Singers. TIE ALIO AUONSON & BROWNE, Managers. Raleigh's Exclusive Motion Picture Show. An En tire Change of Programme Daily. SPECIAL FEATURE TODAY, "A FLASH IN THE NIGHT, A Sensational Railroad Story. "SURFING IN HAWAU," - (S tenic). ' 1 "OLD DELHI," , . ' ' (Scenic). . '. THE SECRET WEDDING, v ( Western Dralna). ELECTRIC BOOTS, .'. Comedy Scream. PROF. LEVIN'S ORCHESTRA. TEN YEARS OF V HuKbnnd Telia Story of Mrs. Guth rie's Long Illness and Is Glad She Is Now Relieved. Beaufort, N. C Mr. Luther Guth rie writes as follows: "My wife suf fered with horrible headaches, for ten years, and I spent Three Hundred Dollars for doctor bills for her, but nothing did her any good. I had read about Cardui for years back, but never tried it, until last October, when I decided to get it for my wife. Now she has taken two bottles, and it ha3 done her two thousand dollars worth of good. . She is entirely well, and has not had another attack of headache since she commenced to take Cardui. Just as long as the medicine is made, I shall have Cardui in my home. I can't praise it half enough." Cardui has cured sick women, af ter other medicines have failed. It is made of ingredients that act spe cifically on .the womanly constitu tion.-. It is not a cure all. It is a medicine' for women, and only for women. For more than 50 years, it has been in widely 'extended use, by wo men of all ages, and has given per fect satisfaction, a3 a remedy for re building womanly health and strength. Try it yourself. It will help you. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book "Home Treatment for Women," sent !n plain wrapper, on request. - -HMHI-lt Il'l'lti I Ml If WfV 41 tern i, -tKjf MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK OP RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA. The largest bank in this section, wants your business. 4 Per Cent Interest paid in Savings Department. Capital . $ 100,000.00 Deposits ......................... $1,800,000.00 E. C. DUNCAN, President. WM. H. WILLIAMSON, Vice-Pres. W. B. DRAKE, JR., Cashier. W. F. UTLEY, 2d Vice-Pres. S. J. HINSDALE, Asst. Cash'r '9 United States in the same period showed a decline of about 3 percent, wliile those to other countries show ed an increase of about 8 percent. The share of Mexico's imports which were drawn from the United States in the six" months ending with De cember, 1911, was in round terms, 55 percent, and her share of her ex ports to the United States, about 77 percent. In the fiscal year 1009-10, the share of her imports drawn from the United States, was In round terms, 58, and of her exports to the United tSates, 76 percent. At ' 7V-yh ifc -v: us SOC1KTV HKKJNS SII'HKME Galvanized and Iron Piping A "little bit" or a "whole heap" can bo gotten from us on short notice. Let ub know Just what slzo and amount? you want and we will give you an attractive figure on It . CASTINGS OP ALL KINDS. RALEIGH IRON WORKS COMPANY Raleigh, N. C IT Cho ice G ut F 1 o wer s. ROSES, VIOLETS, LILYS OP THE V ALLEY, AND OTHERS IN SEASON, rhoncs 140. B. Polk Street. J. L. O'QUINN & CO., i PHONE 140 . ' ' RALEIGH, N. O. ii i Bm HJiii.l i "'in iKTnT-l IMiieliurst Has the .ippenrance of Newpovt Number of Horial KventM Hotels Crowded. , (Special to The Times.) Pinehurst, March 18i Midseasoii affairs have rounded out a full week, perfect spring days giving added in terest to outdoor sports and recrea tions, with interest centered in the annual living pictures given at The Carolina in aid of the Village Club charitable fund under the direction of Miss Carolina W. Fuller of New York who has so successfully man aged the affairs in the past. Per fectly carried out to minute detail the program was an artistic treat not soon to be forgotten, including "fig ures" of all-nation types and "heads" of famous masterpieces. Among the most striking were Miss Lady Maud Fuller of New York as an egyption princess, Miss Alice Thompson of New York as Ophelia, Miss Priscilla Beall 9t Unlontown as a Sicilian flower girl, Miss Adelle Thayer of Boston as an Egyptian, iss Mary Fownes of Pittsburg as an rican girl, Miss Agnc-s Simpson ofonto as a Canadian and Miss Florce Smtih of Scranton as a FrenSN maid. Other numbers in- cludeK Mrs. Spencer Waters of New York U an old fashioned girl, Mis3 CaroLie Fuller as a Turkish girl, Miss tuby Stone of Boston as a Grecian maiden, Miss Jean S. South- wick as Sappho, Miss Doris Bliss of Boston as a Dutch girl, Miss Ceral dine Walker of Scranton as a Japan eseMiss Heloise Grant of New York as an Arabian, Miss Myra B. Helmer of New York as a Bohemian, Miss Florence Bennett of Binghampton as a Spanish girl, Miss Roamond Cum- mings of Brookline as a Sargent portrait, and Miss Beall in her dual pose as Priseilla. The heads In eluded Miss Ruth Fletcher of Boston as a school girl, Miss Walker as a nun. Miss Thayer as Hiawatha, Miss Thompson as Summer, Miss Thayer as Spring, Miss Bliss as Elinor, Miss Southwick as the girl with the muff, and Miss Stone as the girl with the rose. For the Immediate future tho Village Club Kirmess of all-nation dances in native costume, the Village Club open air fete, a native "fid ler'u convention", and the annual Tin Whistle dinner are planned, pre ceding the annual spring cotillion and the usual equlstrian gymkhanas planned for the last week of March. The number of arrivals who come to remain through April is taxing the capacity of thq village. They are from all parts of the country. FOUR DOLLARS In Deposited in This Bank Each Week Will See Vou With TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. Ahead One Year From Today. You Will Spend it if You Do Not Deposit It. Try Sav Y'mr Money. Money to Lend on- Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank 9,607,632.28 6,438,491.60 5,682,776.13 Chas. E. Johnson, President. J. P. H. Briggs, Cashier. aim linking anil Trust Go. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record For Nearly Half a Century. J KlfJAIl T!!If-T OFFICIOUS TltlA!,. The upper phot.iiirr.pli i that of John E. I'arsons, the "Father of the Sumir Trust,", iiml a director of the American Sevr ('innpmiy, uml lx'low Washington l. Tlioinaw, a director of the 'Kj!;:ir trust, who in company with others, in now on trial m (he: I'uittI Stales district court in Xew , York eitv charged with the rriininul violation of tlx- Shi'iinnn nnti-triist law. Onata Watauna, the Japanese au thoress, who In private life is Mrs. Bsrtrand liabcock, is so fascinated with golf that when not writing she spends most .-. of her time on the links, RALEIGH SAVINGS BANK AND TRUST CO. With a record of twenty-cven years, and with assets of more ;: than ".' '..' ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Offers to the people of this section all the advantages of a well established and STRONG TRUST COMPANY Its officers will be glad to confer with you about YOUR WII.I, or any matter of a Trust Nature. JOHN T.TI LLFV, President. CHAS. ROOT, Cashier. JOSEPH. G. BROWX, Vice-President. STATEMENT PHOENIX FIRE INSURANCE CO, HARTFORD. CONN. ., PnnltlAn nofomhar SI. 1911. AS b .vJiMi ... . . w Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of capital paid up in , cash J 2,000,000.00 Amount of ledger assets December 31st of previous . year Income From 'p o 1 1 c yholders, Sj5 ,532 ,092 .63; miscel ln eous, $90ti, 398.93; to tal .. . . . ... . . . Disbursements To policyhold ers, ?2,730,715-t .27 ; miscellan eous, $2,952, 000,86; total... Fire risks Writ- 1 ten or renewed , during year, 5902,310,998; In force . . . .. 1,047,093,036.00 ASSETS. Value of real es tate ; ........ . Mortgage loans on real estate .... Loans on other than first lien . . Value of bonds and stocks . . . Cash in company's office ......... Deposited in trust companies and banks not on in terest . Deposited in trust comapnies and banks on in-terest Agents' balances repre s e n t 1 n g business written subsequent t o October.!, 1911 Agents' balances, r e p r e s entlng business writ ten prior to Oc tober 1, 1911. .. Interest and rents due and accrued All other assets as detailed . in statement . . . . . IT A New Stomach Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets Restore Lifeless Organs to Normal Condition. " A - Trial Package -Fiw. ' Many a sufferer from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and kindred ailments of the digestive 'organs carries around an absolutely useless stomach a dead load, and a cesspool for ever increasing disorders. The muscles are "seemingly worn out, the mucous lining' has lost its secretive, power, and food taken into the stomach lies there and ferments, causing sour eructations, belching, heartburn, diz ziness, and other distressing condi tions. Many sufferers have given tip in despair until they have been In duced by some interested friend to try a box og Stuart's Dypcpsia Tab lets. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets are the dyspeptic's, hope. They are a nat lira! restorative of healthy action to the stomach and small intestines, be cause tliey supply the elements thai the weak stomach lackspepsin, golden seal and other digestives. if you are afflicted with any of the symptoms above described, be assured that your digestive organs are losing powcr,they need help and there is no more sensible help to be given them than to supply elements whlclr will do the work of digestion for them. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets have been found by test, to have digestive powers, one grain of tho active prin ciple of these tablets being sufficient to digest 3,000 grains of ordinary food, it is plain that no matter what the condition of your stomach, or how far your disease has progressed, one of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets taken at meal time will do the work give your stomach an opportunity to regain Ub lost powers, the mus cles will be strengthened, the glands SUSETY BONDS WRITTEN For Administrators, Executor?, Trustees, Receivers and all Pub-' li( Officials. Legal Advice and assistance is given without charge to those who place their bonds with us. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. THE WEEK'S WASH is best taken care of at the Oak City Steam Laundry. We save you not only on the cost of laundering itself, but oh the wear and tear. Your collars, cuffs, shirts and other effects, are' given sp'.endid attention here. You get them back cleaner, brighter and newer looking than the day after you bought them. Prices un- matchable for reasonableness. OAK CITY LAUNDRY, RALEIGH, N. C. 117 W. Hargett St. Phone 87, t I Uncle Ezra Says. "It don't take more'n a gill uv ef fort to git folks Into a peck of trou ble," and a little neglect of consti pation, bllliousness, Indigestion or other liver derangement will do the invigorated, and you will be a new same, If ailing, take Dr. King's man. New Life Pills for quick results. it costs nothing to prove the ef- Easy, safe, sure and only 25 cents' feet ivoness of this cure. Send for a1 at King-Crowell Drug Co, free sample packago today. F. A. J Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Mar-1 shall, Mich. ' I All druggists sell Stuart's Dyspep- A woman"doesn't worry about her Intellect it she has a good com- Easter Greetings The Verdure of Spring is a sign of Nature's Awak ening the trees bud anew, the flowers bloom, the grass grows green all nature dons her freshest and newest garb. Of all this gladsome season ,Easter is the most glori ous, for it is then that man follows the good example of Mother Nature, and arrays himself in the latest Spring attire. On Easter Morn , all your friends will be dressed in their new Spring Clothes don't suffer by contrast be "in the swim" come in and leave your meas ure for that suit you need. Our showing of Spring and Summer Fabrics is both elegant and complete it includes all the aviation blues, the purples and the lavenders, the very new est colorings so much in vogue with the smart dress ers of New York and Chicago. Don't put off your visit too long allow us ample time to tailor your garments in our usual superior way and deliver before Easter. Why not come in today, while you think of it? plexlon. la Tablets, at 50 cents a box. A. C. Hinton, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor, Main Floor Merchants' National Bank Bldg. 141,013,38 62,450.00 v ll,300fb0 9,476,094.75 fW 10.621. 10-J ; 98,084.63" 301,282.64 1,089,786.71 M '-:-;. . vx : 6,284.69 84,894.39 49,106.69 Total Less not tod .$ 11,410,918.88 assets admit- 1 6,284.69 " Total admit- ed assets. .$ 11,404,634.19 LIABILITIES. Net amount of un paid losses and claims . ... ... . 621,610.17 Unearned pre miums ........ Salaries, rents, ex penses, bills, ac counts, fees, etc., due or accrued. State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued. 1 4,891,304.68 30,000.00 160,000.00 Total amount of liabilities except capi tal Capital actually paid up In cash . Surplus over all liabilities ...... 6,702,914.86 2,000,000.09 3,701,719.34 Total liabili ties 11,404,634.19 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1911. Fire risks written, $9,629,190; premiums received, $60,774.41. Losses incurred-Fire, $40,487.04; paid, $42,482.64. President, J. M. C. Skilton; Secre tary, John B. Knox. Home office, 783 Main St., Hart ford, Conn. Attorney for service, J. L. Skin ner, Raleigh, N. C. Business Manager for North Caro lina, J. S. Ralne, Atlanta, Oa. t State of North Carolina, Insurance Department, Raleigh, Feb. 12, 1912. I, James R. Young, insurance commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct ab stract of the statement of the Phoenix Fire Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., filed with this de partment, showing the condition of said company on the 31st day of December, 1911. Witness my hand and official seal the day and date above written. , ' JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. f. Electric itters Made A New Man Of Him. "I was suffering from palntn y stomach, bead and back," writes iL T. Alston, Raleigh, jm. C, "ana m liver and kidneys did not work rlah tint four bottles of lctrlo Bitters made me feel like ft new man. PRICE 0 CTS. AT ALL DHU0 STORES. MONEY TO LEND U Wake Oovmtf Omlf, Room 10.10 PuUeat BaQdiac.. Citt. Om Either Beat or rsrsostal tvmzl'Zt -f , . . . . t 7 V r '.

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