- THE KALE1GII DAU.Y TIMES, MONDAY, .MARCH. 18, 19X2. Bad blood is responsible for most of our ailments, and when from any cause it becomes infected with Impurities, humors or poisons, trouble in some form is sure to follow. Muddy, sallow complexions, eruptions, pimples, etc., show that the blood is infected with unhealthy humors which have changed it from a pure, fresh stream to a sour, acrid fluid, which forces out its impurities through the pores and glands of the skin. A very common evi dence of bad blood s sores ana ulcers, which break out on the flesh, often from a very insignificant bruise, or even scratch or abrasion. If the blood was healthy the place would heal at once; but being infected with impurities which are discharged into the wound, irritation and inflammation are set up, the fibres and tissues are broken, blood is purified of the cause. S. S. S. made entirely from roots, herbs and barks. It goes down into the circula tion and removes every particle of impurity, humor or poison, restores lost vitality, ana steaaiiy tones up the entire system, o. S. S. neutralizes any excess of acid in the blood, making it pure, fresh and healthy, aiid perma nently cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Boils, and all other skin eruption or disease. Book on the blood and any medical advice free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, Our $65.00 Sanitary Office Desk While we have a mammoth array of popular price Desks, we want to emphasize here one of the handsomest and most convenient Sanitary Desks ever devised for man.; With one deep Letter Filing Cabinet-Drawer and three shallow ones, any or all of which may be used for card filing, large nice front drawer, 6 Dust-proof pigeon holes three on a side, with large drawers underneath, besides many other little valuable com partments, 40x60 indies clear 'spare' all solid Quarter-Sawed Oak, mounted on the best of rollers. Pictorial Review Patterns We are showing some choice styles in Spring; AVool-' ens for Suits and Dresses, Batiste, fancy Suitings, cream and colored Serges. Also a strong line of Messalines, Taffetas, Foulards and Wash Silks in a wide range of patterns, including Polka-Dots, Stripes and Floral Designs. Prices range from $2.00 down to 25c per yard. Call or write for Samples. HUNTER-RAND COMPANY. Half the House Devoted to Shoes. Art Pottery We have just placed on sale a line of Jardinlers, Umbrella StandB, Pedestals and Fern Dishes, that surpass any thing ever shown in Raleigh, and the prices are reasonable. SEE WINDOW DISPLAY. ELLINGTON'S ART STORE, RALEIGH, N. O. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. The partnership heretofore exist ing between I. A. White and W. M. Weathers, doing a coal and wood business in Raleigh, under the Arm name of White & Weathers, has been dissolved, this March 11, 1912. WHITE & WEATHERS. 3-11-0. a. w.-6wks. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the governor to pardon Washington Martin,, con victed at July term, 1,911, of Alter ing Logan Green's bouae, and sen tenced to 4 yearson the roads. Any opposed to sard pardon, will make it known to the governor. . CHARLES U. HARRIS, Atty. PURIFIES o BAD BLOOD and the sore continues until the is Nature's blood-purifier and tonic, CALL 123 Either Phone for the BEST ICECREAM "The Velvet Kind." WHITE ICE CREAM COMPANY HOTEL ST. DEN I S BROADWAY and 11th ST. NEW YORK CITY Within ay acccm of every point of iA term. hUl( block front WnmWi. Five minutee' walk of Shopping Dutrid. NOTED FOR i Excellence of euiatoe, comfortable appointment, coarteou ecrvica end homelike eurroundmte. poomj $1.00 per day am n With prWIlego ot Bath SI. 50 per day and Ml EUROPEAN PLAN TabM eVHoto BrMktaa . ' WW.TAYIOR SON, In. PHONE 827-M If you have any printing you need at once and we will call to see you. Prices to satisfy; satis faction guaranteed. Mitchell Printing Co., CLARENCE E. MITCHELL, C. C. Phone 827M Fvllen Bldg. The Whole Family Beads The Bevleigb Daily Times, V HORSES FOR 11 CAVALRY Government Has Trouble la Procuring Good Mounts Washington. March 18. The Unit ed States government now owns two of the most famous horses in the his1 tory of the racing world,' Henry of Havarre and Octagon. August Bel mont gave the tyo famous racers with four other thoroughbreds as a nucleus for a government breeding station for production of horses suit able for cavalry remounts. When his offer was first made there was a question raised that the government could not accept any present of value without congres sional sanction. Ottlcers of the War Department delved into precedents ami deckled that the horses could be accepted. Immediately Mr. Belmont was notified that his offer to present the horses to l he War Department was agreeable. Brig.-Gen. H. T. Allen, at the head of the cavalry bureau of the army, is enthusiastic over the. gift of Mr. Bel mont, declares that in this way only will the government he able to solve the remount problem. "European countries," he paid, "long ago found it necessary to su pervise breeding of horses to supply the demand of their armies ami ev ery European country of importance, with the exception of England, has for years been encouraging breeding of the proper type of cavalry re mount. England, one of the most important horse countries in the world, has only recently been forced to this step. It is interesting to note that practically the same conditions confront England that confront this country at the present time and that almost identical steps are contem plated in the two countries to ac complish the same result, suitable army horses in sufficient number." Henry of .-Navarre and Octagon, the two principal horses presented by Mr. Belmont, were among the best race horses of their years. Henry of Navarre was of the same age as Domino and bobbins. The former was one of the most sensational race horses of the American turf. Henry of Navarre captured a great many stakes during the three years on the turf and won nearly $100,000. Octagon is a high class racer and as a three year old won the Brook lyn Derby. He Is a suece?s as a sire. Among his get was the sensational filly Beldame, easily the best three year old in 1 '. 0 4 . Hock Sand, two of whose sons Mr. Belmont has also presented to the War Department, was purchased by him for 1150. 000 after the horse had won the English Derby. Erig.-Gen. James B. Aleshlre, quartermaster general of the army, is on record in favor of breeding un der supervision of government, horses suitable for the cavalry. In a hearing before the committee on military affairs of the House of Rep resentatives General Aleshire said that "the government should send to tho.;e sections of the country in which are found well-bred mares such as is desired in cavalry horses, stallions suitable for breeding supe rior cavalry horses, the farmers to be given free service of these stal lions and the government to reserve the option of purchasing the colts when three or four years old." The quartermaster general said that the government requires ap proximately 17,500 horses for cav alry purposes and that there are an nually required for remounts ten per cent of that number. He said that YOUR GRAY HAIRS QUICKLY VANISH A Harmless Remedy, Made from Garden Sage, Re- i stores Color to Gray ; Hair. A feeling of sadness aeeomnanlp.s the discovery of the first erav hairs which unfortunately are looked up on as heralds of advancing age. pray hair, however handsome it may be, makes a person look old. We all know the advantages of being young. Aside from the good impression a youthful appearance makes on others, simply knowing that you are "looking fit" gives one courage to undertake and accomplish things. In Wythes' Sage and Sulphur Hair Remedy we have an ideal pre paration of Sage, combined with Sul phur and other valuable remedies for drandfuff, itching scalp and thin, weak hair that is split at the ends or -constantly coming out. A few applications of this valuable remedy will bring back the color, and in a short time it will remove every trace , growth and appearance of the hair. I Bpecial Agent, H. J. Hicks, 101 Fayetteville Street I OUT OF SORTS When you feel lazy, stretchy, half sick, "blue" and discouraged look to the liver. It is torpid. SIMMONS RED Z , LIVER REGULATOR (THE POWDER FORM) IS THE REMEDY YOU NEED It is not only an invigorating tonic for a torpid liver, but it extends its cleansing and restorative influence to the stomach and bowels. Helps digestion and food assimilation, purifies the bowels and brings back the habit of regular daily bowel movements; When the stomach, liver and bowels are active, bilious impurities no longer obstruct func tional processes, the result of which is renewed energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. r Sold by Dealers Price. Large Package. S1.00 Aifc for the rcnulnc with the Red Z on the , UbeL If you cannot tet it. remit to us we wiU lend it by mail, postpaid. Sitnmoni Lirer Rci: jlator is also put up in liquid form for tnote ffijt prefer it. Price, fi.00 per bottle. Lu"k foi tlie Red Z label. J. B. ZEILIN a CO., Proprietor St. Louis, Missouri. the department experiences the greatest dillKiilty in securing that number cavli year. Geo. H. liommel, chief of animr.l husbandry of 'the Bureau of Animal Industry of the Department of Ag riculture, tiiys there Was about 215, 0(10, 0H0 hurs:'S in the. United States, but that it is next to impossible to obtain the number required by the government lor cavalry mounts, be cuuee; initi cii.u.H.-ier vi mwi-.tv i: scarce. Mr. Rommel, acting in co-operation with the War Department, has t:;ken possession of the high-bred stallions given by Mr. Belmont and will establish a breeding station in the middle west. Eventually four breeding stations will be establish ed.: Unless the United States gives more serious consideration to the breeding of cavalry horses Mr. liom mel declares that in time of war the government would not have enough remounts. He quoted sta tistics to show that "there wore pur chased for the federal army in four years of the Civil War 1,188,718 horses. The feedraV. army '-required 500 horsej each day for remount purposes. Major-Gen. Leonard Wood, chief of staff of the army, in pointing out hat the army is much in need of a source of 'certain supply of cavalry remounts, says that the department is grateful to Mr. Belmont and the good example set by him may prompt other wealthy '.men to offer fine breeding stallions to the gov ernment. ! .'...' TKKASt'RKI) Kim K STOI.KX For 75 Years It Was Part of Walls Of St. Peter's, Koine. Chicago, 111., March IS. A brick, which for "5 years was a part of the walls of St. Peter's, Rome, and which was recently loaned by J. B. Combs,' of Philadelphia, to his bro ther, It, M. -Combs, of Chicago, was stolen from one of the booths at the Clay Products Show at the Coliseum last night. A man had been sta tioned at the booth, especially to guard the treasure. At certain intervals a portion of the walls of St. Peter's Is removed in order to place records in a cavity of the church. The bricks taken out are presented to prominent members of the Catholic church. This is said to have been the only one ever presented to an American. WOMKX PLEAD I OK BALLOT. Coimiiittec'of New .Jersey Senate (.ivest Hearing- on Sufi rage Reso lution. ' Trenton, N. J., March 18. Several hundred women occupied the main door and the galleries of the assem bly chamber today during a hearing given by the senate judiciary com mittee on Senator Gebhart's resolu tion to amend the constitution to extend the right to vote to women. The women suffragists were led by Mrs. Clara Laddy, president of the New Jersey Woman Suffrage League. Her followers all carried flags, in scribed with the words "Votes for women." The opposition was led by Mrs. Clara Fisher, of Trenton, who operates an anvil factory. The committee made no announce ment of the action It will take upon the resolution. Many Drlren From Home. Every year, In many parts of the country, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and lung dis eases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but thin la costly and not always sure. A oetter way the way of multitudes is to use Dr. King's New Dlscnvnrv and cure yourself at home. Stay right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine. Throat and lung troubles And quick relief and health returns. Its help tn coughs, colds, grip, croup, whooping-cough and sore lungs make ;t a positive blessing. SOc. and $1.00. Trial bottle free.' Guarantee 1 by King-CroweU Drug Co. BIG ADVANCE SALE For Harry llulgor in "The Flirting Princess, Thursday Night. (By the Academy Press Agent.) Theatre goers are "wide awake" to the fact that Harry Bulger Is .without a doubt one rf the cleverest and funniest comedians that has ever visited this city and "The Flirting Princess" is one of the greatest, snappiest and most sensational musi cal comedies that has ever played here. The big advance sale at the Yarborough this morning indicates one of the largest houses of the sea son, Surrounding towns will be well represented as many orders for tick ets have been received from out of the city. Academy patrons are guar anteed the only and original Harry Bulger and the only and original "Flirting Princess" as Mort H. Singer has made it a rule never to sent out No. 2 companies of any of his big musical successes, so patrons who attend any one of the many attractions coming hero- under the Singer banner may rest assured they are vitnesseing the only and No. 1 organization en tour, present ing the particular play advertised. DEItATIXU TEAM TO TEXAS Wnko Finest Te!ini Dch'itr Master in I'avli.r, Tevas Senior Speak-in-. . Willie Forest. N. I'., March 18. The debaters who will represent Wahe Forest i:i tho intercollegiate debate agaii'.r.t Baylor 1'niversiiy a.' Waco. Texas. Kar.ior .'Monday uif;ht. are working i.teadily on tin1 spoo-hes. Kadi of (!'"'i , hae had experience i i.alin:; line. S. C. Ilil-df-fi:itor.'n-"t'i:i:t ! ivld er at Ore:' isboru, while . vv.s-- a':e male. The 1!.!s .oicasiiin i:-' B. V., lia"d was a still la --t I'ai H. S.. 1'iait: af ornate on FurgUMHi. '!'!:; tosiu will leave here about April. ami wil! return about, April 11. This is the farthest dis tance a. dt bating team has ever gone from Wake Forest-."The ejues ion is "Hesohed. That the initiative refer endum an.l wall, the recall not to apply to the judiciary, is a wise gov ernmental policy." Wake Forest has tne affirmative. .-."... The spring- senior 'speaking will he hehl next Friday night in Win gate memorial 1. ill and on next Monday the facul y will select from the senior speakers of the fall and and the senior anniversary speakers six men, three from each society, the commencement speakers. Those who 'are speaking are: C. R. Sharpe, L. B. Olive and S. A. Edgerton, from CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hare Always Bought Bears the Signature THURSDAY, MARCH 21. THU LAST l! MI SICAL COMF.DY OF THK SKASOX, WITH The Clever Comedian and Operatic St:ir, : HARBY BULGER THE FLIRTING PRINCESS Complete Production, Company of , Fifty-Two, im'ludiii their own OKCHF.STRA. $2 Worth of Fun Kvery IS Minutes. PRICKS: Lower, - $l.fiO and $1.00. Ibileony, Ijll.OO, 7.V and 50c Reserved Seats at the Varltorongli Monday, 10 n. m. . MAIL ORDF.KS XOW. Notch COLLAR Site class Su Croat 10c. E for 25e. Claeit. PtabiT ftCnmpniT, Mitr-. Trry, K. T. XOTICK OF LAXI BALK. I3y virtue of power given in will of Mrs. H. P. Martin, we will seli at public auction at the court. house door In Raleigh, t noon, Monday, April 8, 1912 the following described lot belonging to her estate: In western suburbs 'of city of Raleigh: Beginning at Giorsch's northeast corner on Ashe street, then south along the lines of Giersch and J. O. Ashe 205 feet to railroad line; then east 60 feet to Wynne's line; then northerly 20 feet with Wynne's line to Ashe street; then westerly along Ashe street 65 feet to the be ginning. Terms cash, S. A. ASHE, W. W. ASHE, S. A. ASHE, JR., Executors of H. P. Martin, 3-18-e.d.t.d.s. ACADEMY the Phi. society, and S. C. Gettys, G. C. Kirksey and J. M. Kester, from the. Bu., society. Tell the truth and have the devil shame yon. - For any stiffness or lameness Sloan's Liniment gives relief at ouce. it. acts line massage 9 quickens the blooel and limbers W up lame muscles and joints. is good for any kind of pain. " t lind apovpro pji V.e.t'.rren mvflirmV iters, rtn.t noticip- -. our H'lvo-;i?r-lrteut In the street cRrg t;-;.tn Itorrl.' v. Inch quickly relieved mc" . 11. uckuovse, siay vlllo, Kentucky. . At tU dealers, torn oe , B0e. $1.00. Dr. Earl S. Sloan - Boston, Mass. The Peoples Liaundry Company RALK1GII, X. C. Has ilie (ircatost Capac .iiy. 'Mt.ht rp-io-Daif. riiivhcst Class Work. rrmr.pt St'vvico. I'ciTcct Salirffactorn or Xo ('liarpc. : t A Trial Will Convince : YOU. ;;- Peoples Laundry Co., LAKGKST AXI NEST. Office 107 Fayetteville Street, Both Phones 74 Carolina Electrical Company, 221-3 S. SALIsni'IlV STREET. 13he YARBOROUGH RALEIGH'S LEADIXG HOTEL ONE HUNDRED ROOMS Facli I!H)in ('oiiiniuniciites With Hath. CAFE IX EXCELLED EI ROPEAX PLAN. STATEMENT Ml'TFAL ISEXEF1T LIFE IXSIR- ' AXCE (X)., NEWARK, N. J. Condilion December 31, 1911, "as Snown by Statement Filed. Amount of ledger as sets December 31st of previous year. $132,878,3 19.14 I n ct m e - From policyholders, $20, 923.279.01; mis cellaneous, $6, 943.00C.Cf; 'total."' 27,866,285.67 Disbursements To policyholders, $14, 320,822.34; mis-; cellaneous, $4; 2S4.732.02; total. 18,605,554.36 Business written dur ing year num ber of policies, 28,635; amount.. 71,526,530.00 Business In force at end of year num ber of policies, 244,047; amount. 584,376,714.00 ':. .". ASSETS, Value of real estate less amount of incumbrances) . ,$ 2,877,819.03 Mortgage loans on f real estate ..... . 69,289,675.11 Loans secured by pledge of bonds, stocks or other collateral ....... 2,250,000.00 Loans , made to policyholders on this cdmpany's policies assigned . ' i LIN as collateral ... Premium notes ' on policies in- force. . Value of bonds and stocks Cash in company's office Deposited in trust companies and banks not on in terest . . . . . . Deposited in trust companies and banksn interest. Interest and rents due and accrued . premiums unpaid . All other assets, as detailed in statement 19,986,155.20 5,862,267.09 i 40,735,943.83 4,003.35 104,027,44 1,344,777.00 2,989,620.24 1,843,001.14 14,015.52 Total ...... . .$147,311,304.95 Less assets not ad- ' mitted . . . ... 18,997.46 Total admitted assets . .. , .$147 LIABILITIES. Net reserve us com puted .......... $133, Present value of amoun's not yet duo on . supple mentary contracts, etc. .. . . i . ....... - 1 Net policy claims. . . Premiums paid in advance, including surrender values so applied ', . . . . . I'ncarned interest and rent paid in advance . .... .... Amount.'! set apart,' apportioned, pro visionally ascer tained',' calculated, awaiiing apportion ment, etc .... . . . 4 Commissions due to agents, etc. ..... Contingent reserve fund, etc. ... . . . . r, Federal tux All other liabilities as detailed in statement ...... ' 292,307.49 504,436.00 S33.775.15 657,859.62 62,024.17 1,724.05 104,530.36 7.GC1.27 30S.243.50 61,853.98 090.199.39 Total liabilities $147,292,307.49 Itusiness in North Carolina During .- 1011. ' Policies on the lives of citizens of. said state In' force December 31st of previous year Number, 8,701; amount, $13,790,930.00. Policies on the lives of citizens of said Etate issued during the year Number, 1,071; amount, $1,733, 029.00. Total Number, 9,772; amount, $15,523,959.00. Deduct ceased to be in force dur ing the year Number 675; amount, $1,043,368.00. Policies in force December 31, 1911 Number, 9,097; amount, $14,480,591.00. Losses and claims unpaid Decem ber 31st of previous year Number, 2; amount, $2,000.00. Losses and claims Incurred dur ing the year Number, 82; amount, $137,208.00. Total Number. 84- ammmf $139,208.00. Losses and claims settled during the year , in cash, $139, 008. 00 Number, 83; amount. $139,208.00. Losses and claims unpaid Decem ber 31, i911 Number 1: amount. $200.00. Premiums collected or secured in rash and notes or credits without any deduction for losses, dividends, commissions or other expenses, $478,168,50. President, Frederick . Frlllng liuyser. .. Secretary, .1. William Johnson. Treasurer Samuel W. Baldwin. Auctuary, Percy C. H. Papps. Home Office, 750 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. Attorney for service, Jno C. Drewry, Raleigh, N. C. Business Manager for North Caro lina, Jno. C. Drewry, Raleigh, N. C. State of North Carolina, Insurance. Department, Raleigh, N. C., Feb, 27, 1912. I, James R. Young, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct ab stract of the statement of the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company, of Newark, N. J,, filed with this depart ment, showing the condition of said company on the first day of Decem ber, 1911. Witness my han,d and official seal the day and date above written. JAMES R. YOUNG, Insurance Commissioner. The Newer Shades in Wall Papers for the Dome Wall paper shades do not re main 'the same each season. The new season Invites new shades, new shades appeal to those who desire to keep Id strict accord with correctness. Our wall paper business is Im mense it has been, made so because of our endeavo. to keep in stock the cleverest shades as they come from the mills. ;. ' ,'" ' ,. Weathers Art Store 117 FAYKTTEVILLH 8T. S i ' -

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