',.. . .Friday, 1 1 1 e R:ecloih Podly Times March 22. 121 E Mourn. St. RALEIGH. N.C. Insure Your Baby's Comfort la the house, on the street Anywhere nd Everywhere by using a Wagner Quick Folding Go-cart. We have a full stock of the New Models on hand Corao in and examine them. The Wanner 13 Roomy and Comfortable . for a baby oi any ace and in any position Laree Flexible Springs un der the Seat Real Springs. ThftWagneropens or closes automatically with one move ment cf the handle and iho seat is so placed that it can't tio backward. The Wacner Brake holds the cart just where you leave it. The Wapner is the handsomest Cart made. Built on gr.iceiul lines, beauti fully finished In nickel and enamul, uu pbolstered in beat quality Leatherette. Wvatfiers urnitiav 121 E.MAini. St. RALEICH, N.C. Yfagner vuii rilLDInu CO-CAKT I -ifTo to tar. Make Your Baby Happy Get a new CART from our immense line. Many styles and patterns at all prices. See our CARRIAGES, too. Sir I. nd ' V They are swell enough for Mr the toniest baby in all the land. MEETING Waterman's Ideal Fountain Pens. EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE. THE OFFICE STATIONERY COMPANY, Office Furniture and Supplies. 113 Faretteville Street. 12 East Hareett Street C. C. 'Phone 914-F. C, C. Thone 135. Galvanized and Iron Piping A "little bit" or a "whole heap" can be gotten from us on short notice. Let us know just what size and amount you want and we will give you an at:ractive figure on it. CASTINGS OK ALL KINDS. RALEIGH IRON WORKS COMPANY Raleigh, N. C. ' AUTO RALEIGH MOTOR CAR AND MACHINE CO. $1,650 $3,900. ' STATE IHSTHHUTOKS. - AGENTS tt'AMKII. Raleigh, N. C. Easter Hinls Easter Sunday April 7th Place your order today for that EASTER SUIT If you care to be in the "Swim Easter Sunday." 4 ! A. G. Hinlon, North Carolina's Foremost Tailor, ' Main Floor Merchants' National Bank Bldg. HI ' TABERNACLE Interest Is Increasing Stead ily Service Last More than a score of young peo ple went forward for prayer last night, in the revival service at the Baptist Tabernacle, and five were received as candidates for baptism. Interest in the meeting is increasing steadily, and this promises to be one of the best that has been held in the Tabernacle for several years. Pastor Maddry took as his text last night the 35th verse of the eighth chapter of the Acts: "Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus." He related the story of how the Holy Spirit called Philip, the Deacon, out of a great meeting in Samaria,' saying "Arise, and go toward the south unto the way that goeth down from Jerusalem unto Gaza, which is desert," and ho arose and went, and there he came in touch with the Ethiopian eunuch, who was reading the 53rd chapter of Isaiah. "The place of the scrip ture which he read was this, He was lead as a sheep to the suaghter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth: In his humiliation his judg ment was taken away; and who shall declare his generation? -for his life is taken from the earth." "Then Philip opened his mouth, and be an at the same scripture and preached unto him Jesus." The pastor said in part: God uses ndividuals to preach Jesus to other individuals. God is passionately in terested in one individual. God so loved the world, that He gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever belioveth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." God so loved. If he had been the only one lost, God would have given His Son for you. God prepares the individual way over yonder and brings him to the individual sinner. We notice a few things in this eunuch. 1. This eunuch yearned for the light of Jesus Christ. It is shown by his trip to Jerusalem. Doubtless he was raised in idolatry, but he had heard of Jesus through the Jewp in North Africa, his home land. He was treasurer to his queen, and was a very busy man. but he had come to Jerusalem to worship. It is also shown by his occupa tion when Philip found him. He was reading the scripture. He invited Philip to come into the chariot and nstruct him. God places within us that yearning desire for light. 2. The eunuch followed the light he nad. God vouchsafed to him a fuller, clearer light. The Holy Spirit was cooperating with the scripture. The work of the Holy Spirit is to give that soul hunger, and to cooperate with the scripture. Suppose we were to follow the light Ave have. God's word has been given you in your home, in the Sun day school, and the pastors of this church and others have preached the word unto you. Yon have had a wonderful opportunity. If you had followed the light you have it would have led you to the foot of the ctobs. We appreciate the love you show us, but we would rather for you to love our Saviour. 3. The eunuch was willing to ack nowledge that he needed help. He W8B conscious of his lark, and wili ng to be led to Christ. When a man is willing to acknowledge he noeds help, he is not far from the kingdom. 4. The eunuch was willing to fol- ow the requirements of the Lord. Philip preached the simple funda mentals of the gospel. We have nothing to preach but Jesus, whereby men may be saved. He' believed in Jesus the Son of God. He follow, ed Him in baptism. Some say they believe in Jesus, but they can be a follower of Jesus without confess ing Him and joining the church. Sup pose all would take that position. what would become of our churches? The fruits of confession, with the eunucb, "He went on his way re joicing. Soon after there was a strong church in North Africa. The eunuch went home and preached Jesus. The feeling will take care of Itself. It will come In tine. FRECKLES March Worst Month For Thin Trouble How to Remove EaMlljr. There's a reason why nearly every. body freckles In March, but hap pily there Is also a cure for these ugly blemishes, and no one need stay freckled. Simply get one ounce of othino, double strength, from Henry T. Hicks Co., and apply a little of It at night, and in the morning you will see that even the worst freckles hare begun to disappear, while the light ones have vanished entirely. Now is the time to rid yourself of freckles for It not removed now they will stay all summer,, and apoil an other- wl-e beautiful complexion. , Your mouey hack If othlne fail. Innnnnc nr cm ire USE ONLY CASCARETS They Never Have Headache Bilious ness, Sluggish Liver or Bowels or Sick, Sour Stomach. No odds how bad your liver, stonv ach o rbowelsi how much your head aches, how miserable and uncomfor table you are from constipation. In digestion, biliousness and sluggish Intestines- you always get the desir ed results with Cascarets, and qfffck ly, too. Don't let your stomach, liver and bowels make you miserable another moment; put an end to the headache. biliousness, dizziness, nervousness, sick,. sour, gassy stomach, backache and all other distress; cleanse your inside organs of all the poison and effete matter wnich is producing the misery. . ' Take a Cascaret now; don't wait until bedtime. In all the world there is no remedy like this. A 10-cent box means healtn, happiness and a clear head for months. No more flays of gloom and distress if you will take a Cascaret now and then. All drug gists sell Cascarets. Don't forget the children-their. little insides need a good, gentle cleansing, too. Won't you go out of this house to night rejoicing? In the after-meeting, much in terest was manifested, and many came forward for prayer. The services will begin tonight at 7:30. The pastor will preach. AH are cordially invited to attend. New Enterprises The Pamlico Cooperage Co., Of Washington, was granted a charter by the secretary of state today, to deal in wood and lumber and to manufacture the same, etc The au thorized capital is J25.000, with S5.000 paid in by A. M. Dumay, Geo. T. Leach and S. T. Freeman. The name of the Durham Mutual Protective Association is changed to the Durham Mutual Life Insurance Co. A. M. Moize is president, and S. B. Coley is secretary. v . Before promising to fiy with a young man it ie up to a girl to in vestigate his ability as an airship chauffeur. DRUG STORES TO CLOSE 12 Every Sunday From 11 to During Morniug Service. The action tken by the druggists of the city, ,jto close their stores from 11 to 12 o'clock every Sunday, beginning March 24, is right in line with the Men and Religion Forward Movement that is sweeping the city, and is Hieartily to be commended. This will not. only give the drug gists and coda fountain clerks the opportunity fp attend church every Sunday, but. hy closing up their fa vorite place of resort during mis hour of Sunday morning service will send many men and boys to church, who might not otherwise attend. The following is the agreement entered into by the undersigned: We, the undersigned druggists of Raleigh, do hereby agree to close our drug stores from 11 to li o'clock every Sunday, beginning on Sunday, March 24, 1912. Signed Henry T. Hicks, presi dent Henry T. Hicks Co.; w. Parker Drug Co.; The Galloway Drug Co., R. Galloway; King-Crowell Drug Co., Ed. Birdsong, president; C. Brantley; Robert Simpson; James I. Johnson; John S. Pescud; Tucker Building Pharamaoy; The Wake Drug Store; L. H. Robertson; E. O. Edgerton; East Side Drug Store; Thomas D. Lcvlstcr; Q. G. King. Reginald Hamlet; Clement Byrd; Pegram Smoke House, C. T. Pegram; M. Luther Shore, Druggist, M. L . Shore; R. E. Lewis, Gus Russos. IX POLICE COURT Justice Wilt sun Fines llliml Tiger Um ami fonts Other Cases. The first of the week Police Jus tice Watson sentenced C. B. King to six months on the roads for run ning a blind tiger in connection with his fish market. He did not sen tence him for running both, hut for running the tiger. Yesterday the justice changed the sentence to a fine of $100, King is to remain on his good behavior. The case of John and Alexander McCullum, charged with larceny was tried and John was held under a 200 bond. Alexander was re leased. Mr. W. T. Womble, the aged man, who runs the store that was robbed, was on the stand and created many laughs by his quaint and honest way of telling the truth Mr. Womble told a tlvid story of the robbery and wound up by say ing, "Judge, my gun was in my room, or 1 would have shot the black rascal. But how I have the gun in my store, and the next time anyone tries to rob me, there won't be any trial. No sir." Horace Btegal, a young middle society buck, so far forgot "hlsself" as to slap his partner in life. Of course tjils offended the tender feel ings of the madame, and she pro ceeded to have Horace "up." Jus tice Watson soon looked , upon the case as if Mrs, Horace was not a suffragette, and therefore could not wreck physical vengeance npon the' thoughtles man of the house.' Hor- Man . . . . . . . . tw, ifiu ana cons to me county, tati " -. . . ... , . . i fuuu wun inrgave sun nsnimru nun i in raising the amount. - . j GOOD SPEAKERS ' AT ROAD MEETING .What promises to be one of the best road meetings ever held In Wake county will be that in the courthouse tomorrow at noon un der the auspices of the Wake County Good Roads Association, when prom inent speakers and road-builders will address the farmers, business men and others of phases of road im provement. Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt of Chapel Hill, Mr. H. B. Varner of Lexington and Dr. Archibald Cheatham of Durham county will make short addresses. In the af ternoon the people attending the meeting will be shown modern roads and machinery on a screen at the Almo Theatre. The public is cor dially Invited. WAYXE COUNTY GIRL WAS BITTEN BY DOG. Miss Bessie Daniels, aged 15, was brought to Raleigh from Dobbers- viile, Wayne county, , to undergo treatment at the state laboratory of hygiene for a maddog bite. She was attacked Wednesday afternoon and bitten on the arm. Miss Daniels is the daughter of Mr. J. M. Daniels, Jr. BALL GAME "Downstairs" Puts It Over on the "Upstairs" Aggregation. The "Downstairs" section of the fourth grade at Wiley School, de feated the "Upstairs" baseball team at Centennial field yesterday by the close score of ! to 8. The puzzling twirlers were Gilbert Arthur and Caspar Kaplan. Mew !ra mt Having purchased the retail business of the W. H.King Drug Company, we are now prepared to fill your order for anything that you may need in the DRUG LINE. ' It makes ho difference where you live, we can fill your orders properly. We do prescription work. We carry a complete line of Buist's Garden Seeds. Call and see us or send your orders in. LWiPAlMRlMGCO Cor. Martin & Wilmington Sts. Raleigh, N. C. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of J AN ALL ROUND SQUARE DEAL ONTIOTARE 'i-M.iVi.rri-if a 11- 'j 'a II "Square Deal," sounds nice, don't it? Get a "Square Deal" and it makes you feel good, doesn't it? You can walk all round a "Square Deal" and the more you know about it, the better you like it. That's what you'll do when you get a "Square Deal" from us in the form of a suit of clothes the longer you have those clothes, the better you'll like. them. Murray Tailoring Company, "QUALITY HIGHER THAN PRICE." 105 FAYETTEVILLE ST. RALEIGH, N. O. THOSE 147. A. & M. Wake Forest Saturday, March 23. AT WAKE FOREST ' 1 PEGIAL Leaves Raleigh at Returns at - - TR A IN 2:00 p. m. - 6:30 p. m. SPRING IS RAMPANT AT THIS STORE OF GOOD CLOTHES Joyous Springtime the time for putting; away of old wearables and donning the new! The Spring season is reflected in the beauty of our new Suits, Choice Headwear and Handsome Haberdashery. Stop a moment when passing our store. It will be worth your while to come in to seethe new Spring attractions and we're always delighted to show you! Where would you expect to And the choicest things to Wear for Man or Boy if not RIOHT HERE? , CROSS (SL LINEHAN CO, The House of Good Outfitting. I , .41 '.

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