rrvit. THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 1912. : 5 SOCIETY "KVENTIDK." (Written for The Times.) Why Is it that at eventide, Such sad, sweet memories thrill, The hearts of God's creation. O'er wood and vale and hill? Why is it that the twilight hour. Seems fraught with gloom and tear, We dwell not on these visions deep. While skies are bright and clear. Rut when noonday's shadows deepen Then pervades this hush o'er all, When twilight's unfurled curtain (lently takes its downward fall; Tis then we join the whippoorwill In its plaintive, sad refrain, When ceased the grinders of the mill, Then rest from toil and gain. I have wandered o"er yon mountain, Have followed brook and stream. Have sat and gazed and pondered. Why this hour seems but. a dream, Till revealed! 1 see this mystery: Tis His voice with "Peace be still," .This His loving evening message, Onward hear thy burdens, o'er to morrow's hill.. I'attie Montgomery Ilicks. Atlanta, (ia. .Miss liva Hardest y left.' today, for Morehead City. Mrs. .1. F. Stanbaek left today for a visit to Kichmond. Mrs. II. M. Sheppnrd, of Wilson, is visiting Mrs. J. C, Little. Mr. and Mi's. H. II. Hayes, of Kinston, are guests in the city. .. Mrs. I.. M. I'itts passed through the city today going to Norfolk, Miss Lillian Winston, of Youngs ville, is visiting .Miss Grace Deaton. Miss Julia .Parrot t returned to Kinston today after visiting relatives here. " .' : Mrs. Kd. Denton left today to visit her brother, Mr. L. D. Dehmaii, at Selnia. .' -' Miss Lizzie Terrall has gone to Durham to visit her sister, Mrs, It. L. I.indsey. . - Mrs. Claudius Dqckery and son, Claudius, Jr., returned today from Rockingham. : "' Mrs. J. C- W rot on and Miss Genevieve Wroton, of -Hamlet-, were in the citv today. ; Miss Ella Harper, of Rocky Mount, is visiting at the home of Mrs. J. L. Fountain. Mrs. John 0. Allen and Miss Ade lyn Barbee have "returned- from a trip to New York,-. Washington and Haltimore. General and Mrs. William nufTin Cox left today lor Richmond after This Coupon When presented at the King-Crowell Drug Store, any time next Monday, with 10c, will entitle the holder to a 25c box of Talcum Powder. JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. RINGS Wedding,-' Engagement, 'Birthday and Signet Rings. If you believe our judgment impaired or feel In the least pre judiced, we suggest 'that you do, a little shopping and then come here. You will thus obtain a keep sense of values aud assign to us our rightftri place as the leading ring store. We credit the success of this store to the peculiar merit to le found in every article in our cases. Whether it's a baby ring for $1.00 or a diamond ring for $:i00.00, you get the same kind of service. JOLLY & WYNNE JEWELRY CO. WE ARE OPEN SUNDAY TO SERVE YOU ANYTHING IN DRUGS. Call No. 234 Over Either Phone We will send after your Prescription and get it back to you Promptly. Cold Soda, Nunnally's Candy, Everything to Smoke. Tucker Building Pharmacy ''..- ..;-''. PHONES 134. (Reserve Seats for "DIDO" on sale at The Wake Drug Store). : ; . stopping over in the city with their sons,- Messrs. Albert and Francis Cox. Mrs. Wilkinson, who has been visiting at the home of Mrs. F. O. Moring, returned to Florence, S. C. Miss S. A. "Hayes has returned from a visit to Henderson, accom panied by Miss Ethel Creedmore, who is her guest. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Harper and baby returned to Hookerton today after visiting Mrs. Harper's parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. McOee. Mrs. W. R. Hollowell, who at tended the Southern Conference of Education at Nashville, and stopped over to visit her daughter at Rome, Ga., was In the city today return ing home to Goldsboror Mrs. William St it t, of Charlotte, who has been here for the past three weeks with her father, Mr. R. II. Rattle, returned home today. Friends of Mr. Rattle will regret to learn that his condition remains uuiin "proved. Twentieth Century Club. The Twentieth Century Hook Club .will meet Tuesday afternoon at four o'clock with Mis. M. T. Norris. Recital at St. Mary's. On ' Momlay evening, April '22nd, tit x;;!o o'clock. Miss Sarah Baker Foniier will give a piano recital in the auditorium of St. Mary's school. Miss Fenner is a Certificate pupil of Miss Hcrmine R. '. Scheper, and she will be assisted in her recital by Miss Emilie Reso Knox, violinist. The public is cordially invited. - ; to Hiittalo. X. Y. .Mrs. .1. 8. Jeffrey and children left today for Buffalo, N. Y.. to join Mr.-Jeffrey who has accepted a posi tion with the Cyphers Incubator Co. Mr. Jeffrey was connected with t!i exporiemeut station here for some time as poultry man. and the de parture of the family is greatly re gretted by the large circle of friends they made while residents here. The three older boys who are in school here will remain until the end of the term. ' . TO SIXG "THE HOLY CITY." Tabernacle Choir Ciider Direction of Mr. Hagedorn. I'nder the direction of Mr. Gustav Hagedorn the choir of the Taber nacle Raptist Church will sing "The Holy. City" by Gaul tomorrow at the evening service at 8 o'clock. This is one of the most beautiful oratorios ever written and will be heard with pleasure. The choir has been carefully trained and will be as sisted by Mr. George Sligo, who will sing the bass solos. Other solo parts will be sung by the following mem bers of the choir: .Mrs. J. S. Correll, Miss Olive Boone, Miss Edna Hol Ioway, Miss Edna Tyner and Mr. Furman lietts. HIGHS DEBATE AT MEREDITH This evening is the time for the annual triangular debate of the Ral eigh, Charlotte and Greensboro High Schools. Representatives of the Ral eigh High School meet the Charlotte representatives here, the debate be ing held at Meredith College at 8:30 o'clock. At the same time in Greensboro, two representatives from Raleigh will meet the Greens boro boys. Interest in the annual contest is always intense. This year the query is: "Resolved, That North Carolina Should Adopt the Initiative and Ref erendum." Raleigh has the affirma tive here, the debaters being Mr. Clifton Beckwith and Mr. Walker Rouse. The debaters for Charlotte are Messrs. Irwin Henderson and Carl McClellan. The Raleigh debaters who went to Greensboro are Messrs. Oliver Smith and Carey Hunter, Jr., who make up one of the best debating teams ever sent out by any high school.. Mr. Clifton Reck with was last year one of the debaters who won from Charlotte at Charlotte. In Mr. Walker Rouse, lie has splendid sup port. Both made a fine showing in the preliminary debate. The Raleigh High School is noted for its victories, winning lust year from both Charlotte and Greens boro. The Raleigh boys may be de pended on to put Hi) a good fight tonight. The judges will be Prof. H. .1. Stockard, t'ol. ,1. B. Grimes and probably Dr. D. 11. Hill. Superin tendent Harper will preside over the debate. . - Merritt-ISordeaux. Announcements readings as fol lows have been received in the city: 'Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bordeaux announce the .'marriage ot tneir daughter . : Daisy and Mr. It. A. Merritt Wednesday", the seventeenth of April nineteen hundred and twelve Rocky Point, North Carolina," Enclosed cards read: "At Home after the first, of May lonii Market, street Wilmington, North Carolina." Mr. Merritt, who is a brother of Mr. R. H. Merritt, of this. city, is a prominent business man of Wilming ton. Miss Bordeaux was one of Kocky Point's most popular young women. Both have friends through out the state who will be interested in their recent, marriage. Fortunes in Faces. There's often much truth in the saying "her face is her fortune," but it's never said where pimples skin eruption, blotches, or other blemishes disfigure It. Impure blood is back of them all, and shows the need of Dr.. King's New Life Pills. They promote health und beauty. Try them. 25 cents . at King-Crowell Drug Co. "I'AKSIFAIj" Last Meeting of Music Department of Woman's ('lull to he Wagner's Last Opera. The last musical program, for this season, under the auspices of the music department of the Wo man's Club, will be given on Friday afternoon, April 26th, Instead of Thursday the 25th at Meredith Col lege. Mr. Wade R. Brown will give a lecture-recital on "Parsifal", Wag tier's last opera. Members of ' the Woman's Club should not forget to bring their membership cards. The hour is four o'clock sharp. Kl'IC TKAGKDY Dido, the I'lioeiiician Queen at Mere, dith College. An epic tragedy, a dramatization of the love-story of .ICneas and Dido will be played by members of the Latin Department of Meredith Col lege, in the college auditorium, Mon day night, April 22. It Is a drama of four acts and each act has two or more scenes but the acts and scenes are all short The stage setting will be suggestive of the classic drama, the costumes will also follow classic lines, the musical part is arranged by Mr Hagedorn, and is In perfect sym pathy with the theme. Dido will be one of the most In teresting plays the college has ever presented. R. O. Collins, postmaster at Barnegat, N. J., advises his friends "I find your Foley's Honey and Tar Compound the best remedy for cough I ever tried. I bad a lagrlppe cough that left me completely ex liausted, but after taking bait a bot tie of Foley's Honey and Tar Conv pound, the coughing spells entirely ceased. I wish to say It can't be beat." King-Crowell Drug Co. The bigger the brag the smaller the fact behind It. , It's surprising how many griev ances most worthless men have. COLD CAUSED A WRECK Mrs. Mitchell Hun Weary Search for ltelief. Physicians Stale "o Hope for Recovery. Morganton, N. C. "My health had been a wreck for years," says Mrs. C. C. Mitchell, of this city. "When 1 was 16 years old, I com menced to suffer. I caught cold, and it went into a fever. Kstayed in bad health, and though 1 nsed all kinds of medicine, I got no relief, Until I tried Cardui, the woman's tonic. Cardui cured me. It is the best medicine I ever used, i cannot praise it enough Then, some time ago. I was taken down again very bad. The-doctors all said 1 could not live, and they gave me up. I used Cardui and was greatly relieved. Now, I am entirely well. Cardui is a good .'medicine ami worth its weight in gold! I will keep it in my house all the time, as I do not want to be without it." Do you wonder why .'Cardui is so popular, when it has cured so many sick and ailing women, alter other medicines had failed? The reason is that it goes to th" spot that needs attention and does the work that is retiuircil. All -women need Cardui, the wo man s tonic,; at rimes, u nen yo.i do, will you try it? J'lcase do. N.B.- Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special In structions, and 64-page book "Home Treatment for Women," sent in plain wrapper, on request. FIVE WEEK'S COURTi E Five solid week's -of. court will be in progress in Wake county, begin ning Monday morning, when Judge Stephen C, Bragaw, ot Washington, convenes the regular term of three weeks. Following this a special term of two weeks will start oif with Judge K. B. ('line presiding It is hoped by the lawyers to wipe many cases from the calendar and 12!) cases have, been set for trial. LOCAL BRIEFS. As vet nothing definite has been done about the town clock. Raleigh is badly in need of a new one. The Shaw I'niversity is giving' a picnic today. The whole student body marched through the streets this morning. The south side of New Bern evenue is badly in need of repairs Since the buildings have been com pleted, the sidewalk has not been in good shape. Since the I'niversity of North Carolina and the I Diversity ot Mr- ginia tied, all of their rooters are anxiously awaiting details ot tin rubber game. -Messrs. Irwin Henderson and Carl McClellan, the Charlotte High fJl IIUWI tH I 11 ( til uivu if'iii,' noon, acconmimied 1y Mr. .J ArtlimT, Henderson, of Charlotte. The Raleigh and Greensboro High Schools play a game this after noon on the A.. and M. athletic Held. The teams are about evenly matched and a gocjd-ine is expected. The A. ami M- team leaves to morrow night lor their northern trip, which will keep them away for about a week. On the trip they will meet some of the best teams in the north. The Rev. Or. Tittenger did not go to New York this Week as he in tended, being detained by sickness In his congregation. He will oflicl ate al all the services In the Church of ihe Good Shepherd tomorrow at 1:30 a. in., II a. m. and 8 p, m, Raleigh is to have a baseball game next week after all. While the A. and M. team is away, the Trinity and Wake Forest, teams meet on the local diamond next' Tuesday for a game that has all of the prospects of being one of the best seen here this year. Both teams, by comparative scores, are about' even, and Interest will 'be intense,' as both sides have a strong bunch I of rooters. The game will be called at 4 o'clock. ..'..- - ,i i -' Rev. li. S. Mussey to Preach. In Ilia alioAtitifl nf tha naslii nt LoulBburg, N. C, Rev. L. S. Massey.l editor of tho Italeigh Christian Ad-j vocate, will preach at Edenton Street Methodist church at both the morn ing and evening hours on Sunday. AS TO Important Ruling By Attorney General Holds That All Companies,. Whether Doing a Reciprocal liusiiicss or Otherwise, Must be Licensed by State and lie Su'iiect to Super vision or Insurance Department. In answer to a request' from In surance Commissioner Young rela tive to reciprocal insurance business, Attorney .General Bicketl has ruled that ' all such companies must be licensed by the department and be subject to its supervision. The let ter of Insurance Commissioner Voting follows: "I'nder the law unincorporated as well as' incorporated concerns doing i any kind ot insurance- business in this state are required to be licensed i by t liis depart nient and subject, to its supervision. .''."' ".Some of these compani calling i themselves inter-insurers or recipro-j cal association--, are seeking to do; business in the state. The question has been raised as to whether cor porations chartered in. this state to do any kind of a business other than insurance business have the right 'o take a policy witli one of these asso ciations. I'nder the principle pro posed for the carrying of insurance any one taking a policy with iheiu becomes the insurer of all the other members. Is this within the. charter rights of corporations, chartered un der our general laws.''' The Attorney (icm'tal's Reply. In reply to the foregoing 'request the attorney general says: "Replying to yours of . the "dv I beg to advise that ii appears that a number of corporations, as well its unincorporated companies,' ,are '-contemplating doing an inter-insurance or reciprocal insurance business in this state. "Clearly such companies would be engaged in the insurance business witli in t lie meaning' of our statutes, and would have to be licensed by the insurance department,- and will, be subject to its supervision. "1 .-understand, from your com munication, .that each" individual or corporation that becomes .a' member of the association is liable, in-"whole or in part, for its losses. I do not think that, a corporation other than an insurance company,, chartered the laws of the state of North Caro lina, has a right to engage in a business of this kind.: . - "The rights of a corporation are limited by its charter, and no cor poration other than an insu.'ance company is given the right to en gage in ; the insurance business. Moreover, such a business would subject the assets, of the .corporation, to liabilities not contemplated by its charter, and to this the creditors of the corporation would have a right to object." This is-the -irst week of the year that a marri; been issued. ge license lias not No Matter What the Color of Your Hair NewbrG's llerpicide Will Not While they a)iireciate full well the value of a sanitary hair-dressing, many ladies are "afraid to use one for fear it may . alter the color of tiie hair. No such aiprehension is nssociaied with the; use of Xexvbro's Herpicide. U 'makes no difference whether your hair Is blonde, brunette or otherwise, Herpicide will not streak, fade or alter it by a single shade. The clear, -pure "nature" of the Original Dandruff Germ Destroyer appeals to everyone. It contains no grease and does not stain or soil the clothing. Ileipiilde is clean. I'sett regularly N'ewbi'o's Herpicide will eradicate fhar most common as we! as most annoying and distressing of all hair" troubles,-"dandruff."' Dandruff is caused by a germ or microbe which gradually forces it 'way down Into the hair bulb or follicle. This gives rise to inflammation, manifested by tin itchy scalp and the hair slips out. ' Herpicide Kills the germ, cleans .the scalp and prevents the hair from coming out. , The itching slops almost, instantly..'.' SEND 10 CENTS FOR SAMPLE AND BOOKLET. A sample size bottle of Herpicide, also a booklet containing much 'valuable -information on the care of. the hair will be mailed to any address upon receipt, of Ten Cents to cover cost of packing and mailing. SEE COUPON. APPUC.XTIOXS OllTAIXKD AT Till liKTTUIt ISAIH'.KH SHOl'S AXI IIKAl'TV IMKIjOKS. I.AIttiK SI.H XKWIIKO'S HKKI'l CWK 'IS SOU) A X I (i l! A It A X T IC I'l I K V K I ( Y W H 10 1 1 K. UK SIRK YOlT ;KT KKAl IIKItriCIDK, NOT S(Mi:THIX(i WHICH TIIKY MAY TKI.Ij VOl" IS 'Ml'ST AS (iOOl)." Henry T. H icks Co., Tucker Building Pharmacy SI'KCIAIi AtiKXTS Fashionable SnaSiiades Nifty New Materials Made Info Beautiful Parasols for Ladies, Misses and Children Prices Range from 25c. to $7.50. 1llC fVn.uiiine' faiiiil add 1t their beamy and durablcriess. We are just now arranin to display those. Vc wan1 you to see them. lit i ell lie sjieitT ill sinii c-;i just on Ihe Vei'e. of t lie Children's size Misses' size . Ladies' size . . , I TO H.WK oi:ni:i AT STATION Two Men Indulge in an Old-fashioned Cussing -..Mutch and I'ay for It Too Much Cussing at Vnion Station Other Fines. Two colored' women had an alter cation in Kast Raleigh night before last, and Matti'e I'arham was in the neighborhood and ran with the news to . one of the women's kin, and said that Harriet Coleman was about to get beaten to death. The officers were on the scene a little later and Alattie told of . how Irene ijyiji.awiHirn hail jumped on Harriet t olemau and nearly beat-' tier to deiltli Willi a stick. The Case was tried yeste.-day and was all bailed uii by Mattie . telling thai she knew nothing of the affair. The v.omu were disiiiisscd and . then an ofllce-r was sent out for the policeman that made the arres; and it was proven that Mattie bad lied and the; justice lined her. ?." and costs .for. contempt Of court. .1. B. Koonce. a white 'man,. 'and Ceorge Klehiing, a negro, were there for ctiHiig in a public place, "namely the t ' ti ion Station. The trouble was i brought about by the tone in which (leorge warned Koonce to look out for some mail falling on him. Sev 'every walking ize member of The new materials this season little of vonr time mav ','H-ity just now, as we are Parasol season. 25c to $2.00 39c to $3.50 50c to $7.50 eral vile -'epitaphs were passed and from the evidence Justice Watson, lined Koonce $5 and costs, and thrf' negro paid $10 and costs. . .- Colonel Harris represented the negro', and several times he and the justice agreed and disagreed on the points, but the colonel thought that $1(1 was a trifle too much for the negro. The judge held that any man that used such language where the ladies had to go, ought to pay that mucli and.. .more 'for the- next, offense;..' Tie stated thai the Officers were going to keep the Station decent for the ladies to go through. . . ; Increasing,; Interest at l'ayetteville Street. The Fayetteville street meeting continues with increasing interest. A large crowd was present last night, and twenty-four have been received into the membership of the church, Mr. .Kpps was absent last night be cause of an engagement in Durham but will be present; today and during the services that are to follow. There will be a service this p. m. at. f o'clock, also at 8 o'clock. At the morning hour of Sunday, the pastor's subject will be "The Great est Thing in the World." At the evening hour, "The Worst Thing 1n the World." Ihm't Wait Send 1( Cents for Kiun- pie and llooklet Ttnlay. THIS HKRPIClDr; COMPANY, Dept. 7SI), Detroit, Michigan. Please find enclosed 10 cents for which send me sample bottle of Newbro's Herpicide, also a book let on the care of hair. Name .... . . . . ................ Address City ............... State .. . ...... .. . . . . . KAPLAN BROS.

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