TIIE.JULEIOJI DAILY TIMES, .SATURDAY; A PUJL 20, 1912. MARKETS COTTON STOCKS New York Cotton Letter. 1 New York, April 20. There was . a renewal of the excited general buying in the cotton market today and all positions made new hi eh records tor the movement owing to bad weather in the south and appre (tensions or continued showers or rains over Sunday. First prices were from 8 to 17 points higher, and while realizing was sufficient to cause some irregu larity the big offerings were readily absorbed and the market during the middle of the morning sold about 18 to 19 points net lusher. This advance carried October con tracts up to 11.70 or 3 points above the high records of Thursday, and near enough the 12-cent level to in spire more or less confident predic tion of 12 cents before close of next week. The ; weather map showed pretty general rains in the south, and the official forecast was for un settled weather' and showers in the eastern, central and northwestern sections of the south today and to morrow.; Many of those who have been most optimistic are now be coming discouraged owing to the continued rains, and the best that can bet got in the way of a new crop start now will leave it subject to damage from even an average killing frost, and liable to suffer in the. event of any unfavorable con ditions for persistent cultivation during the growing season. The market closed steady. Xcw York Cotton. Open. High. Low. Closi ..Inn. . Feb. ;'. .March. April . May. . June . .Iiilv ." Aug. . Sept. . Oct. . Nov. . Dec. . The 11,79 11. s: ii.; 11.80 11.80 11.90 11. Ij '11.. 15 ll.SC 11.90 11.85 11.43 II 11.37 1 i.rx 1 1.62 lie:: 1 1.70 1 1 .76 '11.73 steady, 11.38 1 1..-IN 'n.fi:: 1 1.C7 11.72 11.70 11.79 market 11.70 11.74 11.07 11.79 11.78 11.87 closed 11.07 11.09 11.68 11. 1 1.78 1 1.84 Liverpool Cotton. Liverpool, April 20. Liverpool due 1 lower." Opened quiet, 1 low er. 12:15. steady, to 1 lower Spot cotton, moderate demand, 5 lower. Middling uplands. .57d. Sales 7,000; American, 6,000. Imports 4.000, all American. April ., . . .. .. .. -,. -.,' .:!7 April-May. ; .......... i;.:;;s May-June .... . . . . , . 6.3.'! Jlllie-.Mll.v . . . . . . .''. . . . ; ;; July-August , ... . . ; . ...' q!s3 August-September-.. .. ., B.SO'i September-October. . . . . ,.' 6.27 14 October-November . ... . . 0.24 v., November-December, . .... . . 6.22M December-January .. 6.22 January-February ,. . . . . 6.21 2 February-March ........ 6.22 U It.ALKKJH COTTON TOIlAY. (Reported by Barbeo & Co.) C.ood middling,.. 1 1 .1-Sc. Strict, middling, 1 1 -2c. '-.Middling-. - 11 l-8c. Low grades. 7 to !0c. Receipts. .10 hales. .New York Stock Letter. New York, April 20. After first few minutes the tone of the the market became heavy and during the rest of : the , first hour price changes generall, took the Bhape of concessions. I'ool actlvlly in a num ber of specialties dinilnshed consid erably, and some of the Issues de clined sharply. Interboro, pfd.. was strong on C.overnor Dix's vcio of freo transfer bill. Transactions were on a small scale. Jn the second hour the standard speculative Issues ral lied and closed at about last night' f i li 1 prices. The bank stntcnicut was about as Sales, 234,000. Closing Stock Quotation American Cotton Oil. 52 American Car and Foundry . Anaconda Mining Co... .. . Atchison . . . . , , , . . Atner. Smelting and Refining Atlantic Coast Line .. Brooklyn Rapid Transit . . . Baltimore and Ohio .... , Amalgamated Copper. , . . New York Central .... . Chesapeake & Ohio j . Erie .. .. .. .. .. .. . Great Northern, pfd. ... , . Missouri, Kansas & Texas ,' Missouri Pacific . . .. , Norfolk & Western .. .. . Northern Pacific . . . . Ontario. & Western .... .', Pennsylvania .. ,. .. .. Louisville & Nashville . Rork Island . . ... .1 . . . , Rcpub. Iron and Steel ".,-',. Reading ; . . . . . . . . 59 42V4 10814 84 141 . . 82 ..107 . . 83 -.119 .. 78K . . 37 ..131 ,.29 ..43 .'.11214 -.120 .. 39 ..124 ..159 .. 28 .. 24 ..165K ..112 ..29 .. 73 ..110 . .171 ..79 ..112 49 '4 Southern Pacific ... .. ,. Southern Railway . , , , , , Southern Railway, pfd. . . St. Paul. . . , . . . , I'nlon Pacific . . . . United States Steel . , Inltod States Steel, pfd.-.'. VlrglnlR-Carpllna Chemical Xvl Store. ' Savannah, April 20. Turpentine, firm, 44V4- Rosin, firm: types F and 0, 7.12V4. BY WIRE GRAIN PROVISIONS Cliirngo (.'lain. WHEAT Open. High. Close. Dec. . : .1.14 1.14 1.15 May. . . ..1.09 1.09 1.09 July . .... .1.05 ,1.06 1.03 CORN Dec. . . . 78 7S U May. . . . 76 77 76 July . 75 Vs 75 74 OATS Dec. . . . . 59 59 57 May .... 31 5 .(.?.; 541, July, ... .3 i:; 4;jy PORK Jan. ... .18.00 18.05 is.OJ May . . .1S.35 18.42 1835 LARD Jan. . . .10.12 10.15 hi 15 May . ." .10.30 10.37 10.37 RIDS Jan. . . . 9.82 !i.S2 9 ,S2 May . . .10.07 10.07 1 t!o7 Cotton Seed Oil. April ... . . . . May 6.45 ft 6. '50 ... ... 6.45 6.50 June ....... 6.51 6.52 July. . .... August . . .". . September. ... 6.56 6.57 6.64 p 6.65 6.65? 6.07 6.57 0 6.58 October. . . . . " . Market ' steady sales. 13.000. COTTON RKCOItl) WAS BliOKKX Migli Mark Exceeds Two Million ltales Exported Previously Washington, April 20. Cotton ex ports in the fiscal year which ends with the month of June will exceed by approximated 2 millinn hainD nignest exports of any earlier year me largest exportation in any fis cat year was that in 1907. ne Killing ,, us, 469 bales,, while the exports for the 9 months ending with Aidicn, 19 u, according to the latest ngures of the bureau nf department of commerc aiwi i,.h snow a total of 9,418,297 bales, jus tnying uie estimate t hat Hip im.i for the 12 months ending with June win ue lully 2 million bales in ex cess of the former hi eh rornrri vU0 mat ot l90i above alluded to. -uiiuusiy, nowever. t in rnttr,.. exports, although by far the largest In quantity, with fall in vnw terialiy -below that of certain earlier years. In the 9 months ..nHino- ,.,ni. March the total nuantitv pvnni-to.i was 9,418,297 bales. aeaiiiKt 7 1 1 n . 271 bales in the same months of last year, a gain of morn th.-.n . ,n linn knlnn .1. ... umro iur ine nerinri n nn. nun, uui me total value of the 9 1-2 million bales exported in the cumm year was only $494,978 o:;n .( $531,488,214 for the little more, than 1 minion hales exporter in the same monins of last year. Fnr th- months of 1912 the average export pnie 01 cotton has been but about IOC per pound, while the v export price in the iiioiiins ot last year was 14 1-2r n. - v-uu,, pound. Even this average rate of to,, not- puuim ipr the current year is, how ever, materially h cher tlmn 11.-. or numerous earlier years. In fo 1 ne average annual export nrice "wan ll A . . . . . ' 100, 7.8c; and in 18 99.' .1. , ',,. ur linuiKI!- in I'tll... y... 1 wii-Mi, iiiu lowest., annual --11 veruin. since ine t:ivil War, While the aver age export price --for the (iur-ii t.,,,,- 1M11, 14. SC.. per pound. WHS lliirlw.r than that in anv fisrl i-,.,- Ci 1913. While exports have increased all cotton manufacturing count rieu ine greatest percentage, of Inert-am is tot the cotton Droduclnc ennnirinu 01 militia and India. For the moiuns entled March. 1911. an.l 191, respectively, the exoorts of cotton to the Inited Kingdom in creased from 3,145,251 to 3,767,170 bales; to France, from 944.093 tn 1 062,326; to Germany, from 1,868 UBS 10 Z.731.r-34- tn llulv fr. 347,294 to 007,397; to Spain f l-niti 178,333, to 244,240: to Janan. from 14Z,ol3 to 391,285; while to China to which country we exported nc Amerlcau cotton in the full fiscal year 1911, the exports of cotton for V months ended March, 1912, were 41,605 bales. To India, to which country we sent only 530 bales of cotton in the fiscal year 1911, the exports for the 9 months ended March, 1912, were 68.080 bales. The exports of cotton to India and China arc remarkable as the former coun try Is the second largest cotton oro- ducing country and China the third. The exportation to India Is caused by a decreased production and the poor Quality of cotton of the last year's crop. The exports to China have Increased by reason of a varlotv of catises the comparatively low price of American cotton; the hold ing back of 'Home cotton for higher prices and the disturbed conditions In that country. The large Increase In the exports to Japan Is caused by the comparatively low price of American cotton, as that country al ways buys large quantities In years of low priced cotton. Sentenced For Killing Brother. Houston, Miss.. April 20. Con victed of killing John, his seventy- year-old brother, a year ago, Reu ben Davis, aged seventy, a Confed erate veteran, was sentenced to six months' imprisonments-Manslaughter was the verdict., Mcdonald's specials STATE OF NORTH CARO - LINA SIXES Can you find AS SAFE INVESTMENT? AVhv Imv NORTH CAROLINA 4 per offered to NORTH CARO cent Bonds when you can UNA PEOPLE. TAXES GET NORTH CAROLINA 6's. Thev vield INDIVID UALS $20 a thousand MORE than 4's at PRES ENT PRICES. They have 7 vears to run, being due APRIL, 1919. $420 in COU PONS on each thousand. NO TAX, COUPON PONDS. You can HAVU Til KM REGISTERED bv PAYING $2 a thousand. " ONLY NORTH CARO LINA 6's on the MARKET. OTHERS MAY CLAIM to have some. If thev have they CAN SELL them to me. I OWN and have $GU- 000 of them. . c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks & Ponds, Raleigh, N.C. BANK STOCK. Some selling at big rein iuni, above book-value and some sellinii- below book- value and less than was paid in. 10 American National, Vsheville. at 80. l.').V Commercial National. Raleigh, below book-value. 5 Citizens "-.National, Ral- eiii'h. - ") National" Dank of Fav- etteville. 5 IJ ranch Dankinu' Co.. Wilson. 10 Citizens Dank and Trust Co.. Concord, N. C. 2o-Peoples. National, Win"-. ston-Saleiu, at 100. (Book value is $117.50). 25 or more First Nat ional, Tarboro. '. . 90 Greensboro Loan and Trust Co., below book-value. I WILL PAY more than BOOK-VALUE for MER CHANTS NATIONAL.' Ral eigh, N.C., Raleigh Banking cc I rust Co. I have buy orders for: First- National, Hender son. First National, Dunn. American Trust, Char ottc. I'iist National, Durham.: Southern National. Wil mington, N. C, American'- National, '.Wil mington, X. C. : Murchison National ' Wil mington, N. C. Let nie know voiir wants -either to buv or sell in tank stocks. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks Roiids, Raleigh,N.C. TO BANKERS. How is vour SURPLUS taiND? Do you 'WANT to take care of it, and not have to PAY ANY TAX and at the SAME time tret a CREDIT from said SUR 'LUS FUND so invested from ASSESSED A'ALUE of your bank stock. Sav that your bank stock is as sessed at 1 50 a share and you have 50 in N. C. 4 per eent Donds. 1919. 1 5 oi 951 's your stock would onl v K! taxed at 100. These three issues are the oulv ones AL LOWED bv CORPORA TION COMMISSION for such a credit. You as a bank or corporation cannot buv anything else and get this UKED1T. You have onlv 12 days remaining iu which to n-otect yourselt trom tax. I ca usupplv vou from 'one to two hundred thousand at 03 and ACCRUED INTER EST delivered with mvment by NEW YORK check." C. C. McDONALD, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N.C. IN. C. 4 PER CENT BONDS 1950s. The FINEST AND SAF- l.-.i.rii tti rT.n :irn t i iv m I'jDi iJi iiioi m i'i. r ever are on the increase. You pay NO TAX on N. C. 4s. A smart . man who has monev and does not buy X .C. 4's misses it. ANY HANK OR CORPORATION in NORTH 'CAROLINA which has a CAPITAL STOCK, say of $100, and a surplus fund of $.30 ,niaking stock worth $150 for every . $100, by buying these bonds is oiilv taxed bv -.CORPORATION COMMISSION $100 on each share, as the $50 in vested in these bonds is de ducted from the value of $150. c. c. Mcdonald. Stocks Bonds, RalciN.C. IN THE MARKET. McDonald is in the mar ket -with the cash 1o huv N. C. BONDS .auv i')'i:V 1949's,: 1950 s or "lJJol's N. C .4 s and N. V. 0 V. 1919. c. c. Mcdonald. Stocks& Bonds, Ralcit!'li. N.( DURHAM HOSIERY MILLS PREFERRED. Only a few shares left which I was fortunate enough to get this morning. I his stock pavs (i tier cent and is non-taxable. A'ou get your interest check 1st day of every Januarv and Julv. c. c. Mcdonald. Stocks& Bonds, Raleigh,N.( WHAT $1,000 WILL DO. Buy a $1,000 N. (. I per cent 40-Year Bond nl the present,.'- State, count v and city tax rate, is 2'o per cent. Not likely to be much less soon from '.'the looks of things. In the life of the bond forty years you save $1,000 in taxes. You get $l,f00 in interest, mak ing $2,()00 in interest ami get your $1.(MH) back. What ire vou ookni"- tor C.-ni you find anything better as safe. Vou must Iniv be fore May 1 , or you will have to pav 1 axes'. 1 can snpplv "or will bnv." c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks: Roiids. RaIeigh,N.C. DID YOU KNOW IT? Well, it's a fact beyond contradiction. Do you lend money on real est ate-'mort gage if" Do vou know that, a N. C. 4 Per Cent or 6' Per ('cut Bond, at the )rice that you can buy llieni, will net you more money than vou get on a (5 per cent loan? Xo risk, no delay. 'You get your money when due and know what to count On. ...Xo exten sion of time. In case of fire or robbery (you can have them registered with State Treasurer) you can't lose. He sends voir a check every six months. C. C McDONALD, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh,X.C, CAROLINA POWER & LIGHT. I have $100.00 l($5.(K)().(K) of this 7 Per Cent Preferred non-taxable stock. Pavs $1.75 on every $100.00 Jan uary, April. October and Januarv. Safe, sure, secure. Will sell one share or .mhv part of liftv shares. Rodcem- ablc at $lio a share auv in terest period. - CC. McDONALD. Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N.C. WHAT IS TAXABLE? EVERYTHING except N. C. BONDS or U. S. GOV ERNMENT BONDS, chari table, beuevoleut and educa- ers, although the iroperty on which the bonds is issued tional property.' Even bonds on these are taxable to hold is not. No stock ii( NORTH CAR OLINA CORPORATION IS, as the corporation pays taxes on its capital stock, except B AN K STOCK, and INDIVIDUAL has to i.av on this DIRECT. Any stiek6REENgjB"oRo in auv corporation out oj North Carolina is taxable c. c. Mcdonald. Stocks & Bonds, Ralcigh,NvC. OLD RELIABLE. Erwin 0 Per Cent Pi ferred stock (noil taxable). I have been trying to buv some or tins stock lor sonic time. I was fortunate! in getting 100 shares a few days ago, so I offer 5, 10, or 50 shares at one. two and interest. More of this stock held in Raleigh than in anv other Corporation. .- Raleigh -people get more uiviaenas lrom tins than from any other Corporation Hank or Industrial. c. c. Mcdonald, Stocks Bonds, Ralcigh;N.C JEFFERSON STANDARD LIFE. Biggest, Strongest Com ii. 1. 1 - . i i l'un iu me rsouin .aoing a sate ,sane insurance life bus iness. I have 10 or 100 sharcsJFor sale at a bargain. Do you want it Have you anv I What will you take What will you give .me? Will "buy or sell" for a differ ence. Don 1 .write me I com mere. curiosity to know what I ask. If vou have auv for sale, put a price on it and otter it to me. I will let you know if L want it. I have price on mint', and get that price, or, keep it. c. c .Mcdonald, Stocks .t Bonds, .-.Raleigh; N.C. "DEATH AND TAXES. It ! : I .1 . . i ii is said 1 1 i.i t not lung is surer than "D.-atli and Tax es." so it is well enough to provide for both. Vou will have to meet taxes SOON. i. i . . . . - . (i ne nioii i. :iv t i the dale. Moved from ,'Julv 1st to Mav I si bv las) Lcgis lal lire. So what you ha e on hand May 1st is what you will ha.ye to pay taxes on. Why not prepare NOW.' De lays a re: dangerous. I can supply you with tax savers. X. C. 1's (ir (J's. N l Ii ii !! better.. WAV as pood. No risk. Vou are SURK of what you put in them and also prompt Collect ion ol' i i - your interest on them. Xo i tie aV HI .'IS vlll'r Villi In U :ni till next week. The (i's due apru, i m- 4 s due 1!50. The (I's come onlv in $1,000, the 4's in $5,)0'aiid $1,000 onlv. C. C McDONALD, Stockst Donds, Raleigh, N.C. j I into rm . DIXIE FIRE INS. CO. This is a (ireensboro Com pany. . 'apital stock $500, (MK), ;ind has a surplus I'lind of $215,000. I have for sale 50 shares at (!0 a siiare. Paid in on each share, $110. Cost $5,500 for the 50 " shares. Will take $:i,(KX). just $2,500 less than cost. If you don't want 5), will sell 5 for 10. McDonald is bidding par for Dixie. Take your choice, buv or sell. C. C. McDONALD, Stocks Donds. RaleiVh.N.G. , .... W. H. KING DRUG CO. I I have ONLY' $10,000 of this 7 per cent preferred stock, non-taxable, interest paid April and October the first. The common stock preferred dividends paid promptly on ine 'pre ferred. COMMON stock gets nothing until preferred is paid. Tins is a GOOD, SAFE INVESTMENT un der excellent and trust worthy ' management."' in a home I NST I T UT ION. Equals 9 1-2 peivcent to Ral eigh buyers. Will sell vou $100 or more. C. C. McDONALD. Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N.C1. LOAN & TRUST CO. An excellent banking in stitution doing a splendid business. I have 90 shares of - t his for sale at a price AIL ('II LOWER than the BOOK VALUE. Write nie, It won't last Ion'. C. C. McDONALD, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N.C. 8 PER CENT. V li:it live von li n.L- iiw l'i n- Mav 1st is TAX-LISTING DAY', i. e., vou have to givt for TAXES what VOL II 1111 ; 1 .1 1 u. i on mat tia such as MONEY, PEAL ESTATE or what is TAX ADLE. Win not buy NON-TAX A DLL stuff that you have FAITH - i i i i in and Know a'tout such as, ERWIN ( per cent pfd. wJiich eipials ,S 1-2 per cent to Raleigh-, buyers. I will BUY it back after TAX- DAY if vou want to sell. .More of this stock held in RALEIGH than any oilier corporation; bank or institu tion in or out of Raleigh by PEOPLK wlio know what A (JOOD THING is and who are CONSERVATIVE IX V E S T O R S, in fact, a LAR(iE ESTATE in Ral- eiLrli has A L A l E M O U N T of TR UST I UNDS invested in this val uable and 'safe ''security ERWIN COTTON MILLS. () percent Preferred that is absolu t c I v N ON-T A X- ABLE. Can, sell vou $100 or $10,000, in amount to suit. You SAVE in taxes $2.50 on EACH hundred you a ve in this. SEE nie at once. 1 A h.ivo wi not -'LAST MANY DAYS. C. C. McDONALD, Sto-ks(!c Bonds, Raleigh, N.C. COUNTRY CLUB 6' - 2nds. McDonald is in tbe niar- ket to buy COUNTRY Club 2nd Mori gage Bonds. Wi lias one $500 Count rv Club 1st mortgage to sell. C. C .McDONALD. Stoc kstt Bonds. Raleigh, N.C. MELROSE 8 . PFD. I have t wo shares Melrose Knitting Mill, x Per Cent Preferred Stock. Pavs I per cent every January: and July. Never misses. 'Eoual to 101 W 1o K'alcigh buyers. U. U. MCDONALD. St ocks& Donds. Raleigh, N.C. ELKS 6 ; BONDS. I have 2 $1(K) Bonds of ELKS. Pays :) ier cent Jan uary and July each. C. C. McDONALD, Stocks Donds, Raleigh, N.C. WILL BUY For 'rigid price 10 shares Garaleigli. Coiion Mill Com mon Stock, in- w ill swap you even 10 shares Raleurh ( 'ot- ton Mill Stock. C. C. McDONALD. St ocksit Bonds. Raleigh, N.C. NOW IS THE TIME. To Duy or Sell. If you have any North Carolina 1 or (I per cent Bonds and Want to Sell them NOW is the Time to Ju vn :iu tlw.v Drop in value $25.00 a thousand Mav 1st Tnv. .Time. (When tax rate is 2V- per cent"). comes after the stock. The 1st If you want to Buy, NOW is Hie Time as you save $25.00 a thousand in Taxes Mav 1st. This gives it to you Going an 1 Coming. C. C. McDONALD, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N.C. WILL YOU NAME A GIVE OR TAKE PRICE On Raleigh Cotton Mill stock.'.' -You to make the price." I a in to take at your price or have option of Bell ing you. I to buy or sell at your price. C. C. McDONALD, Stocks & Bonds, Raleigh, N.C. WILL TAKE OR GIVE "Will take $(!;) a share for Melrose Knitting Mill Stork or will give $50 a share. Take vour choice. C. C. McDONALD, Stocks Bonds, Raleigh,N.C. ALPINE 6' ; PFD. STOCK I have for sale 80 shares A L PIN EM ILLS (Morgan ton. N. C), (5 er cent pfd. Stock at PAR- and INTER- EST. Y mi pay no taxes ou this sloe l will trade it for ERWI 'IN 6 Per Cent Pfd. and give you $5 a thousand difference. . C. C. McDONALD, SlocksctBoiids, Raleigh,N.(1. Ismay Makes Complaint. (('(iiilimii'd From I'ago One.) the. crew, saved by .'cliiiKiiiK to an overturned lifeboat, told of Smith's efforis to save one of the children. He died the sailor's death; the child died with him. lomlnii Itnises VAk Kelirf Fund. London, April 20. Relief fundH for tlie Titanic survivors has reached over four hundred thousand dollars. Summoned i asliinlou. New York, April 20. J. Ilruce Ismay and other -official's of the White Star Line, Were subpoenaed by the senate investigating commit tee to appear before the committee in 'Washington Monday. Wireless Operators (Questioned. "'.New- York, April 20. The senate committee, examined Thomas Cottan, the Carpathia's wireless operator, and Harold Bride, the Titanic's sur viving operator. Senator Smith, in questioning the operators, endeavor ed to find whether any official sought to keep back jiews of the disaster. Smith sought to clear up the mes sages between the Carpathia and the Titanic. .-.""What was the last message you sent to the Titanic?'' asked the sen ator. 'We sent it word to have the lit o boats ready; that our life-boats were ready and we were steaming to them as fast as we could." Cottan denied receiving any ines sn;;e from Hie time the Carpal Ilia li'fi Hie sci'iic ol' tlie disaster until it ri-aclii'd i-w York. Coltaii d'-nii-il sending a message that all the passengers were biiTe on the Titanic, being (owed to llalita.v t'ottan testified he worked with out sleep from Sunday to Wednes day. l'.ridc lesi ilicd he inade no perma nent record of icehreg warnings, but gave a memorandum warning to the officers on watch. Hride said Sunday he intercepted a niessalio'. lrom tlie t alilorlan lor the Halt ic. aliout three huge ici'bergH lu'ir tlie former Vessel. "I gave tlie message to the captain, personally," Hride said. incciit Astor (iives Slo.ooo. New York, April 20. Vincent As ter sent Mayor Oaynor a ten thou sand dollar contribution .for the Ti tanic's destitute survivors. licgiilation of Ocean Ti'iiflic. Washington, April 20. The sen ate foreign relations committee lias agreed to recommend to tlie senate the adoption of a resolution looking tu international co-operation in the regulation of ocean truffle. HUBBARD BROS & CO COTTO.V MKRCHANT3 Ilauover Square, Ji. Y. Membern. New York Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange Now York Produce Market Associate Members Liverpool Otton Association. ' Orders solicited (or the purchase and sale of Cotton and Cotton Seed Oil for future delivery. Bjicclal attention and liberal ternn given for consignment of Knot Cotton for delivery. Correspondence Invited. DR. J. R. LOWERY, Ofllte 4ii Fayettevllle St. Practice limited to diseases of Stomach and Intestines. Olllce HourHt ft to I. Phone 21 1

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