THE RALEIGH DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1012. i 4 To Policyholders of Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Co. Raleigh, N. C, May 13, 1912. At a meeting held in this city to day a permanent organization was effected. Judge R. W. Winston was elected president and Mr. C. H. An derson, secretary and treasurer; and a POLICYHOLDERS' PROTECTIVE! COMMITTEE of five members was appointed. This committee ig com posed of C. B. Barbee, chairman, Raleigh, N. C, J. P. Ferrall, Ral eigh, N. C, J. Beale Johnson, Car denas, N. C, James H. Pou, Ral eigh, N. C, and W. T. Dortch, Golds uoro, N. C. ', This protective committee was au thorized to employ lawyers and insti tute such legal orother proceedings as in their opinion may be necessary to protect the interests of those policy holders who join with this association. The committee was requested to give notice that any policyholder of the Jefferson Standard who wished to join in the proceedings could do so by writing to the president, the secre tary and treasurer or the chairman of this -'committee, giving Ills name, address and enclosing one dollar per thousand for each thousand dollars of insurance he carries for himself or any one else in the Jefferson Standard. This one dollar a thou sand may be siilllcient, or it may not. If not sullicieiit, other cnlls will lie made; but the total of Hitch deferred calls will not exceed throe dollars, making the total liability - on the policyholders who join four dollars for each thousand dollars of Insur ance. Close accurate accounts and full reports will be made of all re ceipts and disbursements. The committee, therefore, Invites all policyholders of the Jefferson Standard, who desire to do so, to at once signify such desire and enclose one dollar for each thousand dollars of insurance to C. H. Anderson, Esq., secretary and treasurer, Raleigh, N...C. Liberty is given to any policy holder to withdraw at any time from the. proceedings, provided his dues up to the time of his withdrawal shall have been paid. The committee agrees to make no settlement of their own 1 policies which is not offered to every other policyholder who joins with us. If you desire to join with us, do so at once, as it may be deemed advisable to institute proceedings this week. In corresponding witn the com mittee, or any of the officers of the association, please enclose postage, as the funds are only thoso con tributed by the members. Very respectfully, C .11. BARBEE, Chairman. J. .REALS JOHNSON, JAMES H. POU, V. T. DORTCH, .1. l' KERRALL, Policyholders Protective committee. Jefferson Standard .Life Insurance Company. AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS Graffiti TBieattre AltOXSOV & BROWNE, Managera. MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. WAGNER & DIGGS, Comedy Sketch. GRIFFITH, The Comedy Trickster. LANG & MAE, Keren! ric I )ani'iii,Sin,i;iii and Comedy. AUONSOX mtOWNE, Manager. Notice! Come Around to Hear Our New $1,500 Orchestrion Piano. TO!.V OXI.V, BY SPKCIAI, RKyl lOST, WE WILL IUX AS AX EXTRA KKEL THE TITANIC PICTURES. RKtil'LAR PROGRAM TODAY, ' THE CHOCOLATE REVOLVER, The Quick Wit of Child and How She Fooled the Burglars. NIAGARA FALLS IN THE WINTER, ' ' . Scenic. ACE OF SPADES, A Good Western. rBOF. LEVIN'S ORCHESTRA. THE MAN WHO BUYS A BAD BARGAIN FEELS IT. STEIN" SMART mm 1E LUXE CLOTHIER. () n ,',' rir 'i ri r IF YOU have or have not mado uiiHatlsfactory purchases In tho Clothing Line,, we want you to Bee BOONE'S DE LUXE CLOTHES. They satisfy and In every Instance please. THIS IS GUARANTEED and all we ask you la "COME AND SEE" Blue Serpen, all wool $10 up. Tho new Greys and Fancy Milieu. Pin Ntrlpe In Blue and Greys. Full line of Mo lialrg. Hhoea, HaU and Furnishings. luxt auk for what you want. C. R. BOONE, DE LUXE CLOTHIER, 82fl FayettevllU Street, Opposite Market. ALL PHONES 281. 44 P K n GAMES YESTERDAY. National League. At Cincinnati Cincinnati-Boston; rain. At Pittsburg Pittsburg-New York called second Inning; rain. At Chicago Chicago, 2; Philadelphia, 0. At St. Louis St. Louis, 6; Brooklyn, 0. American League. At Boston Boston, 6; St. LouIh, 5. At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 0; Chicago, 7. At New York New York, 1; Detroit, 5. At Washington Washington, 2; Cleveland, 3. International League. At Buffalo Buffalo, 13; Providence, 5. At Rochester Rochester, 5; Newark, 4. At Toronto Toronto, 6; Baltimore, 1. At Montreal Montreal, 4; Jersey City, 7. American Association. At Toledo Toledo, 6; Louisville, 5. At Milwaukee Milwaukee, 2; St. Paul, 3. At Indianapolis Indianapolis, 0; Columbus, 1. At Kansas Clity Kansas City, 1C; Minneapolis, 3. Southern League. At New Orleans ; New Orleans, 0; Chattanooga, 4. (.i innings; rain.) At Ilirminghuni Bi.niingham, 2; Atlanta, 1. At Montgomery Montgomery. 2; Nashville, 1. At Mobile Mobile, 0; Memphis, 7. Siuth Aliunde League. At Jacksonville , Jacksonville, 2; Columbia, 1. At Albany Albany, 0; Savannah, 5. At Columbus Columbu'i, it; Macon, 8. ('urolinn AsHocintion. At Greensboro ('reensboro, 2; Winston-Salem, 1 At Spartanburg Spartanburg, I!; Greenville, 6. At Anderson Anderson, 5; Charlote, 1. CiOYEHXMKXT OWNERS. Claim Private OwihmI Heads Will . Save People Money. Atlanta, May l.'i. Comparative figures are being combined here wnlch tend to show, according to leading railroad officials, that if the government assumed control of ihe railroads, and Instituted the "gov ernment ownership" polici s in this country, the cost of handling traffic would be vastly increased, instead of decreased, and that private opera tion of the roads gives the public the cheapest and bent service. Under government ownership, it is stated, not only would the. cost of running the roads run up to a very high figures, Inn the tendency would be to higher rat"s so as to avoid the deficit which would otherwise nave to be made up in taxes. In this country the volume of traffic is very thin in comparison with the Panama railroad, and, of course, the larger the business, the' less should be the proportionate cost of handling It. However, (lie Panama railroad. with its' enormous business, has rates vastly higher Hum bore, and yet their ratio of cost is much in excess of the roads in the states. .-Tommy Knew Better. From Harper's Magazine. Mr. A '--, who was planning to build an outdoor sleeping porch at the back of his house, had an expensive new saw sent home from Ylrginla League. At Danville Danville, 2; Portsmouth, 4. At Petersburg : Petersburg, 0; Richmond, 3. At Norfolk Norfolk, 8; Roanoke, 5. At Lynchburg Lynchburg, 2; Newport News, 5. ( 13 innings.) Apjuilucliian League. At Brlston Bristol, 1; Cleveland, 0. (C In nings; rain.) At Johnson City Johnson Clty-Ashevllle; rain. At Morrlstown Morristown. 5; Knoxvllle, 4. STAXD1X; OF THE CLUBS. National League. Clubs Won Lest P.C. New York. ... . , ifi .8'MI Cincinnati. .. .. '. ,17 5 ,T.v. Chicago. . , . .... . .12 12 .500 Pittsburg ........ 9 11 .450 St. Louis. . .... ..810 .441 Boston.; ., .. ... ,. 9 13 .40!) Brooklyn. . ...... 7 13 .350 Philadelphia 7 13 .350 American League. Clubs Won P C. Chicago .... . . 21 .778 Boston. ......... 15 B .714 Washington .. .. .. 12 H .622 Cleveland.. .. .. .'. 10 11 . .J7H Detroit . . . . . . . . 12 II .401! Philadelphia .. .. ..- 9 12 .42!) New York.. .. .. 7 13 .310 St, Louis . . . . . . ,". . 6 16 ,273 Southern League. Clubs Won Lost P.C. Chattanooga .. .. .. 15 10 .600 Birmingham .. .. .. 18 13 .583 Mobile . . ...... 16 1.1 .652 Memphis .... .... 13 i ,f0) Atlanta . . . ..- . . . . It 12 .478 Montgomery ,. . . ,.12 11; .429 Nov Orleans , . . . , ,'-ia 14 .417 Nashville .... .... 9 15 .375 Clubs Portsmouth . . Richmond Petersburg . Norfolk .... . . Koanbko. . . . Newport Newg Danville. . . Lynchburg . . Ylrginla League. Won Lost P.C. 12 12 10 10 10 10 10 10 ' .11 - 8 , 8 .632 .571 .566 .500 .600 .476 10 .444 13 .316 Clubs Charlotte . . . , Anderson . . Spartanburg . . Greensboro , . Oroenvllle. ,. WInston-Salom Carolina League, Won Lost P.C. 11 6 .647 6 7 9 '(. 9 . . 10 . . 8 . . 6 .. 6 12 .600 .688 .471 .400 .294 ( A 7ant Ad in The Ral Mgh Daily Times Will Work Wonders lor Your Business. " An Extreme Cane. From the Chicago; Record-Herald. An Englishman makes the iuimi- tlon that' the - Bacoh'BhakeiDeare controversy mav ba uMlait hv opening of Shakespeare'! grave. In order to escape the consequence! of the bard's curie "Cursed be he that move! my bones," etc. The En ajlatupan proposes to have thf grave otonnVd' bv woman. It aaami tn -ha that this would b about n far an penpie couia go in tneir norta to take advantage, of a technicality. a hardware store He left his office early tlfe next, afternoon, with the intention of getting the porch well under way before dinner, as he was very much interested In doing the work himself, he donned a pair of overhauls and went at, it in good spirits. An hour or so later he came tramping into the house, hiB face darlt with exasperation, and flung himself down in disgust. "That new saw I bought isn't worth cents," he stormed "Why the thing won't cut butter!" "Oh, yes, it would daddy," lie said earnestly. "Why, Ted and I sawed a whole brick in two Willi it just this morning.!" Flagged Train With Shirt. Tearing his shirt from his back an Ohio man flagged a train and saved it from a wreck, but H. T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, once prevent ed a wreck with Electric Bitters. "I was in a terrible plight wiien I be gan to use them," he wriles, "my stomach, head, back and kidneys were all badly affected and my liver was in bad condition, but four bot tles of Electric Bitters made me feel like a new man." A trial will con vince you of their matchless merit for any stomach, liver or kidney trouble. Price 50 cents at King Crowell Drug Co. MMfEf Your House Work You who arc 1 inking for iin easier iiiHlind l' iiousc Ktrpiiifjr; will lo interested to know thai a word IVi mi 1 you ))i-ij)i;s this Gas Range Into Your Home Wlial's flic use (linii)iiio; dirty v(nd nr-mnV into a stove only to take it out aaiu in the for niof ashes, soot, and dust AVhat's the iise of huyiii "liiit wood," "co;d." "scuttles" ami "new grates" to say nothing of the lalmr and dissatisl'ael ion when Von can get perfect results with no trouble fur less money. By Using Gas What's The Use? Wouldn't.' it; lie better to just have the (las eonnee neetioti made in your house!1 Then all you would have to do would be to turn a little handle and ap lv a luatch. You would have a hot lire J X ST A X T L Y. ' : Think It Over Fowcir !raONlT226. ' 1 V Merchants National Bank, RALEIGH, N. C. With assets over Tw M ill ion (2,000,000.00) Dollars, is in a position to be of service to you. MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANE. i3 FOUR DOLLARS Deposited In This Bank Each Week Will Bee Toa ATitk TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS. ; : Ahe4 One Vear From Today. ' ; Too Will Spe4 It If Too Do Not Deposit It. Trj tag Toot Money- '- Vu. '.; Money to Lend on Approved Collateral. Mechanics Savings Bank Clias. K. Johnson, lreisldent. P. H. BrigK, Caiaer. Raleigh Banking and Trust Co. The "ROUND STEPS BANK" Since 1865. Stands For RELIABLE SOUND BANKING. An Honorable Record For Nearly HIf Century. an account fi? our Bank i '., -'. one writ save younoney 3 - mint's wife f.s the host partner he lias got IF he only izl'es her n C.AXCK. Give your .wife a hunk iicvtjiint mid it share of your confidence and she will snvo your money That is no sentimental theory, 15. . llurrintan left a vast fortune. I11S IVl-'J hatl it share In malclnsc It; ho left it to her, . knowiniX her ahility to handle it. Cive YOl'li ylfv a hank account ; she can suvo ytm r money. DoYOUK hanking with US. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK,, A. C. FOR SALE Sri.F.XDII) IIKSIHKXCK PKOI'KKTY OX N. HUH NT STItKKT. . N. FKHSOX NTHKKT. '' . . w. ,ioxi:s s'i iu:i:t. TIiohp plurrs are iiimlorn, iH-cupy the licst H(K'lal losltlona In the city, ami are in every way dcnirahle. The Parkcr-Huntcr Really Co. SKM.IXO AGEXTS. ARTESIAN WELLS We linve an (Mitlit in Kaleitfh now and ran drill deep wells1 there for the present-at special prices. ; ' i '. .'. -'''-'-. ARTESIAN WELL COMPANY Wilson, x. c. ; - ni-. i-.ii'rt' il'i v ;i.'!i'i'if.f..i ': 1 .1 -!JI I HUD !'") ; "Nothing Succeeds Like Circulation' and Uearlj Everybody Reads The Ealeirh Dally Timt .-.-.- i ti ; ' . i. - . ,- ... .-. .. . . ... . . . .. , , .

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