TIIE RALEIGn DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1012. 7' SHINGLES A COMPLETE STOCK OF STANDARD GRADES 1S, 2's AXI 3's- S.J.ADAMS Successor to LEN H ADAMS A Service that's so Good it Sells Twice The man who wants to get business buys our service: our service sells li is goods "a double-header." You forget tlie first cost when when you realize the service you have had. A booklet to 1e written, a letter to be composed or writ ten, or advertising to be writ ten or placed, will be handled to the advantage and satisfac tion of tlio customer; Raleigh Advertising & Letter Writing Co, C E. lt. CARP.OLIj, Mgr. Second Floor, Mer. Nat. Hank. The Peoples Laundry Company 2iAI,EIGIT, N. O. Has., the. Greatest Capac- ity. Most Up-to-Date. Highest Class Work. Prompt Service Perfect Satisf actorn or No Charge. A Trial Will Convince You. Peoples Laundry Co., LARGEST AND BEST. Offlce 107 Fayetteville Street, Both PbOMS 74 First National Bank (Jet a copy of this new picture, it's the hit of the .year. Nicely colored anil mount oil ready for framing, price only -" cts. ELLINGTONS ART STORE, RALEIGH, N. O. IRONS GYRAFANS EMERSON FANS Everything Electrical. ' Carolina Electrical Company, 223 8. Salisbury Street. MONEY TO LEND In Wake County Only. Rooms 18-19, Pollen Building, City. Ob Either Baal or JPeraonal Security. tmm . P COTTON STOCKS New York Cotton Letter. New York, May in. The market has been nervous and irregular to day. A good demand was met on the dips but the buying was not as general as yesterday. Official fore casts were favorable as they indi cated that showers were passing eastward and were being followed by clearing conditions in western and central sections of belt and they contributed to the early decline. The market opened ; unchanged to 6 points decline and sold about 9 to 11 net lower. At this level some of yesterday's big buyers came to the support of prices and the market steadied up to about last night's final figures. So far it would seem that the chief influence to a realiza tion that government report is so near at hand had been In the direc tion of restricting fresh speculative interest and in promoting a tendency to even up scattering commitments. The government report can hardly be more bullish than the private news that has been circulating and with the weather now better, private crop reports are now beginning to show improvements. Open. High. Low. Close. .Ian. . . - 11. B 11. 08 11. Gil 11.00 Feb. . . n. (ii Mai-. . , 11.73 11.77 11. 1!!) 11.69 May . . li.ns 1 1.41 ll'.:n U.:iu June . ...... 11.40 11. H5 11. at) July . . 11.51 11.51 11.S7 11.37 Aug. . .11.55 11. 6(i 11.48 11.43 Sep. . . . . . .. . . . .11.47 Oct.'.-. 11.05 11.05 11.54 11.55 Nov. . . . -11.04 11.65 11.58 Dec. . . 1 1.72 11.75 11.65 11.05 The market closed steady. ' Livoi'iifiol Cfittfiii. Liverpool, May 15. Liverpool line 8 to 10 higher. Opened steady, 7 Mi to 8 higher. 1 2: 15, steady, 7 to 8 Vi higher. Private cables f:om Liverpool savs nhspnee of hnulnnsii Neil Bros.'s report is colorless, but increases consumption. Spot cotton, fair business, 10 higher. Middling uplands, O.GOd. Sales, 8,000; Am erican, i.utio. -imports, 4,000, none American. . May . . . . . . . . . . .... . . fi.29 May-June ., .. .. 6.2V. June-July . . , . . 6.30 July-August ... . ...... 6.31 August-September . , . . . 6.29 Vi September-October . . i: 97 -October-November . ... . . 6.25 iNovember-Uecembe;-. . . 6.23 December-January . , .. .. 6.22V6 January-February . ... . . 6.22V6 February-March .... . . . . 6.23 March-April.. .. . .. 6.23 RALEIGH COTTON TODAY. (Quoted by Barbee & Co.) Good middling, t . . . ,.11 Strict middling.: .. .. ,. . .11 14 Middling.. . . .'. .... .. ..10 Low grades. . . . . '.., , .'' . . .-. 6 to 9 Receipts. . . . . . . . . . .25 bales New York Stock Letter. New York, May 15. The opening Was Strong and active. Wnll street being influenced by the meeting of uiiuiraciie miners ant! probability that work would Bonn he rnnmoH In the early dealings the result of v uuiuriua primaries was entirely ig nored. Before the end of first hour lead ing issues were off a point. From this point prices rallied until they we:-e once more about on a parity with last night's close. ', The entire day's trading was marked by great irregularity, spells of weakness suc ceeding spells of strength, with some stocks moving up while others declined. Canadian Pacific made a new high record, and maintained its strength throughout. Paper and Union Bag showed conspicuous strength and In the late dealings Erie was bought advancing prices. As a rule however leading issues were but little changer as a result of the day's dealings and the mar ket was very professional in appear ance. Sales, 691,000. Closing 8tck Quotation. American Cotton Oil .. .. ... $4 Amer. Car and Foundry .. . . 59 V4 Anaconda' Mining Co.. . . ; .. ... 42 Atchison . . .. ,. .. .. ..106 Atlantic Coast Lino ..'. .-. . ,140 Brooklyn Rapid Transit .... 85 Baltimore & Ohio . . .. , .109 Amalgamated Copper . . . . . . 83 New York Central linn Chesapeake & Ohio. . -. . '.'. , . 80 &ne .... ........ 36 Great Northern, pfd. . . ... ..131 Missouri, Kansas & Texas . . 28 Missouri Pacific ... . . . . . 40 Norfolk & Western .... . . 1 1 S Northern Pacific .. .. .. ..119 Pennsylvania .. ....... , ,123 Louisville & Nashville. . . . 1594 Rock Island .. .. .. .. .. 28 Repub. Ire 11 and Steel . . .. 24 Readinir. ..... ....'177 Southern Pacific . . . . .... 1 1 2 SnutliArn Rullwnv . )av Southern Railway, pfd. .... 74 si. rain , . . . .... . . . . 1 07 Union Pacific .. 17 9V. United States Steel . . . . . . 70 United States Steel, pfd. . .111 Virginia-Carolina Chemical . . 54 Cotton Seeil Oil. May.. .. .. .. .. 7.27 7.34 June ...... , . . . . . 7.26f7.32 July .. .. .. .. 7.3207.34i August .. 7.38 S 7.40' September . .... . t , 7.42W7.44 October .. .. .. ., (. 7.37()7.38 Sales, 8,200. Market, steady. Naval Stored. Savannah, May 16. Turpentine firm, 48 1-4, rosin firm, type F, 7.05 a 7.10, a. 7.15 a 7.12 1-2. The Wake Forest baseball team leaves tomorrow for Wilmington, where they have two gamea sched uled with the strong Atlantic Coast Line team. This la In way of a recompense for the dlsappaintment they received last Saturday when the elements prevented the A. ,and M. game bstng finished. GRAIN PROVISIONS Chicago Grain anil Prnvisions. Chicago, May 15. Wheat Cables easy and northwest receipts moder ate. No special feature. Local crowd sold early, but made small im pression. Commission houses taking their offerings. Some short selling of September on better crop reports from Kansas. Corn Strong, under good com mission house buying, led by Bart lett. The miserable grading here of new arrivals, causing uneasiness in May, and that option showing mark ed strength. Weather too cool in suthwest for crop. Oats Pit crowd buying on the strength in corn, seem to be good orders on scale down for July and September. Weather was not of best for growing crops. Provisions Strong under good commission house buying led by packers, some of it eredied to for eign account. Stock of cash lard controlled by packers, who are sit ting tight, demand, poor and prices too nign. WHEAT Open. High. Close May ..... 1.16 1.16 1.10'4 July .... . 1.12 1.12 1.11 Sep. . . . . . 1.07 MI7 1.05 CORN May ... ... .80 .81 .80 July ..... .77 .77 .77 ',. Sep. ..... .75 .75 .75 OATS May ..... ;.5- , .56 - .55 July ..... ' .52 .52 'A .52 Sep. .43 .43 .43", PORK --. May 19.15 19.15 19.15 July .... .19.45 19.47 19.7 LARD May "... ... .10.85 10.85 10.85 July . . ... .10.92 10.97 10.97 RIPS May . . . . .10.47 10.47 10.47 July 10.52 10.57 10.57 Roosevelt Forces Are Now in Charge. (Continued From Page One.) the only Taft mail on the committee The committee follows: First dis trictA. J. Moye, Pitt; second, R D. Paschall, Warren; third, C. C Vann, Duplin; fourth, Berry Godwin Johnson; fifth, W. W. Hampton Surry; sixth, J. B. Tucker, Colum bus; seventh, A. B. Coletralne, Ran dolph; eighth, J. D. Dorsett, Rowan; ninth, C. A. Jonas, Lincoln; tenth Fred B. Hemrick, Rutherford. Convention Takes Recess. Hon. Chas. H. Cowles of Wilkes- boro informed the chair that T. E McCreary was endorsed by the sev enth district convention for a place on tne credentials committee, but as no motion had been made to have the convention decide this matter, the motion that Mr. Cowles then made was ruled out of order. Some body made a motion to udjourn for an hour and this was done. The section of the Roosevelt caucus earlier in the day is expected to be felt in the convention this af ternoon. If those delegates were In earnest, there will be a powerful ef fort to sweep the present organiza tion out of existence. For the Reporter. The best of care is being taken of tne reporters, a large table giving them ample room. Both the Postal and Western Uaion have wires run ning into the hall and operators and messenger boys are plentiful. In addition to these conveniences the chamber of commerce left . some cigars on tile table and those who have tne desire may work and smoke. Among the visiting news papermen here are E. B. Jeffress, Lireensboro News; Winder R. Har ris, Charlotte Observer; Leake -ar-raway, Charlotte News, and Mr Harder, of the Associated Press, and Mr. J, F. Barrett, of the Asheville Citizen. (looil Music. The Third regiment band render ed some pf its best music. It is al ways equal to the occasion and its music today was highly appreciated Some Sneakimr. .'Chairman Walser called the con vention to order at 2:15, when the call for the convention, inadvertent ly omitted at noon, was read by becretary Grissom. Mr. Walser stated the committee on credentials would not report within an hour and asked us to the pleasure of the con vention. "Settle, Settle,' was the cry, which was followed by "Walser, Walser." Mr. Walser smilingly said that when Colonel Roosevelt was In North Carolina the other day he ask ed Mr. Walser to state that North Carolina declared for him before there was any band wagon to climb on. The crowd called for Col. Wal ter R. Henry, who was introduced as "The John L. Sullivan of North Carolina." Colonel Henry thought It was unfortunate that the time had come when republicans are disagree ing among themselves. The demo crat! need not take courage from that, because the republicans have a wonderful faculty for disagreeing and getting together. He said he stood 300 pounds in favor of that magnificent statesman, William Howard Taft. In Howled Down. "Notwithstanding that," he started to say, when the crowd yelled, "Sit down," and all the rapping by Chair man Walser, In an effort for order, were futile. It was sit down. Colonel Henry lifted his arm for peace, the band struck up, the crowd yelled louder, and as he took a chair a great shout arose. Mr. Corey, of Statesvllle, took the stand and declared be hoped it would never go out that any man had been discourteously treated. "Let him speak," the crowd then cried, and Colonel Henry resumed where he had left off with 300 pounds. There was an Interruption from (lie rilit. and the speaker czied, "Shut your mouth." He said he stood for Mr. Taft, but If Mr. Roosevelt were nominated he would bow to the will of his party and support Mr. Roose velt. He thought the success of tne republican party above all other con siderations. "Go, sit down," somebody cried and the Colonel subsided. Then Marion Butler was called on. He declared he, twenty years ago, stood for the things that Roose velt stands for, "the rule of the peo ple and down with the bosses." He was interrupted several times by applause, and once or twice was asked questions. The former Benator warned up to his subject, but the applause did not gather in force as he went along. He declared that Roosevelt's cam paign had sounded the deathknell of the convention system, of the domi nation of bosses of both parties. Judge Robinson Speaks. The crowd called for "Cy. Thomp son" and "Walser." Then Judge Robinson was called enthusiastically and he advanced -to the platform to say that "I just came up here today that whoever would speak lo such an audience as this should have some thing meet." He came, i i the classic words of the old man from Johnston, "A-wishing of no harm and a-hoping of no bad feeling for nobdy." Judge Robinson said lie would like to have the man who said North Carolina re publicans were dominated by office holders to smile on this i- invention. He would like to see Taft nominated by the democrats at Baltimore.-They ought-'to. for he has done more for them than any democrat, lie resent ed Tuft's charge made at Greensboro. The crowd was with him, yelli.ig "rub it. in," and refusing lo permit him to stop speaking. He said Teddy was the personification of all that make a man great. When lie can't do right, he does wrong, anil when he does he always does the demo crats. He was given a great cheer. Appreciate Hospitality, Secretary Grissom end a resolu tion expressive of the thanks of the convention for the cordial reception tendered by the capital city- The resolution, which was adopted by a rising vote, led Mr. Walser to say that he hoped Roosevelt would be nominated .with such unanimity. The resolution follows: "The convention of the republican party of North Carolina relurns its thanks to the people of our capital city for their hospitable reception of this convention. "The chamber of commerce and their - committee, the mayor of the city and its progressive citizenship, have given us a welcome which will always be a pleasant memory. "While our reception lias been so universal and so cortMal that our thanks are due to all, we may be pardoned for mentioning Col Fred A, Olds. W. S. Wilson and the conir mittees which have so courteously aided him. "Our greeting to the wide-awake citizens of Wlde-A-Wake Raleigh." Judge Robinson amended this by including everybody in Kaleigh. Former. Congressman Fowler of Sampson rapped President Taft and declared Roosevelt the ureatest man in the United States, lie was sorry everybody in the convention was not for Mr. Roosevelt. Air. Fowler said he wanted the Duncan men and But ler men lined up solidly for Roose velt and the republican party. Jacob h N ew ell. Jake F. Newell of Charlotte said he was against Taft four years ago and is against him now. There never was any excuse for putting him in and "we ought to be ashamed of it and I am." He spoke for Roose velt and the republican party. Mr. Newell was .given ail ovation. Rakes President Taft. Col. V. S. Luske, "the old repub lican war horse," was the ne;.t to appear. He threw Ms hat in the ring, and said it would stay in the ring until Theodore Roosevelt Is elected president. That sentiment was loudly cheered. He said he sym pathized with the Taft men here, but could not help them. He thought it should be unanimous for Roose velt. The speaker declared he would continue fighting -.Taft be cause "he Insulted me and every re publican in North Carolina." Taft called the republicans fools, and re ferred to the appointment of Judge Connor a redshirt man. Judge Robinson asked to be al lowed to interrupt. "If I had the entire democratic parly to select from, I would select Judge Connor as the best of them all. He Is a Christian gentleman." That did not make any difference to Colonel Lusk. He cited other in stances where the president had ap pointed democrats, the crowd yelling Its displeasure. Colonel Lusk said the president had iiiHtilted the whole south. - . 1'lclit Seems Likely. There will be a light made on Hon. John M. Moehead, state chair man, but his friends are reasonably confident It will not result In his downfall. Several Roosevelt men were arguing before the convention met of the necessity for having a solid Roosevelt organization, and if tne majority of delegates should take this view of the matter, Mr. Morehead will surely lose. His op ponents are not centered on any one man, they say, but It is understood that Hon. Zeb Vance Walser, of Lex ington, looks like the man who will be placed in nomination against him. Several county, and at least two district conventions, have endorsed ex-Senator Marlon Butler for nation al committeeman, and that gentle man has his schemes laid for the honor. If there are any other wires to pull, he will have his hands near them, prepared to do his best to ad vance his Interests. From letters that he has written to leaders for support It Is certain that he will go Into the convention with a united following, and If the contests are Sustained where his men won, his strength will be further augmented. But his opponents say Marlon Butler will never be Indorsed for national committeeman. Hon. Richard Pearson, of Ashe ville, seems most likely to receive indorsement for national eonini'ttee- mian, though Mr. Duncan's chances are not bad. The tenth district con gressional delegates are solidly be hind Mr. Pearson, and he has, by reason of his well-directed energies in favor of Colonel Roosevelt, won a strong following from other dis tricts. During the morning it developed that other names might be presented for state chairman. It was bruited that the name of Virgil S. Lusk, of Asheville, would be placed in nomi nation, as would also the name of Maj. J. E. Alexander, of Winston Salem. It was declared today that if a fight for the state chairman should be opened, the name of Col. Jake Newell, of Charlotte, will be pre sented. He has the endorsement of the Mecklenburg delegation and is red hot for Roosevelt. The four delegates-at-large may be Richmond Pearson, Zeb Vance Walser, Thos. E.. Owen, and Dr. Cyrus Thompson, it is understood that these men have been agreed on. Many Delegates Here. Hundreds of delegates and other hundreds of visitors arrived during the night and morning to be pres ent at the opening session. Every hotel lobby is crowded and enthusi astic delegates have lined up on the streets pleading their cause. Long before the hour for the convention was to be called to order delegates and visitors flocked to the audi torium, which was magnificent in its decorations. It was the admiration of all. FOR TKIl (INLY One Man Saiil "Tuft" ami Was Yelled Down Convict Breaks. (Special to The Times.) Crensboro, May 15. The fifth congressional district (republican) was all one way when it met here yesterday afternoon. It was a Roose velt convention anil while one dele gate from Surry had the hardihood to voice his sentiment and opinion in favor of President Taft he was promptly squelched,' howled down, etc., and from the first peep was heard from no more. The conven tion elected John T. Uenbow of For syth and James N. Williamson, Jr., of Alamance delegates; J. A, Hos kins of Guilford and R. J. Petree of Stokes alternates. The convention was presided over by .Mr. Uenbow of Forsyth, chairman of the fifth district executive committee and was harmonious. The delegates were in structed to vote for Colonel Roose velt for president as long as his name was before the convention. .Makes ISreuk. Eugene Moore, a white convict sent up for house-breaking, made a quick get-away from the convict camp yesterday. The man left the camp after dark but his absence was soon noted and it was not long before the officers . were hot on his trail and had him again In chains. The man had been made a trusty" by the guards by reason of the fact that no thought of his escaping was entertained. He has a wife in Oibsonville and a mother in Reidsville, Aycock Association Formed. Middlesex, N. C, May 1 5. Pur suant to a call issued by Mr. E. T Lewis, our worthy manager of the Aycock Memorial Association for D.-y Wells township, Nash county, a meeting of prominent citizens was held in 1 he Bank hall, lor the pur pose of organising and electing of ficers. The meeting was most enthusi astic and the following officers and committee, were elected: E. T; Lewis, manager; W. K. l!al li.ntine, secretary and treasurer; H. B. High, II. J. Morris, T. W. Barthol ome-.v. E. M. Tilglinian. Dr. P. B. Cone and L. N. Land, committeemen T5he RALEIGH'S LEADING HOTEL ONE HUNDRED ROOMS Each Itoom Communicatee With Bath. OAFB UNEXCELLED EUROPEAN PLAN. HUBBARD BROS & CO COTTON MERCHANTS Hanover Square, N. X. Members. New Tork Cotton Exchange New Orleans Cotton Exchange New York Produce Market Associate Members Liverpool Cottoi Association. Orders solicited for the purchase and sale of Cotton nd Cotton Seed Oil for future delivery. Special attention and liberal terms given for consignment of Bpo Cotton for delivery. Correspondence Invited. Electric Bitters Made A New Man Of Him. . "I was suffering from n&ln In m v stomach, bead and back," writes H. ' T. Alston, Kaleigh, a. C, "and my liver and kidneys did not wc.k right, bat four bottles of Electrio Bitters mad me feel like a new man." MICE 10 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STOREI. Want Real Classified Ads. are published at the rate of One Ceat a Word for each insertion, strictly cash In ad vance. No Ads. accepted by telephone, although mes sengers will be sent for them on request. No Inser tion will be given for less than 10 cents. Watch Times HELP WANTED. WANTED Good camp cook for surveying' party operating between Raleigh and Uoldsboro. Apply to North State Hydro-Electric Co. Shepliard Building. 5-15-2t. WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ten boys. " Good wages and light work. Appiy at office Raleigh Cotton Mills. . 4-23-t.f, LOST AND FOUND. LOST Brooch, clover leaf design, set with pearls, diamond -center. Suitable reward if returned to Times office. 5-1 5-1 1" LOST Subscription list of the 'Ireensboro ' Daily News 011 Fay etteville street. Reward If re turned to Times office. 5-1 5-1 1 LOST - On Fayetteville or llillshoro streets or on Hoylan avenue. Large pearl pin with diamond centre. Finder will receive reward at this office. 5-1 5-1 t LOST A black silk braided coat on North Halifax or Wilmington street .Monday afternoon between 4 : I'll and 5 o'clock. Reward if returned to 4.17 North Halifax street. 5-1. VI t. IjOST J5 reward. Jack, fox ter rier, white; one eye defective. Bring 10 Times office and get .$5. 5-i:i-i;t FOR SALE. FOR SALE Rustic benches. J. E. King, 303 S. Blount St. 5-14-2t RHODE ISLAND RED HENS FOR sale; fine ones. Phone 857-F. 5-i;:-;',t K'K! ICE! N. B. Strickland's stand, West and Lane Streets, now open. 5-1 l-4t BRICK Beat quality. On hand '. ready for prompt delivery. See T. T. Hay or Jno. W. Harden. Kaleigh Brick Co. 4-25-2!lt FOR RENT. FOR RK.VT Building 40x10(1 good location for storage or other bus iness, lint reasonable 3 year's lease. Near Fayetteville street. Pepsi-Cola Ilottling Company. 5-1 5-1 t I I i:ISHKl) HOME FOR RENT ti rooms: most desirable location in city. Reasonable price; great bar gain to right party. Address Mrs. T., I)ox 255, Raleigh, N. C, 5-13-15 KOR REXT Furnished room, close in, with bath, electric lights, and telephone. Ladles preferred. Ad dress "J" care Times. 5-14-r.t FOR RENT Nice front room. Good board. .Mrs. Reid, 118 North Mc Dowell street. 5-1 4-2t FOR. KENT .lime 1st. 7-room house Willi all modern inipioveuieuts. Apply to (i. S. Tuc ker h Co. 5-14-1 f. FOR RENT Office rooms, -Apply to Edgar E. Broiighton. 5-10-t.f. SALESMEN AOKXTS MAKE RIO MONEY. Quick sales of our patented specialties. 'Send for free particulars at once. Walsh H Co., Ampere, N, J. :.-i5-::t .-'.. AtiENTS: lilti MONEY yl'ICK Selling our 200-page story of the Titanic Just Issued. Gives illus trations of the principal characters of the disaster, all poems and praise offerings to the gallant dead, views of the sinking, in struction in life-saving in time of accident. Published in art folio style 9x12 Inches, bound in paper, clolh or leather. Price $1.00 in paper, or 11.50 In cloth, including a year's subscription to the Okla homa Bulletin or Wide West. Send 50 cts. for sample. Manily B. Updike, Muskogee, Oklahoma. G-EMit MISCELLANEOUS. A MILLION TRICKS WILL 1JE sold In this country. Exceptional opportunity for energetic man with small capital to bundle best designed, most saleable line or commercial trucks in America, J. R. Spraker, (Serretary) Yar borough Hotel, Raleigh, N. C. 5-1 4-2t SEE ALEXANDER GEORGE for pure, fresh Ice cream cones. Have moved to back door of market. B-10-7t LADIES 11,000 reward; 1 positive ly guaranteo my great successful remedy; safely relieves some of the longest, most obstinate, ab normal cases In three to five days; no harm, pain or Interference with work; mall $1.60. Double strengh 12.00. Dr. B. A. Southlngton Remedy Co., Kansas City, Mo. 4-mt - Bargains? Classified Ads. EDE.NTOX PACKED HERRINGS IX small barrels. Britton Pearce. . 5-15-2t WALTZIXO AND DAXCI.VO WED- nesday night at Pullen Park. Good music. 5-1 4-2t WE ARK ESPECIALLY OLA I) TO send out such stock as we are getting in lish. Britton Pearce. 5-15-21 - , WANTED City property to sell oil commission, am in position to handle all kinds to good advant age; if you have any kind .any where see me; fair dealing my motto. J. J. Wilson, 239 S.'Wii mington St. 5-13-15-18' FOR ICE, CALL 41- Powell. -POWELL & 4-16-tf TRCl'l, SKA MILLETS, LARGE croakers, llouiiilers, butters, r.ie shad, .buck shad and other assort ed lish. Are liner and cheaper than ever before at Britton l'earee's Market. 5-15-2t CHEWING TOBACCO; all kinds can be had at Pegram's Smoke House. . 4-191t.f. HORSE EXCHANGED, OENERAL, heavy carriage, or delivery horse to. exchange for smaller horse for family use. Address B, care Times. 5-8-7t OCR FISH come regularly twice a day. Extra large bunches. .Brit ton 1'eun e. 5-15-2t SMOKERS' GOODS; also cold drinks and newspapers. Pegram's Smoke House. . 4-19-t.f. i;r,T ME Fl'RXISH YOU with fresh, pure drinking water from Mor decai's Spring. A. L. Foster. Phone S49-F. 5-10-t.f. WHILE OTHER EATAHLES ARE higher, lish are liner 'and-'-cheaper at Britton I'farce's Mnrket. 5-15-2t. -" SPECIAL SALE BIG QUART BOTTLE QUEEN OLFVES 25c Olives from 1(lc to HOc bottle. Full line of Pickles in bulk ami in bottles. HAMS 20c TO 22c LB. PHONE -8 YOUR ORDERS. OCR GOODS AND SERVICE WILL PLEASE YOU. V. H. J. JOHNSON, (Successor to D. T. Johnson & Son) 16 E. Fhuvett 8U. Ralelsb, N. 0. FOR SALE QUICK Family horse, 12 years old. A child can drive him. Extra good road horse. Needs no whip. One rubber tired buggy and setof fine narness. Sold with absolute guarantee. The first $105.00 we Bee takes the entire outfit. V See I s First, if You Wish to Save Money.. 1 large Refrigerator, 1 Roller Top Desk, 1 Chapel Organ cost $175.00, 1 extra good Upright Piano, single and double Wardrobes, Mahogany and Oak Chiffoniers,' Brass Beds. BufTets, Toilet Sets, Rugs, Druggets, Ice Cream Refrigerators and Severn I small refrigerators. One extra good Surrey and Harness, Dining Tables, etc. one hundred toIIb of Rubber Roollug. This Is roofing of good qual ity . and a big bargain for any one who tan use It. Four floors of everything on earth for sale.' We guarantee to save you fifty to one hundred per cent on any thing purchased here. We not only sell, we buy' most any old thing mentionable. We sell for you on consignment and let you affix the price for each article. How can you lose? Don't keen anvtbinir around th house that you do not need and Ih in the way. Send it to un anil m sell it and send you the money. inn, wtho or telephone for our terms ami system of illuiioHimr r everything. It will Interest you. e Nea on time, giving you lib eral terms, and we have no collec. tor. lou come around and pay u when you have it. We salary of a collector. KALEIGH AUCTION HOUSE, Private Sales all the time. Auction I NNv I u-'l