-THE SENTINEL. 1 1 llATfcs'oF AbVERsKl. ' TPH!HS OIBCHirTIO!V. '.! . -IbeShruUtiun of the 8ml Bikf it ens of tbe Biost dsfbahle noiihoik f arrtMti; ii) tlie Sute. AilrsrttMjraants, oflrjIng the spaoe of 16 imec of biuuob tjp er lass, which w eU a xpiara, charge M fullows fur biMitloa la tka weskly i , . tot oas InjerMon, , ; ' ' '. $1 U0 ' For tws UiiierlHinn, . I ill IVmuMBuAiU. , , . , , 41, -n f Swi For two mnatlii, '' ' ' .':' f Off JOD WO UK xBUd with aaatoemi at lbs BaaTi- I l HI I ! ! HI '""'111" TbW.T JW ssAUihe evsry Taswlsy laeraumir.,,: .-.., . .. - t . Rm WiuL! oa ftatisrdajs u4 Wodaa.dayi ! ' 'Wwkly, anvMV' to idfuo ' : gwiljtrokly, lx taoathaln i4tum, ! . fiMjf,taw' Wf - i -. . , ; Dully, tbrM mowliW. -' :IAU. awatk' . . )U 16 I W IH IH I WOUti) HATlltiR hlft KIOM ;. 1 , VOL. V ItAIffUfKSPitYa JULY 17, 1 8 CO. I I.. . Jl. . . ' . 'f'-t ' I'''. ' 'i I .,1 ,'f. , .- lat'-'-'-l." 1 I -V- vV !- '.l' !'',",, r ' ''f r'1'" l " ; '' " 'yl Jj --iU llj : ijUli- t';"JL ' .. W'-'vW'V'-.:';.' v WEiKLY: . ' . - - i,l- .J -I 1 V ' , ' .. ....). V : .' " ..i. - ..,.., ....... , 1 : "' . . '; - ' -r ' ' .. j'.. .. " . .. '' --.'. ' , m ; ." ' ' " " ' " ' i " ' ' T " .'. ' : i--J 1 -1 t r -." . ,t ' " . ' .' i - L . rj7 ' ' .'. i ' ' j - I " ! - . - i. ti .- r. T ' -; t ' T?he Amended Constitution. . j A brief review of the mora important amend onnts of fhe f oDitjtutioB way aid the, people in determining their action. W hava, aluilad to the arranging aad iystematiainu of the oil Constitution, a an iinpfertaM feature. The ii. i struma ia- anwemparatively' plain and easy to be imitewtood.; '.':: .."fhe flrsT noticeable amendment occurs in ti e I Jill of Uigtitu, i6 the Clause which secure a ' juryirial totofliaidefft. .' This formerly applied tpr nlf otfeacci, great and email. ,No w, it i pWr- vidoJ,,tliat the Legislators may institute Courts, without' juries,' to hear and adjudge small ir" jirtty- misJomouuor, subject to appeal in all cases. This provision, seemed to be required by the enormous etpenae seciuiog to Countiea and -ihciirnAnAttd' to'wtts, By ' the, delay of the o system, which often, in minor offences, thjit t iightililrt' orire'a(rminsd by the Maglatraojr, uidiir ft''dpertfon 'required the party to bo akdiifcjpri )iiry, m ine puiun; expense, ma aiueiiiuiiei: i, under jiidfcimifrmanagament it is believed,' W II prove salutary. That jgveuf principle ofliliart , tin.' rig,ht of tHal by jrtry", ,is left unharmed. The clause in the Bill of Rights, aliolialiiig sluvt'ijiS inwlti conformable 'to the previous .'art ion it the Convention nd Legislature, ard to the G'oustitution of the UuiUl Stntes. . -i 111 the IiegbrtatHe department two chnngfca live been mtkojo. . The fimt, in the basis oi rB presentation, waa perhaps one of the most im portant Klo)tel Ktipreeentation in the Honfe " ((' f'ominitna Is, iH(h amenieI Constitution, liftwil ufMrnlW nmnlKTof white people in (k St iite, ami nut, a heretofore, upon the wliitls liild yireiirtit'Ll,of the owlorej veople, or, as it Iihh bseSi called, the-Federal bani. The justice jUiw.l. utility .of. tb t chunge have been seriously queHtioued. Tfae Slacks having always pre . dominatud in tbo Kiiat, ave that section the preponderance in the Legislature. This' has .always 'been a ntattcr of complaint on the part it the Weat, wljoae white population txceedad the colored, , While the blutka were recognised ' both, . as' proptrty - and. partly as' 'persona, tie . propriety, hi' ajlowiug them , reprneenlatioa was moie rcaditv'Hdilirttel,"lmt ain-e tliey are o .mt;er Ui ld as jutiperty, the, advocates of tjie 'wliHH basis tout' I see no lunger the iHHiewiity i)f giving represi iitntion to tliu liltttka in a "wliilte nuiiVs" jginei Hinent.1' There are, however, ci I'lit rensona' for liejieving that the action lis premature, espw:ially as a matter ot policy n ho pVcWlV state' of'nu'r n'at iohaf a'lfairs. Mo(e- v:r, inaamueli as tbe interests of the blacks are to have an important share in the future lc(jisltttiin of tlie fountry, it would seeiii they ought to lie iucliidbd inthe basis. qf rppresena- , li"ii, just, as white wonien and cliUlrt'n ni: rolititally and MrtiUy, ; they are. . psiili"! ''.PV.,'i!"! occupying 'the fV " latiiin of vuutt- to- the- Statej--bence need ijig 'pr.Jjertoii '!() j WtfslWoh,; though ileeipeit fa : 'yrynljhsaa'Whrte- iitlitldtieft and femai are, .of Trtjwiwi'ff 'fk furfctiotis oif itlwnslii p( lleckoiiiiitliem:' in ths baaia of represontati in '(joes not, VceasHi'iiy, nor contructixe(y, biclu Je (lie neci-tifity of giving them suffrage. Place Weui'inWA tbfe ShAnti thiotlhg of SvWte children, 'iia mSn.ora,'"' (anil' iio sensible man can place them i.n MpiwbMfge' Mgner,)' the custems jof umiikind have rtevet acorrrdedto them suftVae, until it can be shown they have attained their majority. But tbe demands' o, the. West cpqld no Ippgcr be delayed and we are inclined jto " Aliiirk it; was projier' tQ jfield a the demaqd, : . eapcciail'x '. f s; the ' cla'iult irf true conservatism were regarded iw -tbilpg Hie property basis! of r. presentstioft'fijr tl)e.6cnat., " : : ' ' - We'aret however, at a loss to account for tlie '.'yrogri 'jof p'u'te,,or, airopls demoeratio vfeis, if nmSftrVativa' neonle.' which . ., ..11.1. L rui . i u would igiiore jdiogother the claim of pipeny.l as 'a" ehtef bdaia "of ropresfcntation. ' Wtj ira "stfckler tor tbe "riyhU of the people, but wa .can never rwogniatjwwev rights in mattersjof -yovenwymt, when they nuiat, certaiuly, iaure te the dnmaire of society. If human society were perfecf, pr ev,e approached to perfection, ana if men wore impeccable, the interests of propeky ' bo committed without hazard to the control of any andj alt persons; bni fMniirt'.'sfljl Jle-. generate, and liable to the influenoe of evil, kuj man legislation caanot.well thww arauad tht-m toiMiuwy , guards, . providel.tiy ..'do. not In-" ' JViiL'e the Bfkirf and ' rnalienabre righu f riiem To aay Uut -the inUicat,, of society kre : m$ it)' th Tiintl of; gorxl msrt who-' are fa .1tJtliiLle.ias in the hands ot men own "ing pfopWtj5, ikstaJityjjkeggiDg the questionj-T, - Good men wiH Hto-right, if they know it, pul what custom or law, are only gtod aad i$t men lallwe.rTWrwBMwIn Thi Fftf, I might be largely: elaborated. riecondly, the LegislMre.ia,.1wstr(ined,.bire- ' nfrcr,; fftihr rnakiwg 'appropnatums of ' jmi money or Irom i assuming pecuniary responsiblli sr 'file Q uestion has been submitted tv. except alter anif adopled" Ihtto;, times inccessively, ''ind b a .'.QftUjroithaicftsan.Bay on each vote, Tii Srs-iegarda moai wrfe said salutary gukrd ' vijilipiiJld' Twwry.; Wise'end heeesamy ' expeiidUureor rreponaibirrty may hy this moaha :1 .tcfeated Ibr . time, but tlwi sober sw ond i thougUt will correct ny evil wticbiay aria. -i Iron IS. . rurvuef commeo la umernjuiuiauam , I U: ' "Onr friend of the Raleigh Sentinel seem to think it would be awful bad policy to ruti a, Candidal ngaiiist Got; Worth, and bey lufw have a great deal to lay about our being united and causing no division among enrsetyes, for getting that last Fall they were foremost in ch- seaderuur division and strife, while many of pa plead for harmony, and for the sake of pcajce were; willing to take gentleman for 'Governor whose previous course we could not, and ill J not, fully ' endorse.' Rut circumstance alqer oases with the BetUttol.- Wetern Democrat. Our Mend, ef tho TkMoern, is simply piis(a ken in bis application of motives to the Senti nel. We favored the election ot Go. Worthy last Falli for" the" reason that' we have Pftfcu eiven : that w became morally certain, that if Gov, Holdon were run alone, the people woafld not voe lor hirii and we should be presented to the North in the damaging attit ude of bayijig but ten or fifteen Ibfusand TJnion men. inlue Sta It' Gov. HoLleu had run aloiie( he. would .mt have1 obtained riiori than' fifteen1,, thousand V0U4, fofami the gentlemen who had urged that reason upon u. that, if there mrint, be onnositioil to Irrip out the tfrilon 'Vote"," We .Ue'l lt'iti.Uie flovei n; ment to select' a 'lwtter Union " man,' with a lietter llniori record, fhsn .Governor doni and . it was .theu . tliat ( we named Jonathan Worth1 aa that man. When he became a candidate, we supported him I or that resaonj and for the additional one that lie had Int'ii more con-ristcnt as a public man, nn re refiuUle as a man of npi-r juilgmont ami expo rience, and poaaessing tar more administratLve ability. ' These, in our judgment j were" rehsJms shfliciently utrong to Influence our action. Tlie natwnal p(ium ,ot tuiuAWf- h :tbeP ,Jf'e ttrongcat influence upon us, and the sequel fully sustains the correctness of our position For whatever influence GuV. . HoUlen tlien had with the President, we felt sure would be neutralized by his subsequent course. ' Is th to a considerate citiaen wbo-dm-s not teel positi ly certain, that the condition of the State is ar bet,ter, at tlie prcatmt lime, than it would hive been, it Gov. Ilolden had been elected ? Every one must think ao, except those who lieliove that Tennessee is in a bftUtr condition than North Carolina ; unless his election -niiglit In ve cured him of his Uailical, strait sect procliri. ties. ,We aduiit that that imyht have betin- tlie 5se. :i .; 1- 'Hence, thmr, 'thought the:"bjitt to bu oli tained jnstitleJ tile risk of division. Then.tiHV 'two adverse parties or classes divided the oiin- ions of the Htate. All pinlussed to be siqipdlT ers of the President, but tlie people, who knf'W the men better, than the President did, dinefed simply as-to the proper man', to carry out policy. ' ' " -j -' The Jt)idrrnt is. mistaken in 8Ui)osijig t is at wa aro uiieasy nr alarineil at the idea of all tip ooaition ' to (Jov. Worth' no. ( ilstional grounds we woiild 'depfecate division ami nj? the jupjmr'ters (if President John'sop in t lis Htate. As we have repeatedly saidrthere is but one Issue before onr 'people, I. o.' shall TWlial isra or President 'Jonnson',H polii'yj prevail i If 'the fiiends of Itadicalism 'eliouid see'at to C )tr centrate opposition on a cnndlilate n'gainat G iv. "Wortb,' we shoutd neitlier object nor 'complain, tf a niajiirity of ' the ..'friends of Constitutional Union, or if the public "feeling in the Htnte among the friends of President Johnson's polity, plainly inditatad such disat'iHlaction with 0iv. Worth aixl bis laduiiiustratumi a& ildvelopeJl a ' decidvd prefereace for some oneclse, wehavejno idea that Gov. Worth wonht have afiowed iis name tn bs naed for re-election Utit publicsbp: tlment, Tio(h lefore and since the announcement Lpfliii.nsme, basixpMsaetl an fully and. uneqijiV'' '- ocaijy the confidence et the people in him,. Una their prrfeinoe tbr his ve-eK-ction, tuat we ;w noi'atiticl)ate o'ppp'sitiob from that quarter. ... "in'theinajter pfarqmintnien InosS who, only liKiking upon the outside if ithiqg",' complaia. .Were tbey cognizant of all the facts they wotdd not. Yet admitting tlwt theri is cause 'of complaint about the few appointments which unfortunately m- many wanted,; j(nd hence, many were obliged to lie ;diappoiided, we canaot heliev that the patriotum of jtle. tVieiidS of Copstitutional Ifnlon can be so ska) )ow,'as,'tio jbopard iho harmony and nhionj of tlie friends or Presideni Johnson's policy for a treason so trivial and o sinister. . , .. -i ' j ':''VitiMib prltA3i$ Ofetv It is stated' tii'at Jljaji Gba.jiccfi ffiieasedi by . order,' ofjrjen-. Grant, irt advaaea of th official publication of tlie proceedings of the Coert Martial artel of bis acquittal.. JThjp' Major i certainly at lwge Mid amended ChureU in this city on yesteray VVecongtaiubtte him, bis family, and tho friends of justice iid hninanity, upon his Testbratioir tr Tiberty: ' ' Th exalted teatiinoh; borne Ibj his ,cjiaracte:.au. worth ;n, tlie trial, the evidence of hi kiadnce and hnmhity n. tlie tryitig positioB'iii Which k was placed at Hsbiry, his Buffering in conflnenieiif iinii th manner in Whicil e bre, tliera,' wilb still further raise him in the public estimation. , l- j A skeptic thihka"lt very extraordinary ih'afi aa as otW talked like a man. - Isn't it nfofe extraordlnkry 'that thousands" of men ' are ' con UbualTy irtMt'Mfca-'MSB I . VriJU J'. A baodsome ckorch, tn oust . 150,000, i being erected at arywwi.N. .y.f as afc memorial, to WasbingtOit Irving. 4 1r j...-t ,., i . . , j ' , , iEllARKS bp. ME.' COSriGIASD,, OF BAIIFAX, in Convention, Jam ViUi.. 18W,vb the, dau tn . the revued. Constitution mmfyin tke quaiiji- egtioa$ ofOfvernir ,- .: " Mj. Pbbhidkht irrnder .tjtft present Ctoyti-1 muon i,xoin v,Broni)n,,'na,tnrmjjeu pmans are eligible tq all fttate oficcs, ,Oo the. ucc4i .: a, ' ; . j-t i.J.. . ' J ramng oi iim reyiBeti ynsntwijoii, n was pro posed to con Hue tlie office of Qovemor io. naiivc Qjtizrps pf tlc. United SUifea, an4 Jjiis prp4M' seemed to meet the approvsjljofbfl.Conyeption. The rtetegatpilroii) Wake, r,. Moore, .no ! fers an-amendment citcmUsi; tljeclli.gijijlity that office to citizens of iwntv vears ataniJi ot to ; which-vrould pot pjieratc as a, tliUJ. exclusion or ,citzens of forejgn birt It ls,pon tjii jjuVtid- mcnt tnatl Jbeg to be andnlgeiiftir, a.pljort J in .audressing he Convention,; . Some members, malje disuosisl to tkiaih tliaL , I ought not to enter upon tlit discussion of this cd to the same view." But a. liUJe rcfisotioir don vinces me that I was wrong, uiasmucli I stand fiera solely, mimyjcprcseatotw ousrscti liidceii, ao Jong us 1 have tlMi Jioiior ot. a snao this, floor, my. individual niay ,'! aid to on bo merged in my rcpreaeutative being. il'lie.viicj ,o my mstttijcnta ought not tarriosucnccrt, cause ot any delicacy that may be suppnae attach to me in giving utteninen to It. , i to . I can havo no personal itvteHwt in-tlie ' dof ls ma et tins qaestmn; sntl, prnetionlly, it is not much importance. During the Whole lienoil our independence as a eorpmoii wealth, we liive lifld, it occurs to' me, but oue OoVernor ot 1 eign birth, and be is foimd among Urn terv or-, rst is on the list. IV niav be-anked tlH;n; where now tiro necessity of the bita'i fcxrilusirm of the naturalized citizens fropi tlris 'position! TBi re al i)c- is notliing' to exeitf our -fears from 1 politic Cpuibinationsot this class of citizen; the WlL number m lnhhbitnlrts of loreigh birth in N ili. Carolina dies ilrit exceed a,30Hi . . Were we even .to allow the ; Constttiitioij to remain unchancred in .this rarticulnr. a 'Citizen of thi? .class, miglitiiot be elected Governor of tlie state tor, tu.e snmn spnee in tlie lpuittf as such lias failed tp ,bc elected intba pnst.'sp.llmt in fact, the question, is .theoretical .rather, tliiin practical. ' Ccrtalolyhq proposed aniendnient is not intended jto tneilitatjo the prpgrcssm slicll a citizen to the position hn amendment wllich I Supi)ort, 'arid Wliicli Would have satisfied th6' rcqnirclnents of ttlchiost Excited jmrty times. I Will not, IVtr. Presijeu(, discpstliia question it al! Its bearings, i have no purpose. to retivii old issues. , I( my no ntdiiai on this,, or liny other Subject. My views on immigrants kml Inimigration, are as.coiiPervRtiyi; as those of imy i1ntluuian on this fliKii.. I.disire, it is tjua to. see the stream of immigration flow in this! di rection, becnuw every dayV observation toji: vinccs'm'e that the labor of the -freed man. -tshmfc tijliaUc ami will cipitinually beconic less reliable than it now is. I am rjompelled, toil, tp rejiarj. the treeii population as a,nios ilangerous eje ment jh our midst,' -.ipQfiifclj ' niorq xq ,tlmn when the same population cxinled among lis s slaves.; If we can niana"C, by the,; labor oftis pouulation, to bridge; over the pbuRDi Ifuln slaverv. until wecan suonlv its wlarr bvlllui, f while labor pfj tije iirirjigi-anf, it(w al yiat .,Unsl. f 'and'more'tlian I .hope lor. 1 .desire. iinniigriion depend for the devefoppiflr'ot our rfi?pureisu men na n loemin ui an eui upon, ii, .wu .ihui. without it our progress in material improve- J ment must be slow indeed. Let immigration come: f enre nofco"wlmt eirteiit.'Hrtit let it al ways be wielded and cdirtrolleVi by tSfc resit cut Southern popullioH,j an. .tbut. tlie iuiniiL' apt -may be educated to our washes, mid niuy, n, no, lima, entertain. .ricwa.,iuicojisietMt.. with our sociid or political nuUfiiia.,;.iI woaldi eiUon 1 to the .immigrant tlie I dcsaiuirs oi good uotwiim Aen t , Sad the privilfgea-ot ciltzenahipv aftur a Isnfo period f probation,. but Jet:liim,cpmf! kerehs a tributary, as a,nicaua.oiijuplyBig our wifiits. of developing our, resources. ltatiuiiUl ." that be should corne as a uredoaiinant or imlqcijilnH .interest, L would cousanb we ahpuld -feiuaiii for, a thousand., years as we are. :d.idosir...thut the BoittU -: shall, ,riej .tkc .dontlj-l. belieyo tlyj tSouthcrii people aro tenacious of uie, mndaih in Eqroiie tlie Celtic race haai preserved its. riist- hco , .and charaaterUtics. through. Tuntutiri - .of oi)pri'artion,iiit.'iulei la. txtixpatu. lt,i so ii amJ satl&fied, will tliei Soul ht'4-n people, .even -W dw.J the, Bmat advorae ircnmstBnc8si.eoiitiiiui(j to, rqlrrtjio. Soirtluun .atiUtesv artd.giv,ton(j and character to, the iiihabiUntaitlioriiL 110 laitter V'li.. no,w miMieroi'H.iiiay. ve vneoccumiiiui,iiiuiiiif) t 1 .1 ; I . countries aou sectvonai; j ,;vri...i j. - 1 1 T find I ho tthlt, sir; wtttr Brfdtf oT Tiirfli on theicoiitrahr. I aCkjiowle'dHrf it'M 4-iti' Pisde.' 't-kkiw ,-VeW 'thaliA- fhow'itft'totwwiwot Urn-- J blessings wlrich 1,'fnyselt,' enjoy, H Wa llow f sattsfactiob -Irf -ttii iflde rwhlfch niy ww children take in their ldrtbright as Nbttb L'arJ olinians, and while, on" oti Side, nlief"can look fack U a liiui;11nel)f Wcektiytifirn'OM licrjmil; let Pre not be Weehiefl ' ecrPtistteal ill shViiiL'. U shaU lie 'my effort' sh t6 Uve'piat, 'When' they vhft dkl jh4 prove hhmet U&ttiker unwoj-fliy of bis ciUztnaliio wilii i.aohlc.anil.eBck-otiS' - r . . . . - -1 . ?LOT?SfT TOJSSTCW 'IWV 1UUUV vaii viimviiniuu, .iw fvv Tvv-iiJ. w .,4,twfiiel. "Ti iln.-i rba1 anAVTl loVwl ich'f Laai .1 t. ,v. .i, i' - JLl, er to grant it to extund or limit Its' 'eiercilcf a in their judgment-may seem licst ; it.hcconjufc a Hill hllflllBmi, i. niut uv ,ni,.iif, Xight onLy wtiua. Oncficanlercetkniwl, wIh ii bnre cou tcrrcd. . a . be f orb itod , kti t. for oiiina I- 8m tlie Question now is.ahat k .rudiCwW it ex: pedient, wbai Isi wisaii Is it vfcei(j wirluile the foreign. botn from this. ofUscoinderalk oS silJe cicoumstancesi Jbme sripposeani-infitnt,- bornia Eprope, lniou(;lit to ur shores, not. ilirire :tuan orMi mootit.plJy JL oase. uy, nicaaa im posniUe. i Hero ha sucks .in ithcliaaLk.jwi his mother' . breast, Jisrq. he lives, horb he gtnwe up . to manhood this k his. horjp b hak po , oilier, i"S, '7 '" ;ouuirji ikuiy .te'-.V,1 everv wbfKly delf, evekv babbling ; tirobK'. i other ; bfy miwinir 'rivcrj liecqmcs dear' to ."biiii ssl tbe haunts f his. V'vKobd ; hercf'Tbe 'acnulre his r.lnrutirm Hern he devote liimnj-lT tin' his imrl shils anil engage in the battle ot Jifp, hi terests "mm identirietT With" tnfTT-the M ato, - and, possibly, lie rnsy'ponsestfie teansenpent abilifma.of a RufRi or i Ustor Is H .ridit, proper or wisej ihat, suphman sbal e Mclu ,dd bom any, oflioo within, your gift t d t it may be said that such case . will soldon , it ever, occur. To this I reply that it must, a great extent,. oorux..nrlu;acver a citizen of lor-, cign birth becomes ,likey to be elected to the flmcc of Governor. "'And this; is tlie b'ariblup Of the exclusion ; it can never ojicrato exoeii L iu 1 cuses when the people would wislr ' thnli; it thd I niitqxiat.,,, , .. . , I kiipw. HL'. PrcsulCuLthiil this exclujiiqn ex ist8 in some oilier riuites, put naruaps it will I foitnd on cxamihntion. that 'Jthniw iflln nave iu -qriiiiiiieHLiou avi'llfv rw.,lvjL,J uld guard well, sir, the approaBCs to jffii' h't. 4y tins, native or adojjtol cltizon, HrtSfH'fl nps gentlemen on this floor who may desire to re tain thp word "tfatlvc lu, this. j;oiUiei'ti;)p wtuld rather civc un that word, than abandon the 'otlurf qiutliflcjitjons-iiregcrilied for' the orficd of, Uoveinor. I It proposea 'amenuiiient rem lcrsi iuqioasiblc the clectiouiof o naturalized cit zn' talhjit ntlicc lforejoj-tync 'yqars.ptagc4 i to bo eligjble at that a, he must have arrived liefe lielore aixenn,tia lmve then become- niifi .tumliKed immediately on iittainiif twenty- inc for nntitrttliznUtui ritijuires, in all casis, a r vionirirmiiTijicd'rLsidcncfl iiv the' country of live" years. It is a strange iHeiHisiatepcy, that w die foreigner camiot boll iiieiubt'r "of. tip; Bri ish 1'ailiiuiii'iit, lie may be, king of Kngiiuid. Ot r--t thr-tn-etvo- wrvmts''T?n6"'KtMitr tliAitRT sineq the iiccesfiloii ' bf "Klixabuth,' nVo ;worc foreigners: Jauiua. the first, Charles the first," l Williimi tlie.' tliinl, iul Georg the. &uM jiud -seeouilv Mie two lastoould notseak KngliKt si, as. to lie iiiHlerstiKiil py tije caiunet, , wlicn incy ciinic tjti tlie throne. En.opr.owq day prpvilion was made by the Parliament for Prince Albert ' to act, in a' perbiiji.eveitt, as Itegcnt, who, 1 pre- siilne, ip ycr set h' loot on British soi i iit.il ajlinneed to Queen Victoria. I-Raye always re garded the exclusion of foreigners from tlie Kritisji Parliament, as havjng; Its origin;- in the ' hatred of tije Ktglish people tq the cljsgns ing horde ot,pntph;pnrasetii linfiight' over liy 1 Vil-. inpi o( "rtrarigc, wltiim, fieloaded wifh p ery favor, .n1,thifURt intiVevery 0IU90. ; have saidBir, tia ci)tizship, Wljew'. n'c conferred, liqcoipcs a ngllt'whicli can be, .for ciP' ,el oqly for crime, and, as the iriqidfjnt folbws fhe priripjpal, to " attributes'. i)f cifizeiii hip shpulbc as sacrpdlj rcgardiVa?, flip ..titcn hip itself.'1, tjndc ourjwesenCopBtitoion the ' idpptcd citizsp is vested yitb; oirirj'pplil icol iii;ilis umier it up ;ia ,eiiuioiu.io ryery -oiiu' within the gjft of the pTOph!,--pndej ijf Tiie'ljii reason to measure Ins ninirnltions.-or: io" c jllfl 110 ciain" down a 'honest ambition; bt .'ft "fe;"' (rW'- ilown a ' honest ambition ; bet ft ''.' i proposed to divest lipu, to a';ccrtiun cxeut,jf tuc political fights which 'tl,qwejl citi7isliip imil, without luiy fault, ot pis, to pronounce liim iiifjiitiiiit:(i, niii ueiTTnT;ipi yiis e'piill -; eyes ot the law to nlT others. .Vain, i ,i: -.1.... r.. in the indted;' may have beep, sqch Ikiiic's, ,i4',ever entertpiin ed,. Ijtit the Hopes iiipl aspinition wlncp buoy up the mind 'anil stimulate to exertion' form a. dreat part of thu joys tif csiistencDj'ovcn .thougulex cllisiteiy conlined ,tp a man s own .bosotp. tfew. not even 1 1(0 best ql itspwould wjsli to xpose, tljcm to the world, nd wliep we liavo endiir-i aged Ijhcir cistenoe, it cruel, Jri'dcpdJ "tb'.cf usl them out forever. I apncnS, tlieif, t6 yoti, Mr.' PresSdept, I ppea"l to th)S Asscijibly, asi toa, aiHl.ftsk.tlieuij'y h jiitlo tlepriyo (lie aijojitcti' yitizen "of the .State" of tkosey ftghW'' 'wlkih. (once yQsted in linn under tlie lonHhtlijipd tj- 10 day, np is ciigioie to tpe pmcej juoveriior, to iijorrow it is declared flint"' hf Viuiot, land ;wil! hot'. T3 iflfbwed tuliohr flit iiosilion. T0- ' day hisJioRow may glow .witfijlippa wltu aii. :.'lioje8f ji'inlption .clear tyi vejy, Jtffin Sjy jtjrr . ,tji-inoimw inqse uojies set in uaKiiess, am . ins arjibitf()p filpcoinqs pot dream of ,016" gai t. Artlie jpisnliers P tlrjs Corivention nrepi reth- ,sirj ,tq parry. ou tlils.riurpose I tniiik jto . .1 think a little reflection jvt(l satjsfj. tjliem that otijl exclusion shpvdd not be adopfed, r, if adopted, that it should te confliied ii; its t pep' ntion Ho! those' (whq nialy hereafter.' be oate ailoptwl citzerfs ,ot thj (Stofand shoqld not be allowed to assujiie a, retro-active" cliafn 'ter. ;' lint, sir, let thej action o he op'ventioi 1 lie what it will, there is but one 'eourse foir niB to pursue, to lalxir'in the future, 'as in the past , for . the Interests apd the Jionor of Korth Care ina. larn ,ript forgctfuj of tlie lapd qf irf jt birt 1 ; I tnfst th at I can feel for ber sorrows anil i lynt pa,tiize with the misfortunes, of ief sons ; butj in tjie idp worjd,, there is bill one spot anc one. country that evoke mv doepost love tlie ipot. .where my chililreti' we,re born, Slid the , State wuien iioios iu uer uoaoui uiruiiu is iiioriai ui in.. .1 ' a... i.ulj' . J. l,1"0,'10 wero, lcaM: m7 . 1 eaJ to others their views, of du my highest allegM - . . I - . , . 1 I 1 anr.o lu.1. ..,.. , NaHK 0T-r.lia ' I usee belongs to NofHK Carolina., i i r-- - : -a .... . . , . 1 . -t.-l ( ' ArTfcMrT to Kit We. learn from thq Vil nnngton Journal, that. cowardly effort wak fnaitc: on Thursdav' mailt last, to kill Mr. ftVil "jTanr.t. fV'alEjsfyir- peawlilei'ih'offnslveTciiizen livuig.on Lqng Creek, ft NeW; Hanove,r'coBnty. 1 to was shot hear thpishouldejrin eacb anrwjwitli laree sltofr. and the wounds: are damwrrtris. He .'was srohae6raTout ihi'dnight from sleep' by the puecis, oi pre, ana aouna uis - npuse pncnipg up. In attempting to extingiush tjie flames, ,ha was fireiTjipotr frim, mbiishj and tljq gwTltj isrty- :hfn nVftj' ".i; ''X.f',''' 'iT'l-j- 1 iiuii-vvi wtiufj . w. jkit4 -mvji '-- i v . 1 - nMtaii-l wit-ka ri vei iyt ri4ftlira I nMifl I - ,aiV--". F"'Z"Y'-.'irj I . W WlolWWtbWh LT'HvV fl lnani-nvb ftrfmeiliflAgn ai j .-H.,,t.-i...(f rV.-J 1 ircilbjlliu QUU KWJl, a p uwu.wnv.u.a.-a .u,j.(ii- dor the nresent crrcnmstimces ta'fe the Hesi on antfottheporftivef cm-dance -with that detcrmintrtrfm;."J Wtrj-dlly ' nrmhnr hiih sSI'a taatliftate 'jr 'rbvflfcctien l'hi Oetohet'liexli'i' Woww-toTi feoi'ahttofejfiifct the-newlv treated -oflicw"bf ,Et:' lvtrrior. we say Tmoualrfierlly' that it?isM"Dv' Ftrtlieo,1 tas (Sirv.'Wottli Is-from'fAe-'WeSt,)- isa gAitHf mawtif mwabilitifes, A'g'OfWl ncftrWd'''fi3l Tfo9mthWiI&itnBrf6tit&i'J h .1.. ,1.. ii -jalW !--' dt. t'theflotrth; J't4 l4ieraeVffrftnce 'cordmands' nee4s.ienl m ptojsctort of-tl Atlantic elegrwplr 4H IsbW (tTMf al I dirricttrues at rust.- AT ''"- ansa atwmptlolny thtte'aeol--Hie' aoea,! ana - falHbs - teStt3fiR!g aiul execute, it,4a-been-'Ioiio -t4; insure aiiinst?Mrder of the Ssn retary qf the ,Navy, to aomu Wgi1h'prtee. ourljjestf prVdeiHitig be'K(, Irmu meves thatnave another faUtira' wishes. 1 . , -W AHIHWliniN, Jly tv 1'. bKRAVK. Air. MorffiuiyKiti'titoil tlie- senl stratum of the New lork Cliaiuber p ineroe against tfie tarifr.biir, "pEnding HnW.' .i.'i "i- " -. tiw rr moHBuant stale Hia Mie taritt wi uld ,le.iiiiiimusUi lUe ersmiM'cmly.HMfti.-airUte iiiiiiiiiiiteiiiriiig iiiu'rcsjs n ., ipe .copprry, woiild nHi'increnac tli'e'ri1 venue of tlie li ovfcrn irient. It iwss VturreVt til tl' iFlnarice'Comiiit; tee.,- 1 -..t-i u t y.4-,.-. - . The bill to .inejaaiso ami lis: a military Mace CHtttiilyjlriiieut, was cajlij upaqif rad, but iu any njiioii vuereon, me oenaie aoiounieii. ' lloiisB. ITidironse was ehgageil -iri the on; .1....,.: ...;.r .... I pfiteiaiiuu ui-iie4Tiriii nut. . , -fire at Utica, Sew TCoikr ryrt&ttr- fnlyr'PrM.--iThe,.uii":'Hii Works of Rogers & Co.', near this city, was ion. sumed with IW Contimta, On VVednesday. 'loss upwards ot 800;000; ' ' '" ,. A , Handsome . Present to .the , la stituta at ; , South Denver,, , TIostojj, J.uly 7.P., SWGeo, Pe'aboily made aiiofbefgilt or fOOOOO to the insti efitablislicd by him'at (louth Denvc'rs' ? . ,-. '..' 1 I. ' " lms ute KeUef for. the Sutferen by the late Frri in . i , . - ,Fortland.,L i .'. 1 i KMiw ork."Jh1t i ., Mojicv and other necessary relief is boinr tent forward Jilierally to, the snfTarers by ilin p .ytu. land fire. . r-" ,, - Tlie Board' of Stoek flroWers subscribed tlirep thousand 'dollars;' the ' Cora "Kxchiiiion nc thousand dollaa,.nd, iirivate.cpntributions are coniing.ip. ; , , ., . .... t tie city ot Boston has already .spbsqri bed twenty -five thousand dollars iri private coi tri lAitlon . ' ;! . - 1 ' INowburyporti has subscrilied ten thouswd dollars., . i i , .u . ' There; will, be p genqral mpyemept ip ,all the ii onnern cmes oi mis cnaractcr. a The fire in Portland yyas caused by a lioy Uirowing a. fire craoker among -some shavings. he np'4a4r9ni , Pomin joXhe Ex v" 1 ' .''cewive Heat. .- ' , . f ?-'"'KroBtJ6C:f. A fatal-Case of Cltoler'a: a'rertrirted In Bow' -Yor,l(,. last venHi;Bt,l alsVf ne in Bsooktynl ' ..Advices from bUL)oiuiuiroto tbo.j 2tfrd. lult, t state tl)at tlio bcrapiiliey p he forpirjr Ud iiiiiirHinuion unvarciH iorcign enterprises is 1 1 Tie C0ntin0crt.v The country is' quiet, excjrfp -at fiejbo,wbereuillefniv,'pnfe'of- DaezlVgu ml.' headed a robelliani which, it as expected, wi 1 be easily quelled.. . ,, : , , . . ! " The Jiokt yesterday was intense, the-1 lier-' mometbV fsfigiflr' from W fo 6s. ' Thert rate weay casdi of- sun-strPke i lliH -City and Urooklya.-i ..!....., ... ' .... '.M ..J-. . .Nrw, JpwiHJg)y ' Jhp. straijier fffJ-onitt Jis.arri,Te.d, ,yitlfl4 ilateji. Tins uouon market was tmnyant, at aii adrJ VftiM of-aMitrarsefto balt- peny,-lnrt' doping. tuns. in i, .Jiniur. ami. Wlieat luo.tiJirn leat firni. , Bosip gull, an$ Tippcntiud WiUctltvi in. mand- Consols SOJftOj. . Five twenties ft nil rfe.'.' .1 , 1 .. - .f... : i ne iiraun nnnisci v 'i Tnnnrren tneir g 8ignat,pp, ,whii,U JiatJ Ihhih iiceoiiAed by the. Viuccn. it is supposed mat ueruy will tofm a. newMiriiitrv 1 " 'I jf-l"- -The Itlrttos; nidertheir'Khig, were rebtised ta suae icing-iae Austrian flear v-crimhy enl the 24th., The. )tU lasted all day... Both, idea fopght bravely, but the affair .Pipled. in the) d, feat of the Italians. The A list nans took 3,009 pnavmer. . ;" ' r I i i The- It:li:ui ;arin y- rtirreated' 'across tlie Mitt cio. .. . ,.n r r- u. ,i-,.in. .r.u. i .... i 4 "tIt1s ppajtiyely ass'rTi'iJ fiat fhe, HanoydrUaj 'array Is'surrountled and muni capitulate ' 'til the Prussiutm.4 Thai iieedsflonfiititaiiort. ,. iNothing known. iL Beuodfik's- nioveimiiil ..There had ljf.cn i revplt in Mifdrid. jn wbicb l.uim iiersons were kiiiimi- oeiore lr was bud pressed.' . .y-J L ,P .it..-..., , , t - 'I ,oi ,i i:t'::T.i.;l' ?' Revolution in CubaSouth, Amm ic tn league i to wrest the IsJaml Uom-SaiM. r ..r I' &rrwK Jialvtt i . . The Stearhslnn (mm. fioiit Ibu niin: i it'll ilutMt to fhatb, trrluss Smpirlffti iw'ws.'iY true jit is re'poi,tliiffii ptrv!if....4trCii.6ftiat 1 ye- Volt bad rCirrr ncjr roriivrTi7iSe,--:tlir 1n siirgetitsCTiitrtirt'nrtiMiPTYr) were sept against nielli ami a skirihisn lHik place, when sevend coiupanu ol troops lent over tp tbaiu!pi'pw,J"li'1 r afterwards pro Qrtiiia t.W.'"MA'V''J- I. m . n a r, It is further rumored that f,ir st ; smera. ear ing the '(ihifiiin'n:ig.''liVf'. Mipnrds-bf 2000 trSnpa-hn tlas't Mirt,-:'W fktbt rf 'juhi tit wjth the llevohrtkmi4Ui ..j v, ; ion i .. . .LaJ,ar...,., Tiie.s.eam.hiiK IWt W, AsilnWaft . - w -r . I lirinnw later smwcs. , n is s.u.1 max uiu ij re- t-Wrest lHH frwiw i)alh,- lrt-fctited I,. 1 ... 1 ' 1,HU1 i tj, " " , L 'X. I ?6 !W4W W Ai.L"rilW"liP 9IWtfl,f i-i' iriupirornjMi.twi .M -a ii.JK.liiKaW1nlr-Ai P. M.. . . Auv,K''..ij'om Vortfi lucp state that th Wave population is rapidly diminishing and that SujtKrntt'tSifree' cYop KKl htit mm tMn b&lf . ... ......v... .........c....,,- nl... i in. lira ttle uWHrtaveragf'' t.H-''- "f n'i l ii ji,iJiill-' 4".,.ii- biiiiw-.juib I cLi r'h 4iy, - lijlfliningy(rrecivt at! vfallKfc.1 TlA hot teatuee oexBmg(eiB.'fbrt-roJ constitution. imJ-ii m I Lu alii w tiklli 'treu-tntre.v- 1 I j.u In(U?olwtio,n.otthp PreaJ,dent Seel bj AVAiirv3rti T.tlir O T kf., (Thitslilerit has nceri mneri indmnotuJl In. l Omni, - - - , f . ... . , , ... ..... " Congress. '',"'' Wahihnotoh, July 9, P, M. The Sctnite, to-day, passed the nrmy bill ro' 'ported by Wilson. 'I'he House passed Hchcnck'a army bill, which will necessitate a conference coiiiunUe. . , t , , t .. , ;Thc nivinorial of thoN.: Y. ChamlHr,ot Com- merce, protctsting against the passago of the Tart'f lull, wa presented lo the House.' He- terreil, ;i .1 , . 1 'I li TanB lull was .again considered and Va rious w;ticpi adopted. Among .those . adopt ed' was one to suspend so mucfof the direct tax imposed by the act of 1861 as is uncollected', un- til January, 18C8. ' Mr; Morrill said that he con sidered this one ot .the liest measures of Tecon- , stfuetion. ' ; .' ' ., Tho bill was rejiorted' to tho IlOttgoby the Ooih'niittec of the whole, when a motion was tpitde to postpone the Consideration of the bill unul.ttienexl session : pending which, the House - adjonrnel,. j- . (freat Fire in , the Oil Regions. . ' " ' ' ' tvouisvn.Lt,' Pbnn1., July 11. Dufirig the storm ' last niirlit, tiie liirUtniiifi strpek a gasjiipcln a Well, wlrich commnhica- ""'' tcxl with tliii taiik. The 'tank exploded and the oil run (Town to. Bcrnlioff run,-where tho flames reached 18 or. 20 pth,cr large: wells, w.luch; were burnt up. Tlie tanks of oil exploded, causing the heaviest loss ever experienced in the oil ro- gmns. . . . ' ' "' tpwarihi of 20,000 bblsof oil wcro destroyed. The Habeas Corpns---Conven;tilon , of So- . called Ujiionists, &c, .. , WAsntNQTpif-rJuly 9,.P.L Qcn, Sickles will bo instructed by tho Presi- - dent to pbey tho writ of habeas corjnts wlpch he had refused to comply with in tlio case of Ste vens and others, confined (ft ' Castle Pinkney for alleged murder.- " , . ' i!.. it.,. ,,;h., ii ni,,ra i,.. 1 - address to thoso styled Southern Loyalists, to meosliere in Septcmiier. The projectors of this scltom'e aro in the interest of tho.Bii'dicals. t heltapublican benators nucl ICeprOsentativcs Will htoot in caucus to-inorrow,nij'ht,iJto.,look after! tb,ci party interests aa well as 'legislative mum.'!. .. . - ... . !.. Late Arrival from Europe;" 1 """ Thp Qity London has arrived with. Liver nool dates to 'the 28th. one dav's later news. Cotton" qpictcr, ,Mi7MHi)g;upaiid,barely 131 T) 1 .... if. 1 1 Tl.. ; T , . jreui. , ireifu.una. ansi 1 luvibivus ljuiei,.; I Consols fHj57. , x tvp-twentics l44fl Qatik ratUB pf discount Upchaugcd. A iolArrrntli fl-nm T,i vt Tl 1 lii t ' llnlinmtii .ani, a tliat tpe Prossia,n8 were beaten in a fight near Nepstaflt, ni retrcatel, leaviOfi tUeir Ucad and wounded, on the field. The fact is, not stated, but it Is presumed, that thftengageimintwRB-not. goneraj, . ;v 4 ; ' A . , , . ,.',', , : - . A.ueinii leiegraiu, aay uiai. mo i riiBsians wertj sucgessful in an enoountor pear Fofiian, -capturing ueyep otucers ami out) privates. The Austrian army - at , Custpsaa. ppmbercd 00,4300 men. 4. .. h " - .. i . 'A -Florence 'despatch, while it admits that the Italian loss- ww-grcat ' near Verona,' claims that the Austrian losses were equal ' or greilter.-. r The Cuhy of Bezio's divisiofi 'coverbd thc"iclreat, which watlMlected in gV)oil"rrrder; '' . .J.--I .4. . ll , r : ... -',Hf,l Rnnioretljryupture Bejtwepn, thp President , . ii ( - arid Stanton. :'.,-i ' ' WjtsiirtotoN, Jifiy J0, P'1. The President receivcd visitors to.day. There are rumors of a rupture between tho President and Htanton, eonsenent on tlieailfltniVy nir:is ores.ot tlie latter in thecase of Payiunster i'uiilil inc. whom heJiurriod oH to, Port .Melieiirv under guard. 'The President directed hiiif ttj stay prdceedihge until the Bureapjif Military Jus tice ebuld review tho case aiwl ri!pon to'hini, and issued tui order for Panlding'u immeiliate return,, y .-'., , . . . - ',.,-, . Htanton also dismissed three Paymasters,- I,t. Cols. Doilue, Jameson ami l'.lv, - Who ,cti tied befor the Curt' in' deft m tip.ll iHatifka -tiou of Patildin;; -,- i ...i .... ; ,.,!., . , , ,,;:"r' Oongressvr.; u it !i.;.:--'l-; :WaHIMON,' Jlli 10,; P'jit. SeSatBl. Jt". Stewart-sulrtiiilted a rWioliiMon, whittk lies'over, reuuesting tln; prwiltjut to in .tprpW in ,lM-ha)l t I Iw VmifU priayuci' iifCan- HotisF..' The bill fixfiig the number iJud'i's " - of the1 Supreme 1'ontt whs pn-i.l'ivhli' aHmii.l- mautfij kith fprotfiik'S ihiiiuiiL vacaneieaiahall be filled until the nuinlx r sliall.bc. j-cdnned to six, apd evrf-nftirr ttrCotiTt yliiill cprjsbjtof one Chief Justice and si AssMiiite Judges. It also makes certain ChaBfes hi the pliices of boBfiuc theCdnrttC Uhdcr this irill, Vif'lnlil, North MRti South Carolina arc iit- thtc tk- Circuit : .Qcorgia, Alabama, Florida,. Mississippi Louisi ana and Texas copij)osoiyic)tli1l'irciii. ' The bill to' enlarge tho .Capitol grounds, and appropriating fOOO1 ftn ttie 'lmprovcmeht ot tlie flame, ynm iiaaBBi : -' .: ' : t ; .Thn TsfilT.Jull.was passed by a vote of ayes V, nsy a; - i sx on cotton, lixed at jl cents per - poundf on all toreignroSt' J IJ0 per tonr-ir "The bill rodnelrtr? 4h(Hiiiinlli'!r off 'AflSrvinte tfudges- of th 8rrenio 4rt is iutrithcf plan lo.head off. the Presvloat., i lit. had- noinmatcd Stansbuxy, of Ohio, for tlie vui aney caused by Judge Catron's death. ' X'nder the bill there is no tacancy. ' -' " " ' '''. ' '"Oofflrdth Demoerrit, fiVmS IAwisylvRiiia', will . be turned nti of his so'in tlie Ibjuse,' and it jRillibe jiven.tP KPilUjysIisdical competitors It is not believed that: the Senate will pass the Tariff-bill. ' " , ' . ill -4v.--44l , K l,,j'rf l t . " ' . .l"-l 4j,.:, . i - Condition of Gen. Lane-Fatal Accident at ' ftWiASHnion'oi July 11. : r PespatclMfroirrLeiww)tHrstate'th sultation ot Burgewiyin Senator Lane 'case.: has-been had.' Thi7 sayAlift Inrwill did, though -lwmtnMMsiM UTtvfWrflaf V jairicTtyerucman arm-nne rann rwo sin dents 'rnttc drownettW JlffrTfifrH this moYniiifS r-ir UTWB W"&"1; ' 't day, '-, ,l-r-- I J I , t Mil fcl i- J . . . '. - : -' :- i-e ..... 1 . t : y ,M.11,4 ,I4 w.. .. pll,UN -4- JM tf t'i- . i . t,..i ta . aa i -1-

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