in- ia'threa deaths and the wound ing of 13 others. Quickly Over, The riot pasted but a short while, the inob . quickly dispersing as the police continued to fire. J Within, an hour word had been dispatched , to about 200 citizens, who hastily dress ed, came to police headquarters and were' sworn in as special officers, They remained on, guardhroughout the remainder of the night and most of them were serving today.- ' v The Lexington company of militia is commanded by Lieut W. L. Craw ford; Capt. D, M:,Ausley has charge of the Statesville unit ; Capt. J. A. Smith 5 commands ; , Winston-Salem's company,: while v Cant. Harry Pag heads Lincblnton's company. ) D. L. Goble, of Dallas, .Toxas, 6l wu - printed in .thfe the ' - International aroineiyioott or lice at - bttt latert :When Electrical Worker also -is represent- "prf?3-5- t-L called to the tact from- jng" the Amalgamated Association "of ' "e ,lrt of the strikers, Mayor -Street , and Electrical Railway Em fnrh delied the charge. . ' ploy es... the organization .that the McNinch denied i s Southeril1 pmic utilities Company ;"; V. Militia Called Out.. , refUses to recognize. Goble states i TfcV rioting in Charlotte" began, that1 President Taylor hasteadfastly arLr Tuesday morning, j ail account , aecunea 10 meet i mm. me umou iwdne thatvthe first r shots' were men point to 4he recommendation of t w . . ' 1l.n Tlim Uki J F I . V. a f!iMl b-r the Unariotto pvuivc - i me , uiucua .. juiumtiGo ui Q ; lu : u;;:o:; clax:i folic:: mu::) (Continued from' page one.) titioa was the outstanding feature in the situation today, other high Rights included the increase of fatalities to re by the death of JV D. Aldrecl f ui Will Hammond) the Central La bor Unto'. demand.for-Federal ac- Uonthe selection of a coroner's jury undhe fixing of the time for its ses sion tomorrow af ernoon, ,and , the peaceful operation H? cars onalim- ilXesfactiVn with the attitude 0r :the c?mmioners dales- back; to 0e the difficulties more than a Mayor's instructions to the PO the Mayors nrinted in .thi viiiAri in the fighting instantly effect tha tthe company should recog ipral wounded) aa a result of ;nize the union, and say responsibility . which Mayor jsaicruuuu uunu ; Adlntant General,, through Col. Sant- ford Martin, private secretary to me Governor, that the rioung was for rejecting - that- recommendation and - failing to settle the strike rests with1 the ; Southern . Public . Utilities Company.- Goble ,says .the carmen y ond control of the local authorities. wjh insist upon Y recognition and wilt years.' Brotherhoods May Act. riMriLi Rovster Immediately or- dered four companies of reserve mili ' tia. the scene. Companies from rfn TJncolnton,: Statesville and Winston-Salem readied Char- : Carmen y stoutly- insist -that they lotto eariyAuouj-,.w"o;.-'7', ---- i.innir " 'htk' trfif - . nr! that v : thoir ? r rn at q n f 1 v ; nrlvlaA noon were jkui uuu& : . ! . v vw,v .. " ravnr McNinch. however, teared fur " i her demonstrations and asked for additional troops, ; General ;; Royster- ordering out the Hickory and. pur ham companies in response to the last summons.. - Wednesday approxi- hoods would take official cognizance against violence. - They declare N a willingness to rest their' case with public sentiment. y ' y ; " D.; iS. j Goble stated tonight 1 it yas expected four great railway brother- m T?Df The Phonograph ,Vith a Soul" i it , ' l :.- 1 - . v- ' - . 1 - . . , - , Music good music is a food for the soul mately six hundred armed men were ; on the job. , ' Troops 'Not to Run Cars. JThat the troops ordered to Char lotte were not to be used in the oper- a atio of the cars. General Royster made plain to the Charlotte Mayor when -that official inquired if the militia could be used to start the ; cars running. w v . 'The troops are to be used totpre ' serve the peace and to suppress riot- ing' General Royster wired Mayor of . the killing of Engineer Houston. He wasrof the impression (that spme sort . of demands would be made by the brotherhoods of , engineers; fire men, conductors , and - trainmen In' connection with the death of , Hous- ton Whether , this would take .the form of a strike he could not say, but he understood representatives of the, four brotherhpods were In" the city at present conferring relative to the situation. . , . , - , Besides the, striking, carmen, the members of the Electrical' Workers Unipn are out,. this being true at Winston-Salem, and at Grtenville, ; S.. C, as , well as in Charlotte. It Is Professional Strike Breakers. generally agreea mat ine quesuon . . ... rAflOEmtion of the union in tho enlv It is reported that the Cfiarlotte' bone of ; contention, both sides hav- I traction Company, is .-using imported iing agreed on arbitraUon concernine strike-breakers to run.thefew cars demands -f or t wage increases.. The ium.swiwiu .uu a. uiuucu youcauiG strike1 has been in progress nearly vv eanesaayt to tms action, tne cen- neral Rc . '"You, will have to deter- mine the question of- running the cars." .tral-Labor Union, of ' Charlotte, has made protest, alleging that the im , ported strike-breakers are ''thugs t and strong rm men.'' i , ' ; .v: .Wednesday night there ; were ' no signs ot an agreement being reached between the company and the strik i . ing carmen. With the' petition for the recall of ,the Charlotte officials, , relief - tickets - were being sol-d on the streets and the strikers intend to stick it out. President Taylor, of ' the S. P. U. Company, has indicated , that he will ' not accept the recom- mendatlons of the citizen's committee and will run his cars regardless'. . ' Gar . Men Toole Kn Part. J Leaders 9f the striking car ' men insist , that 1 they ' are counselling acrainst -riolenre. ' Thv assert that ' the carmen took no part ln-Tuesday's . riot; but that the offenders were out- -siders in sympathy with the carmen - uiuoa rtjiuain nrm 'in tneir ae- termination in - regard to the ques tion of recognition, President Tay- . lor of the car ' company, , declaring unyielding opposition to recognition, while the union men insist they will : out return to work until the union is recognifctd; - ' Reports as to firing of the ' first shot In - this morning's riot at "the cart barns ' are divergent. At police v headquarters it Was i said the : first shot was fired by a member of the ob. On the other hand, the union ists claim the fifirst shot was fired by - the police. , - , , Toolght D. L. Goble, representing the International, rrdtherhood of Electrical Workers, stated that the ' , uion has a number of witnesses who say they will testify that Chief Orr fired the -first shot. About 2,000 people were in the viclinty of the the trouble started. . . 'The presence. of strikebreaker the barn seemed to anger the crowd ) three weeks. '.J, H. Drum, assistant superinten dent of the street, railway here, was not seriously injjured when attacked by a crowd at. the time the' company was attempting to operate cars with strikebreakers. - v ' It is rumored that Charlotte labor unions will demand investigation of the riot and accompanying shooting, turning to the federal authorities for a probe. - ' , l''(y :: r ' ' ' ' ; CO-OPERATTVB STORE i BEGINS ' BUSINESS. ; . ' .. " j " i . The Fort: Mill, ; S. Q.,: Co-operative Association has begun business after, taking over the stockf general mer chandise owned by M. . Brackett and, will continue Hhe business at the store room on Trade Street. , A stockholders' meeting was held last night s at .wnich the following direc tors were elected: ' ' , . . M. J. Adcock, J. E. Armstrong.'W. P. Brown, O. W. McKen2ie, S. G. Collins, J, B." Broadnax, O. S. Parks, and J. . H. Mclntyre. ) These directors elected the, following officers: George Fish, president; T. N. " Reeves, vice president, and CW. Eason, secretary-treasurer. V ; ' M. J, Adcock has 'been appointed manager of. the concern- which , be gins business with a capital stock of $8,000, approximately all of' which has been subscribed' The shares are of the par value 'of $10 and are 'sold only to employees of the Fort Mill Manufacturing;' Company, "y none :sof. whom can. own above 50 shades. This venture is, being watched with con siderable 'interest throughout the community and. . the promoters are very enthusiastic , and confident of success. , . - , - - "I Jut sot out cf prison this n: ins," a traveler told the man on tlis train who was sitting beside him. "It's going to- be mighty , tough, facing old friends.'.' ) 'I can sympathize with you," c6m miserated the other. "I'm just get ting home ' from the . State Legisla ture." Exchange. j ' ' - ' ' " JjUSIC inakes your life and your- home better and hap pier.' You .cannot ,have too much music in your, home. Members .of your family,,, "who sing or play should be encour aged. . The gift of making mu sic is a divine gif tv However, there is ho household t whose members can supply all the music that is "neede-in that household. The - gigantic task which v Mr.' , :Edison undertook was to" meet this greater need by developing a phonograph which wquld; give 'not a mere mechanical travesty on fine mu sic, but instead an .absolutely perfect reproduction, so exact in its realism-that reproduction and-original could not be told apart. . -. , "We : give free concerts and- demonstrations at our store daily. ' , - ' 1 J. E. Craytbn & Co. ilO Fayetteville St. -V v Ralel&b, N. C. 4 VICTOR SUPREMACY : s . AIL the Timeand ; , ' . - . Everywhere , : - , Viewed "from the standpoint of ' musical . art, : judged v by, the character and prestige it car dries', the" Victrola ;isrsupreme. RALEIGH , TALKING .lACIIIiiE SHOP . "Victorv SpccfalistsM C : " 118 FAYETTEVILLE ST. , Dr. DEXTER DLAilCIIAIlD Dentist 405-6 Tucker Building RALEIGH, nc. Bell Phone 315, Dr. E. H. Broughton "DENTIST Llasonic Tcaple . Raleigb, N. C. Telephone 395 y SEND YOUR ' V aaidlJYEING w'G ,jl3'i-2 QU Li SLo2 tiI2 J Family v 216 JS. WISimingjtprft ,Stpeet.v- :- - Well Made Stylish MercKandise,For; - - - I MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN , ' - at prices ypju will find are XE-IE BEST VALUES IN TOWN. A Druggist MASONIC TEMPLE 'J V, RALEIGH, N. C. Union Trade Appreciated. to FQOTER?S l : Always safest ' f - . , AND best ; Si HNDLEY'S RALEIGH, N. C , 19 West Hargett Street Corner Salisbury . v WE ARE NOW SHOWING New and Attractive Styles : - - - - ' ' Fall and Winter Dresses ': 'v 7' v"v-- andSuits V- VISIT OUR STORE. ALWAYS GLAD TO'SHdW YOU :. -Mis's aiaieJM.- K Second Floor Over T. W. Dobbin Co. , . i. UljACKS3nTHS RAISE WAGES. which was being held back by the) Tuisa; Okla., .Aug. 27. An arbi- n. 01 "uuiuBimg aDout jtration Doaranas awarded Diac. 30. Clem Wilson,1 of. North n Char- smiths 90' cents an -hour and helpers mtiw, is uaia 10 nave been? 'pressing! 45 cents too closely on the -policemen, when one or me oracers hit , him on the head with a tot gun; knocking him to the ground and stunning him ' Later Wilson's brother - appeared' with other men, wanting to know who clubbed Clem. .It was in the .controversy which followed that the ,' first shot was . fired. , In' the melee about 100 shots wereflrfied; result- STAGE EMPLOYES GAIN. Quebec, Canada, Aug. 27. Stage employes - and motion : picture opera tors have increased wges $7 and $10 a week.- . This is the first Hime these, workers have been recognized by the managers. : ' A Mile from High Prices jewelry of; Quality Ladies, Solitaire Rings ' : Brooches , , . j ; Lavallieres , ; . Bar Pins yj-r'l )';'- Wrist Watches. . Signet.Rings 't , . Scarf Pins : ' k ' : , Cuff. Links . Men's Single Stone Rings Belt Buckles ; , Slipper Buckles ' v ' , Earrings Vanities Mesh Bags Card, Cases , ';?;-r Watches for Men "J , 113 FAYETTEVIL LE:Sl Watch Clock and Jewelry Repairing ( CIGARS , SODA GET IT FROM v. Carolina Cigar Stores 1. Company t: "It Must'Be Good "s - (-' " ou will find the largest stock -of Smokers'. Supplies in ' the1. State at this Store. . ' i. - - ; ' ; 1 -It Must Be Good" ; Smokers' Supplies : Candies ? t L SEARS .X M. A. ANGIER HAVE is AUTOMOBILE painted John v f ' - . , ... Evans Son - ; Frank and WilHs'" v ' Urge you to buy now for, next summer because ; ;T? , Clothes will be liigher.-' V ; . L......i,x:.J,rr.......N.r.t.-,'s..,;...s..'. U.-.v.-w.-, .,, - - --- , f ; V'" :- "5-." tine High Grade ? ' V.r;. ; at Greatly Reduced PricesPalmv BeachMohair .GooL ClothSilk Pongee, English Gabardine,, ahc( all Woolen' Busmessuits. - , VV' V , ' 1 t C$16.50 Grades' J :. "4 nowu... ..1... V $ia50 to $22.50 Grades , now $25. and $27.50 Grades s now .-. $11.75 $13.50 $21.50 $30.0p Grades : now'....l....l. $35.00, and $37.50 'Grades now...'.-' ;$42.50 and $45.00.. Grades now 1. $26.50 $29.50 $37.75 "FRANK and WILLIS1' TIO TT70 r.O T7TT T1 mi idDiiaiflii 1 Hatters Clothiers j Haberdashers , uudh a uiuiic iriuctcui tf,usi(-a jjiiue xenei ' -Yarboropgh Bldg., Opposite ?ostonlce 315 FayettedUe Street . J RALEIGH, N. 0. . BRING THE CHILDREN TO TOYLAND : ' and let them choose the toys they want ; ' PICTURE BOOKS, VELOCIPEDES, AUTOMOBILES, HAND CARS CHQO-CHOO CARS, and SKUDDER CARS. Vhe toyland coivupany ; - MEDUN & MEDLIN, Props. " 1 ;131 FAlnEnnTEVBLLE ST. . :: . . RALEIGH, N. C : IF?. 13 A : FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Tom fjQorc In "nMlTSEASE" ' ' - - : ' ' ' Monday and Tuesday n 1 Florence Reed, in ' THE ; WOLIAir UITDER OATH . " i - Tuesday and Wednesday Kitty Gordon, in " PLAYTHINGS OF PASSION Friday and Saturday - ' . Theda Bara,'in "LA BELLE BUSS" . . i WELL JDR UG "C0MEAMW- ;Gct ; the habit." Have your meetinss at the ls-CroweUDrua Company Tstore. Pleasant arid a "dandy" vi "''- ' f " , : The prettiest store in RaTeish. Enjoy a. drink while -you vait. THE OLD RELIABLE DRUG STOgg PRESCRIPTIONS OF COURSE ; 1 . . " 77--.--. . r -: ; ! view ironi the street 1 ' - . A . ' ' - . - ' .

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