v r ''. the sentinel: mm i r-r , r T rn 71 -Tin;. r fi rtT"T1 ii;- Wa. E. TELL, State PrlHlen iili N i:.Ti- i V Tas Wsasr BsnTissi U paMuase' rry Talay Tfc Bam Waatirs Moadsyi e Tbandss. Tenu: Wsealy, ta f, la (Imx, - H eWi-WMkl( ysar, la adtaaaa, - Ml , fMnl-wssaly, aii aoathi la eivaae I M Pally, a Tsar, IIH, Daily, sla sual., . - I H Daily, tana wtln, l Daily aaa Boats, ' IM m :iiY. "1 WUt'LD JtATUCH BB.IUCI1 'RtHEST"-Henry fl.f. VOL. 1. ItALEIGII. TUi:: VYt JULY 3, 180G, NOv24 . ' Tlit True Policy. Th Interesting and striking return of the ca pabllitie oi North Carolina, communicated by Gov. Worth to Uia united States Commission er of Immigration, and published In this paper on Monday, suggests the proper theatre In which all tbe energies of our people should he at pres ent employed.' Denied their rlghttul place In the councils of the government, having done all that, and more than, comported with, thalr manhood, dignitj and ,lf-repct to se cure it, it only remain for then to acquiesce) with what composure and serenity they nay, U the unjust and iniquitous sentence which ax el odes them ffom their Constitutional privi leges, and devote themselves to the recuperation of their individual fortunes and the development of the multiplied reaonrcea of the State.' We peak from an intimate knowledge of their char acter, and especial! from aa intimate acqnela Unce with the. present condition of popular amtiment, when we say, that they are done with ua worthy concession to aa insatiate fanaticism,' and that they will-not voluntarily net their own eeal to tbe verdict which is to degrade them. If It is to come, it will be through ne self -agency, and they will bear it with the philosophy of a noble and janlyj;haracter. . The wjILmw commit suicide, though they may steel ; thea vwfothwtwof-wiartyTdpm r continue for a while to be the object of aa un " relenting and vindictive persecution, but after . year will reverse the batsh judgment of th '""present bonrend aU will bo fight in the end. Mean while, undisturbed by. threatened polit- 1cal evtl and steering entirely clear of lit arena of polecat -agitation, our people may Had la attefitloa to their, internal and lay ' . daatrtal condition not only the means of " ' di version from impending trouble, but the euro mean of wealth and prosperity. If it be true ' that, oven under the ordinary circumstance of iife, he is to be eat ned as a public benefactor s who make two blades of grass to grow where . , , hut one gfew bs for, he-ii tob doubly eonsid- I, ' and so who, at a time like th present, contrib- i utea la anjulcgrec, howevermall, toth work , " 2" ef rpilrtrg m" proitoala'. iWttoak vAed la r ' this work every man, if be will 'only set "about ' M.h artf-hf. ri.if1.tid s hf'mnir fund.. The dive. ! i'-au.p-viiiucM ir j..!, w nim.-iai-n.iu uyrtolturat Jirodileton -th resources of our ' J ' forest, and our manufacturing facili tie, afford ' -e. thousand avenue of enterpris and of profit, " which, while they promise remumM-ation to in ' . dividual investment, and labor,, will tend to , isrellfuetcgit wealth of the Ptste. V ,'' look, for instance, uoa th movement recently ' . organized for th j irpose of boring for Petro " leum la- the carbonfcrou regions f Rocking ham, Chatham and Moore, where, by the way, we have'no doubt It ealsta, or all geological in dication ar fallacious,- likely to b pro duct! v of mor substantial good to the State than twenty years "of unprofitable wrangling over the question of reconstruction, as matters stand at jtfe-"--'-------- - With a soil of general unsurpassed fertility . with a climat equal to that of the most favos 'ed" regions of the globe with a" water-power : capable, of moving the machinery of the world ; with tU wore o f .l niiti"rU in almndauce; " coal b. ' and iron niim-s equal to thoii ot Pennsjhii .'a; th habitat of that great boon of Provi 1 -. the Pine; the liul'gi'nous home of th ch:..'. t yajtftua of grapes ; ailh tbe mtt - aatendt d f .jri 6. .nth oi tile extreme North era jLtlou'.ic Coast, possessing all these ad vantages, there Is no reason why North Carolina rhtrald bs second to any gtate-rr, or-twl ttf, tlte Union. It us ton our attcn'.ii-n to these ad vantage and seek in .thtir employment a ro paration tor the lo.s of t)i war. Wlia.i f te may betide us in the future, we shall be sll th better prepared to meet it. If it U to be, under the pressure of Kadii'al malignity, what w have too 'good t '!se t spprchend, our atrenyth VA be the n...re eqiiid to the cuht-.-nr.. If the clouds whivh now lower above C u are to be diss'imlcd, and under the influence i.f W fonn!s and returning reason we are v to be restored to or proper position in tbe 1.t f :wU i. we shall be the U'ttcr fitted to -w- ..i ;:!,r!i'ttb nosiUon, and to reflect ere.1' upon ournelves and th common country, N. C. Railroad. The nsme of E. Governor ' Vance havint been connected with th Direc touVp aa,l 1 1 ' vy ft1'1" V "Ir," c authorized to sv. that Gov. nce bus pwiive- v. a... i.:. nn!ns to bebroii; bt tor- IJ Ul..tlll.t4 W " , w i 1 as a i'"': ''''''' t X " A. n dav i dretted to te Wcl Ion ' it, C t.n . lilt el t .( f I" i ', n a CHrd si nj'ui.f thnt County, in the 1 1 s cii.'.idiite for re '.ft T Tl h. t t . J Of - r v e n i" K l tl Li i pow, t.i -t -i i i .r, j l t( WIT Cif on , i . , r I !. 1.' 1,1 t 8 V ...a e i . ,., ..I bsve I" of t e s'" , ! i i t:ie .1 ji. . nav i.f J , 8? r 1 1 Tba XTatlonal Convention Our reader have already oonaidered the pur port of th telegram la yesterday's issue, propo- aing, on th part of the Executive Committee of th National Union Club at Washington, the holding of a National Convention of delegate from each Conirrcssionat District in all the State and from the States at large, &c, to meet at Philadelphia, on the 2d. Tuesday la August Th object W understand to be to combine and organize, for the purpose of meeting the is sue bow before th country, all th conservative men of all parties, who are truly Constitutional Union men, "who sustain the President's admin istration in maintaining unbroken the Conntitu tiOn which our father established, and who agree in certain propositiona, Including th main tenance Inviolate of th rights of th States, and specially of the right of each State to order and control its owa domestic concern, accord ing to it owa judgment exclusively, aa essen tial to the balance of power on which tbe per fection and endurance of our political fabric de pend, and the overthrow of that system by tbe usurpation and centralization of power, in Congress, which would be a revolutioa danger ous lo Republican government and destructive of liberty." -tIb word, the" object tto CoocenCrato "anil unite, for a temporary, but vital purpose, all canservativ men of all .parties, who heartily support President Johnson k policy against tbe policy ot th Radicals, in order, if possible, in th coming election, to defeat their plan and the plan oi all who are opposed to an early constitutional Union of all the State in harmo ny and CQiicord. i , , ; ' "v W understand that this proposition doe not contemplate the organization of a complete, perfect and lasting party, but it Is for the spe cific work of accomplishing the restoration of the Union on President Johnson's platform, leaving every one free to act, after that object Is accomplished, with Whatever party he may ele-- f" .';.; 'f': ""-';-' :. As we ar at present advised, w are entirely favnrll to the pr - l.ii.n. It Is de sirable on many account. , Frist, in order to bring Nortbnrn and " "" rjiutual co-ope toai 6!e Im)(U ,uon and liiumUhip. Secouilly, ,ortli and South to understand eai h ether U tter. Thirdly, because out of this may prow p a party truly conservative, mail up ot ttie ih'hi men oi an parir, iuc defence and maintenance of -the government framed by our la; liers. ' -.", We, therefore, nr:;e tbe people of North Caro liaato hold County meeiinca throughout the State, to make arrHiu'emeuls lor lueir own County canli.iat. s for theapproatbing election, and tor Iiiitrii t Conventions for tlie aclection of two dek L'utes from eiK'U Congressional !) trict, and tiie appointment of ietrrtte from the State at large, to represent KoiiU Carolina la aa!d Convention, at Philadelphia.. Text fir-heme of t V,; " (Ctrrtfimd-.nf ' lU K T. JieraUf.) '- Wasbihotok, June 24., 1SC8. Tbe arrival In town a few d.ivs since of Pro visional Governor Hamilton, ot Texas, was not in itselt a remarkable event. Provisional Gov ernors have come to and departed from W h ington during the psst year with aimo,t ss much regularity as tue sun. Nor is Provi. i . mid Governor Hanulton in any sene a very remitrk- ablemaa. During the relwllion lie remained true to the ttuon, an did many cither who- -we-not- rewarded lor - thfir-C.lei:ty with p-.& and power. In Hamilton's caw, however, It' would seem that tlie 1'rni.li ijt, while seek'ingia bis appointment to reward and eocour" .re. loyalty made the B"t nix-ummon tuii take of liwtering treachery and li ,-ioynlly. Governor Hamilton, on his arrival heie, call ed ujKin the President, and was admitted to a long and coitttiiential inwrview.v i:e catieu a second time, and was received in like uiHiiner, his pretentions demanded, he clainunir to le a warm anu cievoied mcna 10 mei re ni t, and an admirer ol bis adminixtration. I t it doe not appear at ail likely that be ..! ..I ai'sin, or that, if lie sliail call, lie -vii.i nm t ' ah so cordial a reception. And the r- in why his reception wdl be tliT-reiit from thiil bo has hitherto met, will be'j-ailiered from a peru- aal of the follow; letter lioni a promiiieut r-n-tlemaa la TeaaJ, as bid; ptit-ii.ly. loyal ,. ,nl well known thro" 'lout the ri.iintiy. 'i hi U t tr was received In re a ' y or two iemo, ami has bem laid belVe the i'n --' -lent. 1 lie wiin-r .and recipk-tit are alike well Known, and the lit-" lormallon conveyeu in i.ie u-uer in-juiiu doubt. " 'The letter runs as t "uws: GalvkTon. Teim. June 0. 1!- 3. Dkak " : Govt mor Hn i ' ill mil r I i "l ' asl.iivon. Fmiii soorei n'i .Me, 1 I. arn that be ( f .-.I r I ' Uii"-I I, !.. ! IHY tells me, s tbl liinir of t e I I "J r-ootii t i -u i !. ills 1 r" -a aa.;', 1 l-i a l or ! . t a r i t i- 1 tf.-n I - '' 1 i j i,, T-. 'Mil " ' : aioiie ' i i I i I t t r ay f t , v . 1 to :l I e to i t '.. - I i i in v a t t 1 1. i i -MS ."it I" -T V- IU- -.1 v . : v n ii i . ana v out -l t I it t : roi I r .,ie i Tl I V 1 t 1 ai 1 in be la e f uu. J T 1 (I 'V l,ve aa an I 'lit! I I t.i t i I V 1 r I,-'., ve the 1 we the; u - ' i I'll tin '1 Cl 1 ' .. K. 'I. 0 1 Ii I 1 t: .-. t k 1 i K i 1 1 ii.e m . t i i le aounced In the strongest and bitterest terne having betrayed tbe I Jiiou men of tbe toe and given them, bound hand and foot, Into t power of the enemies of the country, j Bis speech will be the signal for a more t olent and vindictive crusade against th Pr (lent and the South tliaa has huretotore b waged and the plants to summon whites a blacks to the polls to exercise the divinely c lerred and inalienable rights of participation the government. . , . i My information la direct and unqucstional ( . j . v v. TIIC PLOT TRrCKKKS. i' Here, then, Is a scheme that would have dm credit to the Jacobins of France in the puln lent days of their, famous ... revolution, .bi which hardly seem crediblo in this day 'an generation. The name of Trumbull and C' fas beinn; associated with the scheme woul Seem to cast the shadow of a doubt a Unit it, it we have been led tu look upon these two im a rather inclined, while participating w ith t! lladicals, to "counsel more Conservative si moderate measures. But doubles their as at ions have corrupted them to- such a Ui;i . that, with. Chandler, Sumner,- Wade, Stevn. and the rent of the holy-patriotism party, thi ( rather like the shedding of blood. It w ill 1 remembered that just before the first pun of the late war was fired, Chandler, of Michigan, wrote to his friend Governor Illair. of thai Stale, that "some of our New England friend think a war would te awful,' but iu my opinim without a-little' btoml-letting thl"t;afriir"w 11 not be worth a rush." The premature publics tioa of this elegant and Christian sentiment caused the honorable Zachnriab some little con fusion and embsrrsinncnt; but in theaiibseipient blaze ol patriotic fervor that spread over tbe ; land, on the an'nouncement of the altuek on Sumter,' the blood-letting li tter w;is a trump card, and Its lofty author strutted through th country with alt the pomp and ceremony of a Sir Oracle, So now his a-toci;it-s and con (Veres may plot insurrection and violence that appear very horrible and fearful in anticipation, but which by manipulation may be made, to appear a holy stnii.'"le and its authors subim ta of ac claim and preferment. And so, indeed, it is that in t -i advanced ase of the world, we find men, cl.ii i' to he .enlightened, intelligent, Chii-'ian t - iitbmen ana wise legislators, deliberately plohm,' n vo lution aiid bhwdbed. The greed of pu. r must be creatin men who Vill n deliberately sacrifice all loyal instincts, all fraternal sH'cctinn, ail Lnriatian principle, all enliiihn iteil ludi'nieiit. fot the sake of breeding crime, miavry, desola-1 i'on. ui'Hu ana ruin, mat tnnnif ii am n nen imiv "nri-i-ii n . Tuad , ,,... . . I,,.-. . . IU.A1M. One week ago to il.iy -vl'-- - General llluir delivered a spe.i li at Vt ft, ' Maryland, on the "issue ot the time," iu v. b he took occasion to point out tbe rc-iin 1 ! muit follow the proent system c.f 1. in Conirresa ill rirard to the refoii-!i i .t the South. In the first place be showed ii, til was contrary to the avowed object of the :ir and that btevens and his faction me tii to secure siibjujration instead of rot--i'f "i I ie historical points rai-ml in this p I' 1 ' opportune mid fun il.ly stated. J1 '. ) i ly shows that the policy of the ri.i-aii ! the Southern States i.i without a p I in the history of the woiid ami direct H- hi i ; ;mi:,i.ii to the policy of our ow n goven.o '.t ill ip. premiini fiinner ri-l'i-llioiis, and, l y 'v ef ii linlrri r ' .1 f- e - ir-t-: s' ' glaml iio-t tiie I iiiiHi st t i.f t. ine ol i ond war with 1 ' : 'im I, tB Hartford iiviu tion, alio the l'.in k-i.i-t war iu IVnn i. where Tbad Sfeveiis advined all bis -"to throw their conscience to the devil' carry out their f lume at a'l hu,:inl-i. The aelion of ("-" since the -(iph. ii meut'of tlie ii'c-iit m - iKI I tlinl'oe !y ' " I'iwI, from tiie Siliiiiti. ii iif'tlie Fieniii. .i'h i i imii tail down to the mini nnicn. intents. Tliu woikin hm no, IHt.ler the nari-. i a a't, is a! t.. n '(ail Colistmi Ol' tin . t i : 1 IVi.la 1 t. li. .n ia i .a taat Me ar Into tali li'yS'enl itna' Irelaiiil. the remit l! il.aiS M 1 I.e. . at b tion i I' ! .t pra Volt of tae e..!..a, s f: f.l.t. ed bv t a; f (hat N.-.v to -..';. . ; l !e involve air j tu 1 I in I .e i II tii ruiu 'tMi; ion m i; imat f ' In ' " laaa t: t ! i I and l a. e r a the coin aiii." All tois . ia-iy retain l -.a li -iUuhi v, i ail. i r. I .... r k i, ks m tins en . akaUi' teiii's . I ill Cmaai. -i.- (TO Sll. i .' Hail S m .TO l. n uiiumia sum, aa revohii . ' 1" I in !1 W 1 in bis ri ad .1 in iiima th inow ru: . Pf NVIONH to TO u.KiKits or ) uu, l-l'J. 'I aii n In t ported K of the Y a,. ?i-i! on ir.vai- -i i e of l!f i.ri-.'i.i .' . ailliav ,., ...it-. ! i f 1 ! .'. n li.- ' -hie. 1 .aae fl; , 'll.O ( -a romtuHt- '.'v had b'M.t the old pa aa land has ii.'t i filion to Catiti the time of t: nit !. 1 1 . i e i OMil i of the let f the i 't WOlth t ia I -t t'aa . d oat le t; a i l.-t an i. , aie a. v it V t i t e we b TKIiKQllA'PIIKJ. The KcmpLii Fraui , , Washinoton, June S4. Tbe recrds of the investigation ot the cane f Geo. A. Csrleton, Special Agent aud acting : Purveyor of Customs at Memphis, who. It ia al li ;rel, lout more than half a million of dollars forth Government, is now Mor the Hank Committee, with directions t eniii1e iutrt tl wbol subject and report at any tune. 1 ' rianoe Mexican Affair. . . t v, - Washimoton, June 41. ' A letter from a dixtititiihed source in Paris eoninnuiicutes the sultjiiimsl to lite Mexican I'jriition : The steamer w hich in alaitit to leave St. i;ujiire lor ilexico will carry, I am assured, an autograph from fiajKileon tu Maiimilian, wliiill demnnds that the Mesienn Cuxtoni house shall lie placed under French admiuist ra tion us a guarantee for tbe Mexican- loan, con verted into three pi-r cents, anil in dH'aiilt of tho acceptance of this proposition by the Mexi can Government, our troops will be immediately rc-calli'd. On the contrary, if the arrangement is til. i ted, the terms announced for the depar ture of the ; French troops will be maintajnod, 'Late From Europe. NkwYokk, June 45. . Tlie uteainshlii Oernmnia has arrived, with Soul hainutoii dates to the l 'tll. " '. J " Sales of Cotton on the Monday TicTure Baling IQ.tiOO bales. Jl.irkets firm and price uu- clmngc'd. lireadstulla firm, ., ., : t VmsoU 8iiaaC. Flve-lwentles 6iil(r B5. The La t raiun believes the rumor ot an ex pected imperial mi'ssiigefor the isus of anew loan ia unfounded, and should M. ltouher be, questioned on tbe policy of the government, he will only repeat his flrd. of May declaration. . JIarsliiill U'Donuell has expressed the ppre ln nsion that leuHiwill not pan without Spain having to defend her territory. -, The p isiHirt bv item in Austna ha been in tii'diiee I. The Emperor lias started for tbe Headquarter ol the army of the North. . K The A ustrian ambassador has not left Berlin. The popular indignation in .Ravarie against Fm-Ma, Ciititiniics. .l.;b"' are lieinsr made to induce tbe K.ni(( to (li:i'i ill m;' nii'iic A . the ministers who maintain the policy aring against tbe power that shall com. v, ar. . . - ' i ' . the enti t of the is into Holbtcin deciarinR such to be in vit i ol the tlaater Conveniion. l,w- '-' ' ' ( N i:w. Vohk, June 2..; Cotton dull at 87(u H9. Gobi 1.5?. , - -' ir.llkl!. 'i a ' ' New Yoiik, June 23-6 P. 31. Cotton dull. Flour dull. Wheat has a (k i lining tendeuey. Cora has declined 1 .Cent--.lesof 'J,S,(li0 bushels t M j llU cell Is. Pork lall.eale at "d 87 V, f:!2 2". J'.eef steady. Laid all. .Flour eh-!-. 1 buoyant..' tiold 151 i. New Ori.ban, June 21. Cotton ia.exn mely dull sales i.f 3,000 bl- ' i.w Sliddliug' at zi dii (J renti. (.;.,!d 151. k sterling exchange C-t. Exchange on Ni-W t a k 1 ja-r cent, discount. . CoT""rci, ' .. j,..... .----.-.. i ..i - --i---.-' - i Wanhihotox, D. C, J.iueSJ. Si NATS. A .joint resolution was pu d pr- ;-n:; for an oilieial history of tbe hue re! n ,, I ant homing the Secretary of War tunppoiut nut competent person: to write it, at a f -.inry vt cxei i-i Una f 'J, ODO per year. ..' . Tlie tat bill was coiim.I.tciI, and via ai . men. bin uti oliered ami adopted. Senator Morgan dclivvred anema v on ..:r. iini lirui, lci i a-ed liu iiiln r ot , li r locli tbe Senate a-laiuriied. in the llouae Sir. U w.ni'io . 1 icm-h!' ! a I- t. I lioni tbe Sec.n.l aty ot tots '1 le.wirv i-n tae . ,t.i..-t of the annrtlicn.U-d Hit r-ntti tu -i .t liiderpesft by means til unj iiti'd bones. . ,.rul tu the Commit ...iU t.olulio lee-.- Mr llatiinf. of ieW 1 ork, ami ot a.-r-i. i. I llailin", of Jiew 1 oik, ami ot'.-rn .ires'd the Hoiho 111 tijiceelics oi roe a en tlie death of Hon. Ju. Huiiipbii.K, ol Voik. 'lhe ciiKtomary resoluiiima -t t. er adopted, and tho llotine then a a-.m The r centrcnhuTi 1 1 s i .C s. . OTAWA, 0. V.'., J,l'-.e ' Ju 1 ,e ( ma ban 1 ai' urn ' t ,' if 1 f -r t'!? iti'l.-tii in heal loti to the .,i.n...a -j- .. ia -'irred dm. ' tue r.-i .- t I ..i.!. Several Bun i. n ot tbe'-.v . :',V j i advocated the move, when .V ( I and ' I 1 I a.,t. viilo, oliluine.l loo in Mir, i i 111 M It! i i r enn a 'i to n ,.it t-eli . .... . 1 l'i- ik iv. tii a v- ' V ti ...i. i a. 'y-HlX liiiaa .a of Ail. ,,i-...i.. 1 r an invi i n .on cl . ... , 1 1 ,! Ci illililai i' i'-IH of I - IV i T tl tl lil i I .1 : i a 1 t it i.f the voltiiit. a I I to r a t r -f tl .! I control its own domestic concerns, accnnling to its own judgment exclusively, as essential to the tmlnnce of power on which the perfection and endurance of our political fabric . depend ; aud Hue Orel throw of that system by th usur pation and centralization ot power in L'ontrrea would lie a revolution dangerous to ltepubltcan government and destructive of lilterty." The holdim? of the Convention is endorsed by Senators bixon, Hendricks, Norton and Nea niith. . . " Interesting European Newt, ' ' , Nw mk, Jun S3. Additional foreign new present point of importance. '1 he London Ttmf, of th Hitb., eay that the diplomatic rupture with Prussia i bow complete. .Tbe Austrian Minister demanded bis pan-iport and was to have left that day. Huch a consummation was to be expected, aXter the correspondence which passed between th two governments during tbe last few days. The distiatch of Count Uismarek went bevond every sudi document in discourtesy, being of the most. vindictive nd provokinj; nature, ess it has been replied to by Count Meusdorft In a more guarded tyle, but ia language which shows ott'unded pride and unconquerable resolution.-'" '":; i 1 ' ' '-- - "'" " . Tbe Austrian Minister for Foreign Affair makes a lolumn protect aga'inst the proceeding ia Holatcin. : He declines all rWpoiwibility for conseowwiees and declare that fW month Pru'ssaia ha taken a position which' endiimrers nie 'fonher aettleineut. In conclusion, Count Jleiiwlortr reserve to the lmjierittl Government th rilit to take siu ii steps aa may b found necessary, since nothing rcinalm lor Austria but to defend her hunor ami guntd her right frw contempt. ' - - Th portentous Intelligence tlist Garibaldi has reached Cones is announeed. I !er w as the scene of his former brilliant exploit. " ' ' : The Irtter ot Napoleon to bis Foreign Minis ter w read on the H!tU. He sny that bsd the Conference met. Franc would biv repuiUated all idea of territorial af'!,Taiiili.enient, so hr i as th European equilibrium remained undistmb-d,-mm h preli;rring a jrood undtMmtauihc with herneitthlxir to any territorial aequi-iitii M. France would have desired for the Oermau;. Confederation a more worthy position j for Prus sia a Ix'ttor geographical boundary; nd for Austria the maintenance of l r I'reat fnVi.ion in Eurone. after the e'ati"i ' f enetia tl Ita ly in exi-hani-e for terntof"tt Thoiif'h 1lie t'or.i.TiMH-e lias 1 tlitllU that i i in. e v, ,,t uiiii-ii-i it ion. t. tue 1 iiiisernr .I 1 "t V Ify, li the ai! ' Si.SA1l a a. HlltH-tira' the I tO eilljUji ,! W h.a li.'il) aera ., a-ainin. I.e obtu.i fd nt a la i ill )l ok an ! a fate Ado,-ti I. i he t ix bid v, .' Hot a a-:. Mot i inittee on Vt .1' i f r a 1 t i !l, w! e SJ.a A r h to I I , I I. v us 1 1 a . . 'a.. ; to eut at. . : i am-e re I 'in'. ai the I'".- i mv, f ! I art a i .1, nt ii I r 111' .. a ii n to iiitf ana-tit w . a.aa li.i r i . -ii. i.f I I ..-. n uu I I I t 1 1 The '-t it w h i1- a H;i I a, but 1 - la- th.it t latve I., id ti I I" b- -a.nb:.:.. ..! l,u tl cliniid at 1 .ve twu.. efe. IV. ideut ia enil' -v 4 nl n 1 Ann nit mi ti: I . la l 4 in ('una . .. . v l"il a la. - t ii i the l.iiiiiii j;" ' lb lrU(iua sf Ui Essiisaii Bkiiu H n of U aastt SmlrsbU Miiiniat sf adr-tiiiif la lb Btaia. AiIvsriiHUtnt, ci' -ii; jhg tin ; n of 14 tine of Btlaioa type or li- ., wha-h call tqusra, cl.srj a fullow tut lB-rii "0 ia lb wwklj : . Far a InxrtiiiO, : : - SI Fofitw iBMrtiofti, r i '.4 I &S t . yrM OMth, . .. t tl FortwsiMib ' Its For iS BInBtb, ' lie j FarsssyMr, Ju OS JOB WORK! iuU4 with BMtuu at th En . aaa Orrica. -v.- 'gp i i .1 The Propose J Union Convrution.,'- T " AKUlMiToM, JuilC Jll. The l)emocrts in l onirrcsa, wuh, perl, ajis, the exception of Harris, ot ManUiid, eii lniiie the call for tli Inmn t imvenuou in l'li..s.lel pbia. The restoration ot tue .auheru btatu to Ifpn-aentation i coiwnlnred by them para mount toall other poliucul ideas. liberal r ' Jkw okk, Jun 51, Bishop Lynch, of Citiuloton, ha leea pre entcd with J,t itoa. t, in r r h orphan Asylum ot that c.'y, I y toe LoutuuUc of the War Prisoners' Asstx iiitaon. -1 - - TU I'-irkcf. ISkw una, Jun C(J. Cotloa Cim at 8- U. i Flour dw l.mvl ft 11 rr"( P dee of 7 bbl. Stat at fSM. Cl.iui J 13.75. Southern 1 10.15 V? 17. , Wheat dull, juottiii,!iis nomimd. ' Corn ditluicd 1 O '- soiOJ.r 3 bu 1 '. a8l.-.: Uccf firm. Pork heavy, Sale of 1H.C00 bbl at tl O :I3. - -. , , ' ...:. .. Iard unchanged. . bii key dull, Bii'rar firm, sale of l ObY'.- Muscovado at 13; li avails 11. I ,r CotTee dull at ISrcnl. Naval Stores du:l. Vt . hi edv. -Z -five-tawktn! 1,1 .J, t n tliiii, l.f-lr-Goldl.Sti.jl5a. Tie Frefotel Ui.; 'i T of tlie icmocraiiO I . ;r. i, Pr .', a ef C s. . AM' i M ION, June 20. ; :- The precis position oecti; 'el lv the IVino- " crattc luemiiers el i oin'ress, in reicrence hmiio Union Cunveutiim ralUd at 1 lnluJi 'pliia,lllni t.ated : ' i -. : - i They ar favorably di potKal toward stub a Convention, beiicvie r tnnt tue rep'cvuKiioii of tbe Southern f;,.-i in C" n - is not on'y a right, but is neeeswirv to t" hannonv sit proiiterity of the eountrv. 'I tn'V ate Wii.in:-, therefore, to co-operate wi.li t n tmon Conveo ion for that pu i,e; I itu i 1 . I be t 'V''r ted from In on md ! y" - '.o !- tor the formation t anew ' v, t. -v p"' ' ' im to their own. At tt j seem vay di-.orousto turtia-r ii.u iia'''' am.

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