!1 - tv.'uiinTiov . V. e. ';- i ' 'i f t'.e -,:. f .North I ,,' j, ii) I iit n:,.in. e - miii-ii, tor llm pur s' - oi amcn-img u;e 1.1,1,. Mutton of tiie t-.ute, I. dV T fnliM-o.Uit-d the Same, n adopt) d oil ' ' b f , 'n.-iit!, i!.,y of Ibsmnl.er, A 0., one. t ixiihjtuj lefti! bumln-d ami stvwity.six, null t' e amen-i'iienis tlicict i, wl.-'-,.. rst! iti. d nb t c ii-wirh fl-y of Jul v, A I ,!. lliou-and ...I Liiil:l U'i I tinny live, t'"-:,vr with k.m.jiy atTi'-n-liFir-.its Hi.,;,!,;! i.i ti..i J,'a; one. t'iniih.in'1 f,;!it hundred and fd'y one thoti-aan-1 t' 'it hundred and sixty-one an. I one thou sand 1 it huiMied and sixty two, isvt u'.Upt nincnd.iirnts adopted l.y tiiia Com, mum, do riluin -i 1 establish the following Constitution fur the hute: ' ' ARTICLE J. ..x..s J'U'f.ARATlOS or SitiUl,,.. Pm-tcix 1. All poliiu-itl power is vested iii anil derived from the p,-o; ",. nnly. Sue. 2. The people, of'this State om-ht to have the aole ami exclusive rii'ht ol ret'uottiitg the lnt-rt)Rl government ami police thereof. Ski'. i5. ?io man tir wt of tti n arc entitled to exclu-.iv or separate emohinicnt nr pnvih gee from the eninuiuiiity, but ii rontidcrution of puliiic K-n iics, , t is.i'. 4, Tbe h :i!sintive, exeeuiive, and su preme judiind powers of 'fjovewiiicut ought to 1 tori crx pm.itcand !. -um-t (torn fix b other. Sc1. 3, A'l power of ti'i-pend n lima, or tint ,I(v1ltiofl of )iw, 1 y -.y Jili'li uity, without Const nt of Ii,,-. t ,n-., ntitiives of the p.splo, id injurious, to their rudit, anil on- fit nut to be Mm-iiL ' t'Kf. 0. !"!(! lnr of member tu serve urtp reseiittf.'.visiu Gib. ml Ainihly ou-dit to be free. ' b. 1 . 7. In b'1 ciin.Ii, ,1 )n--f tit i .r:, every man l:as a ri.-lit to bu iiirrm 1 uf tin- ac ilea linn aeiinst liim. ami fit rmfi'n t tlio iu'Oirs ami )tii(-.i .-!, o-i.rr '. hi.i.j, an-1 ti bnve -tii!i-.. ! t;,r il. ii nee, arnl uliail' tK,t U: coin j Di'J to t'ii'e (-vi'li lice "itinit liimwiC, bee. 8. Wo fii-i-man aliall l put t urimiir any c ri.i.in.il dim , i sd jit m ln-rtinartf-r al lowcil, but t-y inn.i (m;rt; jiic'i-titmciit, or ini litni'tit. . f'r-c. l. .N'i f -1 n:!in blu.'.l ht- c-invirt"lif any riiiiif, but I'V t!iP HiiammriiH Vrr-iiitt a ju ry of piioj ami l.iwfiil iin-ii, in (. en CMirt, iu-n K lure i : 'I i.f f ; iir n,ir, lirmi-T' rr, j,u.i,le o:i.. r ini..;. .i d,. ft pel y "mi, .di-iin .inurn, n tlie r.;-1 nf lipjx ai. he. 10 J.ici- ln.i f-'-m!,; .J rn.t be "n-milr- d. rinr rxmAiv iimn luijum-i, pur llmmsml jMiniaiii'i. 11 . 1 1 !, ; fc, U. .iti-rnl wnrr.mU, lnTol.y any of ficiT or li t -n ,"r r ni.iv I cmninnjidni to awtrch aunM u-il pldrvii iui,iit cv'itlinca of the fart coin!!,;:1! il, tir tu aun any pfrnun or persona not nmiipif 1i,imi oiii-nm i nut particularly dcicnbr'd arnl eiipportuil lr vi(i i.:e, are elan-pi-nxis to !.' if v, ami rrn. ;,t nut to b Krsnttl. f-i. 1 J. o lii'i-mnu oi' -'!t tu be titki-n, Jm priuniri), or i-i iAt.l f ,ia iirt liohl, ItburUi-a, or p',i!i -, or nuilowcJ. or cuilnl, or in any in. ...i-r i. trovtii, or ili-jniveil, of lif" Jib-, eriv, r pi"i-it, l.i.t hy thr luw of the innd. i r. 1 i. J.1 i ty fiit-mun, rcatiniui -I of bin hl ty, U ciiiii.l t-j remedy a iapiiitt into tbfl iuwfi.!m-a tiicfi f, and to" ri'iimvo the lane if itnlnnlul, and aiii'U rt.ni:(!y ouylitnot to be do .tiioj orli-!.V!'d, . .. . ... :-. t-i-.i'. It. Ill nil r(iitrrtvrii at 1W rriptvts iiijj proper' v, ii," !i. lent tundo of tiul by jury i 1 .' 1 .' i of tlm r'flita iif Ui ' ' 11 . 1 1 t t., r, 1 . n svre 1 ii-( invi-if. i t"f to I.e. j uuneil, , j t i ,! mi' l.t mf tl I e ! I, t.f liri l !iy i . ,i t 01 s i'y . t. bl ' p" lie l.t t-f . "1! i rt C'.ll 'i lit l 1ii- .1, Ui 1. r ( r rei . ' ,;t m t.i ner.il friri! '-, I- , v PHIH fit llii' 1. f" i'. e i r' lit to lifur (' ; 'Hi !, PS Ht,lHll- n h is 1' n runs to in'aruii' la ttn-nei .p iv, i'ii o- i iii m I e 1 1 (; nd tiiu itiiiit cjr i.U .! u 1 1 i. , i. r .1 1 n'l)nliit 111-"! t, S't-I .V : V, t .U C , . 1! ( 'V-T. . ' , II. 1..HJ I.U1HH I ill!'.- Illl ill ( in r, to n'i. .liHnr t1.. ii (.., nit pond, to i .,, 1 u t tlieir r i.i.i.i . 1,1.11,1 to i'l''y to t... , ' ire 1 n !n wt ( ! j'.iii vhi.n ' . , f '.l , i : I ! I.V.- A I' ".' ! HII ''ejt 1 t i i X - 'I A i .U) ' ' f ' - lrT.(l. ; 11! ti 1 F i llti' 11 .1 ''I' 1 -j I ! ' , ii 1 1 Mi I Mi' l SH c I and i .- e t, . t, flu Siiills" I :i. A 10 tu fjiiihimeiit- j ytl, ... !, I' u;i jMll.erf nio ' Hd 0' -t a iii' I ei I V J ml finiitic tarli alml! eoutiinte a f'u.utorial -0. 8. Tli Iloosa oCl'uuiniinaaliiill be com P'wil of one buri.tred and twenty in-pnmnia- ive", I'leniimilj eitiHK-n uy iJU ,,,(t o ba Hirteil iy ttieciiuntiM rrhjHi-tiTely, a iMrding to t . fciitire rcsfuK'tive liito populatiun, and foiinty almil tiave at Itaitl com luentUr in 1 imustot Umiiimi ni-l.imjilj ,t my Bntenf,ii the re.piiit raiin of w hits population. Kw;. 4. TbU annortionoient al.all htaiiulii ht tlie Oeneml AwMjiiiliIy, at tlie rcip(;tire time mm iirriona wuen tlie litrnu lor th Pensfa ;( iieii:iiib fore tiiruclcd U) lit laid off; and tbo aid apportionment ha!l be made according to an eiiumeraliou to be ordered by the General Assembly, or according to tbe ctiuma which may oc Mjjen t,y orler r ConKdeaa, next pre rciling the periwl of making cued apportion incnt. " bM 5. In m iking t ha apportionment in the 1 ioiimj 01 i.iiiimHi, tbe ratio of r,pr',Mtion altall be aHi crtuiixd by dividing the amount ti the white population In the Htatu, otter dediH t in th.it C(imirebeiideil within, tinnie Coutitire, wliiih do not neveraliy contain the one hun- drc-t and twmtiMh part of tlie entire white population aroriMiii, i.y the numlwr of rejiro-K-nuiiri-a h t-i the numtmr anainnj to the anid cotiBtim. To fin U county coiuainiiiK the aaid roiin, nj not twire the aaid ratio, tiiere abalt he a.;frncj one representative; to each county eonfuiiiinir twice, but not tlw timua Uia aaid ratio, there imll be iitrned two rt'prtent tiven. and ao on profrewivcly ; and liicn the rmai a ti prew ntmivca aim!) tie aBiL'ned everiitly4 to the Countica having the Isrgent iiarnmna. - Bur. . o new county (hall be formed and estab!iliMl, link-si there ahull be, within the prnposjiH iioiindarli-e thereof, tbe one hundred and twentieth part of the entire white popula tioiolthiii;t;tiorif the populalion of the couuiy.orany ul tliecountii, trom which it may le propoM-d to form and estnhlUh the tame, hall thereby be reduced Irt low the one hundred and twentieth part of the entire w hite poptila turn of the Stnta. Hw, 7. Kach member of the Senate ahall b not h-xe than thirty yeara f a,!; ahall have He aided in the btvte five yearn; ahall have nanally rei(leJ in the dUtrk-t for wliictr lie ia cbo n, one Tear immeumu-ly preceihnj Ina eli-ction, am'. lorthe aaine time ahall have iMMaeeicd. and liuli conliuue to poaeK, in the diMrict which he rcprencnta, cot 1cm thua threa liundred acrea nf land in fee; cr a fin-bold 4t nut tew value than one tlmuMuid (lullur. Kuc,. 8. Lach member of the Houm of Com- nioiia slmll be nut lm than twenty-one Veara of a.-ra i iiiil Have resniid n tlio rjtate Ore year, and aliali have untially retideil in tbe county in which he U chowm for one yea imiuediately prit'i-diiii,' hia election, and tor the aama time hall have ponneu.rfd, and ahull continue to poa ariti, in the county which he represent, a free hold of one hu mi red acren of Jund, or the value of three bnndred Uoliara. - fSkc, If. trcry nuia of the ajin of twenty-one years, who may hate been an inhabitant of the Ktntc for twelve montha, and of the district in wliii h he propose to votft, ix month neat be f etliediiy of any election,- and ahali have I I public taxca. hull be entitled to vote for a i Miber ul the rk-nate for the district in which he may then reside. v ' . fjm-. 10. rery man ofthenr'eof twenty-one yeiir, who may hare Imen an inhabitant of the Mate f-if twelve month next before the day of elc tion, and of the county in which he propo ae to vote for nil nmnlha next before the Jay of tli tiim, ami ehitll hate puid u1i!io (asei, lintt mil t ..( f,.r meodiori of the ! r -i 1 fe, t - ' ' ' . . . 1 i. 1. .,..!.. it 1 In led to tm; .-wnate or lioiiM) of Coiiiiiioun, ahull hold hia nest trom tlie time of hit election until the next biennial elec tion. :!.'. ' r'i C." 13. 'I i." t- 1 '' 3 " o' rnmmone hli.ill meet bit miiul'.r, and h-11 ai.enihled, ahall he iknuinii. I the " f-'wc, M. '1 in' i-iu! -'Il Ihrirown njiikr and 1. Kir. 14. '1 .-;l.;en' '.:v ' ide in the It-. 411', h it they be e p"' y d.M.S. 1 ' f-,.c IS. '1 !ie f na'e f'1' I A- iiihlf. iiiaauau cuooae r ii.-iccra. 'l.ivcrnor ahall pre .;! not vote, nuut t H I . . . .11 clino their Other nt..ien, "d !'i' 1- 'T prr tcm;r in the nl.nen.eot , .-, l.i. Hi-e ..it ti'ivemor, or whea he !i,ill exeii t fieo.... e of tiovi-rnor, ' hi ii. 17. tai h l!oii-t ahu!l be juda of the qiuhlii-aliolM aiidcle,.! ,01m of its own niemliera ; n1' ill i, iiion it pwii a'ljouinmenia irom oay ( 1 dire ll- ir hi.' 4-t lUHHII t n! tor aupplviutr liiteniieuiaie vucan nii I ma f aln jointly adjourn to any ia- 1 1 lire i y 1 1 p-.uo. - . 1 J. I he tyle of the ar fa ahall be "The ! A ciuhly of Korth C'.irniii5 1, enact, .- .-. i-t. i:.. U ineii.Urof the 0-iicru.1 A'-i-I i'.ie t 'kinif his fat, slitol tiikean oath or . i', i! .t-, to I'-a I" -t of 1 n knowh-'.ia -l . ' U fpin. ,ic i und' r the Cou,i.ni ,il ot t ' ,le to t'ika hia 'it. t'C IK '!:! ! :- Awtnlly ehi-I not h.ilt i-v. i itter to I' ll!? inihvi , r- .!ti i! 1, '1 rt 1 I -.1 a invoice, iir ii urc iiiuo n1 case, b it inny jia pim-r- .nvorea and a..nioiiy. V.i nerul A uib!y alnkll not n'iT I " ;vTe btw to alter tl I lie J l l, lie i Hon in ; , 1 !., or ta 1' -.uiiate any p.-r- tti i.isi!" .lw.-V.iKk, or to re-ioie lit r I i 1 of H 1 pilwiT t !, 1 iii-v -'"in Ci-nvii t i ...in-, I 1.1 til have tl.e vl h.tf i ! ' i'ii'I t!l S I'lltv, i.d A ..-'y.sii.t.l cot j .-s it . ..1 I rt IlHe'e t') lip- h no' -i a 1 ive fici'tf t ' 1 ' i n. ..tiler as 1! n I i r i-.i ii be pio- li') I la 3 - l.t cl t I ( r ,' 1' a f ...,', or 1 1 y if i 1 li , or till . re, or to . t It. t t t v on t i-1 1 !' f : f r I ! t ' 1 t ! 1 i i e 11 1 t-l I - I 1 I I t' 1; 1 i ; 1. 1 . 1 t :i v of ad 1.1 I I' s. I. a innrniil of ) oiled, and i ". urttiiii ..I - r " i il As ' I 'j ' 'I I 'i- fi neomii.sl in- . ! t'.e uiem'-ers pirs- 1 i s f .n fley qites'ion o I It, 1 .. t ., t oi ti. journal. .. u' . r i f e i- r House i y j i - - - it u-y ' t err , . 1"'" tO !' p""- or any iiiiiiviiluuhaud huvn the reiisoii nia ttlnei-t mbTi'd on tf.e ow. .! .-, Ilia j. -in nil A it, nteinh! . lit em li - !e of , 'I rtttii eiiuinl hiii, limit cltn-t, by j two Ilou-id, a Hm I'-tary of h and ('ouni ll of Bt.il.-. who ahull ui.in'ie in u'.s iir me term 01 to veara, an. mild 0 may he appointed in Hit if pi,n . fci-c, 81. iu thtttl etioa of a!l oPh-cra, wh appointment ia con 1 erred on the General A acinbly by the Constitution, the rote, ahull I tic tore. AKV1CLEII ' 41 ..... f ...... . n . KXKCI-TIVK DKPAKTVENT. SecTiow 1. There ahall be a Governor, an I Lieun-nant (Joveraor or the State, who thai) be choaen by the ijiiidifW voters for the inembcr. of the House of Common, at aitch tiuiea and plaeca fc member of the f lenend Aaaemhly ar. elected. 8av. ft. No person ahall lie eligible M Gover nor or .ii iiti iintit (iovemor, unle-g he hall have been a cillen of the United Statee for twenty years; ahall have attained the age of thirty yenra; ahall have bvn a resident of the htate for five yearn next before the day of election, and ilmll have therein a freehold in laoda and tenement a ot the value of to thousand dol lanu J bice. 8. The (iovetnor khail hold Ul olfice for the term or two je.ita li.m the time fixed for hia iimt.illiilion. 11:1. 1 unlit another ahall lie elected and qnnlili.-d ; but he khult not be eligi ble for mbte than fur four jnn ia any term of aix yeiira, unlemi the oflire ahall have been Cast on him aa Lieutenant OoTernor or Speaker ot one of the Holm ot the tienerat Afwemhly. ' Rkc. 4. The return oi every election for Governor and Lieutenant Governor, almil be eaU-i up erit transmitted to the eat of Gov ernment, bv the returning oilkcra. directetl to the fpeaW ot " the lloiine of Commone, w ho uli.ill otien ; and tiuhlish them in the reaeuce of a linijority of the member of both lloiiM of the Guncral AaHembly. The person bavintr the hii;hint numlier of votea for Gover. nor, alial be Governor: and the lK-nton havins mo iiim-i uuiuoeroi yoica lorijieuieiiailt lov emor, hull fie I.Ieuleii.-Hit (juveruor; hut if 41.. I.! .1 II... ...... wT . ... " two or more pc rnona aliull tie eipiul and Inchest iu niimlK-r of votea f'.rt itl.er olice, one of them hall be choi.cn to fill the otlice by a joint vote or ooin Jimiaeaol tlie Uetterul Anwmlily Skc. 5. Lnntttted election flir Governor or Liectetmit (oveninr jihill lie dttniiiied hv a joint vote of both lioum-a of the General Aa- aeinhly, in ucli a niamier as ahull be preacnlicd liy t.- bc. A. The Governor chart nlmll enter on the duliei of the olhce, on the first day ot January ncitt afW hi election, havintr pretionslr taken tine oath of ollice in presence of the member of both- branche of the General Assembly, or ociore an v justice or tne Biipreme Limit, who. ia cane the Governor elect should lie prevented from attendance before the General AnM-mhlv by aickneM or other unavoidable can-, ia author ized to administer the Mine. Skc. 7, The Lieutenant-Governor ehull ' uo- funi the mime qtialiScatiob for ollice, tit are re ouired of the blovcrnor, and hull hold hia office or tne like term. " Bsc. 8, The Governor and LIcufen pit Gover nor, ench, almil take an Oftlh, that, (o tlie beat ot hi knowledge and Mief, he ia eligible, un der the Constitution and law of the Htute, (o the oilice, to which be ha been elected.- tSKC. 0. The Governor hall 1 Commiindcr- n-C'bief of the Militia 1 and in the recivi nf t he jencral AntM-mlily, ahull have power, bv und with the advice of the Council of hi ate. to em . lodv the Militik for the put-lie nafi'tv. 4 lie voted by the Uuneral Aaacmbly tor Ihe cou tinjifncic of government, and be accountable to them -for the Mine; lie ihall have the power of granting pardon, and reprieve, except when the prosecution (hall be carried on by the Gen eral AMcmhly, or unlea the law ahall otherwise direct; in which latter case, he may, in there ecw, grant a reprieve until the next aittim? of the General Assembly; and may exercise all the other executive power of government, limited and restrained by this Constitution is men tioned, and according to the laws of the State ; and shiill have power, by and with the advice of the Council of Btate, to convene the General Assembly In extra aoaaion, at any lime, when in his opinion, the exijrciw-ii-s of the Htate may require It. Bkc. 11. In caaa of the impeachment of the Governor, or hi removal from ollice, .death, in al.lltty W dt'-hrf,-0 4S Wttl W!lie-,MiV icnation, or afrnenc from the Htate, the powers and duties of the office hull devolve upon the Lieutenant-Governor for the residue of the term, or until the disability shall cense. r-kfc 111. Whenever tha Licntetiant-Govi ruor slutll, for like causea, liecome incompetent to ti .sclifira the power and duties of the ollice of Governor, they shall devolve' on the f peitker ot tin- b. i-.i'e ; and in case of hi death, or incour petenry for like causes, they shall devolve on t .t 'inker of the House of Commons; and t -r kn- ii time aa there ahull be npeuk-rs ia 1 .it, the perions lu-tt axtinir aa sm U sh-tll be il.'cio.-d !- I'litkeii for the purpose aforesuid. hi c. 1.1. Jn haw of a vacancy In the ollice of Governor, the Lmiilcisint-liovernor, or any 1 i.. r pi rson called tit' tilt the- ortire, shu;i lie fiu.il.i',1.1 In fore any Jutii-e of the Supreme t I'lltt. ,k 1 c. 1 1. The Lieiitensnl-GorernoT, while pro el l.i'if ia the J-itmte, ah ill receive the auma pay as the h'i.-:ikr-r of the House of Commons, and be si 1 il! it e. ive no other compensation, eti pi y in tt In- i a.-;'.i tit Governor. l-.e. IV 'li.-"i , ull be Sf.d of the Ftate, -u 1, . 1 i- ill i t by ti.e Governor, and uwd I v lii" in On -.ii m iy r- "ture, and alm'l h I 1 ll Sell Ot U'B . lie Ol X 11 111 t'T- h ;,ve.l to ud j,'.:iula lud comuns- be -. '. '.. Tl,i- Culm, il c.f file halt C'-n-l t of '"! ; 'in, w ! -i C" 1 i a l . the Govern -r in 1 . "ti of l. 0.. e; lour nun ! - ..1 a ; ..1ii.1i; t' :r ahiee and pun -. ,1 le e'- : 1 in a Joum.d In lie kept b r I,. .1 i;c -, Bi-.i si -i.cl by the 1111 in." .i pr v ; r l '"V pot of Wlll 'll a:-V tlnnd er ' tn i !' r I, 4 oi-se'it ; a i l mi h J ' ! i-l bud I.- lore the General Assembly wlu-ii 1 !."r !-? ..'iii-e.f Jloij.. r. 1. In netycn-e :,. -eauv t ' r. t!.i t ( t wiio-o appoii.'. I i 1 v tne I e i'u . !'.' ,t, , i, -I I . i' . i ' .1 , - ., ii ..ii $ Hi- ii'i s. 1. . . 1 ..s o. . e c 1 r mhoia lu- "Hie ae wt, t,m Uovernor it 1 -laer, w . d t e a h 1. e ot" tie f i."ii id : ue, to ti 1 tu. ii i Aiiey, bv t-iin 1 a . i-y cmnuiUdim, wliiih ii t.i ue at . .f i; c n i" ' '- of t'a- 1 I A A' IV. jtlil-. Hi. j.. i'm if., r. ; 1. The i . ' 1 l ,i.i . 1 in One s.ii, 'i r- r ( . . ( ! .- i.,l l t.i t . f"! 1 l'l J .M,d Ie .. . n t Vi' ' V-tt t ,n 1 ' s 11 iy I - ,1 ill J I H I ' i ' . 1 ti A k 11.. I to t u r i , t ' . i t e tmo K- . .f tl v V I if ll. Court of la and ' t ot one, or ro'-rf ao ui.omer. 4. Ti c J '-t"" a i f the r' 'ircmearfil the i.f t-,1 h i r i - -1 ot law end of E ji-dyi ' ' 'fooicea during .. h avion r'; and, at .c"l t -nc, shu'l re ,..r t..i.if "' ii hi n (Hute larj, ,kha.l nut 1 - - ii'"' I f J o uii'i lhir C ,c In oir.te, ''..' . .1 -i 1 .. 1 ,.r 4,m Rit , 9. IUCSK l. . 1 i" . Court, to N 1.1 U ; ; ia every jrcu-; tSe 9. Jt ueru ii'.l iniii MiiMia 4'i .w" 1 at the seat of Uovern- ie coiuinenceinent of the ,tn hn. a neiu'r may lie. half a year . and the Court at each term shall ait for , -patch of bii'iin-- so tng shall be tie- 6, A Supeiior Coutt shall le held acmi .ily at least, in every county in the Stale, iall Ht for the di j aKh of boincia for ,imeamay liedir-cted by law, but for Bs than ix dy, nnleua iu business ehalt . h riisnoaed of. 'i he General Awmbly ..uamr. direct iliore than two tennsnot .lovrlor Courts to be held in the Veai; la w case the Assembly may, If deemed advia- rnereaae Vi.e numtxr 01 " ."..'.. oj Court. --I--.-- " T. County Court shall he held fiuerter p,!eaat,1n each Jear, in the1 several counties, 1 Jn.ticee of the 1'eace therein, of whom ...utban three shall be a otiorum, and the nt th l-otirt shall continue at least six f I unless the business be anoncr di-posed of. 8. The General Asacmbly, in ll uiacre- 1 ... establish t;oiirt lor tneornoraiea ,i and towna, with u h jurisdiction in civil er a m"y e prettcribeit. i, . O Tt.a lleiieml A-iseinblv 111AV aKo ts- - -h noliee court lor inch cii'te and town. sv power to try and punish petty nilsdi iiienii . riromittedwidiin the limit of such, citte .. ii.ni and in violation of their by-laws. a 1". The General Anmbly, at ita first mfi,.r tbantbre of Attorney Geoernl shall 1 v.i-unt and from time to time there .h.ti .nnnini an Attorney General, who V h e.ii.imi'.'hotied bv the Governor, and .. hold his o-iV for the term of four years ; I J the General Assembly should hereafter ( id tbe term dnrintr which Solicitora of the t .1.1.11 I10M their olllces. then they Vnttll ),e pow-r to extend the term of office of the A'rney uenerai to me sumo pni. ,1. ti Just ice of the Peace shall Tie elect- .i'miRlified voter for members of the Geral Asacmbly, and shall hold their olnce foiix vear. The number shall not exceed two .1. of tlm nnnulation accor(Unr lOITCIT IlliiuBiii.uv. - r-r- , . i -L- tohe c-iisii next prci-eding- the- ehvUua, Jinl. tlleiierl Ai" mbly may allow lure tiinl Jii-ti'-es for eu h connty-eeat, and incor paHed towns: I'ntftded; Md im-firpornte.! ton. I int other than that in which the coun i.., I. lo. i..,l. shall contain threo hundred frl. CmimI ABUfiniblv shall TirO' inaoiianin.. viii.iv - ..i t.. A;iA, titst ttie several cotuitiea, and tlie .IE ,0, --.--. t , .1. , i.ii .ii.iein their reiiiectivedHtrlcta .i. .1..11 l,a a aeoarate elivtioli for each diirict. Tlie next General Assembly shall en- Mn km to carry into effect the : !.!. eiinn' aml at the Srst prrvisiouw " .... . t- - ... -oiirt after the election, the term ot ofice of the present Justice shall expire. The imrid AsM-mblv may. provi.Uj tor the election f 1. .-i;,... l,i t:d varnncli-. Rkc. 13. There shall be a FheritT, corom or coroners, and constable in each county witinn tu hlate. ' , ARTICLE, V. , .,ii.i iuiATio; roa mrB, gacTios 1. Ko person who shall fleny the be- In-rof Almi'ditTttod, or Hie uivine """"-jL att-WMW-rcoiftmrwimioT: tueimipiiTiiiie run the freedom or safety of the State, stmll be ca puble of holding any office of place of trust or profit in any civil department ot the State. Bao. 8. No lnculfl! of the Pen nte, or of the House of Common (halt be eligible to any of ti.e within tbe gift pf the General Assembly, during the time for whit h he may be elected. Hko. it. No person who may have been Pub lie Treasurer, or any other receiver of the pulilie money, shall be eligible to any of. fcee or place of trut or prolit, nntil he slmll h.ive fully accounted with the proper anthori fo for all money which may have come t his I -mils. - hw. 4. No clergyman, or preacher ot tlie cos I I, ol any denomination, shall lie capublu of biing a memfwr of either the iSennle, House of Commons, or Council of State, whil.) be con tinues in the exercise of the pastoral timet inn. f'M1; ft. JS.l' person whrtwh.iit hiM awy -At!',; or place of trust or-profit under the United ri ...es, or under thi State, or any other Stiitc or r- ernment, Of under any department of tha 1 i.ded State, or of thi htate, or of any nther h,..te, hail holder exerei--e any oilier otliec or p' e of trilKt or profit, tinder the anthoi i'y of tl, s Btate, or be eligible to a seat in cither Hoie id the Geneial Asaemlily : J'rnii'. l, 1 l-t nothing herein coittntned shall extend to o: rs in the militia or Justices of the pe.'t-e. 0. 6. Any Justice f the Supreme Court, or Jud - of the r"nerior Courts, Mimv b r.-ni- "'d from oiine lor tneuUl or -b i.l ii.i b. i?, upon a eoneorrent resolution of two tl. . is of blh branches of the Gem r.;l As-, m b'e. The Justice or Jjih.-e, air:iiu-.t whom t:e il Assembly limy be almnt to pnwi ml, s' lit r i ive notice thereof, aerou-p-mii I I y a ci ; y of the causes all. -e-1 fir his rem.o tit 1, ,. t twenty ibiyi bcluie ttm d iy mi wbi li eith er b inch of tiio General AsM-mbly n-.iy n 't thei-eon." ' ' '. ." r .. 7. t'pon the conviction of any J. -!!! of t ) Pi-ace ot any ini'.imous crime, of of c r P'p i and mal practi.-e. jn oiTii1.', tiio ci"i.-i.'.- n i f such Jtiklice shsll tie thereby vsuvtt.l, 1 ' l.:ill be forever dieqnal.'. I from tnild i .1 a; I'-iintment. , '. S. person shall be tl it. d (pi.iUi'td ! i . - iu any cl- ("ion, or appointment to any or p' i. e e-' .i lud by the Co'i-tisct' m, ,,i- t..s Geo I A -mbly, or ilnined ili r sisi'h o e or plm , w ho s!i. ill base i 1 ' ,1 ; -y of I-lo' ". or of an in- ! i en. .ii, Lin - i"'1 -i - "-n f ..lime ' , y j o.'."e d, or f I lo t tit in a, i 1 I y Let; a" 1 fo' y p-isonad- ' i'y of In iU"-i.i' erun 1 u.-H.lt.irf;t'd, - en.i ,1 to be J"i' . in i- r 9. I-very rrsuii n- liiuiy ie cr : ol t- i i r j t u'i-1 r t: It I, ll'ld ('''' 1 1 mi , ...ee i 'ite, or j n al 1 1- ii lute 'tin : . 1 I i . 1 iu ol I; ' 1 1: i. 8. The Pup- ' '( of Equity shsll c . ta be en" led i.i 1 hu:. '4, Tha House of Common ehall 1 t- Sa power of impeaelunentr-The rVoata 1. .1 hav i e sole power to try impeachment: . 11 i. .-nvi.-tMl anon anV iailieacti- ...1 ' r tlie Senators nreaent IS- "l, UIUIJ I 1 ....... - ! rnnni, in am . conviction; and tieforelw ,1 of any impe l.uient, tbe memiy-n m ...te alo.'l take no oath or i-.l'irmatioB truly 1 iiniwiti i'ilv to trv and deb miue the eharge iu tinvouou according to evidence, AKT1CUS Vii. , mWeixaxeocs. - c.,. t lit mmmlwlosHi shall run in the name of the' State of Jlorth Carolina, and bear test and lie wiraed by tha uovernor. .u -limit run in the aame manner, aad bear teat ana lie signed by the clerk I tue tewpecuve IndictmenU ehall eonclutW against tne y" and dignity of Um State, v ; ' , VKC. 8. A nclioot or acuouia auaw liihe.l by the tleneral Awmbly, tor the conve nient instruction ot youth. with such aaliutea to the masters, paid by the public, a may euabW them to instruct at low learning shall lieduly encouraged and prpmoteo in one or more Universities. 1 -- - shall fie deemed fc eittaien .f the htate until ha shall liavcbced (ttrry-inrt-;- UItln . , k . al,- , 8kc.4. The pcwonol eiorf uo U aot a Btnn3f prnfiimption of imtil, tlia.l not lacs aknt.iimlr1 l lr.A4lli after diliverliia np, ,. i i BIUi iwrsiMiat. tor the ae jU cre,iitorB( i wth manner as ahall be reff- ..i..i..i i.w iw . aii nrisonera snail msi .....w.-w by iiilicfcnt sureties, unl-s tor capital olh-nece, when the pnd U evidw or presnmptmn o . i . ,. u.l.i:ulnuitnf anV tlKC O. 1 HT l" -. . .1 ' I n. ..ii,.imi church or denominaUon la tm I . r IL. . .11 1.M ut.lllll.llIU4mb ill Kill T -. S, . 1 nere auau wi .- - titate in iireforence to any other; neither shall . ' in ,h. ,lfi rtioa of h eoayt. that -' . .l.iuoKver. lie com- 1 'LPv' ... - --i4-t of tbs Btals at ... , any t-. -r. i pcllcd tu attenn any pi an o. p. ------ ry to his Own faith or jnrltrmeirt t "fu""K 'S thai n.ai.p ifcs topay fortlprchrof.n,gleor h.dd: yj.'L ..4 H--. Inn n any rioll.se oiworaniu, m .... .... - . " t .l..!-ir ..p mlnbitnr. COtitrarv I Hiliame .11 "j --T. -' l.... ..L iM uil.oli !ui1!VM til lie riRin, h- nntarily and personally 'timaaeu 10 i., but all petaouV .hall to .U&r their own mode of worsmp : rrvttu i nothiiw heri-in conUinod hslt be construed to exempt preacher of treasonable or editioii discourse from legal uiai aou nmiiu... . c ct Tri nrnnrrtT hali wot bu taken n- jra I -lie nseit hoat jut panaation jiabl in due time. -- ' . ", ,, - Sue. 7. Treason against the State ahall consist only in levying war against the State, or in fcd- heritig to tw - if v-ing mwm f,... K.. ..aruia almli be convicted 01 tmait nuiese on the testimony of two witness to the- aame overt act, or on confession lH open Crmrt. I 8ec. 8. Capitation tax stiall oe eqnai iuroSii- j outthaBtto,r.lllndlv,d aame; Jtvuuma, ,Jina aanmnwu. . polls a heretofore prescrinea oy ibw, allowed ia case of bodily or mental inflnnity. .. Kir. 0 r.i-pr nerann cbosen or aoiHiiuieu i any office or plat of trust or protlt in the State, beside any oath prescribed lore faithful discharge of ita dutiee, shall t''or entering on uca duties, ttike an oath or allirmation to up tMrt, maininin and defend the Constitution of the State, not inconsistent with the Comrtttu. nf tlm l'nited HtatML ii n" ' Vl 1 hitc 10. Wherever in thit Conrtiliition there is a- property qualification mentioned, ita value shntl be. determined in pecie, and be regulated liy the assessment of. State taxation nett prece-. ding the eloction. -' ";"'",', .' hkC. 1 U The Uenerai Assembly ahall pr,)uU b lntr. for the exemption from aide tinder exe-. Xniujiyoiie thouMiuA eight hundred and sixty-seven, a homesteail in 'land, in fiivor of every head of a family who may be the owner thereof, except for taxes.! - f- ' I ARTICLE Till. , x- ) ,.' l-tc- tONVKKT ION. ' 'ktsTt'" iv ., Xt Convention of the people shall be called other im! than by the General Assembly, and then only by the concurrence of two-third of all the member of each House of the Genera Assembly. No part of the Constitution of the State shall lie amended, unless by a Convention, the delegate whereof shall consist et the suiiie nuiiiberiis the members of the Houne "or .Com nioiM and be chosen by the quulilied voter for memlicrs of such House. '' . ( Untitled in Convention tliii twenty-fifth dii of June, Anno Domini, one -thousand eight liundred and sixty-six.' , .:' j W I X 6. READE. Prmidenf. -' 3 wK H.-.Vtssii..sVsri y titbaaaia.4 It. C. llAIHiER, AmhIiM Kcrctnry. DEPARTMENT OF STATE, i ,. . ' , HALEHiit, June 26, I860., . -' l.lttiHT. W. UE'sT, Secretary of State, in ii'id for the Stute of "orlh Carolina, Jo heroby n rtif'y tlmt the foremiinir ia a true copy ot the on "inul on tile in tliU ollice.- . Given under my ha.n.l the 21! h ilny of Junt A. !., I-'K).. .' - , i IL, W. ltEST . - .- i ',.-- Hffntmty nf irtfilir.' -f ; ... . AM OUDIXAXCI. ,; - J t-UHMITTIXO TO THE QUALIFIED VO TEIW GF TJ1K STATE THE KA'UFICA TIGX OR REJECTION OF THE C0XSTI TUTIOH ADOPTED BY THE C0NVEK TloX. v r 'I I , i I- Si. tion I. Jk-it orJainnl lg tAe fwij-e $f yrth Carolina, in Conr'ntion anemUed, That the Constimti iu of the Mate, adopted by this Convi nt ion, be submitted by the Governor to the p. ..pie on the tir-t Tliursday of August ne-.t, tl-iity d us nmi- having bis.-n given, and that l!i" polls be op- in d by the reaped ive i-her. i Is and hi pt open f.,r lime successive days, at tlie sevei.il eh ' tion pns incts in em b and every County iu th htiite., un-l r (he smite rule and r til.iti -iii! snowei-.t lortho cleesion otmem l.i is i-f t'..c G. neinl AsM-mbly: That the suid 'ieriil'i bo readied to compare and certify tlie riu!(iof the election, on or before the Tlmr. t iy folioMin ;, and tr.m-iuit tlie utnc in twenty d ijs therc-ii'n-r to the loivernor of the State: 'J nut all j tsuim (puddled to vote for nu-nilH-r of the Genenil Assi-mlilv, miy vote for or against li.e riii' iiii ii u of '' i.i.e; Th--e who wish a r.i''.:'icinon of tin- i i: .li'u'ion v-t juat with a p-iiilcdor w.-.-.tdi f. 1. f, "I' mi i. i t a c.ii TV o ' "I, ' Mil. I C llii! d , V i f I e lis ti t . n I'.-'Uii tii i of the p..l: in lie ir i t ., . - ii bi fore Ihe ('.ib of Ci ( I ion those " It klnill o duplicate live Coun imty Court, 1 i'i suid nsiititted to n ui. h .. -. end tl ni.r i f thi l!f tl Ji 'in afiireK'ii, I I t An. Gov. ire, pj ti i.t H il ; t iti tint 11 l i' b. Tl. d -1 r-i i. .1 t.i.,. .i..uv.t,..uor,,.i4i. 1 . .iy ot si ,t (,(,,! 1 : 'fiv i-f tlie. v-. s a 1 ...ui of iii I I " I'. 1 ii 1, h tut V of t!,.- (;,m;rii .r to and t!i. in.. a the 111 e. '. ah.' of I in e i ).l. . i I .- " , ' 1 a 1 .- of ! I'f'd .1 . Xt,!i l -A (.tis J, ri!r nt the C'onven . a eertiiVsUs undi r tv r t t'.e Full ... -tit 11 - e Fii(n I 1 i- I V' 1 e ol ort iTl tha aaid certiScale, and annex, thcrcti .1.. Ilnfe Mem 111 lliv .-, ... - - -.1 ennilled, wilh -the wrtihcaw aforesaid, -i'...er bent amona the w hlvea ot tae turn ta fi ulVTn the ollVe of tl.e Secret ,V il ft it f r oeJ'Uflx lint lite rotation. iT.u.ni.ii,,!, ahull Ukc effect and":" halt I be iu force from and alter th P-. , . , lhrtwtf:' iroeuitJ. kocrh Tit'tberKer holding office wltr the Stat--shall aerrrally ont"tu to trcw their re- pJctiveTm Biii.t their plr..UaUo. tilled bV the Constitution as ratilwd. HatSiled lCoPeutio thi S3th. day f Jww A. l)..o thousand igU hundred and alxty- "l Ct tDWIS 0. UEADF, , ' " " - PrwiuVm.--,- ' iaitM li) Mo,;Kewtry. " ;; " j,, - n....H AaV KucretarY.. ' . XI. DAW"! " , . ? ,..lEwiontN.C;nna 28th. 1808. J r wnnrnT W. BEST. Secretary of Btate, 1n T " ; and for the State or A'ortli Carolina, do here by certify that the foreijoinp; is a true copy or, ,. ti!e original on file In th. i nflU , ' . - --Giva under BiJ .!"" ui. "J . ' ' . )?ecretary of btate. , , ADVEKTlSEMESTSaV z" btatjTok iiKTircAiwiiH ,';! . HKAUKOOTtMlKTtCol'wr, ' r T- ' IWl.nnnl AlllU-lllllUItbi ; ' .. , rviij,....; r, c u.,,,,, f f. ''ul:r," T" 4 ..blauoa be . ortawe. - , - ti .msa, i i- . H.,.j ',Botv OT ine innn r-- , i H.ias Wwliioiftna, aa ' v.. ""-"""r:. .1...... ....1 knviiiir reBlevn.4 (lis . v?l'-.:iJmMMa! W4.sUs WIMJIIWWa .- . . Wll". .C0RD01ff, Clerk; June 12-DwlaV 'i ii III,, v t - ATBOF.SOl.TH CAW)UJIA,). H CotrnT or Flea and Qihtkr Sitsio, f :r.r.- 31 ay Tcim, 19: taotticti t. Wie,t Ami Adm'b. or) -" ..lT KI H Dcxcab MclXistaw JJl-UfCA A7 lIXtl, m- fi-J-t -. lt.mailK totlisCait that pun.iaa A. IMxiie, """i. k, f tliis ts-i l U ia.raf -Ja '. . a aa, Wiliiaia r. ftiiii.Hiii.w - r i -, , p.hi.ostma be aw.i. 'or '",- hw u,1(, rt c..urti.a 'ut iiaa- af AatW W"a .p,,ea.iK- ; 7 v.' r e 1 ' rt..t...st-rr j.ftwr v , ,.. T . BTATE OF KOHT1I CAIiOUNA, I , . . llBAl'VOBT Col'TX.f j William P, Jawaxt. AB 1 -! a ' ' . w.k wilrt I " f , .vy.ta."-- ia4irf.:-. rTi t V mm the eomvtainaat preati the adav . rrT.r:. .i,V. ...... imlaiwibbv ta dwrt ....... ...u.. ,..,Mr uriiiuiii iii. ..ww.-w... thai the otijmit of Mid bit ie wint a aawtoastM -la tha plaea and tUmivt hua tha aaidliaary P-. Alloa tn whnru tlia priK.rly. wkteh ho hulils ia trust for Csrnlia Jssrsil, ne lb Cuaiplsiaants ta aaid bill -shall b ieveyd t hold ia tha same truals as it I new held by tin ssi.1 Ueuty P. Allen, and thai asless he does anH-ar Ixtlin ths L'onrt of Easily tn b In Hi for tb I'lniiitr nf Hssnfitrt at tha Court IIouss in. WanhuiKtiia a tti cWhtti Honilar alter the funrtn Manila ill MMilemlutr daora vWtlt M WiadS that tbe innl t. ill be taken as cvn(eed siidsst h Ollisr dMn.. m at.. 11 l.j A1A III!.. f"- "K ' '"" -- I , . MAlTaKW HAW,, C M-lt.,ts ' WashiBftua, Jnn 15 , ,.' ... '..,,., , n i ,.- ft . -r- iir,,,;,;,;,', mi."'', "fM " .''.V-i-i i STATE OF NORTII CAROLINA, ('."' ' f j ,ii' '. Itfooma Oopyrr. - ; sii.--.-d Ciiurt of; Pleas and Quarter Session,;. April ... ; ''i l )irai,iou,u.if jii-.j llSTA DoWDlfc WIK8 & OTUKBil. , . ., v ' " , '.rs... . Matthks Bvbd & wim, ) , PititiiiafrPartilUHBfLnnd. , ' ' ', , ,i t f (fpV ni 4sk atfini'ribraaetlwa ths ite smtanr, Mstthuw HfrHi.d wife Iinvsdy, ra " t B.it islisbitsnu of lliif Htn'.ii. it l imtt-ri-il thsi publi ' - . eatioa bu mails fur six weekM. in tlie bnlniKli Sin-iinul, - - - a naasr But) lis lied ta lb eity ot bsleiirh. eoiHytnetbd:. dudtailHiitd li) appear at 'tie nuaiTerm of flu ('iiuitgY to bs belli for tlie Ciimitv nl Mmire, st itieCnurt lluniie ' in C'rliisin.tltstih al.iy ia July aatl fUi4, . suswer or d.-mur lo tliiH pmtiiiun. ur Ins (Minis will bs,. taken pro rriwi-i, smt tieaid Ji ptirle. i Wiluei.. AbEXA.M'r '.t H. HuM-.ll.r.ClMket said Cuutt, at lithe. in Ciittis, 4tb. Mnuilay in Aunl, tHiiii. ' -' ' A. H. H' XKII.l4,C.(iC " "3uns23-sn State orxoimi cauolixa, GnANVUiI.K lOL'STV, Cot'KT OT J'l.KAB ANU (JcAHTKB tlKRMtoKII J f -si.iy Term, -- )- TiiMPHtt.i s Manx, I lioMAS U Mans, . , & OTni:;ts. " , ; '.- Rtnr B. Masm, IT sr.petii to the sti.fiietiiia f lbs Cnart, that KL'KL'SI 11. M ANN', IIik di lenitnnt in ihlsesM, rslde beyond llii hum (if. this Mslll, it. is t. M isruf -r , nf) mn tiim, erdmiid by tits (--iiii'l, tuiii iintito-sfnifl bn timdn,' - for WS Weeks tiee,-l-IMe-. IlltloJ t.:.:. I fsmilineil, li.mlyinir lh shuI kuliin 11. JHm.n t tne li ol this fen-ion. snd tnst unbii-s ! ni'ii-sn at Ilia u. xl term of tint (iiiu't, ami aunirer ll:u pvtiti'in. lbs sums will ' bp tnksaar (visliiifti. Stnl 1'enrrt ex ,ttte n In blen. ' Vt itne.il AiiBimluw IjSHiIiii. I,' i f nn ( nit, at silica in Uitoid, the firm is ,irfv or Vy ).-,i,. - - . A. LVMn.i, ( icik. ' may 21-wOw , - FTATE OF XOin if t AW 'LISA, I'.l-IU'h Cof.NIY, , I, Coi RT or ri.iisAMQt Ik 1 1 it Pi-s-u ) . 1 Ji.iy 'liin, lSi.G. j " ' LlTTI F.To si Jolts si..sj - y ' A'dmliinent Levied Wn.l IA! Jl, HueiiTiii ,im In..) ; . III. r..itn.s t.. f .,o--, , ,' ,i t (rti.J, th-t tbe it- i - lisl.t IS t "ll 4 -1.-.B la Hoi ftfi lli(i,,lni..il eflia Siste, K uoonaed bv tbe Court that Inilile W..s k in lli a. u-.. s j.-mi-r p i .,-( rt t i 11 -1. .,'H, IK.ti vn v t It !- ll tulll. fit I'll I ':! I, l,e I f- r I.,.. t'..i..( P-t'p. at ti i .ait li .ti- in ll iti'-e.r. on 1110 i.e. .hit At.. 1 -l .y 01 A.ii;h1 llm m i rti nil in lien.; 'iient fi-i.sl nil! Bti'l 1 i'c i.ti.-i ' v'.. .1- -i. n t ..i ....ii.. u. 14.44--4-..!.. i n i, i.' . " "in p i . .j, i iv, A L I- 1 . ' " A', ll 1 1 V!T ( I.. U ll'l i-y ti I" tit t'Vl- i-t linn, I! Slietit, ' I'm 1 I .J lit c v r. t f "ii iA I -ihf rTc I" )' t it u u-ii.ii iiU' i-is hi t.f,. I tf i Titf, I'nttl' tftjf t t;i tlttr W-t ini',. I 'f iff 1 ii uMi Wfiti H m. or nvMr inf.-. if. j,.. j 4. An. e Jinel3it7t 1 fao-n f v-u j;-aw. r. Hi.r r ft f.bh .1 1 1. k e IK a- , s-jvaj i ! -' .'ls Mul' 'J 'Vt . j1-1 - -J fHlIi JA' b,s 1 ..ita , 1 t ) 1.. Is, -ail conn tn