"ftr- A, fe:iagStSiw' tmant&tMtrti-umm-wrvt', ,w,ii-i,i-- Vuft , "!. ... 4 . i..l., I t .ior. : . ; ti.i. ' !. . j t il rshig,, July Ii, J. FK T K C.Rs flTl'TIoN or THK I'mti i St At t a, A." it 1, A - it !, L.M...H A3 1 1" V AS. o 1 -p.tmf.b Ams.xiimi m. ' i on ;ovi;uNow, Jonathan vroirru, OF iu.Dui.rn. Fourth f J'uly. nay-ni celebrated In.thia City ly the. - 3'iotary and tit l"redm, h iniwetue con course of the hitter being out upon tli occasion. They were ildrosed, we karn, by B. F, Sfoore, Ft'i;, We are glad to sy thateverj'tllrgpiui i.d off ciub-lly, no tjUfWili-r ercciirririjj to mar the ob rvtw-rs, "' - Wbt-tcyer His Deelarntinn of Independent ma rrsd turoindwiit the iutc of the J" .; 1, on Jfednc-iday, it i I hoped that tlie 1' !. ui ; peo p'owiie fired with a vii'iinim ! '.' -nt e.! the, t- "('. 'i i f !' yv' vat- - i' ''.icb the colonies by (.ivjit..ic ti'ic IIju.1,-i,..' m liumun monster. For instance: . , , - "He tilUf refused to pan law for the accom modation of hirje district of the people, un less those people would n!inpjib, the right ol REPRitsiNTATios a Tighl inttima1il t them "Ho liai ail'ucted to render tlie military inde pendent of, ud superior to, th euil power." "He lift kepj among tin, in time of peace, itamliiig aniiit:" , .--- "He li combined to ubject as to a jttridie tion" (they had no Fredineu'Bufii, however; in those lys,) "foreign to our Constitution and unacknowledged hj our law.? . ' "He bus created a multitude' of new office and ent hither w'&rni of officer to tiaras our people and catont tbeir nuhstance.'' "lie liu quartvrod lut jre boJiet of iruied troojn anion!? u, proteetin them, by iiuhU triiil, Itoin piinioltmcnt fur any mardcra, a- . " . ' "Iff hut i,iijHnl taia on ui without our co- Tl Amended, Cont;ttJtIon. ' 4b ll ire Romoiet,-tb. iyht aiid pow.. ere of the rtiliri can only b properly ddhicd and limiU:d, and the ngld of tbe torerned properly prenrriljcd nd protected, by wriltwn compact or constitution, Th bare been iinivpnulty refrded tlie organic taw of tli bmil, inciipableof katy orinconwderaUicli ; by tlio ordinnry pjartua o( 1 ,;!slation, wliieh may e swayed by pawion or prtju Jiae,. Ilenc, the public nene in all freegovetninent,regrd- ' ina tlie organic law a wucntial to tit esiteno of the Slot or nation, lew with txtrem n nitivcnms and jealousy every attempt to chaise or modify it. Wbcn the people, therefor, be come intbiTcrciit to propoaeJ change in the or ganio law, it argue a decree of iimensibUify t danger or a tate of deuioialization, lrfirdm ing upiin re klesne and ruin, fvieli, we brj.c, if not the condition ol tb M"ple of tbi .' into, nt the i'"'ent limit r inii , I,, .-..'.t n.i;:;. i:oiiVr the Consii'i.'1'..u' i,f tbU Klnte l.'ive I '-u t. -ii Mi f-t j , d.ui j'ei (,l-o l.-i"'i..--n reee..,",ry by the Hr. mrViiMtvn.n in i'.o V tj f 0'ir people, wltkk Lava n.t-cut!y tran j, '.rod, and. ry earnest , disire lua b"jen long Lit among our bole people, for wb an eudwdiment tul cod. atioii of tb origintd Coustitntion -ol ' tli : ..-'.!, with. U aiibswpient amendiiicnU o( that in riimcnt. a would pre nt a connected, cU ar I.!, y teijialic munM.of the orgauie bw tb "A x9 tav'e WcKf.r '..itf.d, tbi wotk l.a imu don, and we think aJuiintvly, .by t'' la bor of the committee, and the Convention, it wiilbe lottiid to b carif.il'y f-nden.el and Wrr- ' :' - . ' . . ! ' '" ' 'en;:v c-mpi.;;.vi. ' i by V.o av....... - c i i' t- ;i- oicn;i:i wbkh c-rvto ciuborrawt'i Hi.!. ;.in ed. V.'e bav9 culled it t!, new r..::Rtti. (' , . Of i I:.-:''!,.'.''''. "I'm-? it'U ' tbouc.!i it mbod;e! t'-eoi 1,1 -';' " I'h- i a wei uieined liccfjs-iry. " M'Latevit il iwiiorii n.ye '.tin V. e i..'.n.U of t! e j , . ; a m t-i t' t) i - V t 1 j - v -f t e C v . n, i r v r j . ; I o lr ni i Uyt' " i t ' 'j 1 ' '-l to 1 ' , or t i t i v ol si., ' i ( f t 1 ' , i ' ' i p.ii-ty or t. J in . d l i i a j Un,i.t a.'. o t ) V i! i.i - j n , , : r ' t 1c 1 II!- jcri- 1 1 i au -'tf -Slim I if i e oi i ' ' 'i or i - , f , A '1 1 n i it tie, . ! 1 I f f , t ' ' 1 r j- - ! v f ' t t . i-i- ! i , 1 ' ' ' i . ( h .,-:, t;...; ' -M,ft;-.:..'. 'vM ' rt.' i -lii.t e ,vi more t:,:ii ,- -'.-i. '.',;' I , . r . , . r tv- ' ' to t ,1 t-.s! II' 'V IT v ... ! t 1 r. '' r !' ' i ,.: it :' r . i ; v-, N r.i.h'r t:....i -.'-:-.:t i. : itn i''' . (,..,' '. ' V ill y (. I i i 1 i. 11 ' ( 1 r ' I 'V ..! .. i f ! 1 li v. i i i a f j 1.1- t , rdn 1 1 i ii. ... , , vi;.,v,e(,,r., j' 1 in1 ;.-.' 'e t'.i; t'.- : . ' -. 1 ' a j - 1. - - t, !S i I V it i '.t It, ii .. y re, . v, ... U i. pi-, ... lol u . I'd A EortfJVit It i thi! part of fo'ly, and of moral coward ie a well, to HKi mull to the premure ol ur r-iiirj.li.iijj niiifortune. Homn- r oppreaaiv i the prewnt, and Iiowevcr port, utou to th bit me, (lie blv and taiuilie ill C'ou.bat t!. one aud no forlli manfully to euiiounUir the other. The quitting eimditiun of ll South, and the further evil wits wbkh it threaten ed, under the wy of Itadii ai fuiiatiebun and Oialinity, ar certainly lullkient, if ever any thing wu in the annul of nation, to cruah the tpirit and exbauat the hope ot jwople. Dut if we will enrvey lb field calmly and intelll f ntiy, in the ) r bt of the p3t, it will not be diificult to p!ii k Kimt eonwilation even out of the Very iwiiiunuuuiM tbat-iow pautfutly disturb n and cit',pur wort apprebeniuona, The lewMin of tistory, if ' they t. nny thing, plainly ib iiionstraU that re at!', i i.i the logical eonseUei!i e of exein. The violent aud v'mdielive pemcutlonf of lh early CkrUllan gave our holy religion un impelm that, uadcr di!f-eiit ciiiitm Htaiieei), it Plight have bien fjei. ', i -.liirirj;. Tb demoniacal fury of the V " -in u Involution, when the foundation of t iJnent weiT tipheaved,' the worship of (u i -! V.e.d'ai i- Iteawm ensbrined s ' ' 'y, wa iK:-tled by, )nlij Jftilml of oitj. r and qui-t, and a reia of niorsl and devotionalin moat rare for m h a country aud sack h,o pie. The anlhor of the guillotine' thetuaelvin perished beneath it blade, and Reaaon, burled from It falne throne, resumed k way io I tli liiiuiU and bi aila of t. llu iji i LAnd all excea-, wlivtbif in a njbt or wroug diieo lion, are followed ly - counter -at-tiou. . Tbu puritanical fervor anil anater kal.it of the day of Cromwell were lucceeiknl'by1 nnbillli'd U eMe, and a owrupt and voluptuoua moral abandonment, during the reij;n of Hi aecond Charlea. t , - - Thec laeU, w ay, convey an impreaair moral, knd tcatrh, forus, tlie cocourajdrtg lemon, that the pawion of men, , in whatsoever, forui ticitid, ar fleeting, and iubside with rapid ity proportiined jto their excea. II uch ha been tli cm ia the past, eyttt, in the 'remotest X'e of tntlipiity, it i bnt reasonable to up tKiae that, in tbi day of vaunted progre, en- lii bkiimeot iiuFiiiviiiiition, tlie aam reault Will lie the more speedily and etfwtaally he eomplishcd. There t no reason toiuppos that th Amerkan people, id thu particular, are ao eicepttonat roc, indeed, there la ewrji rea0B for the Lope and he bellcl, in our exi .ii. ito tion, that tlii popular tendency, when opers ted upon and aaaUted by the interest of trade and the facilitic ol commerce and lnter-eonv nionleation, w ilj be battened to it cousumiua. tion. It istli'-reforc, our. Confident antioipa-tion-bowver inaosplciou the present indica tion may b, that thlj knot remote when th angry tide apparently threatening to ngulf the people and the Btate of th South will flow into other and better channels, r Kity, it will flow linlifitrJtf and la turn will overwhelm tlie bad, desperate and uiiacrttpulou men w ho Wi.l I ? -e let loon ft turbulent Wave np - n ' t4 M'l.ei,tdi !' ft-f iilld ttVmi;'Tit"'1T!?! c.o.i),1 after the ftorm i-f put ion whiih M"'!'' aerort th s'..iea, al.a!l lmve taken po fii of th manse of tba people, tlier will come a jay ,f rr,;rit for the naduw which bu roloj th hour, and an indignant reckoning with It tomeubsr and inatifrator. In tbi apeculution Coniint our 'hopeful yie"'bf the aitimlion. s itf hittery w bav no fear. The time for writing H, or making It op, ha not arrived. The prejudice aud animoaltk growing outttf th lata conflict have not, authcteutly ulnled. When, however, th calm and dispassionate Judgment (ball hay been formed, a jt will le, lirely and certainly," the South wiil liave no re t tft I In h for the record, Ira endurance, valor and biioium, it conduct of the war, to 1 .1 1 f 1 Li cwrthsi-iid at.i!i: r,'Bi t ci-.ioed i je.tbe name and the fume .of it en it b. "-. b-r and of It 'ltlii u urihli. ry, will .illumitmt the pea of the bi-toi'un, while it whole Iwarlr.;; in the fmeijiiut -content will ex cite the adiniraiion of posterity. No, we have no f, us (f 1... toi v.': We are content to b-ai in it I -i.i eveiytbii!' conm-. ed with the pent war J:.i.in !1 pa-..,ion oui si Ivc, we addifs into the present, and b"pa that w have uc , , " li,, h 'imrri'i h i withsom little of I' e tin miii ! "i nn nt wliii-li we are diwpow.l to ' " V.'e ; ' live 1 of Coi : --.. T Bi. ly i ' V ', , i cf I. -ruber of iQongfres. ,e to-day the addres of the totiierva- cniocratic penatorf and number r to the -jtrcptr i,f the. Vnited p f ivid patiioti-m ' all will ad 1 h'-; ir t! "t it j irit ill 1 tub . X trt'.ie cntiie inn s of . cmwrroiiv i :!ii r t'.ey be Ivmocrat, F.-pnl liean or j . . ..; ... -.-. IH 1 ! t ' I .ii tii ien Vv.it 1. ,-ildtn os.--d Conveiitiou i't l'hila- ,i on t i . i. ' a i.t I ) t iiio 'l : , 1 a, I I ( !, I i t en r e i a.'. I H f "in t'-e 1 a' 1 t" .t u',1 cv .-- rv- ' H- y ii Ihi f, r t'.-u ,) 7 ' i .-1 i. t. We b.m i ion advi i se to tl. 4 i - in r y have warmly iiu'i We biive in Vi 'of c- "V j ." u.-nt ,l!. pecnS; if ed,!, - i.ili", I -r t t' l I. .'il-lt f I'le-s'tde, ho i.f lmriiioiiy t iohnMm. W'e I t' roiu-ie i f th -e Item. 1 ' ' i 1,1 ll.iU- . .i. I' i '' t t.,c c . y w . i i.i-h iant that all should fnerije :'f i t the j - --ni, Id esVe ti e ite I r i i f 1 L 1 y I Ci oti I,, t . I 1 t V . 11,1 tie I to and o.hur t: .! ara mime tilJ,' 'T !i Ctatbbtl.ind. j. Let not te Warraii of pardon i have lacn received at the Eier -..iveOiSce f r the followbig iwraon1 alioci' i i,l)Uio thein 1 y fermal : plication, or by v,iitten authori t . l;iank o itificatea of accepUnce accompany ilie pantons, wlilcb nuat bo iined in duolkat and birwariliJ to th Secretary of Stit t Wa hincton : t Aaman-CbIey F, Kaucett, N. R. Whit and A. A. i'attillo. . - - , awa, VV. li. Patrick .and William Allen. JtvnamJ. Montraville I 'a (ton. - liurkt, All llartnoe. Lumlerlttul.'f, . LutU iioli aud S. T. Haw- ley. -. ..--t. - . i . CwrMrer.o W, V. Holancl, , V. I lowland, A. M. Haakitt, J, P. !n,kiH and J, How land. - - .i:cai,,ht$z-mui;iu. u iu. . ' . 1 C'ulxtmi: Baimicl I'lntrr, llbarli-a J. Harris, and Ki kii-l Joluipion. Cutiifiui,--1 (eiiih-rwiM hberrill, TliruM A. Law rence, Joa. SI. I jwrene, Joint A ilfoiif; and M. L. McC'orkle. ''.'. Viu,U.i Ifmit, W. If. Ilenderwn, Jno. l. Kcmw, John A. Hamlirlek, hmnuet I teuton, Tuo. ii. Lea, and J. W. Juiiic. Chutmm.-?- Wiui A. liiveu, . V. 1. .-. Bullies, Harman Hi-ara, Hamuel II. ('niti-bflcld, Jaroi a T. liivei., J. V. Hooker, and II. Ili-nderaoii. ' C.il !,etll.n. K. Itnwer. ' '. Jul, n Mieliiiel. . - ' - j; I. M.,ore ,nvl 1- iii.iinln 11. lliiie." -Oiente A. Kei eliU-r aiet -Uiua i Cray. , - ' -. -. a? .,, alhn. -Joel Tholnaa and V. B. Rldilak. Uuilferd. Samimon H. Oknn, 8. W. Bum mer, lew;'B M.' Isley, ttru J. Whii'ler and Job A. ileliane. i ' " , liuttm. J. W. Hanna, " ' t ' ' jrnilU.-H. S. Itovster. Ukbard Thorp. Iaham M. Kittle, hamoel Ijattiiner and John Iiarurove. , . ' i (Irecui.--Vi. IT. Ilinuudao. " , i .d,ML Wi. IL Hniilk A. U. Hill and Ben- junitn Hunter. , t . t , . s , , y.ywvxxl. u. H. ibiore,'. i; v s ,i lkrUvrL- Dr. U. 11, Moor and Huratio Hay, Jlytl, . WamWraon, i. ,.,,.. fi. " JrtdflL C.nV. Uowell. - - . i k - ( Jitctwn. William Hick. ;' ' Itrutir. Jame Herrin. - ' i v ,- . ' iVol.iHry. David Parka, Jow-ph ILi Wil son, h. H. Johnaton, II. A. Hunter, and Jamea t , :.. r- i ...... v , , ' Jifm.-John Ingram. ', V - i MMtm.'-nin, n.eiey.- i i ii ,u.iw. ia. iv. Lawiiorn ann v. ienaina, Jfeirmmer.'S. B. Whitehead.' 10rf X.-IX Kav,.- Uugk kukptrkk, Aj C. Hunter, and olm ii. McUsiH f ; Vraen.--Hardy Hurdle. 5 fc --,'i.- 4 ' ' f li, Jsnic Jovner. , . - Aii-4ii.i?rcl llii-ka and It M. Moor.".). ifoiMM W. . r'rnley, Lflvi Treiler, W M. Cineaid, Josbu lMdler. Lawrence A. Iirin,'lf .loiieph A. Hawkiii,. W. T. Merlin and M. f i!i Kn?.te. ' - A f JMinyhmtllkhnrd M. Jones and Itkhaiil B. Henderson. , .- . M j llaruMjKt, 0. llain, John Jti?htel and I. C; Jamil. 4 T ' v r " - - JlHthtrnrdh. O. Jolly and T. V. Jurtii f i , Stanly-lMixef Hatlieuck. rry Marti L, Fatteraoa ajid Wiley Fat. terOK - r-'-;- V -u- -n ; t . .: 4 Transyietit.. W. Killmn. , ,., . J ... w IM.Wi:iiaai II., H. - Tucker, teroy Ji dsn, Ueedliam Price and Allred June. J . W'omn.V. J. tireenand II. II. floodbK' H'uyae. Laura li, ilufhe ml 3. F, JCorl- fyi . .,. v ,-i .6i .' - v.- ":: ' '. WiH-ei I'iuv'- Tiiolett, Mri- I). A. fUi.'V 'Wi-. II. Rum .w.- ..mil' .l".Ttrri'ivAt r,.I;ivln ett; Emanuel Harold and U, F. Jolinroii. f Iii.AdJi.---.Hon. It. ('. Piiryear, J. JJ. Junes and J, 8. Jones. , -1 , . - ' -.:, i f,.-!-.- ' .w ! 't- i'-fi-,- I - jt,, -j rr--- i'v tlw rkatimj, ' i - Lieutenant Governor, v . v Mknhr. Kuitoh: Among the hnine niea- tioned in connection With the otlleeot Lieu tea ant Governor, on the ticket with our ptearnt worthy Governor,, there i on which tu people I this section of the Htute would b tkligbted to cup par.-:' I refer to Wnw A. Writrbt,Hq.,of New 1! inoyer. ' Hr. Wrlirht be alwwv fcee on of the must eonscrvati men in tlw Btate, on of our ablest .lawyer, and a pure-minded, high-toned, honorable gentleman. lie would dignity any ol' i n in. IN on Ii Carolina. I dir not know win "l.er be would accept the poaithjn, but the ,'.' at tli'u I Hue need the service! of it ! t ci i ,4, imd I thin li'sr bar the rhkt tO .ko, ui. I.,, .ir; , ieSife'rtW'- tonnl aacrith e would be too great Wr. WriW qiialilh ationii for tlie position are linquentiix bla, Dei i,U- 1 abilities, pleaaimf nddre, d suavity of manners ti nt would-disarm oppoii-" tlcm; t'eiiih-f him pivn! ;. uly fit to preside vm deliberative a ii inlily.' A the Jiimt is cntilltd to the r. ire nl tive, I know of no on bett qualiiiid lor ti.e position than he.' Never p ir or a w-ctimml man, be would bring to lh dix bint'e of iuduiiw fTcnt ability, tinwearie indii-try en. I siiollei inlerrritv. - , i ILARLNDOK , iliiiin, ton, July 4 h, In Every man or worn ill in t'.c ?t tie, who knows Mr: Wfij-bt, v. ill nuionm the above. ' Hut anions so many cood old cimn'i value W luy and Deinoorats named for the place, who is to piak the choice f We repeat our suggestion, that the gi'Otle.iien n ho loive l , eil named for that ulllce, of liotii t' erlil p i tie, alioidd meet In tbi city on tba 2:1. of Au;'H next, if th Comrtitntion shall be r i ,,;iei, aud make a (wire tion and recouimen 1 hi in to the people of th Htate. Weventiiie t it a selection made bv those gentlemen wen. i In-om tilt support of all the liicndif l'roideiit Johnson a policy., llpa. t'Bli;W- ..' V . - i -. ' Ci..ive'' a of Cu'lira Lifiuiiioiiisti Weiiiti ."-ii mi ! l ',' the on mi ot the ludical patty, tii , t it nc, -. n -olntiHl l.y tlie earnest ii'n ': -it its I i i-i t in, no ii-ei tlmt f.hey 1:nr t s"et liy Andrew Joloi-.oit. to .id a loin, ntion at au i-nrlv ilnv : . -,. . . . .. ... ... t , i' wip 11 wi'i no 1 iwr'i iy an who au-miny aa- ' 1 t ,j-.'S . i tioimi-ct.1 .y All.ll'CW : his -rent campaigns : .1 I Is that tbis "ni-it 1 -' ' mo 4 iiiipivin. eents a 1 I f ..!:') liiiiii: an invinei- fi.ion ) irl v," . .. i .1 1 , a 1- Imt t- Imd ,ii iv : , iv of thin inirtv in'Vir. 1 :! ! t t ot t -1 t,!.i tli . . .. 1 afnte t'oiivei .'V, CHI! Kim J in 1 'v ,f John Elinor-Hott. i..' Sii (' m oth.-r . ... ,1 ft!5'' -: ,r tie lnw et keen; aide to i I... v to follow the tea, I of : ! , ' 1 1 t 1 1 .. We shiniM suppose, u 1 ,... .v iilow, of Tennessee, ',1 ( - mention, and -I!,, I. b-, . 1 ( t an I I t I. -i l.-ea d : -aleii to tbi ul I'nion t'unveuinm f oy :. '1. Py all ifln,kti1)nve ' '" l" ; do ei tin ' 1 in (!.e di-y time-j wml 1 lu.-e vi riuin are proverlii n 11, e ! t of the mm,' still t venture out ia tlui w 1 LtllI ev or the bare of a rainy day. J.j,, 'urg it en,. aaJP.-MllC. . -;' i "ent fetter, from Governor . y, to lion. Montgomery tlie New lork Ann It alailitiuukta, who an . will, however, be loat npo .- Lcmiaoroif, jfune 84, 1866. T th ifl"K Mtrtttgomerf JUuir ; .-".,;-...' - lftt bin; I bav tbi mouuuit read witk oui interest your Uaryland poech? eerry of rlucb I received on BatunUy morning: What urprite. me, however, is that gentlemen of your national proclivitie ' ihonld ever bar beei o dereiyed M to ltk "th orl'dn and ob ject of th late war.- The aam fcll agency i viiible at Washington now that wa vialbl at tlw commencement of the tropKle, The tuiatical ipirit who were then guiding and directing th (torm ar guiding and directing stirte T he present alaiiuing enndi tiosr of our national ail airs U tmt. the logical conclusion trunt th principle taught so energetkally by tli leaileraot the Bepublicar party ; My, they ar only thefultiUment of the predictions mad by th founder f that Hepublicy if the ec tional principle t uch party: should vr tain Mcewlancf ia thi country. ; - if -Yoa were coaatoutty wont to'"ttrnl i t ine of n wh" Btenily iuid iwnabftcatry op rlie late civil wra lack 'of watrietiam, Huiv t. nibly yo were mistaken 1 The men who on I dare tb nnt relentless persecution, in (he i lian of Imprisonment banishment, social ii acisni,. nd defy eveil death itaeit in vimlf aijjf CoUitttntionaJ princlulc; nd to save tins country Iroiu the vety prkJwUi of. which yon complain in your speech, ara no 11101 to be charged With a want, of patriot iara than with lack of firmness of purpose. The lufiii icoaductof the disuiiloiiibt In Cou- i?re md .throiiifbout the euuntry at thi very hour is vindicating the sagacity of that little band at tk North Whn oersiatentltr and fear lessly oppoaed- tu late wretched civil war, and iirontirromg th truth of their Utejutton' - to the oVesifrn of-the Radical against the Con ! ftitutton -and tli l ulon. 1 lie aoiier lecona thonght" of th great mass of th people who 'were a fieceivert Tf tneae ounnion leaaera, 1 'hope, will soon Ikgin" to make itself manifest Tlie neniik are raoidlT diacovennir the real character and motive of thiw wh grietOBily tiHrayed them, and they Will yet rebuke uch Wickedness as It lUnerve. Tb reserve fore of th nation wilt vet com to -the reacne of it oirt raced and imneriled Constitution Tli time, rest assured, cannot I far distant " th ' ymilmtiarie hnll rttnim thttr-fugitive in cmtrn." ' -' 1 , Men who grasp at arbitrary power, wfiojwsh Jj contemn tlielilierticl of their own race ia 1 mad quixotic n heme to give liberty to an infe rior race, hare played, and Are playing, a deep f take ; but the mors startling and intolerable their short pre-eminence, to much more destruc tive wiil be their lull, so much the more exem plary their piiniahment Lord Tempi one very wgacioualy remarked, "that liberty wa ia many other danger from itself, beaide thoae wbkh arc from formed design of destroying it - One if it grtatctt dangtn aril from hypo critical prebau r romnntie screws to renter U 0 tnnrf perfect yiua." Both danger kav threatened us, but more particularly tli last- It wa undor thi hypocritical pretence tli late. civil wa commenced and carried on w It con clusion. It was tinder thi bald pretence, that iircat constitutional principle wer overturned and the liberties of men in the Northern State struck down by the band of arbitrary power, It 4 thi pretence that justifies' th mad legisla tion which to-ilny keen eleven rHatea imt of thi I'nion ; and is aiming tocetrtrallr the pow- ; era of this tloyernment, ' "The romantie scheme : to restore liberty on a more- pert set plan," has a'reaily tor million or contented Slate from the car and' comfort of mild torm of , Vi lag, and hurled them forth' vaf aboada upon the eommunity, r jvhai I' inikiU!jr.-ioi, handed them over to the espionage of the Freed meen' Bureatr, whose tenderent mercieaar cra el. It wa fortunate for this country, arid th interest of the cooling generation, that an all wise Providence called Andrew Johnson to hi prawn t piwitlon at the moment he did. - Under Wber aospioeii,? ere this, "the -jretl-matured scheme of the radical' kader in" Washington would have ripened to perfection," and the dreams f Wilson, Siimner, and Wade would have become frightful Maliliea. 1 "What r all wir historie," well asked Oliver Cromwell, f'butGml tiianifesting bimsclf that He hath shaken, tumbled down and trampled under foot, whatever II balli not planted tn ' W have realized thi to some i tent already. fw'iiii of our fadkiTT fai --si ci iv? ti t uii-'a fiUifii uied' that they discerned in tbeaimassination of Liu cobsan intertereoce Iroiii on high, by is bich an overruling Power had removed a man , whose tefliper waa too mild, to mske way . Jm. one of. iron will, "whose little (infer would be heavier than the loin" of the mild and amiable Lincoln. How vain and tbort-eighted were uch specula tions f On th contrary, the wayr appears to lav been opened inr Andrew Johnson, that he might rescue the nation froi the wkkod de si!u of an nncomproiiiising radicalism, whose only object was atttl still 1 the overthrow ot our r publican institutioos The great, the absorbing issue now presented to the Amerkan patriot, 1 tli restoration of th fitatee in the Union now unrrpresmtcd, to all their rights and, privileges in tli Govern ment under the Constitution. Like Aaron's rod, it swallow for time ell other issue, l'urtt tan prejudices and predilection for ..a, while must be laid aside, in view ol that all absorbing issue. Patriotic men of all partie must rally to the aide of th Provident, and defend biui from the machination of the bold, bad men who now bear rule in Congress, and ha ap pear to have adopted as lluir motto, "After us the del nire." Yours re n. ' '"u" ", ; t . i. . ,.i i, WALL. , 1 1 ava - . ''......,. v, v ..-. i Prebideot Johnson, in his bile llss.-nj'-e to t'onj'iins objecting to the proposed radical amendment to the Constitution, uses this siouifi cant langusjrei ; l ; ' T ": "Tliat of the thirty-six BUie which 'conti iute the I'nion. eleven are excluded from repre aentntion in either House ol C'oncrreas, althoitli, With the ingle esd-ption nt 'Texan, they have In n enlirrfjf restored to all their functions as states in confoniiify with th organic law of the bind." " .-" f 1 Thi I plain bin-"fi-f ; and if the State have 1 y,-,l'o,.IV r,,t .- t lr 't tl-lf ftTfrt-!' Tl Slates, Why i It t.iat luiiil.'iry couiuiMiiiivf and Bureau ofiirwrt are jierroilted to iiiterlure with the civil aiUms of a Hiate arraigning and trying citi?ertV-it imposing penaitiua t Accord-In-r to thel're -ii l,-i,t's own oV!r! bm t '"y fcav no 1 i : : 1 1 1 to an a t and I t ciiicns, and we ad vise all who are t..u dealt with to appeal to the I,rr-.id"nf, and I v the matter l'lore l,im. - He "1 he 1' ul 111 iOI "The I IC el.!. 011 i . t v 1, ;,;.ii t 1 t 1 for it no man i-: ,iid r, V . e of ii 1 Ksu 1c iii j c! :- j,) in... i, a ! . ' J fti . !T, V ' 1 I ' - i 1 I y p Ivrbearanc afterward," . Kt Tlie lollowinj p .Wall, if New J Uuir, we take froe rebuke of the nit: the lUdkal katle; l,,,m . '- 1 -A.a.l . . US O. V1LLUM3 ', RALEIU r, N. C. . ABOUKA AKK aoTK. v i:v 1 IIICES ot Bar,kofNort ( V, ll ...(Goii 25) 0. ass lapo 1 eat fbar (.,,; Lej.inum at G.'" Itoxlmntrh . , Wadawbori nigh . . , xa 1 19 15 IS !5 13 II 8 7 If C m m 1 nomaaville, Vnlmingto. Commerce.. . f SJCUCTIilf,,,, 4;-..i' " Clarendon .,,..,,,,,."'. SS . V III. . - ..." yanceyviU..... Miners' and I'laoters' Bank. Farmers' Bank, Greensliorongk. tHIUlHIM..ni IMil',, . UIOUlllVH,..A,,.Y. Merchant' Hank, Newbera ao UreenslKimurh Mutual ............ ,18 ,90 149 m S3 tl '81 Virginia liana Note, about.....'... Soul Carolina Georgia " ' 7 "r. . . .'. T." , Gold., Silver.. . Old C0lip0arr,'r. i dltrtri.tti North Carolina Itaitroad CoiiKn. .-, '" .,r. OldSixe,-.'.'. , Exchange on New York . . .- advei;tisi::ients , ,; ; blAI'K F JNOiilii Al.uHAA, ' ' . I'l l T Cot'NTV, . i . ' - - --I T Win.r:Keo,rA,5m., of v - . (Ulw'd, A, Laughiny liouoe, dec iL , ,-. S f. .,1, t V- Heir at Law of wtd Lanidiin' house. PetUUmto mmk real mttl ajucU, J'tUi Jim f!'f ' s V.-flfA, 1SC0. , 1 I ' It appearier -troar PeMtioa, tfaM Joha tn(lline Ikwm,hsI th eVIeatlanU, is a rssiiloat of law & al. sad U k ba ), I. Iraviuf U-110. 1 list said li.us ar o-ri!uients of tiia hf ale, sail atiittavit kaTiiifr bnt mad of aai poa-nanlaar aeooriliiir tn lao, thr(ofMHl swidwt laiiU at hanky r . quira teappmraa sak Oakums Ik is sail, at Ik iwst term ot Una said Court, to h held Oa Ik Brut Moaday ia Aniran axt, or. I dafavH tkanof, ssitl-1 Uo wilt b take pr eJeM ma fcwara aeenrilmKly. , 1 . - G, A.DANCy,. C Clrk. June 30-w4r ' -r - fcr a 8TATK 0T NOHTH CAROLINA, BtRTra Cotnrrr.'jr1 ' CovBT or Pla akd Quarter Pkssioks, -in ' May Term, 1H80. ' WM.X.F014C, , i ',.. ' f Wtitm Aw: ) Attachment Levied on Land.. It Ipessriu la tlx atiretia sf ths Caert that th dlMdant ia this mm is aoi aa tekahitaat et this Mat, a is otderad that pfcbln su.ia made, for sn weeks, ia lb Srnttwi. a psrwr pulilinhed ia Kaleih, setiljrii.s him to serwisi at th nrt term of tnis Court, tobs balii for IkaCtmo'yo HsHm, tb Oaart Uw id Windsor, oa Ik aerelid UoaiUy ia Aa as (wit, ed replevy tb property levied , or juilcmeut bust will k entered against bun, and lb laud levied sold t satiefy the HlB.ntilt s.tKlit'" '' ' ' Witaess WILLIAM f. UUKLKT, Clerk of said Cnert, flina i Wntdsar, tb e4 Moadai i aiay.A. P.,!"-') ; .e j - WILLIAM P. CCKLEY, C.C. may 81-w8w r t fi., (Vj t . t i- 8TATB OF NORTH CAROLESA, i j '" ' v ' .' " BaTiaOQtwT,a t. y Couat or Pt.kas Aitn Qcartsr Brmions, "" tl- May Term, 180. - J WLFVy 1., : , s - -t Attachment Levied on Jowl B. Finousim. ): ,.tLud.-, 4- , It sppeuhic teth salisfaetien f th Cuart. that the di li sdaiit in tins ease oot a inhabitant 01 iui ist.ui, i wup.ty ki uutini,i,i pmu, (tt, au, arerks, is th Hmlintt, a paper pabliirhed ia ttaietlr ntifvMr th defetxlsat to ppar at lb swat Sena of this Coin s km bold fur tb Cuty-al Bert:, at U Ceart Hues ia W mdeor. oa tb Monad Moaday la Asrant.BPxt, ai.il reiimvy th property nr Judeiaimt fiuuewiii be satervil airsinst him.aad the buidivid e sold to satisfy th Minir -,. . -, i WitMX VVIIXMM t. I.LW.KT, Ckwh f said Cssi, eftio I ladsi, tka4 Ifoada of May 4, D-, Itiiiii. ' , ' WILLIAM P. GCRLEY, C. C. C. . may31-war4." ' .STATE OF NOirrn CAROLINA,- . I C . ' lil RTI COI NTT I ' Cous' 1-Uil ' '' - ' ' .I- t.,.. Court or Pi.ba awn Qt-AHTitn RKssjona. ) iiA lUtM, 1-utl. j ' WlliMAM COBHITT, ' --- . ' 1 WlUJAM II. IIOOUARD, 1 . ' . t Attachment Levied ) on Lamb It apnf srine I th eatlufsetioa W tlie Coart. that !h4i;....' "i t ,j ii. r -, .l a i.i's'.ii.tnf ih Mai. is ouii!,l l.y ti.e I.,. mi, lust ..uiiiiestion,' fur six we.-lis, be n siiH, io ilie rtinrlt a psier pulilisb d I k'-i.-'i-'i, N. C. voiityo fr Hie dnfenilaut to appear at III test term of Una' l.eurl, t b held for the Coauty ot Bn m, af ll Cor Uoaa ia Wiadsor, oa lit aeeoeji Miiii'Uy ia Aunasl aext,. aad i,tvy the pTery leviril on, or jn.ij; uient haal wiH be eiitered sirsutsi imo. Rioi tna laiid kvivdoa enld U salisly ib ptsmlul sit. i.i. - - -- -i.---.t--.-. - Witness V .1.1.1 AM P. CCKI.KY, Clerk M said Coart at n;,-.-e ia Windsor, lbs so&nd Atonday of lsy, A. l . 1 ' ' . ILLIAtP. GuT. LEY, c. c. c. . may SImuw , . . - " " f M I- I- is i 1 1. IT is aeiilirty hew seii-t.f ,fle d s-owrr' eombialoe rnanr 1,1 - e most pnri,iiui ami restiHativ ageois is Ihetii-- ' n i "I- - is... VVe hi --1 sio ii ... ii i,i i e ia lis uietits, aad are so sr it ni do aii w eiaoa for U that we oiu-r ., i-''v,oi,poo aiinrAiiu- if lVeilrli If air a? eaeerer due aot (five salts laeiHia ia an ues wuea seed uisuu-t anootaaiKi with oar awUeetHFue. rwti.i.'i - Ye-' " 1 1,. iiW V Hsif - r 1. t i.i lit t It ft V''- - 'r-- 1. 4 tmiin iuIhirW i-a ftTOlMUii. A f ll eUr-lirr It w iHi rv, h nni tl tit rtxiU ftaa um tM gUtllds llij Omay LiiAlllia ?t ' Ktnii( mf r. ' It Witt Urvf I'-'r f Aib ligi.t.f CUr. It w' I I - r--.m r-li:.- el." i .-. , , p , ,ir' '"- ' . ' -j i . t- a-e tl. ., 1 f ine si,i 4lrvl ' S.wl.s Bsir Eew. ,,, e e,rl(r : ..",: i. H. . aufcAawMt- t h iirarttft 1, t . , t ' Ak fur I cr ft. 1 ir s r- tit Vti V. ii. I f " 'tl T at. a r.i. 1 - 1, i .. eb. 16-lu-o4sWi .,Ja co: ..i.Li I fiT-iTE OF ;0RTli CAROXINA, , , : . - ' ..' - GaANVtu-a Cot sir, .t j rf Const or Fi-ka bd QtiABTra BEaaio ,tnmMm .' -ii - ', .,, , Ji iy icrm, iciou, ,, TBKOrarLva N. ilAH, Tboma L, Jf ,- J AOTBRR. ' ,i vwn-.j-1 1 W IiurvtB. Mass," - ' IT kiiariK U th satisf f tke Ceart, tkt -K.IJFU8 U. tl ANN, Ike dsfiKBt i this eas,raMd . " tsiyu tli lionu f tbU Blata. It Ueralura, "-' ' tiua,tlrs ky tbCri,tB bliMi b as ; hw six tHki imnnnl',.tt A Kaieira Biel, -ntiryiae tli.satu tl- s H. ataas of li.. alinif lint 4 fliiK., irlit that aiilt. pr at tk aext tra ml shtelDswrt.e ssw wiMa ' "-'"-ba tskus m mim aa4 kaar pari as to k 1 o . ; WhaswAaiwhiw'iiMBata,trfc'f Oart, -j-aaw lWfc.nl thiiftnl Uaviair ia Mre U,fcVM, ii.n'ir Vi - ii.'.B fi - . ii ',,- w iii- BTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA', SAW ' K , J . - Hoon L'ochtt. "Pka nd" Qnarter "cViasiomul April Tenn, 18(ift. llMa I), 1 1 it Wire & OTHKRsy t-. '" . ' iTirlUumof Jjand. --..iv , - U sppeariiiK tn Ike s. , ,.- ' ' ., '''.'". tlis dk eodaat, Matt hew''" ?f ,t-M,r5' H' , as h.lobabltaiitsft'si.8taVl'Bd'f Jfvsdy, are ... i. itt it ordred that mika. '- M R11UHI . . paporpabllahtat in iu. eily y Jlia KaHjiKb Seatiael, s, , diifimilanu to ppar at ll. i.,'','rt,'''i V1,11'"?',' " '. In In, held lor Ik t'oanlyof at,""' " n, in ;,. liste.nnlhsMth ilon.lsy e. ybe l.rt Hiwmv answer or lieniar le tin petitiua, or It Tf, t pleail iakea swe eesVme, arid lieard tx rarlr, ' w"'" wtiness Ai.e.aanur.u 11. en Ar.11,1,.1 u. Kr - - .- haul t'oit, atodie I Crtbaa, 4th, Moaday voni j ,' , 1 . e A. iL HuKtvlLL, t? t,K irjs:l-l. 'Hfe Htk.- 'I. 8TATB OF NORTH CAROLINA, 1 t 1 A si.i 1 Aist v BKAVrORT I OUMTy "J" .is K .eraiH IK .Jawi. a, w. 1 fnuni rut till Wllrf VAftvuiii tr nee- llKSHfPilMttJ 1 ' J . rem lb Coestilaisiaat ts-esmtiar tb affidavit tied. ia Uiis ea at this ten, it is ordered bv tb Coart . - . -that aotie at lbeliaf this bid be pabllebed la -s. -flaastta or hews paper aritd is this Kiel, ts. th . - Heelisei for six eL. eed hrrmia; Mia defeadast ' that tbaobktet of said billis to appoint MwUasu , in ttie plaee aad stead iff him lt!osultleryI. Alkw , . Io whom (tb propssttri -whiea as hold la ttwsi for . Carotins Jewell, on of the Cooiplsiaaatav lav said biH ' hall be roaveyedbs hold ia th sain traslp H is- , sow keidby Uis aiUtJletuy jfAUesv Max a awes be does appear Dent taa noun of aaeny so ee a hi 7 . for tb Coaaty l Beaafort at tb Ceant Jioaa ia- - , Wssbuujtoao th eolith Mtaidajt altar tli fourth v" . Monday of September next, a decre will be wit v thai lb said bill be tebaw ae nled aad eeeh hr, deere aa sbaU a deemed st , f. r , - ,sry ' - f. MAiUihW HAW,!, .M.E,,W ' ' WashingUMi.Jui.sU . . ,,. . ,1', ,f ( , 'If- A STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, f ' C'UOWAS CODNTT, f1 , sv s, . Wv- A - - , -.-a, ' 1 jmKB vf Coi'T or Pla ajid Qoabt Sbmiom, I . i.t. ; .,t jp-f . May Term, l6.-'. 1 1 c.-? ' ' W,.',. r trA;s.4 aiw'a?!,- - a nnmrni h, - a mvw sv vw j DCNCA McUOMAlJl, " lcacAir"A. Dnw,m at. ' .-.. .. ..... ' . ' i--s- &?1 " It anpeanaif to the Cuart that ftsmcaa A. INx , aad WUIauB P. Williams and wit PMelop B., r snle beyuad tb limit of this Stat, kt. is therefore , hrderea that paMieatin be mail, for six 'weeks, kj . 1 the Hentinel, a MwspapoV pablisbe h lb Cut f ' -JfcaleiK f said dcleadaal bt appear at th aU lenn of llie (l.rt, l he held at tb f :rt-hos , Kilealim, oa the let Milay of A list Best, lnsa 'aw iti ere io answer. tei - ' . 7 - ,-.'' r.i U, . u uw iW,l tl..-L iM JS . . , n lines wm, a. pninnr,s, vieia n hh i.wnii, .-: At nieaioas-iii isi sioeasy ia star, . sa, ion. ' -ti WkLfteKIMM .Ckwk Jan W.C. t toi rt i s i Estate opyonTH Carolina, isi- r .. A,t5KAt roBTC0lKTI COURT, ' ! Ti :- eSmio18. latwm CI.ARX, a t J? t i w . uriginai Attacnmest v., ; j- Joan P. Iaa-rK, y vi . ft sppusrine; Indlissalbfsrtina of h ennVt 'that I : JOHN H PKKKIN Manna resident f th 8lal of 'ir North tsriina It la ordered that pablieaua . made wttie Kakmrh Kenlin! for weeks. givmxaotine- - , la tJie said Jobo V. l'trknt that lie appear befor tli - A h' Jaatirea of tlie CVart of Ph-ss and Quarter Haasions'i fiar besnfort CunMy on ths thiol Monday of Beptsav " ber Mil at tb Coart II ease ia Wubmgto, and plea ,A r answer to th above sail, having aeolevie tb , ,: estate attached, nr a juiiVmeiit mil be sstured axaintt . hlia , -.,-J.alCTI Ml u isoiiei Wjl h. IoHIHj. CHTkr -- Juiie 113-Cwlaw ai STATIC Of NORTH CAROLINA, I n r Chatham Cocbtt,' rr Court or Pleas ani Quhrtkr xsatoKs, Mat"' j . . .. -ERB, JStiti. CaaoumB WriisTsa aud f Matuda Rogerv . , , -I Petition for Par- - - . es. . , tition. Al,PXAHDKB, lll.KUkRMOIt AND OTBKI1. .1 . -i',..' IT 1 ... Itappsanni; loth aalisfaetioa of lbs Coail, tkat Alexander lieiidersoa, oi th Uefeodanls ia this - eaaevis a no resident m thin Klate, it is. therefor;-.- ' on nioliim, onlTed hy Hi I'nurt, Itist putilieatio b ' uisde for six weeks ia tbs Ksh-ih Hentinel, nsaifvinr . ' , Ihesatd Alex. Henderson ol the bliue of this FelitKv- ' and Itint. unless he appears at tlie next Term of this Coiiit, and sniiwer llm p,titein,ilie ssme will betakaa ' pm rmilt t, and hi-sril r.r fnirtr as to him; i VV tii,,-.. U t;. I tin KN Clerk of said dart, a eliio ia lMtrboro, tb uad htWndsv Io Mar IH t . o. - It C. ( f 1 TEN, C. C. C,' ; , . Jnlyiwlin , . , , ' i STATU OK NOI.TII CAROLINA,- " ., ' 'I WiltKL Cot'M V,. Qi Aitrrrt Skiion itir. Term, I860. Bhxi.rr Wait ns ash i " - - ' . Ana. A. Haciimknt, ( ". ' f: ... -t r. - -- - I - --,. Jokiila J. Paramom. In tbi case it ap ' pest m;' to lliff sol i.t'iAiiiia of tsie Coart, that th -. , fen'uii.i, JoshusJ. I'aratnom. is a son retulHiist of IH .1 ftitste. M is ordn(l that publication be ii.n.io lu tli fcslinh twnliel, tor six weeks, eomii.stinu the said l' Joeliaa J.Parsiooin to appear attire m-xl term of this " Court, to pitMid, an, er and deinnr iu thisea, or ad-meut p-ens-,e smtl be oniered nn etstoKl bin II' IHOrkll. Abb.VAM.1 Lli, Clk. ,rs" may 19-wCw - -s -t , 1, v r . : STATE OF NOT1T1I CAUf tl.TN'A, ( . i , . " To.!!!!!. (. OI.M , - I toi III or I'l I S AM) Qt II1IRN -Ions, Iy 'imu, l-cu. LtTTi,.ros JoiiN-o ) ' ... --.-; .. vs. - . .. , V Attn, l ine Wll.UAHll. Hoi.UAKLk, ) no it ;( tj It snpearine; to tliasat-ilifa!!! l, C uil, ttit . the 0,:i..lsl,l iatl',rs-e tl ll'.t Sli i, ,, . ' .-.-l ,.i.IA ., M is 01 ..i-.U tl,'t ...etiist 1 . b. ir' - f-T vc. in Ik-iitpiifri 'i-trtH 'rJ in li mfrayf. a -ki, psln.b4 t iitt netewdasit te ei-n-ar nt ii,.-- iwx term of eras of tins toait to be held for tee fimnt of . at the Coart llnnse In. W imlor. on n. ,,J ' ""-v iAoi.-nsl 11 1-vt and in,.. levy li.e proceny lev,.. J ed en 111 ui,:n nt final Will be entered eiroii-t Ime,, .! -ai),l the Istoi tevi.-. onstiMloseliiily the - ioa-u edt-hu ' VYitaesa V1LLJA IV Ol i,U.i', I'.e.e i ,j . Cooil, at Ml ia W lliJ,r. lea a, J Ainn.l nt einr. A. u.. 1 '. 3 , It I . ' ': my:Mtw ' -- . i a I 1- : -I ii ,- 1 1 . -t , . ' f J. -I 1 l r t V ,- 1 1 . J .mvnju.vii'eW'',,"'i'' T- -" "'' ,:v.::..i ryStuS- i-'-W''' iWj?,"."-V-'i:..,':J

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