PUBLISHED BY Rates of Advertising: NICHOLS & GORMAN; "5s of Subscription: One Square, one day,..'.. ...r..i..$i no d57' 1 60 ' three days.......... wi four day, ra I n d e p e n d en t o n a 1 I Q u es t i on s-N e u t r a 1 o n N i one. " one week. j $n A Squart is UU width a O.lmmn. atui lv nULY-One year, In advance six mouths, lu advance ....$T 00 8 SO Three months, in advance .. ... S 00 Mtntraet Advertisements taken at pronor tionatly low rates. .,., Profewional Cards, not exceeding one square, will epaMished one year for $25, ... . . . VOL. 1. RALEIGH N. C, FRIDAY. MAY 5, 1871. One montn, in auvauce ... iw WEEKLY One jear, In advance. 1 00 NO. 84." r I I TX I II I UU .11 VI II, : II II , II rr I f I r II II , 11 II If ' 11 II I I II 11 ill iW'J hi- f 51 I HI V I V i . im- r , t l ii . m. , i-, : i , , i .r i 1 1 a 1 . i i i r i j u . v r-t i - i 1 ., -. ; ; i " i . . 1 How Mother Did It." I found fault, some time ago, 'with 'Ma ria Ann's custard pie, and tried to tell her how my mother made custard pie.- Maria mace the pie after my receipt. It .lasted longer than any other pie we ever had. .MmU set it onthe table every day for dinner- and yon see I could not eat it, because I forgot to tell her to put in any eggs or .fchonening.. It was economical ; but in a fit of generosity I stole it from the pantry and gave it to a little boy intheneighbor hocar boy's funeral was largely at-tr-ned by his former playmates. I did nnt fro myself. Then 4 here were the buck- wt rat cakes. I told Maria any fool could Leat her making those cakes ; and she said I had beiter try it. So I did. I emptied the baiter all out of the pitcher one even in tf. and set the cakes myself. I got. the fiour and th salt water; and, warned by the Dast. put in a liberal quantity of eggs nri fchciteninfir. I shortened with tallow from roast beef, because I could not find any lard. The batter did not look right, xpphh. to be sure. I had forgotten the veast. I went and woke up the baker, nnrl rot six cents' worth of yeast. I set the pitcher behind the sitting room stove nnd went to bed. In the morning I got up early, and pre mised to enioy my triumph: but 1 didn't, That veast was strong enough to raise the dead; and the batter was running all over the carpet, I scraped it up and put it in nn other dish. Then I got afire in the kitchen and put on a griddle. The first lot of cakes stuck to the griddle. The rond dittoed, only more. Maria came down and asked me what was burning, She advised me to grease the griddle. I did it. One end of the griddle got hot, and I dropped the thing on my tender est corn while trying to turn it around. Finally the bakes were ready for break fast, and Maiia got the other things ready. We sat down. My cakes did not have exactly the right-,, flavor. I took one mouthful 'and it satisfied me. I lost my appetite at once. Maria would not let me put one on her plate. I think those cakes may be reckoned a dead loss. The cat would not eat them. The dog ran off and ntayed away three days after one was of fered to him. The hens would not go within ten feet of them, I threw them in the back yard, and there has not been a pig on the premises since. I eat what is put before me now, and do not allude to mother's system of cooking. Integrity In Wall Street, Fe w persons would select the "Street" as the symbol of mercantile honor. Yet it would be difficult to find a spot in. the land where business ability and integrity have a higher mercantile value. Millions pass daily on the. click of the gold dial. The click is a fortune to some and a rvm to others. Yet in twenty-five years not five persons have repudiated their con tracts. -The sale of slocks is enormous. Thee sales are made in an undertone, perhaps to a runner or clerk of a large house. There are no witnesses. Yet be the sale loss or gain, not three men in thirty years have repudiated their sales. The leauing brokers, who simply buy and sell, have stood for a quarter to a half of a cen tury. Through these houses the great dealers buy and sell. These men keep the funds of their patrons, from ten thou sand dollars to a million or two. Men so trusted become rich, and when they re tire they sell the good-will of their houses for thousands. Usually the old firms take in their sons or relatives, and keep just interest enough to hold the boys steady and keep up the old style of things. If a man wants to see the old school honor, genuine liberality, large-hearted dona t'l,nf. and "the courtesies of business he will have to make the acquaintance "the street." Cor. Boston Jour. TEae Road to Success. ror.uLe, success, tame, position are ne.-r Lfiinpri hnt lv 1pf Arminellv hravplv - "j j , j n g and living to a thine till it is fa,. ri comnlished. In short, must car ry a filing through, if you want to be any- ,,0'iy or anything. No matter if it does you the pleasure, the society, the thousand pearly gratifications of life. n.sacr for these. Stick to the thing una carry it through. Believe you were oiiH.e or the matter, and that no one else iar. no :t.w Put forth your whole ener- Ke uwake, electrify yourself, and P i' rth to ihe task. Only once learn to (,:i:rr through in all its complete ' ss and viorortion, and you will become a lu i o. You will think better of your&elf ; others will think better of you. The nd in its very heart admires the stern, 'HU rminod doer. It sees in him its best S1lit, its brightest object, its richest treasure. Drive right along, then, in whatever you undertake. Consider your- seu rimply sufficient for the deed. You'll he successful. The following incident from the Inde pendent South, published at Holly Springs, 13 said to have taken place in: that city : Several Sundays ago a collection was a!"nit to be taken up. in one of our f nurche8, and in the absence of one of the rarular collectors, a frisky voang man ;iunteered his services and handled his nr't with a great deal of industry and sue hen he got near the door,- ne was al )f)ut to co nut. with his hat full of con tftl'Utions, on his head, when the minis fir o ! 3 . m y solemnly: "loung man ii you re here with that money, you'll be wmned" The voun? man. however, left oempd him,a worthy old bachelor,, with a Voice in V shorrvo L, Pi' i ofTimond has passed through a series U w 31ft iou;r a wmie maiomy oi ADVERTISEMENTS. PROCLAMATION, BY HIS EXCELLENCY, THE GOVERNOR OF NORTH CAROLINA - Executive Department, ) Raleigh, JV. C, April 20, 1871. ) s Whereas, Information has been received at this Department that the following named persons stand charged by indictment in the County of Buncombe with murder; and, Whereas, They have escaped, orjo concealed themselves that the ordinary process ' of law cannot be served upon them: 4 Now, therefore, J, TOD R. CALDWELL, Governor of North Carolina, by virture of au thority in me vested by law, do issue' this, my jroclamation, oflering the following rewards or the arrest of the men named and their de ivery to the Sheriff of Buncombe county, viz: '. Tot Thomas Brown, Two Hundred J)oliars. George Morel4ead,-.TwQ Hundred Dollars. Leander S. Hamlefc Two Hundred Dollars. Andrew Wise, Two Hundred Dollars. it And I do enjoin all officers of the law and all good citizens to aid in bringing these crim inals to justice. Done at our City of Raleigh, this 20th day of April, 1871, and in the year of American Independence the ninety fifth. TOD'R. CALDWELL, Governor. By the Governor: J. B. Neathery, Private Secretary. DESCRIPTION. Thomas Brown is about 21 years of age, copper color, six feet high, ; weighs 175 pounds. He is indicted for the murder of Silas Patton, (coL)and broke jail On the 21st of February last. George Morehead is about 21 years of age, will weigh 140 or 150 pounds, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, black. . Also indicted for the mur der of Silas Patton, (col.) Leander S. Hamley is about six feet high, 35 years of age, weighs 160 pounds, light hair and blue eyes ; .quick spoken. Indicted for the murder of Henry Drummond, (col.) about the 18th of January last. I Andrew Wise is about 25 years of age, and is indicted for the murder of J. C. Rodgers last October. He escaped from an officer and fled from the State, He Is about five feet 7 or 8 inches high., heavy built, black eyea, very black hair, and weighs about 175 pounds, j Ashville Pioneer copy three weeks and for ward bill to Executive Department. apr2J.-3w North Carolina Tin Ware man ufactory. BREWSTER. Now is the time to save your houses from leaking and your basements irom Demg aamp. TIN ROOFING AND GUTTERING t done at short notice and very che p. TIN WARE, at Wholesale and Retail, cheaper than can oe Dongm worm or Bonia. Price List Fubnibhed on Application. A large assortment of COOKING STOVES of the latest designs and patterns, warranted to give atiBfacti on or money refunded. , Warrant ed NON'EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL. The best assortment of TRAMPS In the State, BRASS HAND LAMPS GLASS HAND LAMPS, and fine TABLE LAMPS, i . . All or the latest patterns. OLD STOVES of all kinds taken In EXCHANGE or REPAIRED. J. C. BREWSTER, No. 4, Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C. NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. I 1 -A;., CHANGE OI" SCHEDULE. . MAIL TBAIX. OOINO NOKTH. GOING SOUTH. Arrive . 7.30 a. m. Leave Charlotte, . 8.00 p.m. . Salisbury, 10.S9 p. m. 1 Greensboro- 1.45 am. 4.80 " 1.10 Co. Shops, 8.17 HiUsboro' 3.29 Raleigh, 7.10 11.12 p.Jm. " 10.00 " 6.68 " ' GOrNG SOUTH. " EZPBX88 T&AOl. GOING NORTH. Leave Charlotte, 6.35 i 8.!23 11.29 1.05 m. Arrive 7.66 p. m. SMistmry, Greensboro' Com. Shops, 6U5 " . 81o .4 " 13.30 2.33 11.07 a.m. Express Train leaves Raleigh, for Charlotte, at 8.45 . m. Mail Train leaves Goldsboro for Charlotte, at 3 r. m. w. li. ufiEO. - feb-1 ' Master Transportation. RALEIGH & GASTON R. R r-, Srp EarsTrvDEjrr's ornci Raleigh, N. O, Jan. 29, 1871. ON and after Wednesday, Oct. &'ch, 1870, trains on e IuleJKh nd Gaston Railroad. wiU run daily, ,ouiiubj ezceptea,) as foUows : MA1X. TSAtN. Mail Train leaves Raleigh,. .i.. .......... 8:40 A. V. arrives at eiaon, . 2:30 p. X Mail Train leaves Weldon 10:15 A. K. 4:30 P. M. Armoa at aaieign,. ACOOXXOIUTIGM TBATS. Train leaves Raleigh,.:...... arrives at Weldon...... 6:45 A. X 0WJ P. X. leaves Weldon, ......... arrives at Raleigh. 430 A. BXJQ P. X. - Mail Train makes closk oosncnoi at Weldon with the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad and Bay Line Steamers via Baltimore, to and from all points North West and Northwest and with Petersburg Rrod ri Peten-burg. Richmond and Washington City, to and est. - , !w Carolina Railroad to Southwest. Accommodation and Freight trains, connect at Wel don with Accommodation and : Freight trains on Sea board & Roanoke Railroad and Petersburg Railroad, And at Raleigh, with Accommodation and Freigo trains on North Carolina Railroad. ' Persons livim? along the line of the Road can visit I main seven hours, and return the same evening;.' I j j. c. ADVERTISEMENTS. R. iECTM W. BEST & CO., AKD COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Two doors South of Raleigh National Bank, Fayette ville Street, RALEIGH, N C-, QONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. RETIBr BT PERMISSION, TO W. H. Wmard, President, and C. Dewey, Cashier, t Raleigh National Bank. . Jno. G. Williams, President State National Bank. W. E. Anderson, President, and P. A. Wiley, Cashier, - Citizen's National Bank ; and W. EL & R. S. Tucker & Co. i March 1.1871. 26 tl. BONNETS HES. flSTTIICER. HATS BONNETS : wffl HATS BONNETS keep HATS BONNETS as HATS BONNETS : usual HATS BONNETS a HATS BONNETS full HATS BONNETS 'line HATS BONNETS of HATS BONNETS Millinery HATS BONNETS during HATS BONNETS the HATS BONNETS Spring HATS BONNETS and HATS BONNETS Summer HATS BONNETS season. HATS BONNETS She will sell HATS BONNETS everything on HATS BONNETS the most HATS BONNETS1 reasonable HATS BONNETS terms. HATS mh 18-3m Raleigh National Bank of N. C. , Raleigh, Mar6h 20th, 18U. THIS BANK, (under a resolution of the Stockhold ers and authority from the Comptroller of the Currency,) has opened Books at their Banking House in this City, for subscriptions to the increase of the Stock to Half a Million Dollars, being the Authorized Capital. ( . C. DEWEY, Cashier. ; March 3?, 1S7J. 43 tf. A N OTHER SUrrLY or ri(ESTON & Merrill's Yeast Powder and Royal Baking f owders, ust received at ' . ' Pnig Store. - ENtJlNE PATENT MEDICINES,. Mineral w waters, jjonaon roixer, cscoicn Aie, ec c., at PESCTJD, LEE & CO.'S March 3, 1871. .27 tf. . Drug Store.' GENTLEMEN'S EMPORIUMS ; E. BESSON, Me r c h an t T ay 1 o r 5 Fayetteville St.. (OPPOSITE METROPOLITAN HALL,) HAS just returned from' New York with, a large and most handsome stock of . FOREIGN CLOTHS AND C ASSIMERES Foreentlemen's suits'. Garments made up in the latest and most excellent style, and satisfaction guar anteed. - ; -. ! . Can and examine his superb stock. His stock of Clotha. Casteimeres and Ves tines can- tot be excelled to this market mH2l-tf , .-. : , Tie Widows & Orphans' Benefit ! LIFE INSTJEANCE CO.," . ' Qf Ifew York, i Office, in Southern Express Building, ' RALEIGHt N. C- ALLS attention o Its u Reserve System of Divi KJ : dends." - offering extraordinary advantages to persona- of good record and constitution who desire to avail tnemseives oi lis pian. ine company aiso issues Children's Educational Annuities, a new and desirable investment for the benefit of the young. : It offers in all its plans SECURITY and every possi ble advantage tnrougn uie, consistent tnerewitn. W. H. FINCH & CO., z General Agents. WIS. ROTSTER, M.D , Medical Examiner. tationery.ust received 30,000 EN- VELUl'liS or various sizes, colors and unces. ( 300 Boxes initial .Note aper ana envelopes, white and rose tint, any letter sent by mail for 40 cents per box. I Also a lot of Commercial Note, Letter and Can American paper, and French Note with Envelopes to match, For sale cheap at J. A. JONES', i ap 19 tf Bookstore. M EAL ! MEAL!! MEAL!!! We have just received a large lot of White Corn Mel. . .... j W. C. STRON ACH & CO. WAX WORK IN! ALL ITS BRANCHES, in Fruit3 and Flowers. The art taurrht on moderate terms. Moulds kept on hand for sale, by Mrs. M. L. BLAKE, uaieign. March ir, 1871. 39 tf. $10 WE WISH TO EM PLOY an AGENT to canvass for our New Map of Wake County. An active, reliable man can easily make from $5 to ft 10 per day. NICHOLS & GORMAN. Jackson White Potatoes I EARLY GOODRICH sale at cost, by POTATOES. 35 batrelfl for DOUGLAS BELL. 43-41 Raleigh, March S2. 1S71. ADVSSTESE35IENTS, STROXACII & CO., HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERS, ,; OSK DOOR ABOVE TABBOEO HOTT3K, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, RALEIGH, N. C, Ha e thia day in store and Invoiced 85 barrel Ashland, Pt?pco. and Paragon Flour. 30 barrels N. C. Family, xtra, and Superfine Four. 7 tieicea Sagar-Cured, Canvassed Hams. 1.500 ponnd3 Sugar-Cured Breckfast Strips. 300 poandtf Smoked Broiling Beei and Beef Tongues. 2u pounds Fulton Market Beef, in ruckle. Miuo." b, vream, ienion, and Soda Biacait. Cui L-af. Crushed, Powdered "A," Dem., and P. R. Green, Wack, and Mixed Teas. . Old Go fciiiJient Java, Laguira, Maracaibo, and Rio Coffees. Canned Frnits, Fih, and Vegetables. - Irish and Sweet Potatoes. Carolina RIceTPearl Grita, and Hominy. Duryear's Satin Gloss Starch Ganu' Pure Cream Tartar. - English, French, and American Mustards. Grain and Grounl Pepper ard Spices. urasee & uiacKweu e ciio-thow Picfciea. Colgate & Co.'s and Henry Welsh's Lauudry Soaps. Cooking and Wasbiao; Soda. EdgertoD's, and Rail Road Mills Snuff. Finest Brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. apras-tr CHILDREN'S Carriage var! ous styles and prices, at PHIL. THIEM'S, Fayetteville St. jgPRING TRADE OF 171. A FEW DAYS HAVE PASSED, And we are prepared to exhibit the best etock of Ladies Spring Dress Goods, which it has been our good fortune to have ever purebred. we nave lntentiODEiiy aeiayca raaKing purcnases of onrnice8t Dress goods some eisrht or ieu days, for the purpose of selecting NEW FRESH STYLES AXD DESIGNS ! which, we were advised m-rs tliea crossing .the ocean; and an inspection of oir fctock will couviuce all that no such etylss a. d ori,;u-il designs are pre sented elsewhere ; and as the ilmcs rue exceedingly hard and money fecarce, our prices shall be low. Motto: Quick sales and sin 11 profits. , Ihe best goods at the lowest prices. Black and Colored Gro Grain Silks. Foulard, small figured, Si:ks. Japanese, pla?n and brocaded, Silks. Irish and Japanese Poplins. Norwich Popiias. Diagonal Paeha Cloths for costumes. Ealzarines. Double laced Alpaca. Bombazines, Bombazine Cloths. Snmmer DeLa ns and 'iamise Cloths. Iron Grenadine, black; Genappine, black. - Hernannii. Marbled Mohairs and Mozambiqnes. Genos33 Grass Clocha aad Liaeus, for suits. French Gingham. Pcrcailus. yN'r'ite Piq:ia. tfr'ee 17 and upward. Ail the new t oio.s iu Po;liat and M"h"i' v'z: CaletHlsit, Garnet D.abs and Lcrue Cl;rs. bond C.ord ilul; as. F 'gured Mu&lais :or 15 cent nnd npwrrd. api 2a-tf W. Ii. & K. s. TUCK Ell & CO., The U. S. Specie Stationery Package con tains - 5 Sheets Note Paper, 5 Cents. 5 Envelopes, 5 " 1 Lead Pencil, 5 1 Pen Holder, 5 " 1 Oroide Gold Pen, 10 " 1 New Dime Book, 10 " 40 Cents. and every package guaranteed to contain either 5, 10, 25 or 50 cents in Specie. Price, 25 Cts each. THE CASKET OF JEWELS Contains 12 Sheets Ladies Note Paper; 12 Euveiope3to match: 1 Oroide Gold Pen; 1 Lead Pencil; 1 Song Book, (cloth bound); 1 Copy Art of Love; 1 Copy Letter writer; 1 Little Flirt, or art of Handkerchief and Fan Flirtation. In add-lion, each Casket contains from 5 cents" to 5 dollars in money, or one of the fol lowing valuable articles: 1 Ladies Plated Gold Watch; 1 Gentlem? s natea toia vvaicn; One Tortoise shell Pen Knife, :4 blades; One Gentleman's Pocket Book; One Ladies Pocket Book: One Ladies Ink-st&nd. Price of each Gasket,; $1. For sale at J. A. JUtib UOOKSlOre, No. 15, Fayetteville Street, Raleigh. April 1, 1871. ;." 53 tf. FS1ESII : PEACHES, Corn ' and Tomatoes, to-day received by . W. C. STRONACH & CO. Pf nrr yards of the handsomest tVy J) J hpi'iig Piiuts we rare eeeu iuce 1860. Our fetock u ccmp;ete in oilx rdpaitments, ap!22-tf &K.S.TUCKhil&CO., SAMPLES SENT BY MAIL TO AKY PART OF the State on application, apl 22-tf W. H. & R. 8. 1 UCKER & CO.. READY-MADE SUITS, for Ladies. Misses and Boys, in .French, Bishop Bud Victoria Lawns and in Genoise Gn ei Chinese sud Linen CU'.h. apl 22-tf W. H. & R. II. TUCKER & CO., rpHE TRADE SUFPLI2D. Conn try Merchants JL can now be better supplied than ever, apl 2i-tf W. H. & R. H. TUCKER & CO., FISH-BLACK WATER SEIAI of the finest quality can be had only at Stall No. 11, Metropolitan Market, from apl 8-tf WM. II. HICKS. CHOICE BAAKAS Just Received at: A. D. ROYSTER BROS. GAXE SEATING. PERSONS WISH inir to have Cane Seating done, are in formed that Mr. Alfeed Page, a blind young man, connected with the Institution for the Deaf & Dumb and the Blind, is prepared to do work in that line, in the very best style and on liberal terms. Patronage respectfully solicited. apr 29-tf In the Hatter or J. A. Thurston, Baskrcpt. This is to give notice that on J TUESDAY, the 23d day of MAY, 1871, at 12 J Vivyviv, at me fJUi t. UUU9C UUU1.1U iiuivibU) N.'C, I will sell at Public Auction, to the hisrhest bidder for rush: the real estate of John A. Thurston. InkrunL consisting of a small lot in Lynn, Mass., su' ject to any and all lawful encumbrs.nce3 theron. C. Ijl HARRIS. Assigxeb. Raleigh. N. n.. Aii-:i 20. IST1. Iaw3w 2 AAA CarttooeniaCocoannta, aUUU fresh and sound, just arrived, and Llakir T VP PPCT Mr CT apr 30-2t. ADVERTISEMENTS. : : NEW - Photograph Gallery, I n ow Open for the reception of visitors and custom ers, j23-Come and see one of the Finest Photo graph Establishments in the Country. - j Orer Theim's new Store, Fayetteville St. itAzmGir.jrJc. . ,n . J. W. WATSON. Feb. 19-tf. JAMES PIRSSON'S Piano Forte. Ware Rooms, AND PREPARING SHOP, Corner of Hargett and Salisbury Sts.y RALEIGH, X. C, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a fine assortment of the great Union Company's Piano Fortes, of the city of 2ew York. This coumanvaie turning out 30 Pianos per week, and being in possession of suck great facilities in the shape of capital and machinery are enabled to put their Pianos at a much lower price than any other hrst class house in the United States Second hand Pianos bought and sold, and taken in exchange for ne ones, also rented out by the month. Several second hand Pianos for sale, from $80 to $250. Piano 1 ortes thoroughly tuned and repaired, and re stored to their original tone and quality: Mr. F. being a practical Piano Forte Maker, of many years experi ence, the public can place the utmost confidence in his work. . March 17. 187L 8&-tf. NORTH CAROLINA E RALEIGH. o I Security Against Loss by Fire. o , - THIS Company pays losses fairly and circulates its ! earnings at home. I It has just paid its losses by the conflagration at Henderson, fully and promptly, j Its rates are as moderate as safety will Justify. Agents in all Parts of the State. R. H. BATTLE, Jr., President. SEATON GALES, Secretary. Feb. 1 HHUEBE IS NOTHING ADORNS A PIIOTO A GRAPH more than a cheap and handsome Oval Frame, and the only place to have your Photographs apd Pictures neatly framed is at ; CLAWSON'S. THERE IS NOTHING MORE USEFUL AND adorning to your Parlors and Private Room', than cheap and nandsome Window Shades, and Cornices attached to your windows, and the only place in Raleigh to get them is at CLAWSON-a THERE IS NOTHIN( - sec Luts wmin ti v Id KO rHRRT?PTTT. AS TO occ t Lie waua in vonr aweiunss neaffr aW handsomely Papered, which can be done with neat- iipB anu uuraouiiy Dy - . Vjua.VoUJN. ! THERE IS NOTHING LOOKS MORE REFINED and cultivated than to see the Walla of yon r Parlors and Bed-rooms . tastefully decorated with chaste and appropriate Chromo Pictures, Photographs and Steel Engravings, all of which can be obtained at - CLAWSON'S. . Feb. 1. tf. ! FURNITURE AND U PITOLS TER IN G GOODS ! AT COST. THE undersigned desiring to discontinue the busi ness, will SELL AT COST all his laree and well selected stock of Furnitare and Upholstering Gowda, consisting of Parlor, Chamber, (Dining, - Hall and ! Office Furniture, ! Bedsteads. Bureaus, ! Washstands, Wardrobes, Black Walnut and Mahogany, Arm and Rocking Chairs, Cane and Wood Seat Marble and Tables, and Tables, Sofas, What-Nots, Sideboards Chairs, Wood Top Dinner Breakfast Tete-aTetes, Lounges, and ALSO, A very large and extentive stock of Crimson, Green and Damask, Reps, Taasals. Persons having capital.- desiring an eligible situa- . I . .n .Via knBina.a AM) iltvltAY f r .all llTWkrl tHik uudersijrned. as he is determined to dispose of every rent the large Ware rooms and Workshops, corner of Fayetteville and Davie Streets, first corner below the Yarborongh House, on reasonable terms. Term? casn. mh S-tf A. W. FRAPS. HO ! FOR THE BLUE FRONT. 7t T T? 7 HO has in Store a freeh. Stock embracing every i- variety kept in a First Class Confectionery. French and Stick Candies, "French Oran ges, Lemons and Apples, Hard and 1 Soft Shell Almonds, Walnuts, Palmnuts, Peanuts, Filberts, Cocoanuts Roasted Pea nuts, Dried Peaches Currants, Prunes,, Citron, Figs, Canned Peaches, Pineapples, Cherries, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Pepper Sauce, Tomato and Worceteren:re :anct c. - Pickles CiiouChou, PiuililUe, Spanish Almonds, American and French Mustard, Maccarouiand Vennl-. cell. Preserves, Jellies, tc - ' : Alo, a fine aasoitmentof Catea, Pound. JeBy.Fruit. Jumbles and Lemon Cai.e-; Giner SchnaiipA. Cracker, Fox, SooU and an Imported Indon Cracker, anice article. ' : 1 '" I keep a good line of Cigars and Tobacco. A fall ABortment Smoker's articles. Most anything in the Toy line to suit the old and roong. ' A free invitation is extended to all to give ua a can. Respectfully, M.J. MOSELEY. -Orders for any kind of auroba will be promptly ailed. Also attend to Oyster orders which will be delivered promptly. , Fib. 1 tf. Mcsic Lesson. Mrs. A. IL SLATER announces that she i3 prepared to give instruction in Music Charges moderate. Of her qualiCcatioruj as a Teacher, she ran not speak but she would beg to say that her pupils will receive the teet of attention, apl. 19 tf. t INSURANCE COMPANY Hints to Housekeepers. MOSELEY, ADVEUTISEKIENTS. :; P- f; PEscuD, RALEIGH, N. C. -: General Life and Fire :1ns,. Agent, FOB N0E1H C1R0UI1. . Represents the following A. I. No. 1 Companies J EXCELSIOR LIFE, of New York; FIRE COMPANIES : . Security, of. New York, Atlanty, of Brooklyn, Putnam, of 'Hartford, Conn., Georgia Home, Home, of New York, London, Liverpool & Globe. COMBINED ASSETS $25,000,000. Fwfll be seen from the above list of Oompaides. that I have accepted the Agency of tbe HOME, of New Tor., In place of tbe Home of New Haven, being de termined to have none but the most rehablecompaiii,- thatmy patrons may fel the most perfect security. 1-he HOME, of New York,' has Cash Capital and Aaaete, amounting to Four and a Half Million Dollars, til in- vesttvl in 1 lrst CIhSh Kpcuritles, mnuahing ample and reliable indemnity under its poUdea.!. No Coiapanies iu America offer greater inducement to pcno:ia winning to Insure their lives for the bene at of their'wives and children, or who wish to provide an Endowment or Income in tbir old age, or who want insurance against loss by fire, on Buildings of any kind and theircontents.-; No Companies are more reTiaMe, more worthy of confidence, give greater aatfafaction, and pay losses more promptly. During the paat five year, many hundreds of the moct prominent citizens iu North Carolina have secu. red Policies through my Ageucy; no complaint for de lay in paying lose, as soon as proven, ha ever occur red, nor can I recall one instance of any mkunder standing, nor changemaae or deception UKed in secu ring policies, to which cans I am mainly indebted for the steady Increase of my business. H. C. Reed, a former Agent, made some J&lae statements and promt, aes, which I promptly corrected. He has sine fled the State and will probabry never return. All persons contemplating insuring their lives or property, aire most cordially invited to examine Into Uie cost thereof, and the character o my Companies, before applying elsewhere, and no man who has a family dependent upon bis income, or who has a home exposed to loss by fire, should be without a policy. P. F. PESCUD, General Insurance Agent, Raleigh. 3" Active and reliable Agents wanted in every part of the State, to whom very liberal Inducements will be offered. Feb. 1-tf. INSURANCE AGAINST ACCIDENT. Traveller's Ins., Co., Hartford. S 1,5 00,000.' TXTEEKLr INDEMNITY of $5 on each I1.00Q o V V, i PoUcy: ' Totally disabling. Injury, fend if datu -be tho renuft of injury, all the policy is paid. This Company has issued over 180,000 poHcfee.-' Rates are very low and no medical examination required. w.h; oeow, 'Agent feb 80-2m Raleigh, N. C, FINE CHEWING f TOBACCO Almost melta in your mouth, at BURT A BROTJGITTON'S. Fel. 9 tf. ' WINDOW GLASS, , PUTTY, FAINTS, Oils and Dye Stuffs, at the lowest rket rates;-at PESCUD, LEE & CO.'S Drug tore. Masonic RALEIGH, N. Ci " Authorized Capital 150,000, Shares1 $25.00 each: Payable fl.tK) on each saare monthly." rnniS. IS A REnDLARLY INCORPORATED L lDtitution. chartered bv the LecMatnre Of North Carolina, In 1370, !0r the pnrpo of bnltdlnr in: the City of Raleigh a Masonic Teroplc; It it beiievefl that This- ito k wilt pay a handsome divi- dend after the Temple is Ootuplcted. orricKsa : JOS. B.! BATCTTELOR," Emj.'. PrcridenL KEMP P. BATTLE. tQ Vice President P. A. WILEY, Treasurer. .L C. L. 1H.RR15-L Secretary.- .). B. NEATIIKKY. Ccr. Secretary. W. O. UPCUURt H, J. B. GAYLE. H. T. CLAW. SON, f Directora. W. E.' ANDERSON, T. H. BRIOGS, W. J. UICKS, James sounroATE, . - Geijeral Ageut. Feb.l. tf. THE BEST TEAS, CHOCOLATE, STICES anl Flavoring Extracts,' tin be found at A , ; PESCUD, LEB &-CO.T8 n-. MACKEREL, IlJl,r,ET, OL.CE Fish and Herrings at..,. ci.: . . . W. C. STRONACn A CO m Jfc A MJ . A fcSW nPHK nndenHrned''4iiformV:hl'(ea9tAiaers nd Fish of alt ki d, Iri larger qaautlties, aud greiter varieties tlMoaay tnfhia market, v i v , - Parties wUhing to swnreFUh wonld do well to leave ttatfr orders previously, ni the -TUh ' will tf delivcretl at their residence every BjSl'V..: j W. IL HICKS, Stall No. 1 1, MetropoUtan Market, mh 2&-if ' ; : - Bacon! Bacon ! ! Bacon 1 1 f fTRESlt LOT OF WESTER2? BACO"??. at" . rpiEr njaXFIIiXIsS.' C; Famllf 'X Roe Uerr!s3.' 1 , ; 20ft lb. New Cod Fish, . 10 tVes Fresh Oyater 10 Sacks Rio Coftee, 5 " Maracaibo Coffee. 'Be0etvedt4ayat .nr n.t r.ii , - W. C STRONACH k CO., ' aul 8-tf Kext Door w Tarborongh Houae, Temple Association, feol . . ' . Gen. 8upt 5