7 7 ( w I ! i fliE RALEIGH DAILY TELEGRAM. PUBLISHED BY NICHOLS & GORMAN. Kates of Subscription: HV !'n vcar, 1n advance........ ft 00 1 it mouth?, in advance 8 60 2 m 1 00 nine months, in advance one month, in advance ., WKKKLY One year, in advance.... ... 00 From the Mobile Register. ' Kii-Klux, you Scare 'Em So J Am "Shoo Fly." - j The bottom rail is now on top; The niirors rnaijly prance; 'Tiie Committee up at Washington j Hay for them to dance ! To magnify the Ku-Klux deeds, They'd druin the ocean dry I j Make convicts out of honest men! ; "Oh, how id that for high?" j - i C70ri Ku-klnx in every place, Ku-kxlu on every tree; t Ku-klux, your ghastly faca .Seemd to frighten U. S. G.j I I) mingo now is all the rage; J j The Ku-klux bill i.s passed; ) jjr-n butler's smile is silvery sweet!; His play is made at last ! j Tiicy steal, they steal, they steal; Tliat's what the people say, . Instead of legislating j THE RALEIGH DAIL14ELPJI. ' Independent on all Questions-Neutral on None. VOL. i. . RALEIGH N. C, TUESDAY. MAY 9, 1871. NO. 84. , . ... , . r : r : ADVERTISEMENTS. A PROCLAMATION, Tiie outrage bills they pay. Chorus Kx-klux away down South; Ku-klux don't pester me ! Ku-klux in the people's mouth, Hurrah, for U. S. G.! f The people alt throughout the land,: They blush for very shame, That such a mighty nation Should play so small a game. -., They feel, they feel, they feel, J And with them all agree, 'Tis a very little mutter To riie L'-lys-ses G. BY HIS EXCELLENCY, THE GOVERNOR OP NORTH CAROLINA. , Executive Department, Eah gh, Ar. C, April 20, 1871. Whereas, Information has been received at this Department that the following named persons stand charged by indictment in the County . of Buncombe with murder; and, Wiiereas, They have escaped, orjso concealed themselves that the ordinary process of law cannot be served npon them: Now, therefore, I, TOD R. CALDWELL, Governor of North Carolina, by virture of au- Ithority in me vested by law, do issue this, 'my I , . a i : ! i proclamation, onenng me louowing rewarus for the arrest of the men named and their de livery to the Sheriff of Buncombe county, viz: For Thomas Brown, Two Hundred Dollarsi George Morehead, Two Hundred Dollars. Leander S. Hamley, Two Hundred Dollars. Andrew Wise, Two Hundred Dollars, i And I do enjoin all officers of the law and BONlVETS ail gOOUCilizena m aiu iu uiiugiug uicoe i;riiii- i inals to justice. BONNETS Done at our City of Raleigh, this 20th day of April, 1871, and in the year BONNETS of American Independence the ninety fifth. ;. TOD R., CALDWELL, Governor. By the Governor : J. B. Neathery, Private Secretary. ADVERTISEMENTS. . , " .... R. W. BEST & CO., AMOS AND mWs MERC1IASTS, Two doors South of Raleigh National Bank, Fayetteville Street, RALEIGH, N. C, QONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. ; RKFXB, BY PEBSHSSIOH, TO W. H. Willard. President, and C. Dewey, Cai.hier, Raleigh National Bank. Jno. O. Williams. President State National Bant W. E. Anderson, President, and P. A. Wiley, Cashier, Citizen s National Bank ; and W. H. & B. S. Tucker & Co. March 1. 1871. 26 tt (i it BONNETS BONNETS Ch or us Kx-klux don't scare 'em so; Ku-klux let 'em be; - ' Kx-klux ; 'tis a joke, you know, To scare little U. S. G. ! 5 FrUlay an Unlucky Day?. There are many people who believe hat "to of Jjj ;"T Friday is un unlucky day. It has certain ly j.i)ved so to the French, as a few facts will demonstrate. It was at 1:50 p. jm., en Friday, July 15, 1S70, that the Crfrps Lrtrislsitil of 1 ranee declared, war against iople, DESCRIPTION. ; Thomas Brown i3, about 21 years of ge, copper color, six feet high, weighs 175 pounds. He is indicted for the murder of Silas Patton, (col.)and broke jail on the 21st of February fctst. George Morehead is about 21 years of age, will weigh 140 or 150 pounds, 5 feet 7 6r 8 inches high, black. Also indicted for the mur der of Silas Patton, (col.) ! - Leander S. Hamley, is about six feet high, 35 years of age, weighs 160 pounds, light pair and blue eves : auick spoken. Indicted foii the murder of Henry Drummond, (col.) about the Prussia, with the approval oi me pe mid. with M. Thiers alone protes jigiiinsttho madness neehimations. On the of the popular the mg Andrew Wise i3 about 25 vears of age, and is indicted for the murder of J. C. Rodders last October. He escaped from an officer land fled from the State. He is about five feet or 8 inches high, heavy built, black eyes, yery black hair, and weighs about 175 pounds.' - Ashville Pioneer copy three "weeks and for ward bill to Executive Department apr21-3w the in the the l r-r Tl TM it O TT Fmpt-ror ot the roncli prepared to leave rv Members, fit which the President, irj ii.liln-ss. threw the responsibility of vviir oii Prussia. On the next Friday, )'.); h. NiiDoleon. havincr arrived at Metfe on the ievioiis afternoon, took conimanil of tii. iinny, amid the enthusiastic cheering, v. s, and other loyal demonstrations of Li - iitH'ps, established his imperial hfead ,,n .i-t.v.-s mid issued his Droclamationf to Ihe army, closing with the words: "The t ves of the universe are upon you. Upon our success depends the fate of liberty and civilization." In the next week the solitary victory of Snar brack was ft 1 tiwed bv the" disasters of Weissenburg and AVoerth. On Friday, the lDth, the, bom burdment of Strasbourg began. Onjthe next Friday, the Prince: imperial was mi ned away to a place of safety, and onjFri d;iv: September 2d. Sedan surrend ire1. Napoleon's imperial power was broken, and the empire was dissolved. On Friilay, the-UUh, the French Provisional govern ment raised tho blockade of the Gerjnan pin ts. On Friday, September 23d, Toual capitulated, and oh Friday, the . 28th of October, the people of Taris were stufmed bv the lirst oflicial announcement of their greatest misfortune the surrender of .a-7 oUbr.ii orb it bad taken place on Wednesday, and was previously knon in Fnaiand and America, On Fridays, Vdso, took place the battles of LonguenlH tne sortie of Hazaine from Metz, and the first battle before Paris, in each of which; the French were defeated. As if all these Jwere to make the- French believe tiiut Friday is indeed a fatal day for them, . the terms for the surrender of their fcapi tal itself were conclude.Von Friday, January-42 7th. None cau refniin from hoping, liuds the Pittsburgh Commercial, thatthe tail of Paris may be tle last black Friday Truiee shall know for years, and that with the MisMU; of peace' all the ravages of w.ir may be speeilily repaired. ortli Carolina Tin Ware Man ufactory, ! J. C. BREWSTER, j BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS BONNETS mh 18-3m 3IRS. ffiTTHGER will keep as usual a full line of Millinery during the Spring and Summer season. She will sell every thin the most reasonable terms. ADVERTISEMENTS. C. STROMCn & CO., HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERS, OK BOOH ABOTX TABBOBO HOLT8. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Rates of Advertising: One Sqa&re, on day, a m - tWO d&JB, three days, four days,.....' , M f t five Uys,.... 5 ct -. fiTii wwt. : . ...SI 00 ... 1 80 S 00 a to 8 00 8 50 A Squat is ridlM if m Octlwmn, md 1J incXts deep. (jCon tract AdvertlsemenU Uken at propor tlonately low rate. Professional Carda, not exceeding on e square, will e puMished one year fr$23. on nATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS HATS FAYETTETTLLE STREET. RALEIGH, N- C, Have this day in ptarcajid Invoiced Sf barrels N. CFatnfly, Extra, and Sfaperfine Foar. 7 tierce-Saar-Cnred, Canvassed Hams . . t.SOOiJoauds Sngar-Cared Breakfast Strips. bmoki-d I5r"iUu2 Beel ana iseer lonjrues. poand9 Fulton Market Beef, iu pickle. : ; : moo, and boda uicaiu Powdered 'A," Dem, and P- R. (freen. Black, and Mixed Teas. Old Government Java, Laguira, Maracaibo, and Rio Coflees. - ' Canned Frnits, Fi?h. and Vegetablea. Irish and Sweet Potatoes. Carolina Rice, Pearl Grita, and Hominy. Duryear's batin Glose Starch, Gants Pure Cream Tartar. English, French, and American Mustards. Grain and Ground Pepper and 8picea. Pmaae & Blackwell'e Chow-Chow Pickles. Colgate fc Co.'s and Henry Welsh's Laundry Soaps. Cooking and w ashing Soda. Edgerton's, and Kail Road Mills Snutt. vi-n'ont Brands of Smoking and Chewing Tobacco. - - - " OO CHIEBREN'S Carriages vart ous styles and prices, at PHIL.. THIxjM s, Favetteville St. gPROG TRADE OF 1871. A FEW DATS HAVE PASSED, nA we are nrenared to exhibit the best stock of Ladies Sonne Dress Goods, which It has been our good fortune to have ever purchased. We nave mieniionaujf ueiajcu uioaiug F..ov.D of ournicest Dress goods some eight or ten days, for the purpose of selecting FOR $2 PER EINE, We will insert an advertisement ONE MONTH In Thirty-three First-class NORTH CAROLINA NEWSPAPERS, Including Fire Dailies. We refer to the publisher of this paper, to whom our responsibilitv is well known. LIST SENT FREE. , Address GEO. P. ROWELL Jb Ca, Advertising Agents, No. 41, Park Row, New York. GUIOICE FEOWER!SEEs7(24 J Papers '-for. $1,) Roses, Evergreens, Shrubbery (20 sorts for $5.) Bulbs, Vines, fcc Send for catalogues to C. B DENSON; Pittsboro, N. C. , . --' - 1 8 2 6 CSE " tegetable 1870 PULMONARY BALSAM. w The old standard remedy for Coughs, Golds, Consumption. "frothing better." Cutler Bros. fc Co., Boston. T?RAGRAiT SAPOEIEXE Cleans A. Kid Gloves arid all kinds of Cloth3 and Clothing; removes Paint, Greese, Tar, &c, instantly, without the least injury to the finest fabric Sold by Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. FRAGRANT SAPOLIENE CO., 33 Barclay St., New York, 46 La Salle St., Chicago. BEY TIIE APPLE PABER, Corer and Sheer. Price, $2.00. S1A A DtAY FOR AEE WITH lj Stencil Tools. Address, A. E. GRA HAM, Springfield, Vt. Q9 K A MOXTII. Horse and wOld Carriage furnished. Expenses paid. H. SHAW, Alfred, Me. ADVERTISEMENTS. JAMES PIRSSON'S Piano Forte Ware Rooms, AND PREPARING SHOP, Corner of Hargett and Salisbury JSts.t RALEIGH. N. C, HAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a fine assortment of the great Union Company"! Piano Fortea, of the city of New York. This comoany ar tarnmg out SO Pianos per week, and being In possession of uch crreat facilities in the shape of capital and machinery are enabled to pat their Pianos at a much lower price than any other first.claas house In the United States, j Second band Pianos bought mud sold, and taken in exchange for ne ones, also rented out by the month. SevAral second hand Pianos far sale, from $80 to $250. Piano Fortes thorou hly tuned and repaired, and re stored to their origj'. al tone and quality. Sir. P. being I a practical Piano Ft rta Maker, of many years experi ence, the pubhc can place the utmost confidence In i bis work. - March 17. 18TL 83 U. Hints io Housekeep ers, THERE IS NOTHING ADORNS A PHOTO GRAPH more than a cheap and handsome Oval Frame, and the only place to have your Photographs and Pictures neatly framed is at CLAWSON'S. THERE IS NOTHING MORE USEFUL AND adorning to your Parlors and Private Rooms than cheap ana nanasome inaow snaaes, ana Cornices attached to your windows, and the only place in Raleigh to get them is at CLAWSON'S. THERE IS NOTHING SO CHEERFUL AS TO tee the walls of your dwellings neatly and handsomely Papered, which can be done with neat ness and durability ny VLAWSU.. AGENTS ! Read This ! We will pay Agents a salary of $30 per week and expenses, or allow a large commission to sell nnr np.w and wonderful inventions. AddreSs which we were advised were then crossing me ii. WAUINlK & UU., Jiarsnau, Mien. ocean; and an inspection of our stocK wiu connnce NEW FRESH STYLES AND DESIGNS Raleigh National' Bank of N. C Raleigh, March 20th, 1871. i-pnlntion of the Stockhold I ontimn'tv fmm th( Comntroller of the Currency,) has opened Books at their Banking House in this City, for subscriptions to the increaseof the Stock to Half a Million Dollars, being the Authorized Capital. tyt vttt?"t March 22, 1S71. 43 tf. & 'wnTTim SUPPLY OF. PRESTON r Merrill's Yeast Powder and Royal Baking Towders, iost received at 0 . PESCUD, LEE Jk CO.'S Drug. Store. all that no such styles and original designs are pre sented elsewhere ; and as the times are exceedingly hard and money scarce, our prices shall be low. Motto: Qnick sales and small profits. . The best goods at the lowest prices. Black and Colored Gro Grain Silks. Foulard, small figured, Silks. Japanese, plain and brocaded, Silks. - Irish and Japanese Poplins. Norwich Poplins. Diagonal Pasha Cloths for costumes. Balzarines. Double laced Alpaca. Bombazines, Bombazine Cloths. Summer DeLains and Tamise Cloths. Iron Granadine. black. Genappine, black. Hernannii. ho.m Mnhaira iinil Mrwammauea. Genoese Grass Cloths and Linens, for suits. French -Gingham. , PercallcB White PiQua, priee 17K and upwards. . . . All the new c olors in Poplins and Mohairs, tiz -Cafeaulait, Garnet Drabs and Ecrue Colors. ; Solid Colored Muslins. ' ' ; . Fieured Musfins tor 15 cents'and upward. ' apl 2i-tf W. H. & R. S. TUCKER & CO., THERE IS NOTHING LOOKS M(4RE REFINED and cultiTated than to see the Walls of your Parlors and Bed-rooms tastefully decorated with chaste and appropriate Chromo Pictures, Photographs nil OLCCi IwJKiaiUikLBv VI Ul nuau .v-nu lfv uihi uvu at , CLAWSON'S. Feb. I. tf. P. F. PESCUD, RALEIGH, N. C General Life and Fire Ins. Agent, OUT THIS OUT! And send Twenty-five Cents for a Ticket aud draw a Watch, Sewing Machine, Piano, or anma orMlA rf vjvlnA. Nn blanks. Six for One Dollar. - Address PACKARD & CO., Cin- EX0ELSI0B LIFE, of New York; FOR SOUTH CAROLINA. Repreeente the following A. I. No. 1 Companies cinnati, Ohio, !NUE, ) . N. C, 2nd, 1871. ) JRIZE Stationery Packagci. : The TJ. S. Specie Stationery Package con tains GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES, Mineral Waters, London Porter, Scotch Ale &c, Now is the time to save your house3 from leaking and your basements irom Demg uamp. , TIN ROOFING AND GUTTERING done at short notice and very chef pr TIN WARE, at Wholesale and Retail, cheaper than ! can be bought ixorw or douuu , j Price List Furnished on Application. - - A large assortment of COOKING STOVES bf the latest designs and patterns, warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. Warrant ed NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE OIL. - The best assortment of LAMPS in j the State, BRASS HAND LAMPS GLASS HAND LAMPS, and .fine TABLE LAMPS, AH of the latest patterns. ; OLD STOVES of all kinds taken in EXCHANGE or REPAIRED. ! : J. a BREWSTER, ' , No. 4, Hargett Street, Raleigh, N. C, , NORTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. March 3, 1871. 27 tf. Drug Store, GENTLEMEN'S EMPORIUM, E. BESSON, - Merchant Taylor, Fayetteville St.. (OPPOSITE METROPOLITAN HALL,) RALEIGH, N. G- a AS just returned from New ork witn a large and most handsome stock of FOREIGN CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES 5 Sheets Note Faper, 5 Envelopes, . 1 Lead Pencil 1 Pen Holder, 1 Oroide Gold Pen, 1 New Dime Book, 5 Cents. 5 " ; 5 5 10 10 H r nsic Eesons. Mrs. A. E. SLATER ItJL announces that she is prepared to t give instruction in Music Charges moderate. Of her qualifications as a Teacher, she can not speak ; but she would beg to say that Her pupiis will receive tne best oi auenuon. apl. 19 tf. T Tnited States Tax Xoticc. United States ' Inters al Revenue Collector's Office, 4th Dist. is : Raletsh. Mav ZnQ Thft Annual Assessment List for the Coun this District has leen placed in my hands for collection. All persons assessed on this list must meet me or my Deputy in Smithfield, May 12th and 13th. Hillsboro, - 20th. Pittsboro, " 24th. Nashville, " 27th. Raleigh, . " 29th, 30tn ana jisi, nnT TWV thft ffiime. : All persons failing to comply with all the reouiremeuta of law, , in regard to Annual Taxes, will be v sited with the penalties pre FIRE COMPANIES :t Security, of New York, Atlantic, of Brooklyn, Putnam, of Hartford, Conn., Georgia Home, Home, of . New York, London, Liverpool & Globe. COMBINED ASSETS $25,000,00 0. IT will be seen from the above Hst. of Companies, that , I have accepted the Agency of the HOME, of New York, in pluce of tha Homo, of New Haven. bin d tennined to have none but the most reliable oomjHtfues, bo that my patrons may feel the most perfect security. The HOME, of New York, has Cash Capital and Ahw ts, amounting to Four and a. aii aiunou i. u&rn, .u- vested in t irst Clans Kecunues. iurnuHig mic uiu reliiib'is indfciunitj- uuder it policies. v No xmranles in America oner greawr raimrrmtuw. to persons wishinK to Insure their lives for the benefit of their wives and children, or who wi&h to provide an L.l..nt nr Tnr-omA In thfilr old OT who want insur-nce against loss by lire, on Bnildings of any kind and their contents, so -uompanies are mure ramuic, more wo. thy of confide ice, give, greater sausiacuon, aud pay losses more promptly. . . a During the past live years, many hundreds of the most prominent citizens in North Carolina have secu red Policies througn my agency; nu umiu. lay in paying losses, as soon aa proven, has ever occur- r-c lot- fun i rprTii. one intiiauce oi u ujouuu,-i- and . 40 Cents, every package guaranteed to contain either 5, 10, 25 or 50 cents in specie, 25 Cts each. Price, THE CASKET OF JEWELS Foreentlemen's snlts. Garments made np. in the latest and most excellent style, and satisfaction guar anteed. . :. .. , . Call and examine ins supers eiocs- His stock of Cloths. Casaimeres and Ves tings can rot be excelled in this market, i -mh2l-tf ' 1 ! Contains 12 Sheets Ladies "Note Paper ; 12 T?nv0iAnptn maff.h:l Oroide Gold Pen; 1 Lead Pencil; 1 Song Book, (cloth-bound); 1 Copy 'Art of Love; 1 Copy Letter Writer ; 1 Little Flirty or art of " Handkerchief and Fan Flirtation. ; . : .' . In addition, - each uasKet coniaina iruu.u ota trt a dollars in monev. or one of the fol- u3 uv . . ' , . r.i - . 1 r ,1.1 1 Liauies i iaieu vjruiu rham-fl made or deception used in seen WTT-.. .... , . -.T. , r, 1? L - A.. Kj. rina i olicies. to which cause l am maimy uratuv I .. "i i 1 C R(Wl. ClIAS. D..' UPCHURCH, -wr.,. a WnL.ad some lalse statements and promi- Deputy CoUeCtor. . maya-ima i I prompUy corrected. He has ainu. fled the atota .nil nriu nmhihiv Ticvpr rt-iuni. - lji. . r . j --- n 1 11 unumi nntm rIatinff lngUTUlC vutr property, are most cordially invited to examine into Jhr-t Uhtrrenr and the character 0 my Companies, K.nM. ur.l.lrin.r lwwlilM and DO W.I0 IIKB family dependent npon his income, or who haaaliome t-xposed to loza by fire, should be without a policy. P. F. PESCUD, ' 1 General Insurance Agent, Ul -h. i ...Vi -.iiVi. AcraU wanUsd in every part of the Bute, to whom very liberal inducements will be offered. Feb. 1-tf. FURNITURE ; ' AND . " UPHOLSTERING GOODS, AT COST. : ; lowing valuable articles: 1 L.aaie i'f1 rnnE anierigu.d desiring to diHco.,iinnc the bus -Watch : 1 Gentleman's Plated Gold Watch ; J wi $ELIj AT vot un hi? Urge and well shell ren Kniie, 4 uiauea: unc i selected tocn oi u-nruiwre nnu F"""-"'"6 each GOTSO TSORTH. Leave Chariot te, 8 .00 p.m . Salisbury, 10.39 p. m. Greensboro' 1.45 a ni. " t. Shops, llillsboro' . Rajeigb, oorsG south. Kluiulers of Painters. Tintoret, an Italian painter, in a pictnie t.dcn thenrpcautiontoarmtheuiwith tlu- mode in inveiltion of guus. Cigoli painted the aged Simeon at tho circnnici- j si,..n ,f tl.t- int':int Saviour, ami ivs agea men in these days wear spectacles, the artist b vK.iwi. iiu sji:u-itvbv tdaeiner them on ISiauMii's nose. In a picture by Vemo of Leave Charlotte, Christ healing UiO iick, the lookers-on are r.-pres.-uted standing with periwigs on th-'ir heads. To match; or rather Jo ex et ,'.1 thin ludicrous representation, Durer h ux painted the expulsion of Adam and Kw from'the G irden of Eden by an angel in a - di-e.s fashionably . trimmed ' with llounees. The same pdnter, in his scene ef lVter denying Christ, represents a Ro man soldier very comfortably smoking a pip- of tobacco. A Dutch painter, in a picture of the Wise INbui worshiDPiiiJX the Holy Ubild, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. MAII. TBATS. 4 817 3.29 T.10 EX TRESS TBATS. tt tt Salisbury, Greensboro Com. Shops, HilLboro' 5.35 a. m. 8.23 " 11.29 1.05 " 2.33 GOtNO SOUTH. Arrive 7.30 a. m. 4,50 ", v 1.10 11 .12 p. to. . 10.00 " 6.58 " oorsa boots. Arrive 7.56p.m. 5.15 " 2.10 " 13.30 " 11.07 a.m. h:is .b :.wn nno of them in a large Avinte sunliee. and in boats and spurs, and he is in tlio siz-t i.furosentiucr to the child a Tiit.-b mau-ofrwar. In a Dutch i-.j.-ti-.r.-. -f limli.im oiferin tr up his sou, instead of the patriarch's' "stretching fi.-li liio Ii.iiti.1 nn.1 t:ll;il1T the- knife, as tiie S. riMt.ir.. inftirms us. he is represent rd as riisiii.r i more effctive and modern i-i.TrnT-i.v Iip wboldini? to Isiiae's head a .Uhh'WLuss! Berlin represents in a pic 1 Child listeumir to a vii.lin. and in another picture he has I . . T. . 1 i. ll. ivw!i Kmg-David piavmg tne narpuiuio ia wriie oi Christ with -Catherine. A Fieiuii artist has drawn with trueFrench i;te the Lord's' Supper with the table ornaiueutod with tumblers filled with .ciar-lighters; and, as if to crown the list i ..these absurd and ludicrous anachron ic.. is, the Garden -of Eden is drawn with Adam and Eve in all their primeval simpli city and virtue, while near them,, in fall costame,is seen a hunter with a gun.shoot: u 8 ducks. - Express Train leaves Raleigh, for Charlotte, at 8. 45 Train leavea a. m. Mail -. m. febl Goldsboro' for Charlotte, at 3 W. H. GREEN. Master Transportation," A rirsr-tiarsriyy-iQ. RALEIGH & GASTON R. B V. Raleigh, N. C Jan, 29, 1871. ON and after Wednesday. Oct. Jwtto, lOj fj the lUlei-h and Gaston lUiLroad, wiU run aaiiy, (Sunday excepted,) as follows : , MAIL THAIS. Mail Train leaves Baleieh. 8:40 A. -M. Arrives at Weldon, , t:30 P. M. Mad Train leaves Weldon,. 10:15 A. M. Arrives at Raleigh 4:30 P. K. ACCOJOiOUATIOS TBA1N. Train leaves Raleigh. : 5:45 a. it. arrives at Weld-n, hO0 p. n. lotvei WelkMi,i. ......... 4 u50 a. arrives at Raleigh.... :O0 p. -it. TVain mates cxo6K corrsEcnox at Weldon with the Seaboard & Roanoke Railroad and Bay lane -Ha RA'timore, to and from all point North. 1 West and Northwest and with Petersburg Railroad via Petersburg. Richmond and Washington City, to and fwm n n. tints North and Northwest. StSSeU ith the North Carolina Railroad and rrom all points South and Southwest. Acmmodation and Freight trains,' connect at Wel dotSnWodation and M . coJ baard & KoaarJ-e Railroad .and ind at Raleigh, with Accommodation and Frtfgb Raleigh in the morning py '''r " main seven hours, a return w feb j ' s -'' ' ' - Oen. Sopi. Tie Widows' & Orjliais' Benefit : LIFE INSURANCE CO., , Of New Forfc, ; , Office, in Southern Express Building, RALEIGH, N. C- VtiT.fja attention to its "Reserve System of Divi- I, .jends," offering extraordinary, advantages, to ! persons of good record and constitution whd desire to avail themselves of its plan. The Company also issues Children's Educational Annuities, a new and desirable investment for the benefit of the young t. in all its olans SECURITY and every possi ble advantage through life, consistent therewith. - General Agents. WIS. ROYSTER, M.D , Medical Examiner. taliolieJ,. Just received 30,000 EN- VELOPx.6 oi various sizes, coiors auu priCeS. . . . , VT-. t3n-rn-m nnA "CnxreAitnoa - 300 UOXeS lniUaiiULC X Opt! BUUL,U!JA, white and rose tint, any letter sent' by mail fro. Art vmtfl rfr bOX- : J : . '1 ivi r . , a x A ' Also a lot oi commercial move, lewwjr uu Cap American paper, and French Note with Envelopes to match. " For sale cheap at J. A. JONES, L ap" 19 tf Bookstore. . rntipman's Pocket Book : One Ladies Pocket RTr. OnP. Toadies inK-stano. rnce w CaskeV $1- For sale at . . No. 15, FayettevUle Street, Raleigh. April 1, 1871. 53 tf. FRESH PEACHES, Corn and Tomatoes, to-day received by W. C. STRONACH & CO. YARDS OF THE HANDSOMEST a we nave seen; since all other departments, K & CO.. 50,000 spirtats , cr .vk i tv im t) U te in a i m tr W. H. & R. S. TUCKfc. coLieisting of Parlor, Dining, ' Office Bedsteads. : Waehstands, . Black Walnut Arm aud Cane and Ctairs, ' WodTop Dinner i Breakfast. ... Tete-aTetea, Lounges, and Chamber, Hall and . Furniture, ' V Boreaus, Wardrobes, and JWhoiruiy, Rocking Chairs, Wood Seat . Marble and Tables, ; and Tables, Sofaf, What-Xots, ; ' Sideboards: FINE CHEWING TOBACCO Almost melts In your mouth, at BUUT & BROUGHTON'S. Feb. 9 tf. , ., : X riNDOW , ULAN5, Y V Oil and , Dve Stufl's,. at PUTTY, , PAINTS, the lowest rates, at PESCUD, LEE tt CO.'S 1 " ;- Drugstore. s CAMPLES SENJT BY MAIL TO ANY PART OF 15?" n 'fKk & TTJCKER & CO., READY-MADE SUITS, for Ladies, Misses Md Boys, uVFrench, Bishop and ictona La wns and hTL'noise Grass Chinese and Linen Cloths, apl S-tf . W. H. fc R- H. TUCKER & Fish-bIaACK watebshad of the finest quahty can be had only at Stall No; ll, MetropoUtan Market frorn . - apl 8-tf Wm. 1L UlClUy , . . wmmv RlVAMS Just Received Uat XT D. . ROY STER & BRO S. : ALSO, - A very large and extent! ve etock of rVimnon. 1 , -Green and Damask, ; Taasals. . - . &C ttC4 Persons having capital, JtelJ pf tionfbrthe business, are invited to call uponi me nndersijrned, as he is determined to dispose. r every ' FTyetteviui and Davie Streets, first corner below the Yarborongh House, on reasonable term. .Term cash. - , ..: mh 2-tf A. W. FRAPS. NORTH CAROLINA. HOME I HSURAtiCk CDHPin -o- Masonic 1 Tempre Association, : -' RAtIGH, nj cr : Authorized Capital,, 150,000. Shares $25.00 each. " 1 Payable IIjOO on each share-monthly. THIS IS A REGULARLY INCORT(RATED TnstitaUon, chartered by the Leislature of North Carolina, is tor th purposj of . building in City of RaleigV a ' Masonic 'Tfempic It bellied that this stock will pay av handsome divi dend after the Temple is cottipleiea. . . v- .orncmi . s . i JOS. B. BATCH ELOR, Eso,, President. KEMP P. BATTLE, Esj., Vice President, P. A. WILEY; Treasurer. ' t J. O. Lj IIAKKIS, ecreiary. . : JNO., NICHOLS, 'W. O. TJPCHURtTIr V W . fllVT V. r , ,. . , if T. ClJIWSbN. f Director. : W. K. ANDERSON, T. H.:BRIOOS, W. J. HICKS, EAL. ! MEAL ! ! HEAL ! ! ! Deaf & Dumb and tne iuuu, i"- . . .it J A rnt' r -, FbJiw-tr. JAMES SOUTHOATE, t mi r , General AsenC - m XX ,v ..7- ... s 1 wuu rvt -nnd OD I nSTlariv .nd-pwmptrr. : ' ' We have jUSt received af large lot OI Wimw I w0rk iu tnat line, w ui I .' it rate are aa muderate aa aaftry wiu jusury- CornMe. z ..- , Ww,,jik - apr29-t L cranio iti all Paris 01 tuft St&t&t THE BEST TEASr- CHOCOLATE, SPICES 1 &iu FUvvoriDir Extracts, Cia be found at ' PESCUD, LEE. & CO.'S ' ' , : Drugstore. ' W. C. STRONACH & CO. WAX WORK . 1 V ALL ITS terms. Moulds kept on nana ior saie, u - Mrs, ii: L. BLAKE, lialeigo. 1871.' ntu. In the Matter or J. a. Mwfr iBAXKBrrpT. This is to give WU 'tha on BRANCHES, m.Tuiia ana ZTa . 7f may, 187L at 12 . a a, s i".. m m .m w j i a - -- a. w - ' . Tbf art tauirfit on mouerai. i r .i- JB, M -w LJ . March 17, mo -- 0 fhc. rvuirt Tlmisedoor.in Raleign, N. C.,1 will sell at ,Public Auction, .to the highest bidder, for cash, the t&A1, suojeci. U "jr men fTA I mall lot in LvniL, Mass., ?1 " . Jir. nrooa Ul! lawfni onmmhrances tberon. llery TT fT on nnr Kpw Man of Wake active reliable man can easily make from SSi5BwooiniAit-.!: n T TTARRISi AssKJXEiv Raleigh, N. CV April 29, 1871. Iaw3w i i -Jackson White Potatoes! A EARLY GOODRICH POTATOES. bairela for .eale at cost, by t DOUGLAS BELL. Balelgb, Uarch S3. 19TL 'J ' PARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. A new Spring supplj of , -M ttjio1. " Ladies Ban Pongee and Japanese Parasols, ; KaJkParaola, all colors, . - . " Gingham and Cotton Paraaol aad Um- ' W. i R. S, TUCKER & CO. R. D. BATTLE, Jr., President. 8EAT0N OAUSS, secrewy. NEW Photograph Ga "Is now open for the reception . of visitors and custom-1' , ers- -' -' pCfmQVCiH see one of the Finest Photo graph Establishments in the Country. 4 Over Thelm's new Store, Fayettenue w t ,:' :- f J.W.WATSON. BLUE - r ACKEREL, SnXETt m Fish and Herrius3 at - . ; ; ' W. C STKUr AUXA a, w Bacon ! Bacon I ! Bacon ! 1 1 . C fcb tf rrVS HAM BBI V X Boe Herring -1"W'.;'.,' .... . AO Ca-e Fresh 9T i J iiH ' Mf V ; Next Poor, to Yarboroigb Booi-a. X Ladiea la at . ,,,, ., t0Tg 5 4 VI. .4 !-.!-. , S ill ! 1 v '