. . . ... . ; .. . .. ? . ... . . ..... .. .. ,;, . . , . . . .-: - - - 1 ' - : : . . J -f . .... --- ' . ; ; ' - : - : - : . . - : - -7v:-. -. . ' - " - ' ; " v il t l r . ' ' -- O I 1 T V TfllFPTHM .s ' v i r i r. it ii ii Tl i "sv -n ."'. - : - : : : - 3 - .Vi. i:i x PUBLISHED BY hYcHOLS & GORMAN vtatcs of Subscription: .$7 00 . 3 50 2 00 . 1 00 .. 1 00 iLV-1 M':r.: J ' . - vi-nr. in aavancc.. yilj ;xU1unttiP, in advance 'Vliree mouthf, in advance.. ,, month, in a-lvance .. '-LV One year, in advance.... "TVnm the HilllKro Recorder. Tl,c Late'WHIe P. I?Iangi u in. V,'c -lately spent pleasantv night at the fut liomc vof lns mufcli lamented utit m;n. Thcnrtfere tn.ose grand oldj i 111. " ,n Will 1 11 li o.oj. J-"-7 l the tall stately poplar;that stands as . nuister stood a nan a netm aoove its ft llows. Tfcare 75 walnut trees in this . .. l inrtlsome of them are 11 feet in cir- ;.i.nference Against one of these old was roritc sitting place of Sen- Maniulanu mere is uie kui wiieie -I it iU. i. "U i.tninrr ran flown it. iust after he erot if Li'JN.'ll"1o ' " - to :l countryman wil was callmg i ,r.i at"tli fence. He was sitting there - . - N.. , 1. . v.tchin" the storm. Judge Mang;am, as y , .rwnr vken in the United States Sen- ranked wftli-IIenry Clay and William iQtoii. Hq was tall and commanding his person, over six feet high, and full ,. ilif true oic English hospitality that !11(le his love y home on Flat River a 11,.'mli!)or b 'a houie as well to the poor in iuiversity as to hfhe courtly compeers of his .wo AVe not bed some beautiful shells nn-Vnlso two tmahawk clubs given Mr, ' . . x. -i : 'nun bV We servant wiiumwavs? wait- c,l on liimvhen in wasinngton. ltns MTvain .was a mulatto man free who in- ;!iial)ly- iuvit his business and came to M r. Mi as soon as the season commenced. ml Jch was his attachment to his newly " I . - . H. -1. XI 1. I 1 .uim.t ( nnister, tuat uiouku, u iiuiu Irinkfn" man the balance of the time, he ;;rilth he sent the family a magnificent I norma.' t'fi ouum i ' i :.. A i fhnvt w.tof Chinese manufacture. Judge JHan r,,m v; passionately fond of music, he tisi'd to play sweetly on the violin, would walk and play, and he said that some of liis Iiai)plCSt tllOUgius luhlcivcu iviiile draw in tlie UOW across uie msiru- - f .' - . . 1 i A I- M. I i n nt. At the beginning oi me war uc uKtMkci'i with Tiaralvsis, and 'when his . i . e ii , v n w;is sent home dead from iW blow bnt hastened his death. He n fs a staunch Union man up to the time i rnr-nln's -proclamation, when all his svmpatliies Avere vigorously enlisted in l-Vhalf of his own native land. Before secession was .so rampant in this State, a young nephew of his his namesake ini(to see him from Alabama. "The oung man was sm&tly tinctured, with V:.ncvis:n mid talked fiealv of secession in the presence of his uncle. Mr. Man - Mi!m tixiiiL' his splendid eyes upon him Mini: "Wiley, il I were Emperor and 't(u talked so I would' have you hung up . i'..v--.the neck. iThis honor'iid -JiOii of old Orange, the imri) and honored Judge, the distinguish- ed Statesman,' and ex-Vice President of tue United States, now sleeps within 200 vards of his own home on Flat River. He sihf ns on a forest mound, near by a grim uid pine, that hangs its jutty limbs like a i-iant's arms and stand vigils over tne honored dead. ' It was a frequent resort of his when alive and on hearing the news ol his son's death he rode to Jhe spot Lli L11C o JJ u I himself and .'picked it out Thev sleep -side bv side, father and son. A neat . . 1 .vliite railing encloses their graves with a "ate for an entrance. Iyv place of the white marble, loving daughters daily visit -Hie spot and watch liko monuments over- it.. . - . a Honesty. A Quaker, -passing through a market, stopped at a stall and inquired the price of ritrons. '' . ' 5 "I have none." said the honest coun tryman," "that will suit you; they are .-fU'cavwl. and-their flavor is gone.' frfonfl: I will iro to the "iXt Stand;" "Hast thou good fruit to-day?'! said he '" the dealer. " Ye?, sir ; here are some of the finest of in v rarderi. Thev are small, but rich of tlu-ir kind." "Then thou canst recommend then." 4'01i, certainly, sir."" u, Very well: 1 will take two." He car ried them away, and they proved not only nnsoimd. but miserably tasteless. The next morning he again repaired to the same phice:'The man who sold him the" ft nit the preceding day, asked him if he -would like some more. ."Xay, friemL thou hast deceived me .police, and. now, .although thou mayest speak the truth, still I cannot trust thee; x liut thy- neighbor chose to deal uprightly with me ' and from henceforth; 'I shall be his patron. Thou wouldst do well to re member this, and learn, by experience, ihat a lie Ls a base thing in the beginning, " .and u very unprofitable one in the end," Lovii of the Beautiful Place a young girl innler the care of a kind-hearted, raful voniank, and she, unconsciously t ;. herself grows into a graceful lady, ilu'e ii boy in the establishment of a ' ihofyugh going, straightfojward business taan, and he becomes a self roliable, prac tical business man. Children are suscep tible creatures, and cir -ii instances, and scones, ' niid actions always impress, as you influence them, not by arbitrary rules, nor . by stern example alone, but in a thousand " othrer wars that speak tlirongh beautiful .-Aorms, pretty pictures, etc., so ;ney win . grow. Teach your children, then, to love "the beautiful. Give them a corner i u the garden for ilowers; encourage then to l l"ut it iii the shape of hanging baskets al io w them to have their favorite trees ; teach them, to wander in the prettiest woodlets; 4 shovv them where, tbp.v enn best view tho "jsunsct; rouse them in tho morning, not . with the stern "timo to work!" but with tho enthusiastic ,4seo the beautiful sun rise!" buy for them pretty pictures, and lieourage them to decorate their rooms ni his or her chil dish way., Give them an inch, -,'iikI they will go a mile. Allow Ihenrthe' privilege, and they will make v9ur home beautiful. tlfc-ja , ....I,,,,! n lmt- 'Will IP WflltinO On uaoi J iji uub iiiouiuuuii biucb uiiumcjictu ueiu I 1,'Acr touched a drop wmic waning vnnri,. w-wi.wi nn,i ,t,ufJ n.wS Ilr ManyUlU. 1 he poor fellow was kill- none that I like bo well. Respectfully, SO quick as K since trie,: war in a drunken row in - J. II. Moore, Steward. ; lufty cents per ' , "j : " ' 1 ' . . . . ' - ' - !" IndePendent on all Q,tt e.s i o n s-N o u t r a 1 on Xono. .' ! v l-j. 1. HA A D YE RTISEMEXTS. Eat! Eat!! Eat!.!! AND GROW FAT. Burt k Broughton ! WILUIISCT03 STREET, KEAR OARliETT, . JJ AVE JUST HECEIVED A FRESH SUPPLY OF - FAMILY GROCERIES, consisting of Beautifci-X. C. FlOm, . Splkniii-oKTH CAfiULlXA. HAMS. Gekdike PORK. SAU8AUE, - Pttbe SCO A HS, ot : il grades,- Extk a-j-C0 F F !i ES and TEAS Goods ot all krnda in our line, Cheap for Cash. Call and see for yourselves. Iialeigh, March 15. 1871. - 36 tf. CARMEN'S Cakolina Baking Powders. rpiIESE POWDERS JIE WARRENTED-TO BE VERY BEST in the Market. Give them a lair trial and vouwiL never buy any other, llear what those say who havt tneathem: Insank Asvlum of N. C, March 22nd. 1871. Dr. J. R. II. dinner . Ueau Sir : 1 Saving fully tested your baking powd ers, I am ja-epared to trrunounco them a superior article. The improvement in me biscuit and other National IIotlV, : Raleigh, N. C, March 23, JT371. r Dr. J. It. II. Carrn.tr Dear Sir : We cheerfully bear testimony, and give the expression of our, humble opinion to your truly gieat acnievement, ' Uarmer a Carolina .Basing rowu- eip, which will insure for you a lastmg and gratenu acknowledgment of all house-wives and hotel keepers, We have used them for solne time and find them unequauea Dy any in inemarKei. II 11 tit .A v ery resjHjeuuuy, RUTJES & CHURCHILL. 45 tf. March 23. 1871. J. W COLE. VATCHMAKER & JEWELER SOUTH SIDE Of MARKET square, RALEIGH, N. S. FINE WATCHES, JEWELRY, ' spectacles and notions. All Goods and Work Warranted is Bepremted. W4TEONAGK SOLICITED eb. 11 1 FURNITURE AND i- ' UFIIOLSTEniNQ GOOUS I AT COST. . - - . . . i! .1.1 T. frfrST M?la and w.V 1 . . . .. 1 TT1 ryAa selected etock of Furniture and Upholstering Goods iwnol atinor of ' ' . Parlor, Dining, , Office Bedsteads. ' Washstanda, Black VValnnt -Arm and Cane and Chairs, ... Wood Top -y Dinner , . ' ' Breakfast ' Tete-aTetes, Lounges, Hajl and . furniture. JJureasis, , Wardrobei, and Mahogany,-' Rocking Chairs, ; VVooil Beat Marble and . i .Tables, -" r '' and Tables," i Sofas, ; ' What-Nots, .and "; ; . Sideboards ALSO. A very large and extentive stock of. Crimson, Green and Damask,? jReps, Tassals, &c.. &c. Persons havinjc capital, desirinff an eligible situa tion for the business, are invited to cau upon mo i .lntprminfiil to disDosc of every .u: tn,i with thA fnrmtnre ousiness. and rent the large Warerooms and Workshops, corner oi Fayetteville and JJavie Streets, first corner below 1 1 1 1 1 1 1' LUUllVtV'U . the Yarborough House, on reasonaoie lermo. - Terms cash. tj-t?ap mh 2-tf A. W. FKAFS. TEEP COOL! Pure Soda Water at PHIL. TniEM'S, next door to State National Bank, and second door above Tucker's, where you can get the COLDEST in the City. April 9, 1871. -ODA WATER 50 tf. $OA AHA "Worth or lotion 2jJt)JJJ and Fancy Goods just r ceived, and for sale cheap at PHIL. THIEM'S, Fayetteville St A Hogslicads new Crop HoIase 2 Barrels Golden Syrup. : may 17-tf W. C. STRONACH tt CO. ICE. CREAM SALOON The only IecvCreain Saloon for Eadies is at At OS ELEY'S , r: GO AND TRY HI OS E LEYS' SPECIALTIES, French Candies, Plain Candies, Ice Cream and Ice Cream Soda, also ent for the New Familv Sinsrcr Sewing Machine, Thread, Needles, Oils, tfcc, always on hand, ju 9-tf. - ; H H-M TVT r CATT -xJi x li . k.-i rA I I I ADVERTISEMENTS. KJRi It. Radway'g Ready Relief CURES THE WORST PAIXS In from One to Twenty Minutes. NOT ONE HOUR after readinir.thi3 advertisement need anyone . SUFFER WITH PAIS. RADWAY'S READV RELIEF IS A CURE FOR EVERT PAIN. ' . It was the first and is The Only Pain Remedy that instantly . stops the most excruciating pains, allays Inilammations, and cures CJon gestions, whether of the Luiigs, Stomach, Bowels, or other glands or organs, by one ap plication. IN FROM ONE TO. TWENTY MINUTES. no matter how violent or excruciating the pain the RHEUMATIC, Bed-ridden, Infirm, Crip- jjiuu, icivuus, xuura.igic, or prosiraieu with uiaeu&tj iuuy suiier, Raclway'A - Ready Relief N The application of the Ready Relief to the part or parts where the pain or difficulty ex ists win anoru ease ana comfort- Twenty drops in half a tumbler of wale? will, in a few moments, cure CRAMPS, SPASMS, rSOUR STOMACH. HEARTBURN. SICK HEADACHE, DIARRHEA," DYSENTERY, COLIC, WIND IN THE BOWELS, and all IN TERNAL PAINS. Travelers should always carry a bottle of Radway's Ready Relief with 'them. A few drops in water will prevent sickness or pains from change of water. It 13 better than French Brandy as a stimulant. . Fever and Ague. FEVER AND AGUE cured for 50 cents! Tiiere is not a remedial agent in this world that will cure Fever and Ague, and a"U other Mala; rious, Bilous, Scarlet, Typhoid, l ellow, and other Fevers (aided by RADWAY'S PILLS) ADWAi S READY RELIEF, bottle. IIEAETII! BEAUTY!! STRONG AND -PURE RICH BLOOD IN CREASE OF FLESH AND WEIGHT- CLEAR SKIN AND BEAUTIFUL COM PLEXION SECURED TO ALL. DR. RADWAY'S S ARS APARILU AN RESOLVENT HAS MADE THE MOST ASTONISHING CURES; SO QUICK, SO RAPID ARE THE CHANGES THE BODY UNDERGOES, UN DER THE INFLUENCE OF THIS TRULY WONDERFUL MEDICINE, THAT Every Ray an Increae in Flesh & Wcig lit is seen and ;eit. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. Every drop of the SARSAPAR1LLIAN RE SOLVENT communicates through the Blood, Sweat, Urine, and other fluids and iaices oi the system the vigor of life, for it repairs the wastes or the body witu new and sound ma, tenai. Scrofula, Syphilis, Consumption, Lrlana ular disease, Ulcers in the throat, Mouth, Tu mors, Nodes in the Glands and other parts o the system, Sore Eyes, Strumorous discharges from the Ears, and the worst forms of Skin diseases, Eruptions, Fever Sores, Scald Head, Ring Worm, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Acne,. Black Spots, Worms in the Flesh, Tumors, Cancers in the Womb, and all weakening and painful discharges, Night Sweats, Loss of Sperm and air wastes of the life principle, are within the curative range oi tins wonaer oi Modern Chemistry, and a few days' use will prove to any person using it for either of these forms of disease its potent power to curetnem. Kidney and K ladder Complints, Urinary, aau omD diseases, uravet, .uxaDeies, Dropsy, Stoppage of Water, Incontinence 'of TT: r,n TJi.;rli-'a Hiaoflio : X IKn in i n n ri a find in I UWUC, uhliiuo iiuvju, all cases where there are brick-dust deposits, i 1 or the water is thick, cloudyj mixed with sub stances like the white of an egg, or threads like white silk, or there Is ; a morbid, dark, bilious appearance, and white bone-dust de posits, and where there is a pricking, burning seusjation when passing water, and pain in the sm4Jl of the Back and along the Loins. , D U , It A D W A X ' PERFECT PURGATIVE PIUS. perfectly tasteless, elegantly coated with sweet hm. iiurjre, regulate, purity, cleanse, ana strengthen:.' ;-;-Radwav's Pills, for the cure of all disorders of the stomach, liver, bowels, kidneys, bladder, nervous diseases, headache, i J ? A. ! , no" ! h rll lit f - t l- consnpaiioH, cosLivenesr1, luumwuuu, uyopci- sia. biliousness, bilious fever, inflammation of the bowels, piles, and all derangements of the Internal viscera. Warranted to effect a posi tive cure. Purely vegetable, containing ho mercury," minerals, or deleterious drugs. ; A few doses of RADWAY'S PILLS will free the system from ail tne abive nataetl dis orders. sr.tfcP 25 cents PeF D0- Sold by druggists. TfRfl "FALSE. AND TltUl." fcend one letter stamp to RAD WAY, & CO., No. 87 Afnidffn Lane. New York. Information worth thousands will be sent you. -!ju 28-ly MEW LAW HOOKS, 10th Volume Wallace U. S. Supreme Court T?pnorts. in uniform size and style, with the former Volumes, and containing the' usua fnnd of Leral Information, Important -Deci3 inns! ifcfi.: iust received. Price, S6.50. Send orilers at once to J. A. JONES, raayl8-tf. Bookseller, Raleigh Trinity College. THE FALL TERM will commence August iGth, and end De. cember 2Sd, From $00. to 9100 00 will pay. all espouses, except for clothing and books. Catalogues furnished on application, inlv-l tf - B. CRAVEN. NASIIVIEEE XIFE IXSURAKCE COMPANY, THE DIRECTORS OF TIHS PROSPER, ous Company have recently made their annual statement. ASSETS, APRIL 1ST, 1871. From all sources, ..,$329,350 81 Total liabilities, including , Pre mium Reserve, 121,553 13 .Surplus, . . $207,803 08 NO. POLICIES, 1,824. ' . zi onr df j rJ o JOVERISO .lSSrUACB, . fpu,, w Death Losses 3-10ths of jmt cent, ' DIVIDENDS: On policies in force 2 years, 22 per cent. N. B. Mr. E W. AJams, of Goldsboro' has been anointed General Travello" Agent in this State, with power to select sub-agents. THOS. B. BAlLEi, Ash viUe, June 10, 1871. State Agent ju 2-t-tf- l 'J' - Tec Cream, Ice Cream -FAMILIES wishin": to3indulge in thu luxury cau be supplied by leaving their orders with 11 rib rT uv-.t- piiinsTnpn BRADLEY & CURISTOPHEUS'. july 8-tf . , r -' V JH " ' : : 1 : ; I . I I I J - Y .11 II Y M i ADVERTISEMENTS. MAJOR JOII REVERE AUX, havtg leen appointed a Special Agent of the -WIDOWS AND ORPHANS' BENE FIT LIFIf INSURANCE COMPANY of New York, reipectfully solicits the patronage tof hi3 friends snd the public, for this staunch and reliable Company. ' He cai be found at the office of Messrs. W. H. Fmci & Co.. General State Agents of the Compary, in the Southern Express Buikliuar, April2U-tf. NOTICE . FARM WANTED. One Adapted for Stock Raising. In exchange for a .IIANDSOME RESIDENCE '""' .. rnE citv of raleigu. - -ALSOT To exchange for North Carolina land, 25 Ten nessee farms of 500 -acres each, located in Perry county, near Tennessee river and Rail Road, the best farming lanu in tne &u I ticulars P. o. land in the State. ' For par- address R. KINGSLAND. Box 240, Raleigh, ju 8-tf ; State Land Office!. S- TEREIJVG SILVER; WARE. FfidM THE GORIIAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY Warrantetl Sterling fine by the Uniteu . ' States Mint Assay. A BEAUTIFUL A SSORTMENT. Just received and for sale very low at EDWARD FASNACII'S - Jewelry Store, apl 20 tf Atlantic & W. C. R. R. Company j SUMMER ARRANGEMENT- FOR 171. E ROM AND AFTER JUNE 15TH, 1871, until the first MONDAY in OCTOBER, 1&71, Tickets may be obtained from any Ticket Agent, on the Atlantic & North Carolina Rail Ro.ad,; from any station, to Morehead City and return for One First-Class Fare or One Second Class Fare, as follow? : From Goldsboro' to Morehead City and re turn, f lrst-Ulass $u.00. Second-Class 4.00. From La-Grange to Morehead City and re turn. First-Class -L25. Second-Class $3.40. From Kinston to Morehead City and return, First-Class 3.75. Second-Class 3.00. From New Berne to Morehead City and re turn, First-Class 2.00. Second-Class 1. GO, From Newport to Morehead City and return, irst-Class 'fro cents. Second-Class 40 cents. Children over five and under twelve years of age, half the above rates ; persons who fail to ootain suen ticKetg, will be charged lull reg ular fare persons gfttting on the train, between stations where such tickets are sold, will be charged local fare to the first station, arid then be allowed to purchase . a ; return , ticket, but if they fail to purchase a ticket, will be. charged full fare both way. Xj. it. IjVj , ju 11-tf President.. heai I5alis. Shakespeil f complete works, illustrated. price, 50 cents. Byron s. complete works, Illustrated, 40 cts, Scotta Burns - " M price 2i cents. k 25 " Miltohs u " " 23 ' Postage extra, if mailed, J. A. JONES, Bookseller. Feather Bed for. Sale. mation, apply at this office, ju 27-tf -For infor- nnoBAcco, TOBACCO. JL Another lot of that tine, flavored and well known BONNE HEURE Chewing Tobacco, at F-.C. CURISTOPIIERS', North Side Market. A iinoancement BACK YARDS. I Xjl am autiiorized by the city authorities to notify all owners of yards to have the same put in a good sanitary condition, and all tilth and refuse matter carried oil'. Pertons who fail to do so subject themselves to the penalties of the law. which I shall rigidly eniorce. V. U. MARTIN, may 12-tf Chief of Polica Raleigh National Bank of N, C, Raleigh, March 20th, 181 rr HIS BANK, under a resolutioa of the Stocknw- JL ers and authority from tlie Comptroller of Uie Currency,) has opened' Books at their Banking House in thi3 City, for subscriptions, to the increase of the Stock to Jlalf a Million DolJirs, being tho Autloi-izeJ Capital. C.J)EWEY Cashier. March 22,. 1871. 4:J tf. 'Tremendous Excitement. X FRENCH VAR CLQSEP, . For the latest particulars enquire at the Corner of IJargett and Wilmington Streets, up-stairs, where the Ambassador resides. Count Wikeskelixgherstoxgertt. may 12-tf HTIIE IS ALEIG1I Dollar Store. PHIL . TRIE M 1 S , OXE DOOR ABOVE STATE NATIONAL BAKE, FAYETTEVILLE STREET, Offers for sale a Targe and varied assortment of use ful and fancy articles, which cannot he purchased eisewnerc ior less than two, three ana u ve oonars, iux ONLY OXE UOLLAR! apl 8-tf S.miEL Y. CREEK, (Successor to Dialogue & Greer,) Fire Hoe Manufacturer, 520 NORTH STREET, PHILIDELPHl A, EfrcvBusnEO i? 1813. SUsani Fire Eiigine, Forcing and Suction Hose, Teather and Rubber Buckets, Pipe, Nozzle, Screw, and Patent Couylhif of all Hinds. ' ' March 25,. 171. . 47 Cm. - . . f i NO. 152. ADVEUT1 SE3IEXTS. PESCUD, LEE & CO., WHOLESALE & RETAIL DRUGGISTS, 14 Favetfeville Street. RA.LEIGH, N. C. (Sm.v of the Golden Mortar.) ANOTHER SUPPLY OF PRESTON A - j . 0 owders, iust recei veil at PESCUD, LEE & CO.'S " Drug Store, NEW : . aph Is now open for the reception of visitors and custom ers. S-Come and see one of the Finest Photo graph Establishments in the Country. Over Theim's new Store, Fayetteville St., HAL J JIG II, JS a J. W WATSON. Feb. 19-tf. FRESH ARRIVAL OF GOODS. SUCH AS ARROW ROOT, JUMBLES, GINGER SNArS, LONDON CRACK E'i(S, fox an d so da crackers; ALSO Candies, Jfuts, Raisins, Jellies, Brandy Peaches, Pickles Can Goodsy ' Sardines, ;. , dr. Fresh and always on hand at BRADLEY & CHRISTOPHER'S, july 8-tf ... JAMES PIRSSON-'S Piano Forte Ware Rooms, AND PREPAliIXG 5nOP, Comer of Ilaryctt and Salisbury ISts., RALEIGH, 5. C, TTAS CONSTANTLY ON HAND a fine assortment of the gi-eat Union Comiiany'a llano Fortes, of the city of New York. This coiuuany are turning ot dt 30 Pianos per week, and beiiii; in possession of t-ncli greut facilities in the bape of capital and machinery are enabled to put thpjr Piano at a much lower priee tnan any otber nrst cla houge in tlie United States Second hand Pianos iougbt and sold, and taken in exchange for nev ones, also rented out by the month. bevral second band Pianos for sale, Iroiu 30 to J 250. lnauo t? ortes thoroughly tuned and repaired, and re stored to their original tone and quality. Mr. P. behifc a practical fiano tone Matter, ol many years experi ence, the public can place the utmost confidence in ms work.- PIANO PACKING BOXES FOR SALE. March 17. 1871.' 89 tf.' "THE BEST TEAS, CHOCOLATE, SPICES and Llavoriiiir Extracts, can be found at PESCUD, LEE & CO.'S Drug Store. JQRi V. E. TURNER, ! DENTIST, Office: Over Williams' Book Store FAYETTEVILLE STREET. j RALEIGH, N. C. Having located permanently in thi3 city;- of-, fers his services' in every derjartment of This profession. may 12-tf M 1roe and Blackwell's Pickles. Spanish Olives, Lea & Perrin's i orces- tershire Sauce, treah Cove and Pickled Oys- ters W. C. STRONACH & CO. i - - T7or Rent. THE PRAIRIE -BLOCK OF X Houses on Wilmington Street,, near the Catholic Church, and. just, completed, is for rent. It consists of four Houses, each cot)-. taming i rooms, witn ciosets auu -Kiicneu3 with gaa throughout, front balcony and back nnrrh tn pneh lnnsp. . The block ts erected with a view of its 'being made a hotel, if parties should desire to rent it for .that purpose. The stand would , tj a good one, aa the building is convenient 16 all the business of the city. Also two of the stOFes'in the above building for rent. apl 25 tf J. P. PRAIRIE. ; r-; . r I Bacon! Bacon !J Bacon!!! .? niiESn LOT OP WESTERN nAOON. at T febt tf liURT & JlKOi;aUTO."J. "VTolice. THE FIRM of "ALLEGRE & 1 ASKEW," owners of the Forest Manufac turing Company, in the county of Wake, in the State of North Carolina, is this day dis solved by mutual consent. The uiplersigned, William t. AsKew, uas purcluuieu all the in terest 01 the undersigned, William B. Aileirre, in said firm and Company and obliged himself to pay ajl the outstaiidiug debts of the Com pany, ind all dents -due to tne same must be paid to him. W. B. ALLEGRE, ....... W. F. ASKEW. of Alleore &, Asihw. Raleigh, May 4th, 1871. All persons indebtel to ihd late Arm will please settle with Jaa, D. Royster, a3 I hereliy apjjoint hint wy Aent to collect all claims .1;... W v icrrwr may 6 tf CIII.EDREX'S Carriareii, vari ous' stjles and prices, at 4 PHIL. THIEM'S, : : FayettevUle St. Tie flows' & Orphans Benefit LIFE INSURANCE CO., " ; Of New Y ; OfBce, in Southern Express Building, ; RALEIGH, N-C. fy ALLS attention to 1U Rcaerve System of Iivl." w -Jfcud, offeruii' cxtmordinary advauta?ea to persona of yood record aud couetitution who desire to avail themselves of iU plan. lhe Co&(pany aloti inea Children's Ilucational AiiQuitieii, a xyg hud desirable I ineatTaent for the benefit of the yotg. , . It otrerstu n it '.a iCLIUTY and eTery possi ble adyasV3 hroasn hf, consistent therewith. . W. H. FINCH & CO., General Agents. ; WIS . ROYSTER, M . D , Medical Examiner. ' Photbgr Gallery ClOFFEES AXD SVC ARS, ' AU Grades, for ?ale by F. C. CHRISTOPHERS. - ; I . " THE RALEIGH DAILY TELEGRAM Rates of Advertising: Ore Sqntr, on lty... ....... " two darn, tl 00 1 Sr 4 three day a, " four day,.. ........ Art day,... , S 00 fO 8 tO A S-juart it the width cf a Cvlumn, and 1 tntJut drrp. .' . -Contract AdvcrUemeEt taken at proper tionntely low Tates. - - rrofe.ional Card, not exceeding one 9qurt. will V published one rear for 125. ' ARVERTISEMENTS. . COMIUTTEE OF AlSBITKATION J ' .'" ' ' " ' OF THE . . ROARD OF TRADE of the City of Raleigh for three months ending June 30, 1871: LEN II. ADAMS, CiiAiRMAit. Dr. T. D. Martin, A. G. Lee," W. C. UrciiDRcn W. C. Strosach. GENTLEMEN'S EMP0BIUM. E. BESSON. . ' Merchant Taylor, OFayettxjville V 1 -Or0TTK XETROPOUTAS II ALL, ) : RALElGHi N. C- - HAS jaet returned from New York with a Ur and most handsome stock of FOREIGN CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES ForcenUemen'a tuits. Garncents made op in the laieni anaioi excellent style, and atuiactln gtiar anteed. " ' " Call and examine his mert etock. Hia stock of Cloths. Ca.iHH'rcs and Yo tings can not bo excelled in this market. mh21-tf gAVED ! SAVED ! ! SAVED ! ! ! TIl LONG LOOKED FOR REMEDY FoUNvD. A SUItE CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. DR. LA MOORE'S INDIAN LIQUOR ANTIDOTE. . All we ask la a trial, It can be givt-n without tiik PF.K.SON FINDING IT; OCT, Until llO . fllid himsolf KUtED from the cvkse. Call at BL.HT & BROL'tiUTON'S, Aoknts. . Raleigh, AprU 8, 1S71. Wilmington St. pONFECTIONS, Foreign ami J Doniesticy, in great variety, uud of .the choicest kinds, at , , , . Phil, 'tiiiem's. YAT IN DO Yi-G LASS, - PUTTY, A VAINTS, Y.v Oils and Dye Stutrs, at' the lowt-s l . nmi.et rales, at ... t t , PESCUD, LEE t CO.'S Drug Store. TCMoiir! Flour! Flour!! " . X A tine lot of North Carolina Family Flour ' on hand, and for sale by ' may9-tf. BURT & BROUGHTON. NORTH CAROLINA E E RALEIGH. -o- Security Against 'Loss by Tiro. o .. -rpilJS Company pajr losses fairly and circulates its J. earnings at home. - - - - -r- ' t it has just paid tts losses by the couHagration at Henderson, fully and promptly. i raies are. as moaerate a earety win justiry. - Affentsin all Parts of the State. R;n. BATTLE, ilr . President. ' ' ' V SKATpN OALfciS, Hecretary. , T enf Tobacco, Plug Tobacco ;co. Superior quality JLJ and Smoking Tobacco. of each. BURT fc BROUGHTON. ' may9-tf. 13 EASE, PEASE. a r X Just rHieived-a supply 1 bf White and stock Pease, at . P 0, vCIIRIST0PHERS,l , torth Side Market p ARASOLS AND UMBRELLAS. A new Spring supply of . Ladies lion Pongee and Japanese Parasols, ' " ; Silk Parasols, all cofora, 1 ' . V Oingbam and Cotton raraeola audjlm - brellas. ' . W. H. & R. 6. TCCKER A CO, mh 23-tf ' . i BINGHAM SCHOOL', MEBANEVILLE, N. C. v The Fall Session of 1871 ' OPENS JULY 2CTU. . For catalogue address;' )n 30,1m COL. WM. BINGHAM. VTorth Carolina TliOWnr Xlmu ufactorr. . , . ;. . J. C. BREWSTER. 1 The place to get the best Stoves is at , ; .0 -BREWSTER'S. The place to get cheap Stoves is at ' . ' BREWSTER'S. The place to have yenj; tin roofing,' gutter ing ana all kinds of tiaroofsTepaired is at BREWSTER'S. . The place to get all your tin, sbeet-iro rinc and copper work done cheap and vtU ta;at , , : , BREWSTER1 ' ' TTie place to get your Uvupa, ck'uAs-k wicks, and non explosive oil t al ' I - . t t WtEWSTKR-S, Brewstefa , U th.e pUce to gt yor hous furaistung goods, ' ' 4 ' Brew&ter- ia. . the . only o& llakdgh. thai warrants fas Staves aud Tin Ware. , , Come and see tne and I "will convince you that this U all so. ' A i ; - ' 0X3 hTOYESof all kinds Uk in IXCIIAKUEt or KKPAIRKD, J. a BREWSTER. NO. 4. Barrett 8treet, ltakdgh, N. C O A Boxes Toilet Soap, just re OU ceived. W. C. STRONACII& CO; HUM 1NSURANC MAY

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