V" GOVERNOR'S MESSAGE. 1 Virginia Line. The cost of the graduation will , , . ,, ' , 1.1. tt: n,.llrt n,,r COSI Jess iuaiuuu,uuu uuirre, buu iuc wtaic win Yeshat 11 ;oc!ock, lit JExceUcn Gov. the jand equip" the ro. -Mat transnutte- his Message to the Legislature, ygf $hall have fifty miles under contract this ty his Private Secretary, Mr. Tkeiusix, and. the half fal on the most advantageous terms td the ; com of it Ubcs found in our columns this moraing. The ;pany, viz :: one half in cash payments, and one of to-morrow , nan in me oiock ui me ouuipau v. - ' " 2d J There is no clashing ol interests between the E.T. andTa. R.-R; and the North Carolina protectthere will be an abuudance for them In conclusion. ' say to Mr.f Walton, when vou our, atten- remainder - sliall 'appear in V our issue ,' mornmgf so that the je jrill cnibrci? Semi-Weekly of Friday. i:;y y y-yy It would bo wliolly jsuperfluous to invite an tirvmiii of this document as its import.ancc never fails to excite the'most Uvely Jaterest. Perhaps there write, that lie ought not to let the matter slumber, never was a more fmportaht crisis in the aflairs of the rhnd I am confident East Tennessee will respond . y due time. - ! , i -. yy y -. tatenPr, much regard, I remain prescntffmuch Wnds in matter vitally interesting the prosperity, dignity and character tC the State; and its distinguish ing characteristics arethe ability with wlucu it is writ ten and the frankness witli which the Governor gives bis views of State policy." f' ityt-4:&k u Wc nave hadVas j yet, "no time to Idols into the de tail of the -Message. CertaMy, we have no room, to-day, for comment upon them. Yours trulyy ' LLOYD T1LGHMAN, Chief Engineer. . e: T. & V. il. R. Noticed 4 (2TTEHE Arinual'Meeting cf the Members of the Lag North Carolina Mutual Insurance Company, will be held at the office of the Company, in the Ci ty of Raleiebon Tuesday, the 17th day of Decern- ber.for the purpose or electing a uoara oi uireciors for the ensuing year. , I . " JOHN C. PABTRIDGE, Setfy. Rleigbt-JVov 9Ui.lS50. 90 ? If ottiing new hy Telograpli to-lay. ARUIVALS AT THE HOTELS. keu the stump ther in yinduTation of his Mnri, rrl th'i iim. it seems too. is an a t)f Mr. Clay ! lie manifestly wants to be a candi i1tefor the Presidentship, -aud is paing the way 5 I j 1 iTaWREWCE'S (CITY) HOTEL. ' C , Nov. 20, Samuel H. Dunn, Berij. Dunn, J. and asain ta- VV. Kinyoun. Ji'W. Powell, Wake: Gen. Thos. recent -L Person, Northampton ; Capt. 1 E. Bryan, ; Dr. ssailant Jackson, James Pace, Chatham. :': :ry . YARBROUGH S HOUSE. ;. ? Nov 20. J. H. Lindsay, Greensboro'; S. G. f lor that purpose which purpose he will probably Simmons; Jones Co.;. A. H. Alley, Henderson ; attain, through the efforts of a fact ion and a frag I 4 J. Leathers, Orange. -mentof the party he once belonged to.' lie may be 'b canduii ie, iul he never will be President; j Let him'fame and vapor as he may, he isnoHhemnu to secure to himself the sulf ages of the American peo-1 pie, for that high station;!1 He has ahiHlieR, to be sure: out luey are nccomwunea ovsuca urawoucsn. as mutt mike his chauce ho t'ef f ; - I.IJAI!r:DY FROM ELEVEN TO ONE O'CLOCK, Rle:gh, Nov. 1211 iHfiO i 91 A 'WEW SPECULATION.- VVC HOUCe triP followiriffiamons the items of French news in the Courier des Etats Unis : ' "A speculator of a new kind is at present mustering, in Breda street and Breda square, in Paris'. "some : three or four hundred wo:nen. with a view to take them to California where gold is, and the fair sex are not abundant. The furniture of more t0an two hundred cf th-S3 young fugitives was sold at the Place de la Bourse on the 15th ult, they be-t in: unwilling to incur a new term of rent. . 1 lie speculator in question , wno is an ex- - actor, is, going, to establish a matrimonial office at San Francisco, after the fashion of thatjqf Monsieur Foy, at Paris, O iemporu ! BMPEHI Ah. Vouhg Hyson and Gunpowder, for 11-sale at the Dru4 Dtore of j WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Nov. 2tt, 18o0. ' M ' 94 THE SOUTHERNER, jTTTHE underaigued propose to publish 0 weekly 11 newspaper in the town of Greenville pi the a hove name to be issued as soon as ft sufficient num ber of subscriber can be obtained to warrant the enterprise.' ? We vould forewarn the public; against being alarmed by our name, a it is not intended to indicate auv alliance with disunion or secession. We are for the Constitution and the Utiion,bat wc think that it is high time for the -South to be increas ing in attachment for home, and lookinz more to home Interests and particularly that we here, should be zealously regarding the interests and concerns of our own Norths Carolina. U The past and present teacn us tne lessou to reiy upon ourselves, to sustain und foster our home industry and energy, and pro vide for our comforts nnd wants as mucn as we can within our own borders. - It i from this cdusidera tion that we intend to make the 1 SouTnERtiKB.- an out and-eut North Carolina paper and tc devote surselves iu its columns chiefly to the subject of im- prrTement iu the aid. North - St ate; improvemtnt in he agriculture, manufactures, facilities for transpor tation and markets, (particularly by means pi plank roads.) in her education aud in ail otner means by which her vast resources may become more tuliy de veloned . .. -.y,, .."'" .-.. In politico, lhe4'SouTHKRNKa" will be firmly ond decidedly Wh ig but opposed to rvery sort of .North ern fanaticism, iucluding abolitionism free Sodism, ultrcism, MiUcnsMj Mot monism? Founervvi and the whole fumilv of uch iibstraCt YankctumtA We shall also give to the public the In tot local and central news, which the erowincr prospentv ot Greenville and this section of our State, we think will make interesting to a numerous class ers. 1 . ' - v The ' Southerner, . will be nearly or FRESH HOPS. ROPof 1850, for sale at the Drugstore of WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. JSov.21si, 1850. f r 94, , ; MUSTARD. "7"" llNGi.Iafi, French and American, of superior quality. WILLIAM. HAY WOOL) & CO JVoT21kt, ' 93 -TOBACCO AND SEGARS. r OF the best quality may be found at the Druff ft tore ot y WUIAAIS. HAYWOOD &. CO. November 2lt. 94 o mores 1 t I: yj - On riling Fluid' and Lamps, good supply in Store and for sale by WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. - 9 - tr 1 i - . , v i 7- - ----- - : Noble Sentiment or Brownlow. "I never have seen the day when, jl I were to fall oiitf tvith men Vwtth "whorrV I had been " friendly, 11 vould expose to public gaze their private and confidential letters to: me. 1 No n:an will do it but one who is lost to ail sense of honor an shame." r' ' ' FOR THE REGISTER. :. - Commows Hall, Raleigh, Nov. 19, 185 J. Mr. Gales: iln replvto a letter written be fore Jeaviu? honip, on the subject of a Itail load iunnmr NEGROES FOR SALE. , ; ALL; that valuable Estate in Lands Vnown as the ' RaTetiMvood Plaota lion, late the property of George Pol lock, deceased, situated iu the County of Joues aud Slate of North Carolin-i 0:1 Treat River and Mill Creek, about fifteen miles frsm the town of Newbern, will be sold at public Auction, under 1 the direction of the subscribers, together with j ISO SLAVES. on Thursday the lih djr of December,' 1850, ou the premises. y . ' ; . . . This plantation contains about ten thousand A front Salisbury, or , some oilier' eligible 1 oint of the Central Rail Road, west, to the Ten- cres of Land of which about two thousaud acres are nessee line. 1 nave receiveu since niv arrival uere, icieareu, ana iu a owie ui tuniTmiou, wen uraiaea a communication frorn Dt. Williams, of East and fenced ; about four hundred acres of rich poco Tennessee, enclosing the accomnanvinir letter in, yielding from thirty to sixty bushels per acre from Capt. Tilghman. i You, will-oblige me b 1 hese lands are all easily cultivated, and capable ot yoi vour nutner-i" 6u umimwij tiuacu ii , uiuiu, its publication, and "ratify many it us readers,- who take a deep interest in. this cun- te.uplated scheme; y - ' r r . Very respectfully. &c. . . T. GKU. WALTON. Cotton, Hemp, Peas,, &,c; ,. lletveen, one huudred nnd ono hundred and fifty acres have been recently limed, which proved highly : beneficial. Marl aud tsbelbrock abound in inexhaustible quantities in va rious parts ot tneimutation, oreaay uccess, and iiu ported lime can be had thereat prices faryinz from six to eight cents. Tl.ere is aiso a valuable landinc belonging to the estate, immediately ou the baoks of Trent river, and sei-zoine vessels carryms fife thou Hand busheis erain, can load there direct for sea. There are fifteen hundred or two thousand acrei of very rich uncleared land, a portion of which it drauied and partially cleared, and the wholt of the woodlands att'ora find grazing fur stock. A Grist Mill aud Sw Mill, with a never failing supply of I NGINEER OFFICE, EAST TENN. AND . ; : Virginia n. r. . . .';. ;; V " ? JoNESBOROtJGII,'NoV. 5ih, 180. Dr. Alex. Williams, j Greenvilie, . .;' Mr Dear Sir : Your's covering the very i.tter- , esting fetter .ot 1. L. VV alton, bsq., ol Pvortli Curuhna, Ciime duly tu hand, and 1 have the - pi tpure now of coiiiiiiunicatiug briefly my own water are on the plallUtion bede3 a hasline two ww vu twe ocai uTvu ...enuueu iu 8torj unfiling House, with all necessary Out buil r Vaitou S letter. . ; , , . y. hliiigs, Overseer's House, Gi.i and Screw Hobsewith ' unquesuonawy ine project 01 me peop:eoi -i firstnite U in and Iron Screw, capacious Banis, Wesiern North Carolina jsone in which all East stables for Uorse3, Oxen, Cattle, Sheep, and Negro Tennessee must ind a deep interest ; and to s low Cabins, with brick dualities, capable of accomoda ; you the interest that I 'as a 'stranger among tiiem, ting from one Hundred andTwenty, to Two Hun- "leel in the development 01 their immense resources, dred Negroes. lhis propcity preseuts a most de " 1 can assure vou, that this very subject of a con- sirable opportunity for investment, and its situation necting link with North Carolina, has had due st eligible, and it can be easily ditided into weight in the Knal location of the E. T. & a. R. ., which you will remember by au act 0!' y ur LegislaiulVj is Ifft entirely in my bauds. 1 am not familiar . enough with the character, of - the eountry along which the proposed route would time or more separate valuable plantations. The Slaves consisting or Blacksmiths, Carpenters,, Masons, Millers ,i House JServants, and y l Field Hands, . ass to express an opinion as to the cost ot a roule ! having been well cared for, and raised, are not only between the North; Carolina, improvements and (exceedingly desirable to persons disposed to pur- tnoseol liist leiinessee, but on tins point I am (chase, but it i believed a more valuable property of salislleJ. Irom Mr. Walton's statement. I uulv i this description, 'was never before olfered for saU iu know that I have had the matter iuliv before me. inu iejif one ol tne routes contemplated migh: uprose impracticable I have so located jur roadas mat lonii L-aroliua- can reach us either bv the route nrooosed bvrMr. Wahon. r hv 1 1; tus .. t 'r."s -"tv me yvaiauga pasifiartner east. t i Tennessee is alt alive to this project, and-1 be lievetthal Stock could be takeii m,s iy, Cockee, jSevier ahd Greene Counties, il ihe French Uroad tbis State. ' . ..'..-,...;,. .. j At tue mine time and place, wilt be said the en tire crop of - f now beiug grown ou the plantation, together, with al the iy S 4 v J; -S" ":h - - a. y . . Horses i- - Mules,' Oxen, Cattle jSfreep,, Hogs, lQdder, Fea$, vrarmng y len$m of all kinds' Vetongihio the same,.arid'tafso. - -? of read raite as larce as the"Arorf State 'AVhig and published at the very low price of a year if paid in, advance. or withiu-one month after the first issue, $2,50 if paid within six months aud $3,00 if paid at the end of the year.,; - , , - ( j , t. ti. UAWftjS, JAMES JOYNER. November J 2th; 1850. , t f 92 TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS, 3 And tlic Public Generally. TTJJ AVI NG associated with me in the IClolhiug I M ! business. Mr. Silvester Smith, it will hence forward be conducted uuder' tho firm of . J J. Biggs y co. Mr. Smith has been long known as a Mer chant Tailor, but is now turning his attentiou to the Ready Made business, and it u the 'design .or the New firm, to keep op a large assortment of all kinds of- -:y y t - . . ,; i.k . . . - ; r ; il ;:..;t i Our Stock of Cloths. Cassirriers hud Vesiiaea. Will also be kept op, a beautiful asuortineut of jwhich is now being opened, embracing all live latest! styles." 1 Mr, PEACHwill attend to the Cutting Depart ment, as. heretolore. ; y r-z -y y f . y - , J.' Jr BIGGS, i :, ! Raleigh, OcW 18th y K y J 84 Gt ; Claims. " ETDHE undersigned havics much ex-:rl:nt3 tad success in the tuslnecs, still tzz tizry claims for Bounty lauds and Pcn:!:r3 fcr f ::;cu- tion before the Government, en very ,r;.:;:ribla terms, and riti the ntnicst '-faithfalcccs' 1 di3-. patch. All letters to him, from chtuaat, tiuiiba postage' paid. : ; : -1 :j -y i-, k. r ; Bjt J he last Congress gave lands to til viz o cers and Soldiers who served one month or lcer, and if dead, to their widows and miner children, la all.the wars of the United States, since 1790. Widows of ; Soldiers cf the Retolutioa. irhol tar- ried .before the year 1SC0. . V :l .. . ..: 'V; . . He can furnish information concerning tne rradea of officers of the Revolutionary War, which is, all important to claimants, and dimcultv to prcwuro elseTvherl. His charges will be' moderate. . -i .Any infortnution concerning the heirs cf the following; of3cers of theHevolation will be thahk- fully received, viz ' -" ' .' ! Thomas Clark, - - - James rlogan, y " . ; Alexander Martini r Wo; : Davis, mi-iU' . - James Martin, i . John White, James Moore, ' ' Joshua Boman. . y ' He can also furnish a copy, of the rolls of . the Officers and Soldiers of the State of North Carolina in the war with Great Britain, declared 18th of J une 1812, git mg in many instances the length of service, their respective offices and Regiments ; the time of entering the serticet Cpr alsa the deserters, and every particular, to facilitate the Collection of their . ClaimsIl Every agent should have a copy. Cost only 10 each county I : ' : j M J.H.KIRKHAM, . - : , ' - . ts - Raleigh N. C ' Raleigh, November 1st, 1850. ;: 88 ' D Standard copy.' ': CALF SKJJVS, LIJSTWG, .Aci.J. TT'f U'BTJRCHi keeps constantly on hand, Calf jjm Skins, Lining Skins, Shoe finding, &c. &c; t(aleigh, Oct.4, 1850. U y;;i? ; 1 r8Q House and Sign Painting. y THE ubscnber are now prepared to execute in a workman-like manner, all kinds of, c, y(,0 " PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL HOJSE AND t cr y - SIGN PAINTING. J - Glazing, Guilding, imitation t)f all kind o( Marblo and eery variety of wood. 0 y - ; -I' - :dJ All orders left at Mrs. HardieV, opposite the Mar ket House, will receive prompt attention. WHITLOCK & HARDIE. Raleigh, Sept. 12, 1850- tf74 Standard conv. -' " Ci & E. L. Kerrisoii & ;Co3 . DIRECT IMPORTERS OF FOUEIGXDRVGOOD V I - Charleston, C. : CirMPOULD respectfully inform1 their friends and tr those who purchase Dry Goods, in their ci ty, that they are how prepared to offer a large,choice aud well assorted Slbck of Foreign and Fail icy Dry Oood. v ' ''"i - ? ? 'j ? ; : A they receire the bulk of. their Goods, direct from Eut O'iean Ports, they feel assured of 1 to compete successfully with any other ft ine unitea oiaies. "v-v " 209 King, North iWestlCorner of King y': August 24th, 1850. V y y i i ,,- being able arket in and Mar- w3m WORKS BY THE 11EV. C m T&VLOR. Jp ECO R US of a good M an's Lite, U1- Margaret, or the Pearl. : j 1 ':, :. . Seines in a Clerev man life; E.rne3tnes.t . y ; i j ji. D. TURNER. Nov. 12th. 1850. 31 NOTICE S hereby giveu that application will be made, at the - ensuing se(siou of, the Legislatttre, for Charter for the construct ieu of a Plank Road from Pittaboro' to Haywood, or some convenient point ou Deep River. -y5 V MANY CITIZENS. -.; October l8thylS50 ? , ; t 84 tl To my Town & Coulitry friends. f fTlHE Subscriber would respectfully call the at- U Hention of his Town and Country friends to ins siock 01 r auuiy uroceries, wuicn no iscieiermm ed to sell on as good terms a any one in the ; place. Among bis stock may be found: v SO Bbbls. best Petersburg Flour whole and half barrels, 1 , .V "- a Hhds. Bright and Dry P. R. Sugar, . 5 bbls. do , do i ' N. O. do 6 do Crushed t.y . do - 5 do Clarified. c. . tdo 4 do. Pulverized. . ; . do ; 1 Package best Loaf -7. .'-' y do Rio Lagulra "and Java CofJc ' " . Imperial and Black Tea, a fine artiele, Tallow, Adamantine aud Sperm candles, Washing and Fancy Soaps, y 7 f y Craiie's Wash mixture a superior article, ; A fine lot imported sezars diiferent brand. Oak and Hemlock Sole Leather; and many arti cles in the lirocery and Confectionary liue. . Give me a call, and I am determined not to be an dersold by Jet or Gentile 1 I - A v ;.. Li B. WALKER. V; , Raleigh, Nov, 7th 1850. u ,.. 91 NOTICE. i route-wastakenrjriii Carier, Johnson and -Wash- yX-, the'' Household 'and Kitchen : in?f6n.1)Vlhe Wataiiira rouie. . , , . , ' . r VnriUnri r Should the French Uroad route be the oneJTho,ia;M.Ar...rtK--i::M 1 A "PLICATION will be made to the next Gene then a jutictibii cotlfd be had with one line at'. ine the property before the day . of " sale,atid every .' ';eraL As?-?.y 4;.PaH acf 10 emancipate Bulls Gap, by lolltiiving the flat botto.ns oi Lick freility will be given them, for sa doiiig, by person jAMES AKQrOMD 01 me ouru7 ol wortnampton. ; Xreek frmii Frt nch Hroad by the Watauga route the premises. ; r 1 . Sept. gtht 1 850.: ? ; n '! ' i y " T1 f 73 6w a junction -at, Lacv s on Watauga, or ui Joue ' nyi"j o James vv. uryan, ixewoero, r?. c, and itaicuawum.jonej IO., J. UCt .7. t57 td - With regard to the prospects of the K. T. and Va. R. Road and us Iwiiriii, uppu the N. Caro Itna road. , 1 have to sav : . ' . 1st. That in thre yearslfrom ibis date a Train ' of Cars will pass regularly from Ktioxville to the: Notice. S, F. PHILLIPS. A TTENDS THE COURTS in the Conntie Chapter, No 10, Royal Arch Masons. ei urange, Alamance," wake and Chatham, i ;v -U W. iJi HAYWOOD. Secretary. TTS HEREBY gi ten, that application will be made J to the next General Assembly of the State of Worth Carolina; for, an act to incorporate RaleiaL . DRIED BEEF. - - A SUPER 10 R article oF Northern Dried Beer. 'Just received and selling at 12 cents.1 ti By July 2nH, 1850. L. B. WALKER. y'y;53 .t J t ' ; lieUUuB J Wv;;yi Peebles, -S(tt !& White, : ' ' Wholesale and Belail Dealers jnwt STAPLE IftJS'D FJ1A CY DRY GOODS, Sycamore St., Petersburg, Va. -E beg leave ta announce to our friends and customcra that We are now in possession of our stock of' --'y--v-yU.-.vi;,;., STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, embracing af general assortment ofthe most fashiona ble style of Foreign and Domestic Fabrics, suited to the Fall and Winter Trade. v We respectfully solicit an examination of ear as sortment by Country Merchants, . as well as those buving at relaiL y . - - Our stock is large and commodious.' In it will be, found all the leading articles usually kept in a Fash ionable Dry Goods Store. : A ? r I "; . u y, .4 PEEBLES. SCOTT & WU1T1S. Sept. 22nd, IsaJ. - I 77 IMliCKS, WHITE & AVIS, Grocers and Commission Klercliants - n Old Street Petersburg; Ya.- , TT7" EEP always on band a large and well assort Ua ed supply of G roceriesj and -pay particular at lentiun to the sale of Cotton i TobaccbI Wheat, Flour, and all other kinds of produce. ' '-' v r; ; LEMUEL PEEBLES, - r - "THOMASWHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, J. Petersburg July 20 i4f k r 58 ly UNION HOTEL. - ' r ; caiiItoriiia: V i - ? - - 1 THIS ESTABLISHMENT has been recently fitted tip,' in Pacific St.; near Sansome, which is convenient to the business parts ofthe City, also to the City Hall," and other public buildings ; and within a few minutes walk of the principal Steamboat -landings. ?- : - - ;,t'; y!- t,: The Proprietor, from his long experience in; the business in the City of New York, (having been con nected with Lovejoy's" Hotel for several years) feels confident that those who may visit his House will find there the comforts of a home. m - , 5- - . GEORGE BROWN, . .- Proprietor. 72 9w San Francisco, Aug;. 1850. ' Upholsterer and Mattress y In my Employ, Raleigh :WtC.7Z ' -SofasLounges, Easy Chairs, &c, manufactured in every style to order, and at the shortest notice. ; BED MATTRESSES of all kinds, including the much improrei Shuck and Cotton Mattress, which will be found a perfect luxury in Winter or Summer. , . - . . ; " . ; N. D. Mattress Manufactory is in" rear of dy Barber Shop. All orders thankfully received any attended to with piomptness and despatch. - The workmen hitherto employ ed ': by , J. Ilenry Ha"rriss7 Mattress Makerin , this City, ere at pre sent under jay control, and are warranted and re commended to be excellent 'workmen. " r j - yr r . Alfred mitchell: Ralelsh, August 22nd 1850.' 68 swWHITF WASH CRUSHES. LA ROE supply oivaiious tuts, jast receiveu and for sale. loWiaVj i,.y- s . I WJLUAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. -1 apel ChHill,' N. C, May 24, 1849. 21 Ri!eigh;Oct. 14th 150. Im83 Kaleigh April 23d 1850 33 5