It I I 1 I , - Si- 11 j. . ... . ,1 1 r Pn-L i1 i FT, :- 5--, - -' f 1"' 1 A v; ; fv ai.v 0 f I II 11 I ill i 1 l J, ...... .... L. ! .J; - . . -;...! THE DAILY REGISTERi CEDITOR 'ANl' PROPfUBT OR; 5 THE SEill-WEEKLY REGISTER,. , Is issued onf Wednesday snd: Sdtardava at;$ 1 cr annum in advancQ ; $4,50 if riot paid : Wtlii -of the year. v ? . THE -WEEKLY .REGISTER, 1 Is: issued every Wednesday -at 2,50 if ? paid vithin four months; otherwise $3. , - ; - V ' -1 Dress-andFroeK" Coats; 111 iTil JJST OPENED, of all qualities aJ well cufcand extremely well made. J , . . ! ii' E.L. HARDING.&. C0.1 Raleigh, October 12th, 1350. 1-, S2, do Just received hf Oct. 21, 1850. rr AD 1ES White Kid Slippers; U A do j j do Satin ,-, doi do lilack:Hid 7da ; ! I -i' H -RnUCKEft & SON ' JVW&rn ' JUiiil-By 1 Kail Road, Due dailjr at l-2 pt rriTandV.ases arHI amr, a ' SotftcniT wo- horse stage, due daily at 1 1 a. m closes iit 12 m, n'.?. -m!; i GrcciwooroMi Four-horse stage, due Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday at 0 a. m. and closes Sunday, Wednesday and Friday at 1 2 m. JVeuirrtt-Four-horse, stage, due VVeduesday, Priday and Sunday ?i 3 a. m., aud clones Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p. m. t J TarbOrough Two-liorse stage, due Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 10 p. 111., closea Aloa--day, Wednesday and Saturday at U pi iii Pitlsborough Two-horse stage; due Monday and flours Jay i at 7 p.- m., aud closts Saturday .and Tuesday at 9 p.m. - ' : n if ox6oroiri One-horse mail, Due Friday 1 at 9 a. in , and ctoses b nday at 1 p;m; ?nr;1Snri?r--Horse Mail, due Mondayat -4 p. m., and closes Thursday at 9 p. m. fitpr should be i& the Uthce nlleeu minutes .hpfnre the lime of closinsJ The Office will be open ejery day, except Sun day, from .8 o'clock al ihtmtiPJ p. in. , c )n Sunday; it wilLbe open I rum o j io V a. m. , and oneliour directly afier the departure ol the Western Mai ' . UP STAIRS, - ) SMITH'S BUI LOIN GSL ; Opea from 1 A. il. to 10 1. 41. NO ADMrffAXCE WITHIN TUK BAR 1 1 Rates i First 10 words, E'haddi'l wM. RaIpio-K to Petersburff 30 cts. UPHOLISTERErAOlM'm rtTTT OU LD "reVpeetfolty 'inform the 'Public, that : Xf j V he coustaiitiy keeps oa hud a jsapply of 'the best lied Mattresses of all kials luoludiug the much- approved Shuck ani Cottom Mattress, which will be found a perfect liixury, either in Sum mer or Winter Alo, f-..ii?J SOFJiSt LOUNGES, EASY CHAIRS, nianufactnred in every style to order.! ' p i ': f Ken-iirinz of all kiads lon athe sliort'est notice nnI all worK warramea 10 uo uouo iu iub oes& aau most wrokmanlike manner. NEW FALL, AND WINTER GOODS - 1. V-eA Arrivals 'from Ike Latest Impositions ! A I v We sat down to tb6 pertisal of the first Ar i . mm WERlIIANT TAYLOB. RALEIGII' N; C. ONE DOOR ABOVE THE POST OFFICE. My shop is oal Wilmingtoa . street opposite Tm Olhce. , : li' :,, ,1 ',', N. II. The publiciwill please bear in mind u u 4i ( u u ' 41- Richmond Washiugtou Baltimore " s "Philadelphia " New York u Fayetteville " Cheravr) Charleaiou Macon Moutediery " Mobile 3 2 44 44" 51 71 b4 , 21 1'S u 50 ' 97 11(5 2 2 2' " 3 5 .1. the hat I Atteud personally to the manufacture of my Mat tresses. Sofas, .Louuges &c . ,t ,. Raleigh, Nov. 5- 18 jO. 89tf - i I ' I . I i Pocket j Remembrance, for 1 850. nF()lt ihe use of Private Families and Persona of iik tbuinei ; containing an Almanac and Banking Pauic, Ciuntiiis; House Almanac, and a Blank space for memorandums, for every day in the year. ; - - t !; '-v'.ForiSaie at the U 'H ''t- w r , t 4h NUu UN.C. BOOKSTORE. Raleigh Nov. 12th, 1850.. Ill I J, D. WILLlAiMS, s FORWARDING AND COMMISSION V r A YET TE V I li LE, , NORTH CAROLINA. . July 19th, 1850. . ,s 1 I; 6na-CQ r ; J, KANE'S fllHU Suhscriberrespectfully nnnonricesto his 'JL" friends and patrons to the members of the Leg- islaturo--and to strangers "visi ting the'City, that he cohtiuues to carry ou the Tailoring Business in all its brandies at his old stand, where be shall be hap py to see them and sell them great bargains. The subscriber had deemed it unnecessary recently to advertise his business, aa he was so well known throughout'the' State ; , bur for;fedr histoid- friends and customers might be under the impression that he was carried away by the great H tprnado which passed Northwards a few ' days ago, he has thought it best to inform them tntxt he is still in business and hopes! theywill gite him a Call, tie Would say to old friends and customers that the liberal patron age he has reoeived since he has been here has ce mented him'slill more cfosely to the good old State of North Carolina ; and he trusts that their patron age will continue to be bestowed on due who feels he kiudly apprec'ates it ; and sfor his part there shall be nothing lacking to give entire satisfaction. He might 'say more, but it is sufficient for him to say that he has the feelings of a North Carolinian. ,i He is permanently located here--hia interests arc here -aud here he expects to live and die. ... J , , The Subscriber is a friend. aud Well-wisher to all mechanical business iu the Old North Slate.1? He thinks it the duty, of our people to encourage our ovu hard-working mechanics and keep them with us, aud not drive thtmfrou our lord era by oncour aging'munufacturers at a distance from us. We may wish for good times and State improvements, but we will never see them until we come to depend ou our own mechanics, on "home manufactures and home industry. When we come to do this then wi 1 we see our Cities aud Towns flourishing ; and our means will not be sent off to the' great City of New York or lioston for articles that can be made in this State as well as at either of these places, and on as good terms. 4 f r' i - ..! k f. i . The Subscriber has on hand a beautiful assort ment of GOODS, selected by - himself iu persou in the Northern Markets, of the latest and most appro ved styles an! patterns. : His Goods were purchased this Fali, and are entirely new. They were bought on as good terms as those of any House in this City; aud he flatters himself that he caii offer as liberal if hot better bargains than any other Establishment iu this City or in the United Mates.' Call aud ex amine fory ourselves- You must be your own judges, -?m n n . . I U . f - .J rr a open ror me season j auu YeryiuiuK -uruuu u . uJ wiu find thi3 no mere puff." T The Sub JIi in such establishments will be served up iu the ,;k. :. i v i.s 6 I 1 3 5 7 ' 9 133 New Orleans 172 And all the places ou this and other lines of com munication in proportion to distance. ! OF TnE SOUTH CAUOLIXA , Mutual Company, v j RALEIGH Second Floor, Siiiilh's Blfock, adjoining Telegraph Otlice.' M ' - . - I O F T HE'-1 t il ' t ir X R i ' A Mutual." Life Insurance I Company, RALlilUtl v Opposite the Post OiHc'e uuder Odd Fellow's oest style, aud at the shortest notice. . ii -.' RECEIVED DAILY. - i i - . - - -- '! - 1- - ' My Restaurant is on the Comer of Faye m l Martin Streets, in the viciuity :of the Court H juse, YarbtVs and Lawrences Hotels. P. S. There is a LJ1L.LIAKLI' at to the Establishment. - ' 1 I Raleigh, Nov. 19th. 1850. ! ! 1 i 91 Ht s! 1 CORNEROF WILMINGTON AND! TtHS splendid Establishment, just completed, ind elegantly fitted up, is now open lor the inspec tion and patronage of the Public. scriber considers it unnecessary to 'say any' thing about the skill in cuttmc or innkintr, as his bust ness is conducted by1 himself ; and he will leave it to, those who deal with him tojudge of his capacity iu this respect. His experience in businessis such, tevillo ana ne bas been so lovn netore the puciic, that ne will not stoop to commend bis own skill ana attain meats, lie leaves it to his friends and customers to nHiP.T judge of his superiority over many who presume to ciii memseives 1 auors, or uuiiers, or Ariisis"-- lf you please. His workmen cannot be surpassed by any, North or South, and he' invites the publio to call and try him before purchasing elsewhere. ' He pledges his word for good bargains, as he is deter mined to sell low. His Stock comprises every article kept in similar Establishments. There is uoihiug you m iy call for which you cannot get. Call and try the well kuown Establishment, one door North of the Post Office- The Subscriber's StockT. comprises the Super nual Message of President Fillmore ( wcich in our last;we placed before our readers) with f the intention of enabling qtirselvesto present such views of its leading passages as mioit occur to us. ' ; But we confess ourselves at a loss to find in the ilessage any thing "which"' it is in our wit to improve or which it would not be presumption in us to ; attempt to en" force or amplify. The message is so plain in- aeea, mat ne wno runs may read, and com ' preherid its f contentsVS lt expounds itself - 1 and requires no interpretation. , .' . . We.shali confine ourselves, therefore, for ' to-day at least; to a few observations roa ths general character of this very able S tate Pa " iThe first thinabouthe! filessagef whica must;rslnke rnpsttreadeis, islfs commendable brevity, compared with many of the labored annual communicationsr of preceding" Presi dents. With similar materials before ilem, sdme rof -hisprcldecessofswhom wwutu jjvmojjo UC UCCU1CU IIIVIUIOUS, WOUId - have spun out a tissue which would, instead of six, have covered. sixteen columns of ilh National Intelligencer.- j But , the President has compressed j into a comparatively small' space , all the; information regarding public affah-v all expositions of principles, and all recommendations of barticular , leo-islafinn. which seemed requisite ang proper;, yet all with a perspicuity and distinctness, which leave no room for either doubt or misappre- UCM51UU. in nicse respects, as weii as in the soundness of its doctrines and itstone'f dii hified moderation; it deserves toahk wifh the best (the latest) of the Messages of that great mediieval American statesman, Jrt si dent Madison., t 4V; i i t i ... , . i- The parts of the Message which nartirn. jarly attract our; admiration are, that which. inculcates the application to the 'functions and the duties of this' Government of those great moral principles, which! are , taught to individual man, as well by divine authority as by, the .promptings of a uncorrupt nature, and the wisdom of ages; We are proud ta, find, for example, in the Message, suclfho- ble sentiments as the fbllowih : J l .Id ' : " The great law of moralityougnt to have a national as well as a personal and indivfd. ual application.. , We should act. towards OTHER NATIONS AS WE WISH THEM TO ACT towards us ; arid justice and conscience should form the rule of conduct between Government 8, 'instead' of mere -power, self interest, or the desire of aggdlzement.v In the same vein is, from beginning to end the whole of that part of the Message which : concerns our Foreign Relations ; worthy of all praise, and augurins a continuance of our existing luendly relations 7 with the. whole world. roisaouNf DA. TUESDAY.; "Board MeeU at 11 O'clock, BANKING HOURS FROM 10 TO 2. . ,V. H.J iiS, Cashier. h . ,; KU. UU leller. ,a Exchange, Ualtuuore, Pilaielpiiiaaud N. York, i ler ct. premium. ' ' - ' ' - yirmund South Caroliua money bankable, of ike dcuuuiiuatiou of S-5 auti upwards. Geo. vV. lorviecjti, Pres't. -,Charles Dewey, C usher, C Seymour W ''Whiting, Teller . J Daniel Ou Pre, Uooiticeeper, . .Thus. V. Dewey, OterK. . J lours of business Jro.n 10 a. m. to 2 p. in. DISCOUNT UAiT, WliO.NbidUAV. 4 Board of Directors meet ' at 10 a. m. 8 VN1C ULA 1153 POit SKLLtNG EXOHAGli. friihl Checks oh New York I per cent. Premium. u. Philadelp'lal it - i ? u . u Ualti.nore 1 , u " ' ' Notes of the South Caruliua and Virgiuia' Uankj. received. : ' : ' V,. ;- - ." - . . HIGH Kj It A i! D'jF Qlt S.I L.C, W. ii. PLPPEIt, the Agent and Manager, is M . vn.w r.uha nn,t eil known m this community, and throughout the . . nf nll ftnnlit!.- Hrifl nf!(1M. nM(1 f .ndUl . tate, as a Caterer for the tastes of a 1 those fond of nf fHnr,v,f?in,h hih fnr cnlnr and nnli- ty caunot be surpassed. Also, a beautiiul lot of plain black Satin V eatings, and a superb article of fancy t iC; ch Silk and Satins for parties, with a choice variety of Fancy Cassi-ners for winter wear, and a very lajge lot of faucy French Cassimers, winch will be disposed of on a very small advance. Also, a general assortment of fancy articles, consist ing of lamb's wool, merino aud silk Under shirts aud Drawers Dress Shirtf, black and white kid, merino, and fancy cassitnere Gloves-.Half ihose, cotton and merino black and fancy silk Cravats : all of which are offered at uncommonly low prices. Also, a beautiful lot of UEADY-MADE CLOTH ING, made in my own House, and which will be disposed of at the most reasonable prices. ' Call and examine for yourselves. , - N. U. Orders from a distance will be thankfully .Loudon of GAME, OrSTEKS, FISH, Jlnd other Delicacies .of 'the 'Season, BAKED. SCALLOPED, FRIED, STEWED, And done up' Brown, with ail the et celeras: The House is so arranged as to furnish Saloons completely retired for private parties of geutlemen desirous ot leastmz memseives ana menus. PiiPPER attends to the Cuisitieiu' person. Trays handsomely piled up, sent to every part of the City at short notice: and Parlies will he supplied at any hour of the day or night," by sending their orders to ihe House. , ' , Members of the Legislature, when fatigued with their arduous olhcial duties, may refresh themselves at PliPfii'ii'S j aud other Visiters, as -well as his old friends and customers of the Citv. are iuvited to do the same. No uaius or to ..l ike this Til E ilOb'Sii the Euicuie shall be r-itiiied. , VV. R. PEPPER, Ageat for L. F. Suitii. r expeuse'shall be spared 'ec'ived; "d promptly attended to. The J SE where. every wish of and Par,s Fashions reS 7 Jeived. .,i . ..' ' 1 HUo. it., fill ili Raleigh, Nov. lSth, I860. '93 NEW AND SPLENDID SfdJ.3Jf v JEWJELitr Ara FANCY ARTICLED GOLD AND SILVER PLATE, P I. Sfr.O L S, grQ r '&c &c- &c I ENTRESS.' WANTED Immediately, one or two Apprenti ces of gooi moral character. T. R. F. Ualeh, riov. 14, 18od. v , 93 bt C, B, 1100 rvOCh Acres of Valuable Laad iyln JLvno miles -South of Raleigh, on the Fay etieville road, will le sold on a long creditnotes well secured being all thai l desired. Perous wish in to examine the laud and premises cm da so by calling on M- A llledjoe, who is authorized to sell il. i . J. UAKER October 11, 1850. bi ' AS just returned from the Nirtht-wiih one of the most bnlli int and chastdK assortments oi Jewelry, -Fancy articles of new and beautiful vine iifrf,!.Uold aud Silver VVatches, 5w:.,f ever belore odwed in this market. . :- Ho iuviioi the attention of citizens and strangers. He will he constantly receiving and opening pack aes for a few weeks to come, and will take pleasure in exhibiting them to all who may give hiiu a call October 4th, I8.7O. , 80 - 1 15 IJSltflSSS COATS. SI CHEAP TWEED COATS, at a ve- QJJ ry low price. - E. L. HARDING & CO, Raleigh, October 1 2th, 1850. , .82 Hardware and Cutlery, &e, jplOLLINS & Co's Axes, HandsawsFiles, Au sly gers Chisels, ; t , , , ' ' Hammers. Curry Combs. Knives and Pocket, and Pen Knives. One Set' balance Handled Knives and Forks, 51 Pces. - V ''. : ,. ,. , . Balance Handled Carvers and Forks and Steels. Urass and Fancy Cast And irons, llrass Headed iron Shovels and Tongs Spades and Shovels, Trace.Chains, ami Halter chains Cotton and Wool Card, No. 6. 8.9 and 10. (Toilet and Swing Looking Glasses. . . - : Superior English Mustard, sup, carb soda, clove "mace. Nutmegs. ,. ; '-' u.:k--?A Spanish Indigo, copperas, fresh and salt snuff, pow der, shot, and lead, i : ; I Turpentine and toilet soap, starch, sLoe thread and Bed Cords. : - - r Prime green and black Tea. v ''T"" Nails and brads, cast german and blister slee!.v J. BROWN, No, 9, Fayetteville St. Raleigh, Nov; 2nd, 1850. - S8 And, secondly, what the President says the most imnorlant point in the domestic concerns of the Union is so?cnt!rely in ac- coru wuii wiiai we nave, always and repea tedly endeavored to impress -upon - our rea ders, that it would be strange indeed did it ; not command our entire concurrence, and, along with if, our respect for the moral cour age with which the President has met the question. ; Referring to the series of! mea sures passed at the last session of Confess wuii tne view 01 neaimg the sectional differ ences vyhich had sprung from 4he avery and Territorial questions,' 1 belie. VjCi - those measures, "isaya the President Ho Mot been required by the circumstances and cofiZitiOA of the country. I believe they were necessary to alia' asperities and animosities Hhat were rapidly alienating one section of the country from another, and destroying; those fraternal O "k f rM n em 11 m ! 41 "La. L A. A ocmiiiiciiis wiuu ajc uie siruilgesi SUppOTlS of the Constitution.'''. Regarding these mea sures as.. "a settlement, in principle and ia substance a final settlement of the daa. gerous and exciting subjects which they ent braced" for this reason, he adds, "I reconV mend your adherence rph&ustment esta blished by those measures j until time and ex perience shall demon srtate Ihe necessity of further legislation to guard against evasion oc No one can doubts who reads in cbanex ion ; the passages' of the Message which bear upon this object, .the fixed determication of the President not only to take care ihii the laws enacted on, the subject -shall be faith fully executed, but to hold on to themwith all his might, and with all his' constitutional authority, as the sheet anchor of the national peace and safety.. In this patriotic purpose let all true patriots ?tand by him ! ft V f The recommendations in the message all speak for. themselves, and will, we believe, almost universally command the public ap probation. r .'':'" - ... -'.

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