i I. II t - ) i h f I! -4-- ft mRTmCAROLjm jmsiQ STORE- fTnHETSulibrr taktf liis Vjp6rtuntty ef an II ncuncir-to- theYpscple cfwrth Carolina, that hefctei3to-open& this City, in December exv ' - - i - r-:: . -v. , ; r - -AMJUQIC OTORB, . . -where will always be found a complete aasortmto ef Foreign and American, MusKVand Vo-toT Ip tnnenu" all bfwhicb will be jelec The PUrno.wr befrom the best Mannftctonea he-United States, ana will De sow ai K. W PETERSI LI A. .... 89 tr K and Philadelphia prices. Raleigh, No 6 185Q fmHE bscriber, taring made : 5f W Trith Mrs. Frances Wilson of Norfolk, wai be ' fcithe receipt of a regular supply of the finest -v v i CTorfolU Oysters, ; - w together with fresh fish, smoked beef, beef tongnes, fcS other rare luxuries, and he flatters himself, by tsingVu best exertions to please, to receive a liberal support. ,- . His regular supply of Oysters will commence a bout the 1st of November, and continue through the K has engaged i port of Blr. WlllU'Scott'i house on the corner of Market Square and Wil mington Street, where he will be pleased to receive the orders of Mrs, Wilson's former friends and cus- t?9 .- V j- -. H. J. POWELL. Raleigh, October 25th, 185 ft. r ; BUSINESS COATS. MORE of those desirable Coat a ; just opened at the low price of $4 50. Nor.' 15th. 1850. 92 Mlf WOK STORK ! NOTICE S3 1 ereby giyea that application will be maa ai the, enduing session of . the Legislature fr a Charter for the construct ieo of aTlank: Jfcwd from PlUsho: to Haywood, or aotne coiiveuieut point ou Deep River. " I MANY CITIZENS. 1 October 18th, 1S50. YY. 81 il Subscriber has just opened rrnHE II STORE in ... -.r- he offers to the public I ! SCHOOL BOOKS Of almost every description, together with a large collection of - r RELIGIOUS -WORKS,4 t ,e different From the pens of eminent authors of Penommations : also, y : STATIONERY Of excellent quality ; alt of which be proposes to Bei n very reasonable terms, .'rv.. j , i v v Any Book not on hand at present, can be ordered and rewired by' the Subscriber, in a few days, and he will be prompt to full all orders from town or CUntrr - I H fJOHNW; O'NEAL.! Raleigh, Sept. 12th. 1850. I I Y 74 tf To mr Town sL Cbuntr friends. a BOOK f nIlE Subscriber! would re?pectfutly call the at- -lL tention t hi own ana uonntry menus 10 him ktnnlr of Familv Groceries, which he isdetertnin- Two doors above Mr. Richard Smith's store, where tosen on as good terms a, any one in the place. lmani hia stnnk mAV be founa : . -1 d , s i A 80 Bbbls. best Petersburg Flour-rwhole nnd.half barrels.-.' : ' ' -i i a Hhda, Bright and Dry P. R. Sugar, 5 bbls. ' do do N. O. do - 6 do Croshed ; - 4 r do f 6 " do r Clarified . ,:-, j .i-- 4 do Pulverised . ,;; ao; si - ,,i i 1 Package best Loaf i -do . Rio Lagnira and Java Coffe, i Imperial and Black Tea, a fine artiele. Tallow, Adamantine and Sperm candles, Washing and Fancy Soaps, ? r ; Crane's Wash mixture a puperior articlft !a fine lot imoorted seenrs diffi rent brand. Oak and Hemlock Sol Leather j and many arti- eles in the Grocery and Confectionary liue. j n :-cq Gire me a eall, and I am determiaed not to be tin dersold by Jew or Gentile, i , I .:.:-if L. B. WALKER. Raleigh, Not. 7th 185X). ! ; l - N Quarts and Pinu, just received aud for sale a the Drue Store of ! WILLIAMS. HAYWOOD CO, Wanted. GOOD House-maid. Enquire at this office. Raleigh, Aug. 6th, 1850 63 3t 1 O AH A iiwAo nf THE Sabscriber is desirous of se llins his land lying within three miles of Raleigh, on both sides of the road to Fayelteville. I ! 4 : i 1 -The above land is well adapted to ihQ cultivation vrell watered anu HoteK NO 5 ! COURTLAND STREET, NEW YORK- QrpHIS ESTABLISHMENT having passed into rilU the hands of Mr. Geo. Seeley, formerly of the Eastern Pearl St. House, has been recently improved by the addition of j I i h ? i ; T2HE aden!rd hating tin ex perigee aadl in success in tl.a busiac; ttili take3 ciliur-r biaiuw iv wwu ..hu U4 A. (.iuu-iur, ,OSeCU- tion neiore me government, ca tery rcsaable. terms and with jhe utmost .faithfulness and dhu patch. AH letters to bint, f rom elaimants,.Qiutt ha, postage;pai(U' . i.hxJ. X t-j-. . , i ne last congress gate lands to all the 06. cers and Soldiers who served one month orlonger and if dead, Co their widows and minor childreal in, allthe wars of the United States, since 1790. .. And provision is - now also made for peosioas-to. W tdows of Soldiers of the Revolution, who laacw ril before the year 1800. t . He can furnish information concerning the gnikm of officers 4f the Revolutionary War, "which is all important to claimants, and difficult' to procure elsewhere.7; His eharges will be, moderate." : Any information concerning the heirs ottha following oQecrs of the Revolution will b thanin. fully received, vix : Yr-h:'" v ; -v V -Thomas Clark, ; James Hogan,i u Alexander Martin, Wm. Davis, James Martin, . John White, James Moore, ' Joshua Boman. He can also furnish a copy of , the rolls of th. Officers and Soldiers of the State of North Carolina in the war with Great Britain, declared 18th of Jane 1812, giving in many instancea the length of service their respective offices and Regiments ; the time of" esterins the service V&Z also the deserters." nn 1 every particular to facilitate the Collection of their ClaimsD Every agent should hare a copy. Cost- only $10 each county ! - - - - ... . ri. A.IRKHAM, . : i : Raleigh N,C. ; Raleigh, November 1st, 1850. 88 Standard copy. ; " .--x, ..; w T FOItWAUDIiG. TfWILL attend to the forwarding of all Goods at, 1 1 Wilmington and tayettevtlle, at the usual com- mission : and will, in all cases, forward by first boat of Grain. Tobacco or Cotton, is hcalthy,and can be adtantigeously divided into three And has aU been tlvoughly re-fitte.1 and re-furn or jour iracis, 10 sun Bin in iuicr, for persons from the lower country. Soles at intercut, or Youn or residences : - ' ! ' ' H Y z Icffrocs will tc received in Payment. without inference to Zi. All orders for purchasers persons desirous of seeine tbe above land will call will.be strictly attended to. Aprilie, 1850. Direct to care of W. BRANSON, Fayettcville and Wilmington. I i 31 tf i JQu&lisll GosUeil.i and Parmesan Unee,- jOsttO.haod i ' ,;" Raleigh September ,21st, 1850. 76 on the Subscriber, or, in his absence, his Brother on the Premises. ! j j JOSEPH T. HUNTER. Sept, 23rd, 1850. ! 1 6w 77 1 S. F. PHILLIPS, A TTENDS THE COURTS in the Counties AV of Orange, Alamance, Wake and Chatham. . apel ChHifi, N. C May g4, 184. j 3 -24 fipMPERIAL, Y'ouog Hjsoaand Gunpowder, for iUjt ; sale. at the Drug Store, of I I ! WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. . Not, 2Ut, 1850. 94 AT Pescud's Drag Store you may find Old Ion don Dock Brandy ,Porter, Old Madeira, Sherry and Port Wines, selected expressly for Medicinal purpo- A Valuable Tract of Land containing 208 acres ses. Also, Capsules of Copaiba and Cabebs, Castor h lyinbetweea four and fire miles West of Ra- Oil Capsnles, Tarrants, Marshalls and Carpenters 7nJTYERS CELECU4T151 Ut:tV Vli itlg TTobaceo; Imported Cigars of differ ent Brands. Just received by J - fcR. TUCKER & SON. October 8thi850. 81 JENNY LI JfD SLIPPERS TTUST received, and for sale by, 01 5 : : , a Lburch. Ksletgly Oct. 4. 1850. 80 -j . .Valuable. Land for Sale. ished for the accomodation of the. Public. It is the aim of the Proprietor to render to NATIONAL quite equal to any of its cotVmpo- raries in all those essentials that contribute to the reputation of s well couducted and well ordered Hotel, 'u.'- l "SM,; '"r'f:: i ' The House is of the largest size, eligibly located. within three doors of Uroadway, ana in all respects conveniently arranged to: promote the comfort anu convenience of Gnosis. - PersoM iiiing New York are respectfully in wiled to make, their home at thir Hotel during their stay iu the City. GEORGE SEELF.Y, Proprietor. New York. June S8, 1850. i , S3 fen saigh.en-boilLsidesof Waknat Creek, and adjoining tbe land of Kev. Taos. Meredith and others, will be soldph reasonable terms. V For further Information apply to " ! . r M. A. BLEDSOE. ' Raleigh August' 17, 1850- ' 66 . PRIME mim AND XflfiWf LXfi TOBACCO. : - Aud the best Imported Cigars, V ' ' 4 ' : Max be. rotJND at v First Corner North of Yarbroush Houmv 1 ( And opposite Lawrence's Hotel, Ex'f of Copaiba Cubebs. &e,, and all the mo8t pop. ulsr Patent Medicines in use. : T f 1 NoTlst - ! :- YY-li. Y'--yk'- ' M'f CLOTHING BAZAAR. TjLXX. AN1 WIXTER STOCK Of" 1 . 1 Fashionable Clothing, AT YD0LES1LE AND RETAIL. r riHE subscriber enters the field of competition a. with x larorfi and To Physicians, Chemists &cr TEjHE Subscribers offer Physicians a laree and well selected assortment of pure . :YDrugst Medicines, cVc. . . ! v . They would also invite the attteution of Chemists and Lecturers to their stoek of Pure Re-agent $ Chemicals and Chemical : Y.sY:-- U:- Wares. " ' Priced. Catalogues furnished' upon application postpaid, ' ;- - .. . . Wholesale Druggists ami Manufacturing Chemists, 6th and Area bts.rUAicLrHiA. September 1st, 1850. ,1 , 6m- 71 Ci&E.iL,Kerrison&Co,i DIRECT IMPORTERS OF . . POKEIGX illKY GOODS,' Cliarlcstoii, C. ; c !: : i 107QULD respectfully inform their friends and t those who. purchase Dry Goods, us their ei ty, that they are now prepared ta otter a largftjchoiee well selected assortment of II the ne w styles of Fashionable Garments for the and well assorted Stock of Foreign aud Foil Fall and Winter Trade. t Determined to maintain cy Dry tCioods, i. ; !t the increasine reDutation of tbe dothinsr Bazaar .M As thev receive the .bulk of their Goods, dan Keeps on hand a good assortmeut of Useful Fancy J every effort has been made to produce styles of Clo- from Eurdpean Ports they feel assured of bekig.able Ufa. uuiwb, on oaAtuom, ta s&. , lowest price to tn finest ouamv of Clothinei Uus-1 the unitea states. 4 Doz. .Violins, from 41 to. $25. A Variety of Accotdeomv ' HENRY KEI.Vf. SfovJUUiasSCUv i Y 95 , ;ifflJEfiUO CJLOTHIWG. v T WE have a large assortment of flegro Clothing, all kinds of Jackets, Over Coats, Psai and vesis, mai we win sell cheaper than the goods can he purchased, much less to have tbiwn, maW. To. wbioliwe wiAeths,hjeaikof(aniKe who have their servants to supply V OLIVER fc PROCTER, Oct. 12, 1850. , ; 82 MERCHANT TAILOR. SYCAMORE STREET, I doon above Bank, PETEBBUB6, Fa. . ''. - --;;.u superior- X- ... 1 ; : Heady iTIadc CIcUIUc ' " AND - . QENTTjEMEN'SI : ' ! UNDER DRESS. .-: SHIRTS, COLLARS, , 1 CUA VATS, STOCKS. UMmKERCHJEF8 V SUSPEIIDERO, Umbrellas. Trunks, &e. Beptemoer 8 th, 18S0. tomerscan depend upon finding our garments well maae, nowever low tne price. r I. lUercnants are invitea to examine our stock, as ; we are determined not to ha undersold by any ! house The fancy Department is full, embraoing English French and Italian Crarats," Glotes, Suspenders, Shirts, Collars, 4c , which will be sold at the low est prices by - ' Petersburg, Sept.Sth. 1850, . , ' tf 73 self-protectors;; - r TO TRAVELLERS AXD HOUSEKEEPERS 201 Kisg, North WestfCorner of King nnd MaW August 24th, 1850. ... ., . j w3m WORKS BY THE REV: C B TAYLOR. MECORDS of a good Man's Life Margaret, or the Pearl. J Y , ocenes in a uiergymau me , Esmestness. Nov. 12th, 185J8. H. D. TURNER. ; 9! MERINO DRA WERS AND SHIRTS, TJf fv Wocn just at hand. Very cheap. 1LUV E. L. HARDING 4- CO. modern fmprovettunf TO MY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS, A lid the Pnblic Generally. TTTI AVING associated with me in the Clothiow LnJ business; Mr. Silvester Smith, H will hence. forward be couducted under tho firm o( J. J. Eiim csv Mr. Smith has been long known as a Mer- c-Uam . Tailor, but is saw t Drain g his attention to the Ready made bwiress, and . it is the design of the New firm, to keep up a large assortment of ailkiads Ready Uladc Clothing . Our Stock of Cloths, Caraimers and Vestings, will also be kept up, a beautiful assortment of .which is now being opened, embracing all the latest styles. Mr. PUACM. will attend to toe Cutting Depart ment, as heretofore. - j . i , .J. BIGGS.- Raleieh, Oct. 18th 1S50. & 46t ; New Goods I SEPTEMB B P, I8j(.- l Peebles, Scott & White,' : Wholesale and Retail Deaierg in - i STAPLE AND FAJS CY DRY QO DDS Y, .r;v; Sycamore St: j Petersburg Va. r" TTTT7 E beg leave to announce to our frien U and VV customers . that we are now in possejsion of our stock, of r? i ; "vvay?-: ; f , STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, embracing a general asset Ibm at of the most fashions ble stvle of Foreign and DoiarsUc Fabrics, suited to the Fall and Winter Trade. - . We respectfully solicit an exsmination of anr as sortment by Conotry Merchants, as well as those buying at retail. .A - - J Our stock is large and c)mmodions.tIn it will he found all the loading articles usually kept in a Fash kaabta Dry GooiU $lore. ; ' . , PEEBLES, SCOTT & WHITE. Sept, 22nd, 1850.; r : m ; . K f-f-'.-i fj as ii e vi lle m u&&amn&u. THIS Whig Journal, nw u ka tlfvenlh year was, on the first bl Novetthe. greatly enlarged and uapio-ved It w now clashed among the vay largest papers in the State, priawd on new typsj fiale pajei and, as will be een W kke cheapest :popcri in iht Stall of its size, i j. fcw:,v? ; - . - .-. - TERMS.$2 f)0 a year; pay able infix months; $2 50 after sU moBihs aid $a 00 after Itwelk mofithi. ;' . " l" ' -:Y . To MinUlcrs and widows it is furnirhed at $1 5, in six months, and $2 fttf .after six months. T ClnW of five To $8 75 ; af ten, mr $16 25t iqadi tancel - X J.. JAMBS M EDNEYfc :'Y I . ' .'.'; jBditer a&d Proprjetor November 15th. 1850. : - .' ' . ' ..92 Kiupcrior l amiiy Flour, made at Col Thomas McUehee'a Mill, k ; ? i' Fex Sa by : i ! U. TUCKER 4- SON. it overa per asm, ibJ. ; x . .. ,. 9j LOT OF THOMASTOWN LIME. Just received and for Sale by r v : ? i " 12. TUCKER 4: $ON. November 28th, IS50; ! fti Q3T Stai and Standard copyk ; To Putchiwt'M of BoIi8 8out!a o( a w a-r v a a a u aw w uiuw lvii uiij e till a 1 " a ii -1 ELF-COCI0 & SELIMtC OLVIMQ POCKET PISTOLS. lAILT expected, a large importation of fine Guns, Pistols,. Powder Flaska. Shot. Bags, Bird-bags, &c&c all which will; be sold TfUST; received, ! by Express, direct ; ; ; wm manuiactory. C. B. ROOT, Ladles Shoes ana Slipper. ; from. the 7a tf. : TO PA1NTBUS. J " ThfrPatater,, Gilder, and Varuiaher'B r - l- Companion. QNTAINIG Rufea and Regulations in EvX 'UlfWxv?,? the Art Painting, Gil- X""81" s Staining. : - -' ' ' : H. D TURN Eft. mustard. : ntuiasu, rrencn and, American, of superior quauiy. UAX WOOD 5c CO., or. 2lt, , . . 93 S TOBACCO AND CIGARS. THE Members of the Legislature and others who want superior Cigars SmoUiug iuid Cliew- iiiff looncco, are requested ta Uv the suonlv just received by . - ' ' , ! P.F. PESCUD. Not. :!t. - . 94 -: " SUMEME COURT REBTfi- "imTim been U.,d Ladies Kid and Morocco Walking Shoes, (Ties and do da and v do Slippers. -ALSO ON 11 AN BX 100 pieces Light and Dark Calico, . . Bleached, and Brown Shirtings and .Sheetings, With a general assortment of U Dry Goods, J Hats and Shoes, Lawns and Glnghasas, v . GroeeWs, Camhricaand Jaconetts, ; Crockery. : t i t or sale. low. by . , J.BROWN, -:Y ' No. 9 FasettevillaStrset. Raleigh, August th, 850. ; f , M l STOLEN. this OXSca. November 96th, 18)0. sUfBY Horse was 4( DAJ.Oi THE STA3S stolen from mv EfaliU lUghX Sajd, hpwe-ia. calhaa amaJi .An ealkd sorrel, with loufttail and maneJtUtiglthind TE Spring term of this Institw wU op8a I a ""uaJ luc aay oi January. 1851. Aut-u4Ju.u -uf ocaaiuuui, nve month foot white and 9 tvnii fftrirvA . ; c a w v iaa& sim nirfl ana i . , , a- eout 7 yeaw,; bhodall round and a natural trotter. I he thief also took with him a blind-hri,!! r ,n give a liberal reward to any one who will KAMI eat. I I -THE Ara t?nr f ' 'iivi j-i ?iTe a: Mberal this Biakni M hId bn"the" first Monday in Jaal 3 S!ulh.at 1 nt 'him. again, or for any jnfoc w'T whir wMtaui; lwuss m. uiia llya - ' t v C; DEWEY Cashier ?lsbish NoTv30ih: ISMSr"' ' 1 td 9.7 ' W i " ! v. 1 may lead to the or the detection of the tbie . K-Jgb, Nov. X7tht 1850i recovery, of the horse E. C.OLOTRN. Board: and; English TuitionV "Vi Musia ou Piano or Guitar' Use of Instruments, ' Latin and French, each Noiember 29th, 1850. it 1,00 .20,00 3,00 10.00 sent to Clergymen, Librarians, and all others; in waut tf ieoks 1-n jas.v tLppartrnexi of Litetature, Hheiher published in Eursfis or the United States the advantage onered for obtamiag them, thsough his. agency. : '7 ' ; -YYY .......'.'. . . ... The publication ei the leading houses cf thW coun-- try are generally found, upon his shelves wad inya,. uglily, supplied at tbe iuMihcr lew est ea priceoK nuciuer lur iuo ingic cupj vr iy tjuauiny. - luiporlnliou olfJoouatojOrdec ' F n 0 M EU RP;E;:;f Forcicil BooUk Jmported . k oadrr. b& steamer or packet, with the greatest ossibledsspatefei anu iof me toiresi rairs. . . , f To. eoable oau customers o calculate correcilv costs of their onJen berbmj send'ktg theoi, we l)e. a uopieu me louowing low scale OA DftiSCStV . ; . f rom .nsiaua,new pkAftti3?cais, t Books at pec ahijjjn. T : , , . From Ftaiew aeolts i25 ccn ?M Books at GU ce&u per ffafljt, U"' From Gert:iuuyfcNtw Beoka at 87 ctci. old books, at 41 pec thaler. ' - i ifllf0?1 OOTiWi Boeest 20 cenj, i. wma wou pes'tfane. is Jiiwwi ur b9 vy racket ; waea oauerei vf SSteajaes, an adaasae ia charged. ' 7 r ' i n... i ? . . .-. vtfiiiw unponed upon tnese rateate.oe aM fot upoa dchxscy ethsrhe an advance; will W chaxge " ' M . " " ' " . " . A collcctioo of Catolosues of old: and & w bit ksy to. whiehi additions are conUntly beig made, can aAways.be consulted at oy toe. f - .We-ae alao in the monthly receipt of parcels of Calaloguea from the various second hand book dealers in London, with, the piees affixed, which wo difiUUMt- grateitcualy : all who may wish themk C?" American. Publicatioais always ojj. 68,le,or sup-' plied to Order, wiihotu any advance on. Eastera p ces. J. S WATEK8, 244 Baltimore St. imflieKUi, Qcttb, 1850, 48? .1.