Slate (o repudiate her obligations md licr. solemn 'copatit, Ti Houfehas already: decicieu rcna ccrrecit cccuea--uai h.ik5t sesseno lend or gdn'stftutiond! power :to repeaf the Charier; ifiUtven ifafriy fratitf had Keen nractised bv the Stockholder?, which.Jias been more than insinuated by mmbirs thts floor, butfiich.fe holly, unsustained, and grossly unjust, that this HoweHvou the investigation ; antnat , me wtac; could not take away, oVrcpeal the Char ter ;foughr were oddtwed that it had ; heen vfprrei ted r It is almost snpejfluouV fo ddrthAl tbere i not a ' respectable Lawyer in x North Cat olina, who entertains sucti anopjnior rriia.a rocntntinns . iheretore; nronose to 1 uwov ft ' v t ft Jo 1 Sir.very littie;exarsioation Will satisfy any onetfiat war onthiIrter,-is : fighting a gainstahatwhieh afreitdirectlypr indirect ly, 'the interests o i Isufficieut nuraber of frecme in thil an(J felt not onlv in elections, but in legislative , ; v. . . ? t ' - - 1. Jai rnw - nttor-rt rvto . o Viol I proceedings, wnen, ucrcuui, Smu.. be made -toadvance or, destroy the.; interests oPolhefsr I (db"nbrsay ihi by-way f launt or;threaH4ut hundred thousand souis aeepiy, intensely in terested inthisratwork. : An if. i senile- men feei;e joriUhe east, pr.a.oth$r3sec-I tion, or any! member on mis uoor wno. hereafter aspire to- any office in tbegjft"of the legislature, or of the people -snail aid by vote; or olherwiser iniweakening or .put tin? owrTthis arreal ImiAove'metitr What- : :.::ii;iii;;rt nnP we votes ana inuuence oi mis extensive opinions ar Worth having, cannot be- done dtectlii! " Ant he re I c commend 16 th e gen tleman f rorn 'Wayne, ;( M r.-Brogdcri ,) w bo Is regarded ' as bei ng a friend 6f these resolu-tibn3--ihe doctrine contained i n one bf kit own resolutions on the exciting subject of Negro Slarery. e T! ;: " ' ' ; ''f lf!tberpurpos5 ji35iwt tor affect the char ter, b? tippling, or Ijy rendering ii a nulli ty, or by, lessening the value of the stock : why pass the resolutions? And if this mode of. attacking corporations receive the sanc tion of this Assembly, and thereby becomes a legislative precedent; what is likely soon tabe.the.faie of all corporations inthe State 1 , whose votes was the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail Road first passedand by whose rotes has that Road been, from time to time, sustained? The Cape .Fear and Deep River Improvement ? ; , The Fayeitevillc Plank Road, and other improyements in the niid dle and "eastern parts of the State! By the votes of the very ' nien. vvho represent oa this floor, the friends of the North Car olina Rail Road ! " T ask the questionand lldesire niembeFa i to answer it if the Slxk- hftldera in thi3 Com ban vl bv a vote of this Houseware aslced to jurreniler : their 'ichaV terjAvhy not asOl stockholders hi . all other improvement "companies, nay all cornorations of whatsoever kind, to do the same thing What Superior rigUls.nriv. ileees. or. franchises, haye other corporate ixdies over this ? . 'Fhe Legislature at its last session, granted the charter upon cer tain renditions' and these conditions have been met, .and. fully and legally complied with bv the stock ho ders; ana me state is now one liarty to the solemn contract, and the Stockholders, are the other party. And are. hot these stockholders, like others in similar- companies; honest writ Are they deficient in nrobitv. integrity or fidelity to the State 1 Sir, the man or member, who would make such a charge, would merft all the unenviable notoriety that he might and would acquire by its grossness.anu laisiiy and populous region can, and will be jcfrcan, and will exert powerful inauence, on any question, either touching Party or ffiate ph !?- cv. is tne gentleman irom ijraniciin, IJridgers.). anc tne inerras or or resoiiuions, willing to pay back xo the stockholders, tne monies they have already expeiided, and in all things save them from, loss? . There is no sxich provision or resolution in. the series, and no. such proposition has come lrom(tnat quarter- But, as 1 War gon& on to enqjurre, is the geittlernan and are his friends, willing to pay back the money expended,: and save the Stockholders harmless in all other things; and let the western people have a Charter to build a Rail Road from Charlotte to Dan ville, to give us, of the west, a market out of the State, if they are unwilling we shall have one th the State. If. sir, liis desire1 ii to rid bis constituents of the Karl Road, ( now in such bad condition, but which would be resuscitated and become; vastly important and valuable should the. Central Road -beT com pleted, -that runs - through hi county, this course would effect it most assuredly.. If his wish is to create an extinguisher Jhat will certainly krlt- off all iKrWcwement in the easl, f submit, to bis better judgment, wrretb erne snouia not late tnis course, ana eiiec tually alienate, the West from the East, by creating such a state of things as to make it no longer their interests to have; anything further to do with their eastern brethren. t But, ir, does any member oi this bod y, nay, does any man worthy the name of a Nor th Caro linan does1 whose bosom glows with one spark of patriotic sentiment or State pride, de sire to see such a state of . things as this, brought about? "The west aad the east severed and aliena ted in sympathy and interest, in &eart and feeling ! If there besiich an one, I ?say (and I hope not ir reverently) in the language of the Prayer Book, mau the Lord have mercu upon him! I most sin cerely hope, sir, that no such sad condition' of things may ever exist. I want to see the various sectional feelings, and litile jealousies, that now exist, to some extent, in the different parts of th old North State, harmonized. ' I -want to see con ciliation and compromise. I want to see the ,ui4ayoraly ;aod asket LCoraraon SchoolTuud;, aud ri(ittraehdl iU re- d Solicitor General : reportecl'u ' , asked to be discharged. ?r Xfr JAnfrnirt tWfw.tH wTL?r?: -. talis jurors j. re porte d to be discharged Also, cm resolutpon General an favorably an Auo, on tne memorial in bena-ll oi insoi- an(j Grievances, reported Ihe bill to lav ttrnA J vent debtors ; reported adversely thereon and tablish a county by the name of Wilson, and re asked to be, discharged, v comnaDnded its rejection. Luidon the table. iMr, Cameronablll-tovide fbHhe rel- Also; the? bill concerning a Penitentiary, andre istration .of births, marriages ami death commended Us aecti leriea. " rrt .. . - ....... . , i:. I toi. .-,.:.i tr,n ,,4 ani T... r. .Woolen Ull .grahtw ongjnaj ?and the. coouiff lf parteret, tioVrihs jtleracoke; U the5 exclusive iurisdietkwi of the county'oiHyoVf rdco i lnterventixStt of ih lury may oe necessarr, to Mr. Perso-frotjf vlie JoiSi Select, ConiaiiW ci .- -. J. ' T . - . . . i ! rr V -l.J fc A L r".;. .'. . . o upertoiv voorts- oi oiomou3Ltouiuy.j tteaa 1st time, passed, and reierrecW I ask you, sir, if the principles promulged Statebrought together, so to speak ; made in these resolutions were attem carried out in tho transactions life, between individuals, jn their dealings, Us cilizents, by affecting the greatest araoun; of whether they would be countenancea. or good to the greatest number and by distributing tolerated among men possessed of a proper its favors and dispeusjng its biessings among all. sense of nroonetv or iusticc : and if not, And what; sir, I ask, would be s likely o Dnng ,ua l,..;,i0,i ih rp.nprifnl rAnswlft. about m its train and consequences, such a ds "r. ' V, " t IV: . ."1.7; 3: lightful state bf things, as the const uction" of the rauon 01 mis rouyj :. .i u,r u,u,c juug- KorlU Carolina Ran Road. What man of en ment, a man should bring the same pnn- lightened and comprehensive views," looking a ciples of action and conduct intowWzc, as round at the wealth and prosperity of other Slates, lie , would Jiito private, 1 lie, , n seems unue ana me causes, can uoudi, nui mat sucn wouia there is no lanuae that eould be used, too be the tendency of this grand Improvement. strong to emnlov in denrecating, or Protest- . Sir, it might not be altogether unintecesuiig or ing against sunh a step or inraismg the country and arousing the people against the precedent,, and the injustiec of such a? pro ceeding, as the passage of 1-Iiese resolutions. Sir, is it possible that there are members on this floor prepared. to vote for the reso lutions to present to jibe , other States, and to the world, the attitude of a State begging a portion of its citizens -yc3 I sir, lxieierant toexanunea iLliLe uito- the appropria tions and expenditurethal have beetv. made by the different Legislatares of the State, in live cast and the vttst, respectively. Uoncludcd to-morrow.) - ? " The Monarch i a beggar to the tnan V I sovereign S;ate on bended knees, with hat n lianu oeggmg a portion i us own ciuzkiis to surrender ' back their chartered rights 7- Seeking indirectly, (for it has been tried t'r fact u red in other States, reported the . same discharged STATE' LEGISLATURE. SENATE. Friday, Dec; 20th, 1850. Mr. Bower, from the , Committee on Fi. nance, to .wrnch was reierred a memorial from sundry citizens of Mecklenburg County, relative to taxation of certain articles manu On motion of Mr. Arendel, Resolved, t.hat the. Committee on Education be instructed to enquire into the expediency of draining? ihe, prattie lands in the County ofCarteretrknown as theopen. groundi ! and : repbr t;by biil -I or otherwise I ' -'". On motion of Mr.Bynum, the bill to provide for the -Geological and Agricultural sorrey' of the State -was taken up, amended, and read 2d time and passed. . -''l',"' r!l , v The Senate; proceeded to the unfinished busrrtess, Mr. Woodfin's resolutions. It Wt : Mr. Kelly moved r to amend 1 the same; pending ther question, bnimotionof Mr. Nix on, the resolution and amendment were or dered to lay on the table. . ;' On motion of Mr. Nixon, a bill relative to the Wilmington sand Manchester IU R. Cos was taken up and made the specraroVdeir cf the day for .to-morrow 10 6clock. Senate adjourned-' Vf. J -v A i . -. . t ... . , ' " ' .'' ' '' ' - K ; '-i -J m u HOUSE OF COMMOXr n q The Journal of yesterday was read and appro ved. : . . t: , v . . - The Speaker 'presented a coinmonication from the President and Directors of die North Carolina 4 Rail f Road Company, which - was'' seat to ; the senate with n proposition to pnut. i The Speakes announced i messag from jhe Senate" tfanVmhiing a resofution rhch provides for raising a Joint Select Comhiutet?r on the sub ject of Common SehoottT wlkosedurtVi shall he to supply defects in live existing laws;Thit was adopted ; also, the bill to incorporate the Fayetle ville and .Centre Plank Road Co npanv,;with an amendment extending the charter to 50 years, in which they asked the concurrence of the House. The amendment was adopted. f J, ' ' - V JV'i ' BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS. ' Mr. Pool presented a bill to provide for keeping a record of Marriages La this Slate.; Passed fbsi Heading, and was referred to the Committee on Judiciary. T" Provides, that Ministers and Magis trates shall make returns to the (Jierks of CJouoty Courts of all the Marriage solemnized by them; under a nenaltv of .125 :' and the Clerks to record! them in books kept for that purpose. ' Mr. Maviuson preseruea a ivesoiuuoa airectmg the .Adjutant General to procure from the War Department at W astuagtoa Cityr copies oi the Muster Roirs of IroopS from this State who have served in various wars and making an appropri atioato defray the expense ihereo , Passed first reading and reierred to Committee on Military Affairs. .-.vJ - -'.--r . , . Md. McMiUaft Reseated a bill W open and im prove the Road I rorri the Virginia- Ke to the State Road near Judesville rn Surry county ; and Mr. Iiogle presented a oi II to appomt commis sioners 10 view f and lay off a Public Road fronr Taylorsville in the county of Alexander, to Ag- tilllfi Pairno'a in lentil tvoll lniintv anil fur ihn rwir' pose of improving the same; which said bills passed their first reading and referred to the Couv niiitee on Internal IntprovemenKi Mr. Kellv introduced a bill to extend the lim its. of the town of ICenansvil.'e, in Duplin, Which passed us firs; reading and referred : to the Com nxttee on rrivate mils , - , .: Mr. Avery "Presented two.. Resolutions in favoi of Alexandre Duckworth which passed their first J seadmg and reierred. i . ; - Mr. Swanner introduced a Resoujit'MMV Last fuel ing the Committee on i he Judiciary.: io tiuiuire into the, expediency oi passing a law to have marriages recorded..; Adopted. .- . Mr. McDowell intccloceda bJl eoaceruiag: Lhe returns of civil process before Magistralesj. in ihe county of BJaden, which passed its firs reading I anu reierreu io vommrviee oi juuujiary oh Financp,Tepcrie ad f ersely btt'the r raemorial from certaindtiznsof OuilfOTd,7rafhrtbejt3v;s sage of ai acLimposing'a': tar on, merchants or venders of artic1? f Northern raanqiactUrewhKlJ co hie ia corn peuuori wiih mechanical labor in thi State.aml aslJ'tbe'discliarged I from its further consideration." Laid o the table on " motion of Mr. Wiley? .r. : ; Also, the UiII to aneno7lhe57ih ch. 6ih sec. of the act of 1 846,x relating to the tax on slaves and recommeiiUed its rejection i r , ,: ...... r ; The question leing sliall this bill pass its secpnii readiardebate ensued -whtclwVIesjirs '.H Hill, Barnes .ofvPiortbampton Stubbs,? Person AfaTitribV.HBlo, tRaf4er VtiS. iHiil pak! to the Senate, and 'asked to be trom its further coasi deration. Mr. Haughton offered a resolution that the Commissioners of the Raleigh and Gaston R, Road be instructed to examine theclaims of Messrs. Readier &. Manly, administrator of slaves, which they. allege tne said' Koad im- Keteneu to ... ' ' V tectly and failel,) to Vepeal a sacred law, solemn irrepealable compaet entered into be tweeri the State in her sovereign j capacity and her people ; and tlat too in a case where her citizens have already vesled their funds, arid already expended a large amount ; and yet, gentlemen argue there is nothing in all this; that squints -at repudiation. , "Against rfl kl m ' A A a . m a .M 4 a ... 1. I'm lJtr W aA19aB.lrata.A,UA I Maaa.a'!.. r 1 -fc f. . va. AdurMnn. auuti a buuigc.nsnii iiuiuuiu ivcui etc 11 v"" , I iiiupci I y uuca i toauui. and against such doctrines. I enter my . pro- Committee on the Judiciary. , test and will never cast my vote to repudi- Mr. Washington, from Select Committee ate a contract, to; re teal or 6?g for: the re- upon. a, resolution regarding the Deaf and peal of the Chactrr of the North Carolina Dumb Asylum, made a report, which was Rail Road Xmpany.v a v : v , j orded to b printed wilh the accompany '" Mine shall mu be the vote to libel, lor cast ing documents. , censure upon the last Legislature; mine shall Mr. Wood fin, from the Judiciary Csmmit ' hot be the hand to assist in any way, in des- tee, on thesubj.ect of einigration of Free Ne- , uHiijj i ins gicai incdBuicui aucn-. vvise uini iiiucs, uiauc a icuuii,.iiujcicuua.duu a&KCU iuuv generous policy. Sir, I feel myself bound discharged' from a .further consideration of the jn sound principle, in honest sentiment and subject. . . judgment, in cemmon consistencv and good i Also, on the Revenue Lawr reported that faith, to exert whatever of influence I may 1 the subject did not require further legislation, bate, against bo enormous a doctrine.. For and asked to be discharged. Yir, if thete resolutions pass, I want to know Also on the subject of claims against the .. what jffcuny the people of Worth Carolina estate of deceased debtors, that the same did Mr. Ste enson moved thalth EiU be iadifK. mteIy;po4-.pooi.lV:IiVsv; '.- Mr. Love moved Iiiai k be, laid on. the table ; but the motion did oca 'prevail. ; - ' " . Th u4 wn tm "iLiB caned for it tadtCnite pustponeraeut. . -" C 'i : 'v: Th Bill tp aawnJ the coiuiiHition of N. C. w." Uien Uken np, ,.'?i tr'J'.l'i. Mr., Kayner. being cntiiUd t the Ar, coniinued hi argument in oppuiiim to ihe orvginI Bill and ' hi uport of his aiuendment ; and wken be concln , del, . . f v . ; ' ' '" ..: Alr FieinBung took ;lhe floor aai addrassed th Huse for some time hi lavor of an unlimited Con. vtntion. Before Mr. F. hd concluded, ; On motieajof Mr. Love, ihe HJue aijaanied I half pal3 o'clcck. - . ' Ju Xlii?: EXEG.SESSION.V' ! - Mr. Fiernrningjcontinqed bw remark.; Ha hand; ldllrt eiitw l the Standard with, comes re v v. ty for reading hrm otH oFtbe Deraoeratic pa rl j claim ; ed to be the 'senior of the edUo asd therefore denied bw right lo-iead hisa out. and showed lbt while that editor waa ptiwaing Henry Clay ; he was kauling for the Democratic party. fie advoca eda chanje in' tbe basis of repre-ten'artfon,- -J ' W i ,;.L;n,;: i s; - Mr Brwia took the fljor, and addrtsakl the UoUs far a ahrt time ; but before concluding, ;, j -V On nutum of Mr Lov, the House -adjourned. DAILY, REGISTER. - 1 "Hr" jiuai14 JLaaiJJti. ,P. Saturday Hlorning, Deci 21sU I : I STATE: .LEGISLATURE . . i; ; Both Houses, ou yesterday, were, respectively, the scece of animated and interesting debate. In tbe Se&ate, the cder of the day "still being th resulutioni offered by Mr- Woodfin ib. aubject of extendiag the Central lail- Road, Mr. GrLMr being eutltted to the floor, eontfuoed his remarks, be gan the day before, aud "argued at great length and with his wonted force, upon the practicability and utility of the Rtt ttetui jr n.tem. t .He xombntedtha aigaroent, ; ,ften resorted to, that the failure of tk Raleigh and Gaston Uoad, was any crilerioa ta govern tne Legislature in. projecting and executing, similar works, lie read copi us extra cts from Rail Road journ:ds, aowinj jheir importance in a com me cialJ n jl agrlcuhu at point ef view. and eonoludKL by t king au earuest appeal t;tfeneiritt tupp-'rt of the reolutkus. s - f - -s Mr. A b ejcdei. of Carteret, next took the floor, And in a brief manner expUiued the itu(ortance of the port of Bcufort, its many advantages, us well for Mr. fiaynef introduced a bill concerning the ! its safety as a harbor as for'lhe geunai salubrit of Raleigh anil Gaston I la il ftoad Which pas ed its c mate. When he conclude 1, Mr KiiL.Yof Mo'ter first reading, and referred laComaiUlee uii liLU-r nal Im.provemeuis. moved au amend iniuA to ths reobi.ttoia ud addresis ed tho-euate lu support of his amendment and th A fi I 1VT T .oof1t nrocanlol h T?iitArt fmm' ika i .el Adiutant Genera which was sent to the Seuau ' reolutiou. wr.-iiLtww.r -.. -.f Mr. CaldvvelL of GuUfod, introduced a ieolu-! sublet tho-e who had preceded him, adding, that tion instructing the Committee oiivllwi Judiciary,'.' t e f-iSureof the 15 legl 5 Gaston. Road UhjL to inquire into the expediency ol pacing a Iay tiniy Viiiurelu aitempU to imprpva North CarcJ na, wtlhhoia tne ccnooi lunu ironi cowuuie uoi iu j-j adYerting to thef plub of Luproviag the Cip tnz a tax lor me supnuri oi voiumou. ocuouis. r 7 ' " l- . -mi AdoDted. ; J 1 rh ' 1 a v l Fear Rier aUwre the town of t ayettf ville by u Mr. Uavner. iDorultne Uomnu-ctee 3t rulernai oia aCSavi.Heu xapur uw Iinprovpmenls, repovled altesolutioi innkitigpru visions for the safe keeping 64 Mar and Survey of .Pu bhc" improA'eiiieutj?, witlf an- a4uenduiem which wa read the 2nd and 3rd tinier, and pas sed, and ordered to lie engrossed. 4 Mr II., fcouL,ihe same , Coniiniltee, reported unfavoraoly on. the iBeuioriatfcoiitstid.y citizens of Wilkes caunjy, prayiug 'the establishment of a Public Koad in said couruv, and asked to be dis charged from its further consideration. - On motion of Mr. Gordon, the report and me morial were laid on ihe table-. - O Mr. St ele, from the Cotnniiiiee on Education TeDorted the bill to -provide lor the appointment of a Superintendent of Common Schools,, and -M I " reCOmmenueu us paasagr, , . . - W ilsoa,the bill was laid on re i On motion, of Mr. vhe table- Alsbv the bill to amend an act of the General As-. the floor, this laoming. samoiy o i-ooyv eiuiiieu -an aci io amena an Fay ctteV illtf to the river All these things had (in curred,' he s iM; aiiiTyet, it f uruislusd. no .arguuie; t agaiust iutetnal inroveiuiBOid. , l'he subject will b resumed to-day f:1; ,' :ri '5 )''- '' . : liLlk Houue o( Jmm ns, Mr. Uir.SEa" eonou Ij ed humrgUHieut in support c his. bill for a Hiaitei Couventioii, and iu r?ply. W Mijra. Atcry and SaunJer?- tie will ptooawy .wme oai uw remai when we shall hve a better oppottuuity of judging of the- merits of am effort, which is "represented; on all hands, to have added to tlie aheady exal Ue- puutiou of tke speaker. - Mr. Fleming also addressed the House, in fvor of an unlimited CoiivettdoVahd U;w)ll be e"p b ferene to the proceed iugs, Mr. Erwin. i ea .itie ii . . , - t ,1 UUIIUIbU !Kfatfk nr in snv tf lirr nrnf pssinns . nrrtmiaps Vhft riiKr.hnpwH . ' " v . .ir tr . i I or pledges. Also, on a resolution in relation to paying AUo, the bill for'the better application ofthr the exnses of takm- tUe ceuw -