----eMiMt .ill. - V THE DAILY REGISTER, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, j ( , THE SE3H-WEEKLY REGISTER,5, ; -'-I issued on Wednesdays and Saturdays at $4 per annum in advance $4,50 if not paid .'-.within lit months ; and $5 if not paid until the expiration , v THE WEEKLY REGISTER Is issued every Wednesday at $2,50 if paid within four months; otherwise $3. - ; - . j B1I1S DIRECTORY.' JifATL "ARRANGEMENTS. Jdicrn MtUBy Rail Road, Due daily at 1-2 n. m., and closes at 1 1 i a. in. Southern--Two horse stage, due daily at II a, m., closes at 12 rn. !. , . i u t i ! Gnensborough Four-horse stae, due Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday at 6, a. m. and closes Sunday, Wednesday and Friday, at 12 rn. jVewfcern Four-horse stage, due Wednesday, Friday and Sunday t 3 a. m., and closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p. iu. ; - y Tarborough Two-liorse stage, due Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 p. in.,, close Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday at 9 p. m. Pittsborovgh Two-horse stage, due Monday and Thursday at 7 p. m., and closes Saturday auu xuesuay - .. Roxbarough One-horse mail, Due r riday at 9 a. m., and closes Friday at 1 p. ni. Holltr Spring Horse Mail; due Monday at y. UJ., ttuvi . , r - . a Lettersshould be is. the Olhee iifieen minutes before the time of closing. , The Office will be open every day, except Sun- i r-. Q J..lntr a m until O nl mi "' - ! cay, iiuiu u w wvii - i - - c..nJ iv it will he nnan Irom 84 to ili a. m. UU UUUUttj i " 1 - - and one hour directly alter the departure ol the mm ! Western man. ... ; u H u M I M It M U M (t 3Q cts. 32 44 j 54 " 74 u 84 21 23 50 97 lltf " 2 2 2 3 ,1 I 3 5 0 7 9 NEW BOOK STORE, P0MER0Y& O'NEAL. I; No, 16r FaycUcrillc St.; Nearly Opposite - l " Hhc-Pcst Officer f ! , RALEIGH, IT. C. APT? haw receivinir an exleusire assortment of Lnw, Metlical, Theological, Miscellaneous and School Books, generally, nnntls and choice Books for Present?; Novell Stationery of all kinds, -n hi ch we r lline at the terr lowest prices ; prices - which we are confident must give entire satisfaction. Call and examine. - ? .t c : W. U POMEROI, Daff, 0th, 1850. 95 BUSINESS COATS. 71 6Dr CHEAP TWEED COAT5, at a ve 1 1 VOll ry low price. 1. E. L. HARDING $ CO. Raleigh, October 12th, 1850. 82 1 THE SubscriUrs have this day termed a Copart nership in a general business as . ' . Bookseuen ana.tM&uoners, ad will conunue to carry on the business under the name and Firm of POMEROY 5- ONEAU Raleijh, December 9th, 1850. r 99 WISTAKS BALSAM OF, WILD I ... x-. ciwrr r. . , . . t , : A UrA supply of Wistar's Bilsam of Wild Cher ry just received anu tor sale by Dec. 9th, 1850. 0" Standard capy. P F PE5CUD. .. 99 AYEHS CHERRY PECTORAL. A fresh supply of Avers Cherry Pectoral just re ceived and for aula by " : ALSO A Larza tnnjAj of Lin.ieed Oil jast to . hand at Pescud's DRUG STORE. " Dec. 9th, 1850. 99 Standard copy. BANK OP THE " ! STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. ' A DIVIDEND ofrivB fks cent on the Capital stock ot this Bank, has been declared for the last ix mouths payable at the Principal! Bank on the first Monday in January uext anaat the Branches fifteen days thereafter. C. DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, December 11 th, 1850. td 100 ' . Star, Times, and Standard copy. . UP STAIRS, SMITH'S BUILDINGS, . Upea from 7 A. M. to 10 P H. NO ADMITTANCE WITHIN THE BAR 1 1 Rates First 10 words, E'h addi'l w'd Raleigh to Petersburg, i.icamuuu Washington Baltimore Philadelphia New York " Fayetteville Cheraw) Charleston Macon Montsomery Mobile; 133 rt And all the Dlaces on this and other lines of oni- launication in proportion to distance. OF THC.moilTU CAROL1X1 " Mutual Insurance Company, RALEIGH Second Floor, Suiith' Block, adjoining Telegraph O&ce. .-''.'!- : OF THE IOlC 1 II CAnOLIIA Mutual Life Insurance Company, '- - - RALEIGH ruMiit h-Pout Office under Odd Fellows s w - ? . . HalL ' "v- -r -;i.r ' ' : ; " - - - - T DISCOUNT DAY. TUESDAY. Board Meet at 11 O'clock. BANKING H&URS FROM Q TO't. ; 2 W. H; JONES, Cashier."' F.C HILL, Teller. Exchange, Baltimore, Philadelphia and N. York, 1 Ter ct. Dreminm. . Virginia and South Carolina money Bankable, of the denomination of $o and upwaru. im US - SZAX3;-:. Ceo. W. Alordecat, Pres't. - f - f ' . Charles Dewey, Cnher, S Seymour W; Whiting, Teller .Daniel DuPre, Bookkeeper, Thos.. W. Dewey, Clerk. Hours of business from 10 a. m. tu 2 p. m. OiSCOUNT DAY", WEDNESDAY. JJoard of Directors meet at 10 a. m. NK RATES FOR SKLLING EXCH ANGE. Preutiuin. c bight Checks on Nw York 1 per cent. 5, U Phil ioIti'im 1 . av f u - Baltimore 1 44 V Notes of the South Carolina and Virginia Banks receired. . : ' ' See It. IS IS. It. To the Citizens of N. Carolina particularly. TTTT7E can measure and furnish an entire suit of V . clothes (inclodiag Coat, pantaloons,and vest,) at from 35 to $44 : and will warrant them to be e- nual in all respects to any that can be furnished in the United States for that money. Gentlemen .need no longer send out of the State for cheap Clothing, unless they prefer it. , OLilYEK & rKUUI KK. Raleigh, Not. 8. 1850. 90 Royal Raleigh Ringtail Reusers. " - SOUTHERN REGALIA DEPOT! P. HORTON KEACH, 3To. 01. ITIain Street, Ilicliiuoiid, To.. ITWflAWUrAUrUKKIC ol Masonic, Udd f ellows, rivtlJi Sons of Temperance, Rechabites, American Mechanics. Druids. jRed Mens, and all other societies REG&LUUJUWtERS, FLAGS .SIGNALS, &.c alo, Costumes, Robes, Sashes, Jerrelst and al other Equipments on haLd and made to order ta ahort notice. N. B. Hating secured thesertices of Mr. HEN RY ME3EKE, familiarly connected with the differ ent orders, and well known in Baltimore ns a superi or workman in the above line, i am now prepared to compete with any establishment in tn u. olates, in euner Mjie, quamy or price. Orders from abroad respectfully solicited December 2nd, 1850. 8 Dress and Frock Coats. tfiVFi JUST OPENED, of all qualities Vi well cut and extremely well made. V r UADnlVf! At f.f Raleigh, Octohier 12th, 1850. S2 . TT AD1ES White Kid Slippers, J j do do Satia do do Blaek Kid do do do! do Walking Shoes. Just receired by Oct. 21, 1850. ; f R. TUCKER 6c SON. 85 DIARY AND DAILY Pocket Remembrance, for. 1850. ; " OR the use of Private Families and Persons of business: containing an Almanac and Banking Table, Counting-House Almanac( and a BJank space for memoranu urns, tor every day in toe year. ? For Sale at the i N. C, BOOKSTORE. Raleigh Nor. .12th, 1850. ; SECOND SUPPLY OF Cloth, Dress and Frock Coats. ENTLEMEN, if you want a go .d fitting XT Conl, made in the latest style. Call at y' E. L. H A RUING & CO New Music Book. PI ANTIC A LAUDIS, or the American book of VLV Church Music. By Lowell Mason and Geo. Webb. i ALSO THE HOME AITAR. N Appeal in behalf ol Family Worship, rith Praverr and Hymns, for family use. Bj the lev. Charles F. Deems. - H. D. "TURNER. Nor. 8th. 1850. 90V. CALF SKINS, LINING, Src. h, BURCK keeps constantly on hand, Calf Skins, Lining Skins. Shoe finding, &c. &c KUeigh, Oct. 4, 1850. 80 Heartt & Litchford DEALERS 1IV STAPLE and FAIf C DRY GOODS ; HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Fancy; Articles, &e. &e. nrj AVE received nearly their entire Stock of LQj Fall and Winter Goods to which they re spectfully invite the attention of their friends and customers, and the public generally, and all of which are offered on the most reasonable terms. -Raleigh, Oct; 14th, 1850. 83 WHITE WASH ERL'SHES. A LARGE supply of various sizes, just received and forsale low.; . , WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. Raleigh April 23d 1850. , 33 TTTlARDto beat for the accommodation of the ULl citizens of Raleigh , would say that he has in his employ two as good workmen as can be procured anywhere. He has been at considerable nzpensein the Baking business.and will do all in his power to giva satisfaction. It ia with the citizens to say, whether or not a Bakery should be supported. At any rate he will give the business a fair trial this Winter. November 15th, 1850. 92; "ST. MARY'S S HAL.E1GII, N. C 'N rerm or this acbool will commence M on the Fourth day of January IS51. and con- tinue 'till the 7th of June. For a Circular containing full particulars, apply to tne suoscrioer. ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. December 4th, 1850. 98 Q-. Standard, Fayetteville Observer, Chronicle, Commercial and Journal. Wilmington, Newberuian, watchman, Salisbury, N. S. Whig, Washington, Old rorth State, tu. City, Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in sert five times, and send their bill to A. S. J, D. WILLIAMS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEKCIIAXTi JT AYETTJE V ILL E, NORTH CAROLINA. Jnly 19th, 1850. 6 Livery Stables! HE Subscriters, taice occasion to inform their friends and the public generally, that they will carry on the busi ies, in all its brandies, at the same k-tand ; and that no ettbris nor expense will be spared on their part to accommodate the travelling cuminuuity. Conveyances, with good horses and earfful drivers, will be furnished at all times and at short notice : and iu tact, every convenience for traveling, in the wav of I HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. SC., will he supplied oil the most favorable and ccoino- daliug terms. ': The Subscribers also expect to keep constantly on hand.. good HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, &.C., LS CSD Ca gxrtrrR A nd persous wishing to put out their Horses by the week, or mouth, or year, will have them well attended to. at moderate prices. Their Stables are on Wilmiugtou Street, just to the East of Market Square. Hoping to receive liberal encouragement, tke un dersigued pledge themselves to do all in their pow r to merit pablic patronage and favor. BUFFALOES-COOKE PEEBLES. WHITE & DAVIS, i 'Grocers ami Com mission illcrclianls - Old Street, Petersburg, Va, "TTT"EEP always on hand a large and well assort UYed supply of Groceries, and pay particular at- teniiun to the sale of Cotton; Tobacco, Wheat Flour, and all other kinds of produce. : , ! i : i -LEMUEL; PEEBLES, 1 r ; t; I L THOMAS iWHITB," , j l ; PETER K. DAVIS, Jr. Petersburg July 20, ' jt ."'58 lyj Tfust received by Express, this day, Q) a lot of fine rench Merinos, assorted colors j A LbO. a lot of Jenny Lind Trimmings., .: I V EVANS & WILLIAM5. r Oct- 2 1st, 1850. ' s - .85 APPLICATION will be made to the General Assembly, now in Session, to incorporate a Savings Bank, to be located in the town of Jackson, North am'pton Couniy. ! , ''.-. Not. 26ih. 1850, ; 96"4w GENTLEMENS HATS. . " FALL STYLE FOR 1850. STIOME I H I NG entirely new and decidedly ele 2 gant. Call and examine. . It. TUCKER & 80N. August 26th, 1850. ' 69 TOBACCO AND SEGARS. OF the best quality may be found at the Drug siloreof WILLIAMS, HAI WOUD &.UO, NoTember 21st. f 94 FUESfl AIMtlVALS SEMI-WEEKLY. HARDING it CO. will receive new goods twice a wee It during tne entire season, direct from tbe Manufactory, By this arrangement, purchasers will always find something new and attractive by jamming their Stock. . As for Bargains, uents, you cant begin to buy as cheap elsewhere. Call d examine yourselves V " Under the Telegraph Office, FftyfUerille street Raleigh, Not. 14th, 1850. 97 SPEECH OP --- - - - . . . - ' -, - - - ' On the resolutions- introduced by Mr Brid gers, of Franklin, concerrting the North Carolina Rail Road. : - ':; concluded, t 5 u ; -Besides the naturaf adranlages that" the east has over the west,1 in commercial facili tiesby its rivers, its harbors, and an ezten ded coast, I am prepared to show that there have been actual appropriations made,"since the year 1816, east of Raleigh, of nearfr Four Millions of Dollars I 'And daring" life same time, the amount appropriated In the whole west, has not exceeded the trifling smn of fifty-five thousand dollars ; the larger por tion of which is the State's stock in the l?tm combe Turnpike; the principal oi which has been paid; back everj cent of it ; and-the road is now actually yielding aprofit of tnore than 10 per cent.-AnVJ, sir, those 'Vast ap propritions have been made in the east, not in a few instances, but at -almost every ; ses sion of the Legislature and that too, bjrthe influence of western men, aye, sir, by wes tern votes! Such has been uniformly the lone arid temper "of the west towards the east. So much so; indeed.5 that no murmur has been ; heard no complaint1 has beeh' made on the part of the west, except, .per haps, a f w, whose m?nds are swayed by sectional feelings arid local prejudices t or flhose who continue to hold peculiar notions on me suoject oi internal improvement be- ing in iavoroniyoi a "judicious system ! which when defined by themselves, means, simply nothing! no improvement at ajl. Yes, sir, the west is - attached to the eat--their common origin their common strug gles in the days that " tried men's souls" their common destiny attach them to their eastern brethren. They have always been liberal towards them, and their recorded votet show it: And now sir, when a great scheme is projected in which" Western North Caro lina is so deeply and vitally interested, all we ask is that- we may be let Hone in the enjoyment of our rights;, and in'our efforts to render prosperous our portion of the State, and indirectly the whole State ; that we may not be tantalized by an attempt to natch from us, the first boon that has been held out. just as we are reaching forth eager hands to lay hold on it. All we ask, is, that no im pediments or obstacles be thrown, in the War by our eastern friends, , by whom we have always so firmly stood. -But, sir, I feel con strained to say, that the greatest opposition to the Road, comes -from Counties through which Rail-way 8 pass, and wherej therefore, the great advantages of such improvements, are .every day seen and, felt--aye,Vsir, ac knowledged on this floor, " by the very men, w,ho are most clamoious for the passage of these resolutions, where the lands of their constituents and every - other species 'of pro perty' have so much appreciated and risen in value, arid where prosperity arid wealth, by mean s of Increased, facilities ' arid ' ready markets, have crowned, with success" those improvements. , I wilt riot stop; to enquire whether this course of attacking the Central Road as it has been twice, and I fear from indications as it will continue to be attacked, exhibts either good taste or correct feeling, whether it is fair or generous! 6r,rmanly, on the part of the. gentlemen, who' are desirous of crippling the company . and jesseriirig' ihe value of: their stock, and injuring - th!ttbck holders in their vested rights ; but sir, I sub mit, whether a course like this would char acterize the patriot or the statesman the man of enlarged and liberalized " sentiments, looking not to party, not to location but to the common interests of the Stale at Iare, to the general welfare and , the prbspenty and happiness of all her citizens. , : 1; Oh ! sir, it is most painful and humiliating to a true North Carolinian, to witness itht continued labours and exertions that are be ing used, to subdue the struggling energies, that the State is, at last, putting forth, for her redemption, and her physical and moral ele vation ! .Struggling for the triumph of intelh- gence over ignorance, of wealth over poverlv1 out, r, uuc w tucse resolutions assent that ai majority of the freemen of North Car olina, are opposed to the Central Road.- (opposed to their own road I) and that it iV inexpedient to build it V I deny it, and rnaia tain that it would be a libel on the intalli. gence of the people of the State, to believe Beubtless tcsre are Counties. a f-rr Counties of this opinion, and a few tdst po liticians, and some respectable gentlemen on this floor : but that this opinion prevails treh erally, that it even approximates a majority of the people, I cannot, I will riot for a mo- went oeneve. ,..a ; - :4: -:v:-i -

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