..... s--- ..x.,r i a. .yie'atRxhahho introduced the reso lutions, will, I presume hardly Assume Xp speak the sentiments of all the Counties west of Raleigh- himself being an eastern man. I hold that, 'so far as the Legislature en abled to arrive at; a correct opinion of the popular voice, on this subject, by the best -fi'nd surest tests, the conclusion must be, that a large andincreasing majority of the people, lire in favor of the Road, and ardently desire to see it constructed. The members of the last Legislature, fresh from their Constituencies, passed- the mil , and many of those gentlemen have been re turned The Representatives from a. Hum ber of counties opposing the bill, at last ses sion, were defeated, in the August elections, and those counties are now represented on tins floor, by warm advocates of this meas urethe people eagerly availed themselves of the boon tendered them in this charter, who had errsfgrated; the life , energy and general prosperity that is being diffused among her citi zens: by meana of her six hundred m iles of Rail Road, the actual profits of all her Roads; all these facts and others. the result of observation and enquiry, fully satisfied my mind that Georgia has become a great Stale and is rapidly growing great er in wealth and popufarron, by her system of Internal Improvement; and that 'North Carolina might even Outstrip Georgia 'if '"all her resources wereleveloped as they will be eventually, Jf this Road shall be built. Sir, I believe that the region of Country to be traversed by" this projected Road, and the Piedmont country lying beyond it, is not surpassed .by any other in this Confederacy ; whether we consider the fertility and variety of , the soil the salubrity of the climate the extent and vast amount of its mineral resources the beauty of its scenery- its surpassing healthfulness, or the moral integrity and political virtue of its' inhabitants. Here, Mr. Speaker, nature has lavished her richest gifts, and diffused her choicest blessings. The valley of the Yadkin, the rich Jersey settlement, and the vaHey and promptly complied with its conditions, of the Catawba, and their adaptation to the various ly subscribing One Million of Dollars ; great valuable products, are known throughouHhe land concern and anxiety art felt, not only here, Ah ! sir, 1 wish you could visit tin beautiful land, bUt lhrou-hotit the counties, so' far as tke delightful as Eden 1 and tike your stand upon uui iiMuuuui u t some mountain top that -pierce tlic blue vault of ftews has gom?, on account of the hostility hGaven, whence you might gaze with unutterable shown to the Road, by the bill introduced lor feeungs 0f wrapt wojider and adaiiration, upon the its repeal, and the resolutions under discus- aublime4 and glorious panorama of nature spread on the immense advantage and impor- outward and onward in an endless circumfusion of tance of this orand Improvement, are daily splendor; with cool and pearly streams rippling gaining ground in the minds of the farmers and gurgjing onward, ever ledges .of rock andpre of the laid; these, sir, are some of the data, cipices iji seete of mOk whate foam, untd their vi uk5 ,wu i meanderwigs. are los faraway in the distance, uaon which I base mv opinion, that there is c. . p. ... , . iLau ? rp n overwhelming majority ot tnt people n statespecially the great farming interest of lavor oi uie iioaa. ; . Western Carolina. It is to improve the condition ...But sir, is there not a great necessity lor of former the. great middle crasses of our this .does absolutely During the-eoniingvgnioa ofcnr LeIs'THE LE ADEIfc OFT11R OPPOSITION, laiure there is a strong probabV P';:11 SVyxfegn puWieVreishouldtt; alWde"t0th- adopt -a new constitution; The Western and Southern men appear to hang together, and if they continue to do so, California, in less than two years, writ, be a slave State. So you will, see, if I atn not more mistaken than ever P was. iiiTm'y life, that - while our vvii ui n.;umuiujs, uniTcrcu in me IlOUle cf RepresentarryW" the 9th irrsf. Theehara-. ter of this indi vidua ia so well understood, thai his movement might Well be considered as dispo sed of,: by tke entire neglect and "contempt with; 5 DAILY REGISTER. admission info the the fair promises on one hand; it sends us an In-' ffoor. Bui Mr. Giddings is now1 to be Considered ternaLrued on Uie joiner; tnat Will be con- not meH-ly,a Mr.ddingsrbut aa the type of tested 'with fierceness and' energy by both political LrotlierhoodC i Bei il recognised lead parties.-, ::rH Mi;?" i.ft if REAnk;r. er of the opposition to President Fillmore in the ( House,4 Jt w.ndershx)d ilia then was a caucus of the opposition members off Saturday erening; and i is rumored thai Mr.:Alien and Mr. Manw ana otner treesorr gemremervtoefe part in its e liberation. It has been alleged,- that Mr. Mauri was selected as the individual k move the repeal of the Fugitive Slave Law ; btrt Mr. Gidd-ngs managed to antieipale bim m the matter of the speech. As the thing now stand, Mr. Giddings: is the head and front of the opposition. To hi hands the fcuneKand 'destinies of the party ar rayed agams Presidefi! Fillmore' have beeii'conv milled. - r Sunday Morning, Dec 22nd. ; - YESTERDAV, : III the Senate, the Bill to aid the Wilmington and Manchester Road, after a running debate ber tween Messrs. lJoyher,'Nix6ni Caldwell, of Burke. Thomas, and others, was rejected by a Vote of 27 In the House, the ' Debate oi.' the Constitution was farther continued, 5n the moniing, by Messrs Erwin, Dargan, McLean and Kirirln,and, in the at- 1 M i 4 U rt oa4 it I Co Imon mhn hia tl Iran Inrrra np inn AtU I I - I ? l TV i scoeme i xfue uui mc, cm u m uwic uww nu ,w.ny. migi, jviiivii m ivrnoon, uy-uur. aiizcji, oi jianMi. Jeptner not the west demand it? And is it not stocK an me noaa h ,w xo niMiaeir nature, ana fwniaheaabrwf ab-'rfttWcliQfc'ttnderhe esseuUal to i the well-being and poiu ,c . - . . .. : - I mnA oH votif itc nf nniilpnpA will, in n miinr luwutf iiwuni". . - . J . , rv ceaae : where thev mav.be equal not onlv bv na- The further consideration of the question t u. it I too late in me aav. mere . , A. . x - J: "i-u- ..i.ii.- i.i. . - . mrm -.Mw w W IT II A nilT in T'lT IB fl Tl 1 ITII 111 I 1 1T9- I If U III1 inn -n flUAIi HfHn... nr . v ... prospern believe il too much good sense abroad in the land, ciassesnd where the means may be afforded of .to question me propneiy or yum, j, ui auj mofe generally eaucaung me people, in an tn.it pnlio-Ktened oeoole. adontina: well digested upper region of country, the nearest markets and j a - '.w i . '. . .CCKlt wUbe seenv ky.'reJfeienie io the! adver tisement in another eoluron. lliat the Caldweli, Institcte, in HilUboro,t has been! discontinued and that Mr. Wilsoi the late President, and Mr. Graves, one oi the Tutors, propose opening a School, in that place. , , ? ,.. -A I ! plans of; Internal Improvement ; because uncertain ana poor ones wnen reacnea vary irom vv conclude, ti when tried bv the severest of all tets sue- one hunarea, to one nunarea ana jii.ijr ana two Leach, upon the W there every where, sufficient proof; hundred "cod by ana aounaani SPEECH OF GEN.-LEACH. iw momiag. tha Spec!i of General Resolution relative to th N. C. R. Mr. Bridffors. The cour of Gen- '-Och VVe would remind those who would "crown tIe'year,' with a1 patriotic act, that the Hon.Jno. II. Bktan and Geo. XV. Mokdecai, Esa have has i been requested to aet as Agents xo receive suh. scriptions to the Washington National Monument e hope that ihey may be able ti make a cred itable report from North. Carolina. Subscriptions received at the Bank of the State. c, iu.ciHii 46a hnn UKmirPrr tronsrnnod: in mttinff thnir " l oncsiron, coramenus mm more wm tuore iu Utility ; and. brCAUse their pract Cibilily and pro(jacc away, by the old miserable plan of wajr- the cenfi Jcnc and regard of the people of Daridson, advantages are opinions that nave Deen ac- g0nage. And it is owing to this condition of things whose yiews lie has'io Veir and faithfully reflected, cepted, among the intelligent for years, with that thousands are annually leaving the State Unon all occasioW f ; Fr constituencies anywhere. . coniinuea anu generu-i . appiuuauuu. auu icaTiug wiiu3 k uiC-uHu iu haye a more assiduous or zealous representative. Hi thi. U particuUrly the csein .North Caroli- bAj prodoeU, mch more Ujan tho donbtl recdye a eor&l optica .t na. ow ring pe haps to the fact that the people, ?Pn which the emigrants generally sctUo. -But h&nd(i itralting her sad and backward coAdi- m.the 3IississiPPi valley, they have iRad Roads in their hand,. AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION. in conirasuuz uci u m wv4- .. -- , - - 41 , , , , - .;, . , . r .1 oi i a u I C CI V lurctuuu, auu liviiocvjuomij icauj auu. LIUUU tion, witn tnai oi ouier oiaics, ucm- marets There are now thousands, not merelv of ,irMnt rr nnnhsprvsnt or. wiiai is coin? I xi .nf.M.:.M.nj-... ill i jit ti,:. ..f ..,K;a.f Y , v . xt.l -i?. i i The auestion vr&s "Dertincntlr out. ana a truthfully VM . . . o -.. ..- . Z"T - I J w n Wh ia not Darned and humiliated, whenever success of the Central Koad. If it is out down br wereu, r.x iwBy iKo com Darison is instituted, between the past any action of this Legislature, thev will leave the on , Friday" rho producetl thU pcenfc diAaatisfac- and present condition of North Carolina, and that I State. They , will visit the graves of their fathers, tico with our Constitution T And Mr. Erwin, in his oi ner aici Miacca. "- . i auu. i. mi iwiuw v..uviwvu uiv luoii tuuc, auu reinarKi in ine iiouse oi oommons, oa xnuav uu . k-, anV rtf hr:SMlara. But Wh le thev U;uf .nt tor, nmcvnw stranra. hnm- nnrl fnrM C1186 IUCU 145U ie ui x.unv - U. nrnmcrunlu ha. I xl 1 1 U 1-! I J . 1 1 1 fnr HifrtMYl , fltir rAHf lprs Will hfyiT I'A WltneBS. WSkX nave gone ua iu a uugni Mic v two'.itj , rei i iyr memscivea buu.ujwt ciuiureu wiiero uioouris -.-x.-w.-. - - nndnion remains but litile . iraproveu, anu uer rewarded, where industry is encountered, and where we had no agency m making the people tuscontentea ueople are annually leaving her borders by thou- prosperity and wealth abound, by reason of Rail -with the Constitution under which thy hav prosper- sands j , Decause Dy ; reuiauiiug ur.c, iCJf gci tioaas ana ouier internal improvemenis. cd for so many years, and under which they would nothing lOr me.r l.ruuuu auu w.Mg oui, sir, una uuau uc uu u, uu ue I aUAJn, , ovo Mmf: JtWf a mnrmnr hut for thfl niAchi iu,i nr-mnrbPtii. anil havin? no lacilities to ,t ;.K wi it wrpnt IppiIm. hp mm d n9viroKlo I r " - ; WtftCU . . o " . . " " & - - V I .r . iixSt J xt- X- J 41 interested demagogues. We are still unwill alter that Constitution, without a dfinite and her career, with a smaller populaUon ihau North opium-like torpor arouse, herself to her true in- nneauivoeal expression of the .will and wishes of the .Carolina, with a soil by nature; sterile, and nnpro lerests-invite back to her embraces, her sons that MQ sourcc: 0f - VoMcta Voxc- i': n .,1 milu eiti nnn linffinCTPnini Willi . I - r a Kromloroil for ntvav tnlri cvcrir ' uniinini . I . , . - .wofnr,. ile advantaires all in favor of North Und insmred with a snirii of enerrrv. activity an d they alone have the right to unmake what ' Carolina, how do tne two Slates compare now independence imparted to her by this great im e7 9X009 uam m cnane m -I will notdetain the House -by entering upon a provement will proudly. take her stand side by Uur organic Lw.it is the duty of the ageits whom they detail oi wnat is so laminar io.au, uer uuiutruse siue wnn ner most prosperous sisiers, anu go may Belect to carry out thtir will, :to conferm to their trade:which she carries on at home and abroad, forth to reach her high destiny-go forth and go particular. ThU U mDCmoc- M ess age or the Go verkoii or Virginia J Jaiiotwl Cmveniion in BaUiael The Gov ernor of Virginia has sent a' message to tlie Leg islature or that JState recommending a National Convention, to meet in Baltimore, m May next to take such action as will put a final end to the slavery agitation, and thereby perpetuate j the U- - TPt from home, or lor transporting tneir products. as it will be. for one hundred and twenty miles. The State of Massachusetts, not larger m territory North Carolina " redeemed and disenthralled," tions of thi half a dozen of our Counties, commenced will arise from her Rip Van Wiukle her incr to , in every zone of ihe world, the present highly on in her new career of prosperity and greatness. cultivated conoition 01 ner sou, uie greai( vaiue ' ' . and number of the various prpducts of her loom, CALIFORNIA CORRESPONDENCE, 'and all her other "manufacturing establishments . . t ; . . .. "her general prosperity hfr One Million rf Dollars 1 "(Special Correspondence of the Picayune.) ' expended amtflty for her Common School syem Sacramento City Oct 19 1850 ' of education, her. general prosperity, her vast Sacramento uity, uct. ltf, l0U. veahh and her commercial advantages aad.tecili. Eds. Pic This morning the steamer irom , ties; nearly an oi wuicn is .propeny unuuo San FrancisCO brought us the glad tidings of ., u!!?5f of. California into the Union. !S- x.u nna,u. T.f show ihP PTtPnt ni l The news was announced about two hours be- 1 w fivfiiem. and its great utility, let us see whai fore day-light, by the firing of one hundred f'Umunt those money-loving, sagacious Yankee guns from the steamer. ' The signal was at TeopV have appropriated Sir, it seems almost once recognized by the cemmunitv, and was -incredible, :but nis ueveriheless irue, tliat Massa- followed by the discharge of fire-arms chuselts tns mvestea a apua; ia luiu uoaus, f all gize8 and classes. Irom the old racy, as contradistinguislicd from modern Democracy represented by a hirgo fraction of that party ia the ! present TJegislaturei.- There can be no doubt it hax not been demeu ! that it is the deliberate purpose of the majority of the Loco Foco party, in the Legislature, to tirl the pop ular voice, and suppress, if possible, the popular will On6 heed go' no farther than" to the ltsport of the na- jority on the subject of Amending' the Constitution to be satisfied of that fact. .That Report simply recPm SENATE. - ,, ' : S ATURDXT, Dec.' 21st. 1 Mr." G. W. Cald well presented the memo rial of citizens of Mecklenburg county, pray ing iorine esiaonsnment oi a Medical Board. Relerred to Committee on that subject. JMr.,ameron presented the report of the Commissioners of tlie Insane Kospital of North Carolina, which, on his motion, was relerred to a Select Committee and ordered to be printed. ' Mr. ; Bower presented the memorial of citi zens of Ashe county, in relation to construct ing a public road'from HillsboroVto theTir ginia line. Referred tocomraittee on Inter nal Improvement. 'TC -.r Mr Joy ner, ft pm the Select committee lo wborn was referred the resolution in regard to the Raleigh and Gaston Rail Road, repor ted a bill; read "first time and on motion of Mr Cahada Ordered to ''be prmted. Mr. Bond introduced a bill to incorporate the Bertie manufacturing company. Refer red to committee on corporations. i ? lr Cameron, from the committee on coi porations, to whom .was referred a bill to pro- -vide foe the incorporation, of companieito construct naiiK roaus, aja.u. of companies to construct Turnpike roads and Ibr other purpo ses, reported the same with an amendment. Mr. Canada introduced a bill to incorpo rate the Oxford Female College in Granville i a n it. ' -.-it r.t ii. mena,, ou, oi an ine cjues rurrpu .luu.aoro. CQU Referred ;tO -Committee OA COfpO gation of the property qualification m voting for, Sen. I yafjonj'' z- -4 ; J. aton.tobe effected by Lcfftslatire enactment, previous iJ:2iui; LiAli 1-CriV: : ators,tobe effected by JLcgtalatite enactment, prv to any consultation with the people ! Mr.nAvery and unite upon thi platforui ' If these giv sinccre m their bolief that th change is public sentiment ; if their purpose be not ' Mr. Speight' introduced a' Mil to incorpo- rateKinston Academy,- in Renoir county.--Referred to committee on corparalidnsr The hour of 11 o'clock having arrived, the special order of the f day -was taVen up, to iwing the wealth and products of other States, to suspended, and those! who are fond of the rather to preserve th. canity of tub partv in the State yr it : the., bill concerning the ; Wilmington iv noured into her lap. And,yet,8ir, we are told critter,,:,are-,wiHiri2 a take it "thousand the West forbearing for that end, to press other and Manchester Rail. Road 'Company'; hich and it is gravely argaea on tins noor, mat iNortn drinks' upon the strength of the news. The Reforms in which they are eaidtto u mucli interest- was read, amended, and alter sometime spent J". ml In a !nnft eXUIlU tlirtrtt tUUllOnS OI UOllarS. infallin-onta ia nf vsol v mnr linn irlnnoA'tn A -,J t... -tf Tft ,.;0,.;n fKoi'n'iin t ht't KOlltdnn rf i hi eJ rrk I rn raii. 4o build one rr, t :. . I. ... .1 oruonl ,m i Dels the anarchy and confusion that seemed mvs. u-if thi,: 4. W not the urra : . v. . . r l.J.; . .C.:. to raise and elevate nersen among ner ois-iera.- 1 nV: sir. at Georiria and South Carolina. A lew " yeats ago and Georgia was growing poorer, her Viands wearing out aud washing away, her ciu ' 2ens were leaving her borders, her wealth gliding aways In this condition her spirited citizens be Tn to cast about to ascertain the cause ot her j-ptmirrpssive condition. The examples of other -W O 1.- a strict scrutiny and- rigid examination into the frauds and derelictions of duty that have been charged upon the officers of the lederal f . i 4 U i.Ll. I ' . . A " " r i -Siatel more prosperous taught them the troe se oveimulr".Je.esiaDnsnmeni 01 Ieae cret, they immediately commenced Rail lload rai COUIlf-r!? iiieeoaciraeni orwnoiesome ntrhprotements- on a preUy extended scale; when and needful laws in reference io our com "BuddenVyiraigiati6n ceased, uavthousaads ol'her merce aud the navigation of our interior wa citizensutathave gone Souih and W.e$t,rcluriiex!i ters-tp "theVprotectiori.of ur frontier from .nd aeompieie muSjooK place, Indian,depredanons, and to some provision a,- .mnartimr new-enerav ana ctrvitv m vn 1 - r : .. . ' to threaten us and hung over our heads with hy .brink from anopenconsidtation with the people awiui lureuuuiugs, iiuu piuuuscs ineir North Carolina. The reason is apparent paipaoiw stead a bright and prosperous future. We It peepa out in erejy quarter and becomes th mora may now look forward with lair prospects to -fnauifest the more it is attemped to boconceaiadV- Tlie head may bo hidden, bat the. body is exposed .in ted AicaVSS Nay s 27; Senate" adjourned. ' Tt ,5 HOUSE OF COMMONS. 1 ; '.,'1 Saturday, Dec: 2 1 st. Mr. W.Siler presented a memorial ef Joha Young, a riurcEiser of Cherokee lands, praying for i rants know full well, that the , people wdl take, these ghenkee Bonds, , ? ' '' elements of party capital oat of their hand ; or .thoy j Mr. Kunini' a memorial' iom .'.cUizens'Jbi R0cfe. .4y imparting jiewiiergy.anaV actryity .to everv i nnrnmP n( ttina- n,l ,iai branch of. business, and m every department of I?r 1? f 1 t ?S ri Ufe. I recently travelled thropgh Georgia, pas- the validity of land, titles. Our a eterminins admhsion fear that, if a majority of tb& voters of the Stat in-!inffham county, praying the passaffe of an act de . clarin? theHiver Dan from tha town of MadisOD xer in North Carolina will go irretrievably to the th bt? line' a 8.d and suffiasnt subsUtuta . wTnn w,ui--n.: i . . for a lawful fence: which was -referred to tom- gCetonnivr.nwi ,,p Huau ui Uie Slorm Uiey. TittA An PrnnAsitinnm, have themselves aroused 1. mittee onJPropdsitionaand Grievances.'? i Mr. Gordon, amembriat from citizlns resident For oursehyvrc maintain tlie position vre have al. Svitlun the 75th Regiment N. C. m; litis, protesting ays assumoa. juex an ouetstion?, whatever, mvoiy- giunsta ueciiui 01 v-uup juariiii 01 saiu . : .l r dcr nl Wn. 1. . il will nt thp !nm litn o-Tvp sfaVnttr A ,sing viiwtmA-e i nnvn,,... p.ftMrrtmnf ftnrl o "wKr.iaA.V Xt,' -Hnffttion if the' fonit?fi?nW - m;' ment, and praying the Legislature not to sanction -ditionofber'rapHlly increasing wealth, l.er trade, actero our liws, while it will inspire with ! the Vhtful sovereigna. 3 If they decide tlat change is fnTim .Vhv msffjo the Yearly Teturn of her citizens j P , rwuu,e H 18 wnaw lor one alteration or many alterations, be it so J Soman a pension from the Stte. Jteferrtd to the Com- " -i o us anu peculiarly ionunaie iox me union. dare dispute their smtharitv. m:tte on Claims,

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