I "J 4-Tt "? J ft -"; i I M VIM V it J '4 1 '-,1 H NV;W: 1tHETJ14TTjY REGISTER. , - - - . - - "' H EDtTOH! AND, iPROPKIETOR. , : thp. SEMI-WEEKLY REG An Wpdnesdavs and Saturdavs at bcr annum in advance ; $4,50 if not paiq ..yithin Sc months 5 and $5 if not paiji until thq expiration of the year. 4! . THE WEEKLY, REGISTER,. . Is issned every Wednesday , at i $2,50 if paid Iwithin four months; otherwise $3. - ' BUSINESS DIRE CTOM I - r - , MAIL JIRRjIjYGEMENTS. JVurern WaiZ By Rail Road, Due iaily tt 1-2 p. m., and closes at III a. m. - . ; T SottZierrtTwo horse siage, due dally at 1 1 a. in., closes at 12 ra: ; i.--Y :l ";,gf",'( Grcem5oiig-Fourhorse- staje, due Mon day Wednesday and" Saturday at 6 a. m. and closes Sunday, Wednesday au Friday at 12 m. Sewbern Four-horse stage, ue Wednesday, Friday and Sunday ti 3 a. tn., and closes Sutday Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p in. Titrborough Two-horse Jage, iue Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 p. tn.clnses Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday at 9 p. n). and Thursday at 7 p. m., aud clases Saturday and Tuesday at 9 p. m. l r - l , J KatioroMgi One-horse mail, Due Friday at 9 a. m., and closes Friday at 1 p, ni. : y j HolUj Spring Horse Mail, due Monday at 4 p. m., and doses Thursday at 9 p. nit - M f Letters should he ic the Otiice tifieeo minutes before the time of closing. ' ' " The Office will be open every Jay, except Sun dav. from 8 o'clock a. m. until 9 p. m. On ounuay, 11 Wlliueupeii umoi ij i . iu., EW BOOK STORE, 1 POriERO Y &, O'JTEAL ; No 16, Fayctterillc St Ncwly Oppoiite; ! X-i '.the Post Office - u'X "- A "- -k "P H-. : ? RALEIGH, IT. C. ' ' I " ARE now receiving : an extensive assortment of L-iwr, Medical, Theological, Miscellaneous and. School Books, generally, Annuals and choice 1 Booka for Presents, atelj. Stationery of all kinds, which we re selling at the very lowest prices ; prices - which we are confideut most give entire satisfaction. Call &l examine -1 - , W. L. POMEROY, APPLICATION will be made to the General Assembly, now in Session, to incorporate a Saing8 Bank, to be located in the town of Jacksou, North ampton County. - . t . . , , 1 Nov.26ih. 1850, - .'.-:.! 06 4 w ; GENTLEMEN'S; HATS. , FALL STYLE FOR 1850. lOMETHING entirely new and decidedly ele gnt Call and examine. r i ; .. II. TUCKER & 80N. , C2m FOR THE IGIstXJUr COA1MON .SCHOOLS. TO THE August 26th, 1850. 69 Dec, 9 th, 1850. 95 TOBACCO AND SEGARS. OF- the bet quality may he found at the Drug 8tore of WILLiAM, HAYWOOD & CO. November 21 st. 1 . - - : 94 JPRESH ARRIVALS - V SEMhWEEKLY. TTji ARDING &r COwill receive new good twice next to nothin U u 1 wwmmiHs m enure season,' uireci irom GEIfERAI. z AS3E$UJry vt Your district Schools have been in Vrt. tiori; during the: past; ten jreitt, nT We doubtless, produced some beneficial But that the system is at present Very itxi. perfect, -n& one I presume, will ! ihretehrl fi. deny ' My purpose is to state to youl whkt I think is the chief defect, and how I think it can be obviated. The chif tfeticiencV then, in my ' opinionv consists in the want of competent Teachersy Your 'teachers Iniow xt to nothing of the business vhich th4V dertake. I do not believe that "one'' mini- :- THE Hubcribers have t hi day foraaoa1 a depart- nershlp im a gentral business as - ! ' 'I ; ! ; i -: Booksellers ind Ktatitkers, and will continue to cerry on the business weier the fhirtir, , r .Mm.J undertake; 1 do not believe that one' huhi ame aad Firm ef wiiLiwv find nmthinir n ityti k. rired out of the twenty-fife hundredTirtrir a ..... -j ...... .B .... . i ! , r. xamimng mcir oiockv a lor cargains, uenu, uiuuwuu,. wuu uic hi. present engaged m tnO you cant brgtn ta buy ae cheap eleewbere - Call business, in this State, can properly, teachlh -nd examine jrooraeWe. : v common branches of ah Enffkshrliicatihri! " 1QC CTEi4 " apby, gramrnar and arithmc? Some Haleith. Nor. Ulh. 1850 92 ui uic u uu mn prcienu to unaerstand tlieSe nrancnes, say tney ;c!o not. -The most of W mem, to De sure, nave a nme DSd onhora POMEROY a'NEAL. aleigVDeetmber tthi 850. ' " ( ' I' 9f CHERRY. ;.!.:) A large eupply of Wistar's B.iliam of Wild Cher ry just received aad far sale hy v ' r r pfiscan. Dee. 9th, 1850. ; ; j 99 Qy Standard cepy.' - j ; -V ' ' AYEHS; A frvsh eupply of Ayars Ch ceired and fer aale by . ALSO A Large supply of Lrnseed Oil jest te hand ; Pescuds DRUG STORE. Dec, 9th, 1850. " ' 99 Standard copy." v TTT1 ARD to beat for the accommodation of the phy, a worse pronurictatfbn and a ve scan JULLl citizens of Raleighf would say that he ha in ty knowledge of arithmetic. : As for 6oTa UlIUHii 1 I'JbV lUKAJb. rus employ two as good workmen as can be procured and mmmr th'ti hn,2A- JTt iiTr-L .rry Pectoral juat re- .nowhere. He ha. been a conaiderable expense in branlchea is of such a character in my Wllf. the Uakingbusitiess.andwilldoallinhispowertogiTe , . T l " "Y tru P.F. PESCUD. satisfaction. It is with the citizens to say, whether l?n a8.to nter but, little or no benefit tipoft or not a Baker- should be suunorted. At anv rate. th8e tney pretend to ' inJtruct.5 -These ?en- at ne win give tne business a November 1 5th, 1850. fair trial this Winter. 92 BANK OF THE I STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. A DIVIDEND of i-iye rea ctston the Capital stock oi this Bank, has been declared for the last Un ounuay, 1 w.u yauy 7. wx months-payable at the PrincipallBaiik on the andhe hour directly after the departure L the fifgt uorijlJnuujM and;atthe Branches Western Mail. : - . - r fifteen days thereafter.- ' - . TLT li.Uet uPPy wrocenes, ana pay panicuiar at- hyou may urge, let US bave'tf oremohetffr to the sale of Cotton, Tobacco, Wbeat, 1 hihf :ti.' : c,oK k t,,;n 'LIazta L&iz r, and .Hither kinds of produce. V - r r.s "ri" 1 .V LEMUEL PEEBLES. U1C '"yiuricauimr, - -;(- t -v ik j u tirnri'O . . I TEL , .:, UP STAIRS, . SMITH'S BUILDINGS,--Open from 7 A. M. to 10 P. M. KO ADMITTANCE WITHIN THE BAR ! ! Rates U. JJ ci w c. x , uasnier. Raleigh, December llth, 1830. td 100 Star, Times, and Stmdard copy. ' ; Raleigh to Petersburg,! menmunu :' s Washington. ' Baltimore i " Philadelphia " New York ) Fayettetillel Cherawp ' j Chariestoa 1 " Macon f ' f Montgomery : " Mobile See 15. 15. K. K To the Citizens of N. Carolina particularly. WE can measure and furnish an entire suit. of clothes (including coat, pautaloonstand Test,) at from 35 to S44 : and will warrant them to be e- First 10 words, E'haddi'l w7d. UUal in all respects la any that can te furnish d In the United States for that money, ueutiemeo neeu PEEBLES, WHITE & DAVIS, Grocers and Commission Hlercliants Old Street, Petersburg, Va.. EEP always on hand a large and well assort e tention Flou THOMAS WHITE, PETER R. DAVIS, Ja. Petersburg ! July 20 ' - v ' 68 Iy . Tfust received by Express, this day, OJ a lot of fine Jb rench Merinos, assorted colors. ALSO, a lot of Jenny Lind 1 nmtmngs. EVANS & W1LLIAM5. OcU 3 1st, 1850. ' ' ' 85 New Music Book. tlemen are doubtless good citizens and seriki ble men, but I really do hot thirile f they 'aft efficient teachers. ' The question is, : ougKt tnese men to hate certificates ? " No,; you aoj , Ma uBiG uuu waLiicn ur none, now I think; you rhUst tiaye these; or notie;4 But Were your pffeSent schdolt rtenti'riinA Hundred thousarid dollars thstead of iiiriety, It would not mend the wi Huiwi jfuu wuum cicuansre your money, is not to be had. ' ' W hat is money ui r new iue aiuuc Ui C2cuan?e IS K II a M I M If tt tl 30 ctg. 32 44 '.. 4 74 84 2t 28 M 10 87 4 -118 11 2 9 unless they nreferit. OLlTIiK & fUUUilLK. Raleigh, Not. 8. 1350. 3 . 99 :3S rt New Orleans 17 - And allthe place on this nnd ethar linea of com tunicatiou in proportion touistance. ting ?r Nov? you Jcatfi procure good teachei, or you cannot.; I assert you caridbtTVill . your professional men, the lawyer, the doc- TIANTICA LAUDIS. or the American book of t0r 0F e IerOTan' &t eirusinesUha If CUU. ' ., i .t.w , .mwm nil! FTl ytCIUIilC ' IIJC V LSO ' think. Besides, there is the -rwectabilitv THE IIOJIE ALTAR ; of the thtnsr. ves the ' feinectaliilitr f Ifi. N Appeal m behalf ol Family Worship with th. Some of us I am afraid, c6nside!r Prayers ana Hymns, for family use. By the ,a(1(,L l. u: -4 --7. leTCharles F.Deehia, ' TVi: 5 4"r I "!?n"8 noF f H. D. TLKINEK. ouu mcu wuc hwy uc inwineu to pm QOWfl. Nov. 8th. 1850. ' 90 low, very low, all teachers; eyen the best of them. Such men (I hobe ' thev are' few - :4 Royal Raleigh Ringtail Rausers.M ! SO UTHERN REG ALU DEPOT! P. HORTON KEACH, o. 91, Main Street, Kiclinioiid, va-, B Sons of Temperance, Rechabites, American Mechanics. Druids, Red .Mens, and another societies REGALlA,lMJWERS,FLJlGS,SIGJSrJLS, &.C. also, Cos turn, Robes. Sasltts. Jcrrtls1l and all other Equipments on hand and made to order ta- short notice. N. B. Harinz secured the services of Mr. H EN- RY MESEKE, familiarly connected with the diff er TK L. BURCH keeps constantly on hand, Calf ptuar wisuora, a peculiar; Wisqom. ViJ Skin, Lining skins, Shoe finding, otc &c The ancients were wont to rank the position , Ktleigh, Oct. 4, 850. .f 80 of their skillful arid learned teachers' with OF THE. KOtt'JCII -CAROLINA. Mutual Insurance Company, RALEIGH - - to compete with any establishment in the U. States, in enner jrie, r pr. Orders from abroad respectfully solicited; Office. OF Til E NO urn A UOLli' A . Mutual Life Insurance Company, , : RALEIGH tKft- Pot Office under OdJ'Fellowa Heartt & Litchford DEdLCRS IN STAPLE and FA If CI : " L DRY GOODS- ' HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, 1 Fancy Articles. &e. &e. 'AVE received nearly their entire Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to which they re that of their eminent ' statesmen. , .Conse quently their greatest men becarne feacrjeri . Socrates, Pythagoras, Plato, Zeho and Aril tolle were all School Masters. ' I have thus remarked, upon the estimatioiT in4 which teachers are sometimes held in order to shoxir, that this state of things throws an obstacle iu me wjr u uuiaiuiLg gooa ones, it is lor December 2nd, 1850. ST. MABY'S SGHOOIt, uaii:igii, AN cv - x DISCOUNT DAY. TUESDAY. Board Meets at 11 O'clock BANKING HOUIiS FROM 10 TO r W. H. JONES. Csbier. , F. O. HILL. Teller.. . ? Exchange, Baltimore, PUiUdelphiaand N. York, ft npr t. rtremium. . Virginia aud South Carolina, money Bankable, of fthelieuomiuaUou of Sa.ana upwarus. " . rfiecC W. Mordecxi, PreVu 'Charles Dewey, Chert" , i Seymour W.! Whitiug,.Teller 5 Daniel DuPre, Bookkeeper, I Thoa. W. Dewey; Clerk. Hourt of business from iu a. m. f 2 p. ta. DISCOUtNr DAY, WEDNESDAY. Board of Directors Keel at' 10 a. mi BANK RATES FOR SELLING EXQHANU 5igU Checks on New YorK i per ceuc, - u - w PhildelpTirl . H Notes of -the South Carolina and 'Virginia BaiiVs received. - . fTTIHE 18th Term of this School will commence Li on the Fourth day oi J auuary 1851, and con- J A tinue 'till the.7ih of June. f-iL For a Circular contaimag full particulars, apply to the Subscriber. " . - s - ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. ' Deceraber 4th, 1850. . ; ? : 8t rry- Standard, Fayetteville Ohserver, Chronicle, Cominorciitl and Journal. Wilmintrtou, Newberuian. Watchman. Salisbury, N. S. V hig. Washington, Old rorih State, E. Ci'y, Petersburg Intelligencer. Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in sert five limes, and send their bill to A . 3. -. - specilully invite the attention of their friends and this reason, that the graduates of .JWr'lSS-. x.nmAM ) ttia iii4il!( trpnorftllv nnrl nil nf u'h!rh I lxroe' will rinf i&in chSVI . -VWtV iU.' U'A of those graduates to take charsreof a distrTdt School, and how does he treat 'the propor tion ? ;Wbat says he, a district school Xsi customers, and the public generally, and nil of which leses will not teach SChOoK You ask O rift are offered on the moat reasouaole terms. Raleigh, Oct. 14th, 1850. WHITE WASH tr.lSKES. LARGE supply of various sixes, just received common school do you mean V 1 you mustbe ana tor saie iow. WILLIAMS, HAYWOOD & CO. UUSIiI ESS COATS. schools, says the ybunW man; aird he'iaimost mtsiaten in ypur man. Wo, 1 am not sir,! wish to fiiri youypdwrit mi ClIEAP TWEED COAT5, at a ye- vexed with the ided of a district school; Vbyi ryk low price. cannot expect that either your pfofessronal 8.- - I I jj - . ..... - " U NW vupuiion ui itsacumg tuese scooois. Ana 1 nave suju, auu vuur uwu uuser vuiiuu . win. proyo Raleigh, October 12th, 1850. NGE. Pffniium. I D. WILLIAMS, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION IflEitCil.INT, rAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA. Jaly 19th, 1850. . ; . .. ,. I .. Livery Slables! . SHE Subucriher?, tke occasion to inform their friend and, the pontic generally, that they will carry on the bui le. in all its branchet the name stall u ; tud lliai no. euoni nor tipciiso win oe spared cni their part to accommfkiata the1 travelling community. Conveyances,; with good horses .and cmreful drivers, will bJuruished at all limes aud at whort, notice ; and iu, lact, every couycuienee for traveXing, in the way.of v- r -i- ' HORSES, CARRIAGES; BUGGIES. &.C.,- Will be suphliVdon the most favorable and accomo daliug term. j - The Satwcribera also expect to keep constantly on hand, good'.- -.r:sf : -j'W y' " HORSES, BUGGIES,-CARRIAGES, &C. . And persous wishiug to put out their Horses by tW week, or month, or vear. will have them vell SLAK OF NEGROES. S SHALL expose to publicsale, on the la day what I assert to be true;that those at present of January. 1351, at the Court House, in Pitts-.Lj n hh hJnj r vrJviWk borough, 8 OR 10 LIKELY NEGROES. Terms made kuown on the day of sale. " WM. A: RIVES, Execctor. - Chaiiiam County, Dec, 13th. 1850. ttU House and Sign Paintings THK 8ubcribefr ore now prepaied to execute In a workman-likerTnnner, all hind of ; ' u P LAIN AND ORNAMENTAL UQ JS& AAUJ i , . . , ,.t sjGiV PAINTING, ' a . Glazingf Guilding imitation of all kind of - Marble and-every variety of-wood. - - - - -: . i All orders lellai Mrs Hardte', opposite ttia Msr- ket House, will receive prompt attention. . i i. .2 r : ; ; WHITLOCK &:HARDIE;? Raleigh, Sept. 12, 1850-, i . . . U 14 : v WANTED TO' IIIltEr AJ- Good iurse. for whom liberarVaeet v!H attendedto,at moderate prices. Their Stables are on be iren if application, U made immediately Ap Wilmington Street, just to the East of Market Square, ply ht this Office 1 ' ' IIorin W receive liberal encoumeement, tbe an-j - Dec, 13th -1656. - ' - f:i01" BUFFALOE D COOKE Jot Printing, Pamphlets,; cuted at this Office, employed in Ihe busines.f are very incabablb of discharging the duties, which devclreXU oh them. I know the Inith at XIcsicri I have been acquainted with WeVentfhiiri dre3 during the past thretf yeart, add.i ddtiqt believe, tharfire of ihemcibtija leacheW certificate tn the S late of ttkty : Y&li. You certainly haTe not capable; instrtictort, and by yhat met&d'caH 5yoU' proct& thaiii1? This question ieaiily5 nlWere"d; otTfaiiit mike them;" The -teachers" of theveVI should cmne drrTthe 'peoplef hey1 4iro. better than (weighers, know the' Iwnts ".end prejtrcea osoci pable ttiariitrangersicijdcin;? iimzt&l tXY want at teathetVinstituter normal -schod!. founded-sndurorted bythStstvTt buildings for (his ; pufriodi s rtight bSlcjecfejd fot fifteen: thousand imtimppftk Ke wnrEotinal schoi v,coit Jt wn tjll and ,fifty youn g men , preparin g.to - bsconxa

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