up i j-'lmwT 'wtBUB&m i sssmV1 " " JIEfanl ss s - rUlk -UlfcJJirr ' T" rHP1rrn1l 1 11 11 1 11 ' - " ' a ' .. . ' '. . n ' i "i i tiitsj " ; . '. . 1 (l 1 ' -' " . THE DAILY REGIS DITOR AND PROPRIETOR. s : jTHE SEMI-WEEKLY REGISTER,' It issued pn Wednesdays and Saturdays at $4 ier annum ia advance; '$40 if not paid 'within ix'ntonths ; and 5 if'not paid'ujitU the cxgirafiri xf th? year,rf ?;r;f fld H t:l- ' Vrf : ksaed . every . Wednesday at t 20. paid withinfour montJis;1 otherwise $3. v , - BlISIXESS DIRECTOR!'. . JVvrtkern MaU-By Ila il Road, Dud daily at 1.2 p. m., and closes at Hi a. m. . . Sowttoi Two-horse stage", due daily at 11 a. m-Vclosesit 12nn .WW i6..jt-: r- ? GreCTMftoroi-fc Four-borse - slagre, due Mon-i day Wednesday and Saturday at 6 a. m.,.ana closes Sunday Wednesdayanl Friday al 12 m? 1 JVWrfl Four-horse stage, due Wednesday, Friday and Sunday t 3 a. to., and closes Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday: at 9p.. ? Titrhorough -Two-horse, stage, due Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10 p. in., closes Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday at 9 p. m. . Pittsboroiigh .Two -horse stage, -duev Monday and Thursday at 7 p..m., aud clses Saturday and-Tuesday at 9 p. m ; 1 1 i - . , lloxborviigh Qne4urse mail, Due Friday at 9 a.m., and closes Friday .at I p. ia. J - Holly i Spring Horse Mail; due Monday at 4 p. m.; and closes Thursday at 9 p. t. u tetters should : be imhe Office tifieen minutes be(bre4he time of closing. . ; ' ; ; The Office will be open every day, except Sun-dayi-froiii 8 o'clock -a m. until 9 p. m.: - On Sunday, it will be open frumSj to 91 a. m., and one-hour directly, after, thedepaxiure-ol the Western Mail. ' , - . , NEW BOQK STORE, ( POIiiEROY & O'NEAL. ; tfKiW.fWWTl!leSti Nearly Opposite If J. i"? '. the Post OHieei '.;.)''. -' '"'.k, A RE now .receiving au extensive .assortment of Liw,Medicar, Theological, Miscellaneous and S6hool Books, generally, ' Anhnals and-choice Books'; for Presents; Noela4:tfioneryvofatlkJndvthehLwe are selling -at the .very lowest, prices prices :whicU we are confident must gita catira satisfaction. Call and examine. . . ' : r ; W. JL; POME ROY, ? - J;' W; O'N E ALi' ' ; t Dec, 9th, 1850 I wil5 ne THE Subicribers tiaye this day formed a eppart rship In a general business as 1 i - , . . . . .;--L r-'-i-1..:, ?.-.r ;t ; ' : Booksellers and. stationers, ; - nud will cdntmue to carry on the business under the aame'jiud Firm af fi ? j ,::;iu- 4 . bs---; r . POMEROY vOrNEAIU.J .Raleigh, December 9th; 1850., .. . . 98; v IV67US BALSAM OF WILD -f'- CHERRY. u A large snpply of Wistar'a Balsarn of Wild Cher ry just received -and for sale by - ; - Dec 9th, 1850. ; CP Standard copy: 99 r .UP STAIRS, . , :, :t SM 1 f H 1 S B U I L 0 IN 6 S , -V Opea Iroa7 A. a. Io40 P. M. XQ JLDXirrANCE IVITHIX THE BAR ! ! . ' Rates First 10 words, Bbaddi'l w?d. Raleigh to Petersburg jtvicamona ,: Washington Baltimore PKiladelphi New York . Fayetteville : Cherawj v 'Charlestoa Macon - ; "Montgomery l Mobile ft, 'n t 30 cts.. 32 44 '' 84 " X 21 1 it it 28 SO -97 -U - - . ' 133 rt " New Orleans 17 And all the places on this and ether lines ef oam Tsnaication in proportion to distance. ff ft t : (I t a. f lOF rTHEg K OltTII CAUOLIXA Mutual Insurance Company, 'f-r:, . RALElGri ''-H-'.! r Seeend Floor, SiuitW'a Block, adjoining Telegraph OF Till? IVOIC Til i:AUOM.A - ' Mutual Life Insurance - Company, ' . , . .. RALEIGH 1 ' ' Opposite the Puttt Oifice uudcr 1 Odd Fcllews B .. DISCOUNT DAY. TUESDAY, - - ; Board Meets at l O'clock. ' BANKING tiOURS FROM r lu rO J. W. H. JONES; Caski.r. P:U.-HILIj, Teller..- Exchange, Baltimore, Philadelphia and N. York, 1 ftr cL premium. . rv -- j Virginia and South Carolina money Bankable, ef theJde&ominatioB of $5 and upwards. 3jVXrS !S 2213 ? 4Jeo. W Mordecai, Pres'l. ... (., . Charles Dewey, Casher, " Seymour V. 4 W nitingTell er " .1 Daniel DuPre, Bookkeeper ; Thes. W.Dewey; Clerk. ; ; Hours of business Jretn 10 o. m. to 2 a. w. ' DISCOUNT- DA Y, W EDN ESDA Y-. Board of : Directors meet at 10 ; -BANRilATES FUR SKLLING liXCHANUE. Sight Check u New York per cent; Premium.' 41 . BaUiinvre.; i Notes of the South Carolina and Virgiuia Bauks 1:11 111: SEMLVAM, 1. -THE -ninth Terra of thi cheol J will commence en the 15th of January ,1851 and terminate the first week inNoTember.i - V . ' f. ' ' Terms as follows, per tession of Jim monilis ; $50 00 12 00. '10 00 J io bo 35 OU 23-00 20 00 10 00 45 00 6 00 A YERS CHERR Y PECTORAL. A fresh supply of Ayers Ciierrj Pectoral jot re ceived and for sale by ' - -? - -P, F. PESUUD. ' ' ' ALSO ' ' ;.; . '. A Large'ttipnty ef liinseed Oif juit to hand at Pescud' DRUG STORE- ; - - - : Dec. 9ih, 1855C . . . . v .-,,-.99. . , DST' Standard copy.... .. : t - f . . ;.k" - ! - BANK OI THE ! r ' ; STATE OF NOrtTH CAROLINA. " A DIVIDEND of Firit rka cknt on the Capital stock, ot this Bank, ban beeu declared for the-last ix mouibs payable at the PriucipalJBauk on the J nrst Monday iu January ueat and, at the tiranclies fifteen days thereafter. ,; . ... - C. DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, December llth, 1850. td 100 Star, Times, and Standard copy. . : see it. It. It ;. It, To the Citizens of N. Carolina particularly. TTT7E can measure and furnish an entire suit of XjXj clothes irincludius ooat,'nantaloons,and Test,) ' . . . , - -.t a. a at irom oo io 44 ; anu win warrant mem io do e qual iu all respecta to any that can be furnished in' the United States for that money. Geutlemen need po longer seud out otthe State for cheap; -Clothing, unless they prefer it.. : " - .- . , ; . , OUTER &. PROCTER. , J2leigh, Not. 8.1850. , " 93 r ' RoyaT Raleigh Ringtail Reusers. " SOUTHERN REGALIA DEPOT! Board, English Tnitleh, Frcjhch," r v5-. y iui German, c: "iVir.- Music on Hsrp and use of Instrument, Musle on Piano and use efinetraraent; M asic on ' (i urtar end use of instrument, Drawing and Painting, i A Painting in oil Colors, ; -' y-"" Washins and. FneU " -. Useful and Ornamental Needle work free of charge. - No' extra charge whaie'ver will be made.i Books, (Stationary. &cnfurniahedet ihe.law.est retail pricee. lt U particularly desirable that pupils . should be present at the commencement of the sesien,asstu dies Willi hen he arranged and classes formed.;;.:; -.All orticlea of clothing must be marked -with the owners name in full. r-uis-.y.-.?-.. ;; vi" - A circular containing fuller . information will be addreed to all persons who may deiira if . . ! " ? .v:'-.s:t k DANIEL TURNER,; r Warreoton, January 1st, 1851. r , , j Stl j . 1 , . Stop the- Runaway,' Thursday, tho 26th, my, boy ABE. .left, my house as 1 supposed to take Christmas, a day or tworbut h:ye since found out" Jthat white, wo man from my neighborhood Haadisippeared, and it is beliaved tlat they have IwtU gone ofF, together,-tr that he has lakeu una away; und ir the pretence J that he is hcr slite. : 1 he woman had a child some 12 mouths ago' by this sajne boy and from ' all 1 cir- cumsiuces count cieu, i nave no aouui Dai sue nas taken him off. ' v.-". The woinan isabeut 2S years old, light hair, bo ny, face,' to erablyjight eyes ai.d has rather a down look, and weighs about 130 pounds. She is supposed to be in the family way at this time.-Her naine iis Mary Kiug, but wuat-uame. she will assume is un known. ' ; Abe is about 6 feet IO inches high, weighs about 160 or 165, has a scar on one of his hands next to his thumb caused by the bite of a hog ; he is a black' negro aud well built, about 30 years old, Ins, front teeth wil I give way by pressing them! and some two or three of them entirely gone: Sundry articles in the way of clothing, amongst" which were a black cloth sack coat, a checkered gingham coat, one pair blae enssimere pants, with red stripesone pair blue checkett p ints, and wore off a -black silk Hat. , 1 will give a reward of twenty five dollars to any person that will arrest the Miid boy Abe and confine him in any Jail withim this State or 1 wjllgive a' reward of one hundred dollars for the apprehension and confinement of said boy if-taken without the 2tate and the same reward will be given for the ar rest and confinement of the said Mary King, if taken up beyond the limits of this Stat , if found in Com pany with the boy, v " V'4 - MATHEW IdcCAULEY. Chapel HillN.O.; Dee. 28, 1850. L 1 w3t . 1 P..HOTON keach, , Xo, 01. Irlain Street, lUclimoiKl, Va., aTVnf? ANU F ACTU R E R of Masonic: Odd Fellows, egress Sons of Temperance, Rechabites, American Mechanics, Druids, i2ed Mens, and all other societies REGALlJl.BAJxjxE R S, FLAQS.SIGJVjILS dccJ, also, Costumes, Rohtsl Sashes, Jewels, and all other Equipments on hand and inaue to order ta short notiee." ' " ' '. ' . . N. B. Having secured the services of M'.'HEN- LRY ME3EKE, familiarly connected with the differ ent orders, and well known in Baltimore asaiti(fn- 9T workman ixt the above line, 1 am uow prepared to compete with any.esliblishmeutin the U. States, in either ftyjc, quality or price. . Orders from abroad respectfully solicited; December 2nd, 1850. . . -V J. Df VVUiLIAMS, OUVVARDLXG AND COMxMISSION rAYETTEVIfcXIS NORTHT CAROLINA. y!9tk. 150. ST.; 'MARY'S :SC&0O; rrnHE 18th Term of this School will commence 11 on the Fourth day of January 1851," and con- tlnue'till the 7ih of June. ' " ' 'l For a Circular containing full particulars, "apply to the Subscriber; ' vt - ." - .-v'. ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. December 4th, 1850- 98 CEP" Standard, ii'ayetteville Observer, Chronicle, Comtnorcul and Journal. VVrlminglon,'Newberuian, VValebman, Salisbury, N. S. Whig, Washington, Old North State, E. Ciry, Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk Herald aud National Intelligencer will in sert five times, and send their bilLto A. S. . ' ijivciy StablesI , H E SubcriheTs, take ooeaviou to iufortn their frieuaVand thf public generally, thalthet will carry on tne nusi jexs, in aii.iis uraucnes,ai tne same it and; 'and that no, efforts nor expense will be spared on their part to accommodate the trayellfng CummttnitjC Conveyance. VWilli good horse and carnfnl drivers, will furnUlied at all limes and at iirt-notice end in I act,-every convonieuee for traveling, iu the way ol . ' VKORSESrCARRlAGESBUBGlES. SCC:, will he fiupuliad ou the inost favoVable Aud accomo The Snliticriberg also exnect to keen constantly on hand, good!;"" : ' K " ' r v .horses, buggies; carriages; acr I A nd persons ,'wisjiiug to put out their Horses by tfie week, or montl or year, will have; them well attended to, at moderate prfces.Their Stables are on Wilmai'gtqn Street, jukI to the East of Market Square. llopioz to receive liberal encouragement, the un dersigved pledge themselves', to do all In their pow 9T to merit puune puirouuge ana iawr. . BUFFALOE D COOKE 1 . MUSIC- STORE, Xr TTT1 A VI NG returned from the Northern cities, af 1 Iti ler making the most careful and 'choice col- tectum in his line, the subscriber is now prepared to offer to the public a splendid assortment of Musical Merchandize, embracing 4 - -' -' MUSIC, - a large and general assortment of the most popular and fashionable ' New mUsie constantly received from New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and any piece not fuunu in hi dialogue can be procur ed in a' week - V ' . -., C PIANOS. r : from the best manufacturers oi New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore, and superior in workmanship and tone Xo any.'ever befere offered in this or adja ceut Slates for the same prices.' --' -. , ' -Seraphines and Accordeons, Violins, . Fioon- ' cello arid Guitars. . I A large and elegant assortment of the best Italian Strings. Persons wishing to purchase either by the single string or bundle, will God it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere. .. ; ,C , Schools and Seminaries supplied with Music, In struction Books, Strings, Music paper, $c. m the most reasonable term. .Also, . t - f . 4t : . BRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS Blank Books for Bandi j and Bsndlustruction Book; in short, every thing in the Music, department com monly sought for and desired. . - ; ' Call one door North of the City Hall, Fayette vilte Street. ' K; W. PETERSJLIA. Raleigh, December 29th. . ; : ?, 1 ... aasjffi1 a - " '. TUE nekt session of this Institution will com mence on the 15th of January IB f, and continue until the 7lhef JuneJ fallowing, i ,-. ,f Young .gentlemen rwho are deirous ;0;readiBg Law with the uuderigned,'will do well to attend at the first of the Session, so that they may he-formed mto the necessary classes. This will benefit the pupil, as wel Fas lighten-lhie labours of the teacher. Theone .or the ether of the instructors will have charge of the School, ijearly all the year, andduring a portion ot the time; both will be here to give, in struct ion, , . . x . -; J Text-books can be hfldVere at the gf ice charged ' byfMr. E. J. Halej ef Fayettevrile. - ' j- i Tuition fses for the whole course of legal instruc tion will beOxa HvKoaso Dliaes. , J. U BAILEY, : . .-,4 ' f.NASH. Detvercd before the two Houses of the Gen - erai Assembly 6f Norih MCgrolhiaricvIi't i SotM mil p . Senator nd-Member rJ.'ghps - ' Impresset! with a deep kense bf : gratitarl -to joy fello'tlttzensi ;interupbA tKe du . ui i,uc SL4KUU ivi wijitu . iueir Kinu.pafu ktjihas'.cdled.mer with the earnesi tnjoc tion to Almighty God so to direct my offlcial con d uc t aa to promote the .welfare; ihe pros perity, and the- happiness of j ihe people 6f the Stater- The'duties of ;the ExeCUllTe; at ' 11 timesdelicatefand hied bthe imp I should approach' th& Tearful task assirlfd me with greater ;rejupuncer er the Tact that J find my selt surrounded by the Legislative authority "of; the'State; confiried tcr genllemert vt'hose wisdom and patriotism, I'dotibt not; Will be Iburidqual to the emeN . gency. , ;"' .'; e The misgutded fanaticism of Abolitioniits at the North threatenMhe overthrow '-of the Constitution arid andissoibtibtthetlnToh" The Slate ry qiLestion Is "One oHinomentbug iiuporiauuc to .uie Qouinera5iaiea, .or, the Coniedwcy, involving' an inlcxdablet a moun t of property i as well ai t he domestic peaee and security.! 'jfrux, people. InHhe torrhatton orihe lederal Constttulton the ift stitatlort of Slavery was recognised arid prW" yided for in a manner just and satisfactory to all.the States.' : Subsequentlv ' this' auestton . deeply agitated . the coun trv, and ' tuel Soulh made concessions io tnev ;JiQrtp.and submit ted td the- Missouri compromise, ;with the: Sls surance and expectation Jh'at "this exciting element of political stri fe was -to beibref er put to reit ; "After availing1 henelf of all jthe advantages deriyed bnde the North urged exorbitant demands, whjch led to the enactment of the series of compro mise measures passed by the present t Gon- . gress, by which, the South lost important j rights by again making concessions to the North. The North,; having availed f herself of all the ad van tagei under this cdmprbmise, does pot , cease to agitate the subject ; 'and now threatens to repeal he onl V one of, the measures which enured tohe benefit of .the South, accompaniedy in many instances, by violent threats to disregard the Constitution arid th e laws an d to fsreibly resisVtheirexe cution. ! " -fl - , We-have not been indifferent to ' the en croachments' that : haVeeeri made-'ori otir rightsVyjetSra'haversenyyBttQKtfie with the'hope.thry wcjuld not be again' re newed. I We how havd j ust cause to fear that 4his hope wa3 illusive. 1 North Carolina, one of the last States to enter the . Confede racy, yields to none of her sisters in ardent attachment to the Union.' She - would re gard its dissolution; "as an awful calamity, which she would avoid 'at any sacrifice con sisteni witK her rights arittber saetySh came into the .Union to be verhed ;.byt the federal Constitution, and to secure herself against tyranny and oppression ; and salong as the Con stitulion is 1 ai thfally adhered to arid Her rights respected, she" will be1 among the'last of the States to desert the,Unioh But she never gave her consent to enferirito a Union which w tution, violate her dearest"3gh t iahrT mana cle her with the fetter of ? oppression VTo such a Union she owes . no. allegianceV -A solemn sense of public duty -impels me to deel are that the encroach7nents,bf th e 'North on th domestic institutions of the Sohlh,have already, rpceea:'foiihrfahes(' tilavMle point, Entertaining this opinibn7 1 regard it as due to candor that we should make that i fact known; that oiir brethren t the North may be fully informed that "vie know v our rights, and knowing, dare maintain them" i and that if they proceed in their aggressions, . they niu st expect to meetv-tlie,coasequeri:. ces.. , ' v. . -i Iv:;tv -j-i In iew of all the'cirtJurnstancesVe- spectfully cbmmend to the ,GeneraPs., sembjy'to prOylde-in tHe eyentbr arion tingency arising te justify Jtforf taking f hb necessary steps to : maintain the Constitution of v the United States ''MiiUiSli: State ; that we - may coopenite xtiibs rich, . . other" StafeY Uhi on governed b Constitatioh Pursuing this coufxa, .wshalt -fel a proud cons w s rectit udclof our causes and be juBluedTin thVestiraatibn' of all imnartial istndyj ?zntllidt if th-awful - calamity must, comsvhichpod fcrbid let the cbnseqtiencer fall ta thes w hci V-; iaadneij- and 'fclly to& $t$fi giilsboro1, pe 3lst, 1S30.

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