t ,4 1 TOE DAIfAr REGISTER. REaiARKS OF. J ':.:.&2iL3tfi& SAX33V,: ;; . EDITOR . AND PROPRIETOR : Itiie semi-weekly . JBLEGISTER,1. t Is issued on Wednesdays and Saturdays at. 8 i per annum in advance; $4,50 if not paid within six months r and $5 if not paid until the expiration of the year" '.." - -- . . ' THE WEEKLY. IljioiSTER, " " ' Is issued every Wednesday at ' $'2,$0 if paid within four months; otherwise $3.. , . . ; mm at 11 a. NEW; BOOKvSTORE,;;! ( Kl&V FaycttctiHe St.; pearly Opposite;.; Vi.'-?": iiie. Post Off ice.-"' $.j ; ,'ra.IiEigh, jure? ARE now receiving "an "extensive Assortment of LiwfMedical,rrheological, Miscellaneous and School Book'generallyV 'Annuals and choice. Boolcs for Presents, Novels, Stationery of nU kinds,. -which we re selling at the very lowest pricey ; prices which we are confident jiidst jive entire saiisfaction. Call iad examine-"; rftjQ'f'O- rrn-'t ; r- . .t i t ? wU P6MEROY,; at . JYorricrrt JVffuZ By -Hail -Road Due daily at 1-2 p. m.,rand closes at 1 1 2 a; tn.J t f SowAcrn Two-horse stage, ;tlue;dAily tn., closes at 12 m. ' ; - - Gw6orowffi Four-horsa.stap?t line Mon day, Wednesday and .Saturday at 6 a; tam..,nni closes Sunday, .Wednesday and Friday ,ai 12 in. 1 Newbem Four-horse, siagedue AVodnesday, Friday and Sunday ?t 3 a. jn and closes Sunday Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p. m. . , : . ; - Tarbm-ough Two-horse stage, due Monday, Wednesdayand Friday at 10 p. in,,: closes Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday at St p. m. ,w-v -JPillshorougli Two Miurse gr due Monday and Thursday at 7 p. m.t and cbscs Saturday ' ahilTiiesdavat 9 d ui."- 1 - :"-. " ; Roxborough- One-horse ;rnaili' Due ? Friday at J 9 ai m:; and closes 1 nday at 1 p. in. - - Holly :iSrtSr--Horse ;Maii;idueMonday;at 4 p. ui., and closes Thursday atS p. in. Letters. should lie iV. the O.iice lifteen minutes before the time of closing.; ; : - The Odice will be bpen'every day, except Sun JayVroin S o'clockVa. tn. until 9 p. ri. t On Sunday. it wdl be open from 8s to 91 a. tn., and oue hour directly alter lue Ufpariure 01 me Western Mail. : . . ; TH E. Subscribers have ihU day f jiined a .Copart nership' iu a general business aSij f r C - Booksellers and Stationers, R,., nadjwill contmuo to. carry pa the business under the name aud.Firraf s 4 5 RAleisjh, December 9t 14.850 j 4 POM E RQY.tfr O'H EAU 99 -4 ; large iBupply ofAViitrTs Ii tlsram of Wild Cher ry jost received and for sale oy K Dec. 0th, 1850. f-C . OS SUnd ird enpy. U 4mYV : V ; YEHS CIIEli ft 1' JECTOUAL. -t - -A fresh supply of Ayprs Cherry Pectoral just re ceived an I fur sale by n ?m '2 i , t . ALSO - t - ;';'"'. A Lnree sunnlv of l.nseed Oil just .... to hand nt l ib mmu 1 erm 01 inis ocnooi win commence t , , 0;i Constitutional Qmc7idrAe:il On the'lSth oFJanuaryl85l aud terminate theirgt week in IMovember. i ; : v (COjicLU D ED.) rmatw fottrtcirpfciasimffiv.. 13 9?'.'$ PW Pposedto bWakp; Board -: - - -850 ool St -mn ? P'vut yesterday; as ,V EnhTuition - I'' VV; ; l1 French - - ;'' 0 66? frenca, .....i . ; . , , 1 1 j y po Though la rii a yottng.man -faiyse f, I recollect r'- German.- .--.--" - 10.C0.: -oTt'-- t?nf r. lu' ueci Music on Harp'and use of instrument, v v :a. oa T O M,or Tr,.oa eea J:i Masia on Piano and of insitnment.- CO lS f? .il ia Music oi Guitar and of instrument,' X' il0 SSf What is desired by those Drawins nd( Painting, t, ; v - f4- - ' v 10 OU S!" soptese Painting in oil colors', V-. 15 t0 ..V??Jfv 7 n?!sl1 heyvis!r ta estab W;hinff and FueL - -CtdU l,sh. ;m e tesis in its stfad I am bound to Useful and Orjiamerftal Needle woik free of charge. Ty. No extra charge Avhateverw'd ,bokx. Statinoary, furnished at ihejowegt refai pricey ll is particularly desirable ;tha pupils . .should tc present at thecommencemeni of the es?jon a? stu d ies "wi II hen'ie a rra used and idasses Jorme d rAH aruclea M clothing mnst bo oiarked. witlt Jthe; owners nameinfnll. ssVi A-circular containing fuller 'information. frill: v'.be addressed toall'teTonstrhrmayrdestre:- ir;-.-! ,' t,Warrentonj January Ut,4S5I. , iv 511- AVING returitetl frpmjhe -Northern cities, af ter mnklni the most careful arid 'choice col- .- i. . UP STAIRS, ' . - SMlTHS'BUiLOlNGSv' - - Open from 7: A. jfl.Jo 10 P. 31.; , :xo AmnirrANCElyiTiiix tiiebaru - Rates -r V .First 10 words, BT'h addi'l w'd, Raleigh to Petersburg, s'iWastilugtoii' -Ha1tini'ie " Philadelphia New Yurk Fayettevtlle .Cherw : r , Gharlestoa" ,4 4. ii 2') cts. Il l 44 il C.J . ... I a SO Macon . 7y .Muatgoiaery 1 IS--. - a Mobile - . 13S . New. Orleans 172 , . A4 all the places on this and. other liuea efcam Thumcatiyn in proportion to .listnnce. ; . 5v j 2 2, 3 2 6 1 1 3 . 5 G y OF CAUOLIill ; ' MutuaL Insurance Cnpanyf -f -'- 5ec6nl Floor, SmitliV IMoCk. ndjotningTeleVfaph Onice.: ' PescudV DRUG STORK. Stnndaru copy. -;. 93 , -STATEJQEPTHCAROLINA:; A DIVIDEND ofriVK riiii cent an the Capital stock o thi Bank, ha been decllred vfor tha last si.x months oavable t the Priuci pal! Bank oa the first ;Mouday hi J auaary, next ana.'at rtie Branches fifteen days thereafter. s . v. ; ;i : - ; - , C. D E WEY, C ashte r.- Raleigh, December! Ithl850. v, td 100 . t !. Sur, Titne3, and 'StiridaVd copy v ' J To tha Citizens, of , CaroUna particularly. WE can measure and furnish an entire suit of clothes (inclading cmt,)autaloons,and vest.) at from 35 to 544 ; and vrill Warrant them ' to be e qual in nlt'respect to any that cnu h furnished io ant unless thty prefer it. Rileigh, Nov. 8. 1350.' from New York . Philadelphia and Baltimore any piece not foana' in his catalogue can be 'procor' ed iu a;week.v' . j- I', C - M: PIANOS, - 'r'ivT frotqthe best manufacturers of NewYork, Philadel phia ami Baltimore, and superier- in workmanship and tone to any ever befere oirercd in thi or adja cent Slates for the ssine prices : $-.;if i Seraphines and Accordeons ViolinsViolon ; : cellos and Guitars. :-t:Hl A large and elegant assortment of the best Italian Strin2s,. d'ersons wishing tQ purchase either by the single string or bundle, wilt find it to their advantage to can Detore purcnasmg aisewnere... , ,f , j Schools and Seminaries supplied with Mcstc. In struciion Books, ""Strliiss, Music, paper. c on the most reasonable term. . "Also, vr?. , BRASS BAND INSTBUMllCTS liiank'Books for Bands, and Band I ustruction Book; lUV J uiiiu umiEt I -7' 1 . . ' '-- ". no longer sen out of the State for.cheap Ulothing.i!" ori,evrry uus iu u.-t i--"- PROCTER. J-' ' Uoyul R deigh Ringtail Rrmer. SOUTHERLY REGALIA DEPOT! v ' Mutual JJfeiJnsurahbe Company ' VJ; Opposite j the Post UlSceundcrpid . Fellows HAU &t4 .:..-;Vv. 2. .: OX M Jv VI AAA A AT UlSGOUNf "DAY; TUcSDAy.. Exchange, Bal t iinori Pu iUdelph w an d JN . Y or k, t per ct premium. , . ' Si.. -. A. . Virginia and South Carolina money Bankable, of ihtdviuoaiinutioH of $5 aud upwards. iii. " f l5co;;V; XlontecaiPreVt.C: TU ; lyOharles Deyrey Cadlief.v iu:, t'- x 'iiCV. Zi Seymour W. .Whit in Teller fri, . A "frv -Daniel DuPre, Bookkeeper X--; Thos. ;W, Dewey, C lerk. - '-" . flours of hitsinessjio:n l0 a. m. to2 p. i. DISCOUNT DAY, W EUN ESOAY. - 'Moardjqfi Direct ars meet nt 10 a. m. BANK RATES FOR SELLING EXCH NGK; oisat uhecKs on iv lora per cui. rromuuti a u it- C.illlinwre : Notes of the Suuth Carolina and Virginia Banks reeived, - ' ' J. D. WILL FORWAKD1NG AND COMMISSION- PATtri'v;; v - - NORTH CAUOIilN A. P. HORTON KB A CH, -o. 1. iTlaitt Street, lliclneioiKl, Va, fiTVffJANUFACTUUEU ot Masonic, "Odd Fellowa, eaVM Soil of Tempersince, Rcchahites, American Mechanic?, Droidji, i2ed Miriia. and ull other socitirs ft E GdLM,BZJYJYE ft FL4 QS.SIGJSrMS, Jtcyali Costuws, Roks, 'Sashes, Jewel 's, nnd all o'her Equipments on hand and made to order-ta-shoft notice;- i !i;:M.i -r N.-U. Having secured tKewrricesof Mr. HEN RY iMESEKE, familiarly connected with thediff rr ent orders, and well known in Baltimore ns a superi or workman in the above line I am now prepared to compete with any est'iblisbmeut in the TJ. States, in either ftyle, qualify or price. ,v-, ; ' x Order from abroad respectfully solicited - , December 2nd, 1830. --.:. ; ' A iMJi.JLJk. Jk, - ' m AA AS fBHE 18h Terra of this School will, commence IL r on the Fourth dy of January. IS51, and con tinue Mil the 7th of June. wi For a Circul ir poataiuiug full particulars, apply to the Subscriber. t r-ri itf-i ' ALDERT SWEDES, Rector. December-4th,185H , : : 98 : CG" Standard? Fajettevilj Observer," Chrouirle, Comniorci d ah 1 Journal, Wilmington, .Newberuiau, W a tch nun, Salisbu ry, N ii- W h ig, VV ash i ng t on , Old North State, E. City j ; Petersburg intelligencer, Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in sert five tinier, arid Send their bill. to A; S. - 1- . . "I HE Subscribers, take occasion "to inform" their friends aiid'the public geuerally," that they' will crry on the bnsi iens, in all its brauches, the same stand ; and that ?no "ellbrtsj nor expense " Will - be spnrefl on their part to" accommodate ''.the'' travelling community. Conveyances', with good jiorsea aud careful drivers, will be furriihea at all times .and at short notion aud iu ' lact,' every convenience for iraveNhtfcin the wa'v of f . .. ' v- ., - . . . HORSESC ARM AGESr BUBQlES; &Cl," ' will be supplied on theriiotit favorable and accomo dating terms, . . 1 "T ; - - I ha Subscribers also expect to keep coustautly on bamkuood .1 . wv t w.-. - HORSES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, aC And persous wishing to; put out their "Horses -by lh weekr or 'moHth,'or year, will have them well attended to, at moderate prices. Their Stables are ou Wilmiu'jjlou Street 'just to "the East of Market 'Squared 1 1 r Mo Vrceive liberal encouracerieut the ua- dexs". - i Iti! 'themselves to do all iu their pow j ar to merit cabiic patronage and"faToK:;-'"i"---" '"f ! . ' BUFFALOE D COOKE . ; conciuue inai i.nis is theirobject, ... Why 1 Be- cause no mancanrhove from the basis as it r.o7 " stanwhKbut arriving: at the White basis. TlrjT h notha!ljv;ahoo at. If he finds Wuch house and stops," then he will findnolM go for, the federal basis id the House of Commons r.s it now stands, and the White basis in the Sen ate. -Well they may. ; For the West now has the: control of the House of Comrhons,while the safety .of the East fieslonly iri tn: "SehatcV and -thero onl jfa m;uor;ty;(if;li)ur yotes. EsiablislKthe-whita " basia inthe Seqatc. -andj't. vgive,thei West at: least tei) majprityihere Others m aceommoda ting: say they go for the present basis in the House1 of Cojnnions and n basis in the Senate mixed up T'l M' ."bfc1"be''i' thegoy.y. M fir as is necsarf -to ilcS the C , ; 7 . ftTcfW I cy 01 me- west ana nrtten-vt-.jVf.x4 ri-;? i?'-?lf ' r?.T!Lf?V-!?"" ;f,"t.-P??,li i . iyingr.. that majoiitjr of -the'Totm 6t State l4;f8onb,c-: -New. Musidc ntanylyreceivM pthrto control & trithout regard to taxation W fed e-1- rat numoers m every, case. ? JNow, r7rould they get this hytho white TDais; -:I sav ther- would not - ft la a pretty proposition; butfiide,'; Inwardly it is rain and' futUe, , Lo not gentlemen know, that so long as North . Carblina;xbtcs tytieongiwill itremain vat certain whether. aJniajoriry ori a- minoVity - govei-n. i oujjposijaiic wiuie oasis escauusueu, j uder that ba sis, stippo.; fifihemigs and Bixtv one Democrak elected to the liouse of Commons." Eacli WLirr p1p. tedrmay;haye received every vote in his Couuty". Each Democrat may! have received a Tjate hininrit over Whig opposition. jKow,Th this case,; the Demo crats rule thebtate, although the. Whigs lack but a tery few . votes of having double1 the number : in the State that llio Deniocrats have: i Ac-am : i How would - hcsG sticklers foirtlie white .basis,' dispose of fractious in Counties I vThcy dare not either fiive those frac tions away? or-smother them. ; . , . u A proposition differing from the one under consid eration, has been sjxkeu of, which is to submit to the people the question, whether theywish an unlimited Convention or not ? without further providing for the call of Said f VnVeuticii. This, it is said is to ascertain the voice of the people, in order that the next General Assembly may knoy how. to act. V This proposi tion is the most plausible of alL" ; To make it more bu it cans u vuuvunuou - on ine leuerai.Dasisi What does that mean ? "Hiat each - County shal 1 be entitled to the same numher of members" in said Convention as it now has in, the; House of Com raons., .In.the House of Commons the West has the strength ,by; eight or. ten majority. ; So much tor the iederal . basis, part ot tm Convention, tand i would like to know what other, basis it could be called on. 'I The proposition in question, it is said, requires nothing but a majority of each Honse 'to passlt aa iris only a call for Jnformation. Now, " " sir, I never vet found an advocate of this thinp; who would tell one wnat would De the consequence if a bare 'majority of the people "voted for ik ' But suppose Ave pass jt -a It goes' before the people.- In the .West, the yhite. basis men of course go for , it to a man; IThe advocates of, electinp; Judges, &c; are told that.here is their chance. .Those who desire the concurrence of two Legislatures in order to spend public moneys in any Rail Road are ready to suppose thatthejr can -attain "their object In ' short, Uie hill 1 isadvecated- on different, grounds here and there, ' To complete the matter the fifty thousand ubu-slaveholders , in dhe. State, caring nothing about the basis of representation, all jump at the opportunity of gettting what they want Out of these different elements, a majority vote for the bill. iTlie riext General Assembly meets. The work is already done The iworded majority . of the people of North Crtrolina will beso dwelttip oh as to roverawo-r ther General -Assembly.; Two thirds will be got, not because they approve it, but because tliey are" afraid to oppose the vote of th people' ' Now, is it riot clear that this whole change is effected by a mere majority instead of two thirds? Ineed not press the question i "'rhegentlemaii frorn rBuncpmber EminJ) says that 4he compromise entered into in 1835, in regard to the basis of representation, iV not bind ing, because the East had the; West in her power, and could dictate, her own tetms. plcs that the West -was under duress and that therefore she is not bound by the instrument Now, sir, J al- monlv souaht tor nnd 'desired. " Call one door North of the City ! H ill, , Fayetle- villeStroet. r - lw V. PBTEUSlLlA. Haletjih, December- 29thv. X II- anto scijooi AT TIlE txext session of tbislnstitution will Com menceou the 15th-of January, ltiOT, and continue until the 7th f J une fol lowing. i ? Vih I K TT Young gentlemen 'who are; jdesiroua of readiiig Law with the undersigned, will tlo weli to attend at the first of the Session, so that they may be-formed into the hecessiry Clas3es. This will J benefit the tmnil. as well as lighten the labours of tli te.acher : The one or the otheri of the instructors will have charge of the School; nearly all theyear, and during r .1.:. i... v. : 1 1 i l. :.. a pOrliOU ui iuc iiuiu uuiu win uo ucio iv u stmctionj" ! c-- : V . Te xt-books c:in be had 'here at the prices charged by Mr. E. Hale, orFayeUetillo - Tuitio'n;fee for the whole course of legal inslfuc- tiou will be O.nb HuxDaer Dollars - ?2 - :-'-v-p. ct- J. I. BAILEY. v ' w " p :, vt' f nash. : Hill4oroVDec.31 st, 1850., "H -ti 1 "12m v -:. Claisical tiucl Matliematical . -Hillsboiough, N C "THE exercises of the Caldwell Institute haying hen discoirtinued, the subscribers Will Open a School on th i"I"4lbday"hf January; 185 tJn hf building lately uaptl by ihannsiuuuon, unuer uneir 'own coutro and : direction-V'. r The course of instruction will be such as; to pre pare young men thoroughly Jor the Sophomore class in College, or when. a College course isnot intend ed, fot the business transactions of life. Thestrictf st 'attention will be givan lo the mora deportment of the studehUVafld if long experience in the education .of youth be a ground of confidence to those who may patrouize the School, wo promise to use that experience to promote, the, test interests o those who may be committed to our coarge. i iu "Terms in the Ulasfcical and Maihcmalica' depart ment, $2tn aud m Engsh $15 session in advance- - v - ALEX. -WILSON T . . ,RALPH.H. GRAVED. Hillbore Dec. 2Ut, I85(V; 103 - . NOTICE. IS horehv eiveh that application will be mode to ihc 1'iesident, Directors" and Companyrof the ; Bank ol Cape Fear", at the expiration of three mouths from thU da'te.for the issue 1 a txew trertiScateTor 2 1 shares of the toVk of said Bank ' i n the na me of . Dr. Isaac Burns, jdee'd in the stead of one lost " -Application will also te made to the President,' D rectors end Company of the Bank of the State North Carolina at the expiration of three raoths,for the issue of a new CerliScate - for IW share " of the Stock of said Bank, in tine name of Dr. Isaac Burns dee'd, in the stead of one lost. ? "4: J---. Dec. 20th, l?ZQ. , .' -' J -"" '' 1 03 ,'. . . - -r z'. ' frVr, -'V-T.-':' :::'?. wa)rs thought that a ' party could not aceeptthe advantages, of anlinstrument and disown' its dis advantages. t If you .take ."a. benefits jttnder it yctt must notdisown ibi other rcquiresicntx If vcvl dofdisb'wn'iT r:'yp"d;'dlsoVn the whcls. If the '" gentleman from Buncombe placc3 l.lz::;If ca this v ground, lie will be thrown bad: epen eld Cc stituticn under which I dcutt very cih;h;cr. tlia gentleman would be ; cptitled't ase4t i2th -V Hotise of Ccn:nioc ;,; y -'V'? , :- .--y . 3 illutMr-Speakcr, T.wjlt not argue thiracrti.03 v of changing th.ebsipf representation. U jhe tHlnl ; : of ths east to the present ccmprcmisa is eo czz -and plain that it would be weakened by argumcr.t . Gentlemen may frame their Jilli and attempt to raise the popubr cry of & "PeopleVConvention.' f

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