THE DAILY REGISTER . - i I i , Editor: Atro PROPfaroR. v ME SE JIM VE E K LY- REGISTER,! ; els issued5 on Wcdnesdays airtd SttnrdJtysat $ V ; -toer annum in a4vance; $4.50 If not' paid ..within 5 si months; and $5 if not pdid until the expiration ;.( ',' - - : 5 r tf the year. nTHE weekly register, - la issued every Wednesday at 82,50 if paid within four months; otherwise $31 u .km,j f. 1 1 NEW BOOK :ST0RE,v No, 16, Fayctlevillc St., Nearly . t . . . . . .. - - - ' : : . : t i tne rosi unices f . 1 i n..- .. f iHALEICrH. C ; i : ARE now receiving an- extfnaWeVnssortment of LiWjMedical, Theological, Miscellaneous hud School fBaok, generally; Annnals and choice Dookg -Tor Ireni", Novel Stationery of all kinds, which we n selling, t the very lowest prices ; prices , which Tre.aVe confident inustgive entire satisfaction; ''all and examine, , - . z. ,-vaM;:u:v!'f.rv :J;V O'NEAL. ' . i SPEECH1 OF MR; WOODFIN. r Delivered in the Senate, on ' Secession ; fyev cotitui:O.J O . . T - .-.H. DecvOth, 1S50.: 95 -yVuriiiern Jtfai By Rail Road,r Due daily at 1-2 p. m., and closes at 111 a. m. SowfAernhorlejsiaje,due daily at II a,, u- m., closes at J2.rn?, , , , v, 5 . . GreensboYough Four-horjse stage, due Mon- , day. Wednesday andj Saturday aA5!a;ifnn and ' clweVSuntlay; Wednesday andrulay M IX m, 1 ljVWtem Four-horse stage, due. YVedne$aay, a Friday and Sunday ?i 3 a. m., and closes Suaday, Tuesday and Thursday av9 p. m. ; Ttr6oroi Fwor-horse stage, due Monday, Wednesdayand Friday at 10 p.'nw clcfse; Mon 'day.'VV'ednesda'y and Saturday at 9 p. ni.. 'f . PUlsborqvgk T.vo;horse stae due, Monday andThursday;;atTp m.; aild clpie Saturday r nuay at IS t Hi : J Rtatforoush Oae-hbrse mail, Due, 9 a. tn 'and close Friday at 1 p. " ... ,.; Holly SpringsHbr Maif; dueMonday at 74 p. m., and closes Thursday ai 9 p: tn. . - Letters snouw d iR iue wuice uuecu uumuics before jhe i time of closing. , , ; , ? i ? t The Office will he open every day, except Sun- dayil"fwn,8 oMock anmv"n,il9 P ,in ,On Sunday, it will be open fronvSi to 0 a. m., and one hour directly after, the departure ut the v THE Siibscribt-ra have thisday formed a Copart- nership in a general business as v V !' , ; ( Bookscllsn andSiatidncrsr' ,.V ; ' " and Trill continue to carry oh the business under the, " ' 'name aud Firm of 'V - w. ' : - POMEROY O'NEAL. ; Raleleh, December 9th, 1850," " 99 OF" U7LD ' " A Ur'supply of Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher- , ry just leceiTod and lor sale by Dec Otb, 18w0. Hp- StanUrd copy.- P F. PESCUD. A YEA'S CUE It It Y PECTORAL A frnsh guppl jr o Ay ere Cherry Pectoral just re-', cVived aud for sale by. M - . ,r ilM'Hi i: ,ru;u;', in:j .PF,PEScup, - :" . also . . , 'A!Lrjfe supply of l.inseed Oil just to hand 'at Pescu.r DRUG STORE. w ?; " : y l)ec.9tl, 18.. ' , ..' , , 99 ; s i fiy Standard copy. r v-1;-' i ' . fc But, sir, rqrtnniitely Hvp nrc hot at' this day; left vith ? - cut other ; been expounded 1Y ills first 1rftmerVAnd:a4vocate3'andln nairi these const ructions have been ttniforhilT adhered ;er since. : -;:V ' v-'C- -. the" main th , . to cv The construction ,p!acpdur furtHer explained in his iettnr, to the 'piorth American Revip? dutdd In August 1830and; whibK; has bteh read lufther supported by vy opinion of PresidentiMohrodiiri t his message of 4th of March'. 1B2, omlcliTrcaa'aa4 . extract : - . " S U v ! ::TIIBSEAPH;s . t t i UP TAIRS, i S M IT: H fS i B UlllD 1 N6 S ; . .;T; Opca froiiil A. M. to 10 T. SI. 2t0 ADMITTANCE WITHIN, THE BAR ! I - Rates r First 10 jwords, E'haddi'l wrd. Raleigh to Petersburg 30 ctfe ' 2 rWashiugtottt 44 j .. , 2f, , r 44 M It ' ill' ; c Baltimore 74 V 84 " " Philadelphia ' -New.York " FavetietrilU' 'Charleston : ' 40 ;V"Macon,;;:;"97 - ' Mohtsomery 1U u. " 'Mobile ! 133 K ; u Wow ArlMVi n-J lt-u 1 6 9 And all the plcw on this and other line ef com xaunication iu proportion todistance. . J,".., . ": OFiIIlE NOK'i'H.CAUOrvlJIA, TMxdual ilnsxirance Company, Second Floor, S.nitiiBIockVadjoining Telegraph OF T BI B 1V It TBI A - Mutual X'fe Insurance Company, f Opposite ;the fPot; Olfice under, Odd Fellows Hall. ?. i - - - i ; -JDISCOUNT.' DAY TUESDAY. :;: ;'Voeref4':i It O'clock f, ; , . banking jfO(ms;iv:b3f iQ TO s. v v WH. JONES, CaskUr ;' -l - V :.F!C. HILL, Teller. -? Exchange Baltimore,' PtuUdelphm aud N? Yerk, I per"ct. premium. t vi:-- i'vvi , .Virginia and South Carolina money Uaukable, of: ttejdenomihatiou of S5 arid upwards. ! 5 -a P MV BJWB - u Geo W. Mordecai, Prea't. 4 :: ' :- " ' ;' Seymour W.WhitinTeller l 5 DanieVDuPr Uookkeeper, ' ' t I Ttos. W; Dewey Clerk.: : Hours of bimnessjrom 0 o." m. to 2 p m. ntsnorTNT DAY!5WKnRsnAY Hoard of Directors meet at 10 . tZ ' BANK. RATES FUR SELLING EXCHANGE. Sight Checks ou Ne.Wi York 4. per ceut. Premium. ft Baltimore 0; . 1" 5 ,? "Notesof the Soutu Caruliua and Vjrgmia lJauka. reaeived. ' ..; , o , v BANK OP THE - ftTirr nr VinnTiiftKDni UH " .. ... dlnitUr iNUn I n unriULUMn, r A DIVIDEND of five Ea'cENT on the Capital:" stock ol this Bank, has been declared 'for the last Vl t 'monthsr-payable at the PrincipalJDank on the firnt Monday iu January nextandat the Branches fifteen days thereafter. ' ; r ' ; , - rC. DEWEY, Cashier. , "Raleigh, December llth,'1850.V td 100 - HUStarTimeSt-ami, Standard copy. ;U c.i'fHeScc !K;:15. K K- - - ; To the Citizens of N.; Carolina particularly i E' catmeaSure and furnish an .entire suit of clothes (includiug coat, pantaloonsind Test,) at from 35 to $44 : and will" Warrant them to be e- - ' "qual in all respects to any that can be furnished in 1 s r 14 tn(j TJhtte.1 States for that money.; Gentlemen need- : no longer send out of the State for cneap Clothing, unless they; prefer it. A , . ! - 'bLlVEIt &. PROCTER. ; : 'KaleighiKov. S. JSoO. ' Vi ! : 9a ; " Royal Ruleizh Ringtail RooKers. . . " ' w SOUTHERN, RE GALIA VEPOiri? u ' p HORTON KEACH - - .V PJo. 01, Main Street, JCicIimoiid, Va4 fpANUFAC rUUEltof Masonic, Odd Fellows, ' 'Hfisi' So,Vs of Temperance, Rechabites, American Mechanics, Druid?, iJed Mens. and all other societies -J. UEGM.Ll.BAJWTJtS;FLMGS.SIGJYJLS. &.C., also, Custttmrs, Robes', Sashes, Jewels, and all I su otherEquipments on haud aud made to order ta-, , -.'.short notice. ti ,.;';r tJvt ""-I rt i"--'-" .-t?, 1 NV II. Having secured the services of Mr, II EN-.. K RY MESEKE, fa mil iarly connected with the differ ent ordersj1 and well known in Bdtimore as a superW lot workman in the above line, I am now prepared - , 40 compete with any establishment in the U. Slates, ; Ordera fnnn nbro;id respectfully solicited - December 2nd, 1S.50. r J ; I r ; , . ' - v I -- ' .tt' . HUA'LJEIGII, rrnHE ISth Term of . this School will commence ' j on the Fourth day;of Jauuary I&51 and con- . tiuue'till the 7th of June., ... ' v ,For a Circular containing full particulars, apply 'te the Sub3cri,)er. v ? li" . 1 1 1 j a ALDERT SMEDE3t Rector. December 4th, 1850. . . . i . 93 I rj-'stan'Iard-, Fayetteville Obserref, phronirle, Cemmorcial and Journal, Wilmington, Newberniaui ' ' Watchmun, Salisbury, N. S;..WbJe, : Washington.'..!, r-w i Old North State, E. City, Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk' neraldandNational Intelligencer, will in sert five times, and send theil bill to A. S. J, D.- WILLIAMS, Juir, 19tb.tS59.- ... . I. -a '; .- : 3 Livery ; Stables ! ' HE Subscribers, take occasion to inform their friends and tlie public geuerallylhat they will CAiry on the biisi-iess, in all it3 branches, t th name , stand; aud that no eiforts nor: expense will be spared on their pari to accommodate the travelling v ; ' community. ' 'Cohveyahces,1 witfiJzood i horses and'- careful 'drivers, Will be lurnisned at all nines aua ai . short notice pauld' in ""faeti every, convenience. for;- " traveMingiu the wayofr ? " . , " " ..: ' u HtiRSES,1 CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &C.;" ' .will be supplied on the most favorable and accomo- -? ' dating terms. fJvV;V-'; ":" V The Subscribers also expect to keep constantly on s " ,'hand, good f-' . r ; r.- ? - . k n.',,, . . , H0RES, BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, ; i , And persons wishing o put out their' Horses, by .. . . " " ttie week, or month, or year, will have them well . ; attended to. at moderate "pricei. -Their Stables are on ';'M v Wilmiugtou Street, juM to t he East of Market Square.- - ; V" , . Hoping to receive liberal encouragement, the un J dersigned pledge thcinselves to do alt in their pow '.' ar to merit-public patronage an4 favori H ' M - 1 . i BUFFALOED COOKE ! ' The Constitution of the United , States Ving rdtUted Ly 1 he people of the several" StatesV became of necessity to the oxtent of its powers,hc; paramount authority of UIUUIU,.; V.M suuiiu i liluipiKSf II CUII UC VieWCU 111 HO pother light.v 'rie people, the highest authority krtdWh to ; ur sj-stem, from whom all our.instttptiohs spVingahd pri' .;; . .whom'; they depend ofme'd jt.w?Had- ther jedple of the several Stes thought prpper to incorporate themselye3 5 tbiiethepi "iritd. one Government they might have done it , . They had the power and there was nothing then, hop is . -V there any thing now, should they .be disposed; to "prevent . ; it. ' They wist ly stopped KoivevcrJ, at a eertain pointex if tending the incorporation to that point; making:thcNal ; tlonal Government thus far a consolidated Government, ' and preserving the State Government without that limit,'. ir perfectly sovereign and independent of the National Gov i , ernment. Had the. people incorporated hemselveaj into oho communitvr they mfehthAvu remain edsucnll their . : Constitution becoming then like the Constitutions of tha - several States, incapable of change Until altered by 'the, will of the mijorit'. In the institution ofa State'gov ernment by the citizens of a Statea compact is formed . to , which all arid every citizen are equal' parties. '-Tjiey are also the only i parties i and may amend Jt at. pleasured, . hi the instlt utiori of the government of ihe lnlted States . , by the.citizens of very SfateVK95k. tdtmei, be tween the whole American people which has the Samo y force, and partakes of all the qualities, to: the extent of . f its powers, as the compact betweeiithe 'citizenTpfl'ar .': .'.State, in the formation bl their own CohsthuUbniltcan- ; not be altered except by those whoiormed, or in the mode prescribed by the parties to the, compact, itself.r "This Constitution was adopted, for the purpose of J reme : dying all the deiects of the Confederation t and tn' this it has succeeded beyond any calculation fhat could have 5 J: been formed of any human institutions ? By binding the States together the Constitution performs the great office ; of the confederation, but it?is in t bat j sense ionlyt thatUt has any of the properties ot that compact,, and in that it is more effectual to the purpose, as it holds them together by a much stronger bond,, and in all other respects inu: which the confederation failed, the Constitution has been blessed with complete success! t The -con federation Tas a compact oetween separate ana inuepengeni 5taiesfjtne execution of whose articles, in; the pbvvers which! Opera--'Jed 'internally,' depended on the State governments But the great ofHce ot the Constitution,iby jncprpbrating the -peopleof the several States, to the extent of its ipowers- ; into one communityand enabling it to act directly on tho people, was to annul the power of the State governments; to that. extent,' except in cases' whe're theyVwereTcbncur? rent, and to preclude J heir agency in givingtjeffect4o those of the General .'Govern men Li The Government of ." the United States relied on its own m,eans forthe execti- ;uon of its jaovvers, as the Stategovernmehts doTfbr the , execution, of theirs ; both goverhments having a common origin or sovereign, the people $ the State, .govjernraents, . ( the people of each Slate, the National igoverumeiit, the - people of every State, and beingi amen-ible . to tbepower which created it. It is by executing t its functions ; as a government thus originating! audi thus nctirig;f thatitho Constitution of the United States holds the States together, i mnd performs the office of a JeagtieU jsVowing tOithtf i nature of its powers and thV;'h'igUspurce whence r ; they hre derived, the neople,ythatit perfbrrnshat office better than the confederation or any ieague which iover existed being a compact which Jhe; State governments , did not form, to which they are not parties; and ivhich ; executes its own powers independently of them.- ' 'M r Chairman, these able pouHdenl 6f the tfonstitu- ' tiotr are quoted with approKVioaby Judge Stbryin his : commentaries oh the Constltutionfyte.Uriited States Heiike themselves was i aleadirtg Repubiieanv HeYu ther maihtainsr that evert to -adrriitlt't i which the Stales are .parties it does nbt follow, that a - State would have aTigblirtoecedepBtli , formation ofa Government Jn whip . ; . ed, and jtherforei cannot be destroyed by one: ef the par- ' - - Bu, MrCbairman,"lhls;ppns'j;U 1 . ? v bunal to expbjund its provisibnsVand v the awB enacted ( under its authority viz : The Supremo Ppurt of tha Uni- . ted States ; and this Court has uniformly civcaVtho'cicioL' construction here laid down. -lill ipublepcirc:it t . tee by reading the able opinion of that CbdrtidHiv-r- 1 ! r I -r , .Judge MarshaU, in the casejofIcCiilIoc!: 5 ' t4th Whcaton 3IG.;, " u :. :; , . rM 0c ; v., - 5 : 1 v. r- ik