T -. , immiiifan-iiBin ii T" nr r v t :r7i rChi : f. I II V A FT: 1' .ii , ; a s i2 'jv J ' ii i a r S, r.; ,,- v I . '-.- !; tJ-",jfT S!'4 flit''''" f! - " MMMWM,Ji44At j - M - t- ri - ' - -- 7, r -i h "J ''ii 1 a u a. . rHE DAIliYiREGISlEllr: TTTFf SRXTI-WEESLY REGISTER,' : 'Is Issued ton Wednesdays and .SitahLiv nt 4 perannum tnradvance ;405f-,h6t,ai4witlii Ec months j aud S5 if notjaid'nt the expiration of the -yea?!. nfo'V - i 4a ;.' ' C within 'tour' months; otherwise a 1 1 Delivered tn the Senate. yon Secession i:j s , 1 . 1 3 3 1; iiiii r 'J' MAIL JtRHJUi JJUUJV.i&. i MKfChhtrman; this right'of secessiori has been claimed , bf a ortToWBf (lie Neiv' EnglandSmtes as early asil8i4 1 -andiile.cidt!U;.m(iVpnnetitndqff;tpJt . was taken 111 the fiLrzislaturet or Massachusetts; nhd followed by-ConneQrr -tiqut and. other New Engl and1 States, which resulted in ' Calliiig tne 'fusH kiiowii;;; fthat there was a party, opposed to the latenwar with GTreat;; Britain! Alfhe! rWoIuUonHpJissed by the Legislatures of 7 . rAl assach usetts. Connect icu t xx Hhode Island a nd t h e corrosponoencivuei yegn uijjo!yviMJs iiioe oiaiesanu vt bfi'ue.en 1 hem and : J a mes JMu n roe Be c re tj ryo f at pt s h qyf 'la strong opposition toUhe war and to the mariner of con-' ducting it; a determination to thwart the General Gorern metit as laras'possible; arfd as a means to; this: end tdre nf,tH-t ftirt kvith the Militia of hf v-ve r t heseJy seemed to claim ii darV sYVednesdaV tana paturuay ai oi ano ;r, ; . ; , r , . , v ; , 1. cSSi sSy.eJnyanH Fridav ai & nw ' Rhode Islaud and Governor btrong. o! Massachusetts. iif-r ' JVetifienl Four-tibrie ktadue 3 Wednesday whjeh'they each promiejaid; tdTthe other ii nd neighbor- Fridarvandundayriaiin.iapdcl proffiistidbe Union,, r?MffApv4rf; Tuesday and 4nujrday KTrt,uv , Prom the proceedings in the Legislature of.'Maacbu;. Ttirfeoroii Two-horse.. 8t2e, due . Monday, ...v i ti , t . .1 'v We&ani eJtU1w,! ,!fr-t m' t,!uUon? condcmningftbea day. Wednesday arul Saturday at 9 p:m. - .';war. :and calling for sectlonarconvention, nd from the PUUbormtiATw9fi. iue Ibiiday a protest' enter$e"tLdn, 1 thd Journals of-jthe Senate and from and-Thursy,iatp.iTj?n SWHtHatteudWetl of IlepresehfatiVes (but relus: d 9 a-madcloseViday atJ PrnK.:,.-, sembly. opposodthe Whole proceeding, an.l not one of. A't. m - anil closes Thursday at 9 n.'tu. ,. ,1 m tn riHrl nnlv ihp rliisinc nnrt of the orotest op ihW mJJ , ...- - - - " - - r ' a i " . Letter! shouldi-be iii the,. Office, tifieea Tniri utes before ! he time ,iC closing : mlrU-M'L The Omce will be op0 every day t except &un TiOn Sunday, it will be open front 6k to 9i a. m., uiireciWrafier the departure ot lhe y;e$temyiaut? --ri uct.-?iei- UpEaitomj'A. a. to lu r. ai.. noritvdfthe Senate. s ' From the Resolution and Preamble, anJ circumstances attending die 'b ; debate, the undersigned have strong reasons to apprehend that, proposi. , ; tions for a Jcepa rate peace, may grbw but of a proposed meeting of delegates froiii the Nev England States; should; such! propositions I front t the British Government be made to the Convention and should - the terms), as ihey probably would; be very flattering 10 this section of the Union, ;he temptation of momentary gain might induce a compact with the enemy, introduce an army ?of foreign mercMariesproduce a civil f war, wrtich1 would ehdiirr aisubjugalion of both" sections to tbe power ; v of Great Britain; pAiubitun has destroyed every other Republic on earth, ? The United plates siands aloneVUjkej a solitary rock t in the. midst pf the ocerurronnded and assailed, by storms and tempests : in vain may we Joolu' jiidr except from uniou, energy and heaven, apprehending , and,. t t rrrT mm? IV777V "Ufl? BAk 11-. 1 xbelievinffclhat- from neither of !-these? sources can we expect it, so lonz -tCV..&iM$ a5e.ioJ" in--?Pibn f such liesolutions. :,lVe have-prepared onrg, Ralcizh lo tterbnrg 3tlcts, ". JiiffcRichujtrtttt L i? 3V 4 HP -v Washiugtoii , T. ."1vi,Mladeljhi , ,74 ltj , ' '""'New York,: ? S4 . i ' f FayetUTilli:; 21 ,'tj s 2 2 1 3 t I 3 4 . . Mobile t -;t I3S . . ... Ji -. ..- .Anit lithe :bfee H lid and therliue sf com- ,ipJ " j ; and signed 1 the foregoing protest, and we pray thai it may be entered oh the Journals ol the Senate Mc-y ; '' ; f , L v T wnpalso'delay the 'Committee while I read a portion ,6f the pro) tst' dflered 1 n 1 he J I ou jjp of Ue presehtat i ves." Against ihe 'Resolution proposing! ar Convention of delegates from? ?vthe Neiv liiglandiSiatrs, and ihe ltesolutions connecied therewith,; the, .undfsigneU fel bound by every dictate ot duty, and every suggestion of., - patrtotisinfiTiosvarnestly, to ; lemonstratr.;. To these Resolutions,' theyA -have '6piKsedMbe' language of the Constuuiion; tidMlie solemn ahdlwarhihg adinonitions of Washington. However diguised or designeil, the obvious-tendency of propositions v a partial 'coiilprence1 by "uelegates Irom some htales, wuhout panic itmn' br consultation with othfrvtetates, is 'f Though air admitted that the;carry ing'States, as:they wtlrejcal leiV suffered more from the var than others; yet, .it was necessarily so 'and, they should have submitted to it ;ior ine oeneni 01 uie wuoie. inaeeu,;no. poucy.can uo terestspf every. 'Velstion ;pf. 4;tbis ex'tbhded' couWt"Mii ' '-Union can only busjtaraed bbat ion'and compromise that brought it into eiistencef s"2 h tSuoDose. sir. that th4 Ne w England States, or -even ; seceded in the time br.wkr,wrth Suno w .a. Massachusetts alone! had ' England and htid!made a?separate jpeace nd iftrmed an ninanco with i Great ftri tain ;i can'anyi one estinfiato tthe ;elttenVbt the injury that K ted States.' clt t we are nsked to Iar d6yn"la; - doct ririo A t hiit; would justily the 'sWpl if 4 the State had determinsSl . that'it vas a fit occasion. fbrjts exercise i!f: iir. i it airman, 10 aumu mis aocinneis -in; enecwio-aeciaro tnat t fie Government ;of th'e JXhited States is bnly. to acuupbb the '.illingThkt any: 'State iot disposed .tb. alio & a law'of Csn 1 eral Government to bo: execated' in her borders, may Vo declare, y arid by sec- din z the law is nullified. A Iaw that diofes bot sneak " vti authority and command obedience of the un willing as : well , as pi inose in iavor or it, 11 no law ami snoum not oeicaiied L law. 'It is an abuse'pf terms. - " t ' Vif tw-.i's $a fcfrie fy!JU&i . Suppose, sir, that thbusaridiofthe zeris escape into Ohio,! Pennsylvania :orenrVYorIf'lbnd; the I masters. m pursuit of - thenr call ttpon ' the aut horities-under! l He 'provisions of the late Act of Congress.' for thereelamation of uch -' rVrt ?- linn rvf Ditliar nl f haoA vinfan ' canaila ,' r nV r j t tn K n. , Judge, Commissioner? and, Marshal or to the President that we f' TiaVe1 seceded, and your supposed faw U not longer a law in this ;SlateTf Then5 where "is the rdrriedy of the owner of thi! jTrbperly. Siri.Kavehof the abolition societies 1 openly ddvobated cession and disunion,; rather than allow. slavery; to exist-?' ? tTrue, they have not beeiren6buraWd in this maqness by many c piace.'J and are;:" doubtless watching Sv jth?t rnjch arixjetyi the 1 movements of Southern States. 'T;vyesand-. bray Idailthatve s i : n V i e to prepare the way, for a ration and division 01 the Union the suffgesliotK ol -a peculiar wiuierest' inVUie States. b'P-new- England upon 1 the subjects ot public grievancesi'is-predicated upon the idea, ' lhat this Iation has not a com ruiuniiy Sf(btjrctsrand' is not connected by; a similarity of obligation.- tThe Conslilutjou ot lynhe.-aieliKsjiiithibiird, in express terms, one" State" from entering into.any agreeuieut or. compact with' another;1 without the consent -of. Congress; if, as the result of -the conference of SesondFiwr. Smith's Block, aJjinlug Telegraph I delegates en he pan of New England, a compact for any purpose is the AottJL'fi c.iitorrxA Mutual Insurance CoiApantt - Office. '4' if:s OF Til E !Mt l tl CA KO LIN A '-"'"" w" tfA&ii'"' K' 'OpMsilShJ K-t'Uffice-attSeV! Odd ' Fellows Onpo a. DISCOUNT. OAY. TUESDAY. 1 t !- Board Meet dt l O'dock. JI0UU8.FUQM lu, TO, 2. ; .rr WH. J'ONES. CaskUr. P.O. Hll.UTellrr. Exehsnge, Ualtimgre, Philadelphia and N Yrkj Virginia and Souta Carolina mouy Dank able, of taejdenommutioa or SO ana upwaraau-,, rjj Geo. VV.fidordecaiPrest. r " ! Charleseeyi Uiwher, t!j f ; ;: Sryroour VV- WnUg,.Tlter v ,, .- "t 5oiri;UaPUwkiteerf J ;..4,Tios. Vewey, Clerk : t :u " , , . Hours, of .business jromlO a. ni. to 2 p. h. 5 " T r DlSCOUNTr; UAV'AVEUNlSrfDAY. ; t Hoard of Directors-meet- at 10 0. ."' ANI ttA;it35 t'Utt;?i KLLllifEXCHANUE. JSistt Cheeks oti ji-'Vork 1 p-ercrut. Premiuuu 4 Notes of the Sauth Carol iqa ,and VirMuia Bsulu , . . ..- iir ! ' . 1.1 .in. FOR WARDING AND COMMISSION IflKItCIiANT, J NORTH C ARC . ' - v J imendedthe proiositton for such conference, is as gross un inlnngeinent of the'Cotisuiutioti ns would be the compact when made; it cannot be admissible, to pursue means to an end wUch it is wrotig;and illega to at ain, nor is t!i 'ie just pretence of nectssity for th s m.isur.v Tlte f a tiers , of the Conltttution Wisely provided for; its amendtnent should abuses " exist, growing out; of supposed .defects ui the instrument, the ihode of reform is definitely prescribed, and if in this way they are tiot to, be co.- reeled, neither' can they in any", other, short ot a change in the form of Government. It is not 10 be supposed that the Slates ol' the Union will -yield to; thedictatei of a'Convehttbn, what they would refuse to the ; CvjUdtrtuiional application of the Li?gislaturerTheundersignedf therefore, ? cannot disguise ! their apprehension, that more must be designed than is distinctly avowed. iThe reasoning '-efthe report is supported by the " alarming assumption,' thaVthe Constitution has liiled in its object, and. the people liberty tut ion "tecated and in mad experiment energies pt thenatiuurmtgin anurd tor the seinsn enjoyment 01 our pre 8(r; though patiirteiources. "TThe '.Resolutions jof theLegislature, it is J sto hevlearedy Will-be vieweu tiyjothefiates as productive ofih is conseV Ju'euce; lhai Massachusetts shall ' go yerhthe administration or the Goy-L eftimeiil shafl hoi'be administereU mjifassach usetts. Jealousy and coh tention will ensue, the Constitution hitherto respected as ihe charter of, ' national liberty; and consecrated as the ark of our political safety, Will be violated and destroyed, and, in civi,dissensious and convulsions bur v independence will be aimihiUted and iOur country reducedto the. Condi lion of vanquished and inbuiary colonies to a haoghty 'and Vmplacabla m Froui these proceedings, itjsftifinifest that a epartt---tlon lrom:ttfliiipii' wa? cgnternplalod '.amlrdnTf'tle';; proceed i tigs cf UA tibh vent on and the i uiuerplis, jemiindi 'they mltde' lor Kitie tfd men ir ine1 Constiteiiion and tor tijMiidiale neacrfandfon JpeJIaM Converitioli tu asViMnhlc iit lioton in June 1 81 5,' that they viiiterfded id' eiierce VhWGo9e?nmeht itMinicMiffiettltrt' V - -. I a I . 1 - A 1 a j. t . .' 1 il .1 . . m ' 1 I of Massachusetts are absolved Irdm their. allegiance, and at 4 "ueiiuai siaiesmen, appealing 10 mem anu 10 every poruon 01 uie id adopt another; ,111 debate, it has been reiterated, that the Consti- country, to sustain tne laws ana put aown , tne lawless moor i is no longer id be resbected," and that Revolution is not to' be dep- I Twilthot despair of the Repubirc " That there may be temporary : life bond bf our political Union is thusatteuipted Wbe severed. 1- excite mentismf fir.r.aionaL-niitrflVe bv a mob. ledjon bv bad men :astat t)t war and ifomraon danger, we are advised to the" nd the Whe thn obstructed m ifs execution IbVa while. mav :olabahdpuin that protection, which jhe combined IJ ntriAj hut it is to be honed that 6n reflection and after the 1 AlrXhairman. wliHt execrations were not heaned'abon these Idisorgariizcr' thrddhout the. entire couritr l J 1 JJfd ! ,uut iuc ji&i)uic 01 ine enure oouui anu a lurjicuui; hum, bray dally. i'rriay 'all declare' the right of secession, and establish-the doctrine. that their movements 'may not share the fate of the Hartf5rd s Convent ion in its' effort to divide the'Uhioh by, the means ":Bdw advocated in this latitude. ,,? "Mr. 'Chairnian, I am one of those who believe that -the rights - of the South are acknowledged and guaranlee:d"'uhder?.thet-'&n. stitution. I believe tHat our interest and. our duty aljke, require of us a cordial support of the Co i stitution1 as U is Urttil we find that it is-insufficient to protect our rightsl i ThisI tii8py we 'shall never findi We :wiH probably find in the' exicutipnbf the fugitive slave-lawJ whether therei is strerigthj enough in the Government, and integrity in jts officers, to executeits own" laws and pro ect our Constliutional rights.? I hope and be lie ve that we shall find it Sufficient,' and have little, doubt of the " fidelity of the present Chief Magistrate of the nation; to ?cs!ee that the 'laws are faithfully executed. :I hope that. SoutlienStates will notafford a pretextfor cresislance to the law to those who only desire to break down the Constitttional jprote'ction 'fo.our 3 property? that they may, with impunity, seduce. away, harbor, or steal go further, HMrv Chairman ; ; I think ..ihe South should i abide by' the compromise measures "of-last Congress,: W one " Whole, apd I deprecate the effort that is here made to dissatisfy our friends at the South with those measures while no1 remedy ds pointed out for the evils, complained of. .1" think that we hive jess cause for alarm or to despair of the Union on" the terms - of the Constitution that when we discussed this delicate subject, ( in this)lace,:two years ago. Then we were threatened witii the Wilmot Proviso, and had little hope of so favorable a law "for the pro ection of slaves as that passed at last Congress, But happily for the Country .there was found patriotism enpugh amongst the law t abiding and Union loving portion of our Northern brethren, to give up the one and pass the other. t ' .Though this was the least that we had a right to demand, it was not then belie ved that it would-be yielded. I confesi that this concession gave me renewed and additional confidence in the Government, and ne w hope of main 'tainingthe Union. We have yet to see Avhetner itwill'bekept r in good faith That must be' the turnih point. wilt hope for 1 the best; and while there is a hope of sustaining the Government and Unioni as it'is, and of obtain'mgUhprtectien due us under it, I will be found advocating it. . Ruweare' told that it will not be-executed in good faithi i. Of ihisl thereieehisiiolbe some welLTounded fears, but while I see so many meetings of the peo pic, and various sections of theiNorthern States favorableio. law and order, led and encouraged by such names as Webster, pass, Buchanan, "Choate, Cut tis, Dallas, and other enlightened, and jh- lovers of order have time ta explain to. the. people the! importance of the law and of obedience to it, these outrages may ecase or the offenders may be properly punished.7But, , sir, if " injjall this"We shall be d ceived nd the lavr:stiiiUih$. ieaXf,defilncVftnctf :m proper application made.the President thall nqt ,be able4o have d'U te laws executed, or shall be unwilling tp do so, and ' lmpeach "meiirshallfrtil ; then, indeed may it be said; that Uhe Govern fmenf has failed to answer the'puroses of its adotdioh iBut uk answer tne puro ises oi us aaot f ttj tlfis snail tke placndljiiiiperitndbelieve shouldaDtde by the lar and;imist ,pn;ltr fxectiopIir ihen, .after pursuing: the cducse. we , adopiVbythfs State Jn'obVclience ;.-to. law anuoruer, anuusing aii .wpnsiuuMonai raeins ,ior.tC2 X2 dress of Wrongs, if wshallb i.the Ui.ion; an.l lojk to our safety and intercitrweihiU have thr - ' ih xnhlaiio& to knoW that weat least, ure loiirc:plii:bU, for 'the,'. I throughout the worldvand or gralifyin't thlsss holoslkr wtu ienlnmv oniurmiwin?-2ndWifi!'j?TtrJ . V;:Mf; Chairman, I-dUFxkt3i&i'y tritfj tha Seucrl frur: ;2srn the NortH condemn- this io vejnent I ' 1 liankjln his views in reladca to our k liudnser t&atore shall ooai UckCroosi for , our neTfCtss merioowe sami . scoa ucl room icrourncrc3. . fg16omy:p!ctareihat bp nai drawn is theiri ature fciJlcUia-l; I Jl

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