i " I ' -- . t ww t !r'A3n - 'wS 1 SPEECir OF ' . '- V til 1 OU tyUi tlf t t;--ai carry ou llie tusi iegs, J all iU feraucheR, t lh& same ! THE funthJTerm-AlTibUtJwMlvcfn it 4nd is ad 5 thai4 no-flbrtr 'nor xpenie will ' be ix months fthe num : in .aavanee ; u jwv jam . j nths ;an 3; if not paid until tliQ Cxpiratio.n Terms a$ follows? pir session offive tUbnths V , BnglishvTuiUon, a. f c French, in - v : ,..jVti 4.7 tuiMZl Germao, . - . -r - u wi roitr. 1-2 p.m.; and closes at-1 i a. m c.,i,t-n Twro-hbrs- riar- dDf daily at II a. ni., closes at 12 ra, - r : , i GreeiisbMmghoit'lrtTm iiag.due Mon day- Wn6sxiay and Saiujday aifij.and cliKdnday'Vcdnesdaf ind FndayVat 12 id. JVeicici'i Four-horse siae, dueVednesday, Friday and gunday..t,3 a. m.,' andxlpsej Sunday, Tusdarand Thtlrsday atlJn ! bonathTvf4Aibxht stagdUe;Wbnday, Wednesday ancl Friday at 10 p.m.; closes Mon dayWednssdaynd Sitafday af 9 p. V v ; Ftitiborough W:ioTSf jizge, due;:Monday and THurmy at 11 n. and closes Saumlay ZJ' 7m. Music tn Har64ontt bte of inftrnrrumtf " ao uo Mosie'on Piatio and It j- hWtdW.i r-;lO 00 Mcicon'.Guitr and M ial iatAii4j0a DraJn?nd Faintinejrt oil coorg.x v .is n.h,iC,i Useful and Uruamental Weedie woi t jree pt,caarg. No extra -charceiWhafever-wiu ba made. w Book, 8tationafyr5iP.futnIhVd at'ihe Iuwtt retaif price. . U is liartieuliirlr desirable lhat pupil 'Should M present at the coinmericenient of the wewion, assiu" dmi ulifltheri bea'rran2edand classes forfned: V Mt pwhets v'A'cireu diressed to all persons who may desire it t. Warrentny January tst, 1851 4 'tiV in! maraWrsdayat 9 frin tetteV shouldhbek theflffice fifetaites v The Officer Avitl be open everj: day, excepCJun: day,iom 8MocJa.sm.tuniy$p m. n: ... Oft Sunday; it Will open rforii8i to 94 a. jn., and one iiour uuFeciiy uer mc.ucuuiuic wi 5S:MlT-H-f.S-BUILD VNBb, T0 ADMITTANCE WITIUX.TIIEiBAR I f RaleirV to Petersburg. . 30 ctj. 6 t vtt;Vjtf Montgomery r XI 6 s " -; Mobile rf J' I3S 'J .... J- f Neir;Orieans .172 Ji. , 5And all the places on tbil andtbtr linesf cem " 1 tf If ?-!3 O ;sut! Mutual-Insurance iUompahyf Scaoni Flder Ibmi tls Blockadjqial,pj.Tl5rapk O F; ii? II E W t ICTI1 O A HO IjIIV A. spared on Jtheir part to accommodate the travellaig coWmuftily.-tCoovey4ncesivwiih,gopd .horses and caretut drirers, willbe famished at all tunes and at short notic ; ett in factsvery cooyeuience for travelling, in fo&a.?olX i0 j " HORSES' CARWAGE UQGJESmCiviV II De buppilCU UilHJll Alius t, -avuiawiC: mm bvvviiiv 1 . articlea bfclotkinc must be marRed ttl. the mmeirriuH' A . ' ' ; Ur c mtiininj; fuller ' iniarmation will lv daiiup ternw. The Subscribers also expeqt lo Iseep couslanlly on nana, gooa ,r , l-m!. HORSES'BUGGIESKCARRIAGESI&C vji And persons, wishing: to pat out their llorses'rby the week, or mouth, or year, will have thern welt attended to, at moderate prices Their Stablen are on Wil m ngtou Sire-! uitto the East of Market lare. 1 llobinz to receive liberal encourazemtiit. the un dersigned pledge i.-tbeinseWes to do all tu their pow ar to merit public patronage ana favor, v . . ; MUSIC STORE. TTn'A.YINCl returied rpm the Northern cities, af 1 M 1 teir making'toe moyt'carefuf and choice col lertiori In his line, the subscriber is now prepared to offer to the pubrtc a spVndid'sssoriinerit of Musical Merchandize. embradne ,' - , u rAt fl' I n I ajargeamj general asOTtraent ofithftmost populat ana fsshjanaMe, ,tINesv.rauic,eon8antly : received from New Yk PhilMelpKla, snd.vMfhimore, and anypiecehot ouud 3 in tysicatalogue: cart procur ed tn a Week. r.'u- 1i t??l".t-0lf t-St from the best manufacturers ofNew York, Philadel pbia and Baltimore, and. supener, in workmanship and tone id any 'ever befere offered in this or 4 adja cent States, fofjbe?ame. prices. V.T Vjii '"'V -;" Serophmesond ccordeons Violins Vxourn ,f.t cewo ana uuiiars. r ! " A large and elegant assortment of the Vest Italian Strings jPjsrsons wishing to purchase either by the ingle string qr bundle, will God it to their advantage to call before purchasing elsewhere, ii ! i ! Z. ocnoois anu osiniuaites suppueu wuu music, in- struction Books. strinis.lusicVpaper, A-c., on the most reasonable terms. Also, jvi!ifiv i" BRASS BANI1NSTRUMENTS, P Blank Books for Bahdsfand Band fustructTonBook.1 in short, etery tbinff in (he Music depart men t! com- 1 l. 1 1 i Si S ftnln nnnhl In anil Ha--imiI ' - ' Call one door North of the City Hall., Fayette t vine oireeu. , iv w caoiuift,, , i Muief2h,T)ecembeV29th?.- 1 ' -' ; f;: r., 1; Onp03ite the Halki:vrX i 1 wfiil!.TSO:"U -- v . .. " ....... THE next session of this Institution will com mence on the 15th of January 185 f.ah'il 'cdutftu until the 7th of JuAei-fo!!owihaf.',v f Young i gentlemen 4 who are deslroos' bf rea4ing Law with the undersigned, will do" weI to attehd at the first of the Session, to that the j may be, formed into the necessary classes." This iwilt benefit the pupil, as welt as lighten the labours of the teacher 1 : The one or the other of the instructors will have charge tf the School tj ea rl y 'a ll'th e jf ear and d uri hg .sMtsa n f f V. . ,!iaa l.nV ' A A v rt (n WlllVU VI IHV tiiUV WIU Will utD v 1 w au struction. . . ! Text-books cin be had here at the prices charged by Mr. EvJ. lalcofatayeUevJe.-' J, 'Tuitivh feeKtOr theAwaole course of legal inslruc- uvn wi ue uag iidndrcu j-fuiuAM,iTH;f.it oii , - . r .1 .n ill r-'r 1.-. v4a4. --i'Mii !iiMiJ-B.a-i,i. -. - . ... F JNAJSH,?.v k 1"Hillsboro,. Dec. 31tlS50. f rtit tl 2m. Classical .and . rilatliemat icajL ,HilUbQiQiigh,lT,- C. B fllQPflllMT HAV TIlPflAV "'" i' -J ; "HE execciees euht Caldwell Iustitute having been n F 71 l - "IT S - I - I U rLUU.IUUUILUIV-BUVfl 1UVI TVIII' VI'XSl VIIWI VII S,av S1S vwj f wva i-mw wa uvaj used by that lnatilution, ""uuder- iheir hi- -RANKING JipJSR& 2?IiOJI,W rXt. n y.n ,i -: :AVVH.MHN Cashier. w . -V V J' ' Eefe&flge, BaJtimurePhiladelpkiaand NiA'orlLj 1 persct Eremiumif i3 ' esfe.M 1 t:i v VirgicU aud South Carolina none Bankable, of ae a wiomiaaiioB 01 j hi u jj n iuj (i. j 4 r 1 f ii eo W M ordecai, PresWi- x vi Seymour W SYhiting;reJter j U 2 Daniel ,Dji Pre, 00 skeeper V f ( Thos. V.-Dewey, Clerk. A 4 I Hours, cfbminessjrom 10- nt.-f 2 p-i ; in Thos.V.-Dewey, Clerk. Hours' fhksiaess from 10- DISCOUNT DAY. VY EDM ESDAY ; Soard of 'Directors' meet at 10; a. mi' i BANK: RATES FOR SKLLtNCJ EXCHANGE bigttChecWbnKiw'YrK:i per.cnt, u 1 . a 4t R s.1 1 ; iki-d a ncvf 1 Aw- Premium. Notes of the ISoUlh Carolina and Yfrgiuia Banks T FOR VV AUD ING; 7AN D -COMM ISSION ,tv : NORTIT c Alt OLIN A; July 19thr ISV : - - - - ; 1 " ,u : - i 1. - SOUTHERN REGALIA DEPOTJ : - n , P. HORTQN KBACS: io. 01. dUntn Street IlicIimoiKl, Va, KwjfAN U fAUTU Kfcilt ol Masonic, Udd Fellows, 'iJi Sana of Temperance RecJiabiteV Amerieao Mechanics, Druids, Bed Mens. and allother.socicties REGAUI3AWERS,FIMG8tSlGJVJlLS, &c- also, Costume, Robes, f Sashes. levels, and all other- Equipments, on Jiand and niade'to order ta short notice. -. - .;:v.:VV.-v- i-'-5 . ."N. B.Havlug secured the services or Mr. HEN- RY MES EKE, familiarly connected with the differ eht prdefsau'd "well known In Baltimore as t super OT'faorfctnaiY in the'above line, 1 amJ now prepared to compete with any establishment fnthe U. Slates, inseither"istvle.xinaHr brftHce. f v- , it T efipmber 2nd.?! 850 1 ? t st. m AMY'S ! m&mm: fmHE 18th Term of this School will commence 11 ou the Fourth day. of J anuary 1851, and, con tiiue,till"lhe7thof June.' jjn. r ; v For a Circular containing full 'particulars, apply to the Subscriber. "' 1 ' v .-. , Vrt :tht i ALDERT SMEDE3, Recton December 4th 1850 , ., ; ; ,98: CP- Standard, Fayetteville Observer Chronicled Commercial and Journal. Wilmington, Newberuian, v aicumau, . oausuury, j. o. .. vv nig, w asningioo, Old North State, E. Cit,- Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in sert five times, and send their bill to ATS. -r : j A YEHS CIIERR Y PECTORAL. A fresh supply, of Ay era Cherry Pectoral just re ceived and for sale by v ? r 1 ' Hw;:, V 5 ,P.F. PESCUD. r . ":fr-AXso vy'' O'iv j3'v A Large supply of Lthseed Oil just to hand, at Pescud'a DRUG STOREl "9 vt I i i - , ..Dec. 9lh, 1850. -h . tttStandard copy. u 89 IT -BANK OF THE f ; f STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA; f A DIVIDEND of rira rsa cent on the Capital stock ol this Bank; has been declared; for the last six mouths-- payable at 'the PrinfcipaHBank on the firsKVMonday in January next andat the Branches nrteen days thereafter, j " r-. . . s ... J - : .Ai . Vv D EWEY; Cashier., Raleigh; December 1 1th, 1850. 1 td 100 ,Star,fTimes,and8tandafdcopy. !; '; ' own control and uirectlon. , ! Thenurte.of'fnstrut tort will be such, as , to pre pare'young men thoroughly' for' the Sophomore class jnr College, or when a tJollege course it npt. intend ed, for the busin4sAfirtacUons?of UfeL I : v 5 The' strictest attention wilt be-givan to the moral deportment of the siudehu,'aHd if long experience in the education of youth7 bVa ground of 'confidence to those who may patronize the School, we promise to nse that experience, to. promote the best interests of those who may be committed to -:our charged T , Terms in the Classical and Mathcmatica' depart' rnent, $20: and in English $15 a session in advance- i " ALEXi WILSON ? : 1RALPH HI GRAVES. Hillsboro', Dec, 2!st, 1850, rr?Jt03 ? NOTICE?' z - v. 19 hereby given that application will be .'made to the President, Directors and Company of the Bank ofCape Tear, at the expiration of three months from thif daie.lor the issue of a new eertificate for 2 f shares of the stock of taKd Bank, in the name of Dr. Isaac Bprns, decd in the stead f one lost i ff -a J 'Application will also he ma Je to the President, Di rectors tnd Ubmpany bTthe Bank of the State of North Carolina at the expiration of three mbnths,fbr the lss&e of a newICertifieate for 10 thares of the Stock of said Bank, in the name of Dr. Isaac Barns decd,,in the stead of one lost. V V" E. B. BURNS, Ad'mV, ? I? I? To' the Citizens of IT.. Carolina particularly. TTTtTE can measure and furnish an entire suit of yf V 'clothes (includiug coaij pautaloons.and vest,) at from 33 ld $44 and will warrant thenCto bee qnal in all respect to ahV that can' te furnished in the-Uniled States' for that money. Geutlemen need unless they prefer 'WM 4 , ' f 1 J f OLiViJK PROCTER.' icaleigh, ior.Sif 1850- f t ? ?, 1 q f f g 80 Rdyal Raleigh Ringtail Rodsers.t! v 1 -THE Subscribers have this day formed a CbpHrV riershipin'a'gratbusine8s;a lfX . f:L- :: ; IJofJliSrcrna ; Stalucr ? C andiwQl continue td carry ba the business under the name and Firm of -kV- H) f f t; 4: , 1 r POMEftOY; b'NEAL. Raleigh, December 9th,1850. ' H ; 1 v93 l imiUKS BALSAM OF WILD ; ! i A large supply of JVistas Balsam of Wild Cher ry just received and for sale by ' j . ' .. - 11 -P F PE5CUD. -Dec. 9th, 1850, .iVrV' V if"' Tf 99' APPLICATION Will bemade to- the presen General Assembly pf Neith Carolina, to incorporate they Brick ShoiU Manufacturing Company H in the county otiurry. - , - - IfNoyembef 25tbl650r ' - 5 w w2w V, - ? COMPLETE, BY '. J.: - ; , It , : . CHARLES DICKONS, U iu : . With Illuslraltons, just received and for tale by t, POMEROY. O'NEAL. ' On lA&suiyecfcofJVegrQi Slzverv; dzlivzrid i. CSmfa'iiteeKvY-iht -whole ZHQuSe?Jdnusru commiUe& with"- fselia -cf caofTsctcd cra bansment. f I am to follow the distingukh ed gentleman from' Cumberland, (Mr. Doh . v 1 r i ........ '-. . . . - . . bin) whose reputation is not confined to tlia. limits b thisiState; ageatierai;'??.rVtfiJ r-rttV-M, ?Of piercing wit and pregcht thoughflHl j-Vr Endued b nature) and biearain. 'taught 1 21 f "Topmbye' assemblies.,,; 'i-?' "iiivI' VhiVhilei Iatn not gifted ,with ,the; "power of -fpeech with which to stir menscals.' a" Again sir, the) -subiect is one of such raa2 " nttude that it towers aborts me as a mountain from which an avalanche Is about -to,b?,hferl ed, upon the plain beneath.' . Here, I .would gladly pause, but a sense of , duty .impels mi to ascend it and view, the prospect which lies beyond. SJ. MiM i Sfr;-:' Mr.. Chairman, I arn no alarmist Vjny lmt ;agmatioaTis. Uorgons,, Hy dras nd Cliiineras dire," tnm- which ta frighten men from their ptcpridtj-i but I am rather disposed to gild the future with golden colors and. to strew its pathwaf with the '.tiCifBottew .What I am about say. therefore, is not the fruit of an oterheatcd shdVxcitediraha tion, but-lhearesuliof::calm andJsertous re flections, con viction which t have heeni unt willingiyfbfced tipon nie by4he evehU- ofL the day.:i5VYe hivektrived at'anf'evehtful uer iou 111 our country s msiory,wmcii reqnirsa ! nt YAfii rr all Aiir nnfiMnticin inH 'fik-rwi nes8. No matica shut hisey es to the fact that a dark cloud is lowering abovesfTironv the bosom ot;Wbich are heard those muttqr- are vseenirthose, vivid flashes of lihtninj which threaien to destroy that beautiful tem ple of liberty,; which; was erected' by biir faC often bowed.iiEvervale that comfti frr'-n jthe North hrings Tmelailcholy:tidings.;HTOs3 ahd patiotic meh take counsel of each other ana anxiously, enquire -wnat- musi os conei With all these r ligHtir before; them,5howeVer there are sce whose buoyant: hopeii lead them :;to JbeUeYe that alisweUfand that nd efforts on- their part!arerequired to iiecurii the perpetuation: of our Unioai andt liberties As rwell mightuhe mariner,; when: old ocean: h tempest tosed, -fold his- arms and trust hi the strength orhts gallant bark. Utirs is iri- JAt . x nnUtn'. rtlrt " -V -w" 1 1r r-' 1 t . i? waters like" 1 a thing of life she is !freisnled order to insure a successful voyage she rausi be -manned and the' crew must be loyal and united. If there ben individual here who ' entertains; an opinion of entire security' I beg him; to; dispel the illusion ; he may be calmly reposing above a volcano vfcichTjiajf startle himjvithl its deafening explosion. Dangers, ih"orarft6h uc sccu ai a uitvduvc uiu vu;iuiiy .. guaraep againsL,v , ,i fi, : I--.ffi "7tf V ?'-! fThe subject of negro slaver has been tff embarrassing one from theTouridatior of.thef government; up. to this ;tirae and if is to bat greatly feared will continue soV j ; In thp con- vuimou wmcu iramea ourieaerai consttlu tiori," there'waltiliy different 3jates,iirt? regard jtp f hist it intitteiw one insitudg'tliat slave propef ty niuldnt represented! and another -urging .with i ''equal' zeal that it should not. J This question War ultimately settled m the adoption of thosr provisions which are found embodied in bur, constitution H The slavehcinsr' States siw fed to the first clause fof .the ninth aectioa b the first article, which pmvides that "the mi-j gration or importation of such persons as any of the States now,' existing shall think proper to adrait,; shall not be-prohibited br the con- pjess prior to the vear one.thonwn.'l IiSf' hundred and efght.1; When the South yial ded this right of jimporfationthe-NcHh as sented to thie HopGon;bfithe.i the second section xf :thq first arUclc which: provides that Mrepresenfation tad direct tairs-U shall bo apportioned among the t c vend CtaLi1 wincn raay-De inciuaeo: witnm thiiTinici: ' shall'be determined by 'adding to the whe1 . number of free persons.includiDg tBc: 2 b rn V; to service for a: term of vein and ere!r ? - - A ! k -.A.Aa... lill. h a . if v section pi iusurtn cxticl v.i:zj Gravida mat "no person hem to tirvica cr Ubsx1 ia: one State under tha Liirrs thrsf. inln.nAln.a Km11 r ' ' :J " orreulatra therein bs di-chid tzzziZ'zgx-: servica cr hbcr. but shall ha dtlivcici tii on clcirn cf thi t;arty to Whom ' SUch terrier 8? Dec: 20ihv XSSO. .103 Dec. 24.' r 104 or labor may be due." - ." - "' '

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