. , , ...... .- - . iT ' - V.- ' "' " '- . ' ' ' ;V ' "'; '.' 1 V, , '..'-:V.' : .'" V. ,"."''(".''"'"'.' : -'"'" "-; ' ' v ' V ' .'-".'... ";. ':" . , -V-' : V ' ".. -Jtt- L-iU,-.uaiJJ '' fr i--1 .,,,, . , i,.,.. '" v'--jJr,l ,1 vA. t-iUli-ivJ- -14 -ILL1!.' ri'L-lUd ii-NJNi- lJ;,l;UrdL J.(J- . . . , . , " ' ' J ' - -I- - . it,' hi' h .t r- i V ... i i . .. . i . i - w! ; .i.M.. ,i. .'.ilr iji,: ,- -Q, i-j . , it ; , , - -. y . 2 -. - - . , - - r - f ... . .- ",-v . . f r, . 1 1 ' ' ' " . ' ; . . , ; , ; . " : "".."v.: - : ", , " . " ''a; " ,yrf. 1 v. ..',-: . u ' ' ' ' ' .... ... . s : , .:sss- 11 )..t .! ni REGISTER six mbnthVj iMid Q if not jKiid "nnlil . thc-jpxniration -Bt9katVnosy:.-a llUSBIiSrDlRinpRl. . i A ( Ma V ' .-JVorlAerii JVftuZ By- Uall RoaJ; tfue 'daily at 1-2 p. m., anJ tftU;? ; ' m ' i, I SoiilliernTwo' horse stagfrdtje daily at 1 l a. ro:, closes at 12 nv ci Ji . ( GrefcM-oi't--Fqur-liorse. stagf $ duevfon- dayWeilnesday- and Saiuridav.nl 6iti.in. laiul closes Sunday, Wednesday ami Friday, at 12 m: JVcwtcri- Four-Viorse stage, due Wednesday, Friday1 and Sunday VfcSTsE in., atid closesSunday , TuesdapindThersdafuil 9 misVV 1 - , oriOTtMwo'lwnse' uuige; due ;Mowlay, Wednesday and Friday at: 10. p., in., :doseMy u day Wednesday and Saturday at 9 p. . u -paifftroiTivhit Wge;i doer. Monday and Thursday at 7p ui.f r and closes-, Saturday prt;i-rtf ri .One-horse mail. DueFriday at Q sm Mand tfloses Friday at 1 nil i Holty iSirtrtgfHoMnildueMo'irfay'at 4 p. m., and closes Thursday at 9 nw t J i ; Letters :shoutd -he ift Ue"Otlice tifieen tninutes before the-limV6f cloinn ; i -i s - The Office will be opert every day except Sun day frtinr 8 o'clock inAin til Sp; m. On Sunday, it will be open Irosn 83 o9 f-!niJ, and one hourt dTfectfy ialWc iihej departure ol the WesternlAlaiLi r W'it?.iliu H It f V; 1 ; 1 vt' - 0 jffiiUMllRIf ' THJ3 ninth Teirm of ihU 8chool:.will. commence on, the J 0 th-of J an jury 11851; aud .termi nate the first $?50 00 week inNoTember'ir-iitt, t 'Tw dslfoll&wpsession of jive-inonths : English Tuition, . , French. . " ' ' T : Qermanj if ; V7jj 1 Music on Harp -and use t)Tinstru mint ! Mnsic onPiano and use Vlnsirnmentlpr 10 10 35 00 frrawing abd Raiwingi" '" ? - .';t'(-.v10'pU painting ?n oil colors, - J : v i'' : ; , lort' Washing Fuci;-? " Useful and Ornamental Needle work free of charge. :N6xtraVhatgewhatever wilt bd made.V;' Books, pfesent Utea-wiu ineune arranged aau ciassea 10 mi a a. 4.. ' All article offclothiiig tnutt he marked with the r owners name in;fulU"5-'5.nsj h -i jijuUi.., M Circular coataining fuller information will 4)e addressej to all persoiiawhd may desire-it; i . IS r fV i r j ci4)AN I E L T URNER. f jnWarrentonj January 1st, a 85 lif -' i'-' 5t 1 " Sabscnber8 take; occasion to inform 'their frieuda and the puhlic generally that thev' wjll carry on 'the business, in alllts branches, 4t the same stand: -and;thatj inp -efforts nor expense 'will "fee spafeq ph their'part to accommodate the travelling cumiBunity.., Conveyances, .with good horses t and careful drivers,-wil be furnished at alt times and, at short notice aiid- In J fact, every convenience for travelling, icLthe way of ; : ' i ''.,' '?u ; f" HORSES; CARRIAGES,: BUGGIES! &Cm - will, be supplied on the most favorable and accomo-' dating ternis.; e?i-. S; ' The Subscribenralso expect 6 keep constantly on hand,'g6acriff,:tf f!,'1?. ; .HORSES,; BUGGlESr CARRlAGES; f8tC.f j ,no ',, i OCCl&aa . 3S3aIS39V! "-it'.V ; I And persons wishing to put out their Horses "ijy the week, or1; raontlifor -year will have them welt attended toatrooderate:prices.;Theirtables are on - , o t 1 ' . . l J ; l oiauonarj, oxc.urnisnea ai me lowesi retail pncc. YViImingtoU Streetjustto the Kast of Market Square. It is' particularly desirable that pupils shbuld be Hoping to receive liberal encouragement Ue uu 'at the eoinmemcement of th8 session,' asstu'fdersiffiied tiledze tbemetvesHo "do all in their pow , - dersigned! pledge SOUTHERjY REGALIA DEPOT i 1 1 I J AVIiNG'relfjriieti ' from the Northern cities, af- Icrmakin" I he most careful and choice col- lertiuii ir Ii'n line, the subscriber is -now prepared to oQer.to the public a j splendid ssiortmenl ,cf Musrical fAlejChatid;Zf I jBinpciuf fj 1 fi 7 iiF ' i-1 ' ,;V'- .'Aiys.ic,,; rfjarq and 5ehraVaforiment;oC.tb.ei-rn;t popular and: fashionable, New, music i cbiislantly recetvltd frm New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, and any'pfece' hot' found' in his catalogue cahfo; procur ed in a-week. . v T -1". """ r'.."'V" V'.r-V i.-.v,-, m pianos. r il "kr - : from thebest mmufacturers of New York, Philadel phia and Uallimbre.-and superier ' inworkmabship a cent Seraph Mjt; S eel! os and Guitars. 'Ptt'HORTONvXEACH. Wo. 01, ITtaiii Street, iSIclnaioHd, Ta., ,hTOi?ANJtUUTaUEt 0 Masonic, Odd Jr'ellow" s . iff"i Sonsof. Temperance. ,RvchabitesT American ivieclianicsi,Lrpiusiicea jvieirtana nuotner societies &.c, also, Cost urn?, Roues. Sashes Jeifeis, and" all other Equipments oil hand L and lnade to order ta Bhort notice. V i-ivli tu i .y-i' l7 .Ui.rj ,N. U.-r-Having scoured the services.of Mr. H EN- RYMESEKE, familiarly connected with the differ ent. orders, and well known in Baltimore hs a superi or workman in the above; Uue, I;nm now prepared to compete witli any esUblishmentm tht TJ States, nd-toue to any ever Deiere ouereu in iuis orsauja- Slates for tne'Same;pnces.-'- -tj , mes and Vtccordeonsi Violins, Violon- S Mi T H 1 Srt BUI L D4N G.S , - Opta'fronij?! 31. to TO P. 31. , jVO A DMITTANCLEWITUIX TIIE JBA2Z .; . ; Rates T Z First lOj words, E'haddi'i w7d. Raleigh to Petersburg,-?- 30.ets. 4' , ' u -J iEichmobd r i , 33 ? J ; 1 u m 1 Washington. 44 .f lti t Baltiriittre a " r - . VVUiladelphia ,74 w . New' York r; 84 ? .t., h JFayetteville- rai f ji ? r , Cherawj: 2S ; Charleston fSU : V i Macon: :.-j'.97?? m- ' it t , ii u u . ' it (( 2 2 .2 ; 3 - I . , , 3 -5v- Mobile; . .,t3S:.tIi 1 i New Orleans IJi i 6v, .9' - And all the places on this nnd tther lines. of com . mauication in proportion tu diaijtuce.. jti n i 1 5 i. ' ' ?i:H g ilt: I.' OF THE ?OUTH CAROLINA. 1 ' MHuat ' Insurance Xompany;. , ' W : v;-,;lt ALEfuH" S 'bfr. s.: Second Floor, Smiths Block adjoiningTelegrapk Ofhce. , ' - ... r A-large and elegant assortment of the hf st Italian Strings! 'Persons wishing to purchase either by the single sf ring or bundle, will find it to thciradvantage to call beforeS purchasing alsewbere. 1 8chools;andfSeminaries! supplied SWith Music, In struction Books, Strings; Music; paper, c, on the most reasonable terms, i Also, i I d i O t BRjASSJANDTNSTR Blank Uooks for Bandst and Band Justr uction Book; ta short every tning in the Music department; com monly "sought for ,and dered, "vrrii.' r . Call one door, North ofahe VAiy Hat1,-Fayette- ville Street.- p.n ras' i K. Wi TBI ERS1LIA. . Raleijh, December 29th. ,61 1 OF THE I'OUTIl AKOIA Opposite 'the -Fosr Otncehnde Odd IVlJoW Hall 1 y i.DISC0UNriOAY.T:UESQAY," Roar d MetU at 1 1 : 0'cpcA.; BANKIXQ HOURS, FROM .10 2'0 ,2.: , , F.O'.TllLrVTeller. ;ns Erchnnre, BaUhnoijPaihideiulib aud -N York; St ' 1 nxj ti Temium.- Virginia and South Carolina money Bankable, of I- the denomination or o anu-upwarus, r 3Aifx- 2 -lias7 smsii i,7 i Geo. VV. Alordecai, fres't. Charles Dewey; CalierJ 'j "s ; C Seymour , WWaiting, Teller . uanieruurre, uw-iycpci, $73 iour afchtisihesiJroiii'XO a. m. tn 2 t.' UDlSCOUNtiU A EUN KSD AY. , Board of i Directors-meet tat Avia im i - B ANK-R ATES yOU j S CL ttN UEKCH AN GE. Sight C heckon N eWr Y o rk per u t;' Fre miitlu. . - . : riiliauuiiu5 ..u. Daltiuurre' "i !':. ftf - ) Notes sf th Sdutb Curolhm and VifgiuiaTJanks received. - f v " t II I I LI ll FORWARD tNG ? AND?" COMM I3SIQNT; anui scijooi THE uext session of this Institution will com mence ou the 15th of January V lip I, and continue until the 7th ef June, following. " ' ' V , Young centlemeh who are desirous' of reading Law witn tne unaersignea, wiu uo wen 10 uuenu. the first Vf the Session, so "that they, may be formed into the necessary classes. - TJiis: will ; benefit . the pupil, as well as lighten the labours of tho teacher. - Theune or the other of the instructors will have charge of the SqhobT neaf-ly alHh year and during a porv.on oi me nuie uuiu nui uc hub sfrnotinn. - " ' . . - Text-bobks can be had here at the prices charged by -Mr E.j;jJjile,t)f .FiiyettevjlleVirHfei;.! : , ,-,Tuuin: fees for iHe.wbl eure of legal instruc tion will btt One.IIunorkd JJollarskU itr.rt- iy JiU BAILEY, a HilUboro', Dec. 31st, ,1S50.;. F NASH. .1 2m . t Classical aud '.3latlieiimtical 8 L.w8CllOOli0 i -HillsboiouslirN C.f.ul THE exercises of th Caldwell Institute having ben Ulcoiilinueu, iiie suis:riocr win upon .n,uui.-iii the 1 Uh day of January ,1851. in the buiMing-Utely used by that institution,- duder their own control itnd direct iniii - - r The cnure of instruclioh will be Such as to pre pav young men thoroughly for the Sophomore class in College, or when a College course is nor intend ed, for thV business t ;i rne striciesi aiienwon win oe-guaiMu iuc muijn dVortinent ofih siddenls',:aad if longt.experience in the education of youth be a ground of 'confidence to those w.ho jn ay patroui2e he!3chioi, we promise tp use ihat expepencQ a promote: tho best interests oi those who. may Joe comtnitteu to our cnarge. r. v.. : Terms in the Classical and Maihematica'; depart mentiS20: and in EngiUh,$15 a sessionin advance . , - , ... -ALCXJ WILSON' ' : . RALPH HI GRAVES. ; HilUboroV Pee., 21st, 1850., ; i . 103,' iu either tyle, quality or-price.! ;..! December 2nd, 1850. : u i : ;" a 3D AV:!lU-JQkli'-JLt- sS;h r rl - fTHHE l$th Term of this School will "corn m en ce i on the Fourth dayvof J anuary 1851, ' and con tinue ?till iie 7tk of June;Vr i t a v For a 'Circular containing full particulars,,4 apply to the Subscriber. . . 'vc.wmi' 'r tni' : ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. . ncmW dth. 1850.. ;,.-,. ..flQ'n - r vw - j -.-.-, . j rjbtnnaard, favettevuie Observer, Chronicle. Commorcial and Journal. 'Wilrainijiou, Newbernian, Watchman, i&ali8bury IN. ssv Whigj i Washington, Old North State, City,' Petersburg Intelligeucer, Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in- sert five limes, and send their bill to AlS. : A YEHS CJIEHR Y PECTORAL. Afresh supply of Ayers Cherry Pectoral just re- ceivea and .lor sale oyj t f.,-x . . A Large supply of Linseed Oil just to hand at PescudVDRUGiSTORE.r1 CI idl d . is 05 Standard .copy. ..i. f -i..f: ' BANK OP THD t ' ' ' "STATE (JF NORTH CAROLINA.: - A D IV! D EN D of five per cent on the. Capital stock rot this Batik,' has beeirdeclared1 Tor1 ihe last six monlhspayable at tliPrihcrpaltBatik' oh the first Monday in January next audat ths Branches fifteeu days thereafter. 7 - ' rMi.xli ;vr.:C.vDEVEYi Cashier, i Raleigh, Decemher 1 Uh? 1850. '" td 100 '-r:Staiv Times, ind Standard copy. 5 , f RETARKS;OF in 7 Ac Senate, Wednesday De&Htft, ?185 on invention lty amend the(Gbhsiiluti6nt H Mr. 9?EAKEit : It is apparent :fi:orri whatt weseef and hearf fromifferedt sections of the State, that amendments lf t-ppntitaion QXiltbeiteiLnikle-' mauded by,the People, t This,! believe is ngerierally .,-'admitted;0?-It. tis: eq pally ciear .mat uuierem amendments ar.e-fje-sired jn difTerent sections of the State : and some diversity of opiniott a$ to tho extent of Uieamenclments exists amDnest Statei t: rvf ;.V;,!jjt?-.1i5ap.:' UjL - 1)A very Urge proportion of oaif jTBlJlqW' citizens.arc deprived p the right of rif frage, and have noroice in constituting; thisbranchJofVthej Legislature this js an. evil. much complai ned 3o K a nI r 1 0- tm iy jnconsisieni wn u me ineory, pi our fewrript; xX; k 1 1: ;;t;;; ; ij .. - - i he .basis of, representation in this Housebeinmxatiortxvit to pjpujatiptvgives amYndfUbr the p pop lepfj he , t at o t Ije co n trol 1 i ng pow er in he Senate, qVer a large niajonty q f r t he freev ci t i zen so f 5 he t itej Ii s Th is is also tat; Yar vilh' every principle 61 equality and justuje,,. - v 1 Aepasis.4of . representatio . re n res e nt at i orv - i n - f. rm rt' 4 'ri' JfA.ti . -. ra.x - uu&e .0 j o rnmonsjs j usuycompj atX ed of as operat i ng unequally ; allowhl. to39acficountyf: 'however small, phe member, and apportioning; the remain tniorvy?.oneiBembers Amongst the counties according to Federal popuTa tipn ; by wbich threefthsoflhelavl antl free4negrdes ar6 ounteSrndrr' resentfeas pepplpiki OIUitDinl , otitis also desired, by many of our citi zens, to so amend he; contitutpn' that the. Judges," may be elected by; the people, and the term of office limited. h i vpyS,: There are other amendments spoken W1T7 WW . . ! 1 ; . ' 1 ' 1 ' 1 1 ' 1' . CC ,B. li.' IStvnw Tp.;tlio Citizens of -N. Carolina particularly. E can measure and furnish an entire suit' of - cfothey (i nclnd i n g coat," p a m alodhs,ad vest,) At from 35 to $44 ; and will warrantUnem to be e Qual in U respectj lony that can '-be furnished in I the United States for that money. Gentlemen need i. Inniroi. con J ntit nf thn nt:lf n f ni n ot n I IntViiniV unless they preterit. ;s . ?g OLIVER & PROCTER. Raleighv or; 850.r: r4T-C7 Xr;7. " ' V - .; ti;V TJ. -UiUV-;-'.-- .f - - ; Royal Jlaleigh R inglail vRousers; ft y" a , Qf ? THE Subscribers have this day furtned a Copart nership in a general business as 4 ... . , Eqolisellcn ,and Stationery ainhivill continue ta carry ,on the business under. the name aua rirm 01 (.--.... fri3:;i7i : m i . j.POMEROY O'NEAL. : Raleish. December 9tb. 1 850. T 1 I ' 85" r 1 ; y:- : 1 1 'v CIIERR Y. ' r v : A large supply of Wistars Balsam'of Wild Cher-' ry just received and for sute by - m v1 :ul'f;'" " i ' ' . ! P PE5Cup. r Dec -Olh: 1850. V " V ' , . 99 ' KF" Sta ntlard copy! :. '. 13 hereby given that application will be made to life President, -Directors 1 and,Company of the Bank of Cape Fear, at the expiration of three months from this Uaie,for the issue of a new certificate for 2 1 sFiares of the toc of said Bank, in the name of t Dr. Isaac rBiirns decd in the stead of one lost -:,is i-air ; Application will also be made, to the President Di rectors and Company of the Bank .pf the"' State Jot Nrth. Carolina at the expiration of three, monthsor the issue of Anew Certificate for j 1Q. shares -of .the Stock of s;id Bank 4 hi.tlieriane of Dr;t Isaac Barns ' APPLICATION t wiifbe made, to the'yesen G'enerst"Assemfdyrdf''NoVtnCaYofinaVto "incorporate ih6 Brick Shoats Manufacturing Company" in ike county of Surry. ? ... v i . : .. :i tKoverriber 25ih;ie50 v '; 'H w2vrf j NEW i NOVEL! A .COMPLETE,1, BY r ofsdI.Pernapsdeman J " - w w , w w . v. , v l'e t ve! h ear- doubts here; expressed whether a rnajoritV of the people desire any change ;;and, ambngsUthose . who agcfce;that alargenajorifyidemianattif change, lhere is much diflerence:6f o- pinion.as tp-jth'-a particular amendments demanded,' and as-.toi the mode 'of .rnaX k 1 n g c. t h ese -ame numeh ts A It ;is -therr certat nthat1 we can ntiver-rheiii Jto the i amendment sVa be 'made by theLe gisjatprand quiteas clear that, if we -now agree ufxm any one or fooreamend tn e hTs 1 1 Re trn c x 4 -fiA f s e rri b, lyiin 1 1 e i t K e r add tp pr diminishhat iiweVpropioseT anil thereby defeatour actions '--But If they shoPldnotitris noprobarile tfiat the public mmd,wouif4 he qmstejj. 4-t It is therefore proposediy tbe.ibill now Under' cdrislderat ion, to obviate all o f ;t h e s ed i ffic u 1 ties anddefays jBcal ling a Conventio4n of the People by their Delegates, tq determine fpr themselves whether taey4desire any amendmeutor ; amendment$i;artdfis;ort:3yWC mentls jndlt thuf fettle ate op cq v ibes exciting and delicate: -questions. ; V ' J This -bill;rSp un rest ri ctedr Con yUpnVtQ am6tid the State" Constitutlolfjf ' has neve r beeV .gfanj pd , 4tp A t he people of this State.; or rath er, a right that has ever Deen fwiiuuciu 3VW:"IC,M' , v on reference4 to1 thpTrecbrdsjof tpe first orsauiaatfortof-b'u t Jm Ubo-found t h aW h a-body- of-tEew people lTadnQoicel j AIL pdwe 'was assuniea pyr ,tne eejjpwjrsana nouse hoIdersJ'T EearlyoirSheiy C01 n m i tte e o f Safe ty consist ing of t h 1 r-N teen treenoiuers.vwas eiecteu vyxnu freeholde'rs-rahdr householders of tho- ProvincB rranaomrm one:freeh,plder;Sya h ol ders .and uo us eho (ders oLeacl c o lia-V i Un ffielbpJsAurust,d77 mi ttee of Safety ;Tpra j-ea Defegates tQ be dectea from the t reebolders of eaca.? county, not exceed infierorn cacjif hiv tie freeholGra'and'rhouse.no.lHers of . . -r A'Y ET XJG T A' l'Ki1 decin thsteadofio i r;y " "'""onrT " -JtQe rfispecuv counties. i uvM

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