pVenlTn . Itionu ;oql9PTr thpy WOU d aIIowjUefn haveone foand4rnrrici,J fo$4k? bte??pPMv5? lvfES vrimfb Convention. But ultimately vktWtimf lhe people-' Tnis a Iprmiiney; 1 tfl 9 U wig be , remenvberetl tat t"r 6ttntyf5Wake.-besides the Watauga Za wchtnorii ett!ementsf, since fbrminsfUHf 6 SWteQjf Tennes- Corvventioti to maklcertaiaiiipeci6c amendments to the Cdftstitution Hstill rdtklhins5 tha?tKerK W VEtfSt? And requiring .the Pejgiespfe hft.pepplB to iakeanoatht-thatftneyn.WX)Uia, noi lthls Ucet!;etere7 ibVty one. P.l " rl hat I ring tne war oi jtne nevoiuuuwnuu u , n1?eufSef6tf-6fihW la?4jrismalhouid:haveqne Senator and twamembers in the Hou'of Upm -6ySni,fr6FnV; to be representatLvea:infieither;Pranch 3aUrc Gen mHsse rnly niuliioje AbuUfreehoIders.ivyha, pvyned at least 50 i acres of lnd, Were ipermitted- to .vote t-riti!iii to ilhea ceurseirpuFSued: in the rrovinciai I Congress held nderheaothority of ' fetlwtiy&:fowtiOtv;ttl ! Govfirnoriand Oouncll appointed by the 1 tJr6wn composed theSenate, and the anycttiieiieenallo officer r fori JnVeseiitatixe; from the HlVrdhcc?that;I can lindon the'sub- TtHva'not4henttorbeexpected that these pure and' patriotic Delegates lsAvbuld'det)ai asonce from all preceaent 'rnllie GoVernmerit dnyer which -they .had Jfvedj And.al once strike down, all Istirtetion in tecrard to property; ; But 'VlB&tlia granVttf every citizen who had resideUorfbne iahd,paid-a tax the privileged voting reuiBers of the House of Commons. IKmemttriCthe;C Egress were -required to be appointed by the Uenerai Assemoiy. ' transccfid theMimit set them by their ma'stabeloKf.neK take ;tl)eire seats. nThesas Proppsitipps were carried out bv bills for that -pur poseV atid the people grot a partiat;rc dresif grievances hcSvbWplafAr ly:told hat theyimustitatuaiaor no thing .at Si.t'Sif s'f lfiA Ijft'iU; L u.Uii Uflii Rlr, Sneaker, under utliis, njatcbed i.up sad amended corfsli union,' how stands the equali ty of our people ? - No one is allowed to' vote lor Senator Un1es3 lie lias afrtiefioia of fifty: nerna .ofJandX: rand. anol ier.pro?ision. .grow- ig'ouv:ofUlVis shall be based on the- taxes .paid jlito itie1 Treasury, without any regard lo the popula- ionr TdWesirV ah exainple ' The District totdhatihis is sacml instrument, it is ditficult to owaio aw amenameni. iwst rjr 11 wbii difficulty is presented to aheiwWaieatjDM if the lister Srates'on C ihe-Fedprsl consmujiork. , , J, t,M 4 v . . fJ 5 Is il thought that thepeople woul fcot elecfcOele- j so, iT1 gates whoi might be trusted;.witl.ttheii Q'icoi-1 A to IIl3 ExceUcncyrbootsvw'th&Sta11aard stitution i Have' our people- learned notUingJ):ojii ne eUselt-nof.tJneasjns. We neither experiencea seventyhe years 1 s Are; iwaj ,vw kind Jie.weara nor howoften the Editor li. cabbie of selfgovernment ihsatfeey WVKfiV cSHfi - trulr. that the exnemnnt- has failed. Yes ihmnd , -41 nas oeen oojecieu ypuf pall p. convention Comniohi inav be cha: Wtiestion'lQl 'the'ornbrbrnise 'betweeri.lth'eM'States. This r suppbse cahndt 'earnestly cbn'tehUed. ' covor I Minipq wnpn inrrninrr-n union lor tcnam specinc , purposesji' anu can nac-iiuuuug ; with thelherhatlatioV'briae'Statls that oriaciple incorporated 'infthe.consiituiioSbf flhe thai r hare the honor to represent had; by. theeensusofl.840rVJ104wJnte,inhab while the iDistrict that you represeiithad 4,4004 or less than one.fourah of the number; while my District pard into the 1 reasury, ac coril lii g to i he f RepprVof t he' Ciimptrol fer for 1849. S'i49 more taxes. ; Tlie tliflerciice :iii the white population is now doubtless much greater, at least five to one.f ; If, you. take life District 1 represented by; the Senator rfrom BurJiCj'the difference is", still greater The white population in that District being then 23,295, and now probably 30,000 ;' yet these larjre Districts-have no more weight inthis iiou so ha n yo ij rs7 vWe r ega rd 4 ibis a s u n e- other Southern1 States ? -Therein new States' admitted into 'ihi bf whlch tome'are Slave States Statesahil ihisfprincip!e has into but one of tliefii.!1 Florida djpuijtuftt WtffWX fa$ii2idd$ Ao& nihil 7inw7tft , OCfc-We shall notice meraalicipcs m srebresP! the1' seventeen r adopted 'th-'whne1 basis in - each Krnnni. nT tK' 4" AVioln fltro' f 'iSfWofili I Jll rin flJIl ktltl she counts the entire whole of-them do not even reaurie the repnespn- tauveto oe a ireenoiuer;anuin a iar;emajniyui,'i jmm juMijjr.T yj'fiU(W?!? i i . - .. ... . .-. f . . ?' i . i tliw cvflnin?. m the Town Hall: wa w mem auow tne peop e to erect tnejuages anu omej, rjrtinoiU i' tJih public bfficers-ihe governments! are ni well ad- bo Tiave iwt wilnessca bw eitraodinary erfotman. in in isterpJ, and hi ws as w holeso me, and Uifr, ces, to go and see It U seldom iha& ihey'31 ixm qbal aiiiLunjust, and at war, with every prinand lhe people nvore contented androserouyqmo iTbt l luiHvt The experiment nas :peoveujtnat'the people are tTh?s;con:slHutiijn was. but an expert ftVnband!' foWftfMtti could navelbeekpette niriflf.i- thft oircumstances -Ana esppct- ciindenthe.circ.umstances rAnd esp t-ally whf n it oonsidered that its tra iners hadtnpt;beeh? accustpjned tOj po pular government;! I 11 teJVIrV4Reakef,.te"bfre 6i ihe couatryiwere soon changed.; The ; :Wegtern;pprtionof' was rnpi d -ly settiedrtliejajeiuntiejt became. 1 1 populous f Avere inconvenient to the citizens, who had totravel fifty, and in "UieLihstaTnces one hundred, miles to court, heyapplied for the establish nment dPnWtfc4)Qtitfcs?But this was -.rinih6voliticaU.v'eight that their TnambwSjTwb them to. 0. jiemajicouiiUes had the same weight in the Le&islature :with!tbeJarge,Coun Jties'6POrangef Rowan, Lincoln, Burke. JlBuncombe.and pthers.havrng fivejtimes th;eirpopnlatiniTbese grievances were 461atfeuio fruit-; less MtTiTdrV ahdrapfllWlfotts maile f or aUonYeniionaoamenu inevypnsuiuiipn h! at m I I'f Ii tr 1 1 n UUr people sw ucui ijf an uin uiu wmica amending fthdlmproving tbeir Consti ttifinns sexnVrtenceointed out the m w w - w I Siiecessify nd'prpimetjbf jdqin so ;The many inewt States coming into the . 3W Uniorii takihsradvantago of , the expo' rience itnldeVtlre1 State Governments, . and keeping pace with the progress of V popUiat rights, had avoided the hard ' shipiunder which our people labored, if and invariably allowed every frejs'while citizen' to vote tT)r members of:' both branches of the Jiegislatare and other State 0&lce7s,and'abr6riioned the Uep- reslantatives inlach:House4according ciple of popular' government. Yes, these two provisions are a uownngni contradiction to the declaration of RTghts which is made part of the constitution.' : It is" in these-words: "That.all. political,, power is vested in" and deWved from the people only.. 'I Yea, vested m ami derived from the people, v Not from tlie Crown asrwas formerly held, nor vested in and defived frbm prop this clause of this compromise constitution ; nor in this Legislature, who talk of. measuring out rights to them as dependents. Mr. Spea ker, this wrong should redressed, or that part of the .Declaration ef Rights should be stricken out or altered to conform to the other provisioris,of ihe constituuori.aLi Is it to be said that there is no use for the citizen but to payv taxes ? Have they not been found necessary jri r other, respects 7-u Who have heretofore stood forth in defence of the country 1 And in case of war, nt home or abroad, i. i future, who are to be looked to for the defence of the coutitry'arid her rights? The people the white people; not called out according to taxation, or federal population; but according to the number of able-bodied white men.'1 And no portion of the State can be more prompt to meet the call of the courf try than . I he ;AV eslc rn . po r ! i on o f , it. , . Yes, sir; llie citizen is not only to be valued iis he pays more or less taxes; but he forms, part pi the body politic, and in : him 13 vested the pol i tical power ! ' Sir,4 those " that arc found reauy and jWiiung.io, expose ineinseives 10 ine privations 01 me camp, anu perns 01 tne battle field, for their country, may be trusted to vote for thefse who make her laws. -TiODulatfofl.b-iJH vwH ; 1 TfV'.w..-uknti'.i.lll.Ai:ik'fi lArtrrnKorilil Vln 'i f . - , ' t. t. trt i ir nn ihi piernenis 01 seciiunai rii seen in any 01 tnese &mie, ana ro mrscniei naai r : - " " v grown out 01 tt: ;VhiattoineseanM jwurei oIl r ca pable of ' self-go verti ment I n Ni Ca rolina nve have never denied in theory the trulh of) the first declaration in our bill of rights: nor hare -we ae knowledged it in practice in a single instance.- The popular voice-' in: North Carohnais, never heard, except in the election of Governor, wit v n Mr Speaker, we? carinot altyays dny Jo?. the people these reforms that are- made a)) around us in.other States. Sir, I assure Senators : that they are never to hear the last of this reasonable de maod until a Convention is called. If then the majority shall decide to make any i or aU the a- menuments spoken of or shau determioe to tnake none, l snail be content, and trie public mimi wi i and patriotism in North Carolina tojostilynny fear that theyi will deal lightly or rashly, with the von SlltUtl0na:i-'7cbiaM?);J h?ur -to .unli t to the free white inhabitants, orccord, ? li iinij)yrJoV Voters thereof. l -All ihis-was wltnessecl by our "people; ndlVVs,s$euuo;WP7lo wej It and - heir ?citizenS( :vereJ,pre rly , . con te n t ed ttnd -nrospeVaUsiftantr: the Jaws as wise, and -s 4xyiucJi7wa&Jso;Q(eArtVt:Sniwu,.yere re "lw.ftfseatot5dr people by5 the small minori r ty wild Tiact tne power under tne' Uon -stitution -But 'I .sh'alL;be.told.l!t hat in tbe-jfearrl834, a;coinprpmise had been . made; :Let osexamine that for a lew tinifute Knd Wee1 vvhatsoft bl com . promise it wasV attdbow1- itvyds oh . tained. Tlie. State houso baid 'been burjrredr j9 wn and propositions were .jniadb fqr-the removalxofthe eai'!j6l tm dvernmentnoettiUo Andio tin Sttljsburys! and tt was suggested1 that those who desired the Convention might If the Govcrment is only - to be regarded as a 'monied corporation, measuring each county's influnce by the lax that she pays, then forihe.ame reason, each citizen should be all 9 wed to v ote )o represeiitrJi i sv stock , and have votes recording to:;the(iniount he' pays, as in a joint stock company. There are about 350 freehold voters in your District. There rare probablv 1700 i n mi u'e.N " Then the poorest freehoderin your county, 'pay ing fess? tKan one dollar into tbe TVeau'ry hano;e Wfigbf n jjlf8 nll than four of the most wealthy 6V "my constituents worth one hundred thousand dollars each and paying taxes accordingly. V Why is this? Not be cause ho pays more, taxes -tlmt-is against. turn one iiuiiureu told. "- Why tis-it then al lowed! !Does he vote becduse otliers in his county pay taxes? Suppose it be granted t Ii i t the taxable property should be regarded in ibe formation of the Districts, does it follow that population shall -be entirely 5f erIookep UIIU UOICLatUCUl It is said that anofTer will be made at this ses sion to allow all toy befor Se ators, and Free Suffrage shall be! graciously granted.1 Thls we desire; but we desire not1 only Free, 'but Equal Suffrage; ! Grant ' that the former ' is right, antl I ask, does the other hot follow fof the same reason? The people cannot be sported with in that way. They want the substance." not i&e shadow. TheV desire to vote, and trAaljtriryotesbecounted as I r eemen's' votes'and-on terrnsi btl eq oalitr. Free suffrage was taken 5 up two years ago; but now it is,called3qual suffrage,, iW hy chanse its name. and call 'jx equal unless 1 he number ot votes ii lb consiiiuie the basis of represenVai ion ! I suppose it is to be construed tcf mean, that Western voters are jnaue :qua with . each": other certainly not -eqOAl ,v wttU-Easfern.pterJ." The inequality rendered still greater as you increase jhe' number ot voters. 1 tiie sword-s wallowing U h6 blWJ J OTi'e Ehi?i actually forces an enormous blade, 24' inches in length itiroat and 'tliat with aa'ease fan cifidenee that n;licV6yc aprebeusioos u fd rtultf6f the tup with - srich1 relish -on & uaggersr "our RbigaaTis appi. rently a most amiable arid' peaceful 5 indiTidualrel ishiuf as much as the kudienccl 'tho1 Excellent comie rocnlism Qihliconfrcrei Jjautx JlEkairiEtp. DAILY -REGISTER. Saturday Horning; Jan. 25th. , FREE SUFFRAGE. Tlie Free SurTragc. Bill passed it third and fiial reading in the Senate, a .Thursday mght, (see rote in Legislative column,), and rthq Senate , Amcndmcuts to the Bill 'were, cn yesterday, coocurrcd -iri bj the House of Commons o that this 'question is now, dis posed ot so" far as the present Lejnalature'U Coucwriv before uverToto .was taken, spoken in every un prejadiced quarter, in terms of tWfwannest ' adrairaj mfiivpr if a rigid adlir6nc oJ Jive let (tsitution. Mr. Shcpard nad lecf tE6 public mindf to suppose that snehj'olso, was hy itWri.'No -A-onder, therefoyei when Mr. S. fehlfted bis fositi6n and voted for Free offirage, m tKe grUad;tiia't'a Vejecfibn &( the Bill would be themeans of a Con ventien, that CoL Joyneir snouiu nave coxomeurca wimr some seventy 4upon ine sudden turn wkich Ir. "Ss optakiDs iwld taken,; and should 'have repudiated, ton himself and theEast the ead of Mr. a in this particular. Zl?J 1. Tree Suffimgha pow received all the Talidity that the present Legislatare can give . To the dodriiK? within itaehVwe have no objection. But 'we'.Luve raised our voiTOj and intend still ;to raiser our voice, against the manncr,m whichunder the circumst'uicsr it has been efiectcu -to the pruKipie o Legislative amenaaent 'of thti Constitution, unlesW where th 1 1 -, n oa; r; It i ,Btii ATEJi; a s d ri U v i n u 1 1 u o5 H ii 1 o i ffinrksittx, Jin. 23. oi HMn-vEVENlNaiSESS10Niiir;fl3 jjliJl a)jitOz& dybbclock P. M. The Senate resomed'the Vonsiciera- tion bf.tb.?9sbevbqnes3 of the. last sitting, viz; lbe bill to amend the Constitution of NortHi: Carolina The question pn ther passage, of the bill, its 3rd reading,; resulted as foilovs : -S'ArEsArendclU -'Barnard, i.Barrow, Berry, Bovver, Bnnting, G.; W. Cald- veUrCarnelfonCahlia lins X)rke Eborn, Hargraye, H erring, Hester, Hoke, Jones, McMillan, Malloy, Nixon "render; Kogersi Shepard;Sbe 'rod,0 :'SpeigtitJ Thdmas .Thompson, Wooten. nnd,tt-& a1; v ' i iNoES-Barringery iBond, Bynnrn, 1. R;atJ vvel) vldsomOilrnerGrist, ightpnoynerKelly jihgicfn'Htcharso and Wood fin -16. ; nuiVi-HThe-bill relative to tjbe purchasers of Cherokee lands, security, of, debts due lbe , Stat e, &a , .was , read ra time, and carrieIayes;33rtioes:l43 h - w -iillhd bill ttrincorndrate Uhef Bank, of Onslow, wasrread.3rd time and reject' .j Tbe bill t a 1 ncprporate he ewbern and CentraLB; It Co.f r was taken Qp read 3rd5time, amended, and passed. 4lThe'bill to mcbrporate the Cape Fear andJUeepJUy was reuu ant time ana. passed. t T popular "will baa been tuynjstakcably ascertained be forehand. Wc have raised jour banner and inscribed upon it The will the t--and under uSat banner W mbend to'-b found 'fighting to the lasl, The ; People may desire a Coayeotioe thoy Jmay Bot-ive- have no opportunities pt.foroing an fopinio in the ruattcfv Bat of one thing, we are certain that it is their privilege, their :nght jtheir ; unalienable privilege, their uiidispkod' ngbtto 6 onsulteot'in vi . !m i 1 ' ii . .... ' sentaUve, mtuna tbent M U ascertained, to obey nd imjHt-bnV tiN ttniR l at ttT i.i have marWekto i most grossly rnistacn p 4ieaitionsVoi: the times, it u oneeo oth& riacipld. kjTolrtd cbichf we kbalt sustained' by' a' large majority tb Freemen of Nortti Cafoliaaj of cteVyiaection u imsnM.-vrEirESiKG SiissxoX' ' ,J-Mr! -WtDstdiV fbved tbat: the substi tute4 otlVred by Air. Ray ner,' to the bill I roin iie 3 Com mit tee 1 bri lbahce. I priritedroiVfWhicb'm callett 4or4neAyeSr;;aaaXVpes.i motion to print pre vailed- Ay esj -A messnige was' rcceiveil froni tb Senate announcing ta theHoase tnJ tb& b'enutu,, bad passed xbe engrossed bill ircim the Houo.to altertbe Constr tUtitln of thri Sfiltecommonlr kno a IbeFree SuHraffe Bill'wIth an rnendmenti and' wkeii'tbe concurrence Mr Avery, it was made tne oraer vi day for to tnorro wt at ' 1 1 o'clock !