MMJhfcWMB SUMS I " itMSsMi . 'jWiiil ' ' f - :-- - ,n " ' liillMllif n Vrrm , , j",,,, n , , " "j W m f ' m . - "l f , " " " 4 " "V " -'. v , j ' - .'2 - : . I I it ' if. I .f vi m ; 1 : . . .5 ; r - THE DAILY REGISTER. '-iSlDtTOri AUD iPHOPIlIISTOIL.; ,: 'tftp RRrr-WEEKLY REGISTERS - tw issued on Wednesdays and1 Saturdays at $4 annum in auvuiu , g-v . mi wv. iuu a m- a v-trv ?&m l in ii. it i iii.ii i.i i mm i iina.i.iiiii of the ycarvf V - r--t - a jrili: t rector;; i r ' Ts issued CTerV' WencsAwiat c250 if ipaid If BUSINESS 1 .J-S 4 DIKEljllU.. Northern JIaitBf IlailijDUdalljr at i.2 p. m., and close at41 1 anw i ; 7 . fierrt To?lwisesia5etue daily at 11 a. in., closes at VZ m. Grec7l55oro-rFodr-bom, stag, due Mon day, Wednesday randt gatuitjay ai 0r - m.jr nd closes Sunday, .WeddesdafTmuli Praiat)ia in, jNwfccm Four-horse siae, lue, ednesday, Friday and Sunday t 3,1 and closes Sunday, Tuesday and T hrs3aya! p,x aJ i Ui,V V( TriWouTwolbrse?stageidue Monday , Wednesday andFridayrat 10 iO. .doses Mon. day Wednesday amiiaiurdayai 9 pnu if :U FUUborowrh- T wo-bore stage , due . Monday and Thursday 'at 7m anuxlosesSalurday i?Aorouirfi-M)ne-horse. mailDue iFridayat 9 a. m;, and closes Friday at 1 p. trt. - i y M ' HoK Spring Horse Mail, due Monday at 4 D nil and doses Thursday at 9 p. rji.1' 1 - Letters should be ir. the Office tifteeii minutes before the4 time ofcldsin' ?. uJ The Office will be open every day; except Sun day, from 8 o'clock a, rauntil PinV V ; : s ; On Sunday, it will be open from 81 to 9i a. tn., and one hour directly after the departure ol ; the Western MaiLrrr 5 isr.-.itt THE ninth T?nn;of this hooj jwilf1 nirafence on the lSthof January 187i aad terminate the first week, in Not ember. . rfT --. , ,J v. ' .j 1 Terms as follows, per session of Jive months : BoariV' " -iy"-'rr- I ' - : M50 00 English Tuition, ; f V iJ:: 'u w ' 1 J' '12 00 Prtrich,M,; ' ; ; , . .10 00 German,, : "'V' lli-'.'lr.ITL'.lO .10 Masic on Harp and om of jnstrament, 3500 music on ntno ana useiol mstrurarnu .... 10 uu Masic oi .Guitar and us of in rumen t. -i . 2Q 00 Drawing 4ridvPainUn '' Z 10 00 painting tyVM colo-5 h r f !i5?0t VVasbins and Fuel ' ou Useful a rid Ornamental Needle work free. of "charge. i No extra charge whatever will be made. Books, Stationary ccC, famished at the lowest retail prices, mlt U particularly desirable that popila, should be present at the commencement of tlie. session, assiu diertill then be arranged and classes formed. ; I ;AU arliclea of clothing .must be mat ked i wttV the owners nam in full :lt&.ity..&iiui ;:?aiy .Aicircolar, containing fuller information. will be addressed to all persons vrho may desire it. ! . :l t - V A N IE b T UIIIM ti If. is -Warfenton, Xanuary 1st, 1851. 5i I MUSIC" STORE, ; ; UI STAIRS, . , ; 8 MIT H rS BU ILDINGS, :-:.-.:;0pen'fraa 31. to 10 ?. r. . r r Rates First 10 words, E'h addi'lw'd. s. u -i t ! I' 30 cts. 44 at 74 ' 81 2 u SO 2 1 m Haleigh to Petersbarg, . h ,; RlSlirugnd- ; u Wvshintoir lUitlmor' ".-.r&ilttdetphift' " New Vrk ' PeliefilUT j t?herwi k !5 Jsrlestoa ii t Kltatoiery Hi"; A!a? tat places on thitand ether Hues of com iaisr.vcv:oa in proponwu wumauvs. . : i ' v " " . ;J -i' - t - - i ' ' 2 s; -I' 3 5 MA YING retorned from: the Northern cities;, af Veri making the most careful and choice col lection in bis line, the subscriber isjiow prepared to offer to the public a splendid assortment cf Musical Merchandize, embracing ' " . ' ' a large and general assortment of the most, popular and fashionable. New music ! constantly; Wceivfed Irom New YrkPhilV4elphiaand r .Baltimore, "and any piece not found in his catalogue can be procur ed m a week. , , . . , . . , ;. mNos.: v;, v. from thebest manufacturers ,of New York, Philadel phia and Baltimore, and superier in workmanship and toue to "any ever, befere offered in this or adja cent Slates for the same prices. . v - i1! Seraphines tthd dccbrdebns, Hdutf, Violon :'::lCeU0SjM A lanre and elegant assortment of the best Italian Strings. Persons wishing to purchase either by the single string or bundle, will find it to their advantage to call before 'purchasing elsewhere; s 7 " V. Schools and Seminaries inpplied with Music. In struction Books. Strincs. Music- paper, &c, on the most reasonable terras Also,Jr ; fX BIIASS BAND INSTRUMENTS " Blank Books for Bsnds and Band Iustruction Book; in short, every thing in the Music department com monly souaht for and desired. !:MJv f rt c. "Call one door. North of the City -Hall, Fayette vilft Street. 7- K: W. PETER81LIA. j ltaleif h, Deceniber 2Qth.;i j;gt i ! IP. HORTON KEACH, io; 91. ITIaln Street, ICiclimoud, Va-, tTANUFACTUItER of Masoble, Odd Fellows; orasa Sons of . Temperance Rechabites, American Mechanic?, Druids? JRedMen$.and all othersdcielies &,c.; Blab; Cotfitmrs,K Robesf Sa3k other Equipments -onmmd, andinade to order ta short notice. i.'i Ujt-. i. ,ti (i.KH , i :. '4 Nr& Having secured the services of Mr. HEN RY MJESEKE, familiarly connected with thediflT er ent orders, arid well, known in Baltimore as a superU gr workman in the above , line, 1 am now. prepared to compete with any establisbraeut in tlw U. States, 4n euner siyie, quamy.or. pnce titt .; ;,, . , , Orders from abroad respectfully soliciteJi uecemoer nu, xoou. , U b-.- J .'--i.iiiwace Company rt ; t& , t - Sesond Floor.S'inith'a Block, adjoining Telegraph t - " .-r.-;...: .. or.;-...?,,::.,. ' ; - . t 1 Til E MOUT H A R O LI A Mutual Life Insurance Company, Oppositt rthfi Tost f Officeuttderi Odd fellows OlSCOUN t 0 AYTUESpAY.-i . BANKING UOURS VROM- TO l V IT HII.U Teller. - :- " Exchange, Bal timore , Philadelphia and N ?X ;0r Virginia and South. Carolina money Bankable, of -the deuominatioH of $5 and ;upwaws4; -;.vt anto stijool THE uext; session of this -Institution irill coBi- mence on the 15th of January, 1801, and coutmue until the 7th ef June, folio vriu?- a , i..- 4 ; , w . Young j gentlemen who are i aesirpus or i reauing Law with the uudersigned, willdo well to attend at th first of the Sessiou. so that thev may. be. formed isto the 'necessary classes. -This will benefit' the uuniL as well as lizhten the labours of tho teacher. iThennfl ur the other of the instructors will have charge of the School jiearly all the year, and.during a port'oudf' the 'time , both will be." here to give in sirucuon. . v . .'i . . . -, : Text-looka can be had here at the prices charged by Mr. E. J: Haleof Fay ettev tile, - Tuition fees for the Whole cearst oriegal itnn will hf?xK tlttudkKDoias.''i- i-' J. I. UAIL.UXY instruc- Hillsboro, Dec 31st, 1850. 2m aaaaas isr iriifiis ;a lie. Wi Alordecatt Pres-'i. . Charles Dewey, Caslier, f ( Seymour Vl VhUig -Teller 3 Daniel -DuPre Bookkeeper, , , ( Thos. Wi Dewejri Clerk. 4t 3 iHours of hilsiness from 10ji. w. 2 P. m., ? DISCOUNT OA WEDNESOAY. Jv ' ;2oard of, Director. Wi jff'A SANK RATES FOR aELLUSU EXCIIANGE. Sin.i- TM-rf Vnrk 4-ner cent. Prexiium. U T(.li:.nnr As .... 7 , AitttHMy visa- ,j;f I t.-j.-JJ 5 ; J ' , Notes of the SoutkCartlina.andtrglnU -Teceited. imnuMQ i T TV FORWARDING ANpOlON h 4 JioRTa cAiioi.iwrA-1l ' ; Classical and aiatlicaiatica l - 8CE!OOIi. : - ; -5 r - i - 4 Hillsborough, IT. C. t : ?fH EexercisVsof the Caldwell I ustilute having ben dicoiilinued,' the subscribers will open a ctiooi on the Ulh day of January, 1,831,' in the building lately used by mar insuiuiion, uuuer, mci uw whv ami direction. - , . , s. r - The'courire of irisfrucOpn will be such at to pre pare 'young men thoroughly for the Sophomore .class in' College, or when a College course is i not intend- ed, lor ine ousuess irausavMouf uw . The strictest alCention will be givan to the mora .i.nArtment of the students, aad ilfons experience in the education of youth be a ground of confidence to those who may pauonize iuo ocuuyi, iiuw nae thai expeneuce 10 pruniuto mo umhuwsiww those' who may be committed to outf charge. - TWrns' in the Classical and MatKcrhatica1 'depart ment. $20: and in English $ 15 a session in advace- S'U.r '' - ALEXWIUSON f M, ; , . ..y n j RALPH H GRAVES. Hillsbero', Dec. 21st, 1850; " 103 , !KtLCMl tit fr, 1 HE Suhscribers, lake occasion to Inform f their frieuda and thpubtic centrally that the? will carry on the business, inll its branches; at the earrie stand and. that f nor. efforts -non expensed wilt i. be opnieu wu mcir pr nccouimouaip me iraveuiug community I Conveyances, with good horses and careful' drivers, will be furnished at all times and at hort notice ;aud7Th'factrevery -convenience for travelling, in Jt Jvay44T -j ' ; 1 i HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. &C.,i 1 will be supplied on the most favorable ' and accomo dating terms. nU . iYi:ait4.i The Sabscnbers also expect to keep constantly on hand, good iSiX t Ui.wX tiii;. - ' : HORSESi BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, .C.,? ; And persons1 Wislnng to put oat their -Horses by the week, or month, or year, will Waver' them well attended to, at moderate' prices.; Their Stables are on' WilmingtonStreeUjosttolhe East of Market Square, v Hoping to receive liberal encouragement, the an dersigned pledge theihsetves to do all in their pow 05 to merit public patronage and favor. ': ' : --l SOUTHERN ' REG ALIA DEPOT! EWBPROr?OSAL 3 Pepartoitni until 9 oclock a iacf the Slit day ofApril riext.ifor furnUhn'g. for fouryVars'frdtn tht first day. of July hext, in such onan tides arid (it such times as may b required and ordered forthii "nail service, '-'Mail Bagsjof .-the ioUovt'tn di&ttisut tO-witi.U '-.3i;..L.i:;V, f'ldi 'vl - i A CANVASS MAHi BAGfi lti -Ut No, 1 (43 inches in length arid 63 , inches in cireumferencs) to be xnade of cot toe can V'ass,' weigh irig!5 ounces tb'tht ard of 22 Inches width';1 lbs yarn of the fabric te be doubled and twisted and Cte fold.'1 Size No; 2 (Clinches in length - n04$1ni&: fclr cumference)Jo,be made of cettoa canvas?, weighing 15 xunces (a the yard of 27 inches In width, and th cloth to be woven in'every respect like ihat 'ef the first sise of bags. v . rr ; , .V ; r Size No. 3 32 lrichea in length ana 38 inches in circumference) to be made of cotton Canvass Weigh ing 10 ounces to the yard, ''aad the cloth to be wore a asaliove described. . -- t h . ; The canvass bags of sizes Nosf injlare'to ba made with a sufficient number of eyelet holes, and provided with strong cord to secttfe their mouthi. All are to be marked ihsile and outside thus ijU S, MAIL.", j S-rhf: .Hr.wTt. LEATHER AND CANVASS P0UCIIE9, r rrpfHE ISth Term of this School - will commence U on the Fourth day of J anuary IS51, and ' con- ltniiaCtai.taa.i7taorj:une..(..owi.-iU ,;:i.w- 5 For a Circular containing full particulars.' apply to the Subscriber. v . J 7 '.." .v ALDERT SMEDES, Rector. December 4th, 1350. . 9S CTP" Standard, Fayetteville Observer, Chronicle, Commorcial and Journal Wilmington. Newbernian, i t- ? -RT - fc -mr. i. mr . 1 vv aicuman, oauauury, x. o. w uig, vv asaingioo, Old North State, E. City, Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in sert five times, and send their bill to A. S. Size We. 5,- 26, do y - do ; :u, ) 28 do?' dflrW -The body of the leather pouches is to be made ef good and substantial big leather well tanned, weigh ing for Noa.,1 and ,2, not less than 8 ounces, arid fer e gmaner izes nti less man 7 ounces to tnt sqaara bot ; 2 the bottom "and1 flap1 "to be ' of gdoiT skirtin eather well Unned and ihe ekms 'lo '.be welland strongly secured with. the. best iron rivet weU tinned. .1 he canvass pouches are to be .- made of densely woven canvass, so as to resist water, hke the can vass pouches' now in use for the mail seivioe5f I " tiUKSHi MAIL DAUS, (IS SinDXt-JlibS t OBMS.) i5ize No, 1. Body 46 iuches long and' 40 inches in circumference at widest partsC ; ; fcize No. 2. 1 Uody 44 inches long and 30 inches AYI2KS CHERR Y PECTORAL. A fresh supply of Ay ers Cherry Pectoral lost re' ceived and for sale by . , ' 7 ,, ; ' " 1 - F.F.PESCUD. : ALSO. A Large supply of Linseed Oil just to hand at rescuers ukuu store. v Dec. 9th, 1850. U i . .i i . 99 HP" Standard copy. . ; J i i BANK OP THE ; 5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. A DIVIDEND of rivs Pica cent on the Capita stock-of this Bank", has been declared for -the last six months payable at the Principal! Bauk' on the first Monday iu January next aridat the Branches fifteen days thereafter. . " r C. DEVVEY, Cashier. Raleigli DecVmber' 1 Ithl850; - V . td 100 '.w.r- Star, Times,4 and Standard copy. V ; To the Citizens of .N. Carolina particularly TTTTTE' can measure and furnish an entire suit of V V clothes (including coatt pautaloons,and vest,) at from" 35 to 44 V and will warrant them to be e- nual in all respects to any that can . be furnished in the United States for that money. V Gentlemen need no longer send out of the State for cheap Llothing. .- ' " OLIVEK & PROCTER. JZaleigb, Not; 8. 1850.; -it- r 90 Royal Raleigh Ringtail Rousers. " . ... THE Subscribers have this day formed a Gopart n ershi p in a general business as " . ' Booksellers and Stationers, ' ' and will coritinrie td carry on the business under the name audFirm df- " v ' J POME ROY O'NEAL. f Raleigh,1 December 0th, 1850. - , ; 99 Or mail bas with circular bjtloras, "opened arid fas teried at 6n e' erid ; : ' " i ; 'f''t'V J-t r1 Silt No. 1 xi$ Utt in length' ari 61 In. (ri nrV&rSct. size :mV:k&l Size Ne,3?36, W!;f 42f do , 36 do .i --t'i- do - es in circumference at widest parts 8ize Nt.; 3. Body 42 inches long and 33 inches in clrcumfereriie at widest partar'.; 7 ; Ends tr bettoma of size' Noi by 24 incles. . IYS 2 S BAL SAM OF VVJLD ? " .,-.r CHERRY. ; A large supply of WistaPs Balsam of Wild Cher ry just receivea anu lor saie ey. Dec 0th, 1850. i Cry Standard copy PT PESCUD. 99 fhc'AM -.t-. : 4 - NOTICE. " - r 'IS beVebv civen that aDolicatiori wilt be 'made-to ibe president. Directors snd Company of the Bank of Cape Fetr, at the expiration of three' mouths from this date,fdr the Issue of a hewf certificate for 21 shares ofthe stock of taid the riameof Dr. Isaac Burns, dee'd in the stead of one lost. 'Application will also be made to the President Di rectors snd Company of the Bank of ;lhe SUW of North" Carolina at the expiration of three ,moBth$,fof the issue of a new Certificate for 10 share ' of; thi Stock of said Bank, in the iiarhe of Dh Isaac Burns iiM !'5b ihdtesd of bne lostr. V V -' - ; APPLICATION ' will be' trikde to the prestn General Assembly of Noith Carolina, to incorporate the " Brick Shoals iUaiifctaxin$ Coaapany " ia tae Ara44 Vf lltPtlr - t.rn:H, V-B-"H-W f.rt V ""S November 25lh,1850 w2w - NEW NOVEL! y dHARLES DlClOSNS; -rYW6iuatraUo imjfr, pa5d bv " :a pomeroy & q'nau 'TJ6 x do ? do Nb.2Vllbr 22 f Do do ? J ? do f No. 3 1 0 by; 20 do The leather horse idail bags are to bef made of good and substantial bag leather, well tanned, weigh ing net less man seven ounces ; 10 me square loot, and the' seams ts be well and strongly sewed, or if riveted, tt be st done as neither to ehafs te;3-nor riders. ? ff r.T -!1 1 ?r1 HI" V P ! WfTW &tWt - : The canvass horse mail bagt art to ,be made of the. samt quality of fabric as the Btuclies above dee cribed. . , .- 4-.;.. ? ttu ,, .. - DROP LETTER POUCHES (wrra tibi 'pocket.) Of 1 4 I ti'-t 1 irv . i t, . ' . owe 49 iucaes in lengtn anu mcaes in circara- Proposals for improvements In thtf cdnstroction of any of the above described raail hags, or la tho ma terials thereof, will be received j and jht, relative value and adaptation to the seryict as well as price of such im pro vemerit , will be considered In deterrain - ing the lowtst and best bidder. t : : AH the articles contracted eft id be delivered at the contractors expense, at Bostori.Massachtisetts; New York and Buffalo, Hew York ; Philadslphia sad . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Baltimore, -Mi Washington, D C 4 Charleston tJ. C j Macon, Ga. ; HunUvilleyAla; New Orleans, La. ; NasbvUt, Tenn. Louisville, Ky Cincjrinail, Ohio ; St. liouia, Mo. 1 in such proportions arid at such times is the depart merit may, require ; where Ihty are to M rigidly in . spected, and, none are tt be deceived wajchajl ha infsrier in any respect to the specimens, or standard 7 N proposal will be considered t no scc.omiue4 with samples of each artid6bid for,showiDg (he con struction, quality; of materials,' and workiaanahis proposed, and also with evidence of the cdapetenoj and ability of the bidiei; to execute ths Word accord ing id contract. j f. ft:iAC- ,11 i-i-r' 1 The specimens must be delivered at the Depart meht'on or before the 21st day i)f . AprUrxtcxt, and will, in connexion with the proposals, form the basU of the contracts, u A:zi ; ' , Tht bidder or bidders ehosen win betrtquirtd tt give bond, with sufficient sureties, (to be so certified to by tht Postmaster of the plact where he er thty may reside,) in a sam of money doable the a&Youat of contract, for ajCaitbful performance of tht obliga tions entered into i..&:Ji,f;iyf,) it having been suggested by Postmasters of experi ence and ethers that the common cahvsas tajrs, first rabore d escribed .(ofsizeaNos,! and3,)ikould be made so as to oe iocsea,proposais anu specimens areiuTus for canvass bags -constructed accordingly, with, the addition also 1 of s a handle at the month ; and at tka bottom of each bag; i -1 , For the information of bidders itt referecca to the nambtr of 'mail nags which will probably be; rt quired, the number, kinds, and sues of -basi'ninl-factured for the. est of the Department duricr; tb year, from the -1st July, 1S43, to the 30th Jci? 1850, are'gtverias folitirs : 152 No. 1.83S lio. 776 NtV 3, 747 Nt. 4 arid 20; No; 6 foi&uif ZZ1 No. 1 , 332 No. 2arid ;5 276 NoV 3 hhs lar 6,575 No. 1; ; l;t25 No; 2; fitaii No.!;3 iccrrsa . The for Genital ''" ' N. XL HALL, Fctstcr General a ropcsali .should c a tnd;ri:i! trevrstt Mail BdkL'wa, VfMtiiH&Ui'CLk' Mshisster 1 TmnTjrartridoi TTfjlj5 'CHEAP TWEED. COATS, &Va tc V 1 - - i;-- v.' ' t IS. Ii llAKUtnU O Ct M850.-:. V

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