V 1- a" I vftJ I I . ,1 I .U, I fit I " J : -11 THE DAILY R T?nTCJTT?D - Wed oii Wcdhesaays aiid Satafdays at ' 0 l8im?m in fldvanco; 840 -If.Wfiaidjthin ofthc year. I ? mnstlfi riixiX; : 'is issued ' every Wednesday: at i $2Q if.paid thin'fowmoatlis;theti0t BISLM-SS DIRECTORY. MAIL JiRIlGEMBJSwiV, Mrtiierti Mail ByIlait Road, DUe dailyt lp.m.,anoseffat,lii,a?!n.t wicri Two-hors-siagerdue daily at 11 a. m., closes at 12 m." U tLMUTFH K , areeiisborouxh Four-horse, stage, .due Mon- , day;nes4ay:ipd closes Sunday. Wednesday amltrKlay at 12 In. jN'cicterrtFour-horse stae due iWednesday , Friday and Sunday J 3 fa ite an4 closes, SuRday Tuesday and Thursday, Q:p. Wi:V : . . Tar6orougftTw:liorse. siase, due,. Monday, Wednesday and, Friday, 'a V 0pm "closes Moa y, Wednesday and Saturday at 9 p.fl.nl n , porourrTwphorsqsiae. :duq Monday and Thursday, at T.pfinuaud,5lu Saturday and Tuesday at 9 p. nn ,? j h l u hi iJworoMga One-horSe .mail. Que rFnday z 9 a. m., and closes Friday lip-mii9rt-i W HoUy 8priiigt7-HoFie i hlmlt due onday at 4 p m., and closes Thursday at 9 p.ini ;e Letters should ; be j& the. Office. tifteeo. rnmates before the time of closing... uu. aif of jf! 5.-.1 The Office will be opeaerery day, except Sun day, front8 o'clock a; miintaS pi ra. On Sundav. it will be open from8i to 91 a tn., and oBe hour directly afier .the departure ol : tbe Western Aiau. . a Opca.frcnwliAM. to id pk Hi. ' - jO ADMITTANCE WnWM&H&XAR tt Rates " Eirst- lywords Eh addi'l w'd. Ralcigttto Petcrbarg,-Jii3tl , v 3- Charleston ""50 a ' " 7 5. , ' Macon . ...... &7 ? ?r- .:;,-..? : . M6DtraerjVfn 7 Vr ,u " Mobile . .. qS f. ,f ,.f.:., 7. i And all the place n Jbia in4tnerliae of cani- Buuication in prbporfl 4' .lo.dlbtttnc. J ?. J WI.-cS.SrLY. , ... - of :' tiie jni 5ru:;jqpiijijt' - - Mutual ; Insurance 7 ' Second Floor. Siniti Block ajolBUJg Telegrapk umee. OF THE NO UT fil A I?OJLI A Mutual, Life Insurant Ropipqhy, :;t Oppositt tblFt iPc4 Aafffi x Jf ' f PE1IALG SE t 10 i niqia i era onoii ocnopl wm , comaence R W a to ,oftJ anaary.liJS L and terminate the first week in Noepberf ritOa i ui'U Terms follows session of Jive months : tSoarar-r t w f T- . , : ??50 QO English Tuition.- vx tv 12 00 German, fo la! 11 Off Attn1? 10 t0 Music on Harpand bie orlnfitfiiment,: 35 00 tifawibs'auaPainting;1!; s" , H10'00 PalntiriVW oil colors, ; Washthg'anil'Fufer;? Useful and Ornamental Needle wo k free of charge. N o,ex tra'cha rgev vir haterer w t li bemade -Dookf Statiojiary, &e, furnished at ih(Jawest retail price?. It ij panicuUrty desirable, that , pupil should )be present at. the cQmmeocement of the session as lu dies MW jhen;be arranged and claaaesqrtned.'i'; f , .AU article f clothing mfitl be 'marked ,wiiU the twiir:name in tull.UHhiiVnn 'slvw'i 1o svlfthi -.j circular containing fuller information will, be adJreed to all peroaa who tnf desire it . i ' . ' r ,.vt !? m lm ;Vf fivD A N IEI TUJtNE R. Warren ton, January 1st, 183 1, $ ... , i f 5t I t : MUSIC.:STORE. 11)1 A ViriG reiurhed from the Northern cities, af UU ter making the most careful and choice col lerUuu io his line, the subscriber i naw prepred to offer to the public a splendid assortment (of Musical a 1rge' and senenLl assort rheni of "the inost popujar and fshimiable.li: New 1 music constantly 'received from New Ynrk; Philadelphia and Baltimore, and a nj piece not found' la bU catalogue can be procur ed in week. . ' I'- 4 -i-.: :'. ' ( - f it from the best marfafacturera ol New York, Philadel phia and, Uallimore, and. superier ;Iri workmanship and tone to aujr ever befere onered in this ot. ajal cent Slates for the same prices. ,KIU J .T ' Seraphines and Accorileons "Violins? 1 Violoh' . .f ceUos'mid y(hnttprs: . A large ana cicgaui assorunem v . luo oesi iuuibii 8tringfl. V Persons wijhjnjr to purchaser either by the insU eUingr Ldmire,' will find U ko their adyantige to call before purchasing alsewhere. SchooU ndSninarref supplied wjtb Muwc, In struction Books, '6t;iMbfpar4he.roa .-.the n.pst reasonable terms. Also,, j .,.T-' ; p (iwT'p -b tBRASS BAND INSTRUMENTS BanilB'oosW'forJSaniland Band.luatir oction Book';1 inVhorti eteVlnin monly sought for andertred., ,?,v . . : Mt . VCall one door North oObe Citytfall Fayette- RaleighIcember rjVfit ',!:! r. 2.ltt JSc0oot : TIIE next session of -this -insUtation will eora mence ou the 15tb of January, 1851, and co'utlnae uutil the 7th ef Jene, following; - ' ' Vounglgeatleine'ii who are desirons of reading Late with t he uudersigned, will do well to attend: at the first of, the Session, so that they mar, b formed iaio ine necessarj ejawes ih.ucijcu.b pupil, taswfcjlas,lightfnJlbe tibours pfHhe teacher, The one or the other ' of tlxe instructors wilt bate chargt of the SchaolMearl idl the year itnd during a portion of the time both will ba iiere to gira iu strnction.1' :s ' . 4 -.yd t ; i yr-A. -; - ' TexUbook3Ctn babad.here at the prices charged ) fit r.'-l; by. M r. E. J.Hale, of FayetteTil Je,' - -T? ; t T " A f Tuition fee fur the' whole coarse or legal instruc tion will 'bo" Osz UifNORKD Dollars.' f ttc RANKING UQUtiS FHOAI'lS TO ' ? W. Hi Jt)iNE3, CishieKV vd E whan ve. Rylilmnf. Plih,l..JnU5rt and York. I'rCLnrprninm - i - j-i . i ,. . . - . r wMswiasA 'lreiiiia hJ fi.-k C . T-nl in j monpv lianlcabie. or ae aenoamation oTS5 and upwards. tea. W. Munfiii 'rViL'i ,Vf.i .f!-i7It Charles De. nuilier::-" " V V ' tX mour Wf-WbltiDanJleri DISCOUNT" D A'Vf V EDrtfESl?A:YV r? ; SM Uhtck, en New York 4 per ceut. Premium. n57? f th Soutk Carolina Vnd VirgfnVa Banks n warding and rcd&iiiissibN" Z - :iaisKCtiariu.vr' rAYET TJS TI L E Ef FiNASH:1 Hi11boro..Pee.31it, 1S50. i '"I 2m 2TTJ fl E 'Subscrihersfiake occasToi! lb Inform f their 'fes frieuda and thef public generally,' that lhe7 will carry onh business, in all its branches; at the same stand and that . nol efiorts' nor tezpensa fwiUl be spared od therr part to accommodate, the Irarellingr community. Conveyances, , with' good horses and careful drirers. wULbe furnished at altimes and at short notice Cati(laaJfact;eTer3i coftfenience for v,. rlORSESi CARRIAGES, BUQGIESvaC., Will be supplied oa the Tjiost favdralDle and accomo dating term8.V .J "'-- y,::i:, J, ;r 7 ; -7 The Sabscrtbers'also expect to keep constantly on hD&e feootl' il'ti I i j uii 1 1 i' ;.t;.3 i W,f 3 1 ? H0RSES BUGGIES,-CARRlAGESj M And persons' wishing to put out their..Horses fby the week, or ; mputb, or year, will have them well attended to, at moderate prices." Their Stables are on Wiimiugton Street; jest to the East of Market Square, i Hoping to receive liberal encouragement, the un dersigned pledge themselves to do all in their pow or to merit public patronage and favor. 7 -!att4iC . - BUFFALO 6 l-fr-COfiKE - 11 v SOUTHERN REGALIA DEPOT P. HORTOIT KBACH, iVo. OlITJaln Street; Iticluuoiifi Va 8Tj ANUFACTU RER of Maonic,vOdd Fellows, Sous of Temperance, Rechabites, American MechanicsDruidsriZed Mepsand all other societies RE GJUjl&iBJUYJYfiR 8, FLAGS&IGJYALS, &c also, Costumrt, Robes,- Sashc, Jctcj, - and. all ot her Equipments on hand and made to order ta- Vrt'iiotioe-f ' rhr-i!fin3 -i;ffhi'.f-?i :f i" N. & Having secured tkesenicesof Mr, HEtf. RY M ES EKE, amiliarly connected with the, diff er ent orders, and well known in Baltimore as a supcri if itorTcnan tn the. above liue, t am qow prepared to compete with any eattblisbmt-nt in tbo U States, in either slyle quajit j or, price. ! r ..i.i. Orders from abroad respectfuUj solidtedCw'.r- uecemoer na, iooo. frnHE IStbTerm of this School will commence U : ou the Fourth dav of January 1851, and con tiuue'tiirtbe 7thof June.,;;rr ' f' A U "For a Circular containing full particulars, apply to the Subscriber. December 4ta. 1850. ft. .t., . . : 98 CC?" Standard, Fayettevllle Observer, Chronicle; Commorcial and Jf urnaUWiIminjrton, Newbernian, Watehman,' Saliabury. If S. Yig, Washington, 014 bortU State, E.Jity,' Petersburg Intelligencer, Norfolk Herald and National Intelligencer, will in sert five timevand send their bill to A. S. 7 A1ERS;uCIJERRYPECTORA. A fresh snppiyof Ayers Cherry Pectoral just re ceived aad'for sale by -"-J wy-v vt V ' PF. PESCUD. ALargesupfilfLfnseedOifjus't at Pescud'aDRTj ssftRErx:; 'ratih' f; fir-Standard copy,;, ; 4 t,;., nu y;,.:; BANK OF THE 4 t STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. A D I VI DEN D of ma rsa cent on the Capital stock; ot this Bank ht)s been declared for tha last six months payable at t he Principal! Bank on the nrst Monday in January next ana,'at the iiranche niteen days thereafter. . -A . - i v 4M v P. DEVyEXCashier. ' Raleigh necember lltbl850v, v (, ;,td lOOr .V'y Star, Times; and ;8Undard;copy.r , xematical 1 HE exercises oiinffvaiu wen inmuwuaiimin?ru i-r...itnueJthe subscribers will open a behoof on ie Ulh daof January, 18jSi s jtai.thenfE K1jr d the used by that institution, ,uuder? thejr "own- coulrol and uirection,jf , - - r? .'w ; vc. Tije course pinstruciior will be such as to pre: pare 'young men thoroughly, for.ie Sophombre, jtlass in College, orwhen a College course is not Intend- iL for the bnsiness transactions ff life; n Z& Tbe.strittesiritt moral deportment of tbe studehtsaiid If long experience in the education of yootn be a ground of ..confidence to those whoay paUonTze t'Ha School . we. promise j to nia tnat Wxperienea' : to' promote : the best inteVeats ol thoe who may be committed to our charge.' r ' '", .. rTerms In the Classical and Mathcmatica1 Idepart ment, 20: and in Englisb J15 a session insadvancei HllUboro', Dec. 21st, 1850. I IS berebv liven , tnat aobu'catioa will be made to the PxcaiilenU Directors and Company -of the -Bank of Cape, Fear; at the expirsUon cf ihm mouths from this date,for the issue of a hew cerlificateor 2 1 shares of the stockf Of said Bank. In the name of r. Isaac Bbrnsdec'd in'thstead of one ldst.: VV;. i ': ?a nniii-ktiort will also be made to the PrcslJcnf ; Di- A nnlirr.tiorl rectors and Company; of the Bank . ;cf; the Ctata - of North Carolink at the .expiration of three moths;fof the issue of a ; new CertiScato for lO.sbares of tbs . t t"r . ..i. .i. . - 'n-. Le r. ! i ir..m Stoct ol saiu uans, iu lue namo w -rr decd.;intbe stead of one lost."-, To tho Citizens of 17. Carolina particularly. i can uiousure buu turuieu in ei(uro vaik.v A A c!othe3 (includingooat, pantaIoons,and re$t at from 35 to $44 t and will, warrant them to be e- qual in all respects to anythatjCan be furnbhed in the United States for that money. Geutlemen need uo longer ifP iVSf unless iney, reer ii. , ? i , , , V ' . - v 'Ot-IVEK & PR0CTE&-Ra1eigbtNoT.8.1830.L- .-' 00 , noyai Kaieign mngiau tiousers. v i3 , THE Subscribers have this day formed a Copart nership in a general business as V ' T .Bookseller, and Stationers. : and will continue to carry On the business under. the name audtflfci "of4-1 l":;' : r t ? : i h mPOMEROY 5- ONEAL. Raleigh, December Otb, 1850. 99. tVf551M 'l?'A.7IA T,&AM OFWVILD A large supply of Wistars Balaam cfX&Cher- juo :T- - j p:pecud: DiL!l850.-Is J-r- -i-f 09- oyStandaid CopyWf rT .iKnoT! - THE ORIGIN, PR0GUnC3ANDnrm,0P , l;i7jttEE SUFFRAGUrjpER f THH I SIMILITUDE A"bniLUL; r fVc. 1 dreamed old Nick ttm trsndcrin' o'er1' 'tli ; ' A place he7d never seen before ; v- :, tT.ji. 'Hs feet were lame cr;JJTcry scrci ! r JFor'he 1 was f weary yiaja ii , ,The prospect all a!on his tour - an:" -f :;tr;Tt'yas saj and dreary.-'? ,But walking pnt at length b jTouhdrV .'wr." In Rockingham some stony ground . ne.sioppea iatresi, aaa lOQXmj round O'er hill and yalby, rT He heard a strange unusual sound - ..'i.' Which made him rajly AT.. .(Pi in m mar ou ue saw one uavy xveia, . ine democrat he knew his creed ; He was rejoiced and on with speedy 7 He ran to meet him; r Daryquicklr rei-ned bis steed, .wt ,x : ' . And stopped to greethim;V. "Good e'en;1'' say Dayywilh surprise. , Howdvedoold Nickreplietjvui;.'; H 'I'm' weft (says DavyJI blast your eyes,' : VVhatar von doinl 1 4 Tell the truth none of vour lies. 7 A)'h' y Where are you going) : ' X Q-uoth Satan, if you wish to know, t ; I've peen wandering to andfro, -j j; -t O'er mountains' high and valleys lovr, p, f ! vn jjrjTbrough all these regions 4. , ' The Democrats lni hunting, nofy.V 4in rrr;-, va A4 their brare. Jesjons r-vF .vf find them scattered up and down, t:ii -jf'. vIn every County eteryntowa j ij They are encompassed all around, , . Injeyery City. '--vo:; 'The Whigs their tender leelings wound. Ah4 us a pity 1-:- x es, 'lis plainly to De seen,' ; ' These VVhis are far from beinsr eKsaillu i For they resort ta every s heme , . r i . Theyrery, skdfultpo- meaa ,yf In Hocus Pocus:v. j.- " ' They've canyassed Notth Carolina or; ) 4i ? From htllto hillfiritD' fore.XOt iWcjrpf j"s . in spite of me they haye the power ' t,!' -Lu& - r v -t V. Whene'erihey choose kn1 1-To elect their man a Goyernor: ; - r ". r? uiAhdfaiih'they I'm sorry for if,Dayyrieo) Ku And I am too,-(Old Wick epliedi) i A Me and my forces jhey'eidaSed v. ; v -Combined together r-; ! They still stalk onward in their pride ; &&t&M fjoldiuVif iI; out uara : a ii ieu you wuai ju uo, My counsel you will neyerrue. i APPLICATION: will br niada ; to the pressn General Assembly of Noith Carolina, to incorporate the Brick Shoals MsnufactiiripglCompany in ike O . ' !' . . .;.,.'.. county oi ourry, - . :..'-'; Jiovember 25lb. 1850., . .t w2w NElrViiNOyEL! CHAllLESrDlCKJENS; '. ! With liJuitratln. jut "ecetrea ind for by '.rQMpOX.&OiNBAl;; KfI baye a; sleed thai's swift sd.true, t. . - : Por Lhaye tried, biaiju A r, And him t.willreent'to ''yul'iyAi t ' '-r If ypuwfll rH9jUm.,jf;,.p( r , FatE.Srjrf rig's is his honored name1 x Unknown as yet has. been his&R?. .' Although he1 now a little Iame.i:L: 1 ; ir maes no maitet s 'A r ieryruip auu give mm rei ' He'll sobn.get' b?txki Hakte and h fit him in jeood 1rim . He'll carryyoi through thick and tbiayui ? f TThe Goyernor's: chair he's hound td ' win;, :5HJ w ; - Or comeVso near if pW? , That the "Whig ebons-will tw)st and jgria, 2;;And'faith,:rit swear5.;0 : xiere is my norsa-r-a; jisnaiu riacir. 1 Aiinqusa cnirainjea, upon neXRpxjjv. "fjtfe? -faj ii iii yy-- : . And I eeephirJy, sr -, T. ' i - If you will mount tinea his tc!r ' 11s tmeainrne raay,reiu$etfir,n To run his bestVii thiswi cn?w?; For the importance, ofgood shoes. aire never, reckoned i 0- But if he chance'this race' to losep- lf He'ir.wttftheSeci , Says DaTyivIprttoicejit0tdi Jii ? In Rockingbara epjuc?a (zzzii ' :--T' , To your good ccunsel,:PU jotfcnuV-j rj t -i' li : . You can r.elieyejc? I hdo'rcVimerPit 1 ' r if..ilta-'l.f.:i3--i rl..ir-Ciii.v. j Deceiye .you, friend -Old tsn cHcd I JHokeadiShep;I $iiCt53ffr :r f 'T0'i'r KAp oi hikThef; uldn't , come.it ; -nutans ty ; rney promisea me mis ncrse ta xiaaf-it; 7 -,i r Come mouat rayxst!? t.rrciyanfc!rt- Dent Jb5 jiftri ;i 5;?rl ri?t K: HCif-3-' Potca your.fpurs fc-::rt3 ru:ci:a 'v Tt.l. - A J' .1 Whale hia soundly with ycritist- ! .HcUthEfliiivtf Ana 11 ne iau 10 y. ia r,f t -' TJriag.hira Irackjup? Ana to ciot cut t3 iC'Z - : - . And akTtlasfrr;?' t:i Meet the Yfh: cIt3t3fc3 K v;V" t- - E.B. NB.AdVr;: I 63 f.:l

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